BREAKING: Kyren Williams to RETURN kicks; Chase to play Week 1; Jacobs Szn

according to this report right here breaking news breaking news emergency live stream 88m Eastern stream Kyan Williams will be the team's punt returner in 20 24 now I mean we got to digest this of course there's pros and cons to this kind of thing you know it depends on your scoring it depends on if you get return touchdowns maybe you don't get return yards but you get return touchdowns there's a lot of things to talk about here backing him up because he'll take a little bit more of a beating but this is uh this is hard to digest I'm not going to sit here and say this is what I want but it doesn't change how good he's going to be in 2024 he's going to be electric this doesn't mean it sticks there's a lot to talk about here Jamar Chase ready for week one will auk be playing week one Jacob season in full effect Scott Hansen recap Scott Hansen was on the show that was fantastic the fantasy football show emergency breaking news Edition break it all starts right now file on in hey Smitty it's your boy Scott Hansen from NFL Red Zone and 17 weeks of commercial free fantasy football start now M potatoes yeah buddy I've never seen you wide shot there my dude that's yeah this is a poster with Rosel on it and and Bill parcel's behind me yeah this not my office but you gota you gotta hook up there yeah this is this is where it's done call into the show live from the fantasyfootball studios it's the fantasy football show live Monday through Friday 8:00 p.m. Eastern Smitty is also live whenever news breaks from the fantasy football newses here is your breaking news let me first start off by saying this anybody that says oh this is bad for Kiren bad for kirn Korum to the Moon quorum to the Moon you don't own Kiren you only own korm you have an agenda you're hoping something bad happens to Kiren you've been Wishing Upon a uh an injury star for a long time now so for everybody reading the commentary right now the Twitter sphere comment section understand that everyone speaking has an agenda the Kyon Williams supporter has an agenda I have an agenda I admit bias will creep into what I'm about to say even but I think I speak with the most I don't know Clarity that you can because I do bring adjust and adapt to the the table all the time I'm not worried I'm not running away from Kiren Williams if anything I'm wondering does somebody maybe not take him now one or two more spots into a draft and now I can get him a little bit later I'm not running away from KY Williams because they might experiment with him returning punts this year not to mention with the new field position who knows how many punts people even partake in so let's see what happens but to sit here and act like oh Corum to the moon now cor to the you're just waiting you're waiting you're praying on this situation you're hoping that he gets injured and that's your only move that's your only move that's all you ever say kirn's going to the Moon stop this whole nonsense of this takes down his value we've told you over and over if korm goes in there and is a top 10 running back for four starts is here three starts and you come in and say told you Smitty no no we told you we tell you because this is the best cuff in fantasy football and if you own the duo you're golden we tell you you get us coffees the fantasy football show Kiren Williams I I I would say almost theme song right here begins [Music] now and he knows how to handle the ball he's he can take FRS and turn them upside down with his touchdowns IM imagine just you know thinking that this decreases his Value phone Lin's not open yet the phone lines aren't open yet I'm sorry I hit that button on accident when I did hit it uh Kiren Williams will find out more information who the hell knows what this really means who the hell knows what's being taken out of context what might be attempted what might be tried in a rotational fashion who the hell knows we don't know this is something they want to explore I'm fine with it I have Korum everywhere if I draft Kiren I have Korum I don't and if I draft Korum I don't necessarily have Kiron in every case I'll always draft korm I am a standalone Corum consumer as every one of you should be not just because if per start he's a top 10 running back and you get to explore that if it happens Kiren does run aggressively but this is also a way to get into a trade with Kiren hey I've got korm haha send me Kyon or you're not gonna you're not gonna have a win of good sleep for the rest of the season because you're GNA be staring at me constantly going I'm not trading them to you I'm not double stamping your triple stamp I won't do it instead you send me Kiren there's all kinds of reasons why you want to go get Blake K but the ridiculous ridiculous doubting donies that are going to come for Kiren right now in comment sections let them do it who gives a crap anybody that says this is a fork in kirn's value they don't know ball like don't let it affect you it it's take away their beon card your beon card has been Reve f it it's wild to me the DMS I'm getting already uh kyone Williams more to come on that I'm I'm sure but anybody that thinks that that puts a fork in him doesn't know football it's fine don't don't let it bother you uh Jamar Chase is expected to play in the team season opener head coach Zack Taylor said Tuesday there there was some concern about this I don't really know um you know what what people were expecting this at this point I I feel like um I feel like at this point if you if you think that uh J Jamar Chase is in Jeopardy was in Jeopardy of playing I don't know I have a bridge to sell you I guess we're so many we're so many you know days away I didn't think it was a possibility that he wouldn't play I would say that if auk get signed 4 days from now we're in a a maybe dangerous territory of of potentially not seeing him suit up Etc like this is the kind of thing that you got to be careful of later on right now we're fine right now everybody like everybody's signed everybody's there it's happening but they're playing week one but this is good news if anybody was wondering or they're hearing chatter about it uh this right here is very interesting information guys there's such a a great amount of of correlation to different players with this post right here we have made several moves Cardinals have dropped some players one Michael Carter who was shopped in recent days according to reports this guy was showing out showing up and showing out and potentially grabbing the number two running back rooll a lot of negative NES Trey Benson looks bad Trey Benson looks bad Trey Benson's the future Trey Benson's the the lead star running back of the Arizona Cardinals one year from today and he'll eventually grab the Reigns at some point during the season and become the number one because James Connor Ziggy how old is James Connor James Connor is 29 years old and was born on May 5th 1995 may just turned 29 29 years old James Conor is going to get injured he always does he don't think he's ever had a healthy season runs really hard we love James Connor aggressive grit I love the duo but this has so many implications for one of the bigger breakout candidates in fantasy football 2024 as a Mars Men he's on a shuttle to Mars Mars is is it moonman the moonman dropping loads in outer space where where's Benson he's on a shuttle to Mars Mars I I removed Benson oh hell no moonmen dropping loads in out of space did I accidentally click his name why why is Benson not showing up SP moners uh ber buer I I I don't know what I deleted something at some point how the hell did that happen that's always is a shocker when you wake up in the morning and Benson isn't uh showing up on your Mars man I I I'm almost positive he was on the mar I know what I did when I was moving them and I took them off I never put them back on the the moonman list when I moved them let's see here let's put him on here I mean we got to we got to make sure he's locked in before the season starts because once the season starts I can't add anything I can't change anything it is what it is you know you can't you can't go back and try and triple stamp double stamps later as I was just saying Ben where are you young man where's my Benson graphic when I need it Benson to the mother freaking Moon I'll have to find I don't know where I I deleted it somehow I deleted it from the screen all right midseason monsters I yeah I mean we definitely were going to have him on here but let's we got to we got to put him back on over on this he's for sure going to stay on the mid-season monsters as well where's my my James Connor uh here we go Benson Connor Benson and uh here we go that should be where'd he go where'd he go there he is okay so let's put that on the moonman list I don't know where we're going to fit him the moonman loads and I was wondering why there was an extra space here when I I was moving everybody over I'm like this feels like it's oddly spaced you know and I felt like Devonte Smith would needed to be made a little bit bigger in order to fit him okay so let's move him here Ridley it was it was feeling a little out of place thank God we checked uh so Benson's going to the Moon Benson's going to the moon I I don't know when this this news doesn't mean he's starting uh or anything like that it's obviously Conor's job to lose in the beginning of the season but let's put Benson right here ladies and gentlemen Benson you're sitting right here young man I'll I'll make it all pretty later I think this is the problem I said I was going to fix it later and I didn't last time Connor go back into your spot young man and then Benson here's your okay we'll make it pretty later there we go moonman fixed corrected I'm sorry about that that's on me that's on me Benson's a moonman extraordinaire okay there we go back to the news I just couldn't leave that cuz then I would forget to do it later um huge ramifications here huge huge huge ramifications uh Benson let me just say this Benson and Connor together is important um it's it's on here even further explained on here over and over and over all offseason long if anybody doesn't understand I've been saying this from the beginning of time Benson Connor Connor Benson Benson Connor Connor Benson Corman Kiren hm moard and Wright all on the same team hn moer Wright all on the same team don't look at me like that don't dare look at me like that and say something like Smitty you can't hold three guys for one roster spot yes you can but I've never seen anything like that people don't do that no one's ever seen the Dolphins running game before if you're not thinking with Ingenuity if you're not thinking with an outside the box mentality especially with an offense we've never seen before I don't know how to help you these are the best four out there and now we've got this situation we're coming back to my cuff board is the absolute most glorious cuff board you'll ever find in fantasy football and these top five have been sitting here unchanged maybe I moved uh CMC from 3 to 5 cuz we're waiting on the gendo Mason Mitchell cuffing you know qualifications but this has been it this has been it you draft Hall and Allen you are locked in you draft Kyon and km you are locked in you draft Benson and Connor you are locked in you drop mcaffrey it's okay just cuff them to gendo and Mason you need both of them now and I I could find the gendo piece we need to add the gendo comment on to this because you need both of them where's my gendo it's right here gendo there it is we need gendo Mason and mcaffrey you just need them all you need all three if you're going to say Smitty I don't have room for all three of my roster Smitty then you shouldn't have drafted CMC injured you shouldn't have drafted CMC injured you're now out of luck you're now in trouble if Mason or gendo gets in there and you've got CMC you're going to be losing sleep at night you have to roster both maybe you can taxi Squad greno I can't control that you got to make those decisions for yourself but Kiren korm the Miami Dolphin running backs Allen and Hall Benson and Connor and mcaffrey and the boys the most important cuffing situations in period in all of fantasy football everything else you could throw out the window if you wanted look Lloyd got injured doesn't really matter Shipley I don't know if he's going to be the backup Irving who cares Spears is Standalone I don't even draft Pard I draft just Spears videll we don't even know Vell is going to be the guy not not let alone we don't draft any charger running backs Warren and Harris Standalone value each Moss I like moss and brown maybe that's about the only one I really feel like you could maybe move up Sharps Walker smash it aler beon smash it but those are not must halves if I have Walker I'm not losing sleep not having chanet I like it if I've got beon I I don't really care I'll take aler I want aler but I don't lose a win of sleep over not having aler these are different these situations are different this situation that we've been waiting for where there's Clarity around the Benson part of it is Glory this is Glory Benson to the Moon the Moon men dropping low Bon to the Moon Bon to the mother flipping Moon we're almost done with the news and I'm coming for the super chats I see the super chats in here we got 561 of you in here YouTube's popping YouTube's popping we're doing it live this is the new usual 550 in the building only 92 thumbs up wipe your feet on the way in the door but 560 we're going to the promised land I work for you I work for you I work for you we go live with news breaks I work for you and Benson works for you as well uh this is going back to the cuboard Mitchell placed on IR season ending IR Mitchell's out of the equation he can't stay healthy now we have Clarity cuz Shanahan loved this kid we talked about this even weeks ago when everyone's like uh Mason he's got the number two drop he did but we didn't know you can't be certain Mitchell is he loves him Kyle loves Mitchell Mitchell's gone now it's Mason and gendo we have Clarity we now can say with the absolute certainty you own Mason and gendo whose face is sitting right there you have absolute Glory lock down you take CMC at one overall not as big of a concern now because you can lock down the combo already took CMC don't have the two running backs you are going to lose a little bit of sleep and until you secure it up but this is Clarity Clarity cuff Board gets Clarity um let's put that over there more clarity AJ Dylan season ending IR I haven't seen so many kind of middle shelf season IR moves before in an offseason come in one day in my life my phone's been going like this I got Scott Hansen on the show today John Ortiz amazing actor I've talked about him lot on the show uh he has the new show uh Bad Monkey on Apple TV go watch the interview the same Scott Hansen show after Scott Hansen gets off uh off the interview um John Ortiz jumps right on uh one of my favorite actors he he loves fantasy football he reached out to me a while ago I don't know two three years ago and got fantasy advice I'm like John I love you pal I love your movies I Loved You Miami Vice he's Jose yto you know uh get a movie uh go to movie catch a movie Gra a bite that guy I'm a disco guy he's a phenomenal actor love him came on the show he's always a phenomenal guest I think he's going to be a a staple at least once a year maybe more uh but we we get on we start talking about all this stuff you ask questions we talk about beon it was a good time go watch the show Scott Hansen came on you saw this hey Smitty it's your boy Scott Hansen from NFL Red Zone and 17 weeks of commercial free fantasy football start now buddy I've never seen you wide shot there my dude that's yes so yeah that was phenomenal show you you missed that go watch it what are you even doing you watch we got 600 people in the building I work for you I work for 600 of you AJ Dylan being on ir What's it mean Smitty what's it mean Smitty what's it mean Smitty I'll tell you what it means it means that Josh Jacobs who is on the moonman list I believe the moon men dropping no Mars Men I'm confused to Mars I don't even know what I don't even know where anybody is anymore Mars man extraordinaire dropping and spinning aimlessly in space Jacobs is going to take fantasy football by storm you can sit back and watch it you can double down Donnie on your bad take you can be a worried William or a petrified Peter an anxious Angus and say ah I just don't no this guy going to IR not celebrating injury but Clarity Clarity the rookie already injured Lloyd's injured a AJ Dylan is injured and Jacobs is already being talked about is being the every down back he's going to catch passes he's going to get so much volume they need somebody else to spell him I don't even like that there's nobody spelling him we might see this guy enter the equation soon this guy Frank Gore Jr so let me put that aside real quick address this uh my super chats I'm coming for you you know what you know the deal $20 haulers get immediate attention Mark Cleveland coming in with a 50 wad greatest show Smitty DM about the tri uh the draft at 7 tomorrow okay thank you Mark appreciate you mark Cleveland with a $50 holl give me50 Mark Cleveland with a $50 wad on screen let me fix my alerts so that the super chats alert me when they're getting dropped but Mark Cleveland appreciate that $20 hollers will get immediate attention Mark Cleveland to the mother flipping Moon all right so anyway I'll get back to the AJ Dylan piece let me first say Frank Gore Jr has been uh has been let go of his duties in Buffalo Clarity Clarity boy are we getting lots of clarity right now you know who might be a 11th Hour moonman Davis this rookie running back over in Buffalo might become a moonman extraordinaire now and I I think as much as I loved Frank Gore this is a potential situation in Buffalo where I truly think that Ray Davis eventually claims I don't want to say takes the job outright from James Cook but if James Cook can't hold on to the football in conjunction with getting banged up in conjunction with them trying to utilize multiple running backs like they have so many times in Buffalo this is a situation where by de facto handing the job over to to Davis on occasion and then cook goes out and gets banged up and Ray Davis comes in and becomes Ray Davis Ray Davis comes in and becomes a potential Rags to Riches dare I say Ray Davis might have a little bit you smell that smells like a sleeper it smells like maybe a a potential Big Time week one week two week three you pick them up win your league maybe this is the puka Kiren potential player that will enter week number two waiver wire claims as the best pickup of the year here I'm not saying it's going to be Ray I'm just saying it feels like it is a very strong possibility Ray Davis becomes that guy it's hard to project who the guy's going to be like we think right now there's no puka in this year's waiver wire pool I know I D I know I would have seen him in the pool puka AA picked up biggest waiver wire grab in week number one Kiren biggest waiver wire grab in week number one they were free agents in so on so many levels there is somebody sleeping in the waiver wire right now and I always recommend trading for Fab extra Fab so you can control the waiver Market Travis in our league him and I did a trade where I gave him $100 out of my $100 Fab to get a deal done where I acquired beon in the marsman league and he got a 100 extra Fab dollars which is an understated move because he controls the Fab Market he has $200 out of $100 Now to control the Fab Market he if Ray Davis a ray Davis player sitting there he will be able to grab them I think that okay so back back real quickly I'm going I'm jumping back and forth I know it I'm sorry uh where's where's my where's my uh Frank Gore Jr okay so Frank Gore Jr this Clarity Clarity Ray Davis is now my sleeping dark hor sleeping giant starting running back for the Buffalo Bills by midseason and he might crack the moonman list I don't know how I'm going to fit him on I might have to put the midseason monster list in some sort of hierarchy so that it means something Ray Davis has been sitting here with Frank Gore I I have to take Frank Gore Jr off of this combo now because no longer applies so I'll move that out Frank gour no longer applies to the combo but Davis is sitting here on the midseason monster list and I feel like he's one of the best values on this entire board because he doesn't have starter Vibes whatsoever right now so now you have and I got to I got to make this gendo instead of Mitchell so I got to move this out of here and change that I'll I'll fix it all up I'll doctor it all up but if I'm able to put Davis in some sort of hierarchy I may not have to mess with the moonman list but I want to make a claim and my claim really has been made already my flag has been planted that Davis is going to potentially win some leagues later maybe not it's a it's a stab it's my Victor Cruz of many years ago which was the biggest bull prediction I ever made in the in the history of my fantasy football career when no one knew who Victor Cruz was people talk about it on the content side at the fantasy football show all the time they say who's the Victor Cruz who's the Victor live from the fantasy football s wrong button wrong button wrong button over on the content side of my of my channel here here here's here's the the content the fantasy foot but Victor Cruz tank Dell when when are we getting the next tank Dell when are we get in the next Victor Cruz I'm telling you right now I'm telling you right now midseason monster feels like it could very well be a ray Davis experiment a Ben cinate experiment the there there's so much value here Jaylen Warren's a bigger name but he could take over I don't know that b Javon Baker is going to have any shot what we could potentially remove him to make the list more valuable because I I don't like having a crowded list if at all possible okay so Frank Gore we've covered that 6 743 of you in the building now hit the thumb up button I work for you I work for all 743 of you I work for you mashed potatoes I work for you [Music] cook uh so anyway there we go Ray Davis you you got my speech um Jacobs Jacobs is going to the Moon people he's going to the Moon they're going to use him on all Downs this is not going to be a committee I don't know who's running that garbage out there in the fantasy community creating content around this guy he looks he looks spent he's going to have carries taken away from him he doesn't there's nobody and I brought Frank Gore Jr up because I thought maybe and it's a possibility maybe Frank Gore Jr potentially lands in Green Bay there are a few teams that would be good fits for Frank Gort Jr like example Houston because I think Mixon will fail mixon's about to hit the the bus prediction board the planet Uranus list he might be king of planet Uranus I'm not going near Joe Mixon this year and I think there's a real shot if a team does acquire Frank Gore Jr and I want Frank Gore Jr to get drafted by the Houston Texans if Frank Gore Jr goes to Houston or he goes to maybe uh we said it earlier there's a few spots that make sense the the uh Saints make a lot of sense because there's ambiguity around the backup running back there they just have Camaro right now Tamm Hill Kendra Miller is a absolute nothing burger and then you've got other situations Green Bay I said earlier on the show if you remember I said because of the injury to the rookie maybe they bring him in to compete with Dylan now Dylan's out so it makes sense that Frank G Jr might get the call you've got you've got a few other situations that make some sense Here Indianapolis could use somebody like that to back up JT that makes a lot of sense I don't know KC maybe KC maybe and there's another Dark Horse maybe midseason monster that that enters the the the equation here um and I'll and I'll bring that up in a second if I can pull it up on the screen there's a there's a there's there's there's this let me see if I can find it let me see if I can pull up the the graphic Frank there's Frank or Jr where's my other graphic I'll find it I'll find it just hang tight um there there there's so much uh uh value in in a Frank C Jr in one of these situations but he needs to land there in order to be uh uh someone that that you can count on okay so hold on let me go over so Jake tips to the Moon absolute Clarity given with this news and especially with the backup being banged up iuk I talked with with h Scott Hanson about this there have been several reports today that there's maybe some worries that that iuk will be even able to play week one even if they work out a contract we'll find out more on that information again the Jamar Chase being able to suit up for week one auk being suit up uh being able to suit up for week one I think if it was today it wouldn't be a question but now we're talking about something different we're talking about something is very concerning at this point and there's a real good shot that the Niners start exploring trade opportunities now so they can move on they're sniffing at the door they're knocking on the door of week number one they can't keep messing around with this and if they're they're miles apart if this CD lamb contract extension puts this situation even more miles apart than it already were in between the two parties then they have to make a move crap or get off the pot there's no there's no waiting into the season although although Scott did say this on the show uh today I don't know if you guys caught the entire interview with Scott Hansen but he did say this on the show and uh it's important to keep this in mind this was on Brandon iuk but what do you think ends up happening here did the CD lamb contract extension affect this situation in your op yeah I don't think it helped the situation let me put it that way because the market is going up and Brandon iuk is going to be want is going to want to be paid along those lines I I don't think the ners I I agree that nobody knows nothing and here's why human nature is to wait and to do something that might be a little painful until the last possible second and we are not at the beginning of the regular season yet and quite frankly this could go a week or two into the regular season last year at this time one of the greatest players at his position Chris Jones was holding out the defensive line for the Kansas City Chiefs he didn't play in week one didn't play in the season kickoff game and there was bad blood and these type of things and I'm sure there were some tweets loaded up that were you know strongly worded or memes or whatever they they got to a painful Point Chiefs lost that first game Jones would have probably made a a difference in that game and lo and behold when it got down to it they got something done so it it people do not do something that involves a little bit of pain until the last possible minute and I think John Lynch and the ners and Brandon iup they're not going to figure it out until probably the week of the week of week one and it might take him longer than that longer than that and and then he went on to say that there's po potentially maybe it makes more sense and this is Scott Hansen's take and Scott Hansen's very dialed in so I respect his take very much the most connected person that we could put on the show right now no everybody else's these Mickey Mouse content creators around this situation just throwing mud at the wall I'm got source is telling me that auk's in the final stages of his guaranteed money say you don't know anything you don't know anything stop acting like you got a source according to a trust me bro trust me bro Source you don't have nothing cuz Scott Hansen doesn't know Ian Rapaport right here says that he had a chance to press the button several times on a trade tweet that he cooked up and and had ready to go a contract extension tweet and he couldn't press the button on any of these scenarios where he almost was about to be told hey hit the button it's it's a go and then at the end of this this interview he did on good morning football Rapaport says nobody knows anything nobody and that's what Scott Hanson just told you as well two people that work for the NFL Network have told you no one knows anything and if you know anything at all you know that the Niners have a tight ship okay they're not going to leak anything anyway you're not going to hear it so we have no clue stop stop going out there saying trust me bro I've got a source you don't have nothing you don't have nothing cuz if if it was out there I'd have it before you'd have it Mickey Mouse and now you're you're out there every everyone out there according to my source according to my source this could go a hundred different directions there could be a trade tomorrow there could be a trade tonight we could be going live tonight or he could get extended my educated guess is that there's more of a 70% chance he signs an extension in the coming days at very most a day or two before the season when the ners fold a little bit more than they expected to he folds a little bit and they all realize we all want to get on the field let's just go ahead and both fold equally 1 two three go and they fold there's a 60 maybe 70% chance that happens but if they're so far apart that this guy's like I'm not doing it then they might execute a trade and say we don't even care that he's winning because he forced his hand our hand we need to prepare and if we don't know if he's there or not we can't prepare the Niners are in shambles right now Trent Williams holding out wants a contract probably not he's not playing week one auk who knows if he could play week one in shambles Christian mcaffrey Cav injury injury striking all over this is very very bad and I blame it on ners for letting it get out of control and that's all the news for now now we go to the Super chats Mark appreciate you dropping this Mark if you want to dial into the show too I'd be glad to assist you right now live if you would like as well on your situation uh let me hit these super chats we got $20 hollers get immediate attention this one's from Jay this one's from Tucker $50 haulers and above get a drone flight with your name on it that hits the the camera practically in the corner so if you drop a $50 hauler you're getting a drone flight and $100 haulers you get to claim videos on this channel the hn videos got one claim it already that that kind of owns that can call in and say or or message and say play my video and it says sponsored by superf fish on the H hand video okay so there's one spot left on the hn video uh Tucker $20 holler rate my team I went bejon peo dbo homes alve and Smith and Ingram this is a good team what could be an offer for Kiren you want to go get Kiren I don't blame you do can you do it with uh uh maybe some of this bench Talent probably not are you going to have to give up probably poo to get it done you would I don't think you can do any sort of like a la remand actually you know try try a la raand and if you got to throw in something maybe they need a quarterback badly and uh let's see you got jd5 is your starter who's your who's your backup QB I don't see the backup QB so I assume jd5 is your starter and that's it Ford might gain some value if if Kiren goes out has a Struggle Bus week one even more easier to go and get something like this done but a lava and ra Andre for Kiren and something I bet you even get something back I would go ah and attack that 100% $20 huler thank you pal for dropping that Super Chat alert Super Chat alert second $20 hauler is from Jay Jay appreciate you can I call in and get a whiteboard for my trade I made yeah as soon as we open the phone lines Jay hit me up I will answer the phones for you pal so as soon as I say open the phone lines open the floodgates go I'm old Greg says great show what do you think of my team love it Josh Allen etn Swift uh I don't like Swift I probably trade Swift I like puka CD Kyle pits Eckler chub I like I like this team I just think that there's some opportunity to maybe trade away Swift while his value is high I think he's GNA drop off quite a bit I don't know what you can do you can't get rid of etn because then you'd have no RBS Jameson Williams you might be able to gain some value there I don't know what the CMC owner has maybe you can use Mason and Swift for a tiny tiny upgrade at running back that he's like I don't have Jacobs and I don't know what you know you're like holy crap he's got Jacobs Jacobs is Smitty's guy I'm going to the moov Mas potatoes so something like that I would very much uh entertain so Swift and you might have to add something Swift and Addison and Mason for one running back but go to the CMC owner hold that over his head past that you might have to wait young man because Jameson Addison they don't have the value the trade value yet I don't want you getting rid of those other pieces so we'll we'll we'll figure it out uh this one Michael Michael appreciate you phone lines aren't open yet guys uh two QB and two Flex uh okay okay I got you um debbo Herbert Chase Debo Dell bejon Kiren pittz Warren Keon Ford uh Korum Zeke I like your team any moves I probably say yeah I I'm first of all hang on to Keon hang hang on to Ford they're going to gain value Kiren love it you got korm backing them up I I guess I would say you know what no no moves here let korm gain value let Keon gain value let maybe even lock it gain value and then Warren Warren's your big trade pie piece until then you trading off I don't want you to trade bejan Kiren pittz Dell Debo or chase so you know Herbert and let's say uh Herbert and Ford Herbert and Warren for one better quarterback I do that now pass that you're waiting for Warren Keon and Ford and and even Lockett Zeke to gain some sort of value maybe Zeke has a two touchdowns 50-yard game and you can sell them off but you have no ability since I don't want you trading a single player I don't want you Trading any of those players I'm not making a move whatsoever um with that Squad I I'm waiting I'm waiting unless it's that QB upgrade what about uh what's up uh what's up uh rdb 10man redraft momes Hill Devonte Smith H love it Henry Ingram Walker Dell uh zamir and maybe trading away I I'm personally trading Henry trade Henry and Dell for Marvin Harrison Jr no that's not a good trade that is not a good trade Henry for Henry and Marvin are close enough you can't throw in tank Dell would I throw in a zamir white maybe I I guess I guess I would consider that that's about it bro um I'm not trading I'm letting this team gain value and Henry's only going to probably maintain his value for a while before there's any sort of injury risk or worry I wouldn't freak out and try and get rid of Henry walking into the season as much as I I just be on my toes about trying to take advantage of every opportunity to sell him high that I can because I think at some point he's going to get injured at some point he's going to drop off I can't guarantee it but he's a 30-year old running back with an offensive line that used to be one of the best in the in the National Football League and while it's better than Tennessee's line was last year it is definitely a bottom 10 offensive line in the National Football League and I don't want I don't want Henry shares right now I don't hate them I'm certainly not going to sell low I'd rather you know weather through the injuries and hopes that he misses just four games in the middle of the year and comes back and has a pretty complete season maybe and trips into the end zone 14 times but I don't think he's going to be like a 1300 1200 1100 yard running back I think he'll be hard pressed to get a th000 yards rushing and and we're only banking on the touchdown production I think at some point so uh Adam with a $5 finally able to catch a show live thoughts on this trade receive I get Ben cinate in a 25 first for Cooper cup and zamir White I don't hate this trade I if you're in rebuild mode I would take the first rounder and Ben cin cuz I love Ben cin and Cooper cups on his last leg but if you are in win tons of money mode now mode I really do hold on a cup with a smile and go win cash money and win first place in my league so if you're in rebuild mode and you're honest with yourself you look in the mirror and you say my team isn't going to win then it's a good move first rounder and Ben s it very solid $10 holler gets a moon shot appreciate you my guy dropping the 10 wad 776 of you in the building 217 thumbs up punch a thumb up button a 10man shark League okay so tough League 1 QB hn ar5 Jacobs Brooks Brian Robinson Jr dle trade dle uh mhj CD Reed Nico this ain't a shark League you can't trick me you can't trick me I've been doing this too long okay CD and mhj and Nico are your wide receivers you still got ad dun you still got Reed you still got uh those guys trade Brian Robinson Jr and one of those bench wide receivers not named MJ CD or Nico trade Reed trade adun trade B Rob try and upgrade your running back uh three or your your yeah I'd probably do that or you could even maybe throw in those guys to try and upgrade ar5 who I love I love but you get a momes a Josh Allen or a Jaylen Herz instead of ar5 I'm smashing the hell out of that but not much to to even do there I like the squad my my Broski that's a really good team $10 holler coming in from jmax jmax appreciate you dropping the wad on screen pal this one's from that boy that boy says trade Chase Brown to get right to cuup to Anan uh little too much ask for something back I like where your head's at I am going down that road but I certainly think that you're going to be taking a big bath on that trade because they're they're they're rounds apart and I know you drafted Chase Brown ahead of him that's why you missed on on right but I would say you deserve to get something in that exchange uh Calvin Crim with a the $5 hauler Smitty this tells me that perhaps we need to bump up kick returners values this year cuz special teams TDS might come into play it depends on your league though you say that if you get six points for a return touchdown in your league some leagues Tyron will score a return touchdown and they'll get zero points in the stack column so it it's not always the case that a league in includes that so that's why we we can't really in general bump it up because not I would say not even 50% of leagues have that that $10 Super Chat from superf fish appreciate you dropping the 10 Watt on screen the uh superfish is a legend here on the channel Kirkwood dropping a $20 hauler I'm coming right for you Scott Hansen is always high energy he loves football love the interview you got with the Drone going also our crew won patreon League still has three open spots and the clock is ticking folks check your DMs thank you super fish and I'll be inviting people uh into that league if we can't fill the spots so we'll be we'll be we'll be filling it don't worry Kirkwood $20 holler forgiv deep bench just looking uh to make the playoffs ar5 Kiren cuffed Gibbs mclen cedi tank McBride and Walker Ridley bench Allen Shakir Senate Fields I love this team the only thing I'd even consider is trading Ridley walker uh and mclen in some sort of two of those guys for one player but the problem is Walker is not well maybe he is valuable enough you could explore it like Ridley and Walker for like a top 15 overall player it should be easily doable because Walker in a lot of circles is borderline late second round value so I McClaren or Ridley they may need to gain a little bit of value to get really what you want so don't be afraid to hold but that's the only move to make here or trade to upgrade ar5 into a Mahomes job JH Allen or Jaylen Herz I tend to think Mahomes and Josh Allen are slightly higher I like all three all three can win leagues not the ar5 can't but I would trade maybe a A mclen or Ridley to get I don't think I'd trade Walker necessarily but mcla Ridley to upgrade my ar5 into Mahomes I think Mahomes is that valuable this year I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it live thank you for the $20 hauler my Broski you are the man alert Super Chat [Music] $20 holler Bros Pros with a 10 wad this Kirra news slightly concerns me injury-wise however these news new kickoff rules should be far more safer for most players though I think km should be doing this instead Kiren to Saturn it's going to scare off people but most of the noise and negative oh yeah corm to the Moon because of this they're they're people that don't have kirn they're just they're Clinging On to anything they can full PPR have flowers for Spears and Coleman I would take Coleman and Spears pretty easily I think I could see people wanting to argue that I do I and I could understand it but I'm going to take Coleman and Spears uh Thomas with a $5 hauler Yahoo says I'm 2 and 11 let me know 10man League PPR picks are are AJ Brown Garrett Wilson London that's three really good receivers Anan Wadd McBride Nai Kyler Moss it's a good squad uh you got dingleberry at running back instead of single Berry um I I like I like the team but yeah I I would love to see you get in another RB so AJ Brown Garrett Wilson London and then you have Wadd you know I think Nai and wle is the easy answer here you're going and getting a top five six seven running back you you know go as high as you can would I trade waddle for Jacob straight up yeah I would would I trade waddle for Pacho straight up and those are moves you shouldn't have to include Nai to get I think Nai added makes you go even higher but that's the clear simple uh solution for that team rockout says check M thank you rockout I certainly will appreciate you Ethan $10 hauler $10 haulers get moon shots Ethan my guy appreciate my boy Ethan says 10man League uh One qb2 Flex I got ar5 hn Jacobs Brooks I think I already did this one right uh PA yeah I already did this one Ethan that's a great team bro Fantastic Team you got my advice already and jmax with a 10 wad uh there you go pal 10ad to you as well appreciate you uh bejon Gibbs mhj Allan McBride Amari Cooper Monty I already like Amari and Monty together for one player throw Rashi rice in that spot Christian Kirk as well I'm trading Christian Kirk Amari Monty two of those three guys maybe all three for one bigger stronger better player uh Kirk Blake K so you got Chase uh Chase Brown as well to play with if you need to throw him around uh you've got Jaylen right you're going to keep that you're going to you got that cuff to uh oh no you don't have hn in this team do you I go after hen for sure Gibbs and beon fantastic mhj Allan McBride don't trade that core don't trade everybody from McBride up don't touch it Amari Monty keeper she rice throw him up there with the untradeables Amari Cooper Monty and Kirk easy Chase Brown throw him in Jaylen Jaylen Wright you got to keep him uh try and go after hm but yes you're trading for one bigger stronger better running back for the Kiron Anan Barkley type of player for etn even maybe Pacho included but the the you go the more that you don't necessarily have to include um jmax appreciate you with that that that Super Chat rock out appreciate you Kirk would appreciate you phone lines are completely caught up or the super chats are completely caught up and the phone lines are open call into the show call into the [Music] show man I got through those super chats pretty quickly the docket is clean and cleared first super super chats get immediate attention especially $20 haulers we are caught up we are ready to go phone lines are open dial in no full team breakdowns guys I can't do that unless you $20 Super chatted like a few of you did and said can I call in with the Whiteboard um past that it's really hard to do a full team breakdown on a phone line where people are we got 747 people in here that don't really care no offense about your entire team and on on the phone line I don't mind it the Super Chat look you you drop a 10 five a $20 Super Chat you better be damn straight I'm reading your entire team and I'm giving you a grade but on the phone line we can't do full team breakdowns unless that $20 hauler guy calls in uh 909 caller and 931 caller I'm going to come for both of you and put you on hold 909 what's your name and where you calling from this is Hector from Chino Hills Hector from Chino Hills Hector hold on one second my guy mute yourself if you could I'll come for you in one second uh fromo Hills okay and then uh the other caller that I mentioned the area code who who are you and where are you calling from uh this is Jay uh from Tennessee Jay from Tennessee what can I do for you your life I was uh W your opinion uh to see uh who won the trade or what you thought uh I traded Dak Prescott and my leag neighbors for uh Jaylen herds and Adam th Dak Prescott hold on let me a second let me erase this Dak Prescott and Malik neighbors for for what for Jaylen Herz and Adam th Herz and thien th's a a nothingburger to me yeah I don't I don't care about him uh what I was going to tell you is Maris Brown and Wicks are on the waiver wire so that was my plan there that that's very good information where did my Eraser go that's very good information because uh it allows me to say this it allows me to say let's take the out of this equation and let's just say if you were to have Hollywood Brown in here it it changes this trade a little bit for me because I you you can't necessarily pick them up right now right who would be your cut do do you have neighbors in Dak yes I do right now mute yourself Brock you're Brock your mouth breathing and making a lot of noise mute yourself if you could you got you got who who Who's Your Biggest drop hello what was that what's your who's your biggest drop you said or your ear your your uh your top drop who you could drop right now who you could drop uh well right now I can't really drop anybody okay so you're telling me that you pick up Hollywood and you would get Herz Herz in Hollywood do Crush Dak and neighbors but in terms of I can give you my lineup to see what you think if that makes more sense no I don't really have time for that no offense but um in terms of this trade thielen and Herz I don't know that it's a great trade necessarily but with Hollywood sitting on waivers I can tell you right now this Hollywood hert side winds like if you want to look at it that way what you're doing to your your team it's better Dak Prescott I like him but neighbors is is while he's a fantastic player he's close enough to Hollywood and Herz I believe is a lot higher than Dak personally but that's going to be my take it's not really easy to break down because the trade necessarily isn't the best but I think it leaves you with a better team yeah I feel like I feel like I gave up a lot but I have a lot of Firepower on wide receiver I got Deo and tank so yeah I hear you all right bro later call call back if you got another one uh Hector from Tino Hills you're you're live hey how's it going Smitty I just wanted to ask about what you thought I could do with these receivers um I got mea flowers running backs I got uh Jonathan Taylor and Gibbs me meaf you got meaf and flowers Jonathan Taylor and Gibbs okay meaf flowers Jonathan Taylor Gibbs what else my bench I got worthy Keon Coleman um I don't know if you what you could think about upgrading the receiver core there I mean I don't know uh DK JT Gib Coleman who else who's on this team Xavier worthy Keon Coleman I mean you got to wait for Coleman to gain value you got to wait for worthy to gain value you can't trade those guys Gibbs you're what you got sell him low people are worried about him JT he's got a lot of value DK seems to have good value but I think it'll only increase I don't think there's much you can move with this group that you're giving me would I trade JT personally for a ky or an Anan if it got me some other upgrade absolutely so the only thing I would do is do a perceived downgrade into one of those guys using JT would I even go into like a PCO and upgrade something else like maybe I'm upgrading worthy into a a monster or I'm upgrading DK into a even bigger stronger player I would explore JT and DK for poo and and Aman raw or something but but got it there's nothing to do you got to wait for these guys to increase in value they're they're all going to be better and better value coming out of week one unless they have a slump week one which they could and then we're going to be in here trying to buy them low but yeah that's there's not I need more information than that I can't do it all on the phone but call back if you got another specific question call back and I and I'll I'll throw you on all right uh Brock from Brock from Maryland you're live go hey how are you Brock what can I do for you Brock yeah it's Brooke but uh Brooke sorry Brook uh now you're good um I wanted to uh see if I needed to make any moves with my team um just got done yeah read it off real quickly I can't do full team team reviews on the phone line just because we have we have too many people on the phone L momes on uh quarterback Evo is wide receiver one tank Del wide receiver to Bean a chain Schultz say the tight end cin Ridley um I sit on that I sit on that team I sit on that team bro you have a really good squad yeah I you know I follow the fantasy football yeah yeah you do you follow the fantasy football show but but maybe like come up with I'll put you on hold and I'll come back to you maybe cook up some sort of idea you have and I'll I'll shoot it down or like you say hey I wanted to maybe trade just cook up something tangible and I'll I'll come back to you okay um all right that's cool all right so mute yourself real quick Brock from Mississippi that's where I saw I brooken from Maryland I've got Elgen from Maryland and I have Brock from Missouri this is a weird phone line like just tongue twister for me Brock from Missouri you're live hello Brock I mean I mean it's it's Brock from Mississippi I don't know about Missouri though oh yeah I wrote it that I wrote that wrong too Brock from Mississippi okay Brock what can I do for you all right SMY I already know you are on a time crunch here but I want to say two things one longtime listener and a subscriber here out a boy two two I have a home League Draft coming up this uh Friday money League $50 Buy in and I've drafted last weekend uh in another home home League $20 Buy in okay uh and I want you to just rate my team from the last week but I'm I'm going print your rankings out and I'm going with your ranking well no don't do that you look the rankings are are set in in terms of like sleeper potential you start drafting Keon Coleman at the why receiver rank that I have them you're going to look embarrassed you got you got to make sure okay okay you're use them I'm printing your red your redraft but you're but you're going to use them in conjunction with the ADP right correct okay I just want to make sure because if I've got Bean Bean's not the best example because we would take him one but like uh let's say let's say Keon Coleman I have Keon Coleman probably 10 spots higher than than anybody has him you can't just draft them where my ranking has him so just be careful all right real quickly guys I can't do full team evals so this is the last one read your team off real quick go all right Patrick Mahomes tyon Williams Josh Jacobs Tyreek keill Malik neighbors Travis Kelsey George Pickin and then I got Keon Coleman on bench rre Stevenson Xavier worthy uh adun Warren dubes and Bigby dubes uh I I wonder if you could trade like Stephenson and AD dun for like one better player I'd explore that read it off one more time speed Speedy momes Williams Willam Jacobs Hill love it neighbors Kelsey pins in my Flex and then I got Coleman on the bench Stevenson so between Stevenson ad dunesday neighbors and Pickins I'm I'm exploring you know uh a two for one trade and you know how how do you do this you just go through you know an 80P or pull up the the draft board even better because you know where everybody took them so you know where their mental like value might be like hey I took him at 3.2 people cling on to that stuff so you can kind of really gauge where if I'm trading neighbors and Stevenson well neighbors went here the player I'm going I'm going after was three rounds higher it's going to be hard to pull it off because their mindsets going to be like he's my third round pick real quick Smitty for real though uh this Friday is my main league so you're saying don't go off your rankings I'm not saying don't go off the rankings I'm saying you can't draft them in order of the rankings cuz there there's bold statements in there if you start taking if I if I rank King Kade at 30 overall or something like that on the top 200 and he's going at 48 and you take him 30 you're going to you're going to punt your opportunity yeah um you have to you have to say oh my God these rankings are identifying and this guy's going to fall T tank Dell on my rankings would be in the third round we're getting Tank Dell in round six and we're at least getting him in round five so yes use it to your advantage all right uh Brock appreciate you use these four guys go get one player if you if you have if you have something in mind bring it to me hey s Smitty I went and died into it what about neighbors and and a Dun for uh for Kiren whatever all right bring it to me all right later all right yes sir thank you uh Brooke let me see if I can get the the whole thing right Brooke from Maryland you're on hold thinking up something Elgen from Maryland Elgen you're live how you doing SMY uh so I got a drive this coming Friday I got the four pick okay and um I'm going be or grea what which whoever want and I'm thinking about going three running backs coming back down getting Pacho and um Josh Jacobs what you what you think about that and and like getting the tank Bell and red R for my up I don't mind that I I love Jacobs I do I love poo I do I tend to feel like if I'm going to go the triple RB route I want it to be personally this is the route that makes me go Kiron Williams and then you know aan and if you can't pull that off I at least want one of these guys in this situation and then if it's poo or Jacobs as the third then I'm feeling very good about it I don't know that I want I don't know that I fully want vijan Pacho Jacobs and then I'm going to go uh wide receiver shopping I like it I I just don't like it as much I'm not saying it's horrible not saying I wouldn't you know rate your team very well if you got exactly what you said especially if you get like a top four quarterback with it but I I would just be very very cautious to try the tripod or the the three running back U tripod when you're when you are pulling Pacho from three into two pulling Jacobs from four into three they kind of a little bit of re reaches there a little bit a little bit I don't I don't mind one of those reaches but I don't know that I like both of them and I'm not saying Jacobs isn't gaining that momentum and value especially coming off the back of of this news with AJ Dylan being out for the year now and the rookie already banged up jacobs's value is going to Skyrocket I don't know if we're going to see him in third the third round ever again or the the late third round might be mid third round top of round three so but I I would just say it depends best player of available it sounds to me like you're trying to lock in on three names don't draft names don't draft positions draft players because if off I I just like both of city of course yeah I do too I do too but don't draft positions or lock yourself into a name draft a I got draft the player draft best player available if it's Pacho and Jacobs and you truly feel the way the board's falling that's the way it is then draft him but I think my gut's telling me there might be a at least one of those guys fits in and you might have a better option on the table don't don't lock yourself into three guys before the draft begins all right all right later later El appreciate you call back if you got another one all right uh Scuba Steve and then and then uh Gavin and then Justin and then back to Brooke Scuba Steve you're live hey uh Smitty so I was I was watching the show and uh I know you said that uh Mason is a is a moonman and uh I want to ask you uh cuz I have uh the last guy you named off the team to I don't want to list off my team talk I just had a question about who would you rather drop uh for Mason uh Ray Davis or should I look at somebody else because I know he's on your midseason uh list so I don't know if I not Ray Davis Ray Davis is going to potentially he's on the mid-season monsters he might even make the moonman bro you do not drop Ray Davis who what other player can you drop for Mason uh Joshua Palmer yes I'm sorry look he's okay I don't hate Joshua palmer but really you know yeah drop Palmer see you later Palmer you're out of here Deuces okay yeah no there no problem I'm no problem with that because I mean I have Shah heed just in case if something happens and then I'll worry about that later if I need to pick up another wide receiver or something but yeah I mean I'll take your advice on that I mean especially with the the 49ers offense man because all it takes is one injury to CMC and uh I mean I I got a a Bonafide rb1 yeah you have to Bro there's nothing more important really like at the end of the day if I'm if someone's walking into a draft and I don't have time to really explain you know anything in a great detail I'm pulling up the cuff word I'm just saying look I love these situations draft them even mcaffrey if you now with the clarity and you're at one or two overall I'm not as scared to draft mcaffrey anymore you've got Clarity we've got a lot of Clarity today the clarity behind uh this situation here with Benson being the clear backup now with with uh Carter being let go Mason and gendo a lot more clarity there Josh Jacobs Clarity there there's there's no need to worry about anything there's so much Clarity on the board right now and bro you you need to get this cuffed up as everybody that has this needs to Cuff it up as everybody that has this needs to Cuff it up and and I'm not saying that aan can't deliver without these guys but if aan does go down which you're going to see right go to the moon and that's even with mostard in the lineup and if mostard goes down Wright's going to go to the Moon right's kind of why he's in the Middle with the two arrows he's kind of the interchangeable if you need to cuff him to one of the other guys it's vital it could it could be a very lucrative two running back handcuff situation right is interchangeable but mostard is not a cuff to Anan Anan is not a cuff to moard R is a cuff to both of them and the whole Trio is remarkable especially in best ball so make sure you cuff these guys go get Mason do it live keep an eye on gendo though don't let gendo you know linger too far away from you keep a short leash on him okay yeah cuz cuz I did I did draw grab Conor but I'm GNA have to take a lap cuz I I didn't get uh I didn't get V and I tried to grab but the guy the guy the guy ended up picking him up so take a big lap me I don't have ay but but I just I just figured that uh I would just take advantage of that all right man appreciate you hey I appreciate you man thanks for always taking my calls and giveing me some good advice man all right man I'll see you later all right let me throw these super Chats on screen I'm coming for everybody here uh Johnny J honey dropping a 20 watt on screen I'm coming for you pal just hang hang tight for me uh I'm going to put this super chat over here I'm going to put this super chat over here I'm going to answer these super chats in order in which they were received appreciate every single one of you uh Selby I'm coming for yours your $10 hauler appreciate you Phil I'm dropping yours right here let me get the phone lines cleared and then we'll reopen the phone lines again once I I'm going to have a phone line drop button where it's no offense to anybody but I'm going to hit it it's going to clear the phone line uh let me go real quickly to these guys I don't want to do that in this case let me go to Justin real quick Justin hit me real quickly 30 seconds then Gavin I'm going to get a 30 second take from you and then I'm going to go back over to Antonio and get a 30 to 40 second take from him and then Brooke you're going to close it out if you've got a question for me so hit me with it what can I do for you Justin you're live how are you feeling about Jonathan Brook these days um not too excited I'm not saying I don't like him he's a mid-season monster for sure I'm not taking him probably off that board but it's not it's who's talking who's talking it's not me Gavin Brooke Gavin Antonio who's who's mumbling in the background it's okay I'm just wondering who all right mute real quick whoever's mumbling my stapler I I heard it in the background um Justin I'm not excited you know why I'm not excited cuz he's not the starter right now he's going to be eased in and he's not coming back till week three or four and once he comes back he'll be eased in so we're talking about another week or two three weeks and his offense isn't that great however he's a starting running back he is a player that we love a lot he's got tremendous talent but keep in mind he's probably not Bree Hall keep in mind that he hasn't even learned the NFL game yet so the ACL recovery from his perspective is going to be light years different than the Bree Hall recovery and I know a lot of people are going to want to say well Bree did it and you know I I do think Brooks isn't behind schedule necessarily but he certainly was not ahead of schedule so I I'm just not super excited about him over a lot of other players that you could draft like Benson Benson and Brooks might be Unleashed at the exact same time Benson might be Unleashed later than Jonathan Brooks there's that shot of that but he'll be healthy and Brooks will still be trying to get healthy so give me give me Benson in all reality over Brooks even if the cost of Entry is different at a lot me to do different moves or I'm getting worthy or I'm doing something else with that Jonathan Brook's value I appreciate the synopsis you can uh roll to the next person all right uh call back Justin I'll open the phone line again if you got another one to hit me with it okay y thanks all right Jus into the moon uh let's go to Gavin real quick Gavin you're live okay I was asking uh what I should do with my receiving core I have Mike Evans neighbors Pickins Reed and then Coleman and Evans neighbors Reed Pickens and Coleman okay um it's you know uh I don't mean to sound like I don't like it it's it's a good it's a good good crew you know Pickins has his value but it's like there's still some shakiness to it um Evans has his value but there's some injury risk worry to it he's ER I I know he keeps doing it but at some point he won't neighbors has no quarterback the offense is putrid I like my players on great teams and I'm not saying Pickins isn't on a good football team but is he on a great fantasy environment type of situation team I don't know I I like I like him a lot I think Pickins is somebody that i' entertain trading high but I'm also very okay keeping them neighbors I would explore trading them but if you can't get the value that you at least paid you can't even think about trading him like if his value's T yeah yeah and you got him six round which means that for five rounds no one wanted them so the value is not there to trade him Evans is the guy I would explore trading him to be honest with you where did you draft him I traded Mixon for him okay that's not actually bad that's a good move um who are your RBS uh beon and javante and then I have like Benson on the bench javante okay I I like I like javante I'm rooting for him but that's yeah that's a tough running back too right now though uh who are your quarterbacks and your tight end uh I have t t law and then my tight end okay your tight end was who okay can I can I ask you a question I'm not trying to I'm not trying to rip on the team but like where is your second rounder well I actually last year I traded my like second round pick okay so you got cuz you look like your team who got stripped down like this team ain't winning the championship I I'm just being on you what I didn't have a second round yeah you you sacrificed hardcore you probably sacrificed for javante didn't you you gave up gave up I traed aom last year okay and you lost him in the loost you don't you weren't able to keep him no it's not a keeper League yeah well then how then okay it's not a keeper League then how do you trade your pick you could trade your pick order without it being a keeper League yeah what in the so it's a it's you could this is the first time I've heard this in I think a long time you're in a redraft league pure redraft nobody's kept there's no Keepers there's no Dynasty to it but you could trade your future draft order wow yeah bro oh okay so let me just say this you're going to have to take a big L this year you know what I'm going to tell you to do trade for next year's draft order cuz you're taking an L so you're going to trade beon for somebody's first rounder next year you're going to trade EV Evans and neighbors to somebody for the first rounder you're going to invest your money and watch the season fly by there's if you want my honest advice you're not winning with this team so why don't you do what the person did to you go take some 's first rounder dangle beon in front of them dangle Neighbors in front of them dangle Evans in front of them I just don't think you're going to win with this team you could explore trading bejon for two players let's say you get a Pacho and a I don't know a a second round wi receiver maybe you're in the mix but I don't think you are you got Taw as your quarterback do what the person did to you bite the bullet coming strong swinging and then next year you're like Smitty I've got beon I've got Bree Hall I've got you know tank Dell and stoud and Pacho and and we're we're giving you a standing ovation but you're not I'm just giving you the hard Cold Truth I'm sorry you sound really down you kind of your decible level went down about to like a two out of 10 I I'm just telling you the truth I don't think this is winning you can sit on it you can try but maybe you try for a little while but at some point you need to trade bejon for a first rounder or second rounder next year I don't know that's my plan it's like you really like wait till like midseason right before the playoffs redraft League where they trade their draft order man this is where the impatient Ian and and I can kind of I can kind of hear his voice this guy getting excited about something and like I'm going to trade next year forget next year I'm winning now oh it reminds me of a younger me I would have been I would have been in a TR a jam like this in a league like this if I was younger I I had no patience at all when I was a young a young kid for for trades I would I would have sold the farm in a in a league like this this is a dangerous League to be in for somebody that that doesn't have a lot of control with uh patience oh man all right hey I I hope you took that in a positive way everybody makes the playoffs in the league well everybody makes the playoffs but only if you're not first you're last Ricky Bobby taught us that and it doesn't matter if you make the playoffs you're not beating pop off in like in the three play could it could it maybe maybe you want hey you want to go for it go for it and then Circle back next year let me know I I want I think B can be rb1 I he I think he can too but you got T laws and QB I don't know try try it try it I'm interested I I'm in I'm in go go for it try and win the League this year you might want to explore trading the problem is what are you going to trade you no one's you're not going to be able to sell any of these guys high so let let's do this circle back after week one let's see if these guys gain value and let's see if we can cook up some sort of creative trade to bring this team back into the into the light okay buying low selling high if you do it right maybe you have a shot in Hell okay so call call in we'll see what we can do this is Gavin right yeah all right call in after week one when the values are are higher or lower we'll figure it out all right we'll buy low sell High all right later bro I hate shooting down someone's hope and dreams but I gave him some hope right there you know we we'll we'll tackle tackle it later Antonio uh real quickly bro I got to I got to get to these super chats fast I'll keep it short yeah um so you kind of answered my question I think two or three calls ago yeah you like Williams javante being uh you know heading into the season I'm a little iffy on him I I I I didn't say what what do you think I just said about javante I said I I was I'd be very worried if he was my running back too I don't I wouldn't want that that's what I said okay yeah so I'm looking to possibly uh break apart a CD lamb and javante to replace the wide receiver and get a stronger rb2 okay would a walker metf do you think that gets it across the line for you DK metf and Walker for lamb yeah I I as much as I like these two players I don't like putting all my hopes and dreams into Seattle even though I like Seattle I like Ryan grub looked good this is not this is Gino Smith it's hard it's hard this is could be very disastrous for you Lamb Chop should be getting you he should literally be getting you like a Pacho and a Debo you like this is the kind of move you're making for lamb you're make you're you're getting a better running back than Walker you're getting a better wide receiver than DK you you deserve the world for lamb chops he's the one two or three overall player you're selling majorly low bro majorly low Smitty disapproved all right just just running to buy how about etn the other offer I've been think etn what and Pitman uh no I still don't like it no you need to go etn is okay but you need somebody you need essentially a almost two second round players and that might sound rich but that's what it cost to play ball with CD l that's what it costs to have a beon or a CMC on your team you need to you need to respect what Lamb's value is bro you need to ask for the world you're asking for SEC you're give me a third and fourth rounder like I'm not saying I don't love tank Dell but I'm not taking tank Dell in a in a third round running back for lamb I can get way more you know and I love lamb or I love tank but you know tank Dell and maybe a kirn would be entertaining that that's something i' do Anan and tank Dell Kiren and tank Dell if you're going to grab somebody that's really a sleeper wide receiver that you love not to be better than lamb but to hang a little bit with them be have cups of coffee with them and then you've got this RB that could be a top five running back that's what you need if you can't say that one of your players could be top five don't do it okay would you uh hold on to javante or throw him into the deal to to get it done I'd throw Javon into a deal but not these deals yeah all right that's fa all right later bro appreciate you Antonio uh app Tripp or Dave you got 30 seconds then I got super chats I got to get to hey what's going on man so wanted to get your opinion on trade I made for this season why bro you chewing while you're talking to me I can't understand a words coming out of your mouth Trooper Dave I'm sorry boss I'm having I just got out of work so I'm having idea but anyways uh I traded away Marvin Harrison Jr and will Lis for Jay and Daniels and M nebor why of your thoughts on that neighbors and jd5 for mhj well I traded away Marvin Harrison and will Levis to get Jaden Daniels and neighbors uh who was your your QB was Levis then yes uh look I love jd5 how did you end up with Levis as your starter how did you punt quarterback that long it was a it was an option leag he was a a dollar keeper value from being picked up as a free agent last year he's my second quarterback a two QB a weag my other quarterback's Cale kale Williams I got him in the draft so super Flex okay yeah yeah I I mean hey guys in superflex this side wins out right neighbors and jd5 superflex yeah I mean because at the end of the day you're arguing jd5 and Neighbors in a superflex you know even if it's redraft you're arguing it that that changes it a lot changes it a lot I I would take uh neighbors and jd5 I don't love the trade though it feels like I it feels very bad getting rid of mhj I I don't like it but the superflex information changes it drastically I would take this side I'm just not super extremely happy about it right I got I got lamb Kelsey and Kelvin redley also on myop okay yeah you'll be okay um yeah make the trade all right cool later bro later uh Coughlin is that your name oh wait hold on what did I put Co coffin oh coffin clay coffin clay what's up what's up bro how's the cough how's the cough oh cough is cough has actually been getting better it's okay good had a bronchitis for a little bit I didn't even hear you coughing what can I do for you coughing clay yeah no I'm doing good so I've been a I've been a firm believer in the Tripod method boy my fantasy leagues uh I have like uh I'm in three leagues right and I have about like sp50 leagues and then I'm B okay no no no offense coffin clay no one cares no one cares what's the question all hey I got three leagues my mom does my I dropped my dry cleaning off at the dry cleaner and I went to get a bite a bite at the local Taco Bell and no one cares coffin clay what's the question the question go ahead what's the question the okay okay okay the question the question is I got bejon I'm gonna pick him second in my double Flex League do should I just go all in on Jaden Daniels and not go with the tripod method for the double Flex League it depends it depends who's on the clock bro I can't tell you that oh yeah all of a sudden I don't like the tripod like I love the tripod of course I love the tripod I love jd5 if the tripod doesn't work out you know or you think you're not going to end up deploying it right or you just got to you somebody Falls that shouldn't fall so you don't take the tri OD pieces you know like if bejan Kiren go and then hhan sitting there guess what I'm not doing the tripod I'm taking hhan you know and and then and then I'm taking jd5 I'm taking ar5 I'm taking stoud um a great a great detour from the triod is do it in progressions uh take stoud next if you if you fall off the tripod getting one of the top three QBs with two running backs which is what the tripod is then I'm going to default to a slightly lesser tripod in Stroud because I was able to divert and get aan as my third player instead of the quarterback and then if I don't get Stroud then I can go to ar5 or you know ar5 over strad whatever and if you don't get that how many how many more points how many more points do you think CJ strad will have than Brock birie because I feel like everyone's so like hyped on Stroud but like P is arguably hot take but P's arguably just as good Stroud why even with the weapons not there no do you think shoud is really going to put up like 100 more points than per what that yeah that's cute bro all right look like okay yeah obviously like everyone's all hyped on stoud but pry like 30 touchdowns last year like and stad doesn't have like the rushing ability so like how many more like fantasy points is St really GNA get than Pie versus p in like late night yeah 100 I don't 100 more points I mean look I don't know I don't know in your scoring or anything I'm just going to well you ask me you going to answer for me you want me to give you my answer do you want do you want my answer or do you want me to answer want me to tell you what you want to hear pry he's so pretty he's a pretty good pick take him if you like him you want my answer my answer is I think stoud uh blasts him away bro and number one you got you got no you got your best T you got your best uh uh offensive lineman sitting out right now not playing week one and every time Brock Pie has been missing Trent Williams he turns into a pumpkin and every time Debo's out he turns into a pumpkin every time cmc's out he turns into a pumpkin and and you've got CMC now with a a Cav injury you've got no Brandon iuk the continuity is going to be all over the map the preseason was evidence of this because Brock was running for his life throwing ints not looking very good just like he's not looked good whenever the Situation's unfolded this way so you can say whatever you want but until this team is back together this is not even a conversation st's going to throw 40 touchdowns and P P's P's easily gonna throw like 34 if he has his entire team back together if he gets the boys back together maybe you have a case to be made maybe you have a case to be made but stop talking like Brock P's got the band back together the band is broken up bro no no Brock p is the reason the team is doing so well though how many you you got got Niner season tickets you got Niner season tickets coffin clay just admit it you're a Niner fan I'm a falcon fan I'm a falcon fan I don't think so bro I B Cy sold my fantasy season last year in the playoffs but okay bro this it's a good conversation he almost he went to the Super Bowl last year and everyone's like oh shroud's better but shroud like completely got destroyed in the playoffs like it was like he went finish him jeez coffin clay I mean really Jay hone with a $20 holler you know Jay honey I kept you waiting too long Johnny are you still here because Johnny I'm doing you a a service here pal I made you wait too long these cost $50 haulers but I'm right I'm I'm I'm sending you a drone a drone flight Johnny this is Johnny appreciate you Johnny you're getting a drone flight young man for waiting way too long you should not be waiting this long for assistance on a $20 holler I just couldn't get that guy off the phone I couldn't get rid of him let him cook [Music] all right phone lines are closed right now Trey I know you're trying to dial in but you're not going to get in because I got to get these super chats out of the way hey Smitty just wanted to say I'm getting married with my woman send us to Saturn longtime listener always appreciate your shows me and her love always tune into the show it is is Johnny still here Johnny first of all congratulations going to Saturn to Saturn and in standing go I wish I would have read that before I could put like a a good luck let's let's do this let's see good luck for the married couple don't crash Smitty let him [Music] cook that that looks like a peach looks like a a rear end looks like a rear end all right here we go let's do this I think that looks better that looks more like okay it's a heart with a a little arrow through it instead of dro drawing a a peach Emoji all right here we go one more time this is for the married couple if the Drone lands it's going to go well if the Drone lands this thing is going to be a long healthy till the end of time situation you ready Johnny and in the misses drop Peach emojis in the live chat as we fly this let him cook [Music] [Applause] congratulations pressure on the line marriage on the line drop a peach Emoji for Johnny and the misses congratulations appreciate you thank you for waiting on the $20 holler what a flight what a flight uh Jesse appreciate you $5 holler uh bet on my boy $100 JD outperforms Caleb total fantasy points this year I love it I love it jd5 looks phenomenal he's the next top five QB not saying Fields can't do what fields that Caleb can't do what fields did in Chicago score fantasy points they lose they they they win they lose they win uh but certainly uh something that drop keep dropping those Peach emojis for Johnny uh appreciate you I traded aan and rice for Hall in a la a Chan and rice for Hall and a la I'm going to say that this one feels like it's a wash and and I don't know that I don't know that I think that aan Rice are necessarily getting out scored by Hall and a la I think we probably go with Hall and a la I think we probably do but I don't know that it's a home run I love rice I I almost feel like you got the better end of it trade value-wise draft value wise but am I nervous that Anan is every bit as good as Hall of course I draft Hall over him am I nervous that rice is every bit if not better than aive a little bit but we're going to say that you won this and I probably would have been wavering all night long on this particular move Zach with a super chat Zach says trade James Cook and hackinson for Pacho I I only do that if I like winning you've just been smash of a trade there boy uh Phil coming in strong with a 699 new Commish here need help setting a QB scoring and super Flex league and any tips um I I like sixo point for TD passes personally I always do always will and superflex does make the quarterback overvalued so this is going to make it even more overvalued but I'm a big sixo per TD QB guy and honestly past that there's not much to really worry about make it regular scoring don't make anything crazy complicated to where you don't know how to judge player values also drafting six with who would you be taken I think especially and I don't want you to make this so that you have an advantage but it six points per TD makes stoud back in the conversation of being near as valuable as a top five QB whereas if you don't have that I think what it does is it brings some parity between all the quarterbacks in the top 10 versus if it's four points per TD pass then the running quarterbacks dominate the top four and I think if you do do super Flex in a sixo perti league then you you can put a a few other quarterbacks like Dak and and and you know those those you know TD throwing Gunslingers that don't run as much you give them a little more value back to kind of even the scales so that everybody walks out of round one with a dominating quarterback so that would be my advice as a Commish and from that pick I would take strout in a heartbeat if it was that scoring Kyler Murray I think is a fantastic pick there and that's of course assuming you don't get a top three QB uh $10 hauler from my boy uh was that Shelby is this Selby Selby appreciate you need advice on a 12 team Lamar Jackson maccaffrey javante Debo Samuel Cooper cup Mark Andrews Rashi rice courland Sutton I love the team bro likely than backup running backs I I like the squad I like the squad Amari Cooper or no Amar Amari Cooper Cooper cup Debo KY uh uh javante mcaffrey I'm trying to get javante upgraded I'm rooting for javante I'm a big javante guy but you know I just I just can't I just can't I just can't sit here and go you know this is my this is a good wide receiver or running back two to throw into your lineup Javon is not a good running back two right now could he get there I'll be I'll be rooting for it but what do I trade javante away for I don't know um I think Mark Andrews is kind of a paper tiger I think if you can go a little light tight endend shopping at the position use Andrews to upgrade javante that's a nice way to go about this without tearing down any of the bigger parts of your team it really is your only big trade move I don't want to trade Rashid rice on the low I don't know that these other players have any value at all trade-wise maybe Zeke Elliott is just a throw in for somebody that needs an RB but you're trading Mark Andrews potentially with javante for a slightly better running back and that's honestly the only move I would make right now and I would focus hype focus on getting that Jacobs that that poo that etn or hire Kiren and hn specifically are are guys always throughout Barkley yo Smitty can I call in about advice you gave me uh CMO uh certainly uh $10 huler from this this gentleman here $10 gets a moon shot appreciate you very much for dropping this um and let's see here Herz bejon Kiren Adams tank Dell Pickins love the team am I trying to trade away na and Pickins Nagi and Devonte Adams for one bigger stronger player you bet your bottom dollar I'm doing that all day long that is the only move I'm worried about that's the only move I'm going to try and make would I throw in Jameson Williams or Hollywood maybe but I don't know that they have the value they need yet the two guys I'm trading away are naagi and Adams for one better player and I'm and I'm executing on that and and tossing out offer after offer after offer jsn for Corum I think it's a fantastic trade $10 holler thank you for that that I take korm in a second if got Kiren I overpay to get Kiren and korm cuffed together jsn is worth doing that uh drop Korum not Kiren or BT for a defense I can't even condone this I'm not even going to answer this I wish I could you you gave me a $2 hauler I'm trying my best I I could maybe say that the more valuable person is probably BT to you but like trade corm to the Kiron owner in a trade to upgrade a BT into one slightly better player upgrade your QB a little bit go to the Kiron owner hold it over his head uh I can't drop BT but this I'm making a trade before week one before I pick up a defense I I can't accept that that's a non-acceptable situation to me uh Omar appreciate you dropping this Super Chat as well there's nothing attached to it but I did get your other question so thank you for dropping uh the uh Super Chat um thank you kind sir all right this one here $10 holler from McKenzie $10 hollers get a to the B shot uh we got 659 people still in the building 311 thumbs up I work for you I work for you hit that thumb up button though I do appreciate it uh this one from McKenzie I'm going to open the phone lines again in a second Super chats keep them flowing I'll answer an order what you received rank this team Herz Kiren Gibbs Debo Del worthy uh Hollywood Brown Ferguson bench is jd5 corm Allen Wright I I like I like it bro Gibbs Kiren Herz Deb bodell worthy I don't want to trade a single one of them I don't want I'm riding this team into the season there's nothing here for me to trade you Smitt approved team you you've just been Smitty trading one of the these guys would mean that you're you're getting rid of one of them the the laws of of addition and subtraction and I can't I can't see saying bye to any of those guys Cory $10 holler my boy Cory coming in strong Cory the man the myth the legend says tripod Smitty for those that don't know what the tripod is let me show you the tripod likened to pyramids in ancient Egypt consists of drafting one of Allen momes or Herz to go with one of these round one running backs and one of these running backs in round two the tripod doing it live somebody says I'm in high gear you bet your bottom dollar on I'm in high gear we're ready to roll my voice isn't a shot at all it'll be shot by December we go live more than anybody I go live Monday through Friday uh 8 pm. Eastern every single Monday through Friday right here I'm live additionally whenever news breaks so if if if iuk gets traded today or signs a deal I go live again I'm live most midnights uh doing drafts on Underdog fantasy and that link if anybody wants to draft with us if we do draft tonight hit this link right here smash it do it live I'll pin the link in the live chat Underdog will give you a 50% match all the way up to 1,000 bucks so if you do a $10 minimum they'll give you five bucks you do the $22,000 Deposit they give you a th000 all the way up to 1,000 bucks hit the link do it live Underdog fantasy promo code Smitty gets it done but the link is easier hit the link uh we'll be drafting most likely tonight Cory tripod deployed bejon hn Mahomes freaking I mean read the rest of it I haven't even read the rest of it but I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and say it's tripod season Johnny this one's this one's for Johnny Peach Emoji drop the uh peach Emoji but we're going to we're going to put tripod season tripod season on the Drone Tri pod I messed up on the on the P paper TR we're just going to draw triangle Tri tripod season all right here we go drone is in Flight drone is in Flight tripod season in full effect ladies and gentlemen where's my controller let him cook [Music] [Music] oh no I'm going to be so sad when we break off a blade I'm going to be so sad if this drone can't be flown for for 24 hours as we maybe I need to order a second one on standby I don't think it's acceptable to have yeah I don't think it's acceptable to not have a second drone on standby uh Cory appreciate you so I haven't even read the rest of this message I saw the tripod maybe get excited beon hm Mahomes Debo Devonte Smith concade what are you drafting in a Mickey Mouse Grandma League Coleman uh cuffed H Chan thoughts smash 8.8 which is the highest score I've given period this year so far 8.8 you get a 8.8 pal smash you've just been Smitty okay um where where are we at we got uh we got $20 hauler from Hernandez who says 12 Man full PPR Allan kirron Walker Garrett Wilson Terry pitch Coleman Ford see no offense Hernandez but you see the team I just saw from Cory and and GR granted Cory's in a I assume a 10-man league in Cory's but you see bejan hm Mahomes Debo Devonte Smith King Kade and then you come over here and it's like this is unfair you know to go on stage after Corey just annihilates 10 nine other grandmas and then I got to I got to you know vote on this team which is still very good it just looks lesser because of this damn team over here I I like it um I I think what I'm trying to do is is and as much as I love Walker I'm not saying I don't I I don't I don't I keep him if I need to you got shanet I guess I am looking at like the Jordan love situation the Josh Allen situation i' would be tempted to explore trading one of the QBs and I'm not even saying I would be against trading away Allen to beef up the RB wide receiver situation but could love and mclen get it done could love and Walker get it done is there anybody that needs a 12-man league it's not a 10-man maybe somebody does need a QB and love is a great quarterback and maybe you wait and let love have a great you know week one week two I I wouldn't pull the trigger too quickly pits is I downgrade pits in order to make room for an upgrade somewhere but I like your team Ford Kyle pittz Jordan love my guess is you're going to have to let this team play it out a little bit there's not a lot of maneuverability yet to make much much of a of an impact in a trade cuz you're just going to sell low they're going to go up in value and you're going to say damn I should have waited a week I got a lot more and and you know check it out see who needs Jordan love and then if they want Josh Allen and they want to overpay make sure they overpay make sure you're getting something extremely significant something you would have probably drafted ahead of Josh Allen maybe anyway had you not taken Allen example Peko example even Jacobs maybe um but I don't know I I I I guess I would say hold off on that try and trade Jordan love first I don't my first choice is not to trade uh Josh Nita tight end got Stroud Hall hn cup Dell rice Kirk I love the idea of trading Kirk benches Warren Zeke um Henry waivers Henry uton or Musgrave I'm going to go Musgrave we haven't heard a lot about Musgrave but I think that's scaring people off and it shouldn't mus grave is a very very big sleeper candidate of mine and just because he hasn't been in the news or been flashy doesn't mean he's going to do nothing I like mus grave a lot uh Rashad white or Jacobs in a trade I would take Jacobs over Rashad white pretty easy easily and maybe people disagree with me that's fine I don't uh I don't I don't necessarily think anybody's wrong uh $10 holler by the way I don't think anybody's Wrong by by thinking that I think there's there's definitely you know opportunity for both these guys to be very very solid let me see who that was uh yeah that was you okay so Jacobs uh Jacobs for me appreciate you uh dead dead dogs with a $10 holler drafting now quick question gon to call in from Seattle I need I need you for two minutes uh dead dogs you can dial in if you want real quickly uh just dead dogs uh Brooke you're still on the phone I'm sorry Brooke what can I Brooke do you have a quick question yeah remember he told me to cook up something I got something cooked up take 10 seconds so what do you got um pretty much rley and uh hold on Robert go go ahead uh Brooke what you what do you got I'm sorry Ridley and worthy uh for um as just trade Ridley and worthy straight up for Isaiah P Ridley and worthy straight up for Isaiah Pacho bro I don't like that I love it out a boy Brooke you did it you did it you did it Brooke you did it you did it pal did it man uh P's a smash yeah bro that's what that's what you needed you see a little tough love uh to to make the right move you did the right move you made the right move and now you've got a a potential second round player that's how much value poo has right now you know do I want you drafting PCO in the second round no but do I want you trading low and then getting maybe second round value love it bro absolutely love it um all right Brooke call back when you got another home run Smash read off your team real read off your lineup Brooke read off your lineup real quick I want to see if I'm going to get excited all right we'll do all right uh so we have Mahomes at quarterback bio wide receiver one tank Dell wide receiver two bjn a chainal rley Spears did did you read PCO did you read poo yet no that's who I was trying to trade for so essentially the hookup was thinking for Calvin for right but you you you reading your team off and you're not reading peo oh right right right right right all right Let's do let's run this back let's run this back re read the starters off one more time momes okay okay Mom Deo tank Dell d a chain schul and P Bro you just turned a 7.8 into an 8.5 as a smash Team bro a that's awesome you're you're on your way all right Brooke later appreciate you that's a great that's a great team that's a great team he did a great job on that one uh 83 or 832 caller what's your name and where you calling from this is Robert Seattle Robert from Seattle okay what can I do for for you Robert from Seattle no no no this isn't Robert from SE I said hold on do you do you guys have the same area code uh there's a caller I just I just read the name off of the caller it's 832 caller not Robert from Seattle okay what's your name bro uh Simo from Houston so you're not not even the same SEO cimo yes me I'm the CMO 614 CMO CMO c m o from Houston okay now real quickly I'm not trying to call you out uh uh Robert from Seattle but when I said area code whatever I read from Houston and you said yeah that's me Robert from Seattle what were we doing I I'm sorry you I'm I'm dead dog I super chatted you and you told me to hold on you're dead dogs okay then you you get a pass dead dog stock is rising St on the RO what am I doing what am I say uh dead dogs don't I apologize uh but Robert from Seattle you're dead dogs okay right yeah let me put that in the system let's let's go dead dogs from Seattle all right let's put some respect on dead dogs's name damn it all right hang tight dead dogs if that's okay with you if you mute all right hold on C CMO go ahead you're live hey what's going on SM me real quick bro I know you got a lot lot of callers yeah we're you gave me uh you gave me uh some advice the other day with my team sounds like it sounds like your your tone your Tone's a little like Smitty you gave me some bum advice the other night on my team that's what the tone I'm I'm reading here okay go go ahead go ahead I like the way this going go ahead uh just to bring you reminder let me tell you my team my team right Qui run it out real quick kyin Murray DJ Robinson Kenneth Walker Devonte Adams Drake London Ben Sate n Harris and Keon Co all right all right now you told me to uh get rid of Devonte Adam oh by the way I got Devonte Adams in round by the way okay that's good there there's no there's no reason to knee-jerk react and sell him for on the dollar when you got him in a good deal but I definitely still trade him okay yeah but the bad thing is everybody in my league that dropped when he dropped like to the fifth round it's like nobody wanton so I tried to get aain Cooper cup and I think he told me to get uh oh gosh oh gosh dang dang dang um I can't remember who else you told me to get uh but I was trying to get 18 and the question is you think I should get try to get Deo for uh Devonte Adam yes I would get Debo and a millisecond for Devonte Adams NJ Harris NJ Harris and Devonte for Deo I mean I I don't know if you're putting in too much at that point because na is a starting running back as of this moment I think that's a whole different conversation I think this requires maybe something coming back to you uh would I do this particular trade for St Brown for London for mhj I would I would do this for but Debo's a slight down tick from those guys and he's him and Adams have close ADP anyway you're just giving away a free Nai because we don't like Adams I know you're saying Adams went in the fifth round in your draft but he's not going in the fifth round in the regular world so your league is either unaware of Adams's perceived value or they're all sharks and they know Adams is a concern I don't know and or it's a dynasty League or it's a fourman league no it's not D it's a it's a 14 Man league 14 Man league Debo go or Adams goes around five yes I don't think so third bro I don't think so bro I I'm not I'm not I'm not calling cap necessarily but I'm kind of trying to find my locate my cap button I can't find it so I can't I can't press it fifth round in a 14-man league redraft Adams in the fifth round I don't know bro I don't know if I buy that that is that is one of the Wilder things I heard I know that's why I'm scratching my head about it so my question is you think I should hold on to him to to get to the season and try to get value for well hold on to him if we're talking about throwing them away but am I trying to upgrade them the problem is your league and again I'm I'm calling a little cap on this I'm GNA I'm not saying you're lying to me I'm saying maybe you're going to go oh you know what I'm sorry I was looking at the third round like and you just didn't you know remember I'm not saying you're a liar I'm just saying I'm calling cap this does not make sense CU because Adams is going in like round two three in a 12 man like the fifth round in a 14 Team league I just don't understand that doesn't make sense bro it doesn't compute for me and it's great value but do I want Debo yeah straight up because look Debo Debo and him should have very similar value I'm I'm wanting you to get crafty would I trade this right here for an hn would I trade this right here for a Kiren would I trade this right here for Barkley yes St Brown yes London yes mhj yes Debo straight up for Adams yes uh tank Dell and and you know you you command maybe more but you just said tank Dell went round three and Adams went round five so how you gonna do that I don't know yeah it sounds odd to me 14 but I think you told me gave me advice too about uh you said ad Sil Silver's got you might have left you might have left out something very vital this is probably a super Flex League n no it's not super then I'm I'm I'm I'm baffled I'm baffled I'm either being lied to right now or I'm baffled there's no way Adams can you look at the draft board and confirm that Adams went in the fifth round cuz I have a feeling you're going to go never mind it was 4.1 you a screen can I send you a screenshot of the dra no I trust you just look at it just look at it with your eyeballs confirm that that Adams win a round five in a 14-man redraft nons super Flex I just don't believe it I don't need see it he says redraft that that that might be where you're mistaken again you sure it's not Dynasty or keeper because you said it was redraft redraft bro fifth fifth round I don't think I think you don't know that it's a dynasty I think you don't know that it's a dynasty can you text one of your buddies right now and is this a dynasty League there's just no way this is like saying the sun's not coming up tomorrow but it will come up the next day this doesn't like I've been around I've I've done this too long okay any anyway I got to go make sure you you you you don't sell him low use him to try and I I don't know this is wild I know I me how do you get rid of a guy that went round five that should have went round two in a in a 14 gamer I don't know all right bro appreciate you all appreciate it call back if you got a couple a couple trades and and we'll try and we'll try and figure it out like but try Debo straight up try Barkley straight up you're not going to get it though cuz he went the fifth round I just don't know I don't buy it you're not going to be able to get rid of him if you win in the fifth round and people pass on him for almost four four straight rounds and some you no one wants them I can't get rid of make a trade with anybody then you're going to have to ride the till the wheels fall off you're going to have to have a big game you're going to have to walk in a week one this is wild all right hey call back call back if you got another one appreciate you CMO CMO to the moon now let's go over to dead dogs dead dogs you're live pal tell me something what's happening okay it's a 12 man League 12 Team league 18 rounds and I'm just real fast going to tell you my team I got Barkley Devon Chan Nico Collins Josh Allen George Pickins jsn Keon Coleman hup Dalton Schultz okay I got to be honest with you I'm not retaining all this because this we're we're how many hours into this live stream we're almost we're two hours in so hit me with your question hit me with your question okay here we go I need another receiver and I kind of Josh down I'm getting we're like in the 13th round right now pass the 13th round Josh DS go ahead 13th round 18th round unless Beckham looking at Odell Beckham W Del Robinson DS Tyler Boyd what about Yoshi BOS you don't know how to find him to you ey right Yoshi yeah hold on spin it's it's with an i capital I yeah he's gone really um what about Johan doson for some reason he falls in certain drafts like in a crazy way [Music] all right this we gota we got to speed it up name name the you need a wide receiver name the name the 10 most available wide receivers go yeah dodson's here Dodson take Johan doson is pretty damn good here we're talking about Josh I mean I'm saying I don't like Downs you know or whatever but dodson's your main Burton but doson might be my pick I think dodson's pretty damn good thank you all right later bro appreciate you I appreciate all right that was uh dead dead dogs my boy Alex from Pennsylvania then Hector I'm gonna then I'm gonna clear the phone lines Alex go ahead you're live and then I gotta play rockout message all right 10 man PPR nonb ball all right uh I got Gibbs and same brown what do you think about that uh I like it I like it Gibbs and St Brown is is is fantastic um they're both they're both kind of first round picks you know so I all right I got Marvin Harrison in the third round bro that's great bro pick pick seven in the third round I couldn't freaking believe it I got thing for you before we get excited about it who's your fourth and fifth round pick so because I I'm either gonna be all right this was this was part because I actually got it written down right now because I really wanted to ask you this right in the fourth round I passed up on Debo I got momes right okay and round was cough yeah not the reason I ask you cuz I'm like you're playing with like corpses bro like come on I'm proud of you but I'm also like you know this is like when when uh your little kid doesn't play well in the band and you still clapping Cherry you're excited you're just there this is you absolutely going out there with a a field full of uh elementary kids and playing tackle football with them like I'm proud of you you did good you smashed it you're going to win your league but like I mean this is like me and Miss's work League like I I'm proud of myself but only so much cuz I absolutely lamb based him I did the same thing in miss mitt's work League bejan Kiren hold on let me brag too bejan Kiren hen and Herz and and you know so like I can only be so proud of myself but but I am proud of you to a degree this is a very very good team what's your question embarrassment of riches where you don't need any help on the phone line but that's okay I'll help you anyway well can I help help you with as you smash your entire league into a million pieces okay so I got Coleman and I Got King Kade but I got momes should I try and uh trade momes for Josh Allen because the other guy has Josh Allen but he has PCO but I have King Kate and Coleman so should I try and get Josh Allen from momes let me ask you a question is is it best ball no no it's not do you get do you get extra points if if it's a stack touchdown no yeah so you're you're just imagining that it's a much better viewing experience maybe I don't know like why why am I I I don't necessarily need to make this move I think Mahomes is going to throw 40 to 45 touchdowns Mahomes is my number one I agree with you that's why I got them up and I was like I love it don't let King Kade make you make trades and try and stack when you don't stacking doesn't do anything really in best ball so no I'm not unless somebody was to say hey I'll give it to you straight up and you're like H I guess you know I draft I draft Allen ahead of Mahomes so I'll do it but like am I making am I sacrificing when I think Mahomes might be the number one overall score this year anyway so no I'm can I go over my rb2 and my bench real quick and I'll go because I know you got to go uh bro you got 15 seconds and I'm hitting the it's fine it's fine it's fine go 15 14 go okay okay so I got Warren Chase Brown Benson Blake corn Christian Kirk and moer nice nice so most thir sloted in as my rv2 you actually answered my question in super chat but I wanted to call in and really get a little more input from you yeah questions I ask you no no problem and give me a rating bro give me a rating uh I I mean I I I can't give you a 10 or a nine because you're playing like I said you're on a field with with a bunch of popcorner kids playing tackle football and you're a grown man um but I would say like you're winning the you're winning the league you know like 8.5 but only because you're only because you're you're like you're playing with enhancements you're you got you know you test positive for for uh enhancements in this league if you were getting tested but yes absolutely SM I'm sad I didn't get Jacobs now though with Dyan be out you'll figure it out someone in your league someone in your league will cut him probably so you'll be fine all right hey appreciate you calling and thank you for your Super Chat I'm not trying to rush you off um but uh Brown Chase Brown later all right that was uh I believe that was Alex right Alex appreciate your Super Chat my guy and Hector you're the final super chatter or sorry final phone call person hit me with it real quick what do you got uh so I just wanted to see what you would do any upgrades you'd make um with these certain pieces Jefferson London Pacho Mixon uke javant Williams Pard Keon Coleman I like how I like how you did that you're like okay Smitty doesn't want me to read off my team so I'm going to say pieces I'd like to know what you do with a couple of these pieces and then you just read off your team it was a nice try it was a nice try I'll give it to you I tried it JJ London Peko Garrett Wilson who else uh no Garrett Wilson Mixon oh it was uh javante Williams Oh Williams javante WIS uh I'm sorry JJ London Pacho javante Mixon MH who else Tony par okay javante Williams auk quarterback quarterback is TJ strad and am I missing anybody is this all all the team Paul dauk strad Mixon javante peo London JJ got that I mean that's starter okay starter um and is it a 12 man 14 this is 12 man uh half PPR uh look this is kind of how I evaluate things like do you have a first rounder yes you do and it's a strong one so I'm going to circle it do you have a second rounder yes you do London and that's a very fair one very fair so I'm going to leave that un Circle but you got it Pacho is a outstanding third drafted player one could argue flip London and peo in some sort format so I like that I got well I got the second round yeah okay so then it then it comes down to like your fourth rounder who is it is was it Mixon was it auk like I don't really know and that's where a little bit of ambigu ambiguity comes in I think you one could argue that auk is a fantastic fourth rounder but I just don't know what to think of him right now like I don't draft him at all because I just don't I don't trust that he'll stay healthy I don't know what's going on and I don't want any of that so Stroud's a fantastic home run fifth rounder Mixon is like kind of like a 56 and I I just don't draft him I'm trading iuk and Mixon for one bigger stronger better player potentially or auk and javante for one better player uh that's just the way I roll okay I I think your team's good but I think it's the best team I could probably say it's not the best team in the league I can confidently say that but is it capable with one move or one waiver like even if you stood your ground and picked up the next big breakout week two waiver wire pickup then you're in the mix to win it all but I would definitely sell mix and I want nothing to do with him yeah okay and that's in terms of just age and just injury or yeah I mean he he showed physical drop off he's he's at the the dreaded age of 28 um I don't think that he his explosiveness in his metrics were really really bad it was Unreal how he finishes rb4 because his his even his stats don't look like it and he he was given I think I think he was given like 40 uh goal line or Red Zone I I think in between red it was in between like I don't think it was inside the five but I'll have to find the metrics on it but it was like 10 car's inside the 10 I think he was given like 39 or 40 of them and he had such a piss poor conversion on him he he just got volume he got there by pure volume and I don't know that he's going to get the same kind of volume in Houston and I don't know I'm just not a big mixing guy at all I would sell them personally I get rid of them before the value tanks and falls off and iuk scares me so I'm trading those pieces I love PCO London JJ though I love stoud I keep those make another trade all right gotta go bro Hector appreciate you um all right let me hit these super chats and appreciate everybody that dialed into the phone line and this one's from this one's from Jonathan appreciate you Jonathan I oh I got to get these out of the way $9 $10 hauler here from uh uh Christian appreciate you 12 man tight end premium Jaden Daniels bejon Josh Jacobs London tank Del McBride Rashid rice love the team like it Chase Brown good good trade value potentially love that Jacobs has got a big uptick for you bro value Jacobs and bejan's fantastic London tank Del I like this ri rice do I think you're the best team in the league probably not but I think it's capable of it I think you need a couple things to happen you need London to ball out you need tank Dell to be the guy we think he is Jacobs to have the season he's gonna have and jd5 to have the season he's gonna have all these things are possible and so do I think you need to make a trade not necessarily and is there anybody i' even trade at this point not really you're waiting on Chase Brown and Jaylen Warren to gain value for you so that you have trade bait and I don't think if you trade it them now it would be a good idea because they don't have enough value yet earned and racked up $5 hauler thank you pal appreciate your $10 Moon shot of a Super Chat my Main Moon my main m all right here we go um $5 hauler from OTP says what's the earliest you would draft Coleman and Corum Coleman I draft in round seven in a non best ball I think people that draft him in round six are carrying over best ball or receivers go so high don't take them you can often get Coleman in the 10 11 round range so my advice to you would be use the suggested rank to understand where he's being ranked on Yahoo he's a double digit round player he's going in double digit rounds on Yahoo I took him in my last round I took Keon Coleman in a 10-man league in the last round as my last player I barely could fit him on my roster that's how bad the Yahoo ADP is or how good the Yahoo ADP is so 15 round territory but what the highest I would take him in a shark environment would be like I would say I'd even say eight really seven or eight probably eight but in best ball he goes in six or seven so it it's totally two different worlds uh korm probably korm I can't even give you an estimation on korm you got to look at the suggested Rank and count the number of draft selections that are coming up and will he fall you know he's eight players total down and you're 11 spots away that's running the risk of him getting sniped from you and then you're going to be like someone took him no someone didn't take him you punted going corm early enough so you got to be careful um rate my lineup this one's from Nepal Lamar Jaden Daniels CMAC Anan love the team I assume this is a superflex if it's not it's still great but if it's a superflex it's even better uh CMAC hhan and and Lamar you've got uh Ave cup mclen BT love it nothing to even do here but wait and let some players gain value sometimes there's just nothing that stands out as a player I want to get rid of at all heeso appreciate you Mahomes lamb Smith Higgins Dell worthy Coleman dos Kiren like the team should I drop someone and pick up Mason I would probably if you could fit it I'm looking I don't see anybody here you can drop I mean your worst player is probably dos and he might be the number one for his team I don't think you can make the move I don't think is if this is your actual bench no there's nothing you could do unless you dropped your backup tight end which I believe got her to your start no Ingram you could drop Godard and pick up Mason I don't know it's the wisest move on either their side like it's really kind of shaky to to leave Mason out there shaky to leave Goddard out there I I'd be okay with it though since you got Ingram if you wanted to get a little ballsy so yeah that's okay Goddard I guess but I like Goddard Anthony Richardson mhj Evans uh Michael Pitman Jr CMC likely and Monty very good team um I I I guess I guess I would say like trade-wise I I'm trying to toy around with getting rid of Evans and Monty for one big stud and then hit the waiver wire uh hit the bench I mean you got to have a good bench player you could throw in I'm not saying you have to grab a waiver wire guy but Monty and Evans for a top 12 overall player I think you could pull it off and don't go lower than that you you shouldn't and if you don't get it just wait let Monty score two touchdowns in week one which is possible and that's not even a knock on gibbs's value Jay $10 holler from Jay I appreciate you J my main mang J coming in strong with a 10 wad rank this team Herz Kiren Gibbs Debo delw worthy Brown Ferguson bench corm love it adun you're flying high I love your receivers Debo Dell Worthy's crafty Hollywood Browns is Crafty nothing to even do here but sit back and and get a 8.0 minimum score for me I love it uh Jonathan appreciate you Dynasty superflex currently have CJ stad Dak uh Bryce uh okay and then you got Bree Hall Kiren Korum love it brillin Allen love it JJ puka auk Hollywood J McBride love it moves to make would be getting out of the iuk game potentially you could throw J into your wide receiver three if it meant upgrading something but your running back one and two are fantastic so maybe you're trying to upgrade a QB using iuk maybe you're trying to upgrade a QB uh or a let's see here wi receiv no I yeah the most I'm doing is using iuk or J or Hollywood uh to upgrade your quarterback if possible if not I'm just going to wait I think auk's got such damage value right now that you're better off maybe waiting anyway but if you can use iuk to upgrade your QB otherwise I'm sitting standing down and I don't want to change anything in your lineup I like all those players tripod deployed I think I read this one off already from Corey Cory love the team fantastic uh I'm back and the grind this season thank Smitty I don't know if I read that part but yeah really good squad bro this is a fantastic team tripod it out Debo Devonte Smith King Cade absolute 8.5 probably team love the team bro love it Cameron $2 holler uh trade Dell for Kyler I have jd5 if it's a 1 QB I'm going to say no I'm going to say take jd5 and Dell and ride that wave if it's a superflex of course but I don't think you need to make that move I like Kyler but is Kyler really better than jd5 week one has even kicked off yet and jd5 looks phenomenal like I'm I'm going to ride that Dell train unless Dell's on your bench or something and if he is then I'm trying to upgrade a little bit more I'm trying to get myself into an I think want say ar5 might be better than Kyler could be better than ar5 um stoud maybe that might be it um speak y pece dropping a $2 should I trade Chimera for Jacobs I would take Jacobs in a millisecond over Alvin Chima I like chimra but I'm taking Jacobs Jacobs is a potential top 10 running back maybe top six to 10 this is a moonman extraordinaire the moonman dropping loads in outer space I'm sorry Mars he's on a shuttle to Mars Mars Men Mars Men extraordinaire Jacobs to the mother flipping moon and the news that we got today uh did I did I answer oat Smasher Super Chat 10 man keeper PPR with the third round McBride uh pick my threee Keepers London oh oh Smasher did I miss this I'm so sorry if I did threee keeper London with the fifth Dell and rice with a 16th I'm going to take Dell uh I'm GNA take a man I'm G to take Dell or rice one of the two o Smasher if you're out there I apologize if I actually you know what I think you just dropped this okay I think I'm okay I I thought that this was sitting on screen for a long time I don't think it was I'm probably thinking guys do we like Dell or rice in round 16 I like London and five but you're talking about a significant cost difference what are we what are we doing here Dell in 16 or rice in 16 rice might be climbing above Dell right now value-wise keep in mind that Rice was a second round to third round pick before the off the field stuff and it might not be much different I I I think so oat Smasher appreciate you dropping that wad let's see what the chat thinks and and we'll go from there Cameron says I I missed his other Super Chat let's see Cameron let me pull it up Cameron Cameron says drop Quorum for BT okay I answered that one Trey Dell for for Kyler I answered that one and then Cameron's other Super Chat I don't think I got to it yet Cameron I don't think I something that I missed it trying to trade to get conc I have Debo DK Dell rice McClaren BT Spears um yeah good squad so to get conc I I guess you know if they don't have a tight end you're using Godard so Godard and maybe mclen Godard and maybe BT Goddard and BR Rob I like the trading a br more than anything bro CU he's got a lot of value right now would I trade BR and uh like let's say he had no interest in Gard would I trade B and mclen for King Kade with your depth maybe it sounds a little bit crazy I know some might say what in the hell did he just say but I mean maybe the depth is through the roof on that team Broski that is crazy uh Kenny with a $2 hauler says Smitty cut one JT Kiren Wadd Collins and puka I'm going to say uh boy you're not cutting Kiren you're not cutting puka and you're probably I I mean May cutting one if you keep like you're keeping I I guess I cut Wadd over niik I keep ni maybe over Wadd it's such a close call but that that's where the Dilemma is all right appreciate you with a $1 hauler Moon shot whoops to the Moon thank you appreciate you revenge tour anyway right let's see here let me get the phone number off screen a few of your calling a the phone phone lines are open right now 10 man two Flex PPR Joe burrow Bree and moster um I I like that a puko la rice I like it auk b brde bench brillin Allen I mean neighbors and Brooks together for one better player uh moster to the hhan owner wonder what you could do or could you go get hhan using maybe neighbors and Warren Brooks and Neighbors uh aukin maybe I mean aukin aukin Brooks or auk and Warren neighbors and Warren like th those those should land you a RB uh Bree Hall to the Moon that's damn straight that should land you in RB we're talking like Kiren aan you've got um you've already got uh you already got Brie so Kiron hhan Barkley etn czecho Jacobs are all in the cards now some of those you're going to give up more than others but those are all like you can attain those with neighbors and Warren and and those are some good those are some good trade pieces in Brooks there's no way you can't try and maneuver something and worst case scenario like would I trade aive for a running back straight up and Ave sometimes goes higher yeah I'd rather get rid of auk because he feels like an injury risk Ian with a super chat there pal appreciate you dropping that Super Chat wad on screen my guy um let me get uh Caleb's here Caleb appreciate you superf fish let me put yours over here Stephen let me put your super chat over here I think I wasn't answering I was answering some of them earlier than others I apologize I'm trying to keep them in order but I'm getting confused on screen it's my fault take a lap Smitty Jonathan I got yours as well I think I got all of them on screen at least for right now so I've cleared off my super Super Chat docket and I need to just get through these okay let me go to super fishes $10 holler for your marker fund Smitty it's going to pick up here yeah my markers are going out so I appreciate that I got to order it tonight you that's very very appreciated I I need to remember to order the markers tonight I don't know how I'm going to remember but I got to do it um let me uh Ziggy remind me to order markers tonight what time tonight should I remind you m 9:00 p.m. okay I'll create a reminder at 9:00 p.m. thank you uh Jonathan with the $5 hauler hey Smitty Dynasty superflex currently have CJ Dak Bryce uh oh I answered this one already yeah it's good team moves to make um yeah I already answered this one I I think auk auk is the one I want to trade IL Phil $10 holler to the Moon appreciate IL Phil in the building IL Phil says a Kiron owner playing in an ESP and default setting home League full PPR will Kiren Kiren as my running back you get credit for return punt TD I don't know you'd have to look I have no idea you'd have to look at your own scoring I no clue you should be able to test it or look at it ESPN's weird I don't know the ESPN has a way to like hit the test button but on sleeper you can do a test and I think press like what what does the scoring look like uh but I I don't know that's the problem is someone saying like hey make content around this you should be everybody should be increasing their their value of kirn or people say you should be lowering your value of kirn we don't really know and I can't I can't tell you because standard scoring it could be standard scoring with a slight tweak I have no clue I don't know if ESPN includes I know they don't include yardage but like a touchdown by Kiren I don't know you have to look at your league you got to ask your commissioner um or or go into the settings and it'll show you under scoring I bet if you click on scoring it'll show you there's got to be a way league league setting scoring it'll it'll show you just keep scanning down and if you don't see it's probably not there Ian with a $10 holler Ian appreciate you with a 10 wad my guy Omar appreciate your your super chat I got it in the corner here Ian uh please rate my 10 Team 2qb league Mahomes jd5 BN Jacobs mhj tank Del King K Connor J Benson Chase Brown BT 8.4 I mean what else do you what else do you want here when can Kate over Devonte Wadd which I feel was a misstep I don't think it was a misstep you got so much depth you're now dominating in a 10 Team league you need advantages right you've got jd5 and a Mahomes at qpy that's a huge advantage and everybody's going to have stacked running backs and wide receivers you have one of the difference makers at a very vulnerable position and a position that not everybody can have a dominant player at so I think you did good I don't think you made a mistake in a 10-man league Stephen with a $5 holler Dynasty I've Gibbs Kiren would you trade Gibbs for Jonathan Taylor corm uh and worthy no I would not I would not I want Korum but I'm not making sacrifices to get rid of Gibbs to go to JT who's had trouble staying healthy for a little while now I don't like that at all not at all Smitty disapproved to the moon no no no uh Caleb with a $5 hauler full PPR Mahomes jd5 bjan kairen aan Debo Dell McBride zamir Keon Benson I feel like I read this one off already is absolutely amazing Debo Del no there's no like and maybe you're holding Benson you're waiting on Benson zamir white maybe you're trading him at some point with I don't know I I love Debo Dell hn Kiren bejon I don't want to trade any of those guys like yeah and even jd5 like you could upgrade jd5 using zamir or maybe worthy or something but like do we want to maybe we let this play out you've already got momes jd5 might be that guy and and I kind of want a piece of that in a as a 2qb and Omar and this will be the last Super Chat of the moment at least Anan and rice for Hall and aive no I flip Hall and Ave for beon and AJ Brown Smitty approved okay so let me read this again aan and rice for Hall and alive again I I mean I yeah and know I flipped Hall and a la for bejan and AJ Brown if you if you flipped at the end if you took a Chan and rice and turned it into bejon and AJ Brown that's phenomenal he did it out standing job Omar that's like playing 5D level chest with everybody that is an unbelievable job you've just been Smitty unbelievable okay open phone line oh actually you know hold on don't no open phone lines yet let me let me get with Miss Smitty real quick and see what she wants me to order for food uh what do you want sorry about all caps because I was typing in the the system here with all caps uh uh I'm I'm going to order we're going to call uh Cheesecake Factory uh all right tell me and I'll order we got a a gift card for the Cheesecake Factory so we're going to we're going to go ahead and use that do it live do it live Cheesecake Factory to the moon to the moon to the moon I I think I'm going to get uh actually let me have her order it or I can or you can I want the steak bites you chose okay uh phone lines are open dial in dial in call into the show call into the [Music] [Applause] show I'll tell you I I'm amped up I think we're having a great off season so far heading into week week one and the show is popping we got 524 people still in here 380 thumbs up we had the the uh Scott Hansen interview earlier if you missed this clip right here from NFL Red Zone and 17 weeks of commercial free fantasy football start nowes yeah buddy I've never seen your wide shot there my dude that's a yeah this is a poer with Rosel on it and and Bill parcel's behind me yeah this not my office but you gota you gotta hook up there yeah this is this is where go watch the full Scott Hansen interview is really really good and then after that as soon as he jumped off we John Ortiz actor uh in silver Lightning's playbook in the new TV series on Apple TV apple plus Apple TV plus it's called Bad Monkey he's in he's also he's in Fast and Furious he's in he came on the show right after um John Ortiz is a pal he's good dude and it's always a good conversation with John Ortiz really good actor and he just announced that he broke the news on our show that he's doing uh nobody part two nobody's with uh uh bendon Kirk or what what's his name from Better Call Saul uh Saul Goodman the actor that play salul Goodman he was in a a movie called nobody and it was where he was like he was like some like uh relocated like Hitman or something pretending to be just a normal husband and uh he had to come out of you know retirement but he's starring as one of the I guess one of the the main guys in that part two version so yeah Bob Odenkirk Odenkirk that's right Odin Kirk so uh anyway go watch that interview it's the Scott Hansen um thumbnail but that that was such a good interview with both those guys such a good show go check it out phone lines are open dial in dial in dial in Ben and Kirk yeah I was uh I I was thinking of the Green Bay Packer quarterback when I was Odin Kirk B and Kirk Odin Kirk um nobody yeah it was a good movie real good can you order I'm exhausted I have been sure what do you want this is going to be that whole back and forth what do just let me know we can call a Cheesecake Factory she doesn't need to do that we can handle that we got it we got it um if anybody missed the news section real real briefly just going over this stuff just quickly a AJ Dylan on IR that means that the rookie will eventually be the backup but he's also banged up so Jacob's to the mother freaking Moon uh glutenfree GD Diva cheesecake okay let's see let's call it up let's do it live uh Cheesecake Factory let's see here Cheesecake Factory oh rock out I'll do your I'll do your voicemail can you tell them they are live no JP yes uh I was wondering if I could order something to be picked up to go all right can I have a name please uh yes it'd be under Smitty sorry if you say that one more time Smitty SM SMI TTY y oh Smitty yeah you have a number um actually uh not at the moment sorry uh not at the moment no okay all right and then will you be picking up in the lobby or yes I'll come in the lobby the lobby would be great uh can I get a let's see a one glutenfree gadiva cheesecake you want sure and then I'll take uh I don't know what it's called but you have like the it's like steak but it's like steak bites or something it's like a meal you know what that's it was a what sorry it's got like it's like steak but it's like steak bites I forget the name of the meal sorry we have a couple we have a Steak Diane and then we also have um the skinny steak Medallia yeah the medallions that that's the one I'll take that what's that come with you want your meat uh medium medium sorry yeah what's what comes with that ites mushroomy tomato asparagus sounds great yeah that's good I anything else that's it okay I believe right now our way is around 25 minutes okay sounds perfect thank you appreciate it you're welcome we'll see you all right didn't want to give my my number on can you read off your home number yeah so so I can have uh uh Caleb calling me in the middle of the night all right so we got cheesecake ordered I'll tell Miss Smitty ordered leave in a few I still got some super Rock outs uh Instagram rap voice message I need to go do that let's see what rockout saying rockout hit us with it drop a beat pal here we go rockout season in full effect here we go hold on he will punch you in the Thro riding it it out like we doing like a rodeo that's is how we get it all ready for the game now this is how we play it on like we on the fantasy football show thank you rock out appreciate you 73 two caller what's your name and where you calling from hey Zach from Virginia Zach from Virginia what can I do for you you're live hey I just finished off my uh my redraft league and just wanted to get some inputs on your team so I got a double Flex all right so I'm starting four wide receivers I went so I got AJ Brown Marvin T Higgins and jsn are my four wide receivers I worri about four wide receivers okay do I start Drome Ford over jsn jsn over Drome Ford uh I think you're you're starting drone Ford in week one I think you're getting a whole lot of of you know work out of that guy in week one and JSM we're still kind of in a holding pattern I think it's all going to be good I'm not saying that there's in a world where he scores a touchdown and we're like damn it we could use him right away uh but I I do feel like Ford is guaranteed the touches bro you know he he's my two running backs are Monty and Kenneth Walker yeah um wow uh that that's what size league is this this is a 12 team PPR 12 team read your whole team off again because I feel like your running backs are thin so Trevor Kenneth Walker Trevor t law T law T law is my quarterback my two starting running back Kenneth Walker Montgomery then I got AJ Brown morvin Harrison okay hold on hold on Monty and and uh and I'm sorry who I got Kenneth Walker Monty Walker okay Higgins AJ [Music] Brown Harrison K Kade MJ canade okay cancade helps because I was like I'm wondering where some of the balance is okay so your first rounder was AJ Brown your second rounder was Marvin Harrison Jr and your third rounder was Walker yep I want Walker than T Higgins yeah so I'm not I'm not trying to say I don't I don't see upside in the team or anything but like it I feel like this is why I don't like going wide receiver wide receiver more more times than not because and I'm going to do a video on this tonight or tomorrow that if you don't get an RB and I'm not I'm I'm best player available but that often times will tell you to go RB because it is the best player available but I think if you don't get an RB and you get down to the to the Walkers and monties you end up taking players a little early or you're drafting position of need because your the running backs are flying off and you're getting nervous about it and I can't blame me for getting nervous about it but this is a pretty thin team I'd say AJ Brown and mha are very deserving of their first and second round picks but you know as much as I love Walker I do love Walker and he goes in the second to third round territory I I don't love it as my rb1 and Monty same thing I'm not super super pumped about it I think if you had like a A momes or a Herz or an ar5 it make it a little bit better but it definitely is there's some lacking here I don't know what to do though because unless you can trade ajb for like a Dyan etn or a uh you know P AJ Brown for Pacho and Dell or something which would be a phenomenal move I I don't know I don't know how to fix this instead of you just hitting the right waiver wire guy and and that's how you win the league but it definitely feels like it's lacking this Higgins and Walker are a little bit tough third and fourth drafted players for me considering but I like your I like your two wide receivers I do but mhj and a non best ball tends to fall to the two3 turn and I think it just feels like maybe we reached on mhj and then we had to reach a little bit on on Higgins and Walker's not necessarily A reach but he's just so much of a better fourth or fifth round pick and in nonb ball he doesn't really go there he goes 23 but he goes 23 because people are are are starving at running back and they're stealing Running Backs from the third and fourth round they're taking them at 23 instead of 3-4 and it's kind of the same inverse thing happening in best ball people are taking wide receivers too early and then they're dra they're drafting third round wide receivers at the end of two they're drafting fourth round wide receivers at the end of three and I feel like Walker and Monty are being drafted too early in this scenario I'm just giving you my blunt honest advice yeah I appreciate it big J do you have another draft coming up oh no no that was my last one I pretty strong bench I got chubba hey got jayen Warren if you want to if you want to get in another draft bro all you gotta do is join the patreon and on the on on the patreon we still have a few more spots for sure uh if you join tonight but it's $10 a month on the patreon you can cancel anytime if you don't like it but it's the best advice you're going to get because it's Live 365 it's our live it's basically our YouTube live stream chat 365 in 10 chat rooms constantly whenever you want and during games we're going to live inside the game day live chat room and just talk to each other or start benj ofice whatever but the the there's still a handful of spots left if anybody hits the link that I just dropped in the live chat right now um let me actually typee it out join my patreon if you hit this link sign up for the $10 a month cancel any time I will send you a link as long as you do it by tonight probably to get into the to the league it's no entry fee um but it'll be a the draft will be live on the show I believe the next weekend and it will be 22 uh people in each league best ball one QB one running back one wide receiver one tight end four bench spots 22 Man league that means quarterbacks are going to fly off the board and the winner of each of the six leagues will get a guaranteed spot in the dynasty League 2025 startup draft on the channel so just to give you something else to to think about if you want to join another league and that goes for everybody watching right now maybe I'll check it out brother all right uh as far as like moves let me just say real quickly the reverse engineer that this team it who was available at the mhj pick um running back wise running back wise it was Ed Ed just saquan saquan okay so let's put Barkley here Ed just became a member Ed I'll send you a link to the league anybody else that joins the patreon you can get into the league okay so Barkley and AJ Brown who is available in the third round pick can you just do you have it in front of you you don't have to do this I front of me right now I just I want to show you what I would have done okay so third round pick who was available at the third round pick list off like the top seven eight guys top 78 guys it was Chris Stefon digs James Cook Deo Samuel lto okay uh what about quarterbacks quarterbacks um Mahomes and Jaylen momes AJ Brown and Barkley I'm I'm already making this team an absolute like monster okay who who's available in the four fourth round pick uh the fourth round pick so I had the 42 I had the second round and um so Debo it was like a lav yeah well Ado went before me he went at 41 okay but I had James Cook Diggs Al DK Amari Cooper George Pickins cup Cooper cup uh no Cooper cup went the third round uh Jacobs uh he went in the third round as well okay DK DK okay and then uh your fifth round pick was who K Kade yep all right and Monty was later this team right here you can be honest with with me in the chat can tell me but would this team not have crushed that team this team is it's AJ Brown saquan Barkley Patrick Mahomes DK meaf King Kade Monty this is like a monster to me so that's just kind of like best player available to me is the only way I I think when people like get set on going wide receiver wide receiver or even running back running back as much as I'm a running back running back guy I'm a running back running back guy because its best player available but can can anybody in the live chat tell me that this isn't a really really good team right here this team could easily win the league without even looking at the other teams I'm not saying yours is bad but this was this is this is best player available yours was drafted based off position of need I think is just my my assessment so I went wide receiver over saquon and any of the running backs because every year I get burned by a running back injury and morvin Harrison has no target competition whatsoever welcome J yeah I know but but but answered that question though do you think that Barkley and I don't even know who was there when Monty was there I might even pick another player I like better but I mean this team looks great great bro I mean bar Barkley I know I know you got burned by running backs but isn't there a chance you're going to get burned by Monty and uh who was your other running back uh Walker like Walker could burn you just as easily as Barkley could burn you you know and and I don't know that I don't think there's any any less risk with the team you built versus this in terms of running backs burning you anyway uh but Neighbors at 311 but he went at 310 no look M Mahomes is the best pick in fantasy football and even if let's say you were to go Debo what quarterback was available at four was hert still there Mahomes Mahomes was still there but so Herz Herz was probably so you could have went Debo and Mahomes this is a this is a killer Team bro this team like this could win the league who was available when Monty was on the board no one great uh swis Lamar DJ stoud deir white James Conor okay so so Str like strad you should have taken strad there to be honest when you not not not that I do that with with Mahomes here but when you have t law on your team and strad was sitting there you went running back because you were in desperate need of a running back you went position of need not best player available Stout was a monster at that fifth round pick so I'm just I'm just trying to help you for the next draft because I believe you've got the instincts and we got we got another member who who just joined the patreon you guys are wanting to get in this league pretty badly we've got uh tm42 just joined uh Jay McKenzie just joined uh Jay dog just joined and Stefan just joined and Ed just joined you guys are all going to get into the league so expect a DM on the patreon and get to know the people in the patreon go into General introduce yourself you're going to absolutely love it I think you're thinking oh I'm going to cancel I'm just going to get in the league and cancel but my job is to make you say I can't cancel this patreon for 10 bucks a month cuz I get to live chat all day long with these great people I love it I love it you get to chat all day long with great people in the patreon uh I'm sorry go ahead bro what were you saying I don't value quarterbacks that high so I pick T law in the 10th round and I think T law is Bound for an MVP year uh he's got the best offense he's ever had he's got rushing upside that TJ shroud does not have so I I mainly focus on rushing quarterbacks and I think F all like the value he went 10th round versus Stout in the sixth like I'd take Monty over Stroud in the sixth round any day of the week e even so bro let's put Monty back in your sixth round pick my team still annihilates the team you drafted and I'm not saying it's a perfect like reverse reverse engineering is easy cuz you can like you know what you picked but but I still you read off names and I told you who I wanted you read off names I told you who I wanted I I think this team would absolutely lamb base your team and I'm just saying don't pass on don't pass just because there's value Laden QBs whatever momes could outscore everybody and carry your team week in and week out this is the team that I would build that's all I'm saying take it however you want it um I think the team that you built has some potential hit the waiver wire maybe you smash the hell out of the waiver wire and win the league but I think you do need that I don't think that team that you read off with the Higgins and Walker and Monty and T law and uh uh AJ Brown and who was Marvin Harrison Jr I don't think that team wins the league but I think if you can alter it slightly by way of waiver wire or some sort of trade later with ajb dividing ajb into Pacho and Dell and specifically if ajb has 150 yard at a touchdown in week one and Dell doesn't do anything and Pacho doesn't do anything or etn doesn't do anything and and Dell doesn't do anything or another wide receiver that comes to mind would be like DK or Debo or whatever you get two players for AJ Brown I think maybe you doing Buy Low and selling high can build this team back up but I know you like it that's all that matters who cares what I think that's my think my thinking there and I appreciate you bro call back I appreciate it yeah call back back later if you got another one all right uh let me see we got ant Philly come with a $5 hauler should I drop B Robinson Jr for golf um my QB is jd5 no no no no running backs have Barkley Kiren corm I mean you don't have a backup QB at all I I would be tempted to grab golf but not for B B Robinson I probably trade him before if you need to open up a spot like do a two for one B Robinson has some good trade value right now and he's a pretty good player I wouldn't drop him for golf I wouldn't and if Go's on waivers that means you'll be fine you know if you need a quarterback it sounds like the quarterback's are on the waiver wire Blake appreciate your $5 harlor 10 man ninth pick three Flex non super Flex qes Allen love okay non super Flex okay Allen love I love Allen running backs are Taylor Mixon zamir mostard uh get rid of Mixon the first chance I get I'd be very tempted to trade away zamir on the high if he has any sort of value after week one but you probably have to wait or maybe just to explore somebody that needs an RB might overpay but mix and I'm trading away I like mostard that means I want to go get aan because you got moster uh wide receivers Wilson Diggs Terry mclen I like Terry I like Reed um love King Kade I don't like Diggs maybe Diggs and Mixon for one better player and you could swing pretty high with that Diggs has got like third round value mixon's got four five round value I think you could probably send those two guys for a second round player and you're probably looking at a digs and and mixing getting you as high as Barkley as high as Anan as high as Kiren you know Kiren and Anan go sometimes at the top of three or bottom two and Diggs is a third rounder so you throw in dig you throw Diggs and Mixon together or zamir I mean even even all three I think you could Land one of those guys that could be in my mind a top five running back I appreciate you and then Blakes says one more one more question Blake says and Brooks on my IR Brooks is also movable so that that's definitely something that I would I would strongly consider especially knowing that information because now now you got Brooks waiting for you if you need to make that trade and throw zamir in or you do a Brooks trade as well $10 holler from Tua dropping the 10 wad get moon shot I'm going to go to I'm going to go to the font line in a second Josh and Ace is hang tight Tua uh 10man PPR full uh superflex full PPR Mahomes Tua good quarterbacks Kiren James Connor uh you've got Benson so I love that uh Garrett Wilson Dell Coleman Kelsey Fantastic Team you're waiting on Ford to gain a little value that's it maybe Fields gain some value fields and Ford together can go get you something I like the idea of trading Connor and Fields or Connor and Ford or Connor and maybe even I I don't know yeah I don't know if I want to touch any of the starters other than you know maybe using Connor to upgrade you know Connor so Connor in fields if that ends up happening trades for wide receivers I don't know that I'm making like if I'm trading Ford or fields for like a tank like tank Dell would be tank Dell would be great but you have them so like what other player mirrors tank Dell in terms of undervalued you know rice Rashid rice I'd love to get Rashid rice maybe using your RBS using Fields if Fields can gain some value but you're you're beholden to the values and valuation of fields and and Ford and potentially Connor and and you're just going to try and trade those guys and wait on them versus selling low and Lane keeper Choice Kiren or leaport Kiron in round Seven's better than leaport in round 13 to me because of how replaceable leaport is with another top three four or five tight end this year and yeah the value is good for leaport but I'm taking Kiren all day and $20 holler from ahed alert Super Chat alert a med appreciate you dropping the 20 wad draft was tough what do you think 12an League had the eighth pick ar5 Kiren Jacobs Garrett Wilson London concade Watson bench Benson Ford I like the team I don't think it's that bad bro uh ar5 Kiren Jacobs Garrett Wilson London King Kade I don't think it's a bad team at all I think it's a really good squad and and honestly there's not much to move you're just kind of waiting you're waiting letting Benson gain some value and you may not even want to trade him once he gains that value I'm not trading Garrett Wilson I love London I love Jacobs I love Kiren I love ar5 you got corm there's nothing to worry about sit back let this team go out there and earn its keep I think AED it's a great team I think you're being a little hard on yourself and there's not even anybody I want to trade like I I I would have picked it apart I would have said get rid of Adams get rid of whatever I like every player that you have so you're waiting on Benson if Benson climbs into the driver's seat at some point soon your team goes from a seven which it might be a 7.5 goes to 7.5 to an 8.5 if Benson's a top 12 top 10 running back uh and then David Final Super Chat Smitty half PPR 14 Team league uh Dak Wadd Deontay Johnson saquan JT con Kade Walker third and Chase Brown do Walker in the third okay um Walker in the third's tough I love Walker he's he's a moonman he's a guy I love we got another Francisco join the the the patreon I love this team if anybody joins the patreon tonight they're getting into the league so and we'll draft The League live on the show I'll send you a DM later this is a good this is a good team is it a great team I don't know sequan a JT is fantastic waddle Dak Walker it's all good King Kade I like it there's not much to trade though you know and you're not giving me the full bench which is fine but there's not much to trade and the only thing I'd even consider is like JT for like a PCO tank Dell type combo or etn and tank Dell or JT for uh hhan or Kiren and you're getting a tank Dell and maybe you're throwing back a bench player but this is it's still a very good team Deontay I'm selling High Dak Prescott I don't mind but I'd upgrade if I could I love saquan I love JT I love King uh Walker you could upgrade Walker Deontay and Walker for maybe a h or Kiren or Barkley those are those are moves I would make David I like the team a lot all right let me go over to uh Josh from Washington State and then over to Ace and then over to Alex Cruz Josh Alex it's good to hear from you I'll be there in a second Josh from Washington State Alex don't hang up go ahead Josh how you doing smey what's up hey I got a quick question for you so I play the league and the the scoring is a little skewed so in this league there's a it's a it's a four-o per quarterback you get 0. five points for every 10 yards thrown by a quarterback you get one point for every 10 yards for a wide receiver I I'm not going I'm not going to be able to I'm not going to be able to calculate this scoring you're just going to have to ask the question we'll make it let's let's make it really simple yeah ultimately the leag rewards running so running is like double or triple the point okay and so in in this league I drafted ar5 because of the running I got Gibbs and A1 at running back it's a three running back league and I really need a third running back who should I Target so you're on the clock or you mean in a trade no I'm not no no no it so it be a trade or free agency so either I go Target one of the one of the the rookie running backs in free agency or a work out a trade what rookie running backs are available in free agency grab him if I grab Benson I'm going to have to drop pink Dell or Coleman no why cuz that's all I have to draw you let me decide that name your entire team ar5 Gibbs hen name your entire team yes and then I have AJ Brown super cop worthy and then I have Dale and Coleman I have corm brayan Allen and Jaylen Wright okay so first of all I like Dell more than than worthy this is Dynasty though no okay I I like Dell more than worthy so if you were to cut somebody I'm not saying to but it would be of the wide receivers Coleman and and worthy but I'm not cutting them um okay you got hn you need right corm you don't have kirn but can you trade kirn to the can you trade corn to the kirn owner or can you just trade for kirn somehow can you use it's probably it's probably a threat I can try but in this league they're going to want a king's ransom for it we're we're probably talking AJ Brown in for and Who was the player what was the you were trying to pick up who um uh Benson out of Bon that's right Benson okay I don't know chat do you do you think he's I mean first of all you got Gibbs you got hen you got hm with Wright brilin Allen I love brilin Allen but like I'm not dropping brillin Allen's a backup running back right now he's a fantastic backup running back just like Benson though they're kind of in the same boat Worthy's a starter Dell's a starter Coleman's a starter km's a must cuff to Kiren but you don't have Kiren so like I'm potentially looking to open up a spot by doing a trade can you upgrade um worthy can you upgrade Coleman can you upgrade even ar5 slightly does he have like a Herz or something like that to use Korum and another player to do that but I mean Benson and and brillan Allen are probably your your your two your either or or worthy you're you're like debating I wouldn't drop Coleman I wouldn't drop Dell so you got to ask yourself and chat maybe chat can chat can vote please rank in order brayan Allen worthy and Benson in a redraft I think because Benson's not in the lineup yet bro he's a monitor you're just going to monitor him you're in a weird League it's very shallow benches my advice is to monitor I would say brillan Allen's more important because he gives you that touchdown production that's what I was thinking yeah that's what I was thinking monitor monitor what the chat says I'll watch the yeah I'll watch the chat I appreciate it SMY have a good night good to all right later thanks uh Ace you're live and steak medallions it's not it's not cheese steak it's steak medallions but okay go ahead Ace what could I do for you oh man I just want to get the full team from earlier I watched the replay and I've seen that you said uh I need to know the full roster uh I yeah I don't I I don't remember what we're talking about but go ahead real quickly as fast as you can so I got uh I got the uh 14 man5 PPR at the uh 14 pick I got momes uh I got momes uh P Monty T Higgins Rashid rice McBride hold on hold on Mont T Higgins T Higgins Rashid rice okay who's after Rashid rice okay MCB uh Josh Palmer Corin Sutton Curtis Samuel all right and then on the bench I got Bryce young uh Corum what's the question Davis oh just any moves any moves you think I should make 14 Mahomes love it Pacho love it Monty you know okay T Higgins okay rasheid rice love it especially you're not going to trade him low M McBride love it and I think he's undervalued so the only thing I'd even contemplate and it puts you in a bind but like I'm okay hitting the waiver wire personally andless the waiver wire is dry as hell but I mean it seems like small benches I got everything yeah but Monte and T Monte and T Higgins for a top 12 overall player bro it might be it might be doable I don't know okay I like would I rather have Kiren over Monty and T like I I rather have Kiren and somebody would I rather have hen over Monty and T yeah but I want hn and somebody I think you could get somebody but those are players I like better now you could say Monty's going to surprise everybody he's going to be a top 12 running back and if you think that then you know hang with this it's definitely a good team I just don't know like me the way that I'm looking at this is if I take Monty and T out and I got to remember to put them back in if I go a different direction but let's say I get Kiren in here okay so now Kiren instead of you got corm already so I got Kiren and then right here who is somebody that you could pick up off waivers or if there's another bench guy maybe you didn't mention that is worthy of putting into your lineup uh Senate uh Senate and Mike Wilson no this is is there like a Johan Dodson out there is there go on um eight man benches okay read your bench off corm Davis who else Ben Sate uh my bench is bran Corum Davis mcmiller Sutton Mike Wilson and C Mike Wilson okay so I I mean I guess you could you could put in like a Sutton or whatever but is this a better team I mean you could argue yes and no I I I think T Higgins and Monte are are very valuable so I guess it depends on who you could get back with Kiren I know this is a tough one this is a tough one all could you get Gibbs for Monte and T Higgins uh I tried to I tried to do that Gibb swap for Higgins and he's like no Higgins burn me last year I mean I like Kiren better see if you can get Kiren and something so the kir owner he say he's not trading until week three so I tried that too okay um then I I guess you roll in and you hope T has a big a big week one and you hope Monte has a big week one and we revisit with some players that had a bad week one but this is a really good team at the end of the day it's definitely going to be top six it's just you know a matter of can we can you hit the right waiver wire guy or make the right trade and it probably would just take one and it's five point for passing touchdown okay yeah Mahomes is going to crush it r Rice and momes are going to be fired for you all right bro yes sir appreciate youate you have a going later Alex Cruz so Alex Cruz is on the line I believe Alex Cruz silver Rapture might be in the building and has something to say about this but I believe Alex Cruz might be the only person that has been here longer than silver Rapture and I believe they're both inside my top 10 first followers on the YouTube channel first subscribers so Alex Cruz appreciate you being here and we'll just call you tide maybe right now what can I do for you pal good to hear from you hello you're on mute Alex Oh Al Stand Down order got out of school got out of school I forget what are you studying no the uh the Army the school and I commissioned and stuff you sound like you fell asleep in the middle of telling me that can you can it's late it's late so what can I help you with Alex no wonder we haven't heard from you you're sleeping been doing more than sleep a lot no no but I mean like when you have a moment you're you're sleeping that's all I don't blame you but what can I do for you Alex um I think that how how high would you graft am on Raw knowing like the schedule he plays in so many Dum games like uh how high would you would you draas it in round one i' take I'm on raw in the like six down so one one point 1.6 I mean I I would con consider it a 1.5 but I just think I I love a lot of the guys in the 1.5 I'm still probably drafting Chase over them by a hair I get the risk so but yeah Hall Bean CMC uh Tyreek Hill so you know I I definitely think like you get to the point where it's AJ Brown and JJ Alma raw makes a lot of sense okay okay so five or okay yeah I mean 1.6 probably but five is fine five is fine uh over JJ's fine over um Barkley JT but but I guess you know at 1.6 I mean the question is going to be what does your RB room look like in round two versus you know so like if I if you let's say you were taking amm on Raw over like am I am I contemplating going Gibbs or someone like that as high as six I I would honestly consider it if you're telling me the RBS drop off but given you have a 1.6 you're probably looking at still getting at least one of Anan Kiren or Barkley I imagine so Al on Raw at 1.6 and then the second round you're getting at least one of those would you agree or is your league going to consume running backs no I agree okay then I Then I then I I Smitty approved the wide receiver round one but I would say that like people that have this like later first round or later second round pick I I I don't know part of me just says you know go bejon go Hall go RB and then at least you're getting in a worst case scenario world you're getting like a Cooper cup or someone right there and I'd rather have bejon and Cooper cup then have Jamar Chase or St Brown higher up and then get screwed out of RB and I'm taking walk I love Walker I love Walker but I'm not taking him in two three maybe late three but I just every team someone shows me where it's got T Higgins and Walker in the third and fourth round spots it's not that I don't love those guys at the right value but I just think the teams look weak as hell I I can't have Walker as my second or third drafted player if I can't get him later I won't own him and if I can get him later in best ball I love him Walker Kenne Walker is kind of a best ball favorite and and I and I don't want to like live to regret saying that he's not a great third round pick because he absolutely could be I'm not saying Walker is not good I think every basball team where we get Walker and four five we're going to smash those leagues but it's hard for me to to buy him at 2 three I agree because like if the the receiving production isn't there how it wasn't there last year different situation but but I just think you want to buy him in a protected territory if Walker goes nuts we'll be celebrating it I won't feel like I missed it all because in best ball we smashed the hell out of Walker shares I just I like to protect myself a little bit in the second third round a little more but yeah St Brown in round one is not bad bro but you know JJ can I admit that in the league where I took St Brown in the in the moonman Mars Man league I I traded him I ended up getting be on in a trade I made a big trade but I I did like kind of get the sense when I was trying to make trades that if I had JJ I would have had more trade power than having Alan raw I don't know why it was but people liked Alan raw a lot they were very interested but I feel like if I did have JJ to throw around there was more value there in tradem Market I think but I don't know we'll see I love all okay that's good I I've been like they they took my phone for like four months and I haven't had any like internet they took your phone you're not allowed to have your pH no because it was like it was a school like and so like sounds like we so I just like tied up now finding out you sound like you sound like you've been in a in a cave dormant for for months all right hey Alex I got I got a roll I got to go pick up the food I appreciate you bro uh call in more often are you going to be able to watch the show more yes all right go watch the Scott Hansen interview and it's it's the last video before this I'll see you later bro get some sleep all right all right we're we're going to be out of here uh phone lines are closed I'm sorry I know a lot of you are trying to dial in but I I couldn't uh I couldn't answer because I I the phone Line's been ringing non stop uh MJ with a $20 hauler appreciate you with the 20 watt alert Super Chat [Music] alert 20 wad from MJ can you rate my squad Mahomes Gibbs Kiren Debo Dell rice great team only thing I'm even contemplating trading this is a maybe an 8.0 uh is Deonte and chuba hubard for like just some guy like a little bit better doesn't he have to it could be something where someone's like it seems like an even trade why you doing this like I would just trade I just want to get rid of Deontay get rid of hubard and and even if it's like I'm trying to think of a player even if it's like worthy or somebody that I just really want to own but this te especially because you have Mahomes this is a squad this is a squad uh Deonte and and chuba for rishy Rice you already have rice for worthy or for uh I don't know I don't know Benson just a home run hitter for later I I'd honestly contemplated I I get rid of I get rid of Deontay I don't think Deontay is going to hold value like everybody thinks but we'll see uh miles with a $5 holler I Dro Shakir who should I drop for Shakir Korum no Downs sure Yoshi Vos H Mims ah Baker mcaffrey I don't love Baker if you're feeling okay at quarterback but if you need a backup and he's your only guy you don't want to let cut him I guess but Shakir I like Shakir more than Downs probably I'd say Downs for now maybe we monitor Downs though he's definitely like a a good player um but I don't know we'll have to see bro uh business appreciate you with the $5 huler thoughts on my 10-man league Lamar Hill DK etn H andell Coleman Harris very good moster Trad in Harris if I can if I could get away with it Harris and uh Harris to upgrade Lamar slightly you're a big Lamar guy don't listen to me and roll with Lamar but I'm trying to get Mahomes Hertz and Josh Allen every chance I get when I can nii seems like a player that could maybe upgrade that uh going upgrade a DK using nii going for a St Brown going for Jamar Chase I'm doing that if I can't do that no problem and moster go to the Anan owner see if you can get hn for etn even I personally rather have Anan maybe you have to give up Nai Harris to get that done and I do that I do cuz you got moster I make sure I go find Jaylen Wright if he's on waivers he seem like pretty small benches so maybe you can take care of that love the team though and that's the only thing I'm really even contemplating I really like the rest of it and this this right here from racing boy $10 holler gets a moon shot racing boy appreciate you at Cheesecake Factory he probably like where is this guy uh QB Stroud py running backs bejon Walker Henry Benson shbs alive Higgins McClaren makoni concade very very solid team Bean Henry I mean look I I don't mind Walker in this scenario this is a great scenario to have Walker this is what I'm talking about I feel like this guy got Walker at a discount everybody else is taking Walker too high I don't know what's going on here this is a good squad uh Henry for kyin or Anan and you know giving up a mclen if I need to I love rolling with a a la Higgins and worthy if I need to to to make that happen Walker I like but would I trade him out for that for either running back as well yes love Benson keep Benson on the on the bench um I believe this is a one QB if it's two QBs then it does lessen the team a little bit but if it's one QB I absolutely love it just looking to maybe upgrade Henry or something just to a player I trust a little bit more that's all doesn't mean that it's a bad pick doesn't mean you sell Henry on the on the cheap or something like that I just don't trust Henry on the year when you can go potentially get a player I like a little better and I love Pacho too and you can maybe trade Henry for pcho and something or it's an even trade uh Prescott Kiren and uh and James Cook Chase Diggs and joku rice bench is Warren Coleman I like the squad uh would I try and upgrade Prescott using maybe a Diggs I I would look to do that Prescott and Diggs for one of the top three quarterbacks would I try and upgrade cook with Diggs to try get a top you know running back like Barkley or one of the running backs I keep listing off like aan or poo would I try and and honestly James Cook and digs will get you PCO and something just be careful you know when I say this you you know that you're you're getting you're getting an additional like player probably in many of these cases I I don't trade rice I don't trade Chase I don't trade Kiren and I don't trade yeah that those are the guys I don't trade Coleman I don't trade Coleman but I I'm willing to use Diggs or Diggs and Warren together to get one better player or Diggs alone to upgrade Prescott Diggs alone to upgrade Warren but Warren's a tough guy to trade because he's got the hamstring injury but he is expected to start week one so you might be a candidate to let week one play out ar5 plus McBride or Herz and Ingram give me Herz and Ingram over ar5 and McBride and wri versus Ben give me right for now but that could change right right it could change Benson in there if Benson was starting I'd pick Benson but right feels like he'll get a little bit more run uh appreciate you I'll see you all later potentially back tonight it's 8:20 on my time already I don't know we'll see if I come back tonight make sure you hit this link uh the link that's pinned in the live chat for the patreon league if you want to be in just hit the link join the patreon I promise you'll love it anyway and you probably won't want to cancel it but uh you could if you wanted to do join it for a month and try it out but we're live chatting in there it's the way to extend the live chat Community go watch the Scott Hansen video I'll see you all if not to tonight tomorrow hey Smitty it's your boy Scott Hansen from NFL Red Zone and 17 weeks of commercial free fantasy football start nowes Monday through Friday 800 p.m. Eastern which is what this show was also live with news breaks so if iuk gets traded or signs tonight or something like that I will be back appreciate you thank you Mod Squad thank you Travis thank you space Ricky thank you sicknasty thank you uh uh Blackbeard thank you all my mods I'll see you all later thank you to all my super Chatters you guys are absolutely amazing and thank you to everybody I work for you we've still got a 443 people in the building 422 thumbs up and if I miss a super chat or something on the way out just post Smitty you missed my question and I'll get to you sometimes you guys drop one when I'm leaving I'll see you all later appreciate you

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