Jakob Junis Continues Strong 2025 Audition in Cincinnati Reds Loss at Cardinals | CBox Reds | G148

all right Craig [Music] um here we are guess I should update the J Bar people get on me at this point it's hard to keep up with the score um let's see one for six to one and six for the other there you go hopefully everybody's satisfied now hope everybody's happy with that update yeah uh if you've watch this game you can't be too pleased at this point Craig I I don't know what we're supposed to do on these shows I really don't and I and I well I was well under I well understood the deal when when we signed up to do all of them you know that there was a chance that this would happen from time to time but for the life of me I I I I just want there to be a different storyline it can't be the same story every single day because then it just becomes impossible to do this show I need somebody to do something different at the plate just do something it's the same song and dance night in and night out and yeah I don't give a damn that they're losing six to1 I don't care I'm selfish enough to say I want a different story I just want something else to be the case I don't know let's score 10 runs and give up 12 we can complain about the pitchers I'll complain about anybody but it's the same song and dance that's all I got for today I mean that that for me that might be the show I'll do my best to speak about something else but uh maybe Nick will come in here and save the day but uh right now I just uh what what what's the last day of the Season September 28th or whatever it was I it can't come soon enough Trace getting worked up before the show even officially starts I love it not a not a listen I there's there's some bright spots Jacob junis obviously one of them yeah cars inspires on the other hand he's moving in the wrong direction um but reds don't have a whole lot of options right now un fortunately and I think uh like you said it's just one of those things where you got to kind of grin it and bear it for the rest of the season and hope that 2025 works out better because this has been a frustrating uh frustrating day for sure I mean and you add in the hurricane that I'm living through right now trace and it's just is that on top of you right now yeah right now just nonstop been pouring all day I'm trying to figure out if that's going to be be in is that going to be in Cincinnati by tomorrow is the question figure that out don't know good question the radar says it's just GNA sit right on top of me for the next like eight hours so that's going to be a ton of fun that's not good they're saying we can get like four to five inches of rain I'm gonna keep up with it why not did we score oh no he got a a runner on second yeah yeah I don't want to get your hopes up JC Romero just throwing one straight to the back stop man I like Ty France I know he got out there but I like Ty France see he's he actually looks like a major league player most of the time unlike the rest of we don't have a lot of those so he really stands out on this ball Club he does so sad I mean it's just uh two else and on second base show should be beginning relatively soon because Jake Fry's facing a left-handed picture telling the truth hey I'm gonna queue it up that's what we're here to do we're here to tell the story you know I'll queue it up should be no time at all I tell you what St Louis's crowd they gave it up they gave up too yeah that all right good high drive left Center Fe racing back to the world the Rams are National League Central Division champions in the air left center [Music] field wi win win the right field the firster with the game you believe it down the White Field line doesn't have a chance the have won a free run homeing Day by raon Hernandez strike away and outway is Homer Bailey round ball to third Frasier gloves throw to first and Homer Bailey for the second time in his major league career has toss the no oh [Applause] [Music] God history to H seven whole runs in the first 10 game in the air the win what a dream beginning to the career of [Music] Bruce all right it is another edition of Chatterbox Reds this one is a uh businessman special on the eve of uh what what essentially was a a night cap loss and they followed up today with another loss Craig I was obviously saying right before before the show started that it's just incredibly frustrating that we continue to try to do these shows certainly during a time in which season's over but more or less the narrative and the the the the storyline and and the the the topics or the talking points whatever term you want to come up with they don't change it's the same song and dance and at this point I gotta be honest I'm not usually at a loss for words but I am at a loss for words at this moment we'll do our best for the next however long it's going to take to do this show but I I I don't I don't want to say I don't know where to start but I really genuinely don't know exactly where to start with this whole thing well I think you start with inconsistencies and that's been the red story all season long you know they go and they win four straight games coming into this series you know and then uh dropped the last two and you know it just hasn't been good enough all season long and part of it certainly due to injuries and part of it certainly due to guys who just can't consistently put together Major League at bats and it just over and over the same thing and you know some Feelgood stories lose their luster by the end of the season Carson spers we'll talk about today certainly one of them and uh when you ask guys who aren't necessarily part of your plan to have to step in and be part of that plan it just uh bound to be set up for uh for disappointment and quite frankly I think that's the word for this red season is a disappointment 100% Sparky Anderson obviously said it best if you play a bench player long enough you'll realize you'll figure out why they were on the bench I think we've come up with the solution now at this point as to why we've why some guys are undrafted free agents why some guys have been picked up off waivers uh there's a reason for all of it and uh we are witnesses to it for the last whatever remaining days it is of the season for the Cincinnati Reds uh Nick fortunately was going to be able to go and watch the meaningful baseball tonight up in uh I guess it's Lake County I'd assume Lake County Captains it's got to be in Lake County but uh somewhere up near Cleveland in his neck of the woods so he'll be there I don't know if he's joining us or not but if he does join us it'll be maybe towards the end here as we kind of uh progress through the show but you know I I would just start here we'll do the BOS score recap if you have one if you don't uh we can run through a quick summary uh we obviously have uh DSC even though we don't have a deep Drive of the day but we'll shout them out as always uh Craig before we get going you got any uh got any notes hopefully you don't have a you don't have like a a masterpiece over there but uh I've got I've got a little box score recap ready to rock and roll uh as always the box score recap Trace presented by Nicholas Kirby and it is watch the rubber the rubber oh man for those of you listening on the podcast on Friday morning tra just put up a slide with the box score with zero on it so here we go the rubber match of the series in St Louis saw Jacob junis taking the mound for the Reds going up against Sunny gray and the Cardinals the Reds and the Cardinals both get through the order the first time without much action but Mason wi starts the second time through the order for the Cardinals with a home run to left field in the bottom of the third to give the Cardinals a one zero lead Sunny gray held the Reds hitless through the first five Innings before Jake fry LED off the sixth with a single through the right side after a walk to Santiago espanol Jonathan India drives in fry with a single through the left side to tie the game at one Carson spers came in for the sixth inning and gave up a bunch single to M to Mason win to start the inning burlson then singled and then after a gold Schmid strikeout Nolan arado walked to load the bases aars Newar sacrifice flag gave the Cardinals a 2-1 lead before spire's escaped the inning without further damage Thomas Sai LED off the seventh with his first career base hit it was followed by a two-run blast by Brendan Donovan and just like that the Cardinals LED four to one the Cardinals would add an insurance run in the eighth after a ground roll double from Lars nupar and an RBI single by sji spers would load the bases forcing David Bell to bring in Casey legino with two outs in the bottom of the eighth an Ellie De La Cruz error allowed the Cardinals to score again making it six to one and that's where it would stay the Reds dro the series to the Cardinals Jacob junis positive side goes five innings with only three hits in one earned run Carson spes on the other hand two and two3 seven hits three walks five runs four of which were earned the Reds only muster four hits on the day and fall to 72 and 76 the Deep Drive of the day well you're looking at it it was hit far it was hit long and there wasn't one hit at all uh DSC though they are a leader I I just want everybody to know they are a leader uh and and we appreciate them for supporting this show sometimes you know I I don't know what what to make of that in regards to you know you thought you were going to provide them with a good a good thing you know like Hey we're going to do a deep Drive of the day it's we're going to get people fired up going be playoff baseball and somebody hits a home run to to help them win the game we can bring it up and we can all reminisce about how great it was that's just not what it is right now so at some point I think that'll be the case but uh today's not that day so shout out to DSC they are a leader in renewable Commodities specializing and uh biofuels used cooking oil collection um aggregation and sales visit www.dc or www.de southc commodities.com for more information and shout out to DSC so thank you to John and his team little all over the place I was at an event earlier today as you can tell uh a little I got to I got to start thinking about like the sun you know I it's it's not my my I look like I look like I'm wearing a red hat and I'm not wearing a red hat so you can on the podcast figure out what that means but anyway we'll start with the pitches uh junis uh good good good good start I mean what else can you say about a guy that came over here uh the Montage deal I like I said before weer is going to be the guy that everybody's going to remember that deal for probably but maybe junis is a guy that kind of makes it no matter what happens with weer kind of worth it in in the end uh they have to eat up Innings and unfortunately spire's got the other end of that stick uh I will also say because I don't think that they're going to leave him in the game Craig in the situation that they did other than we just somebody's got to have to throw I mean there's you have to get out in baseball you can't let the time run out and unfortunately for spers you had brought this up I think that the the glass slipper I guess doesn't fit anymore a little bit that's kind of where we're at it feels like the Cinderella run is starting to Showcase itself to being over I don't know if you have any other thoughts on that but uh that's kind kind of where we're at with the Reds uh staff as a whole well let's start with the positive and the positive obviously Jacob junis uh you know again today goes five in only three hits gives up the one earned run I mean ever since he came over he's been really good for the Reds he came over uh obviously on July 30th in that trade for Frankie montos and it coming into today in 11 outings with the Reds he had a 3.24 erra over 25 Innings pitched in his last nine appearances 1.23 erra 22 Innings pitch 10 hits three runs only walked one during that time period as well so you know he's been really good and a really strong pickup and now that he's starting I feel like he's filling that role that many were kind of disappointed that we let Frankie montos go he's filled in really nicely and he's looked really good over the last two Starts Now um you know last time out against the Mets he goes five innings only gives up one hit uh he was perfect for through the first four of that um you know so now his last two t two starts uh 10 Innings pitched only four hits and the one run so I mean you're getting everything you can out of Jacob junis he's a guy who's quite frankly kind of in a little bit of a audition mode for what his future looks like and he's taking advantage of it even though the Reds as a whole not necessarily looking too good Jacob junis a definite uh shining star uh right now in terms of being able to pick up the workload and it's kind of interesting that you've got junas and you've got Nick Martinez two guys who you know were brought on this team to have flexibility and both of them are kind of shining in this starting uh rotation for them right now yeah I would say he's a star in the role that the reds are asking him to be in right now outside of uh outside of the usage of star I think that's where that's where my my verbiage is going to stop with all respect to Jacob junis uh shout out to the unique n the unique spelling of Jacob as well j a k o b um so shout out to his parents for for being very very creative there uh as far as uh as far as kind of where the Reds stand I think we all we can all agree that it's just more or less going through the motions for the most part at this point for the vast majority of these players there's only a handful of guys that I actually I I would like to see some some more from Brandon Williamson's one guy hunter green I hope I get to see him throw a couple more times just to kind of see how that looks after his little stint there with the with the elbow but for the most part everybody else um I I I'll give you one more guy as we move through this that uh before we jump into the spot is TJ fredel I I know that he gets a pass a lot right now but it's like I I kind of at some point and I know he got a hit there at the end it was a flare and and I'm thankfully he got the hit and that's all well and good but but he's going to have to play better and and I I'm not GNA I'm not going to sit here and overreact and hopefully say that I don't believe in him anymore but it's another question mark in what is a roster full of them heading into next season there is not a lot of players that we feel good about heading into next season or at least I don't feel good about heading into next season as someone that we can consistently rely on which makes me jump into essentially what this offense has become it's become consistently inconsistent and that is there's not really any kind of fluidity to this team like there was last year it just felt like last year they were able to string hits together they were able to find good at bat after good at bat after good at bat and they were able to essentially no matter what the score was was in the game you always felt like they had a puncher's chance last year you just did now maybe that was just because we were uh caught up in the moment and we had we were fans and and we had all these young players and we we we were just kind of maybe we were overlooking things I but I just don't feel that way I feel like they had a much much better consistent lineup and I don't want to put too much pressure on Matt mlan but it just feels like even from the start that this this was never this was never any resemblance of the team in 2023 not a single time this year that I think I think we might be like back in regards to the fact of what we had seen the previous season not a single time and I guess the only really missing piece to that whole puzzle for the most part has been Matt mlan and I don't want to put that much pressure on him but uh but I I just I just I need a consistent bat in the lineup and I I know Nick mentions the starting pitching he's not sure if they're going to go get any it almost feels like they need one guy that's going to eat up a lot of innings Craig and they need and they need one guy that's going to be a damn good uh above average hitter I I mean I might argue that they need a couple above average hitters to be honest uh look I think this team is this team is filled with wh ifs and what might bees and you know I think ultimately with the way that this front office operates for for the most part relying on prospects and growing from within I think that's going to be the mo for years to come um I mean we talk a lot about the injuries that this team faced all season long and we're I know we're off topic a little bit in terms of talking about the pitching specifically but you know you've got multiple guys on the injury list right now who were expected to be in your starting pitching rotation hunter green Andrew rabbit Nick Lolo you know all of them on the on the iil right now Christian Roa who may have been one of the next guys up and then offensively same thing Matt mlan hasn't played this year jamer candelario even though he played for the first half of the year I'm not really sure how healthy he was for most of the Season uh Nick Martini has been largely out of the lineup for the last three months uh Christian and carosio and strand obviously uh not part of it Stuart Fairchild out for the last month or three weeks you know so it's just like ultimately for a team who is built around prospects and trying to have depth the depth is certainly not showing itself this year and it makes you wonder how much the Reds should or could rely on that depth moving forward and how much they should really be focused on spending a little money and going out and getting some of those reliable bats that you're talking about and you know certainly there were guys this offseason that a lot of people thought that the Reds could go after they decided to go after jamer candelario because they like his flexibility defensively and it turns out to be terrible defensively no matter where you put them right so you know it yeah to your point it's been a season of inconsistencies largely driven by depth pieces that the Reds hoped could fill in where needed that just haven't been able to wear the glass slipper long enough you have guys like Reese Hines who come in and set the world on fire for for a week or so and then can't hit the broadside of the barn after that so it it is what it is with this team I don't think we can we can really reiterate this over and over over again every single show but you know again to to that point and the point you talk about a guy go ahead I'm sorry yeah no well I was just going to say I mean we talk about the glass slipper and how you know for Reigns it lasted for a week for Carson spers the red got the Reds got really lucky it lasted for a couple months he had 12 his first 12 appearances this year a 3.59 erra over 57 and twoth thirs innings pitch for Carson spers and then coming into today you know his last nine outings in erra over nine um and very clearly that that glass slipper has kind of worn off and whether that's fatigue whether that's scouting reports catching up to him whether that's him you know whatever it may be I don't know but the fact that the reds are forced to continue to throw out guys like Carson spers in Long relief or featured relief appearances it just isn't a a recipe piece for a success and it's hard to say what they should do this offseason knowing all the wh ifs that they have on the injured list but at the same time it's like okay well how much can you really rely on that on these pieces versus going out and trying to get proven pieces to plug into this lineup and really take a shot at it well here's where we're at our doublea teams is is one of the worst teams that has played Minor League Baseball maybe not this season maybe in the history of minor league baseball at the AA level uh so there's that thankfully that we actually have some younger crop of talent that I think is legit okay I'll openly say I think that the younger crop of talent that we have is legit and I'm I'm excited that we but again out of this out of this Dayton team that obviously has a plethora of guys and out of this Daytona team who has plethora of guys you're only probably going to get a hand two or three of those maybe at Max that is probably going to be significant enough to impact your team not to not to try to make this a a too dark of a show but as much as we want to get excited about certain things here and there and Nick will come in here and he'll he'll he'll spice this up and shine a nice light on it here the the Red's ranked 14th in minor league baseball rankings in regards their farm system let's not sit here and act let's not sit here and act like they're number two or something there's there's holes that me to be filled and they're going to have to go in my opinion Craig I'm with you I think a little bit more than some others I think they're going to have to go out and try to to spend some they're going to have to spend some money if we like it or not and they're going to have to fill some holes because there needs to be a stop gap between essentially this young group of guys that is in Daytona and Dayton all the way through what we have now and let's face it we might love cam CER we might love Jay Allen we might love s Stewart we might love Hector Rodriguez we might love all these guys but they're not going to be ready to help us in the relatively near future that's 27 26 27 28 and there's nothing in between those guys from now until then and so we can find a spot where we where where we should be excited so they're going to have to as you've said maybe they do need to go get two two or three more guys um all right we are real quick on on that point real quick real quick quick real quick and and shout out to our guy Bryce balding he was on the show uh the other night um he pointed out on on x the other day and I think it's worth mentioning here in this conversation the Reds only have $28.2 million in guaranteed salaries on the books for next year they have nine guys eligible for arbitration that are projected to make somewhere in the 25 to 28 million range maybe a little bit more depending on who you ask right so Allin let's say they have $65 million on the books for next year with those with those contracts there is no reason that this team shouldn't be out there spending to bring in a quality bat and at least a one quality starting arm to supplement this this roster that they've built I'm all in and all in on the idea of the prospects and the young guys that they have as this on this team I believe that they can be good and I believe that they can be quality Major Leaguers I don't think that you can rely on them to be everything though they have to supplement it with a couple other bats and with at least one other pitcher for the starting ation and then I might be happy with kind of where we're at as it is today we can't just go into 2025 with the crew crop of guys that we have today and expect them to take a major jump up into being a playoff Contender or more 100% we all know that if if you don't believe that then your your head's completely in the sand all right uh we have a couple uh sponsors obviously that we want to get to and then I I have where's light you know today I was watching where is the light I'll tell you where the light is just after this uh the game time app if you need to find tickets Maybe you're looking to go to a concert and if you're looking to possibly go to another Reds game you get you still got a chance or maybe you're looking to go to a a Lake County Captain's game I don't know it depends on where you where where you live where you want to go I don't care where you live you just download the game time app today you can use the code ciny C ncy you'll get $20 off your first purchase uh and you could two clicks Lightning Deals uh Major League Baseball partner all the things that you would like and know and trust first of all if you're watching our show and we're we're promoting these guys and we uh genuinely use the product then hopefully you would trust us enough to download it uh use the game time app download uh if you download it you can use the code ciny C ncy you get $2 off your first purchase and as always shout out to mantherapy.org on uh on times like today you know you might need it you know and therapy.org all right uh where's the light I'll tell you where the light is here's the light uh I don't know if there's any light to be shined on the situation that is at hand for the Major League Baseball club which is why I guess at this point we're just going to have to go to the minor league system which here we are better than ever now I want to I want to let you know Craig and the viewers know that Nick Kirby has been trying to figure out the framing and the picture and where he wants to stand in this Press Box for the last 20 minutes are you happy Nick do you feel good about where you're at I'm incredible I was able to put the cell phone on top of a uh temperature gauge nice they call that a thermostat Nick they call that a yeah go ahead what's going on get that second base icon off of The The J Bar oh no problem well I left it on there because you know we don't always get guys on base so I I think we we ought to load the bases up make everybody feel even better uh but just for you Nick here there you go how about that thank you no problem Nick we're talking about where's where's the light and and I I realize that uh you're currently at a playoff game so you can shed some light on what you're seeing out of some of these guys but the light Trace comes in 2026 here's the list of guys who haven't made their Major League debut yet that are scheduled to debut by 2026 Carlos Jorge Zack Maxwell Chas Burns Edwin aroyo sou Stewart cam Coler Hector Rodriguez Ty Floyd and Leo balazar all projected quote unquote to make their Major League debut in the next two years so in 2026 throw in uh by 2026 some of those guys are 2025 some of them are 2026 obviously a lot of things changed I don't think anybody really expected uh Blake dun to make his major league debut this year there's a couple how many guys projected to make the debut this year mble count all right uh two three four five six seven eight nine uh nine guys nine guys I'll make you guys a deal I'll make you a deal I'll make you a deal right now ready I I'll give you both I'll be split I'll give you both $500 okay if you could name me I won't make you listen less than half of these nine guys you name four guys and all if if if if uh four of them make the major leagues I'll give you 500 bers a piece you pick any four guys out of the nine 2026 did you even say cam colier s Stewart Ethan O'Donnell yeah I said those guy I said I said cam I said St s uh Ethan O'Donnell not currently projected uh to make his debut and Al apparently also not in their top 30 prospects which is what I'm looking at so maybe there's other guys but okay before we ask you about Lake County Captains uh versus the D Dayton Dragons tonight uh this is the this is the question I have to both of you four players out of the nine right there that make the major leagues by 2026 I want you to name them if you get if you get them all right you both get $500 we got one easy one and that's Zach Maxwell I think we can both agree on that one if he's not making his major league debut next year I'll be shocked are you are you co-signing on that are you co-signing on that Nick yes okay yes all right I mean let's Zack ma right yeah injuries you never know but that's the that's the game right so Zach Zach Maxwell I think is a is a lock uh quote unquote lock okay yep where do you want to go from there Nick cam cols I mean that's the easiest four I've ever had I mean you might as well pay me now 2026 is that what you're saying yeah okay Cam Coler I mean I got I got the September 2026 counts right yeah I feel pretty good about those four Zach Maxwell cam Collier s Stewart s Stewart and burs jce Burns okay all right we'll see there you go the heat is on uh that's the uh the easiest and the first $500 I've made from Chatterbox Reds appreciate it no problem it be wife start up card keep doing it all right uh on a more serious note finally gonna make something off of this show after two years you're you're standing there obviously in the uh in in the in the Press Box there you big you big journalist uh you are there uh I assume whatever the name of the field is there in Lake County uh look at that I mean who who knew but my my question to you Nick is is uh obviously the it's been a disappointing season at the major league level we've we've we've talked significantly about the the minor league system uh you're at you're at a game tonight that features a significant amount of players most most guys know the top level players that play for the dragons the cam Colliers of the world but do you have I guess to shine a light on some folks that might want to live stream this game tonight watch on milb uh do you have someone else in mind that they can kind of keep an eye on or something that you are excited to watch here um on tonight's playoff game yeah there's I think three other really good hitters other than Collier uh Hector Rodriguez led the Midwest league in hits this year uh by quite a big gap I think he had like eight more hits than anyone else uh and then Leo balcazar and Ethan o donnal uh both of those guys uh since about the beginning of August uh absolutely were on a terar both of those guys were top 30 Reds prospects the mid-season update game they had terrible first half they fell off and then ever since then they've been absolutely on fire so both th guys are are really good players um Ethan O'Donnell has really sneaky speed a six round pick out of Virginia uh and then Leo balcazar was a guy that everyone really loved but he I think tore his ACL kind of pushed him back but he's been playing really well of late so uh those guys are really good tonight it's a tough one for Lake for uh the C for the dragons uh the captain starter has an RA in the twoos really good dragon's kind of uh throwing a guy who's kind of had some good starts as a bad this year but I I I have I have breaking news sort of if we go to a game three tomorrow Nester laurant will start for the dragons the guy that I think might be the Reds minor league pitcher of the year was in Daytona at the beginning of the year absolutely dominated uh had the best ER in minor league baseball at one point this season um so if and the the captain would kind of be throwing more of a put together game in game three so if the dragons can find a way to steal a game tonight they got a good chance tomorrow are you saying that the uh the captains will be throwing a guy like Derek law uh is type tomorrow you know just like an opener and they're just going to figure it out from there is that what you're saying uh if tomorrow's starter has the career of Derrik law uh it would be incredible uh Dereck law is underrated you know that well I meant Derek law is in the aspect of Major League Baseball let's all be clear that you could throw any major league any major league pitcher SP who struggled of recent would be a superstar I think SP would probably be a better car yeah well I mean come on the disrespect around here uh all right uh anything anything else to note uh from your perspective here I I don't know if you got a chance to watch much of the game but any final thoughts here before we let you get back to enjoying uh your your beautiful what looks like a beautiful day in North East Ohio as they roll out the uh the nets for batting practice yeah absolutely perfect day here it's uh As Good As It Gets um this late in the Europe here uh this is a hitters ballpark so let's see maybe the dragons can get a couple guys on base maybe cam ker can come up with that that big three- run Homer and and kind of flip this series but I'm excited really great energy me fans aren't even here yet but uh you know just like the Lake County their their personnel they're excited about this game so this is fun I'm excited uh looking forward to it hopefully I'm back here tomorrow night all right and if you're back there tomorrow night we'll be back in the same uh ritual that we are here as well so uh Nick as always thanks for coming on uh trying to shine some light on uh what has been relatively a disappointing uh not only just a disappointing season but a pretty tough tough watch uh for the major league club today so uh any anything else uh you as always uh follow Nick Kirby online tonight and I'm sure you will get plenty of updates uh on the I want to call it I the Dayton Dragons game I know Lake County it's in Lake County but you know it's the Dayton Dragons game for us even though that the captains had the best record in the league uh or at least had the better record than the uh than the Dayton Dragons and that's why they're hosting the last two games for those that are curious so all right Nick enjoy your uh enjoy your time in the Sun out there all right fellas all right see you all right uh well he's gonna eat that up I would love to see the dragons win just to just to if nothing else see a win or take all game against two teams that were kind of spouting off against each other towards the end of that game I don't know if many of I know I brought it up to uh to Nick yesterday I didn't know if the broadcast picked it up or not but there was a pretty pretty big you know scuffle if you want to call it that right when the game had ended on the game one series between l County and Dayton and then obviously now they have to play the final two games my guess is the intensity is going to be pretty high um it's playoff baseball and Daytona obviously has baseball playoff baseball as well so you gonna be tuning into to that Craig or you got some other plans well we've got Chatterbox Bengals at 7 pm Eastern tonight so that'll take my uh my attention for part of the game but I'll do my best to if nothing else follow Nick on Twitter and see what's going on to his point Dylan DeLucia who's going for the captains tonight uh he does have a 2.55 erra on the year but his erra in away games 1.53 his RA in home games 4.05 so to Nick's Point let's see if we can't get some runs on the board and uh and get this to a decisive game three and see if uh see if the dragons can advance uh people asking how to watch the game uh you can go to Mi mb.com and you can kind of find the TV there and I think it's like three bucks for a month's Subs description so I mean it's nothing crazy um if you also have like MLB TV it comes with MB so I don't know if you have that or not but uh there's multitude of options uh to be able to watch that as well so uh we have more baseball uh Craig to be played I I don't know if you got a chance to see the probable starters yet um up in what would be Minnesota I think is that that's that's where we're headed next that's right Red's travel to Minnesota they play Friday at 8:10 p.m. eastern time last I checked the Reds starter still to to be determined but they will go up against bayy obber obber in 27 starts this year is 12- six with a 3.77 erra over his last two games uh 13 Innings pitched only two hits one run 15 strikeouts that includes a seven inning one hit performance against Kansas City last week that did follow a blow a blowout uh blow up game by obber though uh when he faced Atlanta on August 26th he went only two innings seven hits nine earned runs two walks and only two strikeouts uh two career starts against the Reds nine in a third Innings pitch nine hits six earned runs five walks but he's only faced two guys currently on the Reds roster Ty France is one for 11 with five strikeouts and AED Rosario one for 10 with six strikeouts so not a lot of experience going up against bayy Ober and uh we'll see what kind of performance obber can throw out there against the Reds this is somewhat of a big series for the twins they're hanging on to the last wild card spot in the AL the Detroit Tigers just three games behind heading into tonight all right and as Craig mentioned his uh Focus will be on Chatterbox Bengals that is live tonight on our YouTube channel at 7 o'cl hman Jacob Tiss will be breaking down everything Bengals they got a big game big game coming up Craig pretty big one uh I think there's a chance they bounce back though I got a I got to be honest as a as a non- Bengals fan there's a chance they bounce back and in and oddly enough in a weird way if many fans probably expected to be one in one after two weeks it might have just might just come the way in which you didn't expect it to come you never know some would say that's pretty good they head to head head to Kansas City for the uh National broadcast Zack Taylor one of only a handful of coaches with a career winning percentage against Andy Reid so yeah you got Nuggets everywhere the you had the Nugget the Nugget of maybe the month here on Chatterbox Reds when you just dropped the fact that this guy in single a has had a uh one erra on the road then drops a hey he's had he's he's got a four and a half ra at home he's pitching at home so you never know that was I mean listen that's big league stuff right there on a minor league uh kind of talking so there's that absolutely you know me really really follow those minor Leaguers really closely so yeah you and me both I mean what yeah what what a show to be talking about Minor League Baseball uh but hey I just want to say as always like the stream if you haven't already uh podcast will be ready to to go tomorrow I'm sure Nick won't won't take a day off with that as he always does and uh for Craig and myself we appreciate you hopefully Craig will'll see you here in just a little bit on chatter box Bengals that will start at 7 o' as always always thank you for watching and go Reds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]

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