Category: Education
Combien on touche de retraite je vais vous le dire 9000 €. jean-marc syvestre vous avez 9000 € de retraite c'est pas beaucoup hein c'est énorme pourquoi bah c'est c'est c'est légal c'est c'est ma retraite en mais attendez 9000 € de retraite mais c'est énorme ah mais al là je suis sur le sur le cul ah... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
L'intelligence artificielle et les drones un duo prometteur pour combattre les incendies de demain des équipes de drones autonomes piloté par intelligence artificielle pourrait révolutionner la lutte contre les incendies de forêt un projet mené au royaume-uni teste des essins de drones capaes de détecter... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Il y a une inquiétude des milieux financiers et la petite musique qui est en train de monter et et moi je trouve que c'est une faillite morale c'est que les milieux financiers ont plus peur du programme de la gauche que du programme du rn alors ça n'a rien d'étonnant d'un point de vue strictement économique... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I want you to want bag milk i bag milk milk milk milk b milk from oilers nation joins us i always on these short weeks nearly forget to call you cuz i'm like it's tuesday and then i'm like 2 minutes to go i'm like it's wednesday call him time a flat circle at some point you know like every day just... Read more
Category: Sports
We're gna get creative with a few more topics today topic number two i want to learn some lessons i want to look at last year's coaches poll from the preseason let's just go back in time in a time machine to august 9th 2023 and see what everybody thought the preseason coaches poll was and see if we... Read more
Category: Sports
Uh jerry ferrera the new co-host of throwbacks with matt liner and jerry ferrera a a podcast first episode drops two days from now on thursday uh you also know jerry from think like a man power and of course one of my favorite shows of all time entourage where he start as turtle uh jerry thank you for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hey it's 's book of the day i'm andrew limbong talk to nate silver the now famous elections forecaster and in his view there is a shared personality type among those who excel at poker playing sports betting vc investing and blue chip art collecting and he writes about this type of guy and yeah... Read more
Category: Comedy
Here we go one woman four families who never asked to be on tv in the first place let's do it our first stop is houston where they show cows you're never going to see a cow if you go to houston you're going to see highways you're going to be in one part of town and someone's going to tell you wait a... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro et générique bonjour et bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode de sur la piste une émission du comité régional d'escrim des haut- de- france où nous recevons et bien différents profils différentes personnes qui font qui font le monde de l'escrime en amont des jeux olympiques de paris 2024 aujourd'hui... Read more
Category: Sports
I think we need to pay much more respect to a man mhm who seemingly got incredibly lucky that he still has his vision oh yeah but also played just two days after so friday september 29th david and joku tight end of the cleveland browns went to his backyard to his fire pit went to start a fire something... Read more
Category: Sports
Pca pete crow armstrong just hit his first career inside the park home run and it was the third fastest home toome time on an inside the park home run in the stat cast era since 2015 behind only byron buckton who did it two times faster 2016 he did it in 14.05 and in 2017 he rounded the bases in 13.85... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Nous achevons notre journée d'audition en accueillant madame hélène croocville directrice générale des douanes et des droits indirects et monsieur gérô fournel son prédécesseur dans ces fonctions je vous remcie d'avoir tous deux accepté d'être entendu par notre commission d'enquête comme vous le savez... Read more