Garrett Wilson Discusses The Standard Aaron Rodgers Sets For The Team

Published: Jul 24, 2024 Duration: 00:54:07 Category: Sports

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Garrett Wilson just let talk about the excitement and Vibes just heading into training camp and getting everything going um Vibes are always at an all-time high I feel like when the season comes around you know everyone's got smile on their face you know it's like first day of school for us um and just having all the guys back you know looking around seeing all the faces we had everyone getting back healthy um we're excited you know and it's it's you know it's going to carry into the first couple practices and then once that shine gone we got to find a way to to you know dig deep and find it again because uh you know we got to be big off season ahead of us and a big training camp ahead ahead of us excuse me and we're just excited to you know get out there and attack it whether some of the difference in you do with Aaron hacket just kind with you know yeah uh just more reps you know when with more reps comes uh better understanding knowing where where to be when to be there and and um I feel like we all feel that you know it's it's natural when when you you know get a second year in offense and and uh you know just more time to be around a guy like Aaron and and all he ask of you know the offensive players and of offense and it's all because it can make us better you know so um just everyone approaching it with the right mindset and and finding a way to you know understand more this this time around and and really take the next step because once you understand it you can play at a different speed and and um start you know stop thinking so much and just play what are some of the main objectives for this offense in training camp what do you guys need to accomplish uh yeah I mean I just just build that confidence that that uh you know comes around during this time of the year when you get to compete against your own guys and and then you know we'll finally move in where we do joint practices so uh you know just just get to that point where we feel like we're we're better um taking the right step every day um cuz at the end of the day you know we haven't we haven't done exactly what we wanted to do so we got to build that confidence you know during this time of the year and and then you know when the time comes carry it into Sunday car this is offseason what did you do specifically knowing what Hackle BRS in knowing that Aral season uh to improve your game and take it to your next level in your third year yeah um just trying to get faster and then you know there's a there's always an element of understanding that um for me a cerebral guy that I like to you know think of myself as when it comes to football so watching film you know film study and from you know years past and all the looks that that Aaron has got you know previously from different coordinators cuz cuz we'll probably see him again so um just understanding my knowledge of the game like I said you know the uh the uh you know the step that comes with okay you know the offense how can you take it to the next step because you do know the offense now so you don't you get to spend more time focusing on other things so now I study the defense you know and and how they how they want to attack Aaron um but yeah you know I feel like I got better this offseason um you know it always you always find out you know here in a couple days so I'm really excited and and um yeah weal we talked to Quinton and he talked about how a and it sets the standard for everybody else just just talk about that and like what is like your standard as well yeah I mean um a guy like that is is great so you know us competitors us us you know athletes we want to match that we want to find a way to to bring that out of ourself and um just the way he is you know he he's he's the type of guy that makes you think at practice and and it's good for us it's um it's not like that everywhere though it's not always like that with guys so so just just knowing what he demands cuz it can make us all really hard to stop and um and and I feel like you know the standard is is it's been set we we have a good standard here but with a guy like that he just demands greatness that's all it is and um you know I like to look at myself the same way you said you said how do I go about things I like to you know thinking the same way but I'm always learning so um having someone like that is you know valuable for me just to be able to take notes from and and learn how to practice learn how to go about my reps and my mental reps all that cuz cuz you know he does it the right way how do you batch that standard um I mean practicing the right way building confidence you know I feel like um you know that's that's why he has his confidence cuz he knows what he's put in for 20 years or however long it's been his whole life you know he's he's built up to this point and and um that's why you can walk around with that that Swagger that confidence and demand that out of your teammates you know after two good years to start your career where do you expect to be this year what's your level of expectation for yourself um you know I I really just want to be a part of a um a team that's that's you know great and reaches its full potential you know I feel like um I feel like you know last 2 years been have been what they've been um and I'm excited for another opportunity to go out there and and um you know prove myself to the world and I know you know my teammates feel the same way you know I really want to take on this you know judge me for what I do now what I've done mindset and just you know be better um to help us win you know and and you know that's where I'm at in terms of getting your body ready for the season how has that evolved over the last couple offseasons how would you compare how you feel physically going into this season compared to maybe your rookie year last year yeah I mean just getting stronger cuz you know when I first got in this league I wasn't strong enough um you know I could skate on some things because of what I do offer but but you know that year took a allll on me physically and and uh you know I had to find a way to get bigger get stronger and and you know also it's just a a mental toll that this takes on you as well so um you know when you when you have the consistency and the you know kind of Life on Loop thing and it's a blessing but don't get me wrong but it's just you got to find a way to um you know attack it some some way different every day and and find the beauty in it and just make sure you're attacking attacking attacking cuz it can get repetitive and you just got to keep finding something that attacks so um you know with my offseason it's like you know you can do these things you want to improve on what you're not good at so um it always comes with physic with me I feel like that's how you know a lot of coordinators try to attack me is is tell their guys to be physical so for me I got to be able to match that this year and um you know like I said said before you know when you with this season coming up and training camp coming up I get a opportunity to go out there and prove that I have done you know what I need to improve that so uh I'm excited for got some massive contracts were handed out to wide receivers this offseason when you see those come pop up on your phones was up peeks do you ever let yourself start dreaming about you know if that perday could be coming for you soon um you know I see all of it you know I don't look at it as as far as that could be coming from me I look at it as I got to go make that happen you know I got the opportunity to to join an elite group of guys and um you know that's who gets that type of money is an elite group of guys you know guys that guys that um are part of teams that that win games because of them and and um you know are difference makers every single time they're on the field so uh you know I I got to go got to I got to go do it and I'm excited man because at the end of the day if you do you know what you think you can do there's there's great conversation going out for it at this time so um you know that's not how I'm motivated but but uh I'm not going to sit here and act like I don't see it and you know I love to see it D we're trying to do something that doesn't Happ go from multiple years out of the playoffs to be switched soon is there any excitement about trying to do something that is never done the challenge that's put before you guys yeah I mean uh when you put it like that you know I've never I've never looked at looked at it that way cuz I've never saw the you know I just never seen it that way I've never saw the uh the write up or someone told me that but you know that that that's the reality of what we're trying to do um I think we approach it with a mindset of uh let's get better every day and you know we're not looking at it as we haven't been in the playoffs the last whatever it is we haven't done this and whatever it's just let's find a way to get to our best version of ourselves because we know what we can do um and uh you know that the end of the day we got to go out and do it but but um the opportunity is there and we're we're excited man so um that's really all all it needs to be is an opportunity and uh all these guys we got in the facility are willing to put in the work to you know try and make our dreams happen how is Sean Jefferson going to help you in the group yeah I mean uh just being around him for the two months I got to be around him during OTAs uh I feel like my game got a lot better I learned a lot um and I became you know more knowledgeable off off the field when it's not about football man he offers um so much you know and he's someone that uh you know I feel like we're going to have a great friendship and you know as as well as him being a great coach he he is truly someone that I that I like to talk to he's he's uh he's awesome you know really really an awesome coach and you know I can't wait to see him out here in training camp putting on pads and and helmet and just what he demands from our group is something that uh if you're a competitor if you love football you love you love to be a part of and uh you know I'm I'm I'm really excited to just get to work with him man cuz I feel like he's going he's going to bring it out me you a couple more had three position from three years now is that that challenging to like adjust to a new coach teach you like that uh n you know I feel like it is what it is you look how you can look at it how however you want to look at it I look at it as um you know a different football mind coming to drop knowledge at me you know on me and uh I feel like it's kind of valuable everyone's got a different approach different way they coach the game different um things to offer that you know I can pick up the good things trying not to pick up the bad things and um when you got you know at this at this time three people to choose from I got I feel like I've gained a lot and you know three great football Minds three great receiver Minds that I've got to to work with so um you know TR I feel like it it's helped me you know I've got a different perspective I've um not heard the same you know uh I don't know what you call like the hurah things for three years straight which can get repetitive you know it's been different every year it's been fresh um you know this one we got this year I'm really excited to work with him for sure well Sean the fact that he played in the league for so long he was a pretty goodr has he told me that how good he was he shared some of his like uh War Stories from yeah you know these old heads they got away with with uh telling you about how great they was whether it was true or not in his case it's true in his case he could really ball so um is that that like getting a play a forward players perspective yeah oh yeah no it's it's definitely a different level of uh of knowledge that I think comes with with playing the game and a different approach that that he understands and gets um you know he he he always says he he was just like me like as far as our competitive ways and all that and how how we would have had went at it back in the day you know he's hilarious by the way um but uh but yeah I feel like I feel like it's it's one of those things where not everyone can offer that what what a player has and it goes both ways you know when you you have to learn a game from the outside you you have different perspective different way to offer so um for me it's really valuable to have a guy that played receivers been in different receiver rooms part of winning teams play with you know a different amount of quarterbacks and um he just gets it he just gets it and and you know that kind of comes with it when you've played as long as he has and been around the game as long as he has did you think last one said you're stronger you came yeah so I'm you know at the start of the season last year I was probably 184 which is fine you know for me but it's it's a little low um and I just waited in the day like 187 so nothing crazy but but it's where where is the weight and I'm stronger you know so um I just feel like I'll be able to handle it handle it a lot better than I have in the past as far as far as the the wear and te can take on you and hopefully I'm taking you know some you know less hits and there's a lot of things that play into it but um All In All I'm going to be ready for whatever comes with it this season I'm excited for Real uh this this Quinnen Williams let's talk about uh your excitement and just kind of The Vibes with Ken starting up I'm super excited man to get back to be around the guys I was excited in OTAs and now we get the chance to put it all in front of us and um really fight for something really work towards something um and work towards our ultimate goal and that's being great every single day and winning football games so you guys I'm I expectations last year obviously is it the same I don't mean the expectation but the feeling does it feel the same this year coming back does it feel anything different I think uh I think being a ultimate competitor being the being a how much hard work every single body put in around the NFL not just here um but everybody have super high expectations every single year U just doing the things that we can do um in this organization and our field to U Win Football game that's the mean that that means the most thing that means the the the ultimate thing to win the Super Bowl so you got to win football games you got to win every single down you got to win on the field and off the field so that's our main focus right now and um that really the expectation is to win every single day so how did last year and all the noise and that expectation can help you this time around this can you repeat that again expect you had a high expectations and then it seems like that's going to be the case again just how can that going through what you went through last year can help you this this time of a uh you know me man I I really preach not focus on the outside noise even when it's going good even when it's going bad I'm not really focus on the outside noise but just the inner peace and the UR that we have amongst ourselves the expectations we have amongst ourselves the standard that we have amongst ourself and really focus on that so um if we we hold each other to a super high standard hold each other to a super high expectation and uh really vibe off each other and work for each other we'll be great so you mentioned the standard several times just kind of what is your standard and the standard of this defense in my standard is Excellence uh greatness Excellence every single day uh my standard as a defense is excellent great every single day and this team is the same thing we got a great quarterback who set the standard every single day man when he comes in here is greatness man he's a um ultimate MVP man Hall of Famer and um he set the standard by he the way he just walked by the way he talked why he interact with the the safeties the dine the punter the kicker anybody like um I feel like he set the standard every single day um for this whole team and for us as other leaders and younger guys to um to carry that standard also and to push on to each and every one of us so when following up on that is there anything different about Aaron as a leader I know it's only one day and um this year compared to last year what you new here uh no he's been the same person ever since man just just um like we said last year like I'm saying this year U he was here every single day during OTAs putting in the work grinding showing everybody like hey like um this is the way we're going to do things around here this is the way I'm going do things this is the way um I want you guys do things and different things things like that so um he's a very hardworking person on the field and off the field and just do the things that necessary to be a great person in the in the MVP Hall of Fame caliber quarterback that he is and to help us be MVP Hall of Fame positions and players that we can be so in what ways do you think the defense can be better than last year uh execution I feel like uh consistency and execution let me say that um there certain games um speaking on like I was just watching one this morning just watching fam being bored was was Dallas last year we didn't execute at a high level um we didn't U be consistent at a high level and certain games got out of whack certain games got out T like speaking on uh I watching another game uh Washington how in the end the LA the second half of Washington game didn't really go as well as we wanted to when it come down to an execution standpoint or a consistency standpoint so um the biggest thing for us we very talented um very together very chemistry um but I feel like um we got to be more we got to execute at a very high level not just the first half not just the first quarter but the full 60 minutes and uh be consistent what was your reaction when you found out Hassan reck wasn't here today here oh it wasn't a big reaction man Hassan is a great person uh on the field and off the field a great teammate a great great talent when it come down to pass rushing when it come down to run stopping and doing the things that he can do um and I was in this position last year so I know how the organization works I know how Joe Douglas and coala and all those guys works and um knowing him personally as a great competitor and a great person who wants to be here who wants to win championships man I know they going to get everything ironed out the so does it does it matter Quinn if he's not here for for a little while famp uh it definitely is I going to say I I I try to stay out of uh all that I know he's an amazing football player I know he's an amazing person um I know this organization is amazing when it come down to getting those things done in a decent time so I'm pretty sure they just going to iron everything out but he's a phenomenal football player man when he step on this field man he changed the whole whole thing whole Aura of a just because he's a guy that can put up 15 plus sacks a year 10 plus sacks a year and different things like that so I'm just blessed to have him on my side so is it defens of L in this defense is it you and going back to son is there going to be a lot he has to pick up or do you think you know it's just the attack mentality that that you guys play with be able to take that up quickly uh I just think we got a bunch of great guys in our defensive line room bunch of great coaches and Aaron white and um brick and different things like that who can teach him and he's a very smart player man he's got so much experience and been in this league like I say he's a Hall of Fame MVP caliber as rusher so U when it come down to teaching him the things it come down to um showing him the standard and showing him different things like it's going to be like rying the bik for him because we got so many great defensive linemen in our room so many great coaches in our room to help him come up the speed and do the things that he got to do to fit in with us so what is the impact that Redd cat have on this defense once he gets his oh he's amazing man just the things he's been doing the last five six years man you putting up uh double digit sacks in the last what five six years and something like that so um a person that can change games like when he changed the uh I guess the where they championship game versus San Fran U with the strip fumble and just the different things he do man he's a game changer for sure man a guy who Super High Caliber a guy who can Rush The Edge who can stop the run he can do it all at a super Elite level so I'm just like I always say man I'm just super excited to have him on my side of the ball to on my team to help me out so you talked about consistency and execution year ago what the S be how much better can this defense get U the sky's a limit man I don't want to ever put a a a a I guess a bracket on whatever we can do as get better man because so many guys changed man you got Jermaine Johnson coming into his third year who can be a pro bowl All Pro kind of guy Pro Bowl kind of guy you got a guy like sace who's getting better and better and also teaching and different things like that so man you could it's disguise limit with this defense man especially when you get a defense that as talented that we is and the good things we did in the past and now that we got even better more things to get correct more things to be more sound on more things to be more consistent on and and uh be more violent on and dominate more man disguise the Lim so you mentioned sa and this kind of the teaching this kind of what have you seen to help with him leadership wise oh leadership been unbelievable man like him and Germaine man come into their third year two guys who has had success um I'm pretty sure they not want where they want to be at right now but they definitely like ascending to where they want to go uh to be a part of this team and to be a part of this league and the Legacy they want to live leave on this league and different things like that so um that leadership been unbelievable man just um teaching the younger guy to they going their third year of this scheme so teaching the young guy teaching us man just uh developing at a super high rate man just learning new things and just taking coaching at a high level so the side outp and that consistency is how important is that on defense oh it's super poor man just cuz like you going to training camp not trying to um not trying to just learn new things man you just trying to really critique new things find out where you can take your shots here find out where you can still play that find out what you can do better in these situations um if I can get tighter in the three Tech if I get looser in this three Tech just different things like that cuz you know the plays already just because you've been going into this scheme so now you can just fine-tune every single little small detail so to make you more consistent and more dominant so what do you think about the landscape next year with the th2 and kinlaw coming oh them guys are massive dudes first of all man they coming in man I've seen those guys work doing OTAs and the different things they did man and it's so funny because I I've been watching kenlaw destroy Alabama when he was at South Carolina So and I've been watching him do his thing at uh San Fran for the last couple of years and I'm super excited for the talent that he can become and the the things he can do I know he has a little he felt like he has a little rough start and different things like that but the talent that He has is unbelievable man I can't wait to be that that leader that guid is and also that standard to to uh help push him to the guy I know he can be in the U defensive line that we can be so would like seeing uh some of like carats out there they know line up Frost in half a very watch but it's unbelievable man seeing a guy like like like a guy like Aaron man he has he has got the same same uh same Aur about him man you come in a guy like that come in that can make the whole defensive line better just CU he's a tackle that's seen so much done so much played against so many great people um a guy like Jermaine Johnson going his third year who want to be that all pro gner guy they get that practice every single day um to see the battles that we have um when we got to play a slip versus him or when we got to play different combo moves against him and different things like that so having a Hall of Fame left talk on your team man and a guy who's unbelievable humble unbelievable uh teacher coach anything when it come down to nutrition because I asked him about nutrition doing OTAs because he's a specimen so U saying different things like that having him on our team is unbelievable and super gift just like Aaron is any tips what are the tips uh stick to Salmon so on figures just you refes at him his story as a guy who never played college football tring through the grass of the CFL oh he's amazing man uh I got a chance to be OT OTA otaa with him on this past uh OTA man to see the plays that he made to see the confidence that he have and the Swagger that he have because he is an underdog he knows he's an underdog so he got that Underdog swagger like a like um I'm not going to like disrespect him or nothing like that but like a walk- on coming who know he's know he know can play and different things like that so he just got that great Swagger about himself man that come on and say man I'm going to make plays I belong here type Swagger man he's not scared to speak up he not scared to ask questions he not scared to to uh to to talk man so having a guy like him man he's an unbelievable player man the story that he he has right now is an amazing story for people the younger generation and the people behind him people in high school to see that man I can make it it don't have to be the third overall pick or the first overall pick or a first round pick but I can still have a journey to get to the NFL also so questions so how did you take you uh Aaron Rodgers performed out there that well I felt pretty good it was hot uh it was kind of a grind it reminded me of one of those old school practices even though it was only 90 minutes I felt like we were moving the whole time it was good after all the effort you made last year to try to get backs on the field what was it like for you today to actually be back with with your guys well I was I was practicing last year so it didn't feel as significant um the expectations were um you know there wasn't uh I had to fulfill some sort of expectation I just felt like I was able to practice last year the last three weeks this was you know a continuation of the offseason work and and the OTAs and yeah it felt good to be out there you know it's a very limited uh uh install one when you only have a 90-minute practice so I felt like uh you know we did the same things we did in OTAs we added to it uh the offense obviously looks a little bit different I would say especially pre- snap and I I like what we did and why did down B fyp why did it have to be that week rather than say a week later when when there were no activities yeah you know I I originally scheduled it based on the previous year's schedule uh which had us out I Believe by the 9th or 10th so once I saw the schedule I was trying to move some things around I just didn't uh didn't happen what was your fascination with each oh I've been I've been a fan for three decades ever since I was in a uh gifted and talented education class I don't know those are paid for or not but uh I was in it we studied uh mythology from Egypt and Greece and those are like my top two on the bucket list so oh was you know back in uh some of the doldrums of the rehab I thought it'd be fun to put together a trip with some friends and uh we wanted to plan it kind of middle middle of June looked at the previous year's schedule and felt like I was going to be safe consider your our participation throughout the spring were you surprised at the reaction from people that you know you w there those two days well you know it's like I said on the on big cats podcast there OT days they they happen to be labeled uh as many Camp is not the same as it was in 2005 or 2010 um the schedule is uh an OTA day it's labeled as many camps you can try and get anybody who hasn't been around uh to be there yeah I had a great talk with Robert um obviously he wanted me to be there and uh I knew the consequences if I wasn't going to be there um the reaction is Is What It Is Well were the did you get fin yeah you think Robert needed 50 the 50 med the mandatory about that's I think it's 50 oh I mean yeah I I think it might have been a little more than that um but like uh you know I made it a point to be at every OTA um you know I was at the the physical day as a part of the mini camp uh missed the two uh two practices you know had talks with all my teammates about it I think they understood it was obviously more of an issue outside the building than it was inside the building Robert and I are great um we had great conversations throughout the offseason had a fun one last night in his office to later on so um you it is what it is I you know I'm an adult I knew what I was getting into I knew the fine that was coming and also knew how much I wanted to be uh uh to be in Egypt I wish there hadn't been a conflict uh scheduling wise but um you know was what it was you think Robert had to do it that way because reic was also absent so it wouldn't look like a double standard where reic might get fined and you wouldn't yeah I mean I I trust Robert and we talked about it so I knew what was coming down just a for meeting I either t-shirt or yesterday could the pat any message not really I just looked through my closet and um there was a lot of a lot of options I actually bought one of those fulllength kind of uh outfits that's uh that I saw a lot in Egypt I put it on and it was a little tight to be honest so I hadn't tried it on since Egypt so I decided I wasn't going to wear that one but I like that shoot that I bought so I decided to wear that who trip what was the highlight of your reg truck ah it's tough um the last two days are pretty special the second last day we're at the pyramids and the Sphinx in a private uh you know private viewing and then we went out in the desert on camels the C yeah yeah it's a big animal yeah it was a lot of fun not the nicest animal I've been around llamas before uh that's a big llama and uh I was trying to make sure I stayed out of the way of any spit that was coming out but uh yeah that was fun we got to watch the sun go down in the desert watch the moon rise and yeah a really uh special trip what is it like can build in chemistry with this offense when he didn't have the full season last year yeah I mean it's we had to you know we had training camp and then we had uh obviously the uh the 10 OTAs this year um that's what training Camp's all about about about trying to find the ways get on the same page I felt like the work that was done between the hacket and the staff and and Coach Sala and the off season the offense was really good I feel like we have some nice wrinkles uh that we we uh we added now we just got to put them all together find a way to come together um you know and and uh stay healthy I like the vibe of the team is different this year obviously last year there was a lot of hype around me and and Hard Knocks um this year some of that stuff settled down I feel like we're a little bit more settled in definitely a little more mature up front with the the two older guys we got at tackle who can still really play bringing in John Simpson another year for tip ABT coming back healthy and now you look at behind those guys you got a lot of guys who played a lot of football now so the depth we have in offensive line is is uh is pretty good um feel really good about that obviously draft a couple backs Mike Williams who you know looks to be ahead of schedule I think on his his rehab so we need to get him out there but I thought Allen made a couple nice catches today and we're looking for some growth from Gibson and brownley and Malik and some of our younger guys who are second year in the system can you say physically that you're back to where you were pre-injury or is there just going to be some time that it will take you know through rep repetition to get back to where you were yeah Rich I I think it's going to take a little time I think I feel great you know the numbers we track all the numbers out out west where I work out and have for a decade and um you know my movement stuff tracking the exact same as last year um actually A Little Bit Stronger uh with some of the squatting uh stuff that we did but I just need the you know the the the last 5% of being 100% is just the mental part so the more like today the last play I had you know being able to move in the pocket quickly and not think about it those are like stacked reps that uh help you get to those last 5% of feeling 100% just just a follow on that Aaron uh we obviously had a couple significant injuries in Green Bay they that high level after that how hard is it to regain full trust in your body after a major injury yeah um it's hard I mean it takes a little bit it takes like I just said it takes those banked reps where you you do something and that's kind of like an anchor point for you to remember back that you're able to do the things you used to be able to do um you know not having played uh you know for an entire season really it's it's uh it's going to take you know a nice training camp to uh to feel like my myself um that's what it even in you know in the middle years of my career I always felt like you had to reinvent yourself in training camp and figure out that Rhythm that you that you need uh there was a time in 2019 you know 2020 I guess it was where I hearkened back to some of the stuff I used to do and kind of found this rhythm in my drop that allowed me to have one of the best seasons of my career so um I'm not sure exactly what it's going to be but there's going to be a time during training camp where uh it all starts to uh to line up and and uh for all of us but for me you know I'm going to need some of those plays to uh to find that Rhythm and once you get the Rhythm then I you know feel like uh you know we'll just fall back into place we we spoke we spoke to a few of the players and they talked about how you set the standards like cor the fres eyes and everybody else the tone just talk about the importance in that why is that important to you well first you know I think it's important that you uh you have to bring the energy the enthusiasm every single day um I think you you have to set the standard by the way uh you show up every day you got to be active in meetings you got to be attentive you got to um be tapped into the energy of the team I mean the goal is New Orleans and so that's got to be the focus it's got to be the manifestation through our words and our actions and uh everything needs to be intentional that we do on the field in the meeting rooms um but just try not to waste any moments I mean there's a lot of room for fun and and uh hanging with the guys and joking and stuff and time at the you know at the hotel but when we're practicing when we're in drill work it needs to be intentional and I think you got to set that standard you got to hold guys accountable there's ton of opportunities though it's not just me it can't just be me it's got to be other guys stepping up up into a leadership role I Look to guys like Garrett you know in his third season Bree in his third season SAU in his third season you know those are three of the top players on our team I looked to them to to step up their leadership I Look to guys like conon who's coming off a nice season to step into that I look to guys like tyrant uh and and and Moses to to step in and and and Lead those guys up front I want to empower titman I think tip has a chance to to take it over Cory Lindley was a center for us for a long time and even in 2014 his rookie year with a veteran line that that was probably our best line over the years we had uh he he stepped in and got those guys going and they listened to him and I think tip can do that so we got to empower the leadership uh a lot of that's just listenting sometimes you got to defer you know just cuz you're the quarterback or the assigned uh leader the voted leader you know sometimes you got to step aside and let somebody else have a time to to stand up and say something in front of the team or to break it down in practice or or to get on somebody and and I think that's what you're looking for as these practices progress is who kind of stepping into that role uh to be the guy who can uh who can back you up and and take that leadership manle more realistic a goal is New Orleans of your steam really has to be the goal I mean the beauty is every single year there's 8 to 12 teams maybe probably less but 8 to 12 teams that could actually do it and we're one of those 8 to 12an what that kind of too I me and now they drafted another Jordan is there any SAR here wa you're 4 you know people say you're 40 to come out a major injury there's some doubts about what you is there is there any similarity well I mean I think there's always similarties you got to find you know perceived or actual slights to kind of add to the uh the chip if you need it sometimes you make it up uh if you really need it I haven't seemed to need to do that there's there's plenty of doubts out there which is which is great and but first and foremost you got to prove it to yourself and once you do that you don't worry about the outside opinions those take care of themselves but uh I do appreciate the opinions from time to time uh especially the negative ones because every now and then you need something to to draw a little bit of inspiration from mention G sorry rich and then I'm you you mentioned that Garrett he was talking to us yesterday he said to to prepare for the season he went back and watched old tape of you and how defenses attacked you uh I don't I don't know were you aware of that are you part of his process and what does it say about him that he's gone to that extent to research one of the best players are self-motivated and and he's definitely that um again I think it's important for him to step into a greater leadership role um the way you cement that is by your work on the field and I told him in the meeting yesterday I think he has the the talent the ability to be the best receiver in the league uh I'm biased I think 17 in in Las Vegas has been that for uh the last 5 or 6 years he didn't get that by just showing up he got that by the way he worked I mean his level of excellence and his attention to detail uh in my time in Green Bay was second and none he just practiced like that all the time he had a mindset when he stepped on the field of dominating and that carried over into the games where we used to talk when we're driving to Lambo field on the day of the game it wasn't are we going to win today is how bad are we going to dominate and I think he has the ability and the confidence and the skill set to have that mindset but it starts the way he practices so he's an animated guy he's passionate um and I think if he can take that that leap uh and it's actually not a leap it's kind of just a little jump uh he has a chance to be really really special you were pretty confident last year that you guys were one of the six to eight teams did I say six to8 last year expanded it yeah yeah par NL want I want parody yeah you think the roster is even better this year I think soers are even better and do you think maybe what you guys went through last year Robert talked about everybody being more locked in this year do you think you do you see that well it's day one so I day two I guess so um but I think I think we're locked in I think uh I think we're better up front so on the offensive side um there's the experience uh there's tip being his second year um obviously if Elijah stays healthy he's a premier uh guard in the NFL um so I think we're we're better up front um you know and across the board on offense I think we have that year of experience defensively we're always going to be good you know we we're we have depth uh our D line we can just roll people up front uh you look at some of the guys we got now I mean kinlaw is a creature I mean he's he's a beast man I haven't seen a guy like that too many times in the league um and there's a lot of those guys you know the guys that we got returning you know quiny Williams is one of the top players his position their inside backers I put up against anybody uh our first three corners you know the outside guys and our nickel are as good as anybody in the league the backend uh Chuck and Tony you know are incredible tandem so that size ball is going to going to be really solid um and offensively it's us to prove that we can be a top 10 offense thanks everybody one start to play you were coaching nice one you got in you got in you were coaching up uh number 17 the rookie practice and then you also did the same thing with Garrett what will you say to each of them uh Garrett has a different uh skill set that I'm used to he he's uh he's so Dynamic with his moves sometimes he doesn't need to do all that you know so sometimes uh he can just speed cut out of something and so we're just talking through I'm going to watch the film but it was basically like what did you see how come he did this what do you think about speed cutting maybe and then let's watch the film and talk about it with Malachi um he's a great kid he he really is he he he cares about it he wants to be great it's just a little reminder when we're running a certain route in the 3x one and he has a vertical if he has inside leverage already he can just push straight up and the ball's going to be on him so it's like a reminder I might not have been in on the play but I'm watching the play and if we run the exact same play and you're in there this this is what I need from you so it's just get on the same page as those guys I think that's an important part of being a professional is if you're not in you're still taking a mental rep and as a quarterback if I'm not taking that rep I still got to let these guys know if I was in there this may have happened not that Ty didn't do something right or something Tai is you know he's a phenomenal player but if there was a situation where you could have gotten the ball his angle was way too flat you got to be vertical and expecting the ball on your back shoulder so I'm just going to stay on those guys and Coach them up as much as I can and got a great coach though I'd love having SJ here love having Tony dues here and excited about the season thanks everybody thanks so I had to go first day that raining camp and everything how'd it go for you well I feel like I Sauce Gardner had a pretty good first day you know I was just making sure I overemphasize communicating you know because it's contagious you know 11 guys on the field a no need to keep secrets you know what I'm saying so today that's what I focused on and I feel like not just me but the whole defense even offense we all in special teams we all had a great day collectively girl let see him sa when when a guy makes all pro his first two years what does he do for an on court I'm just I'm just trying to come here day in and day out and be the best teamate I could be you know um that's just accolades none of that changes the fact that you know I'm still trying to be a sponge you know I have older guys around me guys my age I'm still I still don't know everything that I need to know and I I'm not perfect like I always say so I'm still just trying to find ways to just keep getting better and improve my game and find ways to be able to help others as well how do you do that how do you continue to get better what what do you need to work on man everything you know I'm one of those guys I do Ed everyday drills but you know it's it's more than just on the field you know just how I come in day in and day out and watch guys like DJ you know the way he you just take notes and everything like that I'm just trying to not just know what I have to do and what the secondary have to do but just know what the backers have to do with the D line have to do so I can know when to expect the ball to be out you know just certain things like that we T we talk the uh Quinton and Garrett and they talked about how Aaron sets the standard uh here just talk about from your perspective how has and Aaron set the standard for you and some of the rest of your teammates oh man he definitely he definitely does you know just watching him and how he attacked the day you know it's just something as little as him just picking different people to just have lunch with have breakfast with you know when he come in the building just little things like that and just how you think like man he really a great dude and football that's just football is football you know he he's been around a while and he's played for another team and so he know how how things should be ran and you know he's he's a leader you know when he's he's in the building know he have a standard and it's standard we follow and it's not just that his standard align with the standard that coala has set so we we just all on the same page and we understand that the best teams are the player player Le teams and you know uh Aaron is a true leader after all the EV from last year to trying to get back to play I like for you sing him out there it was great you know I'm a competitor and I know he's a competitor he's not one of those guys who he want you just feeling a lot of sympathy for him you know when he's on the field he wants you to give it your off because he know he going to give it his off so you know I'm sure yall probably heard me I was out there talking a lot and communicating and he was out there giving me that look like I'm still going to go at you no matter what fcking you doing so know it's great to just have him out there on the field since you've been here uh the Jets have fed top five and defense both years just uh how much better kid is you and also the rest of your teammates on the defensive end uh continue to get continue to be I mean you always think that you can get better you know day in day out year in year out you know you don't never want to be complacent because you know top five is not good enough that's just the standard that we have and we just know the guys that we have in the in the building especially in the defensive room like we can be where we want to be so you know we think we can improve a lot you know from last year what do you want to beol the best whoever that is but you know we know that we want to be the best and everything that we do from when we walk in the building to when we we leave the building you know has to align with whatever the best is not just the defense but what is your expectation for this team this year with all the changes that were made Aron Big C me I know it's a lot of changes a lot of guys that that's came here whether it's they got traded picked up a free agency or draft this you know we just taking it one day at a time you know we in training camp you know we just going to make sure we attack trainer Camp you know we not thinking too far down the road you know I feel like like we did that a lot you know the past couple years and you know even with hard knocks and stuff like that it's like it's a little bit extra that it put on you but you know we just making sure we we we be where our feet are you know we stay in the moment with Aaron in practice there's some quarterbacks around the league in practice that check down a lot because they don't want to throw interceptions how helpful is it for defensive backs that he has no fear and he's going to try all kinds of things so you guys have more attempts to make plays on the ball and it's great it's great like you said you know he's going to he'll rather throw the ball out down the field you know and still you got guys like Garrett who's he'll jump extremely high and still try to go get the ball because he feel like every ball is catchable so he'll rather take the chance throwing a deep shot out whether instead of throwing a throwing a little check down and uh you know it's great to just be able to get a lot of opportunities like that in practice because you know when you get out there in the game you expect those opportunities and you want to be able to make the most out of them s you're still a young player overall but they're a couple younger guys on this defense in secondary contest St Jer from our Converse what have you seen from them obviously they came up with two big plays today what have you seen from them in their development uh man they they both kind of similar you know like mentally you know they just so willing to learn you know um that's one thing I can say about the guys that's in our room and the guys that have been in our room and that's Testament to the coaches and the guys that they bring in they bring in guys that's that's hungry willing to learn you know the stuff that we talk about in the me room they just translated to the field and they just go out there and make plays so it's no surprise at all you know I was telling uh Ste cuz he he made a lot of plays in OTAs you know it's training camp but let's not make it more than what it is you know we going to compete we always compete regardless it's just basically OTA is just with more people watching St might fter beat to this defense he mean a lot he's a an important part to the defense you know he helps in the Run game he helps that Nickel in the covers in the C covers aspect of things and a lot of people might not noce but when people say corner is the hardest position you know nickel nickel probably probably is harder than corner you know cuz you you getting those they can literally run any route against the nickel you know but when you on the island if you got a receiver with a a wide split you know he can only running three to four routes you know but MC man he getting over routes banana sevens he got to help in the Run game he got to play an important role in The Run game so man for him to just be able to do that I have a huge amount of respect for him and so does the coaches in the rest of the rest of the te you talk about wanting to improveing home the best but your for year now how are you taking the next step as a leader yeah just making sure I'm being vocal like I said uh when I'm out there I'm making sure I'm not keeping no secrets uh coala he talked about something he said something earlier I'm trying to see if I can remember he said if you want to get somewhere fast you go alone but if you want to get far you go together so that's just the main thing I'm just making sure everything I do it it lines up with the rest of the team it's not just me it's not just about me at all you know so that's the main thing just making sure I'm vocal making sure I'm able to listen making sure I'm able to to give knowledge to the younger guys or guys whoever need help how much more comfortable are you with that and you were two years ago and how much different does it look or sound out there like being a leader taking guys under the weight and that that kind of thing for you practice I'm much more comfortable like now I really seen it when we when we as in OTAs like when the younger guys was just ask me a lot of stuff and I'm like it's making me feel old even though I know I'm still real young but it was kind of it was kind of different but know I'll be lying if I said it didn't make me happy to just be able to you know just try to teach them some some things that I know or some tricks that I know because I'm actually on the field and just giving them keys or whatever you know so it's it's it's real different but I like it but like year one you got guys like CJ who look serious all the time stuff like that and he the one talking so it's like all right I'm going let him talk and I'm going just make sure I execute my job cuz you young so it's like you can't try to do too many things at once you got to just make sure you know what you're doing and that's what they wanted me to do the the older guys the coaches just make sure you know what you're doing it was an article that came out like last week that surveyed people around the league you were named the third best corner in the league by these Anonymous Personnel people I don't know if you saw it but one of them was not named but said called you overrated and another one said you a couple of guys said you're handsy you have a reputation for being handsy out there uh just get your thoughts on that still I mean uh everybody is entitled to their own opinion if it was your one I probably be feeling a certain type of way but if you had to ask literally everybody who they think their favorite corner is I don't think everybody would say me you know what I'm saying you going to have some people who say I'm probably number two some people say I'm number three and I seen some people said I wasn't even top 10 and it's just like that's your opinion and I can't be mad at you for having an opinion at all probably if I was a little bit like a few years back I probably would be mad like was I'm just being honest but now it's one of those things like of course I'm a I'm a bit corner and the receivers they know I'm going to get hands on them like that's what I do especially if I'm pressing and it's one of those things where it's like you see it on the internet and it's like okay but you still think in your back of your head like shees it's like Anonymous people saying I'm handsy and overrated more than like the guys that I'm going against how you know it's reporters that's saying that but I haven't really seen receivers say that themselves when I go against them the top receivers it's like hey you a dog man appreciate it it was good work you know what I'm saying it's just just like that so I can't I got to take that through out through one ear and out the other one I hear an anonymous source say something like that you would rap yourself two who you would rap yourself number two no I wouldn't I would R I think DJ is the best once again I always say DJ is the best so I one a and one B me and DJ know probably you suffer anything you take from that experience to L it to the football field oh man see every time I hear the word golf is just I don't know it was just a blessing to be able to have that side quest you know part of my offseason one thing I can take just just being in a moment because golf is kind of similar to football because I say if you hit a bad shot or something like that you got a decent amount of time to think about it but it got to be one of those things where it's like that play over with just like golf that shot over with and it just help it helped with my mentor a lot just being able to just go out there and golf is just you just hear nature is it's quiet you know so it really helped it really helped me like slow my mental down and I try to make that apply to the football field you know especially if I have a bad play or something like that just just come back down you know tone it back down so yeah you asked one here you did say golf was harder than football right you still believe that yeah I still I still believe it you know it's one of those things I'm glad I can clarify it C you more so like if you had to start at the beginning from like not knowing how to play football not knowing how to play golf I feel like it'll be harder for you to learn golf or if it's like a football player who cuz I just experienced it who went over to golf so it's like it's it's tougher but like if you know how to play golf and you know how to play football it's like all right football it's more physical you know it's stuff like that that go into it so I didn't mean it in that aspect I'm just talking about the the learning curve and everything and it's one thing to be able to being able to hit on like a simulator and then going out there on the actual golf course and going through all the things that you got to go through I don't even want to talk about it cuz I had some horrible days I broke 90 once I broke 90 once right before training camp so you know that's a good that's a good start horrible horrible thanks appreciate it appreciate you it

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