Brant Boyer On Importance Of Re-signing Greg Zuerlein And Thomas Morstead

Published: Jul 02, 2024 Duration: 00:32:53 Category: Sports

Trending searches: greg zuerlein
[Music] you've been here since 2016 something else huh yeah it's a it's been a long road buddy um you know I really enjoy my time here and enjoy coaching these guys and the people in the building and everything like that it's it's been awesome experience since I've been here yes I've asked you this before but what's been the key to your longevity because most of the time you don't see a special team coordinator have this kind of tenure in the leag you know I I don't know I you know to be honest with you I just try to keep my head down and and do my job man and uh you know try to stay in my lane and and do the best job I can and try to develop people and and U things like that and and fortunately enough you know especially for my family that I haven't had to move my kids around and and uh stuff like that and and um it it's it's been like I said it's been a pleasure to be here for this long especially I've been a real lucky guy so many changes in special teams from a personnel perspective each year so the challenge for you guys is incredible throughout the National Football League not just here a lot of abs and flows but last year one of your higher points I would say when you go back and look at yourself in 20123 as far as the season is concerned what sticks out you know there were there were a lot of positives I thought um but there's certainly a lot of things that that I felt like we didn't do a very good job on and uh you know the the the importance of fundamentals and everything which we're practicing the entire offseason um you know you you try to you know to attack those with with Tempo and and trying to get everything right that you did you didn't do a very good job the year before while trying to do the same the things that you did well you're still brushing up on those all the time but you know the fundamental part of of special teams and good special teams play is everybody working together being on the same page and and you know everybody knowing their stuff and um while I thought like I said I think I think we've did did some some good things um there's some things that we certainly could be better and uh you know the stress that the you know the standard of which we need to perform is is uh you know at a really high level and you know that's how we coach them and and uh the guys have bought in and you know we got a really good group of uh guys here that work hard and uh you know they're doing a nice job seems like they're they're getting the techniques uh down pretty good and and uh especially with all the unknowns with the new kickoff rules and stuff like that um so it it'll be interesting to see how we do it and and just excited to get it going and and uh see how we do I think Rick Goin does the best yearby year special teams rankings he's been doing it for decades and he had you guys number three overall last year let's start with your kicking duel both those guys Thomas morstead Gregs zline entered the spring as free agents how big is it that they're staying here it's uh it was it was huge it was you know number one and number two needs for for me to try to get back but you talk about that whole Trio of Specialists with Hennessee and and morstead and and and zerline and and all just great great guys and uh you know great pros and and you know you never have to tell those guys to to help lead your room you never have to tell those guys to go work you never have to tell those guys to uh you know to do all the things that it is to be approached taking care of your body and and uh and you know they perform at an elite level when when it comes down to it and so you know anytime you have three really good Specialists um you know it it certainly you can you can piece in the parts from there and um you know that's and that's what we're trying to do those guys are are some of the best in the league if not the best as a player or coach have you ever experienced a kicking season like that from a duel last year yeah I don't think so I I think that's the best duel we've had here we've had some really good performances and stuff like that but that that group really came along and and uh did a really really good job and I expect the same this year can you speak to zerine thriving not just in regular in-game situations but late seemed like when he was asked when he's called upon late he needed a kick he gave it to you right I think you know that that goes to a testament of him and and his longevity in the league you know same with morth same with Hennessee they're all pros and um you know when you put them in those situations and whether it's a game winner whether it's a game to tie the game everything like that like you like I don't even worry whether he's not going to make it and things like that so um you know I have the utmost confidence in all those guys and and the way they perform and and they had a heck of a year last year and I I see nothing but them getting better to be honest with you on a perfect day at my life say it's 72 degrees early in the season September maybe it's week four against the Broncos what's his range uh little wind little little wind just just just a gust mean I was seeing him uh two days ago I think he was kicking uh 65 yarders you know and and you may get longer than that depending on a little wind here and there you know so he's got plenty of leg that's for sure yeah he does a great job all that the operation there between those three guys is is fantastic what about morstead we've talked before about his expertise in directional kicking and we saw that again last year I I thought the game against the Giants and I'd like to get your thoughts on this was one of the best pting games i' ever seen yeah yeah he's he is uh you know like I said all three of these guys are but uh Teemo is is a he's a machine man and he and he just keeps going and going and and you know a lot of guys will decline when they get older the it seems like these these three guys are are getting better and uh you know I I I appreciate the heck out of those guys they actually came snowmobiling with me after the season and stuff in Utah so we we had a good time and and uh you know I kind of did it as a trip to thank them and and stuff you know because they they did such a good job but morstead is a is a ultimate Pro he takes the leadership in our room um you know the way he he handles his punts directionally um he's a pleasure to be around all the time um you know you cannot say good enough stuff about him and you know all three of them but you know he he's done a heck of a job since he's been in here so what was that time like in Utah it was fun yeah we we rented a a big house in in uh in Park City and and took them snowmobile and a couple of them for the first time and and they had a blast a lot of fun good good who was the best Rider uh I'd say morstead was a little more daring than the other two then H Hennessy uh you know he he would get after a little bit zerline you know after the first day he got used to it and and uh they they were riding really well actually in the second day and and stuff so we had fun who's the best Storyteller of the bunch oh that's a tough one um probably Z line he's he's he's got that dry sense of humor man he's he's hilarious yeah yeah Hennessy you've mentioned him often even when I asked you specifically about Z or morstead you make sure that he's not forgetting forgotten here I mean it's like from a pitcher perspective the guy's just thrown perfect games after perfect games yeah he um since I've been here you know I don't know if I've ever had i' I've seriously and I can honestly say this I don't know if I've got on him five five times no and because he because he does stuff right he studies his stuff he knows his stuff every week he's consistent as there is you know as any Snapper in the league throws as good as ball as anybody in the league and he's a huge part that's why I mention him all the time of of what those guys did last year uh specifically and even when morstead was here the first time and and things like that he's been a consistent here since I've been here and and uh you know it's a it's a a great thing to have those those three kind of great guys that that uh perform like that and and are such Pros I can't can't think of them enough that's for sure what's the landscape look for you now on the outside without Justin Hardy who flourished here he really took his game to the next level you guys knew he was a good player in New Orleans I thought he got even better in the accolades game mhm um you know certainly a guy like that is going to be missed um you know but uh you know we have some very capable guys and U you know there's a an army of people in Camp right now that that uh you know you work and and some guys look really good some guys are really picking it up and and uh it all comes down to what happens in the preseason and and then you pick the best two and and roll with those Gunners and and uh you know hopefully having Teo hit the edges which is really good and and uh try to limit limit uh returns and and uh create field position you know so um you know it it's a good group um of guys uh that work hard and and everything and we'll see how it shakes out in the end what's Irv's potential there because he made this roster primarily for his ability what he could do on teams he's going to continue to develop as a receiver right now he's working off to the side during OTAs I think I think Irv's potential is is is as high as anybody in the league as a special teams player I really truly believe that um you know it with with some some detail work and stuff like that uh the way he plays how big long and fast that kid is um and he's and he's really good in All Phases um you know a lot of guys are are are Specialists so to speak that are really good on Punt and maybe kickoff but they're not so good in blocking phases and things like that Irv's got the ability to do all four all four phases and and be a standout in all four phases and and so he's heavily relied on um and I think he can be as good a special teams player as as anybody in this league I really do potential wise do you talk to him about the opportunity that's they hand or you AB absolutely I talk to him all the time yeah I think he gets tired of me you know getting after him and stuff like that but I think he obviously knows that that uh you know I'm trying to get the best out of him and um IR is a worker he's an awesome kid um you can't say enough good things about the kid a big body dude and he can run oh he can run he's strong as hell too yeah yeah how about Brandon Eckles he he's a guy he's been playing opposite Hardy for years now I got to imagine your expectation is maybe more of a leadership component Yes actually he's uh I was just going to say that he's you know Eckles has been really good since he's been here um and he and he's done a really good job for us um and every time he gets out there he he he he uh is consistent you know exactly what you're going to get um which which I really like and uh he's taken a more of a leadership approach um this offseason with the young guys and I really like that and and uh he's been a big part of what we what we're doing here um since he's been here for sure I think I'm going to save the best for last and that's the new kickoff return rules we're going through Personnel right now Xavier Gibson to the house The Dramatics in week one last year what did you make of him as a rookie in in in both return phases and I was looking at his punt return stats a lot of fair catches but uh the counter on that is well he's catching the ball and the other thing is when he did return it his average was very good right yeah I think I think you saw flashes of what he can be and and I think X can be a really really top 10 kind of good returner in this league and I think he's proven that last year you know there's some stuff that you need to clean up with catching catching balls and and not fair catching in some situations and and stuff like that all that happens because they're they're rookies they're not used to being in those situations I think you saw a big Improvement of him getting vertical more instead of going sideways late in the year um you know especially spe specifically excuse me in in uh the uh New England game and all that wind and he's going up there and catching it in the snow and and uh you know saving us a ton of field position and the progression of of of him um you know throughout the season I thought was really good and especially his offensive role went way up and I think that's where you know I mean he he was playing a lot of offensive ball and and uh so I think that you know at times that he probably got a little worn down um to be honest with you but he's he's an explosive playmaker um does a really good job and uh you know I expect nothing to see but you know steps as as he keeps getting better and better do you see a more confident cat out there on the field even right now close yeah yeah the way you see him how he how he repairs how he how he's uh working at practice everything's full speed uh things like that and that's all the stuff that we had worked on last year that he's now he's taken the next step of of being a pro and practicing like a pro and and uh you know he's taking a leadership role with all those returners back there and and uh you know I tell him what what what we need and and uh you know he filters it through the room and and stuff like that so he's um he's doing a great job I expect really big things out of him this year it was a cool moment the other day at practice when Aaron rolls to his right looks down the field down this sideline comes all the way back across the field hits X for 59 yard score yeah yeah it's uh he's he's a Aaron's a heck of a a guy you know you know on a heck heck of a player obviously and he's been been so productive for so long and and uh you know what I like about it you know I played with Dan Marino my rookie year it reminds me so much of standing there back there watching him and and how fast he gets rid of the ball and how easy it comes out of his hands and the leadership that he has and and uh it's been it's it'll be really good for this football team that's for sure can you speak to those similarities just touch upon it a little bit but when you look at Aaron practice and then you go back and watch those moments in Miami it's um just the way how fast he gets rid of the ball and how easy you know he he he does that stuff and the no look passes and you know obviously he's one of the best to ever do it and um but there are some similarities there that I that I see um you know and the leadership component to it where he's he's helping coach all those guys and if he SE something he knows what the line's doing and and uh you know what the backs are doing and he and he tries to correct them right away and and uh you know helping those guys get better and that that does nothing but lead to team success in my opinion and and and Danny did that too down there have you talked to him about Marino I haven't I'm sure he like those conversations because he's a guy who's he's definitely a history B right right yeah he he's been really good to get to know here and and like I said I think the the biggest component is is the leadership aspect of it and and let alone the the the Supreme talent that that guy has you know is going to help this team a bunch all right drum roll um what is the NFL's new kickoff rule if you're at a dinner party somewhere in the summer or maybe you're on the lake you're fishing in Utah and somebody says what's what's going on what is this new kickoff role I I think it's uh you know they're trying to con they're trying to constrict the space and the speed of uh of the game and to to limit injuries and uh but I think what you're going to see this year uh is is it's almost an unknown because it's never been done here you know in the league before um and it's different than the XFL because we have more space we they pushed us back five yards even more than the XFL so as much you know tape that we have studied in the last four months when this this came about um it's it's a kind of a wait and see on what what you can get to what you can't um you know we we're experimenting every day that we do it um you know the different kicks and and uh different strategies and and things like that and different techniques it's it's it's so much different for cover guys they're going to be on top of you fast you're not going to have as much space to beat them um it's going to be really interesting to see how it goes uh how the rules may change in the preseason depending on on how people are approaching this rule um and so it it's uh we you don't know what you can do because you can't line up 11 against 11 and Go full fill covers every five minutes down in or every couple minutes here you know and so you really don't know until the preseason true preseason where you can what returns you can do everything like that and where you can get your doubles from your traps whatever you may be working on for the week um you know where do those guys need to single all that stuff nobody knows until because nobody can go out there and practice full speed the way it needs to be practiced um and uh and do that because the the players just you know you can't do that in the offseason like he like you used to so much you know what I'm saying so right um it's that it's a lot of unknown but I'm excited for it because it it makes the players I think it's really exciting for the players because the players are now special teams guys are are valuable guys they're going to have to cover you know um I'd bet you 80% of the kicks this year so specifically you're still kicking off from the 35 mhm your coverage unit now is on plus 40 on the plus 40 yeah and they can't move until the ball hits the ground or is touched right and so nor nor can the kick return team that's on the 35 they're only 5 yards away you know and then you have two more in the back end wherever you want to put them um and then two returners you're going to have to have two returners as opposed to one all the time this year because of the balls these kickers will be able to hit how does that change and I don't I'm not asking you to give away all your secrets here because some of this is experimentation like you just talked about but how does it change the role of a returner you still want to take it to the house but are you looking for as as far as that skill set are you looking for a different player than May maybe you did in the past that's that's a really good question I I think that um again that's kind of a wait and see deal I I don't I think a good returner is going to flourish no matter what and uh and we we have got to get our jobs as as coaches and as as players and specifically the blockers and everything to to make the most of their talent and make make them right whatever their skill set is it's our job to figure it out and to and to take advantage of it I don't think you're going to see a Monster difference of little scat kind of guys back there or big dudes that just putting their foot their ground and get vertical um you know I think that your scheme is your scheme when you come up with it and you and you tailor it to what the returner can do the best and you try to do all the things that we've always tried to do since we've been here and and uh take advantage of of their talents and and try to feature those guys but you know I mean that that returner whoever that starting dual returner is right um you know Gibson you know for an example um he's going to get probably 80 plus punt returns and he's probably going to get guaranteed probably 40 to 50 kick returns if he's the Dual guy so there's not one other player on this roster other than Aaron Rogers or probably Breece Hall that are going to touch the ball that many times in a season 130 times in a season and so that I think it's Paramount to have those kind of guys and and uh so so you need a couple guys though you have to have two guys and and uh you know wherever they may shake out from you know and and we've got a bunch of good good returners in here and and trying to get those guys going and and um you know the The Joe and his staff has done a nice job of of bringing some guys in and and things like that so it it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out buddy it really will the Jets fans have asked after the rule came out said Bree Hall man he's a beast up for four guy 200 plus pounds knocking people over whatever he doesn't need a lot of space take Bree's name out of it do you think they're going to be more teams apt to use running backs in that spot here in 20 absolutely I think that you know with their Vision their run skill they're used to running those kind of tracks things like that um but you also have to be a decision maker and everything back there and and make the decisions and the and the balls that you're going to see this year um I think are way different than it's ever been I think you're going to see a ton of balls uh trying a bunch of liners they're getting on the ground and right and stuff like that like obviously Bree is an elite elite Talent um would love to use him but uh unfortunately I can't um but uh you know those kind of guys would be unbelievable he'd be an unbelievable kick returner you know if you're ever able to use him well you never know back in the day Antonio kardi and that that big playoff game obviously a different era against the Indianapolis Colts but when the Jets needed a big return they throw Crow back there and stuff like that yeah obviously cornerback Tariq Cohen what have you appreciated about his game from the time he entered the National Football League even back go back to when he came out because I think you were a fan of him in college I was a big fan um I think he's you know I I went down and worked him out uh I believe it was North Carolina or something like that right and and uh and I went and worked him out and and I remember saying something to him like dude do you ever smile you know yeah in the middle of the workout I I worked his butt off you know on the workout and and uh what I really liked about him and I appreciated was he was all business man I mean he didn't smile one time yes sir did everything I asked him to do and and uh you know I see a guy that um you know specifically uh you know coming out of college that had unbelievable able run skill Vision Talent uh quickness short area burst long burst I mean he was he was a complete returner and player and and uh I really like I did like him coming out and and uh you know he's doing a really good job since he's been here and and uh he don't say much and he just shows up straps it on and goes to work and and uh you really like guys like that how much does he embracing this journey because he's went through a lot of late as far as the injuries are concern have really you know his career has went on a detour yeah and now he's trying to reignite it yeah he's he's had some tough luck with injuries and stuff like that and and uh you know I I think you're you're starting to see him get healthy and get get the um you know get his Stinger back so to speak you know and uh I think he's uh he's a guy with with that's going to be in that mix of of returners for us and and uh we'll see how it shakes out in the end but I'm excited to see what he can do in the preseason that's for sure who else is in that mix right now uh you mentioned Davis and all those guys u valade i mean we've got an army of guys back there um so I want I wanted to ask you about the young running backs because you just transitioned there Isaiah brayan when you watch them College tape do you see them on teams because they got the ball so much at Wisconsin go see much of it so a lot of it's a projection um so you know when you try to evaluate these guys like just specifically for special teams I you know if they're not playing much special teams I want to see if they can block are they willing to stick their face in there uh and then when you see them run the ball what's their Vision like what's their run skill like you know um can they set up returns you know stuff like that because the returner is the best blocker that that you have and and the way he sets up returns and and things like that and how we show them around here um you know I think that uh those young kids specifically uh you know you watch watch Davis and you watch Allen and and they've been awesome since they've been here um we this is a really good group of guys throughout the whole dealing and especially the rookies have come in this year and and they've done a really good job almost as as good as any rookie class that I've seen um you know it's not perfect all the time but but uh specifically this rookie class has come in learned really well um and and and bought in you know people aren't walking in late and stuff like that years of past that uh sometimes that you had to get after people and stuff like that um this this class has not coming from you yeah it's uh they they've done a great job since I've been here and and like I said they've picked up stuff really really well and uh so now instead of leaving them in one position I'm starting to move them around and stuff like that because once they get one position down I'm changing them sides I'm moving them to the other side in case you know you have injuries in a game and stuff like that where you're not going to have to move three people around for one guy if somebody goes down and so you try to develop um you know scheme Flex with those guys and and they've handled it pretty good and um you know like I said is it always perfect no but uh this this group specifically has been has been pretty dang good speaking of scheme Flex how about Corley corley's corley's done a nice job since he's been here you know he's got he's got some stuff to to fix but just like anybody we all do um coaches players everybody but he's certainly a talented kid and uh he's a phys iCal guy when he gets the ball on his hands and and uh you know uh we'll see how that shakes out in the end the young DBS stigers and key how have they adapted so far uh really well um I think they've done a really nice job um you know I think that you'll be able to use those guys uh pretty much anywhere you know and there's some free agents too that are that are really coming along doing a nice job and and uh whether that's Corner safety linebacker uh there's some receivers that can really run and stuff like that so it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out and then when when we get the roster finalized and everything you see who you got and and uh let let them hunt you know yeah so what's your thoughts always heading into a training camp as far as what you just spoke about is that there might be a guy who's very good at teams but maybe the need is there more the position group a and ultimately guy doesn't make the roster so like can you talk about what goes through your mind in roster construction because it's got to be difficult every year for every position coach but for you specifically yeah I think I mean life of a special teams coach is is basically you're putting a puzzle together all the time yeah and um because you never know who you're going to end up with with you know especially specifically like the you know a few spots here and there um I think you have a pretty good idea but um you know but that's really what I appreciate about the job I and it's and it's a big challenge to find out what can this kid Excel and what can he do and what can he not do and where do I put them those guys and how do I piece this puzzle together and uh you know the the progression of coaching and and playing and stuff like that and how those guys fit into specific environments how to but like I said taking advantage of their skill sets and where do you put them and and within your scheme and I think that's you know it it's tough sometimes to to have some guys that you really like and you don't get them and stuff like that that happens every year and that's part of the business and and I and I'm 100% good with it um you know but it is it is challenging at times but like I said that's part of what makes it really cool because because you have a as a special teams coordinator you talk to the whole team and and uh you have a relationship with all these guys and and you you you know um Smash and everybody who helps on teams and even the position coaches and saah and everybody they stress the importance of it and and I think that's made a big difference here um and so you know they they stress the importance of special teams and fill position and and they try to help me as much as they can and and uh I think that's you know when you get when you get help like that uh from your your coaches and things like that it just you know goes down to the players and and then it's a matter of finding out what they do well and taking advantage of their skill sets I know for years a lot of guys in the league were worried that they were going to take kickoffs out of the National Football League out of the game they were phasing it out so once you heard the league proposal go through in Florida at the league meetings how energized were you I I think it's uh you know you're going to go from I think it was 22% return kickoffs last year in the league uh I think you're going to go to 75 80% returns this year well and so it's going to be a big different like I said it's going to it's going to look different there's going to be a lot of balls uh rolling on the ground um just because of how they're going to try to attack everybody um you know uh it's going to look totally different to the average fan just like it does to anybody uh in the league right now and uh it's going to be interesting to see how it goes I think there's going to be some opportunities for some some big plays with the the the new rules and everything and how how how uh everybody's going to be approaching it so you know we'll see how it goes I'm I'm excited about it because it it it makes especially those young men that play on all these teams and everything that they were almost an afterthought now that now now the guys that I made a career trying to do it myself is is um you know those guys that are playing all special teams you're you're going to have to cover you know 80 kicks this year maybe 90 kicks where last year we didn't cover very many you can't go get your beer anymore yeah yeah true um you mentioned zerine a couple times as far as the kicks are concerned you said you're going to see a lot of different kickoffs how much is he practicing on that right now throughout the spring quite a bit you know I think this is you know for a guy like like Greg he he's got all the kicks in his in his repertoire anyway but they're these are certainly different kicks and uh you know we're experimenting with him here and there but he's got a a ramp up period that he that he works on you know specifically and and uh that you ramp up and you you touch on little things that you want to work uh when when he's here and and uh and then when he goes home this summer he'll have you know a bunch of stuff that that uh that he'll work on and and uh you know as they as they progress and start getting better and better and the locations get better and all this stuff that like it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out and where how it all works because nobody knows has somebody who has been here for a long time and has seen a lot of rosters and played in the league for more than a decade what do you think about the talent I know it's just on paper I'm not asking about wins and losses but as far as this roster is concerned what are the New York Jets what can they be you know I don't want to give any projections I really don't but I I think that uh Joe and solah and and all their staff uh you know I think they've done a really good job of of trying to fill the holes where the holes were needed and and uh that needed to be filled and and um you know I see a pretty talented group and I I see you know if if we don't turn the ball over and and uh you know we we play complimentary football and in all three phases and everything like that um you know I I I think that that we're going to have a good year I really do um and and we'll see how it plays out and obviously there's a lot of unknowns but um certainly I think that Joe Joe they have done a good job of feeling out this roster um and really helping this football team but before that plenty of fish to catch in Utah what are you going cely uh all trout allout I'll be floating down rivers in Wyoming Montana and Utah for probably 20 out of the 30 days I'm home so it'll be fun enjoy it brother we will see you back here for training camp all right appreciate it buddy [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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Breece hall robert said you been practicing deal with some lower half stuff how much how much of a concern is it and just you know uh it's not really a a concern to be honest i'm just for me just focused on just continuing to get better and uh just still keep building my body up um for the season everything... Read more

Aaron Rodgers Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets vs. San Francisco 49ers (9/9) thumbnail
Aaron Rodgers Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets vs. San Francisco 49ers (9/9)

Category: Sports

B sponsor questions hard was it for the yeah you know we're were just bad uh on first and second down i think for a lot of the game and then you know we had a couple drives we converted third downs but overall you know we we uh uh we i feel like we didn't have any third and 10 pluses tonight so that's... Read more

Aaron Rodgers Training Camp Press Conference (8/20) | New York Jets thumbnail
Aaron Rodgers Training Camp Press Conference (8/20) | New York Jets

Category: Sports

How did you feel about the practice [music] all right questions how do you feel about uh how yer this practice i felt real good about it um i think you need to have some practices where there's uh some mistakes that happen so you can coach them up i mean it's a coach's dream that that type of practice... Read more

Robert Saleh Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets at San Francisco 49ers (9/9) thumbnail
Robert Saleh Postgame Press Conference | New York Jets at San Francisco 49ers (9/9)

Category: Sports

Coach obviously not the start you w outside of the offensive struggles i think the clear-cut visual was no mcaffry they were able to run the ball really effectively especially on the edge what were the problems you were seeing and having in those situations where you couldn't get those stops now they... Read more

DJ Reed Full Documentary | Against All Odds, the Rise to Becoming a Top NFL CB | Origins thumbnail
DJ Reed Full Documentary | Against All Odds, the Rise to Becoming a Top NFL CB | Origins

Category: Sports

Intro yeah so we're at uh the juvenile h detention center bakersfield it was just like dang like you know i was having flashbacks and thinking about everything when i seen like the basketball courts i'm just a kid like from bakersfield that just you know went a certain route just from this experience... Read more

Breece Hall Gets Challenged By A Child In Madden 🤣🎮 thumbnail
Breece Hall Gets Challenged By A Child In Madden 🤣🎮

Category: Sports

It's bree the beast bree i have some questions for you okay do you have any silly nicknames when i first got an iphone my mom told me not to make an instagram and i got the first thing i did when i got my phone was download the instagram and i um made my uh instagram named bree the beast and so then... Read more