Breece Hall Isn't Talking To Brock Purdy Until After Week 1 Matchup

Published: Jun 10, 2024 Duration: 00:21:40 Category: Sports

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Breece Hall Robert said you been practicing deal with some lower half stuff how much how much of a concern is it and just you know uh it's not really a a concern to be honest I'm just for me just focused on just continuing to get better and uh just still keep building my body up um for the season everything I could practice right now I feel great but uh you know uh the coaches are real cautious with me and you know I appreciate what them I appreciate them for that so it's it's been a good time just to still be here be a part of everything I do the walkthroughs and stuff we've been doing so it's been cool it's been fine consider considering the way the season ended an upswing for you personally what kind of expectations do you have for yourself this year yeah it's uh I ended the season on a good note um just still last season not still feeling like 100% all the time but now I have my first offseason to not to not just be trying to get back but to get better and I've gotten better this offseason so um you know I'm a lot leaner I feel a lot healthier my knees they my knee feels a lot better um and you know I just feel like I'm back to my my old self did you not necessarily feel like that at all huh did was there ever a point that you kind of felt like yourself last year um I mean I had times but you know coming off an injury and I was playing a little early so you know um I was still trying to figure out how to deal with like soreness and stuff and I never really had injuries before so I don't think I had like a super high like pain tolerant so like uh you know when you have those those uh traumatic injuries you know that kind of messes with you a little bit but now I'm like now that I've gotten a full offseason and just keep getting stronger I feel just fine so it feels feels great now last year you uh before the season ended you talked about some loss the go for yourself about being the best running back in football all pro and pro what is it going to take for you to get there um really it's just all on me you know we have the team now we have the we upgraded uh every we upgraded in every room um so um I'm just happy that you know I'm I'm happy that we have the guys that we have now I've been happy for you know everything I've had in the past you know so now it's on me you know um I feel like right now you know mcaffry is the best in the league and um for me to me he sets the standard so now you know I'm we're going to see him week one and everything and we're playing against some of the best linebackers so for me um it's exciting just to see where I stand and you know uh really let everybody see my full Talent out that I'm healthy so you just got a new contract so uh as a fellow running back just how does that make you feel just yeah it's uh it was cool you know um like I said he sets the standard you know so it's it was just cool to see him uh raise the market and continue to get paid and you know he's still a top 10 player in this league so um you know and I feel like with my talent and the team we have I I have potential to you know to Trend towards that way so I'm just excited to you know get rolling what were the things you focused on this offseason since you had kind of like an uninterrupted one to get uh getting probably just getting a little leaner and like just getting my uh my leg strong my left my left quad knee uh handy cap stronger um just so I didn't have any like asymmetry or anything so that was mostly what I was focused on um but other than that yeah I just just making sure I was you know working out uh just doing it smart and not trying to overload myself and um just getting back to feeling good you caught a lot of passes you think there's pass yeah cuz I caught a lot but also had some drops too so um which comes with just like concentration stuff trying to make a play and everything so um right now just uh for in it's our second year in the offense with hacket and everything so now I I can play with more accelerator Vision I'm a lot more confident with everything I feel like I can see stuff before it's happening even more now so um that'll help me a lot you this offense can look like like now with Aaron back the additions second year stuff like that yeah I'm kind of excited I can't wait for Mike to come back to be honest cuz with him it's just you know he's just he's just like gett he's a huge playmaker you press him you play too far up to him you just throw him a fade so that's going to help me out a lot because with him and Garrett then we got Malachi Xavier Gibson Allen and everybody um going to take a lot of a lot of pressure off me I won't have to go as many as as many one high boxes so I'm going to go against a lot of two high boxes which creates more space for me to work with and everything and you know um people aren't going to be able to just sit in one high cuz Aaron's going to dice them up so uh I'm excited for sure mentioned the upgrades um around the team but specifically on the offensive line you add in Tyron Smith back Mor Moses you as a running back John Simpson too don't foret absolutely uh as a running back what do those moves do for you how excited are you uh to be behind that kind of offensive line yeah it was good we just created like and especially coming to the season just creating a whole new standard and um and just not only for the o line and running backs but for the whole offense you know um we're really trying to uh just challenge our defense our defense is already really good so you know every day we're trying to challenge them and we're trying to you know become a better offense and we have been doing that this offseason with the vets that we have and you know uh guys like me and gett getting older you know we're starting to take on that leadership role and really trying to step into being those guys for the offense and everything so um I think we're just trending upward so it's been good what does a leadership role look like for you um I'm not I'm more like a a you know laidback jokester guy so I'm not a real like Rah dude so I just you know go out and ball that's all all I can do gar is the same way you know so um you know we lead by example but then when we do say something everybody listens cuz they're not used to us you know really speaking up like that so just just leading by example and showing up every day being the same guy doing your 1th what would like being the old guy in the running back room now I'm not the old guy we got Tariq Cen now so I was just telling I used to play with them my Madden and everything so now I'm not the old guy Nick B he's old he's older than me as well so I'm I'm sitting that third right now and I think uh Isaiah Davis is the same age as me as well so Bray yeah so brayan's the Young Buck in there now so I'm good yeah what was your reaction were you surprised not to see Aaron today and how do you feel about your quarterback skipping a mandatory event no I wasn't uh I wasn't going to be surprised not to see him wasn't going to be surprised to see him so uh you know I know he's he's working his tail off he's still trying to come back uh still get back to fing right from his his injury and everything I know he's working his tail off whether he's here or not you know I know he's all in and it's good for Tyrod and some of the younger quarterbacks to get get those reps because this is Ty Rod's first year in the offense and he's still learning everything as well so um It's cool cuz he also brings a sense of calm to the offense and um you know it's it's just going to be good for him to work through mistakes and for the young guys to work through mistakes and grow pains and everything you mentioned the 49ers in maccaffrey maybe think about your cousin or your Roger c yeah cousin yeah how cool is that what's the history there as far as you and the 49ers Roger Craig was a legend there he's your relative and you're opening up with him yeah it's it's very cool um you know I know he's going to be talking stuff to me before the game and everything even though he's I know he's going to be rooting for me and everything so it was going to be cool and playing the 49ers you know Brock was my roommate in college and everything and u mcaffrey i was used to watch his highlights all the time if you go like if you go on my YouTube and you look at Christian mcaffrey and like my history and everything of the show I watch like the first like 10 videos of like his highlights and everything so it's going to be cool going against Fred Warner um and the defense they have over there um it's going to be a great challenge for me just to see where I stand see where our offense is and I think it's it's going to be fun did you talk to part after the schedule came out no I haven't yet I haven't yet uh me and him are actually like overly competitive with each other so like even in college when we play Madden and stuff like whoever won like we wouldn't talk to each other for the rest of the day so like that's that's how it's going to be out to the game so Tyron Smith yeah how's the adjustment going well it's going great um it's a pleasure to you know working with a good group of guys here um everybody has the same mindset they get better every day and um you know it's it's been fun so for you you know you have probably been used to the same kind of routine from the off season into mini camp and that kind of thing how different is it cuz you know how things are structured now it's a complet completely different thing at this point in your career yeah um you know every team is different um it's adjusting to what you know what you you know what you get you get to and so uh you know the adjustment hasn't been hard or anything like that just you know getting to it's more for learning everything how they do things here as far as Playbook and the workouts and everything here but it's easy transition um they make it easy for you and to learn everything how they how everything right here compare this offense to the one that you play with in Dallas um you know you know we established something you know great in you know in Dallas and it's potential to do the same thing here we got a good group of guys here that's willing to be you know be the best o line as we can and um so you know me and couple older guys we you know the beginning stages right now but we're building to that chemistry that we need what kind of relationship did you have with Larry Al I read some clips last week at pass that said that he was uh you know he had kind of approach you I guess when you first got to Dallas um yeah so uh Larry was a big influence for me from my first couple years um coming to training camp and you know give me a little tips here and there and just being there um used to send us texts you know before every game a couple a couple guys on the line and saying you know give us you know a little encouragement for every game um you know it breaks everybody's heart that he passed away and sudden the way it did but you know we got you know take for what he taught us and you know we got to grow from there do you do you see yourself sort of that chain of passing down I obviously you're still acting to us um do do you take on that responsibility you like that role um you know for me you know any kind of tips I could get give anybody as far as you know technique anything like that I'm willing to give it because we all got to be strong in this along those lines when they drafted Olu um you know what what kind of what's that relation for like over the last month or so uh it's been great um he's not shy to ask any questions um he's willing to work and you know like today was working technique after practice trying to find tun any different things because you never know what could happen and in this league is always the next guy because you know everybody has to be ready so is there a particular trait that stands out to you when you look at a loose game from college to now um you could tell that he's you know he's growing for what he you know how he used to play in in college he starting to see how you know things are done here and he's adjusting you know pretty well when we down a few weeks ago he mentioned your lockers are near each other locker room he was talk about how cool it is to watch you kind of talk to the younger guys what's it been like being around there uh it's been great um you know he's you know one of the greats and you know anything anything he tells you you listen um cuz it's always going to be something you haven't heard before so you guys just take it what you know what it is and you know learn from have you allowed yourself to imagine what this offense could look like when everyone's together and healthy um I feel like we could be a dominant offense you know as long as everybody's on the same page and I feel like we're getting to that point and so um you know it's you know it's all as as one and we got to stay together on every step of the way you've been in the been in NFL for a little while just uh the type of describe the type of leader that you are whether it be you know by example or you know verbal um you know for me I never been like a raw ra type guy try to stay neutral as possible um for me is you know I'm always leading by example because I'm never you know it's weird for me being on a press conference right now talk in front of you guys right now CU I'm not a big talking guy so I'm always leading by example um that's the way I always wrote so did you learn anything last season in terms of managing yourself through the course of the year that you could apply to this year um you had done in previous years well the system they had set up for a million dollars was you know something they came up with came with and it worked and so and just pretty much was me listening to whatever they tell me to do and same thing here whatever plan they have for me to take to take care of me here I'm going listen and follow with you know Morgan hasn't been practicing and KBT has been practicing how important is it for you five guys to get on the field together for some time in August yeah um you know and get some continuity before the season gets here um I feel like we're going to we're going to get that no matter what in we trainer comes up um you know both of them have been working this whole time and it's not like they've been missing they've been staying you know in the Playbook and so and I missing a beat what's it been like for you and what went into the decision to you've been here pretty much the whole offseason right you're I think you're from California and you played in Texas this is far away from your stomping grounds what made you decide to I'm going to be here the whole time and how has that going for you um for me that's always pretty much how I did things um even though I was in Dallas I was there from we used to have called used to have something called Captain workouts it started in March and we continued on there continued on the whole offseason program all the way through mini camp I'm just used to being around the guys and building that camarad with the guys and so that's all he building chemistry throughing this offseason program so get training camp he not he's picking up for he left off for at the mini camp you ever get tired of the drills and stuff I watch you doine drills today fig you must have done these things like a thousand times yeah but I enjoy it cuz it can always get better with some kind of technique so I just sit there and learning you always something you can add to the tool Bo I notice they don't ask you to hold the pads anymore though no no a long long time ago yeah how do how did your body feel after like a decade in the league feels great honestly um after last year how they took care of me and then just really focused on taking care of my body uh coming into this offseason I feel great Tyrod Taylor so just uh your grasp of the offense and how it's coming how you feel like it's coming along uh these last few months for it's been good um obviously um change your scenery all together um m is the stadium but uh learning a new a verbage um fairly new system but I think that uh with phase one phase two um and phase three into mini camp we've repped enough things enough times uh to have some comfort level around it um I mean the name of the game is to continue to get better each and every day and that's the focus um for me and as this team um for us to challenge ourselves and get better um and that starts in the classroom and then applying it to the field and that's what my mindset has been dayto day uh you mean you have with a lot of different teams too this uh the overlap and how could that possibly help you especially get the offense down 100% um played a lot of football um and so so many different ways you can um conceptually uh get Guys open on the field um at this point it's really just about relearning or learning new terms and forgetting old terms um it's a lot of carryover in some of the offense that I've been a part of uh but yeah it's really just about putting the time in um in the classroom and going out there and trusting your instincts your last few years you you've kind of been with younger quarterbacks you know in those rooms are you looking forward to kind of being in a more veteran group where you you have a lot of experience Aaron has a lot of experience um I enjoy um both I mean obviously this is different like you said from the last few years that I've been a part of uh but the main thing each and every day is that uh to a man that we bring our best game um obviously we lead in our own way um but the better play as a as a group um the energy flows out throughout the team um and it's up to me when I'm in there uh to have a standard of play as well as Aaron as well as p and JT when he gets right get right as well what was it like out there today obviously with no Rogers you know taking all the first team reps um been in this league long enough to know um his next man up mentality and I think as as you create a culture around that um I don't think uh from the emotional side that you get according to who's out there who's not um it's about going out there and executing play in and play out uh competing at a high level and I think the guys done a great job of doing that today uh we competed our buts off against uh the defense all spring um and we have another opportunity tomorrow um before we go on breaking into the training camp um but I think the guys uh done a great job of competing today as well as all spring where be in the weight room uh on the field all of it when did you find out that you were going to be the starter in the Min kid this morning we talk about culture all the time right that's a we're this turn around you've been in so many different buildings and arounds how much of that is reality versus how much is that just talk and and what leads to a good culture um it is reality um some for some it's talk but uh the teams the good teams that I've been on um it is a reality um it's a Brotherhood throughout the locker room I would say some of the best teams that I've been on or the better teams that I've been on um starts with the locker room um the energy uh throughout it um how well we Bond as a unit but then as well as offense defense special teams everyone um spending time with one another outside of the building getting to know your teammates obviously at this level um there's a lot of different responsibilities outside of this building but while we're here uh coming together uh put putting our minds together and our efforts to go out there and obviously accomplish a goal that everyone this time of year has which is a Super Bowl um there's a lot of work uh to do to get up into that point um but yeah I I will say culture is a real thing um I've been on teams that have it some teams that don't um it's not a deal breaker but I think the better teams have a have a good sense of what their culture is and what they're trying to do as a team which team that you were on during your career had the closest offense to this one in what ways bonding system oh okay so this we have a a West Coast background um my fourth year in Baltimore uh coach kubia got a version of the West had his own version of the West Coast system you see a version of that out in San Fran obviously coach shanan has kind of done his own thing with it um I've also played with played under Greg Roman um who had a version of the West Coast as well we had some West Coast terminology last year was kind of of a hybrid um in some of the concepts uh but I would say this is true just learning the offense from day one going back to the basics um this is a true West Coast um obviously coach hackit um steming from his father who was at practice today um yeah so I've I've been in versions of it uh but I would say this is the truest form of it what's it like being in a room where you're not the oldest quarterback the other guys it's refreshing oh no it's it's good um uh a lot of experience um me and Aaron joke about it all the time between us to is 34 years of experience um and you don't see that often um at this league um and I've played with some veteran quarterbacks obviously not at year 14 so that years um don't match I mean 2019 I was with Phillip I can't remember what year that was for Philip but um I wasn't obviously as experienced as I am now um but it's good I mean the lot the quarterback room is a fun one um we all uh keep it entertaining at some point um but at the same time we all have a standard um and we all push each other and we're all learning um trying to be better where's uh Garrett Wilson rank up there with the receivers that you play with very high I've been very impressed with him um and I told him that the first week that I got here I was always a fan of him from afar um got a chance to watch him uh him last year um just it seemed like the Jets played obviously first week we played Sunday night versus Cowboys they play Monday night versus uh or jet play Monday night versus Buffalo I feel like I caught a lot of their games last year um so I got a chance to see him but then actually being around him um seeing the way he works uh the way he's intentional about his approach um he has a veteran mindset um and when I say that just how he works he don't really see a lot of younger guys that way um super talented and he wants to get it right um obviously a key part of our offense uh but I think his attitude and his approach dayto day also lifts up that room um and brings high expectations across the board I know you guys been practicing but what's it like for you being able to be back with Mike Williams there early in his career Mike Mike Mike is a is a great great uh a great addition for this team um can't wait to get him healthy uh I know what he's capable of and I know he's eager to show um what he could do here as well as just coming off an injury uh ready to prove himself um like I said it's a great great addition for this team and looking forward to big things from Mike

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