Category: Autos & Vehicles
Dann kamen die fantastische idee mit dem boxster 996 er der die idee stammt von herrn michael der das erstmal im vorstand besprochen hat also horst macht hat war der produktions- oder der technik vorstand technik vorstellt nicht vorstand genau er und der markt hat das erstmal wahrscheinlich nicht mal... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Dann kam die fantastische idee mit dem [musik] boxster 96 90er der die idee stammt von herrn magath der das erstmal im vorstand besprochen hat also horst machart war der produktions- oder der technik vorstand technik vorstellt nicht vorstand genau und der markt hat das erstmal wahrscheinlich nicht mal... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
[music] hello and welcome to the alte schule!! nice to have you there again. i landed in beautiful sankt engelmar in the bavarian forest and who lives there? of course... walter, hello, hello! goodbye! thank you for taking your time. today we want to talk a little bit about the carriera gt. this is... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
It's old school here, the golden era of the automobile. walter, we're stranded at the airport. yes, unfortunately. we just came back from histo monte. now let's use the time wisely. or at least makes sense to me, maybe not to you. i heard there's a film about you coming out soon. "race for glory". it's... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Für alle elektroautofahrer oder die die es noch werden wollen der move podcast wird ihnen präsentiert von charge now move der new mobility podcast von automotor und sport hallo und herzlich willkommen zum move dem new mobility podcast von automotor und sport mein name ist luca leicht und heute begrüße... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
[applause] rena has creating an all electric restomod version of the renault 17 coupe from the 197s to bring the design of the 17 into the modern world renault worked hand inhand with french designer orao compared to the original rena 17 the 17 restomod is about 7 in wider with slightly more flared... Read more
Category: Sports
Not only is it in doubt i think it's over i think the constructor's championship is over despite the 30 point lead that red bull currently have that'll be gone in three four waste time in my opinion but yeah there is a five bar five bell alarm fire going off at the red bull factory right now because... Read more
Category: Entertainment
De bodde dank u wel dank u wel voorzitter eh zou de eh premier mij kunnen toelichten uitleggen waarom het in zijn ogen in het nederlands belang is eh om zoveel te doen eh in het steunen van oekraïne ik zit even te zoeken naar een verstandig antwoord ehm maar dat heeft iets te maken met eh wat ik de... Read more
Category: Sports
Uh jerry ferrera the new co-host of throwbacks with matt liner and jerry ferrera a a podcast first episode drops two days from now on thursday uh you also know jerry from think like a man power and of course one of my favorite shows of all time entourage where he start as turtle uh jerry thank you for... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] welcome here to a very special wakeup call with dan tortor spotlight broadcast inside of the heritage hill studios heritage hill our exclusive studio partner you'll find them on 3149 sweet road in pompy new york at their brew house and you will find them right by the airport very easy to get... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sorry i hear you not my thing um you're not going to like every single song on the album sometimes you know yeah so i get that but i thought it was good i yeah but this one this one was great i thoroughly enjoyed it i thought it was great by him i i like the beat switch i like the call outs i like the... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
[musique] [musique] [applaudissements] [musique] [musique] bonsoir ravi de vous retrouver pour ce nouveau numéro de toback gp qui va être consacré ce soir au grand prix d'aragon le 12e grand prix de la saison pour débriefer ce grand prix et dieu sait s'il y a des choses à dire et bien je suis ravi pour... Read more