Jim Harbaugh Won't Stop Talking About The Michigan Cheating Scandal!

Billy skeptic oh for $5 once Michigan's winds are vacated they're not going to be vacated uh there will only be two four big playoff wins with one Natty the big gets beat in the playoffs like the overrated mugs they are wins will not be vacated at Michigan they're just not going to do that I think what what punishment would I give I it doesn't matter what would you do it doesn't matter the NCAA is not going to vacate the national championship they're not going to vacate wins I think you are they are going to end Jim Harbaugh's access to college football coaching jobs I think they are going to dramatically reduce Michigan's ability to recruit on multiple fronts off-campus on campus and they are going to dramatically reduce scholarships well and I love that now everyone you know the college football Community is talking about how Chiron Moore you know is definitely like it went from oh he's not going to get a show cause to now yeah oh he's definitely gonna get a show caused because of the deleted SE like it people are evolving on this this discipline conversation every day and the reality is yeah you're not vacating wins you're just going to prevent them from winning for probably I would say like five to seven years probably when you think about recruiting and you know yeah the Chiron Mor show cause that an every's going to show up and like like there there's a lot of you're going to pay a heavy price moving forward and Jim Harbaugh yesterday met with the media uh as the head coach of the Chargers and again attacked the NCAA over it's it's withholding of revenue from players which I think we all agree with that the problem is Jim Harbaugh is only doing that because he doesn't want to talk about his situation and I will play you I believe this is a video from three weeks ago right yeah um I will play you what he said three weeks ago because it's the exact same thing he said yesterday yeah I do have a comment on that um Never Lie never cheat never steal I was raised with that lesson I have raised my family on that lesson I have preached that lesson to the teams that I've coached no one's perfect if you stumble you apologize and you make it right today I do not apologize I did not participate was not aware nor complicit in those said allegations so for me it's back to work and attacking with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind never mind that Jim Harbaugh the head coach of the LA Chargers it doesn't matter if you were complicit took part or knew the NCAA doesn't care about that it's your job to know it is your job to know what your staff is doing it is your job to know what your staff and their staff are doing and if you don't you're Derick in your duties and it's a it's a level one violation yeah and and I think you know Jim is look you shouldn't be surprised by what Jim has to say anymore if you're a college football fan or anybody really I mean Jim is Jim is running the same Playbook he's been running for years now which is hey you know I'm just gonna say that I didn't know anything and you know like yesterday as an example you know this is not the first time but yesterday you know saying oh well you know the NCA doesn't have any credibility and yada y y and it's like dude you you're you're saying the same thing your lawyer said three weeks ago you're and the worst part is you're saying somebody else doesn't have credibility when you are the one who has denied any knowledge you were slapped with a a massive show cause order already related to your dishonesty in your subversion of the NCAA process with the covid period uh recruiting violations where you know it was we go back to hey he was just buying some hungry kids a burger which turned out to be complete BS and then lied about knowing a recruit was on campus or meeting with him or communicating with him and then when they put text messages in front of you like oh yeah I didn't know or you were caught lying why would we believe you now don't lie to me and when you say hey they have no credibility well who are you to question people's credibility but and I think the other thing that's so rich about what Jim's doing now too is like ESP does this this interview it you know covering the Chargers and they talk to a bunch of players they talk to Jim you know they talk to the front office and I love how everyone's like oh Jim is this amazing head coach and you know he's lifting weights with us and the attention to detail and everything's amazing you can see the strategy here this is very clear hey we're gonna put out a bunch of positive media you know making Jim look like everyone's All American as a head coach in LA and never mind the back that Jim is so Brazen about the concept of hey I pulled one over on you guys I'm in the league now by the way everything's going awesome over here never mind that the the the program I left is a dumpster fire now because of my actions but we won a national championship we did great things I went back to Michigan as you know a superhero and Captain America and I couldn't beat Ohio State to save my life um and so I started selling vacuums and what do you know all of a sudden we sucked up and National Championship fine Steeler guy and yeah they wanted to make me the highest paid coach in the history of college football but that wasn't enough because they wouldn't indemnify me against NCAA penalties so I left cheating lying and then playing the victim that's what I do is what it is that's who this guy is that's who this guy is wi without question Eric and ronley I am who I thought I was and I let myself off the hook right exactly precisely exactly right and I don't think there's any doubt that I believe he's Jim Harbaugh is is a terrible human being in my opinion yeah I mean last year dude last year I ripped Jim Harbaugh for his career and you know you know his his his accolades and his wins versus not wins and you know what he did with the Niners and everyone was like oh you don't know anything about Jim Harbaugh and this guy's done exactly what I said he was gonna do which is you're gonna being in a program for 3 years you're going to burn that thing down what was at Michigan six years I think it was in total or whatever it was maybe longer than that but but basically long enough where you were established and then you couldn't figure out how to how to beat your main opposition so you had to go out and cheat and then you're going to deny it and then you're going to take it a step further and you're GNA insult The credibility of the NCAA I agree the NCA has issues I I hate the way they handle discipline I I I I think they operate their business in a caveman way when it comes to that and and they need to change that does not however mean that Jim somehow gets to just sit here and name call and do all this and to your point this is what you've been saying this is the new thing now this is what we do in life now like hey we're just going to insult everybody and say that you don't know anything to a as like a defense strategy and it's we're going to rewrite history that's what we do in this country if if we if we don't like how we Act or the way things turned out we just lie about it we we like the rules until they're applied to us and that's what Jim Harbaugh's telling you because yesterday when he's ripping the NCAA and he's talking about how they have no credibility I would remind you who is the NCAA and I know I say this all the time the NCAA is Michigan the NCAA is all of its member institutions are the ones who set the policy Michigan was involved in setting that policy so does Michigan have no credibility they it it's alarming to me that people don't understand the NCAA isn't just a bunch of dudes who arbitrarily make decisions the NCAA is every University that we're talking about because they're the ones their presidents their chancellors they're those are the people they athletic directors those are the people on these committees at the NCAA they're the ones who make the NCAA who do you think hired Charlie Baker yeah the universities hired Charlie Baker they all voted for him they ratified his contract like do you understand that the people holding down these kids uh Jim it's you in in Michigan it's you in Michigan so you can sit here and say they don't have any credibility who are you and of course the in Los Angeles doesn't know anything about the the Michigan situation so nobody is going to question him about it and by the way what's he gonna say when the NFL drops a you know two or three game suspension on him yeah because I don't think they have any a choice but to yeah are you gonna say that the NFL lacks all credibility are you gonna say that you know the suspension is totally baseless and yada y like you're not g to say that you're you're you're not going to do that like yeah like you you know what he's gonna do he's probably gonna do nothing he's probably not going to comment on it you won't see him do press on it and when someone asks him about it he's going to say yeah you can defer all those questions to my attorney or something like he's not gonna talk about it and that's why ultimately to put a bow around this I don't respect Jim Harbaugh I I I think the guy has no morals he has no ethics he he's not interested in you know making men like at least with Dabo I I I have grievances with Dabo you you like at some point you're going to have to embrace the portal you're going to have to make some changes at least with dbo we have no reason to think the guy is cheating or you know doing nefarious stuff he's doing it the way he wants to do it he's guilty of being stubborn and that may mean they're not winning a whole bunch but at least it's on the up and up yeah uh hillbilly skeptic five more dollars so Kentucky gets vacated wins for bulls and nil discrepancy no they played ineligible players they they had players who participated that were ineligible that's completely different there is not an eligibility issue at Michigan and the idea that they would vacate a national championship I is is wild to me I don't believe and this is again I think most people that I've spoken to about it I think most people agree that vacating a national championship is never going to happen again well I just don't think it does anything like what's the what's did they win did they win the national championship they did did Reggie Bush get his Heisman back he did yeah right I mean you I I get it you want Michigan to have their WIS vacated it's it's not realistic in my opinion and maybe I'm wrong the issue is they had a chance to take Jim Harbaugh out of the equation at the time and they did not do it they did not do it so you're not going to retroactively go back and say yeah you guys didn't win that national championship and I again would ask who are you giving it to you're just not going to have a national champion for 2023 come on you can't just hand it to Washington with all due respect Michigan was a superior football team last year they were clearly the best team in college football on the field which is what's so massively overlooked they didn't play ineligible players so we consider in the Kentucky situation is completely different it is it is by in no comparison to what happened at Michigan in none whatsoever and I think most people agree the players are the ones being held blameless here they are going going to end coaching careers they're not going to to take what are you going to do take their t-shirts back hey kids yeah uh we vacated those wins can you guys bring your national championship gear back please all the fans too um no refunds but we're going to need you to send those hats you ordered back we're gonna need you to send them back what the [ __ ] are you talking about you're not doing that you're not vacating wins you're not unwinding a watch like well you can't unwind the watch and and that's the thing that with all respect to this dude I think you just don't understand or don't want to accept like we can talk about oh well take their Championship away it doesn't matter if you want to go back into the past and knock over our award if you want to go back over the past and and change and try to change that like you can't do that man that's not how Works you're not going to revise history you're you're just not I I think it is it is very interesting to me that people I I think yeah time will tell uh I'm stuck on the pokes vodka one for the road it's it is if you're just tuning in here on the Monty show uh yesterday it was announced that um our good friends at Oak State got their own pokes vodka you should be embarrassed honestly you should be embarrassed I I I I I am amazed by that I'm I that you have the DUI Scandal and you punish nobody for it because Gundy didn't get punished oi Gordon clearly did not get punished again and so then you roll out a pokes branded vodka wild to me just wild to me who thought and you know what the thing is with that that's not just Gundy that's School administration approving that yeah it's systematic it's systematic it it no doubt calford sein Steeler guy has a Netflix documentary I never heard that really there's a documentary about SE stealer guy sein stealer guy I had no idea yeah maybe we should ask Dave pornoy what he thinks to the documentary yeah um there's that too I just you know um it's fine what did Michigan do now not it's Jim Harbaugh again it's Jim Harbaugh again San Diego State Glenn NCA in quote so easy even a caveman can do it until they can't exactly the why is it so hard for people to understand the structure of the NCAA I I I am amazed that and I know why Jim Harbaugh's talking about the NCAA as though it's a separate body because he's trying to make an argument to cover himself but you guys understand the plan in the system and the oppression of the college athlete was perpetrated by the universities you understand that right this wasn't just some dude who's like yeah I'm going to put more money in my pocket it was all the dudes meaning every University because the NCAA had multiple opportunities and when it was a body of a bunch of old men who are trying to keep more money for themselves the education's enough you're getting a scholarship son that's bull [ __ ] that's what that that was all of the institutions all of the universities that make up the NCAA and vote to ratify that policy and many others so uh red wine says Michigan was due a a national championship for the first time since 1946 well you probably should have beat Ohio State fairen square and then you probably could have had one you know Harbaugh uh saying the NCAA hello pot me Kettle exactly right exactly right Lopes fan Gabe says like button casuals yes please we've had uh well over a thousand views this morning only 44 likes come on let's go hit the like button here on the Monty show I appreciate you guys doing that if you're watching on Twitter or Facebook make sure you come on over to YouTube hit the uh subscribe and then uh give us a thumbs up on the Monty show as we talk about uh all kinds of college football stuff because soon here in about five minutes we have to get to the swifties because the Kelsey Swift swy social media romance could be coming to an end and it's a shocking troubling end but we'll we'll talk about it calford Harbaugh sounds like Trump but it's too early in the show for politics too early uh Boyd Lake Dabo certainly seems genuine Harbo seems not genuine I would agree with that yeah I mean that's the difference like that's why I say like I I you may not agree with like dabo's stances on like the portal or other things inside of the game but at least Dabo is is genuine and like you're you're either gonna keep him on that staff and keep him as your head coach and you're gonna deal with what he thinks or you're gonna let him go because of that not because you know the guy cheated to win a National Championship or like you know had all these scandals and at least for that I can respect [ __ ] I agree I agree I think it is uh at least I can respect his name image and likeness in God's name image and likeness yeah I think it is uh yeah it's fine um Ed Enriquez what happened to Penn State in those vacated wins nothing yeah they were all was it was over a hundred they were all rest like the the vacating winds means nothing it is it means nothing absolutely nothing and ped state is probably the best example of it it is disgusting to me that Penn State still has a football program we're g to overlook the abuse and the absolute horror show that happened at Penn State and restore Joe pno to his you know alter do do you really think they're going to go after Michigan and take away a national championship and vacate wins I that's not happening I I just I can't imagine take the national championship away and give it to the yeah what are you going to do annoy Ohio State Kyle yeah why don't you give it to why don't you give it to Ryan day's you know private investigator maybe that be better it was his brother yeah his brother you know remember that whole thing oh well Ohio State they they are the ones who can ask all the uh Michigan you know the blogs and the real insiders at Michigan who know everything the real insiders and who got none of this right come on man uh udub fan Jim why not udub was the true champs yeah but you couldn't beat him on the field and if if Michigan stole Washington signs that's a Washington problem so you know um let's see who else Glass City Buck yes Eric give it to give it to thee calford um I beg to differ but we can agree to disagree beg to differ on what I I don't know I don't I believe it's a political conversation uh the eye patch take then take scholarships and give them a bull band for five years hurt their future that's what the NCAA is going to do the NCAA is going to make it impossible for Michigan to recruit they're going to give them a postseason ban probably a two-year postseason ban which is going to hurt you for five plus Seasons because you're not going to be able to recruit then you're you're on top of that you're not going to be able to go to the postseason which means you're not going to be able to recruit further and then you're not going to be relevant so after 5 years you're you're going to still be in a position where chirom MO is probably not your head coach anymore but you're you're going to be in a position where you're going to have to restock talent and you're going to have to try and find a way and the portal is a big deal nil will be a big deal you're going to have to find a way to have an influx of talent and it is Michigan so I would think at some point the brand matters and Legacy Kids matter but you're going to be light years behind Ohio State you're going to be light years behind SC and Oregon it's going to be a very steep climb back to the top of the Big 10 W especially if Lincoln Riley's gonna do more of that winning don't you know it's bad enough that yesterday you came in here and said nice things about Lincoln Riley stop do not continue that please uh profits from pokes vodka will fund an addition of luxury boxes and a fourth Stadium deck at whatever stadium called where the pokes play that it be BPS Boon picking Stadium you know it's fine the Big luic Texas Tech has raiderland red logger part of the proceeds go to nil how did that work out over over the week over the weekend I love that all the Texas Tech fans are like Joey's not going anywhere bro okay be mediocre because if you're a Texas Tech fan and you're happy with Joey Maguire I am sad for you because what we saw last year now we know is not a fluke what happened in laramy last year was not a flute the bad losses the injuries not a flute now am I going full Tyler shuck and saying that lck smells like manure I'm not I'm not can you believe he said that uh I'm not but what I am telling you is if you do not recognize that there are major issues with talent and depth at Texas Tech your head is in the sand and we haven't even talked about the play calling yet your head is in the sand what is going on in LC is should be frightening and I all the Texas Tech fans like what you don't understand is this is a rivalry what you don't understand is it doesn't matter you were playing like a D7 School bro like did you did you guys look at and I'm not even trying to be an a-hole about it did you did you guys look at the the numbers let me pull up the did you guys look at in that game and I'll remind you it's abene Christian because it's garbage I get it the wild cats I totally understand it well they're a college football playoff team right you allowed abene Christian to to put up 30 first downs 11 of 16 on third down 600 and 15 yards um for abene Christian abene 506 passing yards for abalene Christian well at least you picked him off zero times they threw the ball 51 times and you didn't pick him off once abalene they ran for 109 it how they outp possessed you 33 minutes and 48 seconds to 2607 you only put up 539 yards and you still only won by one one point well Monty Baron is a hell of a quarterback don't you know who he is and he was outgained oh but Monty uh mcgyver he was you know like he was he used to be there who cares don't you know who I am who cares you're Texas Tech and you let a kid throw for 506 yards and three scores are you out of your mind and if he threw for 506 why isn't he starting a Texas Tech why is it that he used to be there and he's not still there over manure smeller and the sad thing is Baron Morton's performance got outshined and again I know it's shocking you have a major injury on offense with Taj Brooks if if you do not if you are not concerned about Texas Tech bro what is it going to take to make you become concerned what is it going to take that's wild to me it's wild to me the big luic abalene Christian has our former DC and seven former players who cares who cares you're Texas Tech and this right here this is the problem in in Leck you're apathetic you gave up 500 passing yards I don't care if you really believe that they they know your signs let me let me break it to you the hard way if if abalene Christian knows your signs Joe Maguire is incompetent F stealer guy hate to break it to you are you not using helmet Communications hate to break it to you if they know your signs Joey Maguire should resign he shouldn't be fired he should resign do you think he doesn't know that the former DC and seven former Raiders are on that team he should resign for incompetence if you guys don't understand that what's happening in Texas Tech is an absolute abomination of football in that town I I know what else it's going to take you gave up 51 points to abalene and you and you want to say that they had your signs I I'm Amazed by it I am amazed by it yeah I just think I I don't know why it's taboo to say yeah yeah that's unacceptable to give up 51 to abene like like again and I said this yesterday still won the game we'd be having a very different conversation if you had lost the game and gave up 51 you still won but to give up 51 to a team like that does not bod well at at all like at all at all I I am I am amazed by it I am amazed by it and it it just is yes 51 points to a town I always say this about directional let me ask you is Alabama giving up 51 points to South Alabama is Alabama giving up 51 to some directional institution directional institution because they're not they're not pissed about nothing but the they're not and I agree with the I patch 100% you gave up 51 to a town not a state school and it sucks not a technical institution but a town you gave up 51 to a town boy you guys G to write all this negative stuff when we lose d g where's my vodka but I don't read any of this I don't hear it it doesn't affect me welcome to the nightmare Texas Tech fans saying they had their signs as like FSU fan blaming jet lagging that was the bestty Marty Marty you know we say the best part about Florida State and the jet lag thing is you stayed there to sightsee the next day and then you're blaming jet lag no bro no you're not no no you're not I just yeah Marty listen listen we flew back and you know BC kicked our ass because we were jetlagged we had jet lag unfair got off the plane oh my Go real this is this is a terrible story and I just I don't remember who the driver was his name just went right out of my head did you hear about the Nascar driver Tyler reic did you hear about Tyler reck over the weekend apparently he he caught a a bug before he got in the car over the radio he said I'm throwing up and [ __ ] myself a lot in the car he's uh a lot it's coming out both ends what do you do if you are strapped into a NASCAR saddle and a seat and you're and it's coming out both ends it's coming out both ends a lot dude I love that the response from the team was well hey look on the next pit stop we're going to give you some pills now you're going to chew the ones that are going to stop it from coming out your rear end and swallow the one's hole the in the drink the ones in the cup with the water chew the ones with the dude bro a lot good luck dude good luck because that would be is that not the worst the only thing as close as I've gotten to that was driving back from the Jeezy last year in a in a awful snowstorm fighting a cat a thigh cramp in know in the worst snowstorm when when you're gonna die on the highway there's gonna be Blood on the highway remember that in driver's ed blood on you don't remember that but you never took driver head um I was driving back from St George in a terrible snowstorm on the verge of death just from driving couldn't see feet in front of my face and I was fighting off the worst thigh cramp for a solid hour it up in Cedar City I just try to St strong and that was not a lot can you imagine a and a lot I love that he goes yeah it's uh a lot a lot can we get a vacuum in here I don't even know what you do uh Daniel Dixon our newest member of the show let's go Daniel the Iowa tribe has arrived love it good to see you appreciate you you can join the membership $1.99 a month get you into the Monty show membership it highlights your comments um we always read Our member comments first always absolutely we appreciate your support uh calford in the medical field we call that a Code Brown I bet you do I bet you do um he needed uh some depend not some pills oh the smell just had to be wretched oh like you you're literally driving a stock car and I don't know what track they were at but let's call it 150 miles hour to be conservative right like you you're you're zooming around a track in a race car taking a dump in your pants repeatedly and throwing up in your helmet n I'm good I'm I'm going to go ahead and I'm G to pass on that the the that was a masterpiece of dog [ __ ] the mixing of bodily fluids H dude um no I'm I I'm fine respect for driving through that all right hour number two of the Monte show is always presented by uh Canyon's golf in Park City the official Golf Resort of the Monty show Park City Mountain Resort at Canyon's Village is where you find Canyon golf it is phenomenal um there is nothing better than Mountain Golf I love it um lush green Fairways beautiful Vistas uh big rock faces rock wall faces mountains elk deer coyotes foxes all kinds of wildlife beautiful breezes and the temperatures up in Park City right now are amazing you're playing golf I'm a big guy I believe in well I am statur anyway my point is I work out now so I'm less of a big guy I'm a big believer that was a Freudian slip I'm a Believer in Morning Golf I'm not the guy that likes a three o'clock tea time I'm a guy that likes a 7:30 tea time go up to Canyons tea off it's about 60 degrees the Sun is up it's just beautiful weather and then you're surrounded by a worldclass resort you play 18 holes of of Resort style golf m ipal pricing which is the best part of it and then you go get a world class meal you go to the farmers market in Canyon's Village uh you watch their concert series it it's remarkable there's a Mexican joint at the bottom of the pendry at Canyon's Village that is just awesome I love it whether you want just the world class golf whether you want just worldclass dining shopping um hiking mountain biking everything you need that's where you find Canyon's Golf and it is it has been such a good year again the greens are beautiful challenging most greens have tears but I'm I know that aim point is controversial I totally understand it I am telling you aim point is if you're if you're somebody that plays golf and you don't use aimo for putting you're crazy it has completely changed the way that I put it is completely changed once you learn it it is remarkable I say that because you have big greens that are challenging at Canyons um so a lot of times you your your putts are really you're you're you're putting will make or break your scorecard uh and if you're somebody like me that tracks their handicap um you know I gotta make putts this was that weekend where every ball was just over the outside of the hole oh that was frustrating but again people were asking me yesterday about this drive I I legit and Mrs Monty can confirm this she watched it happen I legitimately hit a 400 yard drive on Sunday and it was it was one of those ones you know when if you play golf and you hit a driver and it's just pure it sounds different and the ball just explodes off the driver dude that ball just was go and you're just watching it you you know when you watch a drive you're waiting for it to Peak and then it just starts falling this was one of those drives that never peaked it was it's the greatest driver swing I think I've ever had that was great that's what you get with Mountain Golf the ball just flies it is remarkable Canyon Golf Park City Mountain Resort Canyons Village the official golf uh Resort of the Monty show five weeks left I think their last day is scheduled to be October 13th let's get together and play some golf let's get together and play some golf yes also real quick because I was asked about it yesterday about what I am wearing to this Indian wedding right so I'm going to a traditional Indian wedding Saturday Friday night and Saturday it's I guess they're two-day events multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars so much money not doing it craziness um but it is a it is a thing and I'm wearing like traditional in the Indian culture they have very traditional dress what colors um I am going to wear Saturday to the actual wedding ceremony I'll be wearing uh a dark blue nice like a deep blue and then I'll also be wearing Friday apparently there's an event on Friday night that happens uh I'm G to be wearing like a uh a like a mauve like a red a real deep red uh with tan pants nice um I'm gonna wear that deep blue uh with um with black pants so it's going to be interesting it is going to be interesting I've never been to a wedding of this size and scope never have I been to a wedding this size it's always interesting to do to go to a wedding that Embraces a different culture to kind of see you know how that all goes down yeah it I again I just ask I just ask how much are you willing to spend on your wedding dude 100 G's no this is going to I my belief it's a so in the Indian culture you are you they're huge weddings and it it is it's going to be extravagant I'll talk about it Monday on the show um I'm actually really excited for the pageantry and the to see what are you spending $200,000 on you're providing apparently two catered Meals one on Friday night one on Saturday well that's the first thing like it's a two-day thing it's a two thing you know you had mentioned that yesterday three ceremonies I think yeah that's I mean that's where all the money is I mean the fact that it's multiple days like I don't even that's wild yeah

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The chargers made news over the weekend signing safety tony jefferson officially to their 90 man roster and now the question becomes can he actually make the team you are locked on chargers your daily podcast on the los angeles chargers part of the locked on podcast network your team every day what... Read more

Jim Harbaugh On Preseason Goals | LA Chargers thumbnail
Jim Harbaugh On Preseason Goals | LA Chargers

Category: Sports

Update on the joy uh i went through that last week right yeah working through something and justin herbert anything new is he still on track to be back uh to the gradual return to play uh coming up uh yeah same uh nothing new to report there okay and with a junior uh do you look like he was backing... Read more