FSU loses AGAIN | UF game film breakdown with Stevo

welcome to the K's Insight daily podcast powered by Anar and LaVine accident attorneys one of the best weekends that a Miami fan could ever hope for of course the blowout dominant humiliating victory for the canes at the swamp on Saturday and then yesterday the Florida state seminal fall to 0 and two with a Beatdown at home against Boston College we will jump into that game also continue to analyze the the Miami Victory with a little more depth A Little More film Insight from sto you know him from 365 KES football the great breakdowns he trains a bunch of these players so he knows their games intimately and uh he's great at breaking down the film which he does with us first I want to talk about some folks to know how to break down your case that is Anar and LaVine accident attorneys if you are someone you care about been injured in an accident you could be entitled to significant compensation 1800 747 free 1800 747 3733 take back control of your life with an and LaVine Pete hop in that'll be the last Pete hop in at least in the studio for a bit Pete's going to go to Italy we're going to still keep him on the show I know I don't want people texting me about Pete not being on I need you on the show a little bit Pete but you're G to be in Italy wearing soccer jerseys eating eating margarita pizza and uh and living the life in between uh in between shows yeah excited for it uh obviously be still keeping up with everything can's related and be still running the soci social media and all that so I'll still be I'll still be in in in tune with what's going on now somebody probably wishes there were in Italy right now although I take it back because last time they were in Europe they lost a game so I'll take that one back floridaa seminal losers on two continents here 0 and2 2813 to Boston College and Pete this is not something that came out of out of the blue this is something that has been building really in successive off seasons yeah and look we we'll have a discussion about the talent level that that's there and there was a lot of hype about certain positions there the defensive line defensive back room and that just hasn't come to fruition for them on the field but just talking to some people in NFL people over the course of the last you know 12 hours or so here there's a sense that the culture is obviously not where it needs to be referencing the opt outs in the bowl game last last year obviously just didn't have much respect for what they had going on in that season after not making the playoffs and then you look at what some of the stuff that happened this offseason with some of their top players some of their supposed leaders entering the portal or threatening to enter the portal and then nil negotiations took over and and they ended up staying but I think we talk about the talent but you're in year five now of Mike norell and there doesn't seem to be a real Foundation there's going to be a lot of talk about dju the NFL people I talk to say look this is not all on him right those that offensive line is is awful these other guys that we've talked about haven't done what we expected them to do but the culture and the foundation does not seem to be solid up there in Tallahasse right now yeah I think you see that with their talented players right the defensive line Has Talent those guys have NFL bodies as are the guys NFL players or NFL people are watch watching and then NFL people are disappointed in because they're underachieving and I think that's where you see really the culture those are the guys that opted out and or you know that threatened hop in the portal extorted FSU for more money and then came back those are the guys underachieving right now on that defensive line beyond the defensive line and maybe let's say the defensive backfield there's no good players man that the offense has in my opinion no good players I mean zero zero good players on offense if I'm missing somebody tell me running backs are decent I guess talk about actual good players they don't have it and if you look at their recruiting rankings 2021 number 23 2022 number 20 2023 number 19 2024 number 12 and that was those last two were off Good Seasons they should have they should have had better classes so when you recruit like that in high school and then you know if you're a bad recruiter in high school you're a bad recruiter in the portal they hit on a lot of guys in in in a couple off Seasons but this portal class looks like a bunch of Duds they didn't get the C Wars they didn't get the Damen Martinez they didn't get the kind of Premium type of targets that Miami was able to land in the portal Beyond High School recruiting which they also struggled at and I think you're seeing that kind of roster on the field Pete we came on here in Spring and we talked about UF and FSU spring game we've noticed some problems with UF which we saw on Saturday but we might take watching those two spring games back then I think you agreed at the time the UF was better than FSU in the spring game and we saw how bad uuf was when they played Miami so if you don't mind P pull up this video from about four months ago right after the FSU spring game where we pointed out some of the the holes on the roster to me I took some M big picture notes and some specific notes we'll get into both the big picture note I took on FSU those are two real ones that jumped out to me number one compressed Pockets it seemed to me that their offensive line lacks a little bit of power I don't think they have the size and mass and just overall NFL Talent of Miami's offensive line for example so you saw a lot of compressed Pockets where Florida State's defensive line even if they didn't get a sack they able to really squeeze DJ and DJ's big and strong and tall he could stand in there and throw but he seems a little out of sorts and he's not the most athletic guy so he was pushed off his spot a little bit within that compressed pocket he was throwing some inaccurate balls and the big note I had was where are the matchup problems you look at Florida State last year Jordan Travis was a matchup problem with his legs if he was able to get on the edge on you um put you in conflict because he could run and throw he caused a lot of problems in that way plus he could make the offensive coordinator right make up for some offensive line mistakes with his ability to elude when that's not necessarily the play call so that was one thing on in terms of a matchup problem Trey Benson 222 pounds 4-3 speed you don't lose that ability receiver you had Keon Coleman and Johnny Wilson two of the biggest probably the two best big receivers in the ACC as good as any in the country and those two guys made a ton of contested catches they were matchup problems we saw that against Miami we see that pretty much every game FSU played didn't see that anywhere on the spring game any matchup problem like that Jem Bell tight end SL fullback similar to some of the guys that Miami has on the roster now he didn't do much at all or sorry they didn't replace him at all so now you had a guy who was a match up problem against safeties and linebackers too fast for linebackers too too big for saf he's out of the picture you lose Jared verse who first round defensive end um Brandon Fisk Brandon F sorry second round defensive tackle and again these are guys that created problems for you and they're not necessarily getting replaced by equivalent players also Renardo green a defensive back he'll probably be a day two pick although I think they're doing well at that position which we'll talk about later so overall I think when you watched Florida state in the past you said how are we going to deal with Travis's running how are we going to deal with these big receivers how are we going to deal with these defens linemen how are we going to deal with Jaheim Bell how are we going to stop Trey Benson from making a big run against us I don't see Replacements stepping up at any of those positions that give you the same type of matchup concerns well D how about the uh how about the upgraded background how much better does it look now I know and the haircuts we we look a lot better got a little tan too uh you listen I I don't think anything's changed from those statements I thought that was pretty accurate I know listen that clip was me cuz I talked for a while but you said the same things the offensive line is small it lacks Talent it lacks knockback you s I never understood why people were saying this FSU off line is one of the best in the country they stink they don't have NFL Talent there's just they're just not Talent they're not big and strong we talked about how UF had a knockback or um had a knockback operation against UF consistently knocking him back it's the opposite with FSU against a BC front that is not World beaters they were constantly going backwards condensing the pocket against DJ so DJ was either getting hit or he didn't have room to throw and when you have an unathletic quarterback that's not very accurate to begin with all that condensed space makes them extremely unaccurate yeah and look I said I think in that podcast that I thought Mike norvo was gonna be able to mask a lot of stuff with with that team because I I do think he's a very good play caller he's shown that throughout his career but again this goes back to the foundation that's been built there and it's it's got to be pretty scary for Nolls fans because you start the year 0 and2 now you're almost essentially out of the ACC contention out of the ACC race there and it's like if that foundation's not strong and you've already started 0 and2 is this team going to start to quit that's where I'd be worried if I was an FSU fan yeah look we talked about when I did the little monologue there we're talking a lot about the offensive holes I think again we've seen those the receivers are awful Malik Benson Jaylen Brown straight line burners absolutely no quickness they're stiff as boards they don't have very good hands they're not very tough they don't bring anything to table unless unless they're going deep and FSU has not been able to hit on deep balls I think that'll come at times during the season but it's not a consistent go-to thing like a Restrepo where you know he's gonna get open you're going to get him the ball and he can do something after the catch so that's weak the tight ends might as well be Walk-Ons I mean horrible running backs average so all that's there the one thing I noticed when I went back and listened to that was we talked about the defensive losses right Jared verse Brandon Fisk now on paper that was not as much of a drop off because they still had NFL Talent on the line you heard all the talk before the season about all the NFL Scouts watching the darl Jackson the Josh Farmers the Patrick pton Marvin Jones I think what the defensive line is missing and you got into this right off the top PE from your NFL sources this defensive line Lacks character and toughness yeah and and that's actually one of the things that someone I I spoke to said is that these guys Braden Fisk Jered verse had something to prove then that's how they played not that these guys that the Florida state has doesn't they do have something to prove obviously Daryl Jackson missed all of last season uh you know Marvin Jones coming over as a transfer Patrick pyton coming back with a lot of people projecting him as a top 100 type pick so they they do had a lot they did have lot to prove but it just doesn't seem like the want to is there the same way it was from these other guys coming over from and that's the point he made these guys came over from smaller schools with something to prove that that's the difference right so they they really wanted to show themselves at this level obviously they did that they're in the NFL now and had great season for Florida State but I think when you talk about dline it's body types are important and they do have those but there's more to it than that it's a great Point Peter and I want to on that because I we're always trying to learn how do we get better at figuring out how to use the portal how to use how to evaluate high school players how to evaluate portal players and I think when you look at the portal players Miami brought in right for the most part whether it's cam Ward Damen Martinez Elijah Alon Keem mesidor J Simeon Barrow guys like that Francisco M Noah they were not big recruits right and then they developed into very good college players but they still had that mentality of we were you know we we weren't never given the five star they they they continued to have something to prove these guys that FSU is getting are five stars elsewhere that just were bust and sometimes those guys that were bust were bust for a reason and they just had they just didn't have it mentally now I think you can get away with that more at quarterback for example um Bo Knicks right or Jaden Daniels now I understand that DJ you te technically fits that profile he just doesn't have the talent it is what it is you could probably find talented quarterbacks that have a chip on their shoulder there were five stars it didn't work out for whatever reason but they're hard workers and they they they want to show you I I'm fine playing in that sandbox but in terms of the the five star position players four-star position players that went bust I would be very very careful because a lot of times those guys fail because they do not have it between the ears and I'd much rather focus on the guys that went to a small school and emerged and want to prove that they can do it on the big stage because like you said they have something to prove and we saw that on Saturday with the canes and we saw that on Monday with Florida State just two different approaches having two different sets of results yeah and look when it comes to those small school guys as long as they have they have the physicals if they have the you know the height weight speed and they they've been productive I think that you should continue to Target those guys because it's on tape what they've done and again like you said the chip on their shoulder with without a doubt yeah and look P pull up the Tweet here one big factor going back to the recruiting side of things where you saw the norval struggle mightily their Collective is just not as good as Miami's Florida's Collective is not as good as Miami and that has a clear result on on on the T oh here we go look at this got a any lawyers in here lawsuit to recoup nil funds uh they're already trying to uh to sue FSU for gross negligence embezzlement with contributed funds and they're being serious so yeah I mean you know these these uh fans are getting unrest you know restless and you know actually pull pull up plus more of these tiers let's just before we move on to to Miami's nil I want to focus on these guys and and and dro the elbow on this was this was I mean this was so telling and again we're talking about the line of scrimmages for Florida State coming into the season as being a perceived strength of the team Boston College let me tell you Boston Austin College might might not be might not be too bad moving forward with Bill O'Brien as head coach um 263 yards on the ground for BC 21 for Florida State I just I mean I don't think that if someone told you that before the season they would have uh they would have believed you and then Florida State really spent their entire offseason complaining and suing and forgot to practice any football yeah it seems like that uh not you know too much focus on the wrong things I think that's a fair thing every coach talks about distractions what did you hear about this season for FSU I mean you heard nothing you heard about the playoff you heard about the ACC you heard about paying their own players to come back I mean none of it was hey let's let's win next year and let's build on what we what we did you just didn't hear it you didn't feel it so the offseason tener was very different but now getting back to to to Miami's nil Pete Kane's connection we preach it all the time when you look at Miami's roster you look at Florida's roster you look at fsu's roster this is not a coincidence point was a tweet here by Darren heidner who's an nil attorney not a hurricane grad I believe he's actually a gator grad right yeah big Gator guy you could read it better than me read that tweet if you don't mind so he said it's no secret that Kane's connection is one of the best run nil collectives Zack Burr and crew are putting on a clinic and that was him quote tweeting a Dennis DOD tweet talking about Miami and Mario chrisal Ball's you know rebuilding process and how you know cam Ward was the center of that but it's funny I think I in the comments here a Gator fan says curious why you're not helping UF run this vision and and Darren says they don't want my help so they've got it figured out up there in in Gainesville yeah I mean so look Gator fans are upset that there and I money is not being spent effectively it's not enough Florida State fans are trying to sue they I program and we're one week in we're one week in but I think the lesson from a Miami fan standpoint is if you invest your hard- earn money in Kane's connection the result is going to be better players on the field and that clearly makes a difference in the quality of Team you saw it this weekend in the most Stark manner possible the difference in roster the difference in nil Collective the difference in head coach recruiting this money is going to be spent well so please if you want to invest in something related to kan's football it's your hard earned money there's a lot of things you got to spend it on but if you're spending on Cane's football kesc connection.com CIS you are investing in the product on the field and you having a direct result in wins and losses and games like Saturday whoever everybody in K's connection is a part of what happened on Saturday and everybody who joins K's connection is gonna be a part of what happens in the games to come that's just the reality it's not fluff that's the truth you saw it you're seeing it just look around listen to people that are not affiliated with you I'm talking about it kesc connection.com CIS links in our description links on the website first month $1 you get access to a private Zoom call with me that I do regularly giving you the absolute latest direct Insight info from the team because obviously everybody's on board with K's connection members getting getting good quality for it and uh being brought in tight to this program on the inside as opposed to the outside kesc connection.com CIS now we're going to switch gears from an 0 and2 team to a team that is one and know and is the T of the town which is the Miami Hurricanes going to bring in steo 365 canes football he is one of the best receiver trainers in the area trains with Restrepo trains with jakobi George knows all these guys has worked with them he's also very good at film breakdowns you can see some on his channel which will promote 365 canes info 365 canes football 365 canes it'll pop up but those are his video breakdowns of the te team he went and looked at Florida the Florida game in depth the scheme the person the technique all the little details he breaks it down he's joined us to break it down first but before we talked about talk to steo want to talk about the Miami Hurricane team store Miami hs.com it is on fire right now look at that La faor Collection that old gear which is awesome coolest designs you got the Miami maniac right there that old school Miami Hurricanes had I used to have one of those in my uh my Dad's closet when I was a kid with that with that print is bringing back fond memories but you can bring it back here with the favor connection um just really really cool stuff really unique products here and it's all part of the uml department so you support this my hurricane Team Store you support the athletic department again more money flowing into the school you get great product in return they get money that gets spent on making this team better making this program better so everybody wins if you want to go in person store right next to the thesis Hotel on South xxie Highway across the street from Miami this is the old All Canes it has moved across the street and upgraded significantly Harry Roth won the boys take care of you Miami hs.com all right so P why don't you kick it you're going to be you're going to be gone for a while at least in studio so why don't you kick it to steo here steo coming on here with the breakdown real quickly I wanted to just remind people the Won't Back Down T to commemorate that win yesterday available on the canes Insight Shopify people have been loving that one so go and grab it they were playing Tom Petty last night on the broadcast too in the Florida State game so obviously continue and keep that that good uh feeling coming when that song plays for Miami fans but again steo 365 Kane football kanes football joining us next year on The kan's Insight daily podcast go kanes all right now that we've had a few days to digest the highlights the quotes all that had to dig deep into the film and nobody does that better than my man steo steo 365 canes football 365 canes info we got a lot of places where you can find his videos did a comprehensive video breakdown on this game watched it very close he's trained a lot of these athletes himself very familiar with the players their talents and of course knows the game inside and out so nobody better to break down Kane's football can also catch him on Wednesday three live canes every single Wednesday my man steeve how you doing doing great uh you know you can't you can't ever you know not be doing great after a blowout win on the road I I caught D money up there and uh you know they put all of us in the in the nose bleed so we were up there together um but we were celebrating together it was it was very nice um and you know just utter complete domination when you hear about something all offseason and then you see it happen uh you know we see it in practice but then you see it on game day you know it really it really hits different you know a lot of Kane's fans you know even the national media are quick to say we're back you know how they do it they're throwing that on us but I ain't even telling them to stop no more I'm not I'm on the train uh it's my favorite color Kool-Aid I'm drinking uh and it's orange today it's orange this year uh because it's we're doing well yeah look you always represent the Broward athletes you you were one yourself your brother right now is representing for St Thomas and of course you've worked with a lot of these guys like Xavier stpo jacobe George ton of others on their footw worth their routes everything else and I saw you the signature dread the signature light color dread saw that from across the stadium walked over said what's up and asked you prediction before the game how many Broward guys going to score you told me three Mark Fletcher jacobe George savior Restrepo sure enough two touchdowns for Fletcher TouchDown for Restrepo TouchDown for George so you no your doas on that one um we all saw the film we all seen the highlights but we haven't dug deep what's something that when you rewatched and really dug in that jumped out to you the penetration from our second Team D tackles I mean I was blown away with the mod Moten we talked about it a little bit before we went on air the the the second team Team D tackles man they were Anthony Campbell a guy that you know looked looked apart you know obviously that play that grah Merz got hurt that interception with you know uh with meech over the top Anthony Campbell and Tyler Baron met him at the Met met each other at the quarterback I mean the penetration from our second Team D tackles when Once the hype dies down you start just looking for you know any pluses here to go I mean man Molton and campel the hats off to them because they were they were in the back field they were in the back field that's something that really popped out to me second third time watching you just see 99 flashing 99 flashing and then they try to double team you know there's a couple times where you know Kiko got a sack Keo had a tfl Wesley had a tfl and it's really because Anthony Campbell has that Center in guard in no man's land they're not pushing him away they're not making any ground they're not washing him down so there's just a there's just a gap unaccounted for that Kiko could just shoot right through um so kudos to the defensive line and uh I I just want to say it man a lot of people were worried about our secondary man I I just want to give jayen Harris a clap you know because he played extremely well man he played technique football his catch technique was great his blitzing I never seen him really Blitz last year off the edge he made three plays that he's not gonna get a stat sheet for uh accounted for but there was the that big sack that when Grant merch stepped up and Austin you know knocked him down that was Jaden Harris coming off the edge beating a tackle oneon-one I mean come on bro bro I I I love the way that secondary played I love a lot of things um thirdy year players we talk about it all the time you know Horton all these guys they're they're they're they're balling yeah I want to get on that one so you're obviously you coach receivers so you know the science of it you know the nuances of the position Isaiah Horton is someone that we've talked about in this podcast a lot you talked about a lot since before this season as someone who's made a huge leap just a worker um someone with a lot of physical tools but he's maximizing those reminded me a little bit of KJ a born maybe it's just the number two but as someone who's just getting stronger and more physical and more explosive and really just more everything the more time goes on because the way he works what have you seen from Isaiah Horton in this game and in general I mean he works out with uh Pete uh from T receiver Factory and then tianu you know you see JoJo over there there's some of the best trainers down there um he's one of the best trainers you know down here he's had Isaiah Horton you know from from a while ago so when he first got in and you see every offseason he's a little quicker he's a little bit more sudden he's always had great hands in a great frame you know obviously he's put you know more muscle on in the program but he's unlocked everything he's a complete receiver now he can go vertical he could go vertical already you saw it versus Texas A&M he's a big Strider he can go vertical but the quickness in his game his releases his timing his tempo of his routes everything is you know people just think oh my God he's just open cam War Stone him the tempo of that stem where he's at is giving him yards there's a cover three there's that corner is going to be meeting you there if you're running a post so understanding which route you're going to so he's slowing down in the middle and cam Ward being a senior himself putting that ball high and up so he doesn't run into him but that's Horton's route running on full display he's not burning it full speed he already did his burst to get past the linebacker now he's slowing down stuff like that if you don't really like see but it's so incredible and so critical uh to the position so I'm super happy for Horton uh he's definitely a hard work and this is no by no mistake why this is happening for him I thought he probably had probably the strongest game outside of X at receiver I you know probably it's easy to say that I know jacobe had the big spash blash play um but you know I think he he's definitely earned that to be you know probably the second best wide out from this game at least this game so super happy for him uh he's putting the work uh when you see these guys training and you could talk to the trainers like you know X and jacobe you know work with GOI for a while so how was able to you know get with those guys and you see them their work ethic you see um you know Horton's work ethic I think he's like an old school Kane he's a guy who will if he drops a ball he'll probably catch a hundred after practice he was already gonna catch extra but he'll catch e more because it just eats away at his mind yeah we talked about how wide receiver is really a work ethic position right because you can't if you're a lineman you can practice on your own but it's a little hard without the contact element whereas running routes and catching the ball you can really do that you can run the routes on your own of course catching the ball you just need someone throw throwing it to you but that's something you can practice on your own when no one's watching when the coaches aren't on the clock so glad to see these guys with the work ethic obviously we're seeing the results before we move off Horton because he's a very interesting player to me let's assume you know please injury-free everything as it should be when he's done at Miami and he's moving on what do you see the finished product looking like do you see an NFL player what do you see him bringing to the table Yeah I he's for sure an NFL player in my opinion he scream his body is basically his game itself screams NFL smart can play special teams he's been playing good special teams while he's been here a lot of people I don't know it goes on the radar when you're blocking on punt return you know people aren't gonna be like oh my God he's doing so good man he had like two or three you know seal blocks on pun return that you know no one's goingon to go over there and throw it but NFL Scouts look at that a lot of a lot of NFL guys they they're looking how you perform at special teams that's like a big thing for NFL Scouts how you perform special teams your attitude your body language effort a lot of things like that they'll tell you about it um so he's gonna they're going to love that on tape but he's a big guy man that's what the NFL is training to you going a big 63 plus guy who can move he's going vertical you know he's got a big catch radius so when you have these quarterbacks all running around trying to make these plays you don't have to be perfect you know that's kind of where that league is training to um so I I honestly think he's not even a finished product I think now people are understanding how good he is and how much work he's put in but he still has another year to just keep putting it all together I think he could be a dominant factor for us next year like when jacobe and you know ex graduate I think lowkey I would Circle him in as our number one guy I would not go and be like oh my God we need to get a number one guy out of the portal because Horton to me is a number one type guy he's a guy with nothing you know if even if he's covered you could still throw it up and he can come down with it you know more oftentimes than not and plus you know he can create separation so I think he's a number one type guy now look I've been following you for a while I remember reading when we got gtis you were one of the first people to kind of raise some issues about the way he was putting together some of the spacing stuff and obviously that turned out to be true so you watched this offense last year did all these video breakdowns last year very familiar with what we do on offense seeing this game plan and what we did with Cam Ward and all these receivers all these weapons Elijah Royal back in the mix what do you see from our offense schematically this was definitely more air raid uh in my opinion I felt like yes last year we had a good me in some games especially early on we had a really good mesh between some power football and a lot of you know some air rate Concepts but we went full Aira passing concepts with Cam Ward I'm just telling you straight up and down the pre- snap motions were a little different I love I love um Elijah Royo in the backfield and we using him as the motion man and it's telling cam what's going on there's two or three plays just by Elijah Royal moving out of the backfield cam knew where he was going with the football and it was out quick so a lot of stuff like that that I liked um but obviously the tight ends were being used obviously a Royo being healthy is a big factor but I don't want to shout uh shout out cam because he did catch that touchdown it was a great play so we did not run that last year we had a couple times where we have the tight end going on a mesh but it was the delayed mesh he's blocking he's blocking he goes from DN to the Blitzer and then he releases it's man coverage so he he was blocking enough to make his man think he was you know free to just St at the quarterback he continue to stare at the quarterback number two now here comes 84 you want to joke about him he's Grandpa all that he's coming wide ass open he's coming wide open and here he goes so that's something in the offense you know tight ends use more but way more pass you know air air raid passing Concepts there was um a play where you know cam Ward was extending extending extending and then he ended up hitting Horton that was going to be a touchdown play if if UF didn't get some penetration from the inside because really what we were doing with we had a royal coming the flat jacobe George doing a post curl and what we were doing is we were trying to get everybody this way we had Ray Ray Joseph which is in my P in my opinion the perfect Personnel to run this route because he has to be super fast for this route to work he's running like a fake in like a Crosser and he just breaks off and runs to the corner he was so wide open literally it was going to be cam running this way turn around and throw a touchdown if Florida didn't blow up the play in the backfield it would have been a touchdown but still cam was able to run outside and and throw a sidearm ball 20 yards this way to Horton like it was crazy but um that's something that we' seen uh the passing concepts are definitely more you know air raid I feel like the trust is Allin with Cam Ward I mean you just you got to give the guy the you know the options to do what he does and pick his pick his spots and then the Personnel just just to say like we have fast receivers and I love X he's the best one on the team but that's not the right route for X he's not going to be able to get to that spot where you want him to you know that's a route for Sam Brown or Ray r so I like the Personnel decision for that because that's the guy who's going to run under it and just you know meet that ball at the back pylon so stuff like that really more uh more explosive passing Concepts and the spacing just a lot better but you could tell it's just the confidence of your quarterback is letting you know coach Shannon Dawson just throw it all out there this is more like what we saw at Houston you know and the running game at Houston wasn't bad it's just what didn't have these type of offensive linemen and we're g to get into the I know you watch The Trenches but one thing I want to get to real quick that you said just cuz I want to bring listeners into the game behind the game and explain it to them you mentioned how Elijah Royal motioning out the back field gets a defense to kind of show his hand a little bit and allow cam War to figure out where he wants to throw can you elaborate on what you mean by that so um there's a basically we're running a lot we are in a lot of trip sets so we'll have two receivers over here and we'll have Elijah Roy either in the backfield or at HB he's he's moving he's motioning out right he'll motion out so he'll be a true trips so if that if a Defender follows him you know it's man coverage right so if they just shift and realign themselves you know most likely it's a zone so when it's going on is we had two plays where one for certain we we mov the Royal to the slot gu came over immediately this pass is going to X immediate immediate and uh also uh one of the big ones um the one the ex had that guy injure himself feel bad for him it I laugh at him but I understand the the pain that's going to you know come as a player for rehabing and missing the whole season and stuff so I feel bad for him but ACL I didn't even know that I I think it is I think it is um so I feel bad for him it just sucks that it happened that way um but that play a Royo motions out let's cam Ward know as it's man so here comes Sam Brown doing an inside scam that's something we did not have last year not much too much stems on our route Here Comes Brown he's taking the inside stem going straight up just so uh you know X could be right around him and he goes in so now that Defender has to go around all that traffic and by the time he gets around that X is already coming back inside that's how he was so open but cam Ward knew exactly where he was going with that football because some pre- snap motion like all right they're in man we have a man beater call on this left side I know X is gonna be open and then you know he did some more stuff after the catch was gonna get drafted but that type of stuff big time you know so much pre- snap motion even you know the touchdown run to Mark Fletcher send we send in a Royal this way just for Sam Brown to come around a w block and lead the way so much more misdirection a lot more pre- snap motion you know challenging the defense with their alignments you know making sure that they're in the right spot you know every time we you know we adjust pre- snap so I love it I think it's a big part of the offense now look even though you you live on the outside right you're a receivers guy I know when you rewatch these games and breaking down on your channel you focus a lot on the trenches as well what did you see when you rewatch closely and looked at the trenches uh welcome Ryan Rodriguez we were very excited about you when you first came in a lot of kan's fans forgot how we were calling him the center of the future you know coming out of Columbus he was a nasty guy he really was um everybody was you know he was really hyping him in high school he had a couple injuries but you know welcome to it started at left guard out at left guard you know him and McCoy got in there played well um man The Trenches were just so good but just on offensive line Jaylen Rivers is a top three tackle in my opinion he was not stressed at all I thought Florida tried to do a lot of things to make him pick and choose and he always make sure he stayed you know with his integrity and then that'll let cam Ward really really like shine because anytime you saw cam Ward making these plays where were they going it was to the left saw that big play there RPO where he jumped back he was rolling out to the left that play where he was you know jacobe George he's going out to the left you got to understand a lot of these times he's extending these plays he's going to the left side and it's not by accident bro it's because Jaylen Rivers is doing his job at a very very very high level so I have all the respect in the world his family was up there with us in the nose beds um they're are great people so yeah I I think if you really watch that game again and you watch 64 you understand that there was three four guys that they are throwing at him and they could not get anything on him I don't think he even allowed a pressure uh to be honest with you now look you got the full video with the with the breakdowns and the actual plays on your channel but before we let you go give us one more nugget of just something that that you picked out watching this game a good one a good one a good one I think uh I think it's uh it's safe to say that uh the cornerback room is going to be a strength on this team uh to be honest with you I know was a question mark the and this what the safy ring but I think you if anybody saw this game and saw what they Tred to do to deari to two or three times and they're begging for Flags no that's called Elite positioning this is why we get a big Corner he's 195 pounds he has the right to be here can you run through him the answer was no on Saturday so that's one of my big takeaways with that the quarterback groom is gonna be very you know special moving forward and it's because of guys like deari and Jas and obviously OJ who started and had 28 plus snaps gave up zero you know catches and whatever the case may be um but that's a good thing right there I think the cornerback room you know did a lot D Porter they called a horrible pass interference on him when the guy was be was pushing him pushing him pushing him pushing him pushing him and they called it on Daryl um but yeah the cornerback room is is here to stay I'm very excited I think we are five deep I saw Dean Hill get in I didn't see him in practice because he was hurt I saw him get in man he looked good he had good eyes when he was sitting in zone he had great eyes he was Plastering I like I like when kid guys are handson okay I don't I'm not deep but hands on hands on making sure my safety has all the time in the world to handle what he has to handle and still be over the top of me uh so again I love The Corner Room uh that's probably something that you know most fans you know probably were a little worried about but they took four or five deep shots on this man and every single time you could not see a corner that was not in position they were either on top of the route impeding not letting the receiver get there or the ball was just way over thrown and you know the quarterback knew not to try it yeah to do it early I think set the tone and really allowed Miami to take the crowd out of the game and make that get that early lead and kind of put this one away so hey steo always appreciate you we can find you on the channel 365k info everybody check that out like And subscribe if you haven't already also catch them on this channel on Wednesday with the can's Legacy crew Everybody does a great job I know they're going to be having fun next time they suit up so again steo man no stradamus you called it I'll keep coming to you for the Broward touchdowns I'm sure we we'll get some more guys getting in there maybe Jord we could have had another one we could have had a Broward uh passing touchdown too but we'll talk about that another I'm in a good mood I'm in a good mood FAMU I'm keeping eye on Jordan Lyall and Chris Johnson against FAMU so we'll see we'll see how that seen Jordan La uh with two or three pass Pro snaps that really that really blew my mind I was like oh now I wonder why he's getting carries early that's it man he ready he was ready to go he was ready to go but be fun on Saturday in the teeth okay we see you that's that's how you earned the spot that look you saw those guys look at James White I mean a guy like that who can't run as good as Jordan lley in high school look how long he lasts in the Pro just by picking up blocks good receiving being smart you know that's uh that's a big part of the game man so uh you get all that and more on 365 KES info steo man appreciate you and let's do this again yeah anytime D Money appreciate you for having me Fam

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