FULL College Football LIVE | Davis Warren debuts, LSU RB John Emery Jr. expected to miss rest season

today and to bring the expertise we've got Sam and luges here and fellas week one was a vent full to say the least especially for Clemson but not in a good way but before we get to that we're going to get to the Big 10 week one answered some of the questions we had about some notable teams including who would be Michigan's qb1 Saturday we found out it was Davis Warren the former walk-on and here's what he had to say about the start part of the way we worked part of the way we uh you know fought through some adversity there throughout the game and kind of kind of rode the wave of the highs and the lows a little bit obviously things to work on but overall just just proud of proud of the work we put in and and to see a payoff with a win is is a good feeling I think you only get better at playing it by doing it so the experience of Warren you know Davis starting and ory playing a little bit more uh it's just going to give them more confidence that yeah I can do it and I can do it in Elite stage confidence is everything now we've talked so many times about Michigan's QB situation so luges is David Warren the answer Davis Warren well I I I think listening to Chiron Moore he's right the more you play the more you're going to know I just find it so interesting that over the last five years of Michigan football we have seen a combination of Kad mcnamer and JJ McCarthy yet here we are starting the 2024 season and we have a quarterback who is a former walk-on that beats out everybody essentially on this list now obviously the 2025 player Carter Smith's not in house yet but you kind of scratch your head and you say well how does that happen well there is a little bit of context here because Davis Warren also was diagnosed with acute myoid leukemia heading into the 2019 season so he played some not all the time then he wanted to transfer he transfers to a high school in Connecticut for the 2020 season That season gets cancelled because of covid so this is a player that could have potentially developed into a scholarship level player but just wasn't there yet so now all of a sudden he comes on campus he red shirts he bides his time and he works his way into the starting rle so we're g to find out real quickly when they get into the me of the schedule just how talented he is and we're gonna find out quickly how talented Davis Warren is but I'm more concerned about the offensive line that's protecting both Davis Warren and Alex orgy Michigan is used to known as being a punishing offensive line and they weren't punishing last week versus Fresno State they were being punished they weren't able to run the ball you saw a lot of missed uh missed assignments even when it came to running back and pass protection you saw third and one or fourth and one third and shorts they weren't able to make plays with the offensive line that we're used to seeing for the last two years for Michigan now here's the issue or not an issue maybe it's a good problem but long story short their five starting offensive linemen are now in the NFL and yes they have some transfers guys with experience but these guys have to jail and come together I think that will come along Sam if they can bring the quarterback along slowly not throw too much on his plate because here's the whole X Factor Michigan allowed nine yards rushing the entire game versus Fresno State so if that defense gets off the field often gives more opportunities to the offense I think that offense will grow up and that offensive line will jail well also to Warren's 33 qbr ranks 10th worst out of 68 qualified power for quarterbacks through week one so hopefully they can jel pretty quickly all right juru Aller showed off the new look PSU offense throwing for 216 yards and three touchdowns in Morgantown new offensive coordinator Andy kodon Nikki gave the perfect description what the offense would be back when he was introduced last December the blizzard in itself right is a wonderful dessert right which we should all use in moderation correct okay in in itself is looks comp at because it's messy inside right and the and the the person working there puts it in the machine and the ice cream but fundamentally it's mostly made up of what vanilla ice cre so if you can equate offensive football to your favorite blizzard and understanding that what it's going to look like is going to be looking like a messy piece of deliciousness but fundamentally is composed of really just vanilla ice cream and your favorite candies right that's when we talk about Simplicity versus complexion right so it's going to look really complex but really at the end of say two ingredients mixed together messy piece of deliciousness I don't know about you but I'm hungry and I need a blizzard so that sound from last December of course started recirculating around this weekend after PSU showed a very different offense than we had seen in a bit and you love to see it but Sam what has been the reaction to this new look offense blizzard aside well I'll give you my Rea I'll give you my reac first I don't like Andy koton Nikki I love Andy koton Nikki especially hearing that reference about blizzards it got my mind going and I'm I'm a visual learner and I'm learning this offense already but it's not just because of blizzards it's because of what you're seeing on the football field this same offense that we saw the explosive plays we saw this same offense at Kansas for the last several years that's where Andy cotal Nikki came from he implemented some of the option game that we saw from Kansas that they Ed versus Oklahoma to get that win he made some of the downfield passing that Kansas uses as well Andy coton Nikki and at least when I go back to Kansas they were one of the most explosive offenses in all of college football people don't talk about it but it's true and so he's implemented some of those basic systems and schemes sometimes making some quarterback changes to run some of these speed option plays in order to help his offense be so much more effective so it's so much fun to watch and tasty too yeah Sam I'll tell you what and and I'm going to translate that for you because I I I thought it was beautifully um stated by Cal Nikki so here's here's the base of the offense it's not plays it's players and all of your toppings in your blizzard one topping is a Personnel grouping the other topping is a shift the other topping is a motion all right but we're not talking about a ton of plays here it's the window dressing that gives it the look that they're running 5,000 different combinations they're not it's a handful of combinations with the ability to look simple or excuse me to look complex but at its core it's vanilla ice cream and that's what sets up the explosive plays for Drew Aller because the Run game so hard to defend that it creates some openings down field and L and what what makes ice cream taste so good I mean what makes an offensive coordinator so good is the fact that he chooses players over plays so many coordinators get stuck in their ways these are the plays I run you got to figure it out no he says I'm going to put the best player in the best position to win that's why when you see some of that speed option game some of that quarterback run game it's not Drew wer who's sort of a bigger better arm not great of a runner they switch put a different quarterback in there to run some of that play act that that those plays and so players over plays is a message that all coaches and coordinators need to understand along with Oreo blizzards and picking the right picking the right Toppings is always better than just throwing them all in there now I also want to add of just how great Penn State's offense is they scored two touchdowns of 40 plus yard yards in week one and they had just three such touchdowns of all last season so we've uh got a shift gears over here we've got some breaking news star running back John Emery Jr will likely miss the remainder of the season after tearing his ACL in his left knee on Tuesday the news was first reported by nola.com now a tough blow for emry as he was returning from a right ACL tear last November the Tigers will now have to rely on Caleb Jackson and Senior Josh Williams so Sam I want to bring you in on this what kind of impact can he still have for his team yeah John emry can still have a huge impact on his team and the tough part is you're going through an injury but the great part is you can overcome adversity I was talking with CJ Baxter running back at Texas who's out for the season just earlier today and he was talking about how he's watching film of the other running backs critiquing them showing them how he they can be better now of course he wants to be on the field there's that pain that suffering that he currently feels while he rehabs but he's not wasting his suffering he's actually using that pain using that time making everyone around him better he's finding a purpose for that pain thank you so much for that Sam that is something we can all take live now Miami's first touchdown of the 2024 season came courtesy of tight end cam McCormick in his ninth season of college football that's right nine he began at Oregan in 2016 but un unfortunately season ending injuries in 2018 19 and 20 in 2021 plus a CO year added to that and made the he made the transfer to Miami in 2023 has made that moment even sweet twer so let's bring in the man of the hour cam McCormack cam welcome into the show and I've got to ask you what was that moment like when you got that first touchdown of the Season yeah that moment was so awesome um especially you know to be the first scorer of the season in the swamp I mean you can't really picture any better for myself yeah just with my teammates and just being able to celebrate with them like all the hard work that's gone in over the course of of past nine season to like then go out and do that in the first game it's it's awesome it's an awesome feeling so cam with all of the position coaches that you've had all of the offensive coordinators that you had and all of the football that you have digested over the course of this nine years I mean you're practically collecting Social Security I'm curious to know if if you've been able to take that knowledge of football from all of those different voices and utilize that not only for your own gain but to spread that amongst the offensive football team yeah absolutely I think that throughout all the teams that I've been on and all the coaches I've been a part of I've obviously learned a lot from all of them so being able to share that with people that I come across on the the staff here at Miami or even like the the tight ends in our room or the offense um I'm able to share that knowledge with them throughout the course of the season and things that like I've seen throughout my time in college football Kim what has been the biggest thing you've learned in those nine years good question biggest thing I've learned uh that you never know when you're last step is like your moment's going to be on the football field you got to take advantage of every opportunity you get when you're out there because you never know when you know that's going to be your last for That season yeah cam September 11th 2021 you get the first down tear your Achilles called your mom with joy where was that Joy coming from uh that Joy was just all like the the times that I was down and I was finally able to like experience playing football again after all those years um I was just so happy to like finally be out there with my teammates I it's hard to explain but like the joy I had for the team and being able to celebrate with them it was everything that I could have wanted in that moment like I tell everybody if I had to go back and do it all over again I would absolutely do it all over again because just having it I feel like it gave the team like energy and juice to like go out there and finish the game I mean you know obviously that was a a really exciting game so I feel like you know just felt like hey I finally was able to do something for the team and I guess encourage those guys to keep going Ken what would you tell there's so many players who were going through injuries we just heard about a player at LSU season ending injury players at Texas Notre Dame if you could talk to them right now as they're going through their injuries what would you tell them well first I'd say reach out to me let's talk cuz I've been through it I know I know all the emotion that you're going through but I think I would tell them um just keep going like there is light at the end of the tunnel and I mean I I doubted that there was light at the end of the tunnel myself but there eventually there was light at the end of the tunnel and like like in that Ohio State game that was the light that I needed to like say okay I can keep doing this regardless of how hard it's going to get like it it shows where you're at in like you show where you're at in adversity um the type of person you are so amen yeah I tell you you're healthy now and I think that's what matters most my question to you is how's the body feeling are the ice tubs a little more necessary a little more often H how we feeling right now yeah absolutely you definitely got to take care of the body more um that that's that's one of the big things about I think I tell all my teammates is like don't all the guys lead practice like oh I'm good to go I'm like no like take care of your body now like you only get one of them so you got to you got to really take advantage of all the recovery options that you can to you know continue to play the game as long as you can as a lot of the guys say yeah cim you are such a light and a joy and an inspiration to all of us thank you so much for giving us your time today and good luck the rest of the season yeah thank you guys so much all right let's stick in the ACC the dust has kind of settled for Clemson after their 31o loss to Georgia despite holding off the dogs in the first half the Tigers ended the game with head coach Davos Sweeney not phased by the criticism being written about him and the team that's what we signed up for so you got to learn how to handle it y'all going to write crap y'all going to write terrible stuff and when we do great y'all going to write great stuff you know that's okay I mean everybody's got a job to do it's okay that's okay I don't take it personal you know I don't read it uh or listen to it that doesn't it doesn't this doesn't affect me I love my job I love what I do I love all of it y'all can't change that all right well we're going to welcome in David hail's ESPN senior writer who has a great article on espn.com talking about Dabo and Clemson's transfer woses now Dave let's start with what you had said how the portal topic is a bit of a red herring for Clemson Clemson but what are people getting wrong in criticizing dbo for not utilizing it yeah first off I just want to say thanks for bringing me on after cam mccormic so I'm not the oldest gu in the segment so that that makes me feel better uh look it it is it is very much a misnomer that dbo refuses to use the portal it's not stubborn davo he will use the portal he just hasn't found guys in the portal that he thinks are better than who he has on his current roster so the bigger question is what is he getting wrong about his current roster yeah so you look at somebody like quarterback kid kumnick who was super talented highly recruited guy coming out of high school but he has not really really developed and you saw a lot of the same mistakes on Saturday against Georgia that you saw throughout last season and so this is true I think of a lot of players particularly on the offensive side of the ball where davo is saying I got these guys and I I see Limitless potential in them I'll make them into what I think they can be whereas he looks in the portal and he says Nah finish products over there that are not better than what I think I can do with these guys and look he's not alone in being portal averse I talked to Kirby Smart just a couple of weeks before that game and Kirby basically said look I don't like the portal either I would rather recruit my team and go to battle with them but Kirby has done a good job of identifying I have a hole in my roster here here and here let me go get somebody that's going to help and Dabo really I just think he's not doing the best job of identifying where the problems are and how to properly uh supplement that well listen I think when it comes to this topic we've got to acknowledge one thing and it's the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about and that's tampering because it's one of the biggest problems in all of college football when it comes to the transfer portal and if you're not going to be willing to jump into that pool the reality of the situation is if there's a great Elite player let's just say there are a handful of them maybe maybe 10 of them if they're really really good there is a high likelihood they've already been tampered with the deal's already done they're signed and they're gone so if Clemson doesn't want to jump into that pool that's fine that's their choice but he's not wrong when he says when you look at recruiting rankings you look at the product he's put on the field you look at the caliber of player that they're playing with he's not wrong when he looks at the portal and sees 2700 guys 98% of them can't play for Clemson that's I'm sorry that's just the reality of the situation so whatever it is that he's doing with his current roster we can debate that all day long all right but I personally think and I've got Clemson this coming week I'm breaking down that film this week and they've got some things that they have to address at the quarterback position because I think they're going to be really really good on defense for the entirety of the Year well and and speaking about just Clemson as a team as a whole Sam does Clemson have the pieces to still make a playoff run oh absolutely L's made a great point he thinks that Clemson's defense is going to be really really good for the entirety of the Year let's have Clemson's defense be really really good for the entirety of a game the first half against Georgia they played really good football dominant level football but then second half you saw it I think it was six explosive plays they were giving up plays left and right and some people that's an excuse that excuse that they're making what I'm saying is the same defense that actually was better than Georgia last year when it came to yards allowed per game Clemson was seventh Georgia was eighth the same defense that played great ball the first half extend that to a full game let your defense carry you while the offense continues to develop there's a new offensive uh line coach who's in town who's from Georgia get the offensive line phys more physical quarterback situation situated and receivers as well I I don't disagree with you at all in relationship to playing a full four quarters uh you know this is a team with with first rounders on it at all three levels uh defensively and you know I look at the offense and how can the offense help the defense well they can help the defense by sustaining drives and making the routine plays there were some players a specific third and four and third and six for Kade kumnick during the course of that game where he's got a wideopen Target that's an easy throw and he won't throw it why he won't throw it I don't know but he won't throw it it's there to be made and now all of a sudden you start to game momentum you start to gain confidence Georgia's offense is sitting over there on the field but instead you come off the field and your offense goes back on you spend the majority of the second half trying to play from behind yeah and you know I think getting those two freshman receivers on the field more helps everybody we spent the entire offseason hearing davo talk about how great TJ Moore and Brian Wesco were going to be we barely saw them in the game against Georgia I think that's one thing that D has identified we got to do better with our usage and that helps everybody now preseason Clemson had a 27% chance to make the playoff now that has changed to 15% don't forget to check out Dave's article on espn.com but now let's take a look at this week's college football rankings brought to you by verbo Georgia remains number one after their big win over Clemson which in turn knocked Clemson down to 25th the biggest shakeup was Florida State falling from 10th to off the top 25 after their 0 and2 start for [Music] [Music] [Music] spee [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore spee fore for [Music] spee fore foree [Music] foree spee fore [Music] wow [Music] fore spee [Music] spee [Music] fore [Music] fore speee spe [Music] for [Music] [Music] for for spee spe spee 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