Benji Yapp and Shaun Brady from Gold Bloom Interview | Talking about Hazy

so hi W podcast I'm Shane I'm Glory we're here with uh Benji I'm Sean and we're from gold all some some questions say about the new EP hazy so congrats on that by the way how do you guys feel about the response to the announcement so far uh I mean good it's been like the best response we've had from anything I mean we're still I would consider us a very young band uh in terms of how long we've actually being around um I mean the response presswise has been really good the response from fans has been really good uh and you know we're only two songs in so I'm I'm really hoping that trajectory keeps going up and we keep you know keep that positive positive attitude like continuing throughout every release but you know there's always the chance that could people could just dip off at any point so fingers crossed well hopefully people say on the train the the EP was awesome oh it's so [ __ ] good yeah oh you guys guys stop I love it so is there any meaning behind the EP title or cover art Benji there it definitely is because we uh oh like it's like it's like the most literal uh like like translation like metaphor of uh trying to trying to name it possible like artwork like we we just can't seem to agree on anything thing it's just like it's always constant just debate and bickering and this like um it's like title like hazy it's just like we're so hazy inm of like what like what do we call this thing like what like what like so we couldn't there was no you know there there was almost no middle ground where being you know sort of hazy in the middle of it was just the middle ground and we're like you know what yes like that will do like we we know but we just all seem to be happy with that which was nice uh the artwork again some was something that just to be fair that was less of like disagreements and more just agreements and stuff like I just had some old like photos like uh I took from just a bit of photography I did um just kind of made edited them made him a bit trippy looking and then D the basist he's just like graphic designer genioso in the band um and he just like took them and just combined them with other photos I took and then just like just like deep fried them essentially and just like made this like mad atwork again which is just like super hazy looking it doesn't it's not it doesn't look like much of anything it's sort of abstract art in a way like but um but it just it just we again it was something you we all just we were just like yep that that works for us we all agreed on it and that was the fact we agreed on was was enough honestly I mean even the process itself of getting the songs together we we had one song that we planned to record back in like last November and then as we're going down to record it uh we ended up signing with uh a wolf you door Records who were're poting out hazy um and they were very much like yeah you know this sounds really good any chance you could have four other songs ready to go by January we were kind of just like H yeah sure and then you know two months down the line we were like oh my God this is going to be so hard this is so hard oh we've got four of tracks that whole experience was kind of hazy and we were just like yeah we've got five tracks we don't know how we got five tracks the whole memory of putting those songs together is kind of like we've done it but I have no memory of actually doing just like disagreements and bicker exactly yeah yeah well I know you just said it's hard to remember but I'm going to have to ask you anyway to talk a little bit about the writing process for the EP um I mean it was very I I I love the songs I think the songs are great it was rushed because it had to be rushed because we were given a deadline of January which you know from going from November to January that's two months so having to write those songs very very quickly uh was a challenge but this the songwriting process was great um despite those challenges honestly I would also argue though that it was super beneficial to have a deadline and that like we' probably still just be writing now and being like Oh yeah like maybe we'll think about a song like you know go from an EP to like a triple album you know just keep writing honestly need be you know we'll do it it was it it was it was difficult but you know I would just like send over really crappy like iPhone voice notes to Benji of like riffs and be like what you think of this and then he'd have to like properly record them and be like okay this is what it sounds like as you know an actual demo and i' be like yeah that's cool and it was just that for like I don't know how many songs did we end up with like 10 so many dude so like too many yeah like legit we had prob like an album but like ultimately and then we spent we spent I think we spent more weeks arguing over what songs should be on the EP that we actually did making the EP yeah okay so with those remaining six songs because you had to make four for the EP and then you had 10 overall were are you guys planning on kind of like refining those and putting those out as you guys mentioned that these felt a little bit rushed because I mean you had [ __ ] two months that's completely Fair I mean I would love to especially there's there's some of those songs that I I I would say most things probably gonna like be released at some point like everything's like pretty good like you know like and like like you know there was never an issue of like oh we're not enough songs it was always like oh like on this EP yeah it was more that was the problem there which is you know a great problem to have AB oh 100% there's a there's there's a song in particular uh called green eyes that we didn't use that I love so so much and I really really want to put that out like now give it the back story Sean give it give it the backstory come on now oh so like it it would it had already been written and released through Benji's uh previous band which is was just him and our basis demo uh but it was that good and I thought like I can add a few extra things here that'll make the song sound even better and um and it didn't really get the love it deserved so I'd love to see it as like going from a good grief track which was the name of his his previous band to being like what would this sound like if it was a gold Bloom track so that's like you know something so close to being on the EP as well like that was cool that one as well gon happen yeah got to make the next project that or like the the heavier song called like and we went with the heaviest song that's fair that's fair yeah so what song off this took longest to write and which one is each of your own personal favorite um FML right FML has existed for the longest time yeah I think FML took we I mean we had the song was written qu kind of quickly but that second verse has gone through like 30 different changes there's like 30 different versions of that second verse uh that was SLE swim s or Swim took forever like putting the pieces together uh and swim is is my favorite track by a fair as well I do love that track FML like um that when I when I that was like the first demo I because I only joined the band like like 15 16 months ago something like that um and that was like the first kind of like new gold bloom song I heard like that they had sort of started writing and demoing uh and like instantly I was like a this is just so good I was like instantly such a fan um and like they had like the whole thing essentially written like like like far like the second verse which like Sean said took went through a lot of variations and stuff but um but yeah like I literally just like put vocals on on on top of that and like that's that's what got put out essentially like that but like I said it's been that that's been existing in the tank for and that's what we recorded in November like because we were sort of thinking Standalone single next so we're gonna do this track and that's when we got have to do another like four songs for uh yeah for January all right yeah and which is your favorite track Benji I'm very interested to hear your answer to this oh um head cold 100% head cold really so Buffy man that's that's just That's the Song of the song of the summer bro you heard it here first all right F okay you heard it here first song of the summer it's a good thing no one else ever makes that claim Benji a [ __ ] Standalone claim that's it yeah yeah no one's ever said that listen Maybe people will start saying it now that he said it you know you just have to put the energy out there and people will catch on to it yeah for sure for sure I hope no one starts ripping my phrase up though no that that would piss me off if if that happened to me um need to trademark that ASAP absolutely so for this question uh want you want want to know what your favorite lyric off the EP is and what it means to you oh bjy you can go first since you're the the word Smith yeah under the bus good one um that's so rough I have no I have no idea I've always like it's from head cold and it's super basic but um I really like from the second verse shake off the past unsettle dust it's like it's IAL but like I'm I don't know it's just it's always like get to get stuck on my head good God yeah I think I'm Pro I that because when Benji sent over all of his lyrics to me because I'm I I'm kind of like quality control so over all those lyrics and I was just like highlighting all being like this one has to stay this one needs changing this one has to stay this one is fine and I can live with it uh and that uh that you know unsettled dust line that is definitely like one of those that one of those very few that were highlighted that you cannot change this this has to stay uh so I will always back I will back that lyric as well Benji oh yeah honestly man like short if you can't tell this is my bus by the way um this is a bus a spread sheets and calendar Bal it sounds like sea is just pushing you to just keep like he's like that song's not good enough you're going to have to write Better lyrics dog [ __ ] and you need you need a person like that they hate approval and praise man like I just want validation so badly and he just gives me slithers at a time Val very lines you know had that gold status I am convinced that there is a separate band chat that exists without me because of how like terrible I am with being like this needs doing we're g we're fully unionizing against you you know it's coming you [ __ ] bring it on I'll Union bust your ass oh jeez you get ridiculous holy [ __ ] Ben Benji needs some validation Benji you did a great job here the lyrics are great awesome you guys are the best Sean you suck thank you Sean with a stray um so would you guys be able to tell us where headspace is at while you're creating this EP all over the place you know what I'm going to use the word ambition uh straight off the bat like because because ah like we're just like I I like wrting with you for the first time see I'm gonna big you up because I'm not a bad person um like honestly like no I just realized like very quickly like ah this boy's got an ear for it like like he he he knows how to write a tune you know and uh like so very quickly I'm just like it was just like very collaborative very like okay like let's just crack on with this like it's just like we we I don't know it's just like I don't want to be bigheaded but it's like yeah we do this we can [ __ ] make something really good here and that was that was definitely my head space every time I was like yeah we're gonna cook you know we're definitely time we get together I was 100% in the same space like when we first started writing together uh I was like because I I can do like fifth I can do half of like a songwriting process uh but I need someone who can do like that other half and Benji is really good at doing that other half um and it's not even like a set half it's like it's like okay here's half a song and Ben you go here's that exact other half that you need and I'm like yay okay there's a song now that's it's just easy as that honestly yeah yeah love that very good hell yeah very good uh so how do you guys recommend your fans to listen to CP for the first time should do in the car with friends and talk with headphones on is work at EP party EP what do you guys personally recommend oh uh party Vibe I don't I don't know what I mean by that but I'm just party Vibe like you know like definitely with friends like few beers just uh like it's definitely that sort of EP I reckon you know what you saying Sean I reckon if you've got like you know you got 20 minutes in a car Journey where you're you don't really have to stop there's not many lights maybe you're on the motorway or the highway if you're American uh just blast it I think it's a very it like those songs are very good for you know it's a hot day it's a hot summery day put the windows down blast it that's that's the way to do it that's how you should consume this EP all right so do you kind of think it's a fall or a summer EP because it is it's coming out in the fall which which is kind of ironic I think I think so like these songs are coming out like bit by bit uh we've had uh we had the outcome come out in July no June yeah June uh FML come out in July H we got Cino swim coming out this month uh then head cold coming out in September and then as we start getting into like the fall season when the EP you know fully drops uh hard light which is like the much like darker heavier song okay is dropping with the on the release day uh so I feel like the whole thing kind of works well with going like from the summer into like you know the fall with that uh darker tone at the very end so I I you know I think that's it wasn't even planned I think that's just a happy accident happy you made it make more sense now I didn't realize that's what you guys are doing with the release plan like a single mon so okay yeah we're totally doing that [ __ ] awesome so this one should be super super quick off top your heads I want you guys to describe this EP for new listeners in three words three words each six total no more no less okay okay B you do you want to go one by one so you do one I'll do one you do one I do one Etc yeah yeah I'm I'm GNA go first J yeah interesting interesting okay uh I think interesting patchy okay oh nice yeah um bun bun okay um English English listen we've got drinking to be fair there's a gap there's a gap in the UK Market if I can promote us as a as an English F it's happening one of the words is English it's staying English Jesus Christ okay okay that's right despite his accent he is actually English that's right um hydramatic no hang on that's from just a word what the hell I got know the words in my head honestly um I'm gonna say vibrant I'm gonna say vibrant great vibrant is that your word great did I say great oh yeah sure absolutely yeah sure there we go honestly like every every adjective has just vanished from my mind right now I swear it's all good what happens you put on the spot yeah so in that team train of thought is there a certain feeling or emotion want listeners to have are going through VP I I would hope you want to go with hope absolutely it's just like for the most part it's posit apart from that dark ending we just it doesn't doesn't really apply there I guess but for the most part it's it's it's like just kind of uh trying to make the most of a trying to make the best of a bad situation I would say yeah yeah I think I think that's a good word hope with a little asteris on it for the end song yeah uh so are you able to touch on any particularly challenging or standout moments from the creation of this EP positive or negative I think I think just getting it together in the very short space we had was definitely the biggest challenge um it's something that like really really stressed me out because this was like we'd spoken to labels in the past um and for you know one reason or another it just hadn't panmed out um and then you know a wolf at your door were like hey you know we really like believe in what you're doing we're really into it uh but can you do it in two months and I was like yeah that's totally fine we can do it two months uh and then having to do that and like follow it up and be like okay I've told them we can do it in two months we have to do it in two months that was definitely like a huge challenge that um definitely caused me some sleepless nights but we did it um yeah I think I think I can I think Benji is on the same page though that was a very uh yeah that's scheduling isn't it like like just trying to trying to just pinpoint a time where all five of us would be available to because you know you don't want to compromise on on people having to miss days in the studio or anything like that so that like that's definitely like that you know it's just Logistics you know like the parts that people don't really think about like you know because we still everyone like we all live in different parts part of the country like by the way like we don't live really anywhere near each other for the most part so it's just it's not even just a case of like meeting up it's like you know it's like logistically it's an absolute nightmare to do to to do anything like this which would probably why it caused Sean Sleepless I didn't losing any sleepover ion like you like a baby that's because you would send your lyrics in and go to bed sea would be up at 3 in the morning highlighting you know exactly you know get it done also my cat here now oh [ __ ] hi cat that's why that's why you ear some big bucks though right love that um so for this question I want you to picture you're on tour you had a gas station for a rest stop what was your snack of choice oh God petrol station petrol very nice very good yeah a Kit Kat I'm having a Kit Kat and a kind of monster if you don't mind if if it was American Say No by the way this that my choice you can't disagree with my choice you're not getting that he really is the B what's going for you American we were at 7eleven I would get a slice of cheese pizza uh it's not great pizza but any pizza is good pizza I will stand by that or is a hill to die on I will die that Hill any I'm not fighting that battle okay I'm going to be honest with you I had leftover dominoes today it sucked it's not great but to begin with it it sucks aw yeah it was terrible oh my goodness it was spongy sponginess is the best I did the thin crust and I got spongy yeah it was pretty bad my Ry mistake great dude um if it was a petrol station uh Kit Kat no I would probably go with a uh oh can of Monster and a nothing else that monster branding by the way if you couldn't tell just a kind of monster kind of monster just to keep me going exactly sounds good Perfect all right so on the topic of food if the band was a dish what dish would the band be and why oh uh mix Grill mix Grill because we've got like just just so much going on like different elements of everything so much no he he's a vegetarian he's not no we're a we're a curry because we're spicy yeah two completely different things happen here oh ice cream CU cool man going for he's going for the puns he's going for the puns guys got three I'm going to stick with ice cream ice cream because we're cool ice cream and Benji you said a mixed mixed grill oh do you know have you do you know what a mixed grill is like does that mean anything to you I'm assuming like mixed veggies that are grilled but that's like that's like like not even it's like it's like just a variety of meats essentially you get like steak sausages uh like gam like pork gamon uh and then you get like just like fries and peas and like it's just like aest Bo of meat and just like it's like Pub it's very classic pub food you know um and like because there's so much going on like you know there's like I said there's a variety and that's that's what makes me think of us in that like we all come from different backgrounds we all got different influences and it's all kind of just gets put together in this great like dish I've never had a mixed grill in my life by way I'm a total dude you're [ __ ] selling me on I'm like this guying loves mixed grill they're expensive by the way I need to they're quite expensive so uh you know the cust of living crisis over here that's [ __ ] beautiful you you sold me on it you put so much effort into that and I just said ice cream we're cool after immediately before that said Curry cuz we're spicy that that's that's a double negative on we can do it all we can do it all we can do it all both ends of the spectrum love it yeah you swing that um so thanks man thanks je that's that's this this hasn't been a family show for 23 [Laughter] minutes um so for the last couple questions we're going to shift completely away from music and go straight to death row boom so if you're on death row what would your last meal be with a drink Benji surely yours is got be mix like especi fcking you just did for them um oh god um if it was my last meal ever uh I would have to go back to being a nonvegetarian and get a steak with fries I would have to if it was my last thing out that's like the one thing I miss about being a vegetarian is like a good steak nice so if I'm on my way out anyway I'm taking cow with me hell yeah and and a drink with that oh uh nice glass of red wine nice glass of red good choice um I'm gonna go with like a nice spaghetti Balise no not a Kit Kat Sean not a Kit Kat spaghet spaghetti Balise you know just with some cheesy garlic bread spaghetti volen is your last meal what you going against spaghetti I I mean drummer is Italian a drummer is literally Italian and here you are disrespecting his cure the hell's going on here I'm also Italian and I'm taking offense to this exactly all right fine fine back off I'll back off I'll back off I just think there better pass issues for a start benj what are you drinking oh great question uh um Fanta Fruit twist I don't know if you got it but I love Fanta Fruit twist never heard of it but it sounds sounds beautiful it's pretty it's pretty beautiful can you back Sean do you back Fanta Fruit twist uh it's painfully average sorry my God let enjoy something imagine I just dropped a demo in the chat and that's that that's typically the reaction this is slander this is slander not it's fine it's fine picture picture Fanta like orange Fanta that um a cherry has been dipped in that sounds [ __ ] sounds good yeah that sounds good yep I'll take one of those for my final drink thank you Sean all right F yeah I'm going to going to order a 12pack to my house after this it's going to cost $4 with the import fees but yeah expected this did it SE wait till we try it and then then we'll talk it'll be flat by the time it gets here because it'll be shaking up and [ __ ] it's true still so if he could live in one fictional world for a week where would you live oh Midler without question straight off the but it's such a nerd that was the it's a fictional world that's literally the point of the question it is a question yeah yeah yeah but that's a very nerdy fictional World though I would arue I mean which which fictional worlds aren't nerdy SpongeBob square no you got that's that's true that's the very it's got to go on you don't live in Middle um I'm assuming it's thought of the Rings yeah you're AUM oh we're having words after this call M words that would have I knew that would have say um I'm gonna go with like Lego like a Lego world Lego like like Lego like like Lego Movie yeah like the world yeah absolutely yeah so just everything's made of Lego like you know I'm a Lego person [ __ ] Master build and and when you fall like off of whatever platform you're on or whatever you'll just go o and you'll just it just re what it you get your get that's Minecraft I haven't played a Lego video game in a while okay they go they they go Splat I don't [ __ ] know go that was a really good impression yeah you dropping leg over it um so I asking last question every single person we've spoken to have said that it is the most important question what's your favorite color oh pink I was say purple nice not far off not far off compliment each other quite well I'd say definitely pink my phone's pink uh I'm getting married this at the end of this month and my wedding ring is thank you very much my wedding ring is rose gold which is the closest I can get to Pink uh so yeah definitely pink hell yeah hell yeah um so as I said that's all the questions you have today is there anything you guys would like to plug the EP obviously uh if you guys anyone listening uh you know check us out check the EP out uh we're dropping a song every month until uh October 27th when the last song drops and then hazy is officially done it's officially out there hell yeah all right well thank you for S us guys been Benji and Sean from gold Bloom and we have been the good noise podcast

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