Colin Brittain (music producer) talks A.I. + more on DE'WAYNE'S WORLD!

welcome to another episode of Dwayne's world I am here with a very special guest with a very talented man he's uh become something like my Guru and my mentor we have Colin Briton here how you do how you feeling man I'm good man you good yeah you're looking handsome thanks bro I feel like I'm always like slightly hidden on you but always trying to show you love I I love that I love the en I love the attention amazing besides uh yeah my dad's in town this week how did not know that my dad's in town for the first for the first time in a while and so uh I I felt like I needed to like you know really just work out you know you never want be like son you're looking slopp yeah no I feel like our old man's always feel like they can I feel like they know that we can beat them up now but they they have that old man strength definitely talk about that a lot oh yeah yeah for sure for sure it's necessary it's very necessary how long are you going to uh he's going to be here I think he's here till tomorrow but uh yeah he's here I finally I took the weekend off you know we had I used to I used to like when you come out I would I would just be you know I was so focused and you know I'd be like all right I got to work and still work and you know take dinner off and [ __ ] so like this finally I was just like all right I'm weekend's off my brother I was talking to him and he said he's like hey he's like don't don't work too hard this weekend you know you're and I was like you're right thank you for that so I just took the weekend off you know and then it's been great because he's got like as he gets older he's got so much wisdom yes you know and like yes the the old folks have got the wisdom they do you know my dad's not even that old but you know he's older than me yeah he's lived like no I [ __ ] what I I love that I mean I think I'm going to have my pops out here in December never flown never been clearly never been to La really and yeah I mean do you have like a a really good relationship with your pops I do yeah of course yeah he's he's been great um you know he's uh he's a persistent worker for sure uh he's taught me a lot so and it's I think it's it's like hard when you especially if you're creative I think it's hard if you have a uh parents that are have been big in your life usually especially your dad like you kind of like become a little bit like them in certain ways even if you're very different there's just like little things that you just and as you as you get older and more successful or whatever you start seeing them kind of pop out like personality traits those kind of things you know dude I I feel like every time we talk we're just like connecting on so many levels me I mean me and the lady were having that exact conversation yesterday she played that kind fln yeah went amazing her pops was there of course and then he just certain things that they first off they look exactly alike but I was like Bo you do you do what he does like where like you get scared in that fight ORF flight thing so you say something so abrupt to make someone like you want to at least like scare them off from maybe they are lean into it and she's like no I don't do that then two minutes later she's like damn I'm just like my dad I'm like no no no it's not a bad thing it's good I'm like that's what I'm learning to I'm just like my father as well in like certain aspects I have a lot of my mom and him but it's like it's cool it's not I feel like I used to be ashamed of it or like we would be ashamed of it growing up like we have to be so different different we have to like well it's not just I guess it's not just like you're not you're never going to be just like them it's it's like you know it's so complicated you know it's it's we look at we we humans I feel like look at things so binomially you know you look at at things of like oh well it's either I'm like my dad or I'm not it's like well actually just maybe your mannerisms and your like or the way you deal with stress in in this situation is like it you know and and it's it's not good or bad it just is age it just is bro it just is and so it's like nothing's good or bad really it's just kind of that's what I think no I agree with you I mean I agree with you all the way on that my daughter is is four and uh and she is she's a cutie pie she's so cute but she's also just like you know even at four I'm just like I can just see so many little things where she's like she's probably more like me at four than I mean it's hard to say she's at four she's four but she's probably more like me than she is my my part you know what I me got you yeah yeah no I love that so fire bro like the I don't know the whole family thing to me is just I feel like the older I get and like the more conversations I have with my mom and dad and like all my sisters like I don't know it's just cool man I feel like when I first came to La I Tred to run away from the idea of all of that you know what I mean to trying to like start a new and all that [ __ ] and then you just end up coming right back to it which is like just coming back to the center it just feel I think that's necessary though for for really any any Young person especially anybody who's trying to do something great yeah yes you know you want to do that and it doesn't it's like I mean it's tail oldest time or whatever of like rebelling against your parents you know [ __ ] that I'm not doing that and then all of a sudden it's like oh wow actually like well maybe they had some things right you know and uh you know and and also my dad too like something we don't consider is like just because they're your parents like my dad as I think he's like 65 now okay and so as a 65-year-old he's different than he was 10 years ago understand you know he's learned a lot and he's maybe come into it he's more accepting of certain things now than he even used to be and so it's they're moving through life too at the same Pace it's just like so they there's always room for gross on their end of things and so nothing is like stagnant you know yeah understand I love are are your parents still together they aren no they they separated when I was like nine or 10 okay pretty young yeah yeah pretty young understand yeah big shame that I still sometimes they they didn't talk for so long after the split but now when I see them like I still see my dad just trying to like flirt with her and they're still like they're like 48 47 and it's so cute to me I'm like bro like she has a whole man and whatever but it's it's interesting no I say like hey I actually you know what's funny it's actually it's funny that you mentioned that I I would never like they would both like deny this that Mom no they would both my both my parents would deny this but uh before my son was born there was like a a baby uh what do you call it like a baby shower whatever for my son and my parents were both there and like my stepmom was there and my step my mom's husband was there and and uh and it was funny watching my mom and dad who normally don't spend time together very much but it was normally like cuz they were all kind of helping out together and it was funny just seeing my mom and dad like the banter they would have like joking with each other and I was like I see why you guys were at one point like really good for each other right like a big VI you know for sure like they're they're so different but they're you know and they would never work long term obviously but like I can just be like okay I see I see that now yeah it was probably like fire you know what I definitely yeah well I want to I I love that I want to get into because I admire what you do as far as like your workout flows I feel like we've been talking about it but like I feel like routine is very important especially I'm I'm more for just like humans in general but do you have a certain routine that you go about something that gets you moving something that gets you ready for the day that you enjoy doing I do I think we've talked about this about because I want people to know yeah well I'm I'm kind of like so I I do the the cold tub thing the cold punch thing but but I want to preface that with saying like it's become kind of this like oh he's another one of those like you know sleep three hours make a million dollarss a day kind of Bros like entrepreneur Bros Gino the ghost do you watch his podcast no I don't Gino the ghost by the way for everybody who's listening to this Gino the ghost podcast shout out to to Gino phenomenally hilarious podcast worth it and everywh he's got so much Insight but he's always uh trolling on these entrepreneur Bros and I thought it was so funny because a lot of those guys are like you know the cold tub like you know yeah Joe Rogan type stuff and which I like Joe ran by the way but but I was just goingon to say like you know it's not like that first of all so don't don't judge that but um my routine is a cold is a cold plunge um which I have behind my house and then um I try to stay like you know when I first came out out to LA I I felt like I I kind of tried to keep running you know keep some kind of exercise going but I think like some degree of intense exercise for me yeah yeah yeah really helps my mental state so you know it's I don't know I try to run like maybe like a couple miles you know we talked about I've been getting back into like the heavy push-ups you know just body weight stuff and cold tubs and then cold showers cold showers yeah yeah so I like at least at the very least if I'm super busy I've got a 30 minute routine where I'll just do like a bunch of push-ups and a and a cold plch for three or four minutes and then a and then a cold shower beautiful you know and uh and the breathing thing too like the meditative breathing yes that's been really really helpful that's like um for me it just kind of clears my my whole head you know and then obviously like you know I have two young children so like I've got a two-year-old and a four-year-old and and so just seeing them in the morning and just being even if it's for 20 minutes just playing with them and kind of being present with them for a moment because I don't really get that the rest of the day I'm fair you know that's that has been so important to me got you you know yeah I love the I mean I I see you I feel like when we're working and stuff like that but I love the relationship that you have with your kids I feel like they like really just love you and admire you and just want to be by your side they do I think all kids do all kids really all they want I think when they're especially when they're little like all they want is just to be you know it's like the only time in their their life maybe that they're just like you'll never have a relationship like that yeah you know when you do with your small small kids and you know and I travel a lot and I was for a long time I was in Nashville um I moved to Nashville from La for maybe a year and a half and I was back here all the time and you know and I miss so much of my son's Young first year and and that's why part of why we came back here and you know my studio is sort of like a part of my it's on my property yeah um and so you know when I'm working in bigger Studios I don't see them but but uh you know I get to see them like you know there's a separation between between work like when we're working you know they don't just like hang out in the studio all the time but they get to see me I can come in the house and see him and stuff kind of recharge in that way I think it's fire super cool I think it's like I think it's so so fire yeah I wanted to cuz I wanted to ask also about cuz I feel like you know how obsessed I am with love yeah I feel like these days I'm like a love addict and I want to ask how long have you and your partner have how long have you guys been married first we've been married since 2015 so eight years D yeah long time eight years we're Southern I mean you know I'm right there with you I love I mean CU she's also from Tennessee MH and then I wanted to ask do you remember when you guys first I know you guys went to high school together we didn't tool you go to high school okay what do you guys remember were you fell in love or you first met absolutely yeah I would love to know I okay so I had a my band was my band was I was in a band called Ono Fiasco okay and we were we were signed with um with uh Alan Kovac company and we had just started really like touring pretty hard and um I was back came back from one of these tours and I had this this uh crazy friend of mine who was rest in peace Anthony he he was a really like illustrious sort of like very he like a hairdresser and all the girls loved him and stuff anyway I came home from a from a a stin and I came home one day and and there were these two girls in my apartment that where I share with this guy and one of them is my partner and he was hitting on the other girl and he was just like he's like bro be be my wingman and of I was kind of like tired you know I've been on a plane whatever and um um we started we started chatting and then she was still in college and then we we kind of hung out for a couple of days and uh we went kind of hanging out for that weekend and she went back to to college and um to finish up she had like a month left and then I went back out on another tour and I kept texting her while I was on the tour and then when we came back um we spent like three weeks together okay and uh and then she moved to New Zealand oh interesting okay she moved right to New Zealand she had she already had this trip she was going like I'm moving to New Zealand like with no intention of coming back wow and uh you know and we had tours booked and stuff and so I remember spending like 3 weeks with her and I remember there's this one night there was this like on the Tennessee River um there's this like beach sort of and I like took her out there and I said I said I think I love you and uh you know what I mean I do I was like I think I love you and uh and then we she left for New Zealand and and I you know continued on my thing and we we were on kind of before FaceTime really was a big thing but the Skype was like thing uh so we had like Skype and we would Skype every day beautiful every single day for like an hour every day and uh and then I went and visited her in New Zealand for maybe a month or something or 3 weeks or something and and when that happened I think we were kind of like okay well you know I think she moved back to the States maybe like three or four four months later okay after that because obviously we were like you guys were pretty yeah yeah we were like this this is going to work I think you know and then we've been kind of together more or less ever since so I love that she's so sweet too man she's great she's so nice and like always chilling yeah she the opposite of me like in every way feel so down to earth and like just like you know organized understand and she's an artist too she paints and um she the interesting thing about her name is Lee but my interesting thing about my wife is that she'll the way she looks at things is so different like when she she makes these beautiful paintings and she but she does them by like looking at other like looking at a picture and sort of like copying that image in her own sort of way right whereas I'm like a if if I paint because sometimes I'll paint with her just for fun and um and I can't look at something and and copy it yeah or like or or you know translate it like that I I just start going just like we write songs I just start going out of nothing and just make this I mean my paintings look like you know I didn't know that you I look like I looked like my pain paintings look like van go if van go had zero artistic talent you it's like a big it's like abstract Vibe understand understand love I don't know you painted with her though I think that's awesome yeah some very rarely but some sometimes she she does these things like called Paint nights where where she'll have some of her friends come over and then they all just kind of drink wine and paint you know stuff and so I'm trying to be that sounds like a Vibe yeah you should come s like a big Vibe honestly I love that bro yeah it's cool yeah I really I mean I don't know I just the love thing is just so cool I I feel like I fell in love with with my partner when she was going on stage and we hadn't known each other for that long at all and we I remember being being in Miami and she walked on stage and I just remember like hitting my head just being like you're stupid like you're you're like not making a mistake but sometimes you I've never been in a situation to where like you remember the moment like I feel like you start to get feelings and like all this type of stuff I just remember her walking on stage and my heart just being like like I love you like I was just like oh no um it's great but I was weird the best the best feeling cuz I I know there's like maybe some relationships out there cuz it's different sizes and different most defitely I feel like the ones that are the most memorable like the rent relationships that are are just you got to have that like I think for me at least you have to have that fire that's just like I just want to just oh yeah grab you you know what I mean totally and uh instead but then you know you hear some relationships that are like yeah well we were friends for a year and then we were like okay well I guess that I'm kind of I kind of fall in love that way and uh I've just never like I've had relationships like that before in the past and they never really worked out cuz I was never really just like in it like all the way you know what I mean and we're so different but I'm still just like you know that's my girl you know what I mean my God no I'm with you all the way think that's that's important for me I know I I agree I mean I think I mean this relationship has I think it's grown me up a lot and taught me so many things but it's definitely it's like been a fire in a good and bad way I feel like for the past two years and it's like even this morning like it's just every day that's just yeah I agree with you on that just I I feel like we're both in it but it's also very intense but it's also very beautiful and intimate and sweet too but it's definitely very uh I don't think I've ever been as locked in on a relationship in the past just cuz I didn't have that feeling of like truly falling in love with someone I've Loved many people like I'm a cancer like I'm from the south like you know what I'm saying like that the girl from high school still calls me every month because we were like supposed to be a thing but I was like I'm going to go to La and like she still like guys suck and like you are so sweet and genuine and I was like I don't know and like that was like a child love and then it's like you get to La and you meet like model girls and not saying that's a bad thing but like they their own Vibe but I I think when you I also never dated an artist you know someone that's like truly their own person and that's also something that'll keep the fire going as well cuz just constantly inspired and constantly moved by what they're learning and then it make want to learn and grow and make you want to read some books and you know hold a conversation like a real person it's just like it's cool it's so uh I think I feel like love is sort of like um like real love is sort of like music it like transcends in the same way that like music does I think we talked about this but it was sort of like where there's there's a connection that happens and it's so subtle and there's so many it's so complicated and it's so subjective to the people you know it's like chemistry a little bit um that's that's why they say it's chemistry but it's it's like it's more like Alchemy really MH how do why would you say that so have you ever read The Alchemist before not enough of it't alchemy is essentially was like an old medieval like um way of of creating they were trying to create gold out of regular materials understand so that was the original that's what what the The Alchemist book is about is is trying to it's like a magic sort of thing okay but uh so it's like a myth mythological kind of um science or if you will pseudo science or whatever but uh the idea is that it's it's it's like scientific but it's but it's not there's something about it there's there's an element about it that's Transcendent of all things that we know understand you know and that's the same thing that I approach try to approach music with which is probably why they're they're so closely related yeah I think I agree with that you know I mean I you I also want to talk about this too like we've been making I think some great stuff hopefully we make some more great stuff today um I think most people who who are listening and who know this like this podcast World here with ID doe I feel like know who you are but I I think you're one of the best producers I think you're one of the most talented people that I've met I talked to the lady before we started working I was talking to the lady I was like [ __ ] K's like one of the best I need him take him to the next level and do all this and like push me and like musically I was like musically did did but then I the relationship that I feel like we've gone to now is like you've just helped me become even more spiritual and I feel like even more believing in myself and just like that thing of like transcending you know not just getting to the studio and trying to work on a song like we're going to make great [ __ ] whatever regardless um but I think you've just given me a lot of confidence and a lot of strength you know what I mean and I appreciate that about you and I feel like when I first met you I don't know if I knew that you had that like that not yeah I guess truthfully like I didn't know that you were vibing like that yeah and it's just been really nice bro like I feel like you've just helped me a ton I think that's what production though like really I it's feel I appreciate that but I also but I also feel like that's that is like that's really my goal with production I've been doing production since um since I was probably 12 years old like you know so like that's been something yeah it's been just like a weird calling that hasn't really like left you know it wasn't like oh this is a cool thing or like I'm a musician and I just want to get my ideas down it was like the watching cuz I interned for a lot of producers um when I was younger that was were were great in various ways and actually none of them really I feel feel like we're really on the same uh wavelength that I'm at now where as far as like I'm like the psychological part of it but they all had a little bit of that they all had a little bit of that of that but I was always fascinated with the human Connection in it um not just in like recording ing music or something but also just how music makes you feel yes and then how that is how that comes about so whether it's writing something by yourself or you know taking a pitch song that someone else wrote yes um but it's it's the truest it seems like it's like the truest source to whatever the person whoever is writing the song however they're tapped in with this other side this other source that us all this love and creative ideas it's it's you have to sort of believe that there's something that you can't really see or quantify most definitely which we were talking about like AI the other day right so so like AI everybody is is tripping about AI you know and and understandably it's GNA take our jobs you know and uh and I said well how can it take jobs that if if we can't you can't code in you don't understand what love is you don't understand what music is you don't really understand all the frequencies there so how do you how do you like you know make that into a a thing that isn't humans are are irreplaceable as far as I can see and that's not what this conversation is about not Ai No no good but I think that that tapping into the love of somebody and you've got such a spirit that's a such a bright I've always told you that since we met your spirit is so bright and so like you walk into a room and everybody's like who's that guy you came into my you came to my barbecue we had in Studio City like what a couple months ago and and I remember there was a lot of people come up to me and go who's that guy over there and I'd be like oh that's Dwayne it's like I feel like I need to go talk to him yeah well sounds like you had a reason for that you should just go do that talk to him see what he's got to say 100% um and very sweet and that's an interesting thing though because you can as a producer you can sort of take that and then mold that with other elements of other people it's really just a connection game 100% you know 100% I mean I I agree with you all the way it's just like it's just been beautiful to be able to tap into that because I do it in my personal life and I I wake up every morning run three miles meditate for 10 minutes do those things to like cultivate joy and you know stuff that I'll be creative with and make me feel good and I think it's very pure and I've tried to do it in the studio too but I I just feel like the last month taking that and just arriving you know what I mean and just like showing up and still being insecure sometimes and like not sure if I can sing this or write this you know I mean I think that's just going to continue to happen as I you know just develop and all this type of stuff but it's like bringing that Spirit more into the studio something I never really thought about uh and it's I don't want to say it's the same but it's it it should it's me you know what I mean so I just I feel like you've just brought that more to the front I just think it's cool how do you how do you think uh how do you think that that's different than from your personal life to your to your studio life like how is it how does it how is it different like what what is the thing in between that when you get into a studio situation that makes you not feel that way I will say so I'll purpose that with the past month I feel like it's been more the same but before I will say I think I just would be [Music] so you know like doing math with it you know because I wrote this screenplay and wrote this story and it had to be this and if I had already talked about this last week in the studio I should just talk about what I wrote about next in the story you know what I mean so it was more like trying to like solve this puzzle that I had already put in my head and then coming to I would still love to s it would be pure and it would be real but I wasn't allowing that space for you know God to come into the room I would say because I had already manifested what it was going to be I think that was all not that I was like approaching it wrong but in a way I it was already just done in my head so I was like yeah I just got to sing what I wrote right a month ago about the thing you know what I mean and like now it's just like well yeah it's like you the other day picking up the guitar and singing the thing and then it's like oh cool and then we just flow on that Vibe that's way better you know or it's wor it's better for me at the at the time now there's also there's also like to me there's there's really no way of doing it like I I used to I used to think that like doing you know if an artist showed up and being like okay well here's this song that I actually wrote already what do you think about it and then just don't going into that that world I used to sort of be like Ah that's you know this isn't like K-pop or something you know like this is what is this industry idea but then but then the more I think about it the more I'm like uh I try to only surround myself with people who are I think are more talented than me and more tapped in on and whatever their craft is and so sometimes when there's a a special moment that happens it doesn't always have to happen on a like we don't we don't really as artists think about like think about time as an ingredient yeah you know and so like time is like such an ingredient it's and I I've said this before but it's it's such an important ingredient it's so important and and that's not an excuse by the way for you artists who are listening to like sit there and and not finish stuff by the way that's not what I'm talking about because that's me cuz no yeah cuz that can that can be a that can be like a crutch it's such an amateur crutch of being like well it's not done yet it's not perfect it's like there is no perfect first of all there's never a perfect there's always it can always be better but yeah time in in disciplined environments can use can you know sometimes that's you need uh I told you about the chef's table yeah most definitely right so like the chef's table episode where there's like a Korean Buddhist monk and uh they went to the monastery and they were like how do you make such amazing food with like four ingredients and she said oh well time is like my main ingredient and they were like and when I saw that I just was like wow I have been thinking this woman is so tapped into the meta tapped of like what really is possible yeah yeah yeah and then what happens if we add that and so uh we had a song last week we're going to work on today uh and you we had a long meeting with with your management and yes Lord and we had a great we had a great time we had a great time though and then at the end of it we were like well should we We tap into the song and I said let me send you this yes and let you live with it for a week you know your boy been at home practic but not just for practicing purposes but actually to maybe absorb what the material is or if it's like uh you know like I said people don't don't use time as an ingredient properly I think no including myself by the way it's an art form you know it's something that it's a discipline it's something you have to work with every day and a lot of the things I talk about on podcasts like this one are just like people sometimes people that go bro just give me the secret what the what the [ __ ] is the secret you know what's the secret I'm like bro I don't actually know the secret there's a lot more there's a way more producers out there who are have way more hits than me ask them maybe they know but I bet you most of them will probably who who are actually really tapped in and consistent can will probably tell you maybe something similar which is not the answer you want to hear it's not the answer you want to hear but I feel like when you're open to like the way you talk I feel like it it's the answer you know what I'm saying you just got to like go within yourself you know what I'm saying and the thing as far as like time goes that [ __ ] is so I feel like we all talk about it with our friends our artist friends whoever just like oh like when did that happen and then it's like oh like they're dope or they're not dope but it timing it came out and the [ __ ] smacked and people were just like Oh and it can still be here or it can go I think the timing thing is just when you brought that up I was like wow well also think about it like this think about it like this because of the part of the beauty of social media now is that that you know kids and everybody's just like on you're able to to pull through time old songs that are great songs and maybe even old sounds that are phenomenal like the a classic example is the the guy with the skateboard and the oh yeah yeah I remember that and the cranberry juice or whatever Fleet with Mac dream Fleet with Mac yeah so that's just like I mean the song was number one at billboard again crazy right so that's that's a wild that's a wild example an extreme example but on the the micro there's a lot more examples of that that are are happening understand I think I mean I I agree I I also I think something that's still inspiring the new the new stuff that we're doing is like Prince said this thing of like you're either here to Enlighten or to discourage and I feel like you the songs that you dug from like maybe a few months ago was like oh just made me feel good and I feel like the stuff we're doing now just makes me feel [ __ ] good that's all I want to do I'm like of course like we'll let stuff come in the room and we'll be free but I'm like if we can leave the studio and put it out we love it and it makes people feel good I'm like [ __ ] job is done you know what I mean I'm like I don't want to do something I'm just not at the point of my life now where I'm just like it's like that song like that will M he was skating around drinking juice and people just like [ __ ] yes like I'm like that's what I want to give people you know what I'm saying like I want to make people feel sexy feel empowered feel loved and yeah that's like really it like you know what there's this there's this interesting story I was reading to my daughter last night and it was like this uh it's like a kids book and it was like a there's like the whole thing is there's a fish and the fish is the whole idea of the book is the fish is swimming around yeah looking for water because he was told that water was what he needed to to be alive crazy somebody told him that and so this fish is swimming around in the ocean looking for water so right and then he goes and then he he finally gets to the surface and he jumps up really high in the air and he's like I can't breathe [ __ ] I can't breathe and then he lands and then all of a sudden he's like oh wait whoa you know and it's a kids book and it's so that's heavy though right and it was sort of like it was sort of like well I mean I I feel like that's that's a a cheeky example of maybe just like where the music actually is it's it's like everywhere it's the discipline the discipline we talk about discipline and uh that's the hardest part because if you don't have like discipline in your life I think um I talk about an artist like my artist suo for example Love by the is like one of my dear friends and this guy is so incredibly disciplined at watch watching him just like you you know you're working out every day and it doesn't have to be working out by the way it could be anything for me the cold the cold plunge is it's because it's so uncomfortable it's like the first thing I do it's like H do not never never ever in any day do I feel like doing that I never want to do that you and I get in and I'm like this sucks I hate this and then you get out and you're like wow I'm so glad that I did that 100% I can do anything today easy and I watch suo do it and he and I do do that actually the C plunge a lot by the way before sessions but this guy is so focused and he works so hard and uh he talks about the story so I don't mind talking about it but he he you know he was drinking a lot and he came to me one day and he was just like do you think I drink too much and I was just like well I don't know do you feel like you drink too much and he's like I think so yeah and the that day he's like I'm not drinking anymore just stop drinking crazy and I was just like if more artists had that tenacity of being like I need to have discipline in my life in order in order to find this sort of like you know because there's so especially here in La there's so much distraction God you know parties and you know this that and the other social media and everybody thinks that they're like it's here and it's so not here no no oh oh God it's here and what we're talking about it's so true I man I get mad at any of my friends that like H just like once you wake up or like watching TV or something like that and you just like go I see I will see my friends get on their phone and get mad by being on Instagram oh I shouldn't have seen like that I'm like why are you doing it like it's so put it down just put it down don't you know what it's going to not I don't mean like sometimes I think social media can be very positive but like it's like that like I feel you know it's not that it's hurting you but I just see some of my homies it hurts them it's not good or bad it's just like anything yeah it's true it's just like anything right like we were talking about this too it's just it's not like anything it's it's not good or bad it's either it just is I know so it makes me sad either it's either for you know your algorithm I mean if you look at my algorithm yeah you know yours probably it's probably different than yours it's probably different than just like anybody else's you know so I probably have some dumb videos on there just like everybody else who likes to watch videos but I but it's not like just a bunch of garbage you know if if if I feel like I've got somebody and I don't I really try to be careful about like how much time I spend on that and by the way when I'm sitting there like you know making edits or something and my Engineers you know I'm sitting there waiting on him to do stuff I try to like not be on the phone cuz it's so easy to do that easy but the stuff I do see typically is is like how you know things that are I find valuable to me and I've actually learned a lot from it yeah you know so um I think that if people put more conscious into that part into that VI it'd be better that's fair but it is an addiction it's it's something just like it's like you know drugs or alcohol or anything else you have to watch how much you're using it true you got to watch it I uh I I will say to to be a positive note I'm obsessed at the moment of like there's like these old videos of like San Francisco black people with just big afro just walking around and like being intimate with like men and woman and like couples and families and I'm just like that's so fly just like it's a lot of that popping up and I'm just like just mad people with afro but it's but it's cool it's cool though like like like I said it's you can you can sort of like use that as as feeding your artistic soul I think but it also is like TV you know like when you were kids like did your parents be like okay you can't watch TV like you got certain amount of hours of TV you can watch like you wouldn't just let kids just you wouldn't as like if you're a little kid you wouldn't just let your kid watch no TV all day not go to school and stuff you know yeah we have to shut it off it's the same thing for for adults though I think he's just like maybe just be cons just be conscious of be like all right I've been on this this thing for like three hours probably you know maybe am or am I am I missing like relationships am I missing like you know the other thing think is like it's it seems like there's a lot of like a lot of young artists that I work with have a an interesting amount of care yeah of what other people think about them very true and as an artist that true so poisonous poisonous I agree with you all the way as an artist specific I mean it's really not good for anybody but specifically if you're trying I think if you're trying to like make something new that's true to yourself and you're worried about like you know not just like what your fans will think but like maybe what I don't know your label thinks or what your friends think or I feel like what people are not thinking about you too I think hurts PE you know artist or I've just seen it you like oh maybe they what maybe they don't think I'm that cool or like you know what I mean like then that can send you into a [ __ ] SP too it's like they're not even thinking about me but you're never going to make music like great music thinking about other people maybe no no I I agree with you all the way I'm I agree with you all the [ __ ] way all I know is man lately at least maybe it'll change in a month or two or whenever we put stuff out but when I'm in that car and I'm at the house and I'm listening to [ __ ] I'm just like I love this like you've got the text from me I'm just like this is great even with the the the flower joint like I feel like I've just been home taking it in I'm like this song is genius like you know and I took time to hear that I mean the second time you played for him I was like okay yes I was like yeah but like being at home I'm like and and the time the time you spent and that's part of why I wanted to send you home with it because I wanted to be like okay is the time that we the time that you spent there this week is it just a holy crap this sounds really good and you get excited and then a week later it's like not as exciting but it was like well maybe in a week if it's still as exciting you know what um and you know also I mean James FY hats off to him like one of the one of the greatest ever do it yeah um but if you watch a guy like him if you watch a guy like him or or a John Bellion or or all day all day Greg Greg all day H I know who that I probably know who that is definitely know he's amazing he but the these caliber writers I think if you watch them they are actually more Transcendent and more spiritual yeah yeah yeah than like you know what I mean than other than other people um and I think it's like they've almost hit that Nirvana a little bit they're a little closer to it and they're they they don't think none of those guys ever think about when I've ever seen any of those guys work it's like they've never come in thinking about other people's opinions of them or whatever it's just like they talk to you as an artist they feel what you're feeling and then they try to sort of like unplug and then they plug into the source right right right 100% flows you know and if you can be a little bit more closer to that I think that just the better music that's why those guys are so consistent it's true it's true and i' been loving them James I feel like since of course I heard about Frank when I was a kid and then John biley and I just I don't know when he came on the scene for me but when I heard that [ __ ] I fell in love I was like this is the type of pop music that at the time I was like that I would make cuz it felt I it was like perfect Hooks and great Melodies but it also felt it had like a little hip-hop feel too yeah and even I don't know he's just mad swaggy he's just a swaggy guy there's a lot of there's a lot of you know I feel so incredibly lucky to have so many talented friends like our friend Zach cini crazy is on kind of on the other side is is like in in the uh producing and mixing side of it um hardworking guy like like all these guys are hardworking and these these people are all dis these people the discipline is the one thing that's like nobody really wants to talk about yeah man and it's the one thing I've sort of noticed and I'm just like I see people um people hit people hit me all the time they just like well yo bro like how do I get started and I'm like yeah it's a long one it's a long question I don't even know how to really respond to it it's like probably yeah like it's like it's crazy what well like qu like kind of almost like if you if you have to ask me that question then you you know like you shouldn't ask me that question no you should you should be doing it you're so right talking about discipline though man I don't want to like you're [ __ ] right I mean I feel like I try to tap into it but just I don't know every time we've talked and you say some I'm like [ __ ] like I just got you just have to like remember it and just stay focused on that [ __ ] I mean like I'm constantly writing in the studio and like but there's a whole other part that you can be disciplined on to and like for sure and and also like I think it's as an artist to it's it's almost like two sides of the the coin it's the the yin and yang proverbially but you have like you know your discipline side which would let's just call that like the masculine energy right like the very like I have to do this it's very like I I have to make myself do something that's uncomfortable understand um in order to to know that like you know we get better right on a regular basis too not just like one day or week or something it's like on a regular basis and then the other side which would be like the the Yang part of it would be sort of or the Y I actually don't remember which one is the feminine which one is the masculine and Y I wish I knew that but whatever the opposite side of it is you'd be you'd be more like um completely in touch with your feelings and like nature and me uh and not being pressured yes so there's there's a balance of those two things that that are completely required if you if you're entirely over here entirely touch with your feelings and don't have any discipline you'll just float and never get anything done and if you're entirely disciplined without any you know of the other well then you just yeah like you can't make art that way yeah you lose yeah you're going to lose the other side you can't make art that way so I think it's like a combination of the two that's that's uh it's the balance in the middle sort of thing understand and of of course in music I think it's it's actually like maybe the obsession yeah understand like you're obsessed I know pretty [ __ ] obsessed yeah of course you are that's why you're so good you know like wake up earli wanted having to leave the lady she's like where you going I'm like got to go to the studio I'm so happy I'm like texting you knowing that all of the stuff is going to happen in the way that it needs to it I'm still just like just want to make sure everybody I don't know so weird also bro like but yeah but like look at who's who's like your hero like who's who were some of your artistic hero I like you're you're you know I mean the I of course the the cars I mean Prince zero balance Prince had zero balance with with his with his obsession yeah no you're right so talk about his Studio sessions and [ __ ] going 48 Hours 24 hours zero balance and I mean I'm not saying everybody needs to do that but I'm just saying like whatever it is whatever the extreme Obsession where as far as your obsession will push you yes but then you also have to have like that that discipline you know look there's some there's a lot of days where I'm just like man you know I really don't want to go to the studio not that many because I'm still obsessed with what I do that hasn't changed at all but there are days where I'm like I don't really want to go like mix this song and and the discipline part of it you know what I mean like you don't want to get started but the thing that's beautiful is if you're really doing the right thing when you make yourself making yourself the hard part understand I when you get into it you're kind of like oh I'm here now 100% love this 100% bro know you're so [ __ ] right that's it kind of goes into my last question I want to ask you was like you kind of just answer it but I feel like you could elaborate on it a bit like what keeps you [ __ ] coming back to make another song to mix another song to write another song like it's a good question yeah I I think maybe I don't like I guess I guess that it's just what I love to do so much and I feel like that it's how I add the most value to the World on yeah like I think I think that's like my gift because I I don't think everybody is born with lucky enough to be born with a gift that's so clear perhaps and um and I think that gratitude for that gift and and um for my ability to like first of all love what I do enough to do it a lot you know a lot and be able to help people like you know um help artists and then and the thing is if I can help an artist artist is really what's going to help a lot of people people aren't looking at me on stage they're not looking you know they're not looking they're not looking for my guidance they're looking for your guidance and for the other artists that I work with that's that's who they're connecting with and so but who do you turn to to to help make your songs and to like help um you know when you're in a rough place it's the creatives that are behind that and so I felt like my my job wasn't my job wasn't ever like supposed to be uh what you do understand it was just you know I was in a band forever I was never really trying to be a front I was never a front man I was play drums and stuff so I was never really like the front person anyways and that just wasn't ever really something I really wanted to do or like felt like I wanted to do be in front yeah um um and so it was always to be the position I'm in right now and so I was like well if that's what I want to do then let me be the best I can be at it understand and I don't really know what else I would do like I I don't think I would be good at at you know in I don't know like what would I do exactly real estate or like I'm not I mean you could yeah yeah like you could you could do one one could do a lot of things right right right um but I just every time I think about it because you know you you think about it you're like what would I do if I wasn't doing this and it's sort of like it's tough it's tough to think about it I don't think I genuinely can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing yeah same and that's probably the answer I don't know I mean I think that's I think that's beautiful and I'm so happy that you do do gratitude for what you do and what you love you know that was a bar I mean honestly you have to dude like think about it like it's so hard I mean it's so it's so there's so many I feel like there's so many pitfalls you know that um it's just the only people who can really do it I think are people who are driven to the driven at a level that where you're like I have something to say that people need to hear before I die I feel IO I feel that all the way and also and also like not just that but for me to feel good about myself but like but I'm I am grateful that I have this this Affliction because it's kind of like a little bit of a painful process so he's like but I'm grateful that I feel like this and that I can help people this way and so being grateful and and positive about that every day and then waking up every day and being like all right like yeah like let's get to it yeah 100% you know and that creates that creates like a like more extra momentum like especially when you you get going because you know you um you talk about a willow for example like you know I've watched your career from all the way back you know and uh and now she's doing she's doing such cool music so cool so cool and and so different and it's and it's always pivoting it's always a little left from where always you expect she's constantly evolving it's that's why I'm just like it's so Inspire real artist though she's a real she's the realest artist I've ever seen I'm not just gassing I mean she hates me for that too I'm always gassing her but it's a real she's a real artist and you know and she works with real artists and uh and you know and there's plenty of examples of that where like and that's that inspires me to keep going because you know there's a lot of the higher you get there's more pitfalls there more things that could mess you up more things that could mess you up too but I I agree with what you were saying to as far as like surrounding yourself around people that are better I mean she was definitely one of the like well I don't want to say one of the first examples because I've been around great people for the past five years I really have been but I think she was the first example someone that looked like me you know what I mean someone that was in a scene and making rock music making pop music that I thought was actually really [ __ ] good and been blessed to be surrounded by her magic and and and be have have her as a great friend and I was like whoa like yeah she's so much but it made me want to be better made me want to live life more and now surrounding myself by people like you and then D and [ __ ] Forest like you surround your so much gratitude B man B man Shout Out b man crazy he's really changed my life in perspectives he's he's changed he's the one who introduced me to James follow into Brian Kennedy which another guy I don't know if you know Brian but I know that name Brian Kennedy shout out to Brian like what a that those those guys working with those guys has been like Transcendent for me because they're so humble and they're so great at what they do yeah yeah and uh Brian Kennedy if you don't know who he is look him up he's he's doing some really cool stuff he's got a really great nonprofit um and uh he's just watching these guys TR like sort of Channel music and the first of all the level of Music ship that they're at you know you're just like dude wow like and it's just so cool to watch them the way they work is is it's not all about let's make the track it's all about like uh like let's call in this energy right you know it's chemistry it's like oh we should bring in this person that's why like sometimes when we're working with dom somebody will just show up yeah and anytime somebody just shows up walks in the studio that I wasn't expecting and Dom's there I'm like this person is going to be dope oh yeah 100% 100% easy yeah 100% of the time they contribute something really cool yeah to whatever we're doing and you're just like and some people I think are just like this is my like they they first of all they think about the money first which is which is a poison in himself big no no you know what I mean so no you're right know you never never want to think about that it's it's tough it's tough It's H God I feel like the moment I stopped things just got so much better thinking about [ __ ] like that always the money and not to no but it does it does it really it's it's it's a piece of it it's like you can't just ignore that in a conversation like this that is when people you know that's a glaring thing because people are like well I don't have money so I or I don't feel like I have enough right now so I'm making art right or I'm making I'm making like craft i'm crafting these these emotional I'm crafting emotions into music into something tangible and if they think about like money or something prior to actually doing the work it affects the work it affects it it [ __ ] affects it that's why you don't do that you always think about it after the fact and and so like uh I think like that's that's kind of a I'd say an amateur way of looking at Productions or or writing or any of that stuff it's like how much money can I make today yeah that's crazy and there's a lot of people who think that way and I if you're one of them if you're listening I just is used to not think that way or try or try not thinking that way try for a few sessions try for a few sessions not about all the way bro like yeah that would be a tough place to be in place to be in I don't know what I would say like I feel like I would try to like I don't know what I would come up with to like make well it's just it's just like well okay like for example like I don't want to have anybody else come in today because I don't want to have to split an extra percentage like that yeah for sure that's what I'm talking for sure 100% yeah that's not the way either yeah yeah yeah no I think the I mean you taught me that I've never been in a situation to where so many people I'm like let them all touch it cuz they're so [ __ ] tapped like I mean please oh yeah yeah yeah it all it all comes out in the end everybody wins it's great bro so that's cool well I love you I love you I'm so thankful and I'm grateful we got to do this this is cool here in the Adobe studio the G [ __ ] thyself is like right up there it's so funny well bro I love you so much thank you the man bro thanks for having me thank you guys for listening Dwayne's world we'll see you guys very soon [Music]

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