Philadelphia Eagles Vs Green Bay Packers Postgame Show

Eagles Vs Packers Postgame show the Philadelphia Eagles just beat the Green Bay Packers 34 to 29 in a thrilling Friday night football game in today's video I break down the game and tell you everything you need to know about what happened so starting off just opinions on the Eagles based off this game and that is that we are going to the Super Bowl like this team the potential is to be one of the best teams ever they have everything what else do they need they have J they have a quarterback they have a running back a great running back it seems based off this best wide receivers in the NFL offensive line was okay it was decent enough there were only there were two sacks given up so that was okay there's a decent amount of pressure but offensive line looked good and the defense well we did give up 29 Points watch this video and I'll tell you why they looked a lot better than the box score seems overall I'm just I'm feeling really good about this team I'm it was a great win you know we should go to Brazil every first game of the season and beat down some people that is the fan favorite NFC team everyone around the NFL saying the Packers are better than the Eagles the Eagles March down there and just put them in their place even with their C game this was not an a performance or even a b performance by the eagles they still beat the Packers Eagles Game Recap so I guess I should probably do the actual breakdown real quick of what happened in this game in case you missed it in case maybe you walked away for a half or something but anyways the Packers start out with the ball what is Jordan love going to do the supposed best quarterback in the NFL or the next best quarterback in the NFL by some people with the elite uh wide receivers and so they go down the field they go 20 yards and punt the ball so they almost went for on fourth got a penalty changed their mind punted the ball the Eagles get the ball what is this exciting offense going to do and they get the ball they hand it to saquin the new addition and he falls down five yards behind the line of scrimmage then a few plays later Jaylen Herz throws a terrible interception that it was to Devonte Smith he was in triple coverage in the middle field on our own roughly 35 yd line it was not a good pass at all it was a bad decision and a bad throw so bad I mean there's no excuse this is this was not a tipped pass this was terrible anyways Packers get the ball the Eagles defense looks lights out again five plays six yards they get a field goal so so far Eagles looking dominant on defense offense is like what is going on but to be honest if it starts at one way or the other I'm happy with this because I believe the offense can get better and will get better if the defense started out shaky I would be nervous Eagles get the ball again cam Jurgens snaps the ball Jaylen Harts not ready for it fumbles the ball Packers get the ball within the 20 or so like this is terrible the worst Offensive start I can even imagine I can't get any worse than this it's not possible interception fumble both deep in your own territory and then the Packers aren't able to do anything they get eight plays they get eight yards defense on the Eagles best first quarter I've seen in years amazing anyways Packers kick a field goal 6 to zero being down only six to zero against a good offense or believ to be good offense when you have done two turnovers in your own Red Zone roughly that's amaz that that's ideal scenario so the Eagles get the ball back after that go down the field and then throw a touchdown pass to none other than sequan Barkley we didn't see this at all most of last year so most of last year we had Swift he never got past the ball so we all a lot of us assumed that we just wouldn't pass the ball to our running back now but it appears maybe Barkley is good enough to get some passes now he did only get two passes but one was an 18 yard touchdown catch which was a good catch too this was not an easy wide openen catch it was a really good catch so that puts us up 7- six the Packers get the ball and this is where the game has completely changed you would never guess that this game started out 6 to Z looking at the end score of 34-29 the Eagles scored 34 points in three quarters that's crazy so anyways Packers go down the field Reed Jayden Reed their wide receiver appears to be electric he is really good he caught the ball four times he had 138 yards and a touchdown he also had a run he also had a 3 yard rushing touchdown so I don't know if he's going to be like this all the time but in this game the Eagles just couldn't tackle him he was super fast he could catch well and you he was the wide receiver of the night so anyways Jordan love you know he's heating up some so on this drive the Packers drove down the field then Reed got the 33 yard touchdown run that I mentioned a second ago puts it at 12-7 Eagles are down by five not a normal score but anyways then the Eagles get the ball this is just the most fast-paced two quarters I've almost ever seen Eagles get the ball nine plays 70 yards of just you know roughly like 10 to 15 yards at a time it felt like throwing the ball running the ball this is what the offense should look like it it was it was amazing it involved Barkley it involved AJ Brown those were really the main two uh Devonte Smith actually also got a 20 yard catch there so really it involved everyone that matters we drove all the way down the field and then saquan Barkley got an 11 yard rushing touchdown that was a really good run and he looked really good like I might I didn't love sequan at the time of signing him but he looked amazing so anyways at this point Eagles 14 Packers 12 then the defenses at this point are a little worn out still the second quarter Jordan love you know gets the ball he should have thrown a pick six niobian had a pick six it hit him in the hands it was an easy walk-in touchdown and he just dropped it there's no one near him and it was unfortunate and then just two plays later maybe even the next play anyways jayen Reed caught a 70 yard touchdown pass where the defense just fell apart is a broken play it seemed like 70 yard touchdown pass there longest one Jordan love has ever had so anyways electric quarter Eagles get the ball back with five minutes left go down the field kick a field goal that makes it 19 to 17 going into the half so six points in the first quarter 30 points in the second quarter and going into half I was pretty happy with it now I did want the Eagles to get a touchdown on the last drive down the field I really thought they should have and easily could have they were well within scoring position but I was happy the defense had shown up for the most part I know they just gave up two touchdowns in the uh second quarter but the defense has shown up at this point we should be out of this game we gave up two turnovers deep in our own End Zone Deep In Our Own Zone this game should be over it should be 30 to 10 or something like you know this this should be blown out and we were only down by five points and we get the ball back so I was very happy with this second quarter and this performance performance and this Eagles team man I'm telling you they're going to be really good so third quarter Eagles go right down the field in two plays long touchdown pass to AJ Brown feeling good take the lead for the first or not first time in the game for the second time in the game Take the Lead 24 to9 this doesn't last long because all of a sudden there's no defense in this game like this there's no defense set or third quarter Packers March down the field as well using a lot of Josh Jacobs in this one but they get a touchdown as well which was a two-yard touchdown pass to Watson then the Eagles get the ball will they respond it's 26 Green Bay 24 Packers they don't the Eagles just punted away but surprisingly then the Packers Punt and then the Eagles punt so it's punt punt punt finally some normal football for these Brazilians to see then Packers had the ball once again and it was an interception from Jordan love an outstanding interception from Reed blankin ship Reed I I was very impressed by this catch it was a great interception top tier so very impressive the Eagles then score a touchdown and who scored the touchdown uh you know sequan Barkley of course so there is that Packers get the ball offense is back on the table they March down the field and they miss a fairly easy field goal will the Eagles put them away in this fourth quarter they get the ball they drive down the field and then what happens does Jaylen Herz put him away actually he throws a terrible interception and it was painful cuz they could have they were in the Red Zone they could have just thrown it out of bounds kicked a field goal been up by eight instead he throws an interception across his body across the field and it was not good and we were still up by five but it was not good the Packers managed to go down the field and thankfully only kick a field goal leaving the Eagles up by two and with about 8 minutes remaining the Eagles then go on marched on a methodical drive down the field that was almost the perfect drive it took up seven and a it took up seven and a half minutes went 67 yards and ended in a field goal to put us up by five the Packers then get 30 seconds to go down the field and score looked like Jordan Love Actually might have gotten hurt might have had cramps what it look like to me but I'm not sure but anyways so then Milik Willis came in and uh it didn't work out the Eagles ended up winning 34 to 29 great game great Sunday night not Sunday night great Friday night game it ended at like 12 so this video might go out really late but who cares anyways what are the real Key Take Aways takeaways Jaylen Herz not great Jaylen Herz not great because he was 20 for 34 and two touchdown or two interceptions and two touchdowns and two fumbles he only lost one but two fumbles three turnovers is uh not up to the standard but the fact that you can be not up to the standard and still score 34 points is why I'm so excited for this team uh it's it's it's feeling good it's feeling good in Eagle land I'd say Philadelphia but I'm not in Philadelphia so Eagle land is across the world so AJ brown or no not AJ Brown saquan Barkley get to him first 109 yards I think I said this earlier two touchdowns uh running one touchdown receiving he had an excellent game AJ Brown 120 yards and a touchdown Devonte Smith 84 yards kind of quiet game a quiet seven for 84 I can deal with that Gard showed up when it mattered Jan Dodson never showed up but that's okay I don't care at this point yeah that's fine anyways we scored what is that math 31 points in two quarters the Eagles could have easily blown the Packers out if the Eagles played their aame they would have blown this Packers team out it could have been 45 to 20 if the Eagles played their aame cuz this C game and they still won so I that's the offense the defense why am I okay with the defense giving up 29 Points and what am I concerned about I'm happy with this part they only allowed six points in the first quarter as I said they were put in a terrible situation and they played very well also in the fourth quarter they kept the Packers to just three points in the four quarter so those two quarters great you know nine points happy with that of course don't don't mention those other two quarters yet but but the fact that they were put in such a rough situation and they withstood it the Packers didn't even score 30 points and we had three turnovers two of which well within our own territory that defense is playing maybe not great I'm not going to say great you don't give a up 20 points in two quarters if you're playing great but that defense is playing good and that is something that I could not say a single time last year and I'm very very happy about that so let's go to more of the specifics more of the players the linebackers I don't I don't know if I've ever said this but the Eagles linebackers played really well Eagles F like the Kobe Dean solid but let's not show up the star Zack Bond I know you might not have heard of him if you haven't paid attention to the Eagles in this offseason he was an edge rusher the past four years he's played in the NFL he's never been a linebacker first game at linebacker he has 15 tackles 11 of which 11 of which were solo tackles one tackle for a loss and then two sacks including the game ceiling sack he was amazing that was great like I did not see this coming I like Devin white was ruled out mysteriously a few days ago it's a little concerned these linebackers were great the Back Field was they did miss a few things of course there's the 70- yard touchdown that I mentioned that was bad but let's start off quinan Mitchell quinan Mitchell is going to be a stud he looked excellent going from Toledo go Toledo to the NFL guarding the Packers and he looked this good like he was awesome he was great he I was a little worried he's going to get a few penalties talking too much but he was great slle still looked really good the blanket ship had the interception and then CJ Gardner Johnson I did see him miss a few times especially that s-y touchdown they did miss some tackles as a whole they missed some tackles because it just I don't know it just happened the field was terrible I haven't mentioned that yet but the field was reminded me of the Super Bowl how bad it was of course you know this the eagle Super Bowl and that was a really bad field everyone was slipping all over the place lots of broken plays kind of from it cuz people just slide across the field so that was that was something but anyways the back field or the I guess the one we I would say the biggest weakness was I didn't think avonte Maddox played great I saw him it felt like running way behind the guys who's Garden a little too often for my taste and I saw people targeting him a little too often for my taste but anyways they looked really good I wonder how they would have played if Isaiah Rogers was playing because he looked good all off season and then unfortunately he was hurt so I wonder how much playing time he would have got if any if he was healthy and then the front of the defense the defensive line how did they look and well they didn't have any sacks and that's the easy that's the easiest thing to track you just look at the sacks they didn't have any sacks so there was that their run G the run defense for most of the game was really good most of the game except for two drives in third or fourth quarter where Josh Jacobs was carving him up and at one point am Manuel Wilson but I I think they got tired I think they were a little out of shape I I don't know if this is going to continue or not like they played a lot of snaps all those turnovers early in the game all that you know all those all those points and everything the defense played a lot of snaps and there were a lot of snaps in this game and the defensive line looked to me like it got pretty tired in the first half their run defense was really really good especially Josh Jacobs I think it was halftime he had eight carries for 12 yards and then something happened we fell apart over the next eight carries he got 72 yards so something went wrong but I'm I have hope that that that is just conditioning the no sex does concern me but watching the game there was constant pressure on Jordan love it was very common for him to be throwing it while being you know mid while having arms on him hands on him from an eagles Defender so he was throwing Under Pressure a lot it is a little frustrating that they didn't complet the play at all and a lot of the times when he was throwing Under Pressure he would get a complete pass so there is that you know he did end up with 260 passing yards but a little concerning that there weren't sacks but it's not like he had all day he did not have all day for sure and a little bit of this was the just the guys up there playing okay a little bit was was some extra pressure or some simulated pressure from Vic vanio but I'm not that concerned I'm mildly concerned because there weren't you know we didn't get three or four sacks we got two sacks and one was on the last play of the game doesn't really count so really we got one sack but it seemed to me like if the conditioning is there which we'll see next week what to really think but if the conditioning is there the run defense is good and the past defense I don't think we're good a ton of sacks this year that might just not be what we are we are moving from a sack defense to a coverage defense and I think I like it more I like being able to trust that there's not wide openen wide receivers streaking across the field and there were a few but not nearly as many as there were last year so overall offense was not good it was shaky but if a shaky often scores 34 points you got to pretty good offense there and the defense was put in terrible situations and in my opinion held strong 29 Points I know but to me they held strong other than that second quarter and really if ncoe Dean gets that pick six this could be a blowout anyway and then the defense would really hold strong that was a 14-point swing right there I I like both sides of the ball Jake Elliott looked good the looked really good two punts about 50 yards each one inside the 20 that was good one weakness not that big of a deal but a weakness uh the kick return I thought we looked bad at that so we returned one from within the end zone made it out to about the 25 and then had a penalty Con on us so we went down to the 15 that was bad don't ever do that that's just a bad idea and then one time the Packers squibbed it and we were not prepared for that and only got out to about the 15 yard line so that was a little that wasn't great kick return needs some work but overall it was a sloppy game by the Eagles and honestly this is from an eagles perspective if you couldn't tell the Packers probably didn't play their aame either there was lots of dropa passes that I noticed so there was that um and you and you you could easily say the Packers I guess they the first turnover they did Force I'll give them credit for that they did catch an interception they did do something there so you could say they didn't take enough advantage of their opportunities and maybe it's like the eagles SE C game versus the Packers b game that's reasonable but overall I'm feeling good feeling good as an Eagles fan in my next week Power Rankings I will definitely be moving them moving them on up as The Jeffersons would say but yes my official grades I will give the offense a B I will give Jaylen Herz a c I give the defense a B minus but yeah I I don't know those are just kind of grades off the top of my head we'll see if I keep this grading thing going or not what are your thoughts on the game did you celebrate the Eagles win by maybe burning a couch or jumping off a small building under 15 ft tall did you do something fun like that or not maybe you just watch this video and celebrated with me but I think this is going to be a great season for us Eagles fans I am feeling great there were no ma injuries on the Eagles part of the ball hopefully Jordan love is okay I think he is I think it's just cramps personally but who knows um and it will be a great season starting off the year right so stick around I'll make a preview video for the Eagles next game shortly in a few you know Monday Tuesday Wednesday sometime and I'll try to keep some constant Eagles coverage throughout this NFL season and I'll see you later bye

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