Category: People & Blogs
All right we build it as one of the better games that we would see this weekend and truth be told it wasn't necessarily that matt rule had his guys ready to go and they absolutely took colorado to the woodshed and we'll talk about that in today's video presented by bet us uh colorado certainly didn't... Read more
Category: Sports
What's up college football addicts today we are talking about our defending national champs today we're breaking down michigan's schedule and i'm giving you the insight on how you should bet your money in our um preview which is presented by bet us now migan has a tough road to ho as number one they... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to college football addiction this is our nameless week one preview show i don't have a name just yet for it if you have some ideas hit the comments let us know but i want to do this weekly and best laid plans of mice and man i wanted to live stream this but just wasn't able to today so i had... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
All right hey sunday morning um was in the swamp yesterday i've had a chance to rewatch some of the games we talked about and then of course there's a couple more with lsu tonight and uh usc lsu in in boston college florida state um thoughts haven't really changed too much on those two games so we'll... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Talk about florida state boston college before we do florida state boston college on monday night will the seminal rebound this is a big spot i was on with brian from clemson football live earlier this week and he asked me what is the mood what's the mindset going into this game and what i told him... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to college football addiction today we are breaking down the texas schedule and i'm giving you the insight on how you should bet your money in our texas preview presented by bet us now listen the texas schedule is one that i think is going to be tougher than they have seen in an extremely long... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome back to college football addiction i've got kozz from koz's corner on we're going to talk about what i just told him before we got on here is maybe the most sneakily underrated game of week one uh penn state travels to west virginia koz how you doing man doing good tj how about you man i'm good... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
What's up college football addicts today we are breaking down miami's schedule and i'm going to give you guys the insight on how you should bet your money in our um preview which is presented by bet us miami has one of the most hyped and most look forward to games in week one of anyone in the country... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
On min to sports not our necessarily uh regular programming something a little bit different i've got zach smith um who dove pretty deep into dj u angay florida state's week zero performance against georgia tech and uh zach's doing something special for us today zach is taking us behind the curtain... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Um what was the 3:30 3:30 was the uh florida miami game uh we'll talk about that one just a minute let's move on to texas a&m not dame hey if you're watching this if you're if you're listening on audio podcast which we do have an audio podcast you can go check out now college football addiction link... Read more
Category: Sports
All right welcome back college football addiction i have john curts from the john ct show here on youtube we're going to talk a little bit about this matchup this weekend with kansas say and to lane how you doing man hey i'm doing great tj thanks for having me man better than i am right at a at a one... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
What's up college football addicts today we are breaking down the ug schedule and i'm going to tell you how you should bet your money when you bet on their over under win totals at bet us this ug preview is presented by bet us we'll talk about them in just a moment now georgia gets off to a great great... Read more