Buffet Day At The Animal Kingdom Lodge! ($600 Disney World Hotel Review)

Disney World Resort Intro on today's episode of America's Next Top Model we're going to be doing an animal kingdom themed Runway Mufasa but make it high fashion make it high fashion even more this is called the [Music] ostrich the cheetah the elephant and this one's my personal favorite the hamster oh this wheel I'm so tired so as you can see I am in nature and that's because today I am staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for the first time ever yes it's true I'm going to be reviewing the room the amenities but most importantly I'm going to be eating at their buet called Bulma for dinner and breakfast both two big Buffet meals back toback we're eating well girlies now I have been on the premises in the sense that I ate at saana which is a sit down restaurant in the Villa area but I've never never been to the main Lodge and I've never eaten at the main bouet so it's going to be a full day of new experiences fun fact I actually lived in Kenya for a year and a half when I was 11 and I'm not being sarcastic I actually did and all of my sisters literally wrote an ostrich an ostriches are fast girly they were almost flying off of her I of course chose not to ride an ostrich just because it's not really my thing you know I have never thought to myself I really want to ride an ostrich but I was very happy for my sisters and their sprained backs now the bouet restaurant is called Bulma flavors of Africa so it's African cuisine now like I said I did live in Africa and I was 11 I was an uncultured swine and I did not like the food there because like I said I was 11 I was craving chicken nuggets and the little dinosaur eggs and the oatmeal that tasted like candy that's all that I wanted so I did have a rough time flavor-wise but as you guys know I am now 30 I am a professional taste tester and I do love all different kinds of international cuisine so I'm sure I will adore the African cuisine now that I am grown and educated so the room did cost me $500 for one night does it come with a free pet giraffe at least a Geral something and with both buffay meals combined the total cost of this video is going to be around $600 give this video a big thumbs up if you're enjoying it it's the easiest way to support little old me and my whole career also subscribe if you're new here I make food content Disney food content travel food content if you like having fun and you have three stomachs like me and multiple ostriches out there subscribe oh there's a BG dragonfly go away shoo Sho shoo okay so this is the schedule check in room tour and then we're going to explore the whole hotel and all the amenities and then tonight we're having a big bouet dinner and then we're going to sleep and I'm going to dream about growing my hair back and then we're going to have a bouet breakfast and then check out so follow along it's going to be a pretty cool adventure bro now speaking of animals I have a question for you guys what was your first animal Checking In that you ever had mine was a parakeet named verdell what kind of a name is that that's not even a bird-like name anyways she was a very very happy bird until one day she started bloating and I mean like bloating a lot it was giving too much sodium it was giving Harry Potter's ant when she floats away and she stayed bloated and then one day I just found her on the bottom of the cage I was like 10 it crushed me and I remember crying while eating SpaghettiOs so this is the lodge now cinematographer Timmy did struggle to get a good shot of it because there's so much nature surrounding it a lot of trees are in the way but we love that they are giving us oxygen so we can breathe and this is the little car valet check-in area oh it smells so good in here it smells like bacon oh my girlies you're not ready Elegance opulence every little piece of gold you could imagine it's giving class it's giving Grace it's giving diamonds isn't it stunning honestly one of the prettiest lobbies I've ever seen in my life and this way window is like the statement piece of the whole Lobby look at the vines going up it's whimsical I love [Music] it this is the elevator area the Chandelier looks like glowing Corn Flakes gires this is so gorgeous like I said I have never seen this Lobby and it's ridiculous this is full animal kingdom glamour we're going to explore more after we check out the room so my room is 3570 something so let's try to find it the elevator area Okay number three oh I I need my room key is it working girl I don't this is my room key I don't have a physical key me my phone my phone worked look at this guys it's like a Dusty window O Okay so oh okay I get it is this wait I'm at the lobby why I'm at the lobby did I not move I felt the elevator moving I swear what's happening I don't think that my phone is working as a key where's the stairs I'm going to take the stairs I don't mind a little exercise I found the stairs ooh can I sit here I think I can sit here this looks like something from a museum it's actually very comfy Rooms To Go who we're going up the stairs the whole Lobby is a little bit dark I kind of like it it's Moody is this number three this says four but this is technically the second floor so if I'm number three something it means I'm on the first floor and that's why my key wouldn't take me any higher because that's where I'm staying they said no elevator for you you are humble you are staying grounded and you're staying on the ground oh my gosh there's a bridge I just noticed the bridge that's kind of fierce oh my God I'm going to feel like Lara Croft walking across that oh okay so the bottom two floors are below the hotel rooms I'm going to check these out after so I technically am on the third floor I'm just discovering things every moment that I'm here I feel like Indiana Jones oh my God there's a big rock behind me oh my God I'm in the 35s now my room must be coming up pretty soon by the way did you notice my shirt I have all the animals on it we have a chicken we have a spider and we have sushi right here this is it girlies this is my room and my number is carved on Stone okay Hotel Room Tour let's see if this is worth $500 okay ooh smells so good in here smells like a p needle oh ooh gorgeous oh the Alvarez family strikes again once again I forgot to invite my wife Tammy and our 10 kids Tammy I'm sorry I'll make it up to you let me call her to apologize my sweetheart Tammy girly how are the kiddos how's how are they wait tomorrow's our anniversary guys I totally forgot don't worry sweetheart we're going to go to TGI Fridays and live it up you can get you pick two you pick combo and the free dessert love you oh she's so understanding anyways guys this room is gorgeous wait first of all I got like the cheapest room possible so I did not expect to have a room with such a gorgeous view look at all the grass and the greenery and the leaves and then I think that the giraffes like come out here or they go in there and then you can go and see them or something I don't know I don't see any right now let's look at the whole room now okay so starting with the front door I think it's made of authentic cherry oak you guys know most what is made out of cherry oak at least to me cuz that's the only wood that I know of and we have this gorgeous closet right here what's inside of it there's a lot of space in here definitely enough room for Tammy Sunday dresses I really should have brought her then we do have what is that a coffee maker what is that an alien what is this wait isn't this what's his name Wall-E w-e it's not doing anything oh it's not but what is it I guess it's an iron from the future someone here is a time traveler cuz I've never seen anything like this and here we have a safe to keep all of your tennis bracelets and your anklets from Jared where did he go he went to Jared this is the full room I think it is just beautiful I do have to say one thing though the fact that these floors aren't carpeted does kind of give the floors a budget feel I mean I know that my bougie Sketchers are also adding to the budget Vibes but just something about the hardwood floors just doesn't look fancy especially for a $500 room but everything else looks incredible I just had to get the little critique out of the way look at these beautifully designed headboards they have all these carvings in them and they truly look like an artifact like I would find this headboard in a museum they have the bougie reading lights you only get these at like five star places guys I mean I'm not going to use these to read I don't read often but I could use it for you know like clipping my toenails or E I don't do that on the bed usually I promise or you know some selfie lighting I mean it really accentuates the smise in the words of Ty fire Banks this is just normal girl and this is fierce smile you see the smes how I'm smiling with my eyes without showing my teeth the beds themselves look very nicely made you could drop a coin on it it would bounce off and hit me in the eye then we have this little table for once again your nail clippers or your Kindles then we have this gorgeous carving of an elephant wait that's Simba yes Timon and Puma this is Lion King themed it's not just Animal Kingdom it's fictional Animal Kingdom I love it and then that's the chicken oh oh lights behind the carved headboards now that is a bougie detail I love it when the bed lights up makes me glow in my sleep and what does this one do so it lights all three of them all at once just like Rihanna's hit song All of the [Laughter] Lights I'm sorry and then ceiling okay that's the ceiling one and then what's that say Goa oh good night good night not Goa Gua Lea and then we have the actual coffee machine The Cure rig o this is an actual still from The Lion King I love that where's Mufasa we all know where he is he's squished squashed is that the right word I feel bad and then we have the Tash the little suitcase thingy wait what's in here is there any Last of Us mold no just coffee stuff very nice and then we have a gorgeous TV by Samsung this is not an LG TV so Lady Gaga did not handcraft this this is actually made by Sam he's actually a man who really likes to sing then we have a Disney conver conversation conservation not conversation girl I'm not that social conservation fund this is very nice if you want to look through it and educate yourself on important things as we all should and then we have this gorgeous little table and there's a gorgeously designed mirror with a gorgeously designed man in it designed by the big man upstairs shout out to you thank you for all of this and then we have this gorgeous sphere shaped light up here very nice and some very pretty curtains as well everything has gorgeous patterns gorgeous color I love the whole vibe of this room I just think it's truly stunning now it's time for oh I'm sorry the bathroom oo this is gorgeous they're living life WorryFree for the rest of their days whatever the lyrics are we have a gorgeous big well-lit mirror once again it has lights coming from behind it which means bougie class elegance and we have all the classic Disney toilet trees we have little Tootsie Roll shaped towels love those and then we have a blow dryer down here I'm surprised this doesn't look like from the future when they have a whole Wall-E robot in the closet you guys know I've been there and I hope that Wall-E can figure out who he truly is and this is the shower room oh my gosh a Walkin shower Mickey you shouldn't have oh he said you know I might be a rat but I'm still going to serve opulence good for him look at the shower head this is really nice and then we have the classic body wash conditioner and shampoo it looks very very clean very spacious so pretty and I love the zigzag thing they have going on there it looks like the legs of an ostrich we have some towels a modern-day light bulb now that the room tour is done let's go onto the Pao and see if we can spot any animals from the kingdom wow it's quiet out here I can hear the giraffes grazing look at these calves though the calves of an ostrich okay I see some birds are those vultures don't they like pluck out eyes this is too much Wilderness for me guys guys I'm leaving guys I see like a gazelle type thing hold on look at her way in the distance she is actually grazing the grass who needs a lawn mower when you can just buy a herd of gazel and just put them on your lawn it's actually so peaceful here look at the weather look at the whole Ambiance now that I'm all settled into my new home we are going to explore the whole premises we're going to look at all the amenities the stores the restaurants because our dinner reservation is in 3 hours so we have some time to waste let's go girlies taking that off I don't need that by the Animal Kingdom Lodge Tour way guys fun fact when I lived in Kenya we went on an actual Safari like a real one and for some reason one of the elephants got mad he chased our car and we had to drive backwards he was trying to squish me who do you think I am moome so there's this gorgeous view and look guys There's an actual whatever that's called it's like a deer but like sickening Fierce with a twirly antler love her look at her chewing that grass but making it high [Music] fashion you guys don't move a muscle okay I found a wild Robot vacuum in the wild do you see it oh my gosh it's giving beep pop poop okay so we are back in the lobby and I swear it really smells like bacon in here and I think that is such a nice perk honestly I think every place should smell like bacon we have this gorgeous huge like dining room area and it actually does smell like bacon so maybe they're cing actual bacon and it's not like an air freshener there's like a cave with tons of coins and tons of ungranted wishes I think this is Bulma this is where I'm going to be eating for the next 24 hours I love the Bulma sign so much I love the shapes I love the colors it's so pretty this is the restaurant itself it was closed at this time but it looked really nice and this is another restaurant called Goico which I have never been to hopefully next time that we're here we can taste test it and try the whole menu it was also so closed and it had this like abstract gate in front of it that I loved very artsy this is a bar next to Bulma very fun it was very Lively a lot of people and this is a pretty fireplace yeah lovea let's go down here and look at the big window I always feel so dainty and light in my Sketchers not sponsored I just do it is currently raining but there is a nice little sitting area out there I think that's like a bonfire type situation type deal also like the architecture is just like I said ridiculous I want to go up there look guys so cool I love it I'm outside I'm able to be outside cuz there's this gorgeous path with a roof I don't have to walk in this treacherous weather but the rain actually feels quite nice I love it am I a Disney Springs look at these gorgeous little waterfalls very aquatic I love it so this is the Quick Service restaurant on the premises called the mara it's basically a cheaper option where you can get things like burgers fries all of the typical Quick Service Essentials this is the pool it's currently closed because of the rain but look how pretty I think it's a nice squiggly shape I'm not sure if it's a bean shape I think that's a pool bar over there oh my gosh guys I'm fighting for my light out hereby Sarah pson chill it's just Thunder that was actually kind of scary everyone was like oh the tourists don't know the Florida weather girlies they're shook okay girly so the fitness center is this way there's no ceiling shielding me from the lightning so I don't know if I can check it out at this moment girlies I don't know what this one's called either but it's like a goat horse this is another area of the lobby it's very calming feels like a little Library type moment for some reason and they have an outside area and yes I did see some wild Wilder beasts in the wild he's not a wilder beast guest da you are some bell humor for you she read that from a book I think there was a group of people laughing at me when I came in they probably saw me reciting Belle you know Belle is who she is and I am who I am and I'm proud of that Belle is a girl that loves to read She's Not Afraid of a paper cut and I'm a man that likes to make jokes about Belle this is the main store now when I tell you it's huge guys it's bigger than it looks it's giving Walmart it's giving Costco but yeah they have all the essentials they have a lot of Disney merch Lion King merch they had this hat that was giving Little House on the Prairie Laura angles Bonnet and I was kind of living for it can I just say that Nelly was kind of that girl they also had some Halloween merch out for the spooky girlies out there I know a lot of you love Halloween I do too but like they're spooky girlies that really freak out over this stuff and we love them we accept them this store also had some snacks some drinks things to eat girlies I just bought some water for my stay at the little shop here the cast member at the store was so nice and he was like what's your favorite memory you've made today and it caught me off guard cuz I wanted to say something really touching like I saw a zebra for the first time and it winked at me but I was just like it's actually my first time here today so I'm just excited to be here I'm excited to be here what kind of an answer is that future editing Timmy I'm asking you right now to drag me cuz I deserve it you're baldheaded you can't tie your shoes properly you learned how to drive at 29 you still can't ride a bike sometimes you chew with your mouth open it annoys everyone when you hold the microphone so stop doing that learn to like mushrooms and seafood you're a taste tester so grow up and iron your shirts they're always wrinkly just like the crows feet next to your eyes so it's been about an hour and guess what it stopped raining so blessings blessings blessings for me and you there's about 30 minutes until my dinner reservation so we're going to explore the main outside areas and the fitness center so let's go girl leaves they're such a rough I love how they chew they have the most unique High fashioned tongues you know what I like they're very quirky grab some more Queen yes she's about to break her back girl be careful we're outside so the whole outside area is like a big Zoo but like all the animals are roaming free get well not free but you know but they're roaming together and we love that for them like a giraffe and a parrot can just like become bessies it's just nice that they're not all separated I love that look at that gobler is she part turkey is she part Thanksgiving and then we have Miss giraffe over here being elongated stretched out chew Queen chew is the back of the resort just not ridiculously stunning like look at the window somehow you can't see through it from the outside but you can from the inside what kind of magic is this we have some more animals on this side what are they wait aren't those the goat horses but they don't have horns a zebra oh my goodness excuse me what is this is this free food oh no it's not free it's a $7 Mickey S'mores Kit if you want to join in with the bonfire tonight now this is the fitness center zahan te okay let's SC it doesn't work okay here thank you so much so this is the gym it was pretty empty so I was able to film some of it they have all different kind of machines for all of your protein needs once you're done chewing a mouthful of protein powder you can use the bike you can use the weights and they also have free towels and a water fountain luxurious I found another animal area on the other side of the resort flamingos oh my God I just love that pingos are pingos I just call them pingos flamingos are so pink they're like the color of baloney I love it look at these girlies they're so pretty look at her she said oh I got nich okay wait that's not a flamingo who is she why is the nose so different or the snout whatever it's called snout whatever see that's a flamingo what is that she does even go here so it's almost time for dinner Bulma is extremely packed glad I Boma Buffet Dinner have my reservation always thinking ahead so this is the inside of Bowman it's absolutely gorgeous love the lights love the constructions love the architectures now here's some of the food guys we have salmon mashed potatoes fofu and corn pudding you can see all the little names up here and we also have some prime rib meat I I forget what kind of meat it was and then we also have some baked chicken and something that had mushrooms in it so I did not try it this is the soup section they had some oxtail soup chicken corn chowder seafood gumbo I'm typically not a huge soup person cuz water just doesn't fill me up but but people Rave about these soups so I was super hyped to try them we have watermelon rind salad and avocado papaya grapefruit salad and then this is like the main pasta salad area they have tons of different options as you can see and I tried most of them very exciting stay tuned and this is sort of the classic build your own salad section this is some rice some green beans blackeyed peas and what's next oh okay we have cornbread we have hummus rolls pea and a bunch of different dips now here comes the desserts for the sweet tooth this is a cranberry orange bread pudding oh my goodness and then they also had some cookies and some cupcakes for the basic girlies and this is the main dessert area guys they had cheesecake zebra domes cranberry apple tarts passion fruit mousse brownies there was a wide array of desserts I was very grateful okay time for the first round I got all the different salads so I made my own salad and I also got the T tabuli I hope I'm saying that correctly curried pasta salad chickpea salad African cauliflower salad and couscous salad oh my gosh okay this is intense so I hope you can hear me it's a bit loud in here there's a lot of people a lot of energy hopefully a lot of flavor I'm very like shooketh right now I have a little story to tell you guys but first let me try some of the salad so I typically skip salad at bouet but I really want to try all the flavors of Bulma so I'm going to get as many things as possible on this little salad I got their housemade ranch lettuce this is not Roma this is definitely like a fancy leafy green I also got some chick chickpeas garbanzo beans whatever FedEd cheese and carrots for color and health m oh my gosh what in the world that is some of the most unique amazing Ranch I've had you guys know I'm a Ranch San in fact I'm a ranch Professor I know so much about it and I've eaten so many versions of it this is incredible this is like Ranch meets suziki meets a hint of Curry it is as creamy as normal Ranch and it's also kind of tart and sweet but it's actually more flavorful than most ranches I'm really shooked the feta cheese also add a kick now let me guys what happened I was daintily wandering around the lobby in my Sketchers just minding my own business when I heard Timmy and it was a dad he was super nice and he was like can I have five of your minutes and I was like sure I have 30 minutes until my reservation King and he brought me to his family to his wife and his kids the sweetest people I've ever met they're from Canada shout out to you guys I forgot your names but I know that you're from Canada and you probably love poutine and maple syrup they were so nice we took selfies we talked about Canada we talked about the parks it was wonderful but then this has never happened before as I was walking away from them another couple recognized me literally within 2 seconds and I was like and this couple was so sweet the guy told me that he's a nurse and he watches all my videos like to you know like calm down after his shifts and he literally said to me like thank you for making my life better and I was like you're a nurse you make everyone's life better little me in my Sketchers making someone's life better I was shook it was the sweetest thing ever I hugged them we took pictures I'm so grateful if you ever see me in public say hi I love talking to you guys even if I'm super awkward I love it so much so I just had to say that salad eight now let's try the other five salads let's do the curried pasta salad I adore a strong curry flavor and this definitely has that I just don't know if I like it with this mayonnaise mixture I feel like something is clashing in terms of Curry and helmond I don't think I will get it again now let's try the T tabuli tabul which I've never had in my life by the way I've always seen it at like different restaurants but I've never ordered it oh oh I love that love the couscous in there it has a very interesting bright citrusy sour flavor to it kind of oily too I think there's mint in there I'm not sure but it's really refreshing and I feel like it would pair well with with anything heavy like me just kidding I'm a feather you guys know that now let's try the chickpea salad you guys know I love chick peas now some people call them garbanzo beans why does it have two names we need to investigate we need Nancy Drew we need her and her giant magnifying glass to figure this out oh once again very refreshing the chickpeas are hearty there's a very strong lime flavor it's just bright simple sality deliciousness now let's try this African cauliflower salad African cauliflower Sal what's wrong with your voice why is it cracking like that is it finally changing proba not past filming to me has such a high pitched voice mine is much deeper I can fit in with the Bros he can't this looks interesting guys I think it has raisins in it you guys don't I don't really like dried fruit anything that's dehydrated or fermented needs to leave me alone I mean look at me I am the epitome of Vibrance and plumpness but let's try it the cauliflowers and crunchy which I really I really commend it you know cauliflower can get quite soggy quickly it has a very strong vinegret flavor really tastes very vinegary very sour very sweet at the same time there is a slight raisin but it's not bad and there's a strong cilantro flavor I do like cilantro in Little Bits little little leaf leaf pieces I just don't like it when it takes over and it did kind of take over this dish and now the cousu salad oh someone looked at my camera with disgust I get it it's fine I'm an influencer okay we're Outcast but for real a lot of people don't like influencers and I get it they can be really annoying so I try to be a different kind of influencer a dainty respectful baldheaded Eggman that is delicious the main flavor is couscous but once again just like with a chickpea salad it's very bright and refreshing and it also has thank you so much and it also has this really nice citrusy and tomato listen girlies the salad mostly eat I'm going to give the salad round a nice strong seven out of 10 highly recommend the ranch especially if you're a ranch monster like me listen we've all heard of the Cookie Monster but I'm the ranch monster okay I bounce out of a garbage can and I say where's the valley why is it still hidden and then I jump back in ding ding ding second round I got a rib I got a big piece of meat I think it's prime rib I'm not sure what that is mashed potatoes corn pudding fofu it was my first time trying fofu ever um a piece of roasted chicken some blackeyed peas and rice watermelon rind salad and the papaya grapefruit avocado salad everything looks incredible I did get mostly everything besides the soups which I am going to do a soup round after this round let's first try the fuu when I lived in Kenya we ate this stuff called ugali I'm not sure what it was it was sort of like a bread Meats mashed potatoes it was like in between those and they would cook it they would like mix something with with water and it would become like a blob now of course I was 11 uncultured swine I hated it I said where's my Happy Meal but I always thought to myself if I tried it now I would probably like it now I've heard of Fufu and I thought that fufu and ugat were the same thing but I think they're different I think Fufu is some sort of a sweet potato thing at least that's what the description said so let's just try that first it's like a thick orange mashed potato moment type situation type deal [Music] I feel like she's dessert I feel like she's in the wrong area of the buffet that is delicious it tastes like pumpkin pie like that's it it is creamy and the same way the pumpkin pie is it's just a little softer in texture but it has that pumpkiny flavor which is probably coming from the sweet potatoes and you can taste the cinnamon the sugar the nutmeg delicious but I would have it on my dessert plate definitely with some ice cream girlies that a little bit hectic but it it would eat now let's try this roasted chicken it looks simple I'm just hoping it doesn't serve Public's rotisserie or Costco Costco has real big chickens where do they grow those chickens [Music] at M that is fabulous does it have a rotisserie chicken vibe to it yes at least in texture and like the Skin's texture is very rotisserie but the flavor is so much more I don't think Costco could even dream of tasting tting like this it almost tastes like jerk chicken in the sense that there's that cinnamon cinnamon cinnam cinnamon cinnamon oh I'm having a brain form cinnamony cinnamony there we go and it also has a cumin flavor and a slight smokiness it's delicious chicken love it now let's try watermelon rind now I have never eaten watermelon rind I didn't know you could eat it I always thought if I ate like the white part of the watermelon I didn't know what was going to happen but I thought I would just disintegrate like an Avenger oh that is quite nice do I feel like a horse yes very crunchy it has a lot of spices and juices there's a lime juice flavor and once again cinnamon there's a cinnamon theme in this bouet and I love it it is sliced so thin that you can't taste that bitterness from the watermelon rind like you actually can't it's serving sort of like uncooked apple pie filling it's like apple pie filling if the Apple was still crunchy while we're at it let's try this pap avocado moment as [Music] well wow I forgot there was grapefruit in this and grapefruit has such a strong sour bitter flavor that it really shook me to my core I just wasn't expecting it is this papaya [Music] yeah I think I'm realizing that papaya isn't for me and that's okay we don't have to like every fruit I mean you do have have to like me okay but we all don't have to like papaya and I don't think I do so the papaya and the grapefruit weren't for me and then the avocado just added a guacamole VI I don't think I'm here for that now let's try the mashed [Music] potatoes is everyone okay these are breathtaking they taste very natural they don't taste like they have tons of stuff in them but they have what they need in them you know they're not greedy they said all I need is some butter and onions and those are the two main flavors and they're very strong they really come through the butter makes it so creamy and the onions are strong adore those they're different and they're fantastic okay let's try this prime rib whatever this was Prime Steak wait if this is the animals Kingdom why are we eating them this isn't right [Music] I expected a lot of flavor to be honest I did but it really doesn't have any besides one flavor it tastes like you know when you lick an envelope to close it it tastes like an envelope it's also quite chewy now it's probably supposed to be chewy this is not like a short rib you know but if there's no flavor in the meat besides envelope why is it here what was it made for we should ask Billy eyelash I think I'm going to package this in an envelope it'll feel very at home I'm going to send it through USPS to flavor town so that it can find the help it needs anyways let's try this corn pudding you guys know I adore any and all corn puddings oh oh my gosh I got CH I just saw my whole life flash before my eyes I saw me filming laying on the couch sleeping filming eating laying on the couch filming that's my whole life this corn pudding is incredible it's different than any other corn pudding I've had it's very cream cheesy like extra cream cheesy there's a slight pepper flavor and like bell pepper flavor and it's very sweet a bit sweeter than your typical corn pudding as well so it's serving sweetness happiness creaminess everything you could ever want pause this is a big moment for me I'm about to defend past filming Timmy you may be thinking Timmy's being really loud in this taste test and he's probably annoying all the guests around him that is not the case Okay the restaurant itself was super loud the restaurant may not seem super loud because Timmy is wearing a mic and as an ally I always add some noise cancellation editing features trust me if he was filming in a quiet restaurant he would be super quiet so I just had to make that clear please be nice to him I'm the only one that can drag him I adore it I adore it now let's try this rib this is a juicy looking rib guys okay it's not my kind of rib I'm into ribs that don't taste too Smokey fall off the bone have a nice seasoned crust on them this rib is very hammy and I don't like hammy ribs a lot of people do that's fine to me hammy ribs have a slight Vienna sausage flavor you might be thinking Timmy you're at a classy bouet and you're comparing a rib to a Vienna sausage that's exactly what I'm doing it has the flavor profile of a VI sausage with the texture of a slightly chewy rib and I'm just not into that now people that love Smoky ribs I think you'll adore this anyways let's try these blackeyed peas with rice [Music] M chicken okay Fergie that's incredible that's one of the best things I've had not just during this meal but in the past couple months that tastes like a homecooked to meal truly I can taste the love in there the blackeyed peas remind me of beans but they have more of a nuttiness to them almost like a peanut buttery flavor which is so different and interesting it works so well with the rice and the tomatoes added some freshness even the broth has so much flavor like a chicken nutty moment you know next up we have the soup round let's go it is time for the soups this is Beth from Little women's favorite round we all know that she lives on soup or should I say lived I got the chicken corn chowder and this is not soup but I got it with the soup I got cornbread hummus and pea and then I I also got the iconic oxtail soup I'm so upset I'm so upset I just ate my chicken corn chower and I did not realize that my camera wasn't filming you guys didn't see how much I loved it how how slate I was by it let me just reenact what [Music] happened that's what happened and then I made this funny joke where I was like I want to make a speech and I thanked the person that made this corn chowder because they made my millions of taste buds so happy and as the mother of these taste buds that's the greatest joint in the world to see your your kids thriving right it's the best corn chowder I've ever had you know how chicken corn chowder can sometimes be too heavy and a little too sweet and not enough flavor and just just kind of like me this has so much flavor it's not too thick it's a little thinner than your typical corn chowder it almost tastes like there's hot sauce in it it's a little bit spicy and they just piled in the seasonings it's delicious it's chicken corn chowder if it was a happy person okay now let's try the oxtail soup one of the viewers that I met actually told me to try this cuz they had just been to Bulma and they were like get the oxtail soup and I said yes sir I I captain okay I didn't say that I said okay thanks for [Music] teach I got chills they're on on my face that is incredible who knew that a tail could be so tender I mean I'm sure the aux know that they're like girl I have the most tender tail in all the ox Farm the flavor is sort of like a good homemade chili meat vegetable soup the corn is really crunchy once again and there's also a bright liness in there so it's like chilly with lime but it's not spicy at all it's actually less spicy than the corn chowder surprisingly very hearty very filling the beans out a lot just delicious delectable to be honest Hest oh my gosh I still have chills they're here they're on my cheeks next up let's try the cornbread you guys know I love me a piece of cornbread you know Jiffy needs to call it quids it is bouncy extremely moist probably the most moist cornbread I've had in a long time it's just the quintessential perfect cornbread but it tastes like a homemade version It's just so good and I did get a soda today I know I've been trying to drink less soda but do you realize that we're in Kingdom this is a special night anyways this pea bread has a mouth let's dip it into the hummus I love hummus the p is probably the most disappointing thing I've had today in the sense that you know it's just it just tastes like store-bought super processed PE bread it does not taste fresh whatsoever it has that bread factory flavor you know when the factory Essence seeps into the yeast itself tastes like that it's chewy the hummus has a really good flavor flavor it's extremely garlicky which the more garlic the better it also has an olive oil flavor to it you know so love that but the texture to me is a little grainy I've had much creamier richer hummus but still love the flavor anyways this was a great round I'm giving this round wait did I ever give the last round a score I think I would have given it like a seven out of 10 I'm going to give this round a nice strong8 out of 10 anyways now it's time for dessert ooh as you can see I got like every single dessert okay I got the zebra Dome she's serving she's giving she is the moment and she's the prettiest dessert by far and then we have the cheesecake and the passion fruit mousse and the orange cranberry bread pudding and the apple cranberry tart and the hazelnut brownie okay so apparently they are famous for their zebra domes so I'm going to try that first I don't know what it is it seems to just be a little Dome of Happiness so oh oh my gosh did you see that oh it's like moose on the inside with like a jelly outside look at that [Music] thing I always knew the zebras were H's more iconic cousin thank you so much no I'm good she's so nice anyways what I was saying was this zebra dessert is incredible it's hard to describe cuz it's unlike anything I've ever experienced on this crust of Earth there's a little very thin cookie underneath and then there's sort of a very light chocolate mousse with a slight like laor Flavor it's very light though and then there's like a jellyish shell that tastes like white chocolate but much lighter and it doesn't have a gelatinous texture it just has more of like a fun like Oh I'm a little bit bouncy but I'm not made out of a horse hoof wait is that glue the horse hoof thing is glue and what's Jello-O it's someone's hoof but this was not that this ISS much more elegant than Jello-O next up let's try this apple cranberry tart it's nice it tastes sort of like a slightly processed apple pie you know it's it's giving Little Debbie if she tried to make something a bit more fancy a bit more culinary for some reason it has a little bit of a factory flavor to me but it's definitely not bad the Cranberries really add nice tartness but it's just it tastes kind of generic basic next up the passion fruit mousse it has a little square cookie under it just like the cheesecake does do you see it that's how it looks okay [Music] that's Fierce thank you so much that has such a potent passion fruit flavor it has a little bit of tartness it has the tropical Vibes and the mousse is so light it's lighter than most mouses it really just melts in your mouth and it just leaves you with a gorgeous simple but strong passion fruit flavor now let's try this vanilla cheesecake I don't know about her I really love most cheesecakes but not this one love oh sorry there's a strong eggy flavor I'm not talking like an egg yolk creaminess it kind of tastes like a fried egg for some reason like Snap Crackle Pop and oil fried egg this is going to grow up to be a chicken the texture is a little cottage cheesy and kind of chalky and the flavor really like it tastes like a s Egg and I don't like it it still tastes like a dessert but it tastes like an egg dessert next up let's try the hazelnut brownie quite delicious but very basic you're lucky I love basic brownies tastes like I've had it before a thousand times it's good it's just it's a brownie it's nice and chewy but it's kind of giving boxed brownie I don't really taste whatever that coating is I'm not getting hazelnut was it hazelnut if it wasn't drag me but I don't taste like a Nutella Vibe or anything it's fine last but not least we have the cranberry orange bread pudding now you guys know bread pudding is my absolute favorite kind of dessert I could live on bread pudding let's [Music] see I devoured that in three bites only a real man can eat a blva bread pudding in three bites Tammy's going to be so proud of me you guys know I've had so many bread puddings in my lifetime and I'm willing to say that that is in the top five the texture is so delicate it just kind of melts in your mouth there's no chewing involved it has that classic bread pudding flavor also but the cranberry and the orange just add something so magical it really works with bread pudding I've had it in like a muffin before and I've loved it but with bread pudding this is something different this is something life-changing game changing and world changing incredible I'm giving the dessert plate a 6 out of 10 I really love of these desserts but some of them did disappoint me so excited for breakfast tomorrow girlies we're going to Feast once again so I just got back to my room had an amazing time at Bulma amazing meal and I'm feeling adventurous it's night time and I want to go out onto the balcony and I want to see if there's any animals I know it's kind of risky cuz at night time the Lions come out scar I'm really sorry that everyone calls you scar like they're basically defining you by what you've been through and how you got the scar all stuff that's not fair you're more than a scar I don't see him I actually don't see anything hello anyone there guys I think I hear something I think I hear something where do I go where do I go I think we're fine okay keep those mosquitoes out it is time to test out the ostrich Lake shower let's see how it works probably like any other shower but you never know okay oh oh my gosh it sprayed right at me I I still have my clothes on okay there honestly this is giving rainfall shower and that's the biggest compliment ever it's getting nice and hot I love it this is so peaceful oh my gosh there's an Elsa Easter egg the fit Spirit girlies that shower a the drizzle from the rain the heat even the soap just smells so clean and so nice I think it's my favorite Disney shower I've ever used it's so spacious it's so calming it's the promised shower she said I'm going to be chill whether you like it or not and I liked it incredible would recommend it's time to get under the covers finally any animals in there I don't think so oh it's so cozy another Kenya story when we lived there we didn't have AC so we would keep all the windows open and one stormy night a swarm of some sort of a bug it was like a flying little bug they infiltrated our whole house I'm talking thousands of them me and my sisters hid in like a back room and my wonderful mother just sat she sat in the living room on the couch talking on the phone while tons of bugs swarmed around her and she just did not care she could not be bothered by the bugs and then we started to noticing that they started just losing their wings and they started crawling around on the floor it was a bit of a nightmare so that's my story All You Can Eat Breakfast [Applause] you know sometimes when you're stretching you just have to make a noise that was the noise that decided to come out of me good morning guys I slept so good the AC was super cold I loved it the bed was perfect I felt like an angel what can I say so I'm going to get up get dressed and then we're going to go Feast at the Bulma breakfast bouet girlies this is my OOTD so I got this new Stitch shirt and I really like the pattern but this is my first time wearing it and it's really long it's kind of giving moooo not the moooo anyways let's go Feast I have extra space to fill up besties the resort looks so stunning in the morning cuz of like the windows up high the light just comes in and it's radiant this is the breakfast bouet now they had cold cuts I don't know why breakfast bouet always have Cool Cuts who eats those for breakfast someone in the comments is going to say I do I eat roast beef every morning for breakfast well congratulations I'm very happy for you they also had some yogurt and fruit parfait some more fruit and the same little papaya salad from the night before they also had this ancient grain and berry salad bacon obviously they had three kinds of omelets plain cheese ham and cheese and Western also normal scrambled eggs and goat cheese and chive scrambled eggs of course they had Mickey waffles chocolate pancakes and normal pancakes plus biscuits and gravy tater tots and pork sausage also I think some oatmeal which I did not taste test I forgot to I'm sorry guys they also had some asparagus love asparagus for breakfast and some stew tomatoes and some cornmeal porridge type stuff of course they had tons of breakfast pastries like guava pastries Apple pastries qu and toast and jams and peanut butter also tons of cinnamon rolls shaped like a Hidden Mickey it's not so Hidden Mickey they also had the cranberry orange red pudding that I taste tested and sticky buns so this is my first round of course I got the viscous and gravy and the gravy was very sausy lots of sausage chunks in there also I got the little potato barrels and some of the cornmeal I also got the ancient grain and berry salad the Apple pastry the guava pastry a yogurt parfait a cinnamon roll and guys I got a salmon deved egg are you proud of me I also got some jungle juice but when the waitress offered it to me I thought she said jumbo juice so I called it jumbo juice throughout the whole video I'm sorry about that it was a misunderstanding girly's breakfast bouet looks amazing but I am disappointed in one thing and that's the fact that they have potato barrels potato barrels are delicious don't get me wrong I'm grateful for them but they kind of give Disney Quick Service they give Mickey when he's not trying when he's given up when I go to a fancy breakfast bouet I do expect a nice like breakfast potato hash moment situation other than that it looks amazing so now let's first try this I think it's called Jambo juice it has like mango something papaya something I'm not sure it has a lot of the tropical fruits Jambo juice is Jamba Juice's authentic sister oh that's passion FR I feel the passion oh my gosh that's so good I can mainly taste passion fruit maybe a little bit of orange a little bit of mango but passion really is the main flavor here so refreshing it's waking me up it's giving me energy I feel like I can ride an ostrich delicious incredible and the water the [Music] AA tting water let's first try the potato Barrel to see how it is okay oh oh they're different they're different m okay this is why you can't judge an idahoan Potato by its cover this is crispier than a Disney potato barrel and they're seasoned they don't look it but they are there's a black pepper flavor there's a bit of a paprika flavor delicious in love now let's try this little apple pastry [Music] oh that was my Fork I guess we're using a spoon today girlies that's all right you know the pastry itself tastes buttery flaky CR it has that typical puff pastry buttery flavor but the inside of the pastry kind of just tastes like applesauce and I haven't really liked applesauce since I was fresh out of my mother's womb it's just not something that I gravitate towards it's not something I want to bite into it's not very satisfying so that was a little disappointing got to be honest now let's try the cinnamon roll okay I do wish these were served hot but it is cold thank you so much give me more I don't know if that's a cinnamon roll I think it's a factory roll it's not bad but it tastes like a vending machine cinnamon roll like the Big Texas one or whatever they're called tastes just like that oh I have an eye twitch it's jolting okay it's gone I'm malfunctioned yeah the cinnamon roll has a processed flavor a processed texture literally if you've had a packaged cinnamon roll that's what this tastes like so to me that's a flop I'm sorry next up let's try the biscuit and gravy you guys know I love my biscuit and gravy it's one of my favorite breakfast foods you didn't see that you're done it look away that biscuit and the gravy slayed devoured she ate the boots house down Mama the biscuit itself is really really comforting and heavy and dense and buttery it's everything you want in a biscuit and then the gravy is really salty really cre has a strong sausage flavor without that weird fake hammy a lot of gravies have a weird fake hammy I can see through the pigs that are saying fantastic biscuit gravy now let's try this cornmeal it's kind of hardened a little bit it's very simple it's salty does have a cornmeal flavor there's not a lot going on but it's not bad I feel like if you put some gravy on it some eggs you can make like a loaded cornmeal and that's the next te PGI Friday's appetizer coming to a location near you now let's try whatever this was I think it's like a fruit and nut salad with possibly some feta cheese on top I'm not sure what is [Music] that same [Music] girl I am grateful for the grains I don't think this is my thing listen if you like strawberries on a salad you will love this I've just never been the type of girly that likes a strawberry on a salad I like strawberry on my Shortcake I don't really like it in a Wendy salad with Crispy Chicken it's very sour salty sweet it's a just it's it's a lot now let's try this guava turnover thingy oh my God oh my gosh tell me how the other pastries taste a bit processed but this tastes freshly housemade in a real small Bakery in Fr the croissant itself is so buttery and just actually tastes like it was freshly made and the guava filling you guys know I'm have feel so I grew up eating guava I love it I picked it from the trees and I ate I'm just kidding I I didn't pick it from the trees but I did eat it at my grandfather's house the guava here is like a rich guava syrup and it's sticky and it's thick and rich just fantastic love that now let's try this Berry parfait y'll play don't play with me it tastes like you'll play the yogurt on the top seems to be like unsweet plain yogurt and then the yogurt down here is like a strawberry yogurt it's like any other tet you can get at the supermarket I don't dislike it but I'm like okay y'll play last but not least we have the salmon deviled egg now you guys know I steered clear from Seafood I don't think that the amount of salt agrees with me the amount of fish Essence matches my taste buds I'm not matching it's freak you know and I've never had salmon in any breakfast item I've always seen it on like bagels and stuff but I've never had it so I was like you know today's the day it's the first time trying salmon and something breakfasty I am a taste tester and we have to try new things even though I'm nervous where's the fish that's not bad at all I think the salmon kept swimming up the stream cuz she's definitely not here I mean what I mean is I think there's salmon in it but there's not a hint if this it really tastes like a deviled egg with a very strong Smoky hammy flavor that's really coming through so I would compare it more to ham and eggs Green Eggs and Ham once again Dr Su possessing me it's actually quite nice so maybe I I like smoked salmon maybe I'm I'm going to be that person from now on and this is my second round I got of course classic scrambled eggs a staple you know I also got the western omelette and the goat cheese and chive scrambled eggs plus a pork sausage and a piece of bacon I also got the chocolate chip waffle and a Mickey waffle and a sticky bun okay we have so many egg variants is this the egg Multiverse okay let's try the scrambled eggs oh my God and all of my come on jumbo juice and all of my years of critiquing buffets and room service well it's been about a year but in all of my year of critiquing these places these might be the best scrambled eggs I've had definitely the best Disney World scrambled eggs by far I think tinger bone burped out some pixie dust onto these eggs before they hatched cuz there's something special happening here they taste so slow cooked you know how when you make like a French omelette you have to cook it slow and low with a lot of butter tastes like that super creamy a little wet on the outside which I love very salted I have never had such a salt Sal y restaurant egg that was incredible now let's try the goat cheese and chive version hello that tastes like a cream cheese and chive bagel from New York in egg form delicious even more creamy than the main eggs the chives add such a beautiful oniony flavor adore it adore it now let's try the western omelette I think it has peppers onions and ham the other egg variants slate so unless if this omelette is like from a messed up Universe this is going to slay me too you know I think this variant has been through it I think that her Universe might be at in the beginning stages of disintegrating it is definitely a western omelet including the dust and the cowboy hats it is rubbery like a cowboy boo very dry um the cheese layer on the inside is very thin it's like a paper thin piece of cheese I think it's trying to embody the envelope steak from last night it's a leathery omelette and the ham doesn't have as much flavor as your typical ham so it's not hammy enough wow at least the main eggs now let's try the bacon perfectly crunchy perfectly cooked perfectly salty tastes like high quality there's nothing more you want now I also got the pork sausage now I have to mention this every time I get pork sausage cuz if I don't I get tons of comments saying Timmy you shouldn't have gotten the pork sausage a lot of you know 80% of the time when I try pork sausage I end up not liking it because it typically has a cartilage flavor very ear very nose very what else is cartilage I don't know I'm not a biologist who do you think I am anyways I typically don't love it and everyone's like you should just stop trying it well I wasn't raised to just give up so I'm going to keep trying pork sausage until I find the one that speaks to me see I really like this from texture to flavor the texture is very just ground beefy which is what I prefer in in my sausages you know I don't want chunks in there I just want one consistent texture crispy on the outside very well cooked a little chart sorry and the flavor does taste like your typical pork sausage but more strong more flavorful more potent so I really really like that honestly I think it's fantastic now it's time for the desserts let's first try the sticky bun and then I'm going to add the syrup to the pancake and the waffle guys I love sticky buns now what's the difference between a sticky bun and a honey bun okay you know what I'm just going to pick it up oh my [Music] God I think we should all go around the table and say what we're thankful for I'm thankful for you guys you guys watching literally supports me so thank you and I'm also grateful for this sticky bun it's not what you expect it's aspiring to be more and I'm giving thanks because that is giving a pecan pie on Thanksgiving that's one of the most wickedly talented delicious sticky buns so underneath it's a basic cinnamon roll it might even be the same processed one that I just tried but on top there's a thick layer of peans peans PE can't become which do you say beoop let me know I say pean because I can and the peans are completely enveloped in this thick syrupy gwenneth palro goop it's extremely sticky extremely chewy and that's the reason why I couldn't get my wonderful sharp spoon through it it's perfectly Rich it's perfect in every way I adore it incredible now let's try the Mickey waffle and the pancake I have some syrup right here oh that's a lot what did I do let's first try the Mickey waffle these are probably going to taste like any other Mickey waffle but that's fine with me I love Mickey waffles but what I hate is when syrup drips onto my beard and it smells like syrup the whole day disgust then we're not doing that it's a Mickey waffle if you haven't had a Mickey waffle it's fluffy and it has the flavor of any old waffle that's all you need to know so okay Mickey you're so predictable but we love you chocolate chip pancake thank you so much c um that's fine it has a typical chocolate chip pancake flavor with a slight cardboard flavor in the background yesterday there was an envelope today there's cardboard am I about to open up a shipping business it isn't terrible but there is a weird flavor there bulma's breakfast was great the things that ate ate and the things that didn't were just disappointing but nothing was gross so I am giving the Bulma breakfast once again a seven out of 10 so I thought that we could see the Animal Kingdom Lodge Final Thoughts animals one last time before checking out but none of them showed up it's kind of like when no one shows up to your birthday party that's okay though we don't need them we don't need them so thank you guys for watching this video I can't see anything but I had the best day with you guys we ate delicious food we saw Majestic Noble creatures and we stayed in a $500 room do I think it was worth it I don't think any room's worth that much money but if it is going to be that much money at least it was great I did feel luxurious I did feel beautiful I did smell like pine needles I do have a face like sunshine oh this looks like a hat hey give this video a big thumbs up I'll see you next video I love you guys so much bye oh

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