Trump Campaign *EXPOSES* bad Fox News Polls

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:15:04 Category: News & Politics

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well ladies and gentlemen we do have more updates here we've got a big drop from Fox News four key polls I want to make it very clear this is key when it comes to Fox News and how their polling is done and you can see the Trump War Room they're calling it out based off of you look back at 2020 in August in 2016 fox has been very off and underestimated Trump significantly in both 2020 and 2016 in the key swing state and we've got four more swing state polls that are all very close this is great news for Trump and we're starting to see a lot of the models have to adjust themselves based off of how Trump was underestimated in 2020 and 2016 and now with the race 5050 which is what basically the poll say when you talk to liberals they'll say they're winning by a point or two not that it matters I did a video earlier today talking about how the Electoral College works if if Harris wins by three points Trump could easily win I would say he's probably got a better than 50% chance to win the the Electoral College even if she wins the popular vote by three points but but look at this Trump Advance a statement Fox is bad pulling history if you're a casual person you would think well Fox they're going to put out propaganda polls that are pro Trump if it's CNN they're going to put out propaganda polls that are pro haris it's really not how it works in terms of polling and we're seeing it's not just Fox it's a lot of them about 80% of them if you look at the real clear politics pulling grades if they're pro- Democrat Pro Republican where they over estimate either one about 85 to 90% of the pollsters overestimate the Democrats especially in 2016 and 20120 during the general election it's it's Trump supporters they're very hard to pull especially when you get into the rural areas that's why the Wisconsin polls have been SE off by about six or seven points meaning if Trump is losing by by two or three in Wisconsin it's very very good news he's extremely likely to win the state and you can see the the recent Fox polls we got four big swing States they're all within a point to two points this is great news for Trump again guys you see a general election poll that has Trump down by two that's amazing because normally Trump overperforms the polls anyway so he's probably really tied and then if he's tied based on the Electoral College he's very likely getting around if he if if if the popular vote is within like a half point he gets like 310 electoral votes 306 something like that and wins the election easily that's just how it is this is also coming you can see this was the original polls Georgia Harris plus two Nevada Harris plus two Arizona Harris plus two it had I think North Carolina as well Trump plus one if I remember properly but you do have all the key issues Trump blowing Harris out of the water immigration I'm shocked it's only plus 16 she's copying him literally with the border wall should be plus 30 for Trump but it's still plus 16 economy Trump Plus 8 should be plus 15 with how horrible the inflation is right now uh this this is her and and Biden we've also got the political thing where Politico comes out and says how dare they the Trump Administration is trying to draw you know Harris to Biden and put them together and tether them I think is what they said well yeah that's what it is it's it's Harris Biden Biden Harris that's that's that's their Administration she's the vice president I mean you look at the signs it's Biden Harris I mean this is ridiculous the war any War Trump should be plus plus 50 over the Democrats they don't want any solution they don't want to talk to North Korea they don't want peace they don't want to talk to Russia they'd rather act like foury olds and keep sending money to Ukraine so Trump's even plus eight in terms of the war and that's the Israel Hamas War which you would think would be a little bit less favorable well actually maybe a little bit more favorable because the Democrats really cannot win with that issue either way you've got healthc care and abortion they're lower tier topics the the big stuff this is the stuff that's really going to affect a lot of people uh it is immigration and it is the economy and so Trump is up huge in those that's the important stuff that's key if you're up by 16 and8 you're not going to lose the election now obviously that's going to change over the next few months it's not going to stay that exact same but the idea that Trump would lose the immigration Topic at this point he's got a deathgrip around it she's had to copy him now on the border wall after they called it racist this is really huge seismic Sten this is why I've given Trump you know if I want to be conservative around an 85 to 90% chance to win this election that's a a very conservative estimate but let's get to snate Silver I think silver is starting to realize the jig is up with Harris it's not happening this year and Silver's starting to adjust his model and I think he's starting to weigh it properly in terms of oh wait the polls always seem to underestimate Trump you can see he's starting to bring it back and it wouldn't surprise me if in in Silver's model if Trump went ahead very soon very soon not only in the just overall chances to win which would be the electoral votes but also in the popular vote as well just because it just the writing is on the wall with Harris she's doing her first sitdown I I mean I said it said it several times how ridiculous it is she did not win a primary she did not debate at all you would think she would be more than eager to do all the one-on ones with every Network to try and prove herself to the American people but it's not happening and now she is finally going to sit down but it's with it's it's with walls walls has to be there it's like pulling teeth with these people it's the same thing with the debate with Biden Trump has to debate him in June he has to have all these things it's got to be the muted mics now with Harris she doesn't want the mics muted she doesn't want to go on Fox News she only wants to do two debates not three Trump offers three everything is pampered for them but I think silver starting to realize that the jig is up here she's not going to win and silver you you're gonna have to adjust your model I would put TR out a 60% chance I mean you could say well based off the polls and again if she's up by one or two in the polls that's really good news for Trump if you weigh it properly based off of how much Trump has been underestimated in 2020 and 2016 now it is very hard to do that because you don't know maybe the polls are more accurate in 2024 it's not an exact science but you do have to understand if Trump was significantly underestimated in 2016 You could argue he was even more underestimated in the general popular vote in 2020 swing States in 2016 it was ridiculous I mean in 2020 you did have Quinnipiac plls come out with Biden leading Florida by 10 points a week before the election I mean these are real numbers and people are falling forward again and it's like oh my God Biden's only training trailing Florida by four he's going to lose it by 9 to 10 I mean are we even talking about here it it's it's a waste of time uh in many of these states so uh you know I think you're going to start seeing Trump go ahead in many of these models these people want to get it right and and they know that Trump's going to win this election and it'd be shocking if he didn't uh We've also got the Senate update this is a real clear politics tweet yeah I don't really agree with this I think I think they'll get 52 maybe 53 Moreno is going to win Ohio see As Long As Trump wins Ohio by around 9 to 10 which should happen happen Moreno is going to get drug o get dragged over he'll win it by about three over Brown there's not going to be that much uh split ticket voting so I think I think the Republicans will at least get 52 in terms of Senate seats maybe 53 Arizona's kind of looking bad I think Trump would have to win Arizona by five to carry Lake over carrye Lake but but no like like seriously he would have to win it by five to get her to the Finish Line maybe she wins it by one there's been some really bad polls with her recently there was a poll that had her down by 16 today obviously I don't think that's realistic but still Nevada probably it's probably not happening really any of these other states I would say 52 maybe 53 they're going to take back Montana Trump made a trip out to Montana and he basically locked it in for sheii uh you've got him up by like seven or eight over tester now in several pools with uh you've got West Virginia which is going to be another pickup for the Republicans so 52 to 53 you'll take that right now think I think they've got like a 72% chance to win descended according to poly Market as well you've got breaking Supreme Court ruling against Biden his plan to unilaterally use tax dollars to cancel the student loan debt and of course that is very good news we do like that we've also got this update on Biden who's been on vacation let me let me just go over what's what's happened with Biden here over the past two weeks so on Monday last Monday Biden gives his speech and it's just funny that I mean this is the sitting president of the party that the Democratic party that's where the convention is they give him the wor day which is Monday the first day and then he high tails it out of there on Monday night he doesn't even stay for the night so he leaves Monday night goes to California he's six days on a vacation in California then he takes a plane from California to Delaware and now he's on another 7-Day vacation and so what I think happened is once it became known and they threatened Biden and Nancy Pelosi said easy we the hard way you need to get out of here old man you're ruining it and so he decided to step down they put out that weird letter you know there was no actual statement from Biden himself until like 3 days later uh I I think they just told him we don't care anymore we're going to stop the fake facade that you're actually doing anything you're not doing anything old man just step out of the way it's kamala's time it's the brat summer but now even Kamala I mean this is what I'm saying these people are not fit for this job even Cala they're like she needs to take the weekend off because you know she was she spoke on Thursday night apparently she was like she she locked herself in her hotel room she was practicing on Wednesday she was like cramming for her speech she's really nasty to everyone her entire team she's gone through several different uh you know PE advisers around her they all say she's terrible there's going to be a book about it apparently with her and Biden and just horrible relationships I mean Biden's really nasty to people as well there's just not good people so there's gonna be a book that comes out it's going to be a huge October surprise maybe it gets leaked in late September but um this this approval rating this is the crazy thing remember when they tried to say Biden was a better president than Trump and Biden was the best president we've seen you know in the last 30 years well this is how bad it is for Biden Biden's approval rating went up you know Democrats started to approve of him more when he dropped out that's how bad he is because they knew he was gonna lose so he says okay I'm GNA drop out and then they say oh now we like you thank you for dropping out you're so bad you're not going to beat Trump but because you're dropping out because you're so horrible we're going to we're going to approve of your job now and so he it raised his I'm not even kidding you look it up like he was his approval was at 37% now it's at 41% and it's stagnated it's it can't get any higher it's impossible he's not doing like the guy is just it's like the old folks convention I mean there's just he's he's laying on a beach it's like he's retired so it's it's impossible for his approval right and go and they don't care they do not care anymore about Biden they they don't care how bad it looks they're just like just get out of here you're not doing anything you haven't been doing anything and now we don't even have to fake it because you're not running for reelection and we don't need you so that's really what going on in terms of that we've also got this you know what where's the one thing that I wanted to go to here it this is an amazing tweet proof of citizenship voting Bill push could threaten government shutdown and so it's like we're going in the same Circle we always do I just I don't understand you've got Democrats they'll Gaslight they'll say no illegals are not voting so this is a great great potential bill that could shut conservatives up and take away all of our excuses if this gets passed if this act gets passed what would the excuses be this is a conservative thing that they're trying to pass to make sure only citizens with legitimate ID vote in national elections that's all this is trying to do and they will not pass it to the point where they're threatening a government shutdown but no no no no no illegals aren't voting guys they're just going to threaten to shutdown it's very obvious listen I don't even know what the AR argument is at this point by the Liberals to not allow this this this to pass the save act I really I have no clue the save act prevents illegal immigrants from voting you've got the little troll face non-citizens already can't vote you dumb Maga then you won't mind if we pass it and then they call it racist but I think they've moved on from doing that because remember Republicans were like all right let's make sure everyone has an ID and then they're like no minorities are not smart enough to get IDs and then they realiz that was like I mean what are you even talking about so now they've moved on and now they're like no you can't show IDs because people lose them and and and it's like people cut cut up their IDs I'm not this is what they argue this is what they so this is how dumb it's gotten and who knows with this stuff I mean this is they're admitting illegals are voting and they need illegals to vote why else would you not allow this to pass if you want Republicans and conservatives to have no excuses if they lose the election why not allow them to pass the save act which would shut them up because then it's like well we got our own Act passed to try and prevent all this illegal voting but they don't want it passed because they need the illegal vote why else can can a can a Democrat explain to me why else that would be the case what is the other reason exactly oh no no no it's because you might your ID might might transform into a dragonfly and it might float away you might not have your ID that's what I mean there's like a lady on cenea like oh like a lady's like arguing like well I mean ID's like fly away they like grow wings I mean they're trying to argue that they're like they're like caterp poar they it's unbelievable that's what they argue now they're like IDs Fly Away we don't know where they go because they've got no argument and so this is really what's going on right now they need the illegals to vote why else is this the case let the ACT why not just let it get passed so Republicans have no excuse if they lose the election imagine that uh but they won't pass it and then we've also got Politico just trolling everyone trying to get clicks Vance says quote our corrupt leadership referencing Harris and Biden and you can see what Politico says evance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally see it's hard to even respond to this you could see readers have added context the headline States JD Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden Harris is currently the vice president to Joe Biden so I don't even know how to respond to this it's like it's the most ridiculous thing ever but they know how unliked this Administration is so they're trying to to to move Harris away from it and get her untethered because they're using the word tether I'll use it untethered from the Biden Administration and in Politico is I mean what even I I don't understand what are you talking about this is her Administration she's the vice president what are we talk you know it's just it's unbelievable but either way guys that is going to do it for this video make sure you follow me on X link to that's always in the description

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