Golden Gophers (NCAA Football 2004) Game 6 - Minnesota vs Northwestern

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:23:17 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: gopher football
welcome to Evon Illinois our match up tonight is between thewestern wilds and the Minnesota Golden GOI return 22 y return y [Applause] [Applause] thir 18 Y [Applause] [Music] Line y [Applause] wild y yd one yain third y 17 yd line number is lined up for the field [Music] [Music] [Applause] y yd Ree [Applause] the intended receiver on the the 2 y [Applause] wild 2 Y 2 y [Applause] y y INE ended receiver on the play third and 13 ball on the 17 yd line [Applause] [Music] y [Music] first and the 25 yat yain first and 3 ydd the 3 [Applause] yd and 3 yd [Applause] y with the reception 25 yd gain on the first and on the 1 yd return y on the return Wild take over at the 27 yd line first ande 27 Y and on the 2 yd number back1 return y9 back minen Gove at5 yd and [Applause] [Applause] will be kick number on the return first and the 23 ydd and 23 yd numbert receiver on the third and on the 23 ydd INE cover the 23 yd y go at the 4 yd yain 31 yd is lined up for the kick off y INE 2 ycoe 2 yd y return at5 yd on the play and on the 41 yd and Y number 21 on the rain5 by first and the 31 yd y [Applause] yain y 21 car yain the the 1 yd sh l [Applause] t [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Applause] 43 yd y the first and the 1 yd of fin scaw drive home saf

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