What Did We Learn From the New Orleans Saints Preseason Games?

last Saints preseason game of the year as Upon Us ladies and gentlemen it is currently halftime of the New Orleans Saints versus the Tennessee Titans and I want to talk about what we learned this preseason I think we' have seen enough now to kind of deduce kind of quantify if you will exactly what we took or what we can take from the preseason unless something insane happens in the second half I think uh I think what I'm about to say is going to stick so there are some things we learned this game the third game like who's the backup quarterback there's some things we learned about who's the quarterback of the future there's even some things we learned about the offensive line uh this game we also found some things out about the receivers this game but we'll also talk about some of the players that didn't play like Derek Carr and what we've learned overall this preseason so let's talk about this game specifically uh I'll tell you this so we we always talk about the bad but we have to talk about the good as well right and I'm talking about Trevor Penning Trevor Penning pretty decent this game Trevor pending has had some good blocks he has some good moments in key situations blocks to Spring BigTime runs blocks to Spring uh touchdown so maybe he's turning a corner I sure as hell hope so I I hope Trevor is figuring it out I hope at least uh the offense is figure out how to use Trevor because one of my commenters astutely commented that the San Francisco 49ers really have one great offensive lineman but no one ever talks about about it because they do a good job of disguising the rest 100% agree I've said it before that you know the ners their offensive line is considered probably a top maybe the 20th 21st offensive line in the NFL but no one ever really talks about that being an issue because they do disguise it well and they do make sure that when they have to have it Trent Williams is is heavily involved right so this system the scheme does kind of lend itself to that to disguising off offensive lineman not leaving them on an island not forcing them to create a beautiful pocket uh for Derek Carr or for the Run game or whatever that's the whole point of this offense is to get players in positions to where they can succeed and as long as we can get average offensive line play as a whole which sometimes Trevor pinning can be below average right like we don't need him to be great all the time we just need him to be average Baseline with some spells of being below average or whatever today as this game has happened I find myself relatively confident that this offensive line can be good enough for us to have success I mean I think the running game all preseason is something we all should feel pretty positive about I mean whether it's James Robinson who is running great this game Jordan memes or Jordan Ms who's running great this game whether it's been Jamal Williams at times whether it's been tasm Hill at times I think the running game has shown that it's going to do exactly what we thought it was going to do it's going to utilize that wide Zone kind of system it's going to use the Zone running scheme to open up holes and we're not going to rely on 1995 football of you know Big Man versus Big Man whoever wins wins like that's not that's not how the NFL works anymore so um I feel good about the running game compared to last year do I think we're going to end up being the best running like running offense in the NFL no but I think we're going to be much better than uh not having a running back over 80 yards in any game like we saw last year also offensively I thought what was bad this game and what is a question is the wide receiver depth we saw a ton of drops today a ton of drops at Perry um had had a couple there s Brown had a couple even some even some the who was it the 86 uh Jacobson Jacobson had a drop from Rattler that that was a beautifully thrown ball beautiful progression in Rattler's reads uh that Jacobson dropped but we're thin at wide receiver you know like Chris I have a lot of confidence in why would you not rased Shahed we need him to take a step forward beyond that I'm not feeling good about any of them you know Bub means has some drops I'm not I'm not feeling great about our third option overall and I'm certainly not feeling great if you told me that rashish he does not take that step forward so wide receiver is an issue wide receiver maybe lowkey highkey lowkey might be the right up there with offensive line right up there the I mean it's aive and then question marks offensive line is kind of McCoy and question marks you could even say McCoy and faka in question marks but uh we need to figure something out offensively with the wide receivers I don't know if that's I've heard a lot of people say bring in gu guu you know I think Juju Smith Shuster has had moments of of being good I don't know the money situation but I wouldn't have a problem bringing him in I wouldn't have a problem at all uh if Juju is our second receiver or third receiver and allowed Shahed to be a little more creative and didn't force Shahed into that second uh wide receiver role so the only caveat to that is that this offense does utilize the two tight end two running back sets a lot so we don't really need three we're not going to run three wide receiver packages the typical you know three wide receiver sets that you see a lot of teams run that we ran last year you're not we're not going to see that a lot from the Saints so that helps right that helps because if we figure out the two wide receivers and then we utilize one of our 14 tight ends and one of our 14 running backs to be kind of the other keys to that then you throw TM in there who can play any position maybe the wide receiver thing won't be that big of a deal but I am concerned after the drops in this game right here defensively what we learned this preseason defensively is that we're good we're good I think uh we can go ahead and write that in any questions we had specifically about Chase young any questions we had about Chase young NE I might I might go have neck surgery tomorrow I don't have a bad neck but I might go have neck surgery because apparently after that you turn into the greatest defensive player of all time I mean Chase young Defensive Player of the Year tickets might be selling in in New Orleans so the defense answered any questions that people had about how good they actually are you know I count them as a top five unit top 10 unit I think last year they were probably closer to like a top 15 unit uh from what I've seen I'd be absolutely stunned if this was not a top 10 defense and like I said closer to top five so uh that's huge that's huge seeing that kind of production from Chase young seeing that kind of production from our defensive line which has been a weak spot of the defense you absolutely love to see that love to see it uh the what we learned with the system we didn't see a ton didn't see a ton of kubak system didn't see a ton of creativity we saw it in spurts uh we see it a lot in the running game I think we see it mostly in the running game you can see that there is obviously a difference uh how we're running the football and yeah we're running against preseason defenses but we're running effectively 100% And even though style of run like the style of run is completely different than what we saw what we saw last year so let's go ahead and I have Twitter pulled up with a couple of these highlights from the game of course if you're not following me on Twitter what are you doing go follow the boy let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and take a look so this is the Rattler throw uh the Rattler throw the touchdown pass unbelievable throw I mean talk about a dime I had just tweeted about how the receivers were dropping a lot of passes and doing the quarterback's no favor the very next throw was this throw good catch Obviously good good catch but what a throw in the window and not I mean the catch itself is whatever it's more of holding on to it uh getting sandwiched like that but what a throw like when you look at this right here and you think about where Rattler has to block this ball very very nice stuff I mean Rattler this was the game where he had to come out there and announce that he was going to be the backup quarterback and he did I I think he did the oh this is the yeah Samson AA had just uh did this so he tried to return this 58 yard attempt which kicker didn't make nkua tries to return it steps out at like the three NOA how brother how do you do all of this and you don't score like this is the difference it sounds crazy and I'm not I'm not saying that it will like specifically affect Samson but this is the difference where if you make a play like this in preseason it's enough for a coaching staff or a front office to say like well we're in between these two players this guy returned a 108 yard field goal uh you know a missed field goal he returned that for a touchdown let's leave him on the roster just because he has the ability to do stuff like this so again I'm not saying this specific play will determine the fate of Sam Samson Nua but preseason performances like this can be the razor's edge of who gets cut who doesn't get cut who makes the starting roster and who doesn't so I would love to see Samson make a play because it and I know he you know I know he made a play but I would love for him to finish this with emphasis because we need something we need something else uh from our Playmakers but that what that that's what that one was there's one more I wanted to look at there's a couple I wanted to look at none of the Titans are prime opportunities Rattler this is a rattler this the touchdown pass okay keep looking here apprciate that this is rler moving around looking good this is a good one here look at Rattler I me this is this is rler came in I think the running back's appreciated too rler TR to make things happen across the line so R Rattler I mean no sportsmanship there Rattler is the backup quarterback Rattler is better than hater I hate to say that I'm you know I hate being right all the time but I think we all saw this come Hanner is a fine player Hanner is a fine good backup to have seems like a nice guy never wrong to be strong whatever but Rattler has shown enough this preseason that I don't think there's any I don't think there's any question of who is the quarterback of the future I'm not saying you just you know right off haer after this but there was enough there was enough this preseason to see the flashes I would have Rattler as the guy does that mean he would be the backup this is a this is an interesting question because even though I see him as the future quarterback even though I see him as the current next in line that doesn't necessarily mean I want to rush his development so if Derek Carr gets hurt on play one game one I probably throw Hanner in there and that's going to confuse a lot of people but I'd probably throw Haner in there because if I see a lot out of Rattler down the road I don't want to risk that just to emergency throw him in in a bad situation I am always going to air towards the protect the future versus trying and bail out a sinking boat if you know what I mean but Rattler looked great in the first half came out like a manp possessed all this is this is what else I wanted to show youall this uh I don't I don't know if this is the one with the pinning block no it's not the pinning block was I think to his side so hopefully that that's on here too but look at the style of run okay look at the style of run this is what I'm talking about in the difference of last year like this this is that style that we keep talking about there we're going to see and uh I love it I mean I love what our running game is doing I love what the running attack is have yeah James Robinson looked really good this game but I got a lot of confidence in our running offense the rush offense uh because it's not just hand it up run up the middle and see what happens it's not the case so looks like uh it also looks like our offensive line might be figured out looks like we may have the suduku puzzle that is are starting five looks like it's going to be chis faga Lucas Patrick Eric McCoy Cesar re and Trevor Penning looks like you're GNA be you're five so there was some conversation after the first game uh there was some conversation of like what do you do now you know do you start Trevor pinning do you figure something else out do you go get a veteran is it going to be sver is it going to be Lucas Patrick what do you do For Better or For Worse I think at least we have that five I think we have a good idea of who the five is going to be and how we're going to start the season is it the five that's going to finish the season can't tell you that I hope it is because that means they'll be successful I hope I certainly hope it is man I thought they had the Trevor pinning there was a run here okay I knew I knew they had it on here yeah watch Penning I mean again we show the we show the bad but I think it is important to to show the good as well so let's take here absolutely destroys this young and then gives him a second second helping he gave him a little thanks Thanksgiving leftovers that that guy certainly didn't ask for you know he hit him with the good old fashioned you know hot take I actually like turkey I like the leftovers more than like the day off I love the cold left over turkey sandwich white bread mayonnaise heavy mayonnaise heavy pepper heavy heavy heavy on the pepper with the turkey throw some cranberry sauce in there whatever the gelatinous can uh canned cranberry sauce not the Chutney ladies and gent I'm not in Martha's Vineyard I don't need Chutney okay I want there to be the aluminum can ridges and my gelatinous goop uh my my burgundy goop so take some of that goop put it on the white bread put it on the um the the pepper so much pepper so much mayonnaise I like that more than just hot fresh turkey on Thanksgiving Day that's a hot take but I that's kind of what I'm your eyes are right here the whole reason I say that is to say that Trevor gave him both he gave gave him the baked this is Fresh Out the Oven right here and then after that boom here's the little extra mayonnaise bam right there Isel but this right here is as like you talk about like the Samson AA field goal return this is the version of that for an offensive lineman this this is almost enough for me to be like okay maybe Trevor can do something maybe Trevor can be whatever and you're and people are going to say well you know it preed well backup backups well you know third string this well third string that brother we watched four minute highlight reer Trevor pinning rolling around on his back like a sea turtle all right I will take what I can get so this right here boom get some that's what they drafted him for honestly like the whole question like what the hell did they see and Trevor to take him in the first round it was cuz he had the physical ability to do this he had the physical ability to hit a NFL player with the velocity and force to knock him back into different parallel Dimensions I me this guy was seeing how the pyramids were built I mean right there he is seeing how the P he is that he is you know he he's at the perly gates he's seeing how the pyramids were built he's flashing in the future in the present he is slipping in between uh Dimensions time space nothing matters to this guy he's in an absolute Continuum he's in a singularity he's not even totally sure what planet he's on the ability to do that is why Trevor Penning was drafted so if he can put it together certainly I'm not even going to say if he can put it together every snap that's not possible but if he can put it together enough to give me just an average to low average season in are right this was nice trevors had two goodish games in a row now he was okay in that second presas T yeah I mean good stuff there from Trevor you like to see that so overall overall I thought uh the preseason was good for the Saints I think like I said it it was um you know it was a it was it wasn't as much as I think people wanted to see you know I think people wanted to see a whole lot more I think they wanted to see a lot more creativity I think they wanted to see or not creativity but they wanted to see more of like the cute stuff they wanted to see like how explosive Dynamic uh the offense could be and I think Kuby actually didn't want to show that I think they also wanted to see a little more success from the first team offense we basically saw one possession like one good possession from the first team which was that 16 playay 95 yard drive now besides that pretty poor most of the good stuff we saw came from Spencer Rattler and and you know that it is what it is so overall I would say good prese preseason overall I think it answered enough questions uh for me it didn't answer all the questions for me but it answered here we'll just go up here this 31 nothing uh Jacksonville Atlanta situation Atlanta 0 and3 is the preseason I mean no big deal I guess then Jack uh Atlanta giv up 31 points is pretty consistent from last year so I they're they're kind of in uh last year territory already defensively so that's good at least they're playing they're at their Peak defensive levels from last year but it's it's I mean it is what it is preseason is never going to be the definitive example of how a team is going to play one way or the other you know a team can win 56 to nothing in every single preseason game and look like the greatest offense of all time come to the regular season they can completely to shut down and fall apart vice versa a team can look like this and then win 11 12 games so preseason is certainly not definitive you certainly shouldn't be getting uh upset about it there there's not a preseason Champion there's not a preseason playoff there's not a preseason parade right so take it for what it was but I do want to hear from you uh down below I do want to hear from you down below in the comment section what you think about the preseason what did you learn I told you what I learned and I don't think I missed anything I learned defense is really really good defensive line is good Chase young is good I learned who the offensive line is going to be the rotation I learned that Spencer Rattler is really good I learned that Spencer Rattler is the backup quarterback and possibly the quarterback of the future I learned that there is a difference between last year's offense and this year's offense I learned that our running attack is going to be better uh did I miss anything I don't oh Blake groupy I was very impressed at Blake groupy in certain spots at the end of the first half he had a 54 yard Yer and Blake groupy knows that if he starts missing kicks he's going to be out of the NFL this preseason Charlie Smith uh was knocking on his door and groupy every kit groupy had to make was for his job and if that sounds crazy it's not if groupy misses that kick at the end of the half there might be a conversation of hey do we go with Charlie Smith and they might still who the hell knows but I was impressed to see groupy making those big pressure kicks and also at dist I think he made a 52 yard field goal in the in the second game so he's showing off the leg a little bit is he doing leg extensions is he doing zercher squats is he doing uh you know goblet squats or deep deep deep back squats I don't know but I do know he's not using the smith machine nobody gets jacked succulent dense voloptuous uh and swall using the smith machine no hate but free weights for Life L ladies and gentlemen let me know in the comments below what you learned this preseason I'll be down there reacting replying thank you very much for watching enjoy the rest of your Sunday Sunday Funday or whenever you're watching this Monday Funday Tuesday Funday any day can be a fun day if you try hard enough ladies and gentlemen I will see you in the next video

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