Alvin Kamara Selling His House?! What Does This Mean for the Saints? | NOF Network Reaction Video

Alvin cimo in the new offense selling his house and much more ladies and gentlemen today the video we are looking at is from new orleans. foot it's an interview with Alvin chimra the New Orleans Saints also posted the same interview with Alvin chimra but shop local support local so we are watching n's version now I actually had done a video I had done a video about this rumor that Alvin chimra is selling his house a couple a couple days ago maybe a week ago it came out that his house was up for sale and people obviously were drawing conclusions saying what does this mean this can't be good uh and I had done a little bit of a video on it but then boom this drops so we're going to redo it and I'm going to see what Alvin says now before he even gets going here um in the previous video I said you know the Market's hot right the real estate market is hot who the hell knows why someone would want to sell a house um you you pay blank for it you can get 70% you know profit whatever you can double your money some in some situations in the real estate market especially if you're someone like Alvin who's been here for almost a decade uh who knows when he bought the house so he can make a ton of money so I don't blame him for selling a house I don't blame anybody for selling a house and selling your house doesn't mean you're moving obviously could mean you're looking for a bigger house could mean all kind of things so but the emergency alarm did go off because we haven't seen much about Alvin because we know the contract situation uh We've covered that multiple times we know that the that the first game is a couple days away we've yet to see Alvin really do anything he is simultaneously the most important piece of the Saints offense and the biggest question mark of the Saints offense question mark because we just haven't seen them question mark because we just haven't seen him the hold out thing uh we we didn't see him in preseason and then the question mark with the actual contract itself so a lot to go over here but we shall do it take feeling everything facts all good everything yeah everything cool great I feel great U yeah ready question there I don't know if youall heard it was how do you feel about everything with the back so his back was uh the reason that he didn't play he was dealing with a bit of a back issue aren't we all ladies and gentlemen man I I deal with I mean every single day I'm dealing with a back issue but I ain't dayto day damn sure ain't questionable and I for sure ain't doubtful let me tell you that cuz we do videos every single day sometimes multiple videos especially with the season coming up I was having a meeting with my producer today AKA myself and I was thinking do I go to three videos today who who even knows what what what's the most I could do but that's a different tale for a different time y oh just now that you've been in this office for a little bit now initial Impressions or other Impressions but I feel good about it um you know I think I think I mean we all running the same plays in this league right right it's just terminology um some guys have different philosophy so just I think just learning and I you you could ask Clint I was annoying him during the preseason cuz I was I was hovering around him cuz I'm I'm trying to ask him like what you thinking what you doing what you do and he's like man get away from me I'm trying to call the play like you know so but you know I I kind of that's kind of what I'm used to I did it with Drew kind of did it with Sean just trying to be ahead and and and you know just kind of get into the mind of the play caller he's play he's calling the play so want to kind of try to be on the same page and and you know that way then I can kind of piggy back and you know catch his rhythm and then you know I might I might be seeing something that you know I think he might be thinking about or about to think about it and I can beat him to it so Alvin let me let me say I mean obviously it's not as simple as we're all running the same plays in this league I think we we we learned from last year when we were running whatever Pete carmichel had going on that every team isn't running the same play you know like the NFL is evolving so rapidly and this new style this new Evolution of offense that we're seeing now and that we're now a part of I mean the Saints are now a part of that new Evolution is that mean it'll be successful no but at least we're trying to be ahead of the time so I don't I don't really I mean you know I don't think he means it literally that everyone's running the same plays but this is going to be very different like it is completely different systematically than what we saw from the Saints last year so but what Alvin the vibe that Alvin's given an every interview and this might just be the kind of person he is and uh his personality but in every interview he's kind of given the same Vibe of trust me you know just trust me I'll figure it out and and you know he even kind of says it with with kind of a smirk or whatever and it is kind of a like look I know what I'm doing I know how to do this I know how to prep I know how to process like it's been everything that he has done this offseason has been questioned by the media or the fan base whether it's why weren't you at this practice why weren't you me I think it was mandator one of the one of the camps one of the rookie mini camps or mandatory camps he was out of the country and he was one of the only veterans not to be there I think it was him and Latimore were the only two not to be there he was questioned then he was questioned about the contract he's questioned about the back he's questioned about the offense he's you know so this whole off seon has just been a bunch of questions and then chimra has kind of responded in one way or the other of I'll figure it out trust me you know trust this trust what I've done look at look at my body of work I'm going to be okay all right and and I do trust him I do trust him I do right now I trust him that he'll be out there that he'll be playing we'll see not maybe not prime Alvin C but we will see a a ready to roll Alvin chimra in a system that very much benefits Alvin chimra so you like them on the sideline then yeah I liked him I I asked him too I was like what you think he was like I ain't never leaving the sideline so hopefully he's on the sideline uh this game it's always hard to project until you actually do it but do you I guess foresee a spike or increase in production with this offense I mean um yeah I mean I I would hope so that's what I think that's what they're here for I think that's what true that's the plan I was just about to say that that is the plan the plan is a spike I I can't stop looking at this little mini microphone I mean this is like Vern troyer's microphone it's like it's like the I don't understand it because I mean again it's been a long time since I was a tried and true big J Journal where I was carrying around a microphone but I mean it can't be that much it can't be that much more beneficial to hold the mini mic than to hold just a regular microphone you know like I I see him all the time I see people doing the interview with the with the mini mic I just don't get it but uh yeah I mean that that is the goal the goal is they were brought in because last year wasn't good enough so everyone should have the same answer everyone should have the same answer of yeah I hope my my production does go up yeah I hope what we were doing last last year everything does does go go through the roof if if it doesn't then it's a failure you know we're we're not looking for the same production from anyone from last year we're we're not looking for the same production from Chris alve or Derek Carr or Alvin chra or any of the tight ends or TM Hill you know we're looking for a whole new swath of production and just a whole new level of the Saints offense when here for I think that's what the the rest of those guys are here for uh for everybody across the board I mean even Shah and and Chris and even our tight ends um I think that's what expect increase in production you know how promising is it to have seen that production in other places and kind of projecting you know yourselves in those roles yeah um I mean when you when you look at what they've been able to to uh produce um it's exciting so you know I think that's the best tell of what's to come in the future you know you see some some that um some seeing what they've been able to do at other places and then you know it kind of it stood it stood true so hopefully we do the same here it's not just San Francisco either like I know I know it's easy to to look at San Francisco because kubak was just there but you can look at any of the offenses in this tree you look at any of the offenses right now they're all kind of the same like it's all kind of the same thing the production is pretty much the same across the board it's very easy to see like okay that this works that works that works that works and it's easy to see the Saints are going to try and fall in that line the Saints are going to try and be in the conversation with with the Rams and the Dolphins and and the 49ers so whether we're a you know third or fourth on that list of teams I just said but but the production and the idea should be there and and for someone like Alvin who's going to be the focal point of that got to be very exciting how soon do you I know you've talked to us in the past about knowing what it's supposed to look like and feel like and maybe it just didn't feel that way how soon does this team need to feel that have that success have something tangible kind of hold on to to know that it is real um I mean we the season here now so it's kind of like we going to find out on Sunday you know we that's going to be our first real I guess feeling of you know is it are we where we need to be are we where we we think we are or do we do we still got a lot more work to do or I mean you know it's early it's game one but you know I feel like you you you you got to kind of come out hot and and kind of establish who you going to be so I was having this conversation today the Saints need to they need to start hot not just for themselves but because this is a must-win game because it's a divisional game because it is probably the e one of the easiest games on their schedule because all of that is true also the fan base is teetering Teeter tottering on Riot or in love with the team they need to like if the Saints Dro this game I mean I can't even imagine I cannot even imagine the vibe around this team the team is already facing a ton of questions from the fan base and the media and if they come out there start Hot Drop 35 points from the Panthers win 35 to 10 or something really convincing the offense is humming it looks good there's going to be a really quick change in the narrative surrounding the New Orleans Saints there's gonna be a really quick change now if all of a sudden the Saints win nine to three or God if they lose then all the stuff we've been defending all the narrative that we've been defending and we've been trying to fight back against all that narrative all of a sudden has a ton of gas thrown on it and the Saints are in a hole that is going to be hard to come out of it's going to be hard to you know you lose to the Chiefs you lose to the Eagles you lose to the Cowboys you can come out of you can come out of that hole you lose to the Panthers I don't want to say the season's over but you lose to the Panthers your your back is up against it we'll see everything still the same with the contract but uh like what I guess in terms of just like you know it not being done right now I mean you just push out as side now horrible I mean I'll let him finish the question Seasons oh yeah horrible question like that's one of those questions I I always say it I don't know how many journalists or reporters or whatever watching this but ask the question ask the question do not try and skirt around a question so that the athlete has to basically say themselves and asking themselves this guy got he backed himself into a corner and he answered his own question question was is every is everything new with the contract right then he said because it's not it's not it's not done so he he answered his own question is is anything new with the contract obviously not if it's not done you would have known if it's new his question should have been how close are y'all to getting a deal done because he knows the deal isn't done so the question should be how close are you and the Saints to getting a new contract and it's hard to ask those questions sure and it's even harder when you're holding a mini mic I mean it it's it's too late for contract talk I'm kind of like I told y'all when I got to uh la like I mean if it get done cool if it don't cool so I mean I'm kind of at the point where I'm like I'm not I'm not even talking about it till after the season like I don't want to talk about it a lot of people on like social media notice your house for sale yeah anything you want you looking for a house a much much cheaper discount everybody pulled some money together y sell it to Y y'all can make it the media the media house exactly yeah no yeah I'm selling my house I'm I'm a um I would like to call myself a um a Serial entrepreneur I dabble in many things in real estate a Serial entrepreneur someone who wants to invest in Cheerios Frosted Flakes and Corn Pops ladies and gentlemen being one of them um so yeah and then I talked to Matt Bowers and he told me I can live with him so I think it was a good um financial decision to list my house unbelievable I mean what does Matt Bowers not do you need a Kia Soul you need a Hyundai elante you need a tell you ride you need you need a palis state I hope these are all car names you need something like that you go call Matt Bowers you know Matt Bower sponsoring every show every show out here except mine and he's giv Alvin unreal Financial advice unbelievable I mean and now album's going to move in with Matt I tell you what Al you better be careful you move in with Matt Bowers sounds like you might be uh trying trying to sell a few of those few of those Hyundai a few of those Kia because Matt Bow's don't mess around Matt Bower is the automotive king of uh of Louisiana so let me back up to what he said about the contract because that was a hell of an answer I mean he kind of bailed the reporter out there but he said he doesn't want to talk about it and he said that he's not thinking about it until the end of the season the Saints do have a bit of a track record of getting these kind of deals done in like week two week three week four I believe the Carl Granderson deal came through that way um they've done de Mario Davis I believe was a midyear thing so I it would not Shock me if the Saints and Alvin come up with some kind of extension in uh in week two week three what would shock me unless they've had conversations behind closed doors and you never know how that goes but with someone like Alvin I would think it's all pretty on the table where if Luma said listen we cannot do it now we cannot do it before the season we cannot do it because of blank reason blank reason blank reason but we will take care of you one way or the other you know and I'm sure Alvin's concerned about injuries and all that stuff and Lumis may have said well if that happen happens and you know this is how we'll handle it you never know the conversations that are being had if it goes through the entire season that would shock me unless they've had those conversations unless they've had the conversations of we will get this done in the off season uh whatever whatever because it it is a really delicate situation I mean this is for all inti purposes Alvin C's last season under contract next year is not a real is not a real year of a contract it's like $20 million no money guaranteed like that's you know it's it's fugazi so this is the last deal and it's a very unique situation for a running back to be in to be in the last deal of his contract with nothing on the table no future nothing guaranteed nothing nothing hanging on but under contract now that's the other part of this is that it's not like he's entering the actual last year of his deal because then would there's a like there's like a a there's some leverage there right like if he's on the actual last year of his deal the Saints do have to make a decision they do have to do something but if he's not on the actual last year the Saints don't actually have to do anything so for Alvin he he's in a very vulnerable spot because he is in he putting a lot of faith in the Saints he's putting a lot of faith in the front office to do to do them right like to to make sure that they're they're not going to screw him that they're not going to force him to play in some bad deal with no guaranteed money and and then or however they you know like so he must have some faith in the front office and the front front office I think has some faith in him so it's a tricky situation from the outside looking in it's not a good-look situation but whether I I could see it going both ways honestly like right now I could I could absolutely see Alvin playing this year out and then the Saints and him deciding like okay you know it's time to part ways I could I could absolutely see that as much as I could see him and the Saints figuring out you know like a two-year extension for an89 million a year type situ type type thing so I I can't I can't sit here and tell you like yeah he's going to be a saint long term I can't tell you that he's not but it's it's a very fluid situation but you know I I I do believe him when he says like I don't want to talk about it I'm here to play I do think Alvin's the kind of guy like he's going to play if he's available to play uh you know what his teammates and the team and all that stuff means to him he wouldn't be doing all this he wouldn't be available to the media he wouldn't be um talking like talking the way he's talking if he did not plan to play at what he can provide as at the highest level I guess like just because people are curious like and I'm curious is it is it more related because like you're not necessarily under contract for next year or is it just because like you're looking I'm just Matt bers told me I can live with him so I I I figured that you know why spend my money when I can spend Met's money true true if you can I think Nick just jumped in yeah you know Nick know Nick know what I'm talking about I mean see see what I'm saying I mean Matt Bowers I mean you know he's he's sponsoring everybody everyone gets a keia of Soul he's got Alvin moving in I me Matt you know I got I got a phone what's going on here no yeah so I'm just uh you know I I and my my brother's a real estate agent also so you know we we kind of we we I wouldn't say that it was I I had a exact plan but I had I had plans of you know I I'm pretty intentional when it comes to like those moves that I made with real estate like I I got other properties around the city too so I mean if I sell that if I sell it today I'll have somewhere to be so I'm good big pict just year in the league how excited you just to start another NL season man it's it's another year man it it goes by fast I I mean everybody wasn't here but I know all y'all remember rookie rookie Alvin and you know and now it's year eight and I'm like dang it flies you know Mark and Adrien Peterson and T again they all told me that and I'm 2017 I wouldn't think I'll be sitting here like I'm I'm like the old dude now like damn and I'm telling everybody else like man this flies it goes quick so I mean it's it's a blessing you know and especially to be in the same place for so long um it's crazy to think Adrien Peterson's Saint starting running back sitting there playing the Patriots playing Tom Brady gets smoked at home the next thing you know Alvin takes over and you know you you I was thinking about it last night you just put in a lot of work a lot of sacrifice and to be able to still be doing it um it's just it's it's amazing mat profit you said what you said getting rid of oh no I'm still I'm still on her I'm still on her I was going to ask you about that I don't want to lump you in with Cam Jordan and Mario Davis just yet you're still in your 20s but they've been pretty open about being aware of their career mortality and and I mean I guess especially year eight I mean do you feel the same way like we don't have time to waste after you miss the playoffs three years in a row and you're like for sure I I don't I I still I feel like like you just said like it's there's no there is no time to waste because I mean okay let's just say half I'm at a halfway point if I were to play 16 years or what that would be an ins insane career for a running back 16 years for 10 years or I'm on the back end of my career right so I mean that's just an assumption but um I don't go I don't want to waste no time I don't want to sit here and and say oh well I got time I got time ain't no time so that's a good example too when people say like Oh They'll tank Oh They'll tank you got to remember when you say blank team is tanking you are assuming that every single player on that team is agreeing to tank in the NFL that means agreeing to basically get your ass kicked for four quarters because it's a very physical sport it's very different than baseball or basketball where you can kind of you know be very very kind of lack aasal about in the NFL is not the case Al if Alvin gets a handoff he he can't tank and just kind of run up the middle and just get blown up that's that does not work that that's another reason why tanking is such a such a fallacy the front office might be rooting to lose but there's there's no situation where they're going to tell Cam Jordan or Alvin CRA or any of these guys who are playing like he said at the back end of their career trying to win why would it another reason that tanking doesn't exist is usually the coaches you think Dennis Allen would tank no that means he's gonna get fired you think Alvin's going to tank ruin another year of his career or not ruin but like waste another year of his career Cam Jordan trying to get a ring trying to trying to bolster his legacy then he's just going to take a year off be okay with winning four games it doesn't happen and the Saints are a team which is another good thing with how Mickey builds things is that everything is so tied together like Alvin is tied to you know Marshon who's tied to Cam Jordan who's tied to Demario Davis who's tied to Tyron Matthew who like these players are all tied together with the window of opportunity the Saints have to win with the contracts with how everything is set up so these guys like this core this Core group that they all just named they feel not only their career mortality but they probably also feel the mortality of of like their 10 year with the Saints especially Alvin who's facing this contract dispute he probably is thinking maybe not like he's not probably thinking about a ton but at some point you are thinking like you know is this it for for me and the Saints is this it my time in New Orleans you know like this is all I know you Cam Jordan same thing this is all I know I want to win here you know this is home this is where I've been I want to win here so you probably do feel that added pressure of I don't have that many more opportunities to win here I don't have that many more opportunities to win anywhere right like I'm I'm I'm towards the end of my Powers here I'm trying to run it up like I'm trying to do what what I can to to have the most success you know and then in this league meas success by a Super Bowl playing in February so that's what I'm trying to get to is there any way that like having that institutional knowledge all across this locker room being like hey this you know there's no next year this this year like is there any way that can help hell yeah yeah yes and no because I think there everybody's not old like me so you know you got rookies that are you they still don't understand that there like there's no time to waste they'll get it later when they're sitting in year eight like me and I'm like damn this flew but um I think I think guys I think guys understand and I think from top down from the from the captains from uh you know from Derek and and de Mario and Cam and those guys I think they do a good job of you know communicating that you know time is now so you know we just following suit you just mentioned the 26 right you mentioned 2017 maybe I'm kind of drawing a parallel here it seemed like you kind of came out of nowhere third round draft people like what is easy third down back like what is he do you think this team can kind of come out of nowhere this year and potentially surprise some people who aren't high on him right yeah um I ain't going to lie look I don't really I don't watch ESPN I don't watch a lot of that stuff I just hear what people talk about in here and they're like you know well ESPN ranked us whatever or whever and these people are saying that I don't really look at it I hear some of it from Just overhearing things in the locker room but I don't really care about where you know I think I've pretty I've been pretty consistent in in that throughout my career like I don't care what nobody else say I'm just worried about what's going on in this building so whatever we have to do in this building to succeed every Sunday um that's what we'll do so I mean whatever everybody else is saying and good for them everybody's entitled to to their opinion I don't take any offense to it you keep it moving yeah I think that's I think it's true for most players I don't think most players really care I think some players probably listen to it more than others but you know for a majority of Saints players like whether they're ranked 27th by Pro Football Focus or 20 I don't think they really I don't think they care especially when the game begins like especially once they're playing they're trying to beat whoever they're playing um there I'm sure there's different Vibes in different locker rooms where some locker rooms are like hey we expect to win a Super Bowl we are a Super Bowl caliber team no nothing you know nothing short of that is going to be successful but the other other locker rooms are like look we're trying to win the division we're trying to win trying to get to a playoff so I I not every team thinks they're a Super Bowl team per se but I don't think they get caught up in the rankings and all that stuff as much as we do I think it's a very different view on uh on on the season and on game day and whatnot so but great interview you know very you know the house I mean it's unbelievable what is going on with like with Alvin CRA situation with the contract and then all of a sudden the house is up for sale and you know the game is three days away and it's just a lot happening but I don't think the house is really any indication of anything the only thing I would I would say it's an indication of is a hot real estate market but I don't think you know I don't think it's a situation where Alvin's like banging the table saying like all right fine if you're not going to if you're not going to uh and I don't think the team cares either like if Alvin said I'm selling my house then the team's like I mean you still got to be here like you're still under contract I don't care I don't care if you live in a house I don't care if you live in an apartment I don't care if you live with Matt Bowers like as long as you're here on game day and practice whatever so I think it makes a good headline but I don't think it really Ma I don't think it really matters at all about if a player sells his house or or whatever else so um don't put too much into it fun headline but you know so I I fully expect Alvin to be be there on Sunday and be be Alvin and be the best the best form of Alvin that that he can be so uh yeah I think I'll have a big year I really do I think I'll have a huge year I think this offense is perfect for him Taylor Made for a player like him and uh he's ready to roll I think the whole team is ready to roll I'm excited we're going to be doing a ton of coverage here uh so stay tuned if you're not getting the notifications that we're dropping videos hit the bell I I saw some people at the comments say that they the videos aren't pumping up on their algorithm uh try and turn the notifications on the little Bell on YouTube that should send you a notification ever my videos do drop we drop them every day uh more than likely we will be dropping multiple a day uh for the foreseeable Futures thank you very much for watching if you're interested in uh alin's house I'll provide a link down below if you want to you know make an offer hey you know who knows thank you very much for watching I'll see you in the next video

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