Colin Cowherd: Saints HC Dennis Allen Will Be First Coach Fired | Colin Cowherd Reaction Video

Colin C herd believes Saints head coach Dennis Allen will be the first coach fired in the NFL this season ladies and gentlemen today I bring you Colin cower talking about the New Orleans Saints yesterday we had to dismantle Kurt bener saying that the saints were going to win one game this season I wake up 24 hours later not even like 12 hours later and what happens boom we are fighting off another attack the sa I mean the Saints are under attack in every single Direction I have never seen a nine and8 team I've never seen a team just an average team I've never seen this to where every single person has agreed that this team is going to be the worst team of all time and uh so today we are going to hear what Colin has to say now this video is on the Fox Sports Radio um YouTube page so I did go so he he made five bold predictions we're not going to watch all five we're just going to watch the sent part it does happen to be the first part I made sure to see where it was the video I'll tell you this the actual video has me befuddled because it looks like if you were to go back and have like a 1995 yearbook page it's what this video looks like At first I thought okay this is just like some kind of scam account who repurposes you know TV shows like we see that all the time they upload episodes or TV shows and pass it off as as their own thing uh this this is Fox Sports radio's actual p uh po or page posting this stuff so keep that in mind when you're looking at the graphical layout uh it's insane I mean Fox Sports you don't have you don't have interns you don't have somebody who who's ever seen like an editing software or anything watch this my five bold predictions did see that I mean not only I mean this this right here is already like I said 1997 yearbook yearbook class putting this together but the Colin fade in like watch Colin from the clouds zoom in on the right side of your screen here look at this my five bold predictions unbelievable I can make easy ones Josh Allen's going to be good Andy Reid will make the playoffs no I don't choose that look at what's happening on the screen we've got Colin look like a Cole's men's fall fion catalog picture Colin on the right side faded in Jordan love is the backdrop static image we have two different text blocks with two different fonts we've got colors don't match anything we've got red with a blue outline we've got a gold with a black outline we've got Jordan love with with obviously with green and and the yellow we have another picture of Colin in the top left we have an audio kind of feature on the bottom of the screen and and then I think it's also an audio feature doing the same exact thing in a different way on the top left of the screen Lord I'm not looking to be perfect I'm going to take some bold predictions are you ready to go here the first one's kind of negative I think Dennis Allen Saints is the first coach to be let go they've missed Okay so we've talked about this before with the idea of Dennis Allen being fired if if the Saints are bad this year the def you know if if it all goes wrong and we win six games or something or seven game I think seven games probably even gets them fired I think there probably would be a conversation to fire Allen because it is a tandem conversation if you fire Allen you're moving on from Carr Carr and Allen are tied together Allen is obviously a car guy he drafted him he went and got him in free agency last year or before last year it's his Hail Mary it's his last Harrah to save his job Derek car a 33y old quarterback been in the league for 11 years didn't make the playoffs last year even though he had a winning record if he doesn't make the playoffs this year the Saints certainly are not or if they if he has a bad season I don't want to say if he doesn't make the playoffs because if they win 10 games and don't make the playoffs different story but if the Saints have a bad season they are not successful the Saints are going to move on from Carr and if they move on from Carr you would think they're probably going to move on from Allen that would be his third you or really his second true triy at this because you can't really count you know the Andy Dalton and jamus Winston injuries those seasons and things like that but so why would you fire Carr if you still have the quarterback that he's tied to you're not firing Carr to then find this or firing Allen to then find find this like spark to save the team because if you're firing Allen that you would assume The Season's already kind of done you would you would assume that they've already lost six seven games the seasons in the toilet and and we're moving on to the next chapter and here's another problem that we've talked about before with this soduku puzzle of firing Dennis Allen the Saints defense has been pretty good the Saints defense has been decent Dennis Allen is a defensive coach in some circles namely patent analytics Dennis Allen is the best defensive play caller in the NFL he is the best defensive coach in the NFL so if you fire him it better be because you have a defensive replacement in mind because if you're firing Dennis Allen because the offense is bad that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and if you're firing Dennis Allen to bring in an offensive coach then more than likely you're also going to end up losing Clint kubak and Andrew janoko there's not too many offensive coaches that I know that would take the job to inherit a staff that's not theirs what if an offensive coach comes in who has their own system that's totally separate from the Shanahan tree system that kubak has so it's a domino effect to fire Dennis sound and then you could say well what if you fire Dennis sound and make Clint kubak the head coach Clint kubak has never called he he has yet to call a play for the New Orleans Saints we haven't even seen what he looks like as the offensive coordinator and you're already ready to make him the head coach let's because he he might be the interm head coach so is it worth firing Dennis Allen in the middle of the season to then force your offensive young offensive coordinator who has been in the state of Louisiana for six months is it is it worth firing Dennis Allen to force him into being an interim head coach for what you know why you're not going to promote any of the defensive coaches to interim head coach you just fir the defensive coordinator SL head coach so they're about to be gone P call okay it is not an easy thing to fire Allen the mistake was made by Lumis when pton left Shawn pton leaves Drew Brees leaves there is an obvious hole in the offense what we should have done was go and hire an offensive coach an offensive head coach kept Dennis Allen as DC and get rid of Pete Carmichael and and all the other clown that were part of Peyton's offensive staff and we wouldn't be in this situation because firing Allen as the head coach makes sense firing Allen as the defensive coordinator doesn't make sense and it puts us in a really tricky position we're in a good position now where we got Clint kubak who I'm assuming is going to take over the entire offense and the entire play calling the entire GTO Game Theory optimization kind of situation here which is what Dennis Allen doesn't want to do Dennis Allen wants to call the defense but right now where I see it the Saints turn in a decent situation coaching wise where Pete Carmichael could not do what I'm talking about he could not handle the entirey of the offense he could not handle the GTO the game situations so Dennis Allen had had to put his hands on some of that just like when the saints were bad with Shawn pton in those seven and nine years it was because Shawn pton had his hands all over the defense and the Saints had the 30th ranked defense because Shawn P is not a defensive coach happens right so it's much harder to fire Allen than I think anybody thinks it's the playoffs backto back years the NFC South Atlanta and Carolina are undoubtedly better teams no question the he had to have met Tampa Bay he had to admit Tampa Bay because he said the NFC South is you know whatever Atlanta and Carolina he's completely omitted the div the NFC South divisional Champion for the last couple of Seasons Tampa Bay I have been defending the Saints but I've also been defending the bucks if I was the Bucks I'd be furious that everyone's talking about the Falcons no one's mentioning the bucks but this is crazy like him saying that the Panthers and the Falcons are much better than the Saints he had to have meant the Falcons and the buck there's no way he actually means the Falcons and the pan the Panthers are a horrible team the Panthers are one of the three worst teams in the NFL the Saints are like five or six point favorites against the Panthers in week one and they're favored on the road against Carolina later on the year per DraftKings so I mean I'm I'm just going to chalk that one up to Colin uh making a mistake there Falcons and the Panthers are much better I mean he said it again maybe not but I mean there's no it why would you leave out the Buccaneers like why would you say the Falcons and the Panthers are better than the Saints but not the Falcons the Panthers and the Buccaneers are better than the Saints crazy teams four of the first six games for Dennis Allen are against playoff teams from last year um I I just I don't see the juice offensively the schedule up front is hard schedule the schedule early on is hard the two biggest game I think the only way way that Allen would like legitimately be on the hot seat in this situation I'm not saying it's impossible I'm saying it's incredibly unlikely but the only way I could see it is if we lose to Carolina to start we lose to Atlanta and we go like 0 and six to start with two divisional losses one being at home against the Panthers if that happens it might be like a doomsday scenario where you know people are calling for Carr to get benched faner it's all going to happen in tandem like if we go 0 and six and we lose to the Panthers at home lose to the Falcons all this other stuff get blown out by the playoff teams then you're going to see this perfect storm of Carr might get benched Allen might get fired but that is the absolute sky is falling Final Destination scenario I do not think that's very likely I think that's very very unlikely we get into that situation but that's the only possible way that Allen is going to get canned that early on is if it's so bad that they have to just completely switch things up they have to say all right nope we're not doing this car car's car's on the bench either Hanner or Rattler starting Allen's out of here like it's got to be it has to be so bad it has to be worse than we could possibly imagine for him to get fired in those first six games the games are tough sure but if we come out of there with two wins against Carolina and Atlanta or even just beat Carolina the season is still on track like we're still fine because then we do play the Raiders and the Broncos and the Giants and the commanders and the Panthers again like we do have some easy games to where we can get back to that 78 n wins even if we start off uh one and five whatever it is you know we still have some coin flip games like the Browns and the Rams and and some stuff like that that we could make up the ground the back side uh pause of our schedule is much much easier I think Dennis is the first coach to be let go number two is I yeah I mean there there's a lot like there's coaches that I think it makes more sense for them to get fired mid-season and it's much more likely it's much more possible for them to get fired mid-season you look at a team like Jackson Ville they've struggled so much their quarterbacks are like they their young core is already in place so finding the right coach is is is a little bit easier than our situation where the coach is kind of tied to some of our bigger players like Derek Carr so Jacksonville is the team that comes to mind that that can make a change there uh you know I mean I'm trying to think off the top of my head like who else could get fired midseason sea MC Derm seems to always be on the hot seat Buffalo is another one where usually team usually coaches that get fired midseason are coaches where the rest of the franchise is relatively stable like the rest of the franchise you know firing a coach doesn't also cause crazy turnover somewhere else whereas like Buffalo or Jacksonville like if your head coaches get fired your quarterbacks are the same everything relatively Remains the Same your core Remains the Same New Orleans doesn't like that New Orleans is where it is it is incredibly tied to not just your defensive scheme not just your you your defense but it's also tied to your $100 million quarterback tied to a lot so I just don't think it'll happen I can see I can see Allen getting fired after the season if the Saints win SE seven games six games I could see that but I can't I cannot see it happening mid-season because I cannot see it being that bad that early it would have to be worse than it would have to be a worse scenario than than any of us could imagine in that first uh first like quarter of the Season especially knowing that the schedule gets easier like Lumis is a pretty Mickey Lumis is a pretty even guy like he's a pretty nonvolatile general manager who you know he's not he's not Jerry Jones who's flying off the handle all the time or saying all kind of stuff Mickey Mickey is pretty steady with like he'll give he'll give coaches and players some time he gave P car two years so he'll give he'll give coaches and players time to kind of figure things out and as long as he believes the Saints are in that seven to1 win World this season I don't think he would pull the rip cord and and get out and out of there now if we were 0 and N or something or 0 and 10 and it was it and his hands were tied and he had he had to do something I think then he might I mean last year guys think about it like he didn't every week we came on here and we said maybe maybe this is the week he's taking Pete carmichel off play calling duties because the fans were booing they were booing the offense off the field at home like it it was getting ugly there was more away fans and home fans at certain games uh and he had to answer all those questions week after week after week and we kept doing the same things like not scoring on the opening possession you know having three points or six points or nine points at halftime Derek Carr having 60 yards passing at halftime it kept happening and so I thought at a certain point last year Lumis isn't going to have Choice Lumis is going to have to make a change if he wants to save his fan base it it really did get to an area to where I was thinking I mean there might not be any fans in in the dome like we're getting to a level here where it's kind of a rius situation that Detroit game was a rius situation where there was so much boo I mean yall know y'all know the story like the the offense getting booed off the field Derek Carr getting booed off the field like that was a moment where okay push may come to shove here where probably doesn't want to but he's going to have to get Carmichael out the building there's no way he's going to be able to to keep Carmichael rocking and rolling and he he didn't he he allowed that to play itself out which is shocking so if he if he would allow that to play itself out I think he's going to allow Allan to play himself out unless like I said it is an 0 and 10 situation or 0 and 12 you know the Saints are like laughably bad which I just don't see happening but but there you go so a lot of people me this yesterday and we're saying like can't wait till you see this I think this is just you know a late another lazy thing where it's just I guess PE people just don't like Dennis Allen and Derek Carr for some reason are very polarizing for a mid mid like mid medium Market team that's pretty average 98 in a not sexy division it's crazy how everyone has just agreed to pile on Allen and Carr it's crazy like there's so many teams out there so many middling teams that no one even thinks about no one talks about with the exact same situation that we have where just a mid- tier quarterback just a mid-tier head coach just a mid this just a mid that fighting for uh a wild card you know like just or fighting for a nine- win division championship or a 10- win Wild Card like you know no big deal and somehow it's just become this like the Saints and and Allen a car this laughing stock of the NFL I don't get it but let me know what you think do you think Dennis Allen will be fired this year do you think there's any chance he gets fired in the middle of the Season what would it take for Allen to get fired in the middle of the Season thank you very much for watching I'll see you in the next video peace

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