Up and Vanished Season 4 | Exclusive Preview | Special Guest Milo Ventimiglia

Published: Feb 01, 2024 Duration: 01:19:58 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] talking to death is released weekly every Wednesday and brought to you absolutely free but if you want adree listening and exclusive bonuses subscribe to tindero foot plus at tindero foot plus.com or on Apple podcast talking to death is a production of Tenderfoot TV and iHeart podcasts listener discretion is advised [Music] [Music] up and vanished is is taking over talking to death for the duration of the new season season 4 this is about a year-long investigation into a missing person's case uh a missing woman from gnome Alaska her name is Florence oik she's 33 years old and she has not been seen since August 2020 the team and I have been going back and forth to Nome Alaska for the past year and we've been trying to figure out what happened to her if you're an up and Vantage list and this is your first time hearing this show I want to say thank you for coming to join us and we will be here every week starting on February 16th recapping every single episode of up and vanished and just giving you the real deal the whole time playing some raw uncut audio we'll be joined by some special guests some other True Crime podcasters we'll explore the different ways that we as the producers of this show and you all as listeners can somehow work together and bring more awareness to not only Florence oic's case but the issue of mmip in general as we Dove deep into this case the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous people was highlighted severely the statistics are insanely alarming actually Mike do you have some pulled up right now yeah I mean basically what we found out was there was a study from 1979 to 2020 on violent crimes in Alaska and since 1993 there's been a steady increase in violent crimes which is the opposite of what's happening with the rest of the the country basically homicides robbery rape and aggravated assault the data also shows that rape is like three to four times the national average and aggravated assault is two times the national average these are scary statistics and they're not just staying the same they're not going down they're increasing they're getting worse it's time to really highlight this issue and bring it to the main stage of awareness and so this is the focus of the next season of up and vanished and we really want listeners to understand the crisis that is happening as we explore Florence oic's disappearance and really try to figure out what happened to her I want to be as open and transparent as possible this season even beyond the episodes that you hear in the actual show there's a part of up and vanish that is Cinematic that is a buttoned up version of what is reality I like portraying the story that way because I think it resonates the best with listeners and if it can resonate with you then I can make you care about this case but I also want to be able to pull the curtain back a little bit and just kind of get rid of some of the Mystique of what goes into making a true crime show like this what's really going on what kind of decisions are we making throughout this process that you maybe didn't know about what didn't you hear in the episode that actually happened that just couldn't fit or didn't make sense that would give you some more clarity and Nuance as to why the investigation is going in this direction it would it's completely true to say that right now in this exact moment we are neck deep in this investigation I think this could be a really cool way to keep you as listeners up to speed on what's going on minute by minute as it's happening and be able to expand your scope of knowledge on this case and find different ways that maybe even even you could help us figure this out this is season 4 and we decided collectively at Tenderfoot that maybe we should give this season a a subtitle name having been in Alaska throughout the summer with you Mike and Dylan and Cooper and everyone else who came out there and helped on the show when we first got there it was in the time period where it's daylight almost 24/7 and you know I'd heard about this and movies and stuff like that but I've never experienced that much daylight uh constantly and I I will say you know Landing in Anchorage at 1:00 a.m. and it looking like it's 100 p.m. is a little bit of a Brain Buster and eventually you start to forget that there can even be night I also found it interesting that when Florence oik went missing in the middle of the night it would have been broad daylight and that's just uh an ironic fact because when you think about the middle of the night pretty much anywhere else you're thinking it's probably pitch black so one of our producers named Cooper is originally from a Tiny Town in Alaska actually a little bit further north than where gnome is I mean a very very small place I think he said he went to school with like eight other people uh his high school graduating class was like eight people I was talking with Cooper a long time ago about what the next case should be for season 4 of up and vanished he pulled up this case of a 33-year old woman who went missing from a tiny town called gnome right on the edge of the Arctic Circle and in a town of around 3,000 people and they have no clue what happened to her nobody no evidence and all these years later the police have no damn clue what's going on how does someone go missing in in such a small place and no one here know anything it just didn't seem right over the years since up and vanish started we've received in the tens of thousands of emails from other listeners families and friends of loved ones who are missing so a few weeks after I was looking into Florence's case I was going through this email and just typing in keywords like Alaska and stuff like that trying to see if there were any other cases that someone had sent me or I don't know just any sort of connection that I could make that maybe was already right there hiding under my nose I typed in Gnome the name of the town that she went missing from and there was one email this woman named Dila had emailed the up and vanished email I love the podcast I started listening a month ago and I'm all caught up on the latest episode in season 3 and I'd like to request you to look into the case of my friend who went missing in August 2020 she's a young Native American which is why I be began listening to your podcast in the first place and she has a little girl there are no leads in her case law enforcement has made zero progress and lack effort in their investigating and her name is Florence oik my first thought is holy [ __ ] how how did we miss this well the simple answer is because there's tens of thousands of emails but the fact that somebody from her family had reached out just changed everything in my mind so I was no longer trying to determine whether or not this should be the focus of up and vanish new season I made the decision right then and there that this is the case this feels right and within two days I think Mike you and I were on a flight to Oregon where she lives now and talking to her and having her unpack what she knows about this case yeah yeah it started very quickly and it turned into a lot of plane rides from that point forward we just started Ed talking to one person and then another person then another person and eventually over the course of a few months we have really fully embedded ourselves in this case and parts of the community and now we find ourselves talking to some suspicious characters and people that I would consider Persons of Interest in her disappearance there's just so much to say about this case and we've learned so much since the very beginning and I'm just anxious to get this new season out and rolling for you all to listen to it and experience what's going on in Gnome as a listener and maybe together we can help figure out what happened I think that if we can shake the trees hard enough in a place like gnome Alaska the truth is bound to come out eventually so every week in the beginning parts of new episodes of talking to death we're going to break down the the latest episode of up and vanished and really pull back the curtain and just show you everything and put it all out on the table because we want to figure out what happened to Florence and we're not afraid to show everything that we got so please subscribe to Talking to death and stay tuned for the release of up and vanish season 4 in the Midnight Sun coming on February 16th and we'll also have a few special guests that are true crime podcasters some friends of mine some experts who will all be up to speed on these episodes as well so we can really have deep nuanced conversations about this issue and try to put our heads together and solve this damn thing today's guest is a friend of mine who I met years ago he's a pretty famous actor his name is Milo vilia and you may know him from the show this is us which he starred in and it was amazing in or you might know him from Gilmore Girls which there are a lot of fans of he's just such a kind person and I've known him for a few years now only because he was a listener of up and vanish season 1 back in the day he sent us an email years ago while he was listening to up and vanish season 1 and we got on a zoom call with him and he told me that he wants to make the concept of up and vanished into some sort of scripted TV series or scripted movie and that he wanted to play me I'm like okay one uh I'm not as good-look as you are Milo but thank you I'm flattered um but that's really how this whole relationship started we talk about his career how he deals with being a celebrity we also talk about up and vanished and my experiences investigating a cold case and being this fish out of water in a small town but it's a really fun episode I think you'll enjoy it oh wait wait wait before we get to that I want to announce the winner of the contest we had a few weeks back we held a contest on talking to death where if you subscribe rate and review the podcast on your podcast app we are going to give away a full-fledged real deal podcasting kit what I wish existed when I first started podcasting in 2016 and was Googling how do you record a podcast well through years of trial and error we've figured out what we think is the best setup for you to start a podcast and we've put it all together for you a nice microphone a recorder the headphones it's awesome it's a really sweet setup so I want to announce the winner this person's title is inspired by pain hey pay I've been inspired by by your amazing storytelling since episode one of season one the first show this show is impeccable because we get to hear how your mind works if I win I'd love to do a podcast on mental health and I'd love for you to be a part of it I work in Psych and I am in the maybe we're born with it maybe it's the sealing Club I do take that okay this person seems awesome and sure I'll definitely be a guest on your new podcast about mental health that sounds very interesting and important this person's username is woan 519 uh you won this podcasting kit I think giving away just one kit feels a little stingy so since we got some new listeners here from the up and vanished audience which thank you for joining us today if you want to win your own podcasting setup then you can do so all you have to do is subscribe to Talking to death on your podcast app rate it you know you can do four stars but five stars is going to bump you up to the top a little bit rate it five stars and leave a review we will pick a winner on the release date of up and vanish which is February 16th and we'll announce it right here so stay subscribed so you can get all of the in-depth follow-ups to every episode this season and hopefully you stick around for Milo's interview in this episode which is really good and if you stick around at the very end the very end of the episode right after his interview I play a clip from episode one of up and vanished a much longer clip that I think you'll find is very interesting and compelling that really speaks to the tone of this new show and just how intense things are continuing to get while we're still investigating this case so stay tuned at the end of Milo's interview for an exclusive clip from episode one that you can only hear right here on talking to death in the meantime please subscribe to the show rate and review it if you want to win a podcast kit yeah without further Ado let's kick to Milo hope you enjoy the [Music] show it's like old timey radio it is do you feel like a radio host no no no could you host a podcast probably not you could do you want to I could I'm not sure I have the personality for it what does that mean I think to kind of like keep an ongoing conversation to like keep interest to keep kind of going I think you know there was a moment when Russ and I were dabbling in it thinking about doing something I was like I think there's people better suited for it okay people better suited for it than me just filling the time like a whole hour of like what are we talking about are we going to r a little bit a little bit do we do we think we're funny but maybe we're not kind of it feels yeah it feels a little on us but well we did a little Deep dive on you just because I wanted to find all the good stuff yeah I was say you and I are always like talking about just like some like business and some [ __ ] it's like this the first time we were like really like really really sitting down I know it's kind of [ __ ] exciting yeah also it's kind of crazy though I mean we've had fun but it's always been about hey this project and what's the next step and do we take it here or there and you know not out grabbing dinner and all that stuff like ex man exactly um so yeah I'm excited to talk to you share table with we'll record it right perfect so remember it forever perfect uh your first role MH what was it first paying gig was freshman of belir that's wild yeah and who' you play I played uh party guest number one exciting always told story um about uh just a bro or what I was I was a kid kid at a high school party and then I was walking down the steps with a girl around my arm and Ashley's freaking out that all these people are around her house and uh nobody's supposed to be upstairs but but I of course was upstairs and so uh she runs up to me and says hey nobody's supposed to be up there and I say relax Ash we're just taking a little tour actually the funny thing though and I laugh and I walk off and my overalls and my hair parted 1995 95 dude I mean that is that what was cool I don't know I think so yeah okay yeah I think it it was very much so that like a pet boyys t-shirt um the wild part is though I'm cleaning out my house right now and I found uh a box from college and I found the original script from that episode of Fresh Prince Bella I still have it that's badass yeah yeah every job that I do every job that I do I hang on to either uh a call sheet a crew list or a script so I don't know how many jobs I've done in the past 28 years 29 years in front of the camera but I've got a script for every job that's pretty cool one just one why' you want to be an actor cuz I mean I feel like if I told my parents that they'd be like okay get a real job right cuz itan it's tough It's you can be really successful in the middle you struggle your whole life and I don't know well it's also the the the odds that you're going to do something significant odds that you're actually going to um make a living at it they're against you so you know my parents they were always really supportive of my sisters and I and I had two other career paths I was either going to go into the Navy and be an aviator or I wanted to be a pediatric surgeon I wanted to be a doctor those are very different yeah a pediatric surgeon where did that one come from uh I wanted to help kids okay cool yeah and I was like what's the hardest thing what would mentally emotionally be the hardest thing to do the science of like treating children I was like okay cool I'll do that got to college realized I'm like I don't think that's in my profession I don't think that's in my head to do um but then I just you know I'd always been into the Arts always been into um being on stage and performing and my high school theater teacher she told me she was like Milo you can have a career in this you can actually like do something with Scher my high school teacher yeah Mariana Hera she was the one that told me like you can have a career you can you can be a professional did you believe her whether I did or not I I it's not that I believed her it's that I believe in myself okay that was the thing that I had to figure out okay I believed her when she said it but I wasn't sure about it within myself but you got to feel that way right yeah yeah exactly and like I had confidence and I you know in high school I was uh wrestling I was doing like student politics and then I was acting and then of course school work and whatnot and I remember my teacher said to me are going to be a professional wrestler and I go no that been really cool I I've been kind of rad right not the coolest right yeah I know and I don't think I have the size for it um but I was like okay and then I just kind of went for it you know uh passed up the idea of flying jets for the Navy uh being a doctor just seemed over helming with a lot of information and knowledge and I had the heart but maybe I didn't have the head for it um and then I got into UCLA in the theater program and I moved to LA and my parents were um paying for my school and I had like two jobs working at a snowboard shop waiting tables plus school plus auditioning and then work just started going and then you know 28 years later it's you're sitting in the middle of a strike yeah think about wild yeah I know I went from that 28 years it's a long time yeah it's a lot of acting it is a lot of acting man it is a lot of words a lot of characters in my head a lot of a lot of that stuff was there ever a moment where you thought hey this isn't going to work like halfway through or something or I'd say there were two two solid moments where I was ready just like thrown the towel I was done really um well I started to realize that the business itself was getting in the way of my desire to be an artist what do you mean you know you as an actor you have to get pissed picked okay you have to get picked for a job you have to get picked to work and that's really you want to doesn't mean that just because you want to yeah doesn't mean you get a job and just because you're there and you're showing up doesn't mean that you get a job you may be the best actor you're not going to get the job you know they may pick someone blonde hair versus dark hair it's just kind of the way that it goes they're not buying what you're selling and on the role I don't we could arm wrestle over man I'm sure mean def I beat you in that but um but you know it's like they there there is there's no guarantee so I think I was at a point in my career at I think I was in my 30s early 30s I'd already I'd already had some successes I had gilm girls come out had TV show Heroes come out um were you making money at the time I was making money no I was making money I was like that that was the only so uh quit waiting tables working in the snowboard shop when I was 21 oh wow acting's been supporting me since I was 21 were you struggling through that period or or were you actually like making ends me no I was I was more than making in me like i' I bought a washer and dryer you made it I bought a house eventually um picked up another home uh something my parents can stay when they visit my sister um you know it's like for all intents and purposes like I was doing I was doing very well I was having some success uh and some freedom and because of it uh but in my early 30s on the heels of Heroes I just wasn't working nobody was hiring me okay and I think people had this probably idea of who I was based on the previous kind of thing or what yeah a little bit like a previous character but then I didn't realize I was in a transitional stage as a man you know when I was 28 29 30 I still looked really really young and when I was getting into my early 30s I think I started to physically change and it was right before that physical change where I just nobody was hiring the 20-some year old Milo and then I kind of started looking at liquidating I was going to sell my houses I was going to liquidate stocks I was just going to like sell a car I was going to get rid of everything and do what take a bag move to Italy on my Italian passport wow find a farm to work on and literally just work on a farm for a bunch of years and just like just get away from it because it's one of those things as an as an artist you desire to be around other artists you desire to work you desire to to you know be a part of of a show a job a play anything but nobody's hiring you yeah you know it it [ __ ] with you it definitely a really deflating really really deflating and like I just had kind of had enough and so I decided to uh start to get my wrap my head around the idea of liquidating and then once I did I got a little independent film actually that Russ and I produced and it cost me money to be in it we didn't get paid for the job just like a hey we're g to put something out there in the world it was just something that we were going to do we we got pulled into it um but then we ended up doing a lot on it um and then right after that I got another small independent film and the filmmaker like didn't want to let her down I was like hey man you you picked me so I'm here for you I know it's I know it's [ __ ] money I know uh I'm far away from home I know it's a strange uh movie playing a vampire in a Connecticut home and I'm living in the set because the Mansion we're filming in like but [ __ ] it you pick me so I'm here I'm here giving you my everything and then rad right while I was in Connecticut doing that vampire movie I get uh my next opportunity which is an Adam Sandler film MH like randomly throw myself on tape which movie this was uh that's my boy okay y yeah playing Chad the uh the Marine Chad Chad theine Chad like does he like Chad like every other Chad pretty much yeah okay yeah yeah uh he's uh he's a meathead Meathead Marine I say marine and air Coast because you haven't seen the film you find out he's not a marine but he tends very much to be a marine um but I threw myself on tape broad comedy doing some like wild [ __ ] that I wasn't hadn't done since my early 20s sounds fun it was great it was a blast and then the next day 2 o'cl in this I put myself on tape at midnight 2 o'clock in the afternoon I was on the phone with Adam Sandler he like we're going to have a great summer buddy it's going to be great we're going to be in Massachusetts it's going to be awesome you're going to have a great time and I'm like this is [ __ ] crazy I was ready pack up my bags get the [ __ ] out moved to Italy on a passport and now I'm working with Adam Sandler wow yeah and it just kind of like it hadn't stopped since then what did Adam tell you when you're working on set he didn't say anything he's one of those guys you just have to like be around you feel the positivity you feel the creativity and you feel inspired he's a very wonderful inclusive top of his game kind of actor producer who just he he wants the best from everybody around him and he gives his best and he's supportive like what I found on that set was I was around a bunch of real Forward Thinking comedians like tons and tons of guys nick swartson uh stav Spade all these uh I know Chris Ro Rock was the next summer in groms 2o but I was around all these like heavy heavy hitter Comedians and when you're on set doing a scene you would have to have alternate lines you'd have to have alternate you know uh onliners and you'd also not only have to have them for yourself you'd have to have them for other characters really oh yes like you have to show up Will Forte was on that Andy Samberg was on that just like a lot of like a big kind of pivot like you're doing improv comedy St moment totally improv comedy stuff and like you know I'd I'd throw lines out and S like oh that's funny and he'd use it and then make the movie you're like holy [ __ ] that's kind of crazy one of you guys yeah well that and that's what I thought I thought I thought I was one of them okay and samler would say no no no no no we're a bunch of [ __ ] you're a real actor I'm like wow no I'm I'm I'm one of you guys like no no no we're a bunch of [ __ ] you're a real actor wow and I was like all right I'll take the compliment but also like no man I'm one of you guys did it make you think about that like maybe there's another chapter of your life beyond the acting you've done before um no because for for for me you know acting is acting it doesn't matter if you're on something that cost 77 bucks and you're doing with your friends or you're on a big Adam Sandler comedy or you're on a show is serious and heartfelt is uh This Is Us it's all the same you know you embody the character you're playing you put your full heart into it you make them real you make them believable and beyond that have a good time you know it's it's the same it's all the same after Heroes they kind of looked at you like Hollywood execs were looking at you as the younger guy but you were transitioning to an older man yeah yeah and I I guess at some point they realize holy [ __ ] this guy's getting better looking thanks and that's uh or what happened there was an executive um guy named Greg Silverman he was running Warner Brothers Studio films uh his younger brother had been my agent's assistant when I was in my early 20s so I just kind of knew Greg when I was working on Gilmore Girls I'd see him around the Warner Brothers lot and he was around hey Greg how's it going hey Milo how you doing always like really really nice guy you know in the back of my mind I'm like acting is acting T TV filming doesn't matter so I would I would always feel like because I knew the higher ups at Warner Brothers film maybe I'd have a moment to uh to get an opportunity on a movie with Warners wasn't the case we bumped into each other I think somewhere around my early 30s I think I'd gotten home from the Sandler film and I packed on a lot of weight like a lot a lot of muscle just eating just eating everything eating a lot working out a lot yeah yeah eating a lot working out a lot but I just had physically transformed and and he had reached out to me randomly he just reached out to me to talk about art or something that he'd seen on my Instagram and I went to his office at Warners and we sat down and we were talking about some art stuff and he was kind of pushing me in the direction of of meeting some other fine artists and he wanted to kind of Shepherd that career as a photographer um and then we started talking about just film working the business he and he said to me he goes you know it's it's great that we're sitting and talking now you know you're 33 years old 34 years old he goes we couldn't do anything with you when you were in your 20s he goes men get much more interesting in their 30s more complex there are roles that are better suited for guys like you now so he goes it's great that we're getting reacquainted um did I get a Warner brother's feature after that no I didn't did I have a a burgeoning art career no I haven't right um but it was also a good reminder that there are stages with regards to being an actor where you are you know constantly growing constantly evolving and you're never really going to find an End you just have to find that Evolution what do you mean an end like there is no end game in terms of I was going to quit the business I was going to [ __ ] off and live in Italy okay end right like saying that's kind of like I'm not doing this anymore I'm not doing this anymore but I think what I learned was to embrace the change of myself okay and the roles that I could be playing it's like I'll say it I'll mentioned from time to time like I look forward to playing a grandfather hopefully I'm still acting when I'm in my 70s or my 80s you know I'll probably be getting like Grandpa type roles and that'll be great like this is us you know I was finally playing you know a husband a father of three um stuff like that you know like did I kind of look at myself and think to myself oh man I'm American his dad no well well you became that but I became that but really all I was doing is playing a version of my own dad and playing a version of like other great dads that I knew I got a ton of guys my age that you know had young kids and and I see the way that they were with their or are with their kids and I remember the way my dad was with me and I'm like well let me just embody that let me like drop that deep down into my core into my soul into my heart into my balls and just become that and and thank God we had wonderful writers that could reflect that right because that helps um but then you know performance-wise it's like just make the words sing make them real make them believable This Is Us how long was that show running I mean a long time and that was like a really huge show yeah we did successful we did uh six seasons on that um did your Fame change from your perspective before and after that show yeah like give me an example of that or how how you realize that the first time you know know every let's say large job that I've had know and I'll say the the kind of touchstones Gilmore Girls Heroes and this is us and there's you know of course other jobs in between some Sandler films Rocky B booa stuff like that but when you start getting different people walking up to you on the street you know with Gilmore Girls there's a lot of like you know college age 20-some year old women and their boyfriends and their boyfriend like yeah I like that show too he's like you know not bad yeah yeah yeah but like yo man like team Jeff it's cool bro yeah totally totally um Heroes was definitely an international crowd like I'd be in Japan and people are like Peter patrelli and I'm like yeah is that wild yeah or oh no wait wait actually even crazier I was in Turkey I was on my way to an Air Force Base in uh in in or in air Air Force Base in Turkey um on a USO tour and I was at Ataturk airport and and I saw some guy from like way across the the airport terminal and I was standing in line to go through security the dude runs up to me just looks at me like stops right with this you know partition I'm like what's going on are you good yeah and then the guy's like I don't believe you I don't believe you you're like that's all he can say is I don't believe you and he's like trying to like get the point across you know what to say you I don't believe you and I was like what you say I was like hey man either no I was like hey man how are you Milo nice to meet you and like he was a real real sweet guy and like shook his hand but then security Lines Moving so I got to keep going but like International and then this is us was everyone yeah every age every race every religion every everything everybody would say something to me positive in lightning and also reflective of their own life which was the wonderful thing about that show was it hit everybody in the heart you didn't have to be you know in your 20s you have to be in your 60s you didn't have to you know live on an island in the mountains in the ocean on land wherever it's like you just you could be anyone in connect to nearly every character on that show and if you didn't connect to all of them you could definitely connect to one or two of them stick around was that fulfilling as an actor to have that positive impact very much so that's what you're always that's that's the real goal is when you will understand that your hours on set your time learning lines your care of the other actor across from you your support of the crew that's there longer than the actors are means it because it's touching somebody in their real life and when they're able to vocalize that and tell you you about it and even get emotional with it you're like holy [ __ ] art has just crossed over to something entirely different entirely different and it's a wonderful wonderful thing did you take that and and build your character even more from it I mean did you I don't know like did it Propel you in some way or or did it just affirm that this was correct I think it I think it affirmed the project you know like how good this project was and it was good from the inside which was the special part for us making it the crew the cast The Writers the studio the network everybody was very positive with the whole experience we had hard days you know you buttthe heads with a few people in moments but everybody was there grateful of the work grateful of the job grateful of the opportunity because it was just so rewarding and and you knew it was giving back in a way that nothing else could match it so it I I didn't discover anything new because of it I was just reaffirmed that oh we're on the right path yeah we're we're we're doing really good work so six years of this show yeah you've entered a new level of notoriety just among viewers globally what's the best and worst thing about being famous uh the the the best I mean listen give me a perk I mean obviously the the positivity great I was just about to give you the [ __ ] one actually not the [ __ ] cuz it's actually it's really sincere and it's positive is is is people uh smiling at you yeah you know like you never really think about it like when you're when you're just kind of out walking in the streets and you pass by somebody and I'm just I'm a friendly person I I smile at people a lot of people smile a little bit more not everyone does that not everyone does that but you know you walking into a restaurant maybe someone's going to take notice maybe maybe if you're trying to get a building permit in Los Angeles maybe they try and they notice who you are and they don't give a [ __ ] right um you know the the downside of that it it comes with many interruptions in a day and I they are at times interruptions but it's also as part of what the job is what kind of interruptions oh just somebody stopping you somebody want to take a photo somebody okay just a casual day out is not necessar not a casual day out no no no you know and and you know as as nice as it is an experience maybe for that person when you stack up going out in one given day and you kind of can't get to the front of the line for your coffee without talking to 20 people you have those days where you just kind of want to like just be quiet you want to be quiet you want to just like sit in your own head you know you could give somebody a a coffee order or order a meal or go to a movie and just kind of like sit quiet that's just gone gone it's just gone so what do you do in instead smile smile smile be grateful you know you ever plan your day differently based on I don't want someone to take a picture of me over here and these joggers or whatever I guess also like always be prepared like I I was walking my dog in the neighborhood like rolled out of bed tossed on some shorts and a t-shirt and a cap I don't know if that [ __ ] matched but it's like who gives a [ __ ] I'm walking I'm walking my dog swag now yeah dude I'm walking my dog or you know walking out of a gym uhhuh you know super pumped up and like have my shorts pulled up and get snapped and all of a sudden it bust the internet like Kim Kardashians you know back in but you know it's like those things happen it's it's it's part of the job is it is what it is and and I think it also means that people are paying attention and if people are paying attention what is your intention out in the world what are you going to do are you going to be a dick are you going to be positive yeah you know I I think I always try to be positive 99% of the time I can be positive you know but it's also there's those human moments like this morning I'm waiting in line to grab a bagel and uh I've got my dog and uh the gal behind me just reaches down and starts petting him I go excuse me you may want to ask before you do that and she goes can I pet your dog I go yeah go ahead you can say hi but like right I realized in that moment I'm like [ __ ] was that sharp like I think I might have been a little Shar say again yeah yeah exactly yeah say it again yeah hey here it is oh the world here he is you know yeah it is what it is it is what it is you know I think you've played and this is us especially this very powerful positive character that had a great impact on people's lives and you know the way that they're dealing with their own stuff which is awesome and is there any sort of negativity that you see from like haters on the Internet or I don't know people writing [ __ ] about you and how do you deal with that um have a good relationship with the LA Police Department and La sheriff department or what you got friends um stalkers are real things like that it happens oh yeah oh yeah I've had people knock on my front doors before great just see you talk talk for the most part what do they think is going to happen I have no idea pro pro probably like you know invite them in and be their best friend for for however long the rest of their lives I don't I don't know you know I mean it's it's interesting being let's say on the other side of it m if there's uh a musician or an artist or um an actor writer director anybody in the Arts whatever athlete that I admire I see that I'm always just like hey man I I appreciate your work hey hey I love your work hey I I appreciate you and what you stand up for you know know like anything like that like I just keep it really simple I've been on the other side of it but when it becomes this like fervent desire to know and almost intrude in somebody's lives like I never want to do that but I can't understand why anybody else want to do that but it's just it's the cult of celebrity too you know I I think people escape their own lives and they create a life and here's an interesting thing I'm primarily a television actor which means I'm in people's homes I'm in their bedrooms with them is that a factor you think oh 100% you know and especially now like the theater the big screen especially now in your room I think now it's changed up a little bit you know everybody can be in their in their bedroom with Brad Pit right not everybody well not everybody but like you you'd have to you'd have to you know buy a movie ticket you'd have to go go to a theater leave your house spend money to go be with Brad Pit yeah whereas a guy like me who's on your tele teleion every Tuesday or Sunday or Friday or whatever show I'm on you can be laying in bed you don't have to change I love you just the way you are you know so I think it's it's a strange thing where there's a familiarity to primarily television actors although now it's like everything's on streaming and online and on your TVs at home so like nobody even goes to the theater which is sad but I feel like that creates a bit more familiar and a bit more fantasy fulfillment so when so people truly think that I a part of their world not that they know me but I am a part of their world you know like it would almost be a I mean that'd be a funny movie if you had somebody that was like you know a fan of some actor and then all of a sudden you know they have these fantasies that this per that this actor is like really in the room with them and like living their lives like I'll bet people I bet that [ __ ] is real I bet people totally experience that oh for sure yeah if you're if you're knocking on your door randomly thinking that we're going to have a combo today and it's all good you're thinking something else that's not true right yeah totally but then like when you know you're actually confronted with that and like you know knock on the door and you open the door and you know there's there's a a mom with her I'd say early adult son okay and she just goes oh my God it's you so what do you do have a conversation with them and then what do you do um let them know it wasn't right to knock on someone's door ask if they're going to be visiting anybody else while they're in the city of Los Angeles okay and encourage them to just go to Disneyland go see some sites have some good meals did they drive to you from some far away I have no idea but could have yeah maybe I have no idea I've I've had people with Foreign Accents knock on my door I've had all kinds of things yeah yeah like I said you become friends with law enforcement it's not a bad thing is there any other celebrity artist or musician that you're just such a fan of that you would be Star truck Star Struck by I don't really get Star Struck really no I mean I think cu no matter what you end of the day it's like we're all people every single one of us we're all the same 100% the same there are people I admire uh can't even call one out by name but I don't think I'd be Star Struck I think I recognize the human being first and artist athlete whatever any anything beyond musician second you know so I don't feel I wouldn't feel struck to walk up and talk to somebody have a conversation with someone you know and even like to like not even because I am who I am in the business that I'm in but just like human to human it's like oh wow there's someone someone that I know cool like I went I went uh surf down at Huntington Beach like a while back with a bu buddy and um there was a the US Open I think the first week or there's some Tournament down there and uh saw just like a bunch of surfers and like I was like oh there's so so oh there so so so so cool food's here you you know it's like yeah but like am I going to run up and you know talk to people no do I need to make friends with them no I can still admire them you know what's the biggest misconception about Milo is there one I don't know I don't know what what conceptions are out there you don't I mean I'm not saying that there is any but like have no idea I mean people I've never SE say anything anything bad about you but they but they talk about your life a little bit oh sure I mean it's they understand the real you or I think there's a version that I give to to life uh it's a very deep reflection of who I amh you know my mom and my dad they raised my sisters and I I very with a lot of kindness and care I feel a lot of strength um and a lot of heart and when I'm out in the world you know it's it's I kind of lead with all of that but I also in moments have to remember that in my job there are a lot of people looking yeah but not looking because like oh hey the smile of intim milia but like just wanting to like dig and Claw and like really kind of see behind you know the door a little bit deeper something like that I don't know I think because of that it causes me to yes still be kind but I'm also pretty reserved okay you know consciously or yeah consciously like I have I have to understand that you know what however I I interact with somebody that person may remember it they may remember details they remember things and therefore they have information and you know it's kind of like how do you keep private life private or personal life personal but yet be a figure at the same time you know it's like it's it's a dance but fundamentally it's like no it's like just just just be a Comm person be like a decent person you know just there's a version of of who I am fundamentally that's always represented out in the world you know do you remember how we met like a few years ago I mean it was Russ Russ Russ co co called yep why did he call us what was the plan cuz you guys are talented no I mean cuz you guys had you guys had a story to tell that we thought was [ __ ] fascinating did you feel like you knew me from from listening to the podcast no were you going to stalk me no wasn't going to stalk you no yeah I have my big friend call you that's the first thing yeah yeah because it'd be a little weird if Milo V milia picked up a phone call um I think you had a lot of personality in it I think you presented again a version of who you are and then over time getting to know you it's like oh yeah no I I see I see what you had to do within you know the I say within the walls of up and vanished yeah but also it's like that's that's only this much of who you are that's only a small portion of who you are as like and then as time get to know each other it's like oh [ __ ] no there's a such you know a lot a lot more than just that little bit that you get it's the same thing with like me you know people get a small taste on you know an hour of TV once a week you know but it's like there's a whole other human being inside there it was cool to me when we first met you and Russ you guys mentioned the correlation between Donald and I my business partner and your relationship with him yeah tell me about Russ and your relationship and how important that is in your oh man uh we're pretty much married three times over in business we've been friends [ __ ] 20 God I don't think I can count 25 plus years something like that 20 24 plus years 24 plus years yeah but we we share the same goals but we have different ways to get there we have how so um like he doesn't want to be an actor kind of thing he doesn't want he doesn't want to be an actor but like he also wants he wants to tell stories he wants of course but you guys can like have your roles or something we there you go we have we have our roles you know it's like he he knows that I'm I'm the I'm the artist on set right he's the guy in the office getting me on set you know we have our Dynamics but then fundamentally like how we get there and when we're let's say you know on a set or in battle or whatever like that like we're there looking out for one another you know nobody's closer I mean I I could I could be on a set with my actors Russ and I are still closer because there's a bigger thing going on that we've been doing for years and we've been kind of working on and you know his growth is my growth and my growth is his growth yeah which ultimately kind of like carries into our company like Deanna who works with us for now almost eight years she great she's amazing yeah it's like any relationship though it's like you know you've got to evolve you've got to grow and moments you know things are going to be trying but you also have to understand why this person means so much to you you know like why is that because I care about Russ yeah I care about him as a person like he's he's my best friend like I care about him as a human being I want to see him succeed and because of that I will break my ass to make that happen for my friend not even for me you know I and I believe that he feels the same you know so it's just it's just one of those Partnerships that works and you know is it cool to share that with your best friend just because not everyone has that really right that that best friend person that you trusted kind of before all this yeah that can be along this ride with you and share it with you yeah it's it's interesting it's fascinating cuz you know you're what I see is a lot of actors getting producing Partners like they just pick one up yeah all a sudden you get some success you get a deal somewhere and they just pick up a partner I'm like hm I've got one I've been kind of doing life with yeah yeah old dog been like doing it for a long time yeah for a long long time um So within that you know it's comforting but it's also like you still got to get out there and hustle you got to like work you know and Russ works pretty [ __ ] hard ter stti case mhm uh you listened to up in Venice season one mhm what did you think about that towards the end they what happened to her like oh as it was like evolving real real life like yeah like Theos was on the [ __ ] run and yeah I mean it was one of those things where you kind of like this is all I just I just listened to story that I did not know about M and wait it's still still happening yeah I don't know just it's kind of unbelievable like the circumstances of everything and like how it all kind of went down but then you know where you were able to pick up on something talk to your grandmother and then figure out like oh I'm going to go to this town like that's just that's bananas yeah and then you and Donald like really getting into the [ __ ] yeah and talking to everybody piecing things together and then you guys pretty much like reopening this case and then it has you know a Roundup it's like that's that's that's crazy again art impacting life the business stuff we were talking about when we first met was this idea of making a scripted version of up and vanish and you were like I'm going to play I want to play you pay yeah and I was like holy I don't look anything like that guy it's okay man I could bleach my hair blonde you could right but then you you kind of changed later on and said I want to play the bad guy yeah what was that thought line there the challenge of it or I think everybody expects you know you're an actor who also produces I think everybody expects you to jump into what that Lee role is you know you and Donald investigating like there was there were many versions that we had talked about you know Finding other great actors like I don't know a guy like Mo MC Ray BL Donald um who's a good friend uh you know me playing you but it also I started to really kind of look at myself like [ __ ] I'm getting a little older right and there was something about you at the time when you were recording that M you were younger and I felt like there were ideas you had about the world but then this experience of investigating that changed all that yeah and I felt like where I was already in my maturity I couldn't go back to to play somebody that was saying not grow up no no no not grow up but it's like you know like I can't play I can't it's not believable to me playing someone that's having that that self-discovery who whose life is completely [ __ ] shifted who pretty much grew up in the course of were there five of them right oh [ __ ] there was 10 19 [ __ ] I can't remember how long it is listen to the whole thing all in one season one yeah was like a million episodes it was a million it was a lot but like you know what there was a lot that I think you had experienced in your in your journey you know and I think where I was I'm like I don't know if I can play that character anymore it's not believable I don't believe myself that I can play the guy who's discovering something like you were discovering of yourself of the world of the surroundings of everything so then I kind of pivoted and when when Russ and I were talking he like dude you got to just put on some weight grow a beard and play Josh and I was like that'd be [ __ ] sick you just [ __ ] with you he was fing me but it was also like kind of a challenge you know it's one of those things like so do you like that sort of I mean I feel like it's be the coolest should ever to become this character right just full commit sure I mean I've done it before in a lot of different roles a lot of different ways you know it's like it's what's interesting to me you know where am I going to like actually where am I going to serve the project best and then that lead role was like you know playing Lindsay I'm like I think we could probably get a better actor to play you you know I think better looking or 1,00% get a better looking actor than me to play you yes um I don't know I mean I still I still think it's a fascinating story that that needs to be told I mean yeah I was like talking to Donald last night and this came I was like I'm seeing Milo tomorrow yeah like whatever happened to that we're all busy we're doing stuff and you know we kicked it around a little bit but didn't sell it or anything but you know it's also too it's like like finding the right Partners yeah for sure you know and and right Partners In terms in this case writer yes finding the right writer yep you know cuz I know we'd had a few different guys that were interested in it and whatnot but the story that they were telling just it wasn't selling the good news is it's an evergreen idea that's a that's a great story to tell maybe it's better 10 years later or something right exactly development is long really really really long I mean somebody was saying to me there was some movie that went into production or was going into production soon that was in a development list of of somebody like 15 years ago what yeah some feature film I think my man my manager was talking about it yeah I'll come up with what it is but um development's long you know it takes time and also too where it's like you know there we couldn't do the traditional television scri the television thing with it it's like okay cool we got to feature film it all right let's let's find a way to do that let's architect that see if we can't do that with it so you do a lot of press junkets and stuff you know interviews for new shows movies what's the question that you get asked the most that you're just like oh God and you answer it nicely but you're like probably the first question you asked about Fresh Prince of Bel Air is it I think everybody goes back to it yeah this is so crazy no no but what was great about it was literally last night I'm in my garage Ripp [ __ ] car and I find the script I'm like this is new this is something new and this never gets old it's just it's one of those things you know anybody does some research online they do some deep dive in like that pops up and I get it and I [ __ ] th% understand it right you know so it doesn't get old but it's also like huh huh like good one yeah no not all find that yeah no it's okay it's probably like the very first thing on Wikipedia actually it is yeah I think I think I bet it is I bet it is they made sure to add that didn't they they have to starts there first paid gig work with Will Smith obviously that's in there yeah yeah um Gilmore Girls is a a big thing may they have like a cult like following right they do do you get tired of being asked those questions and or you just afraid to to answer that because you don't want them to come after you uh no not at all it's not quite like a you know T Taylor Swift posy right right um but they are Die Hard fans like last uh a couple nights ago I was out uh getting some food um I was at this restaurant uh bu spot in Santa Monica good noodles um called Blossom it's a f restaurant sitting outside and uh walking past was a director that I'd worked with on this is us he do he had done a ton of episodes really sweet guy named Chris M I saw his wife and oldest daughter walk first but they didn't recognize me and then I see Chris and his younger daughter walk past him like Chris like hey we stop we talking meet his younger daughter you know give hugs hello see in the neighborhood and he walks off so then when he and then like you know get back to my soup and then like he walks back and goes hey so my older daughter wanted to meet you and like his older daughter's like not breathing she's just not breathing at all check on your daughter D no pretty much and she's just like more girls is my favorite show and I'm like cool how many times have you seen the entire season all the way through seven SE or the entire show Seven Seasons all the way through she's like four yeah and I was like wow numbers are low comparatively no like I've I've heard some people been seven eight nine nine times through all seven seasons which is bananas I don't have some like they must not work no J yeah don't work their TV is broken you about to say no judgment not judgment man like judgment yeah know that that one it's like that's too much there's something wrong we we should talk about this either that or it's pure comfort food and that you can't you can't probably that I I'll bet it's that you're looking at one over there who's it's com from up your name years ago she was like oh my god the guy from Gilmore Girls I was like I don't know and I was like oh it looks like him yeah I love I don't know yeah then she showed me and proceeded to show me a lot of episodes oh yeah dude I even last night last night I found the Jess's leather jacket really like his Le see yeah you know exactly what we're talking about I was like okay like what's that one again yeah no it wasn't an episode it's just there was like this leather jacket that Jess war that became like Jess's leather jacket super iconic I have it I found it last night it was like in a bin at my house in the garage yeah I found like all these random costume [ __ ] I was like oh interesting it's like that that role was one of those things where people might know you from that or started there yeah my personal favorite of yours um which I want to know how you were able to get into this character can't wait man because it's just the level of I mean I I'll find it hold on oh you going to give me a photo uh I'm going Play a clip from it oh oh this is Fergie Big Girls Don't Cry right oh yeah the best part is when um oh wow that was me oh crazy um he looks like it I look more like you man I was covered in tattoos this a this a badass dude right here yeah Dr he a drug dealer [ __ ] he was dealing drugs he was doing some like bad stuff he too nice to Stacy no no he was not um she's lovely though I bet she is she's super super kind I don't even know how they came up I just got a phone call I think from my manager like hey uh Fergie wants to put you in a music video and I was like all right you say yes to that of course I think I but I was a little more like all right like how why I don't I don't get it why me why you know I know I know who Fergie is um I knew were boyfriend at the time or maybe was were they married Josh dumal cuz he we were both doing shows on NBC see um but then yeah I just showed up and like you know one day got all these tattoos put on me and you know deing drugs and and and hanging out with with Fergie and just you know she'd never really done anything performative like that okay like an acting part in video sort of thing yeah and like she was great you know she was great but also like had to sing and do all that stuff too she's wonderful yeah tell me about your getting into the role that one yeah hard to believe it I was dealing drugs earlier in the day I mean you're a method actor for that one yeah you got to go sling some dough for a little bit yeah totally sitting in the chair few hours at some tto piece of [ __ ] to everyone around you totally yeah just I'm preparing my role yeah pretty much is there um I want like your relationship to Veterans military yeah tell me about that um my dad's a Vietnam vet uh like I said I wanted to go into the Navy to fly Jets um I feel like I'd always had this calling to serve that I never went in the direction of wearing the uniform um and because of it I was like well how do I serve that Community how do I actually take what I've done as as an actor with the platform that I have and give back to that community so it started uh one of my agents um that works on the foundation side of an old agency I was with she pulled me into uh a USO tour and so went to Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008 what's that like [ __ ] War right yeah I mean listen scary there were I think there were moments that were real MH very real you know um we almost fell out of a Blackhawk the doors were open um and I was just taking photographs of all kinds of stuff we were in Afghanistan and I remember we had just gotten back from aor out to fob Tilman forward operating base Tillman named after pat Tilman and right when our helicopters landed on base uh they were loading up caskets uh two caskets onto a c17 to send them back to Delaware you know uh do pass through where where uh all all of our Kia that feel like seeing that real real cuz like you know you're you're in a desert that kind of looks like Arizona you know Iraq looks like AR Arizona uh Afghanistan kind of looks like Palm Springs um but you know you're in a war zone and and you're you're watching a lot of Americans and other forces that are partnering with America you know fight some injustices and stuff over there and you're seeing civilians that live over there and it's just it's just a very real experience and and I was a a spectator to a degree you know if you're not wearing the uniform like you're spectating the ones that are wearing the uniform are like they're really doing the work over there they're in battle right they're in battle or they're in support roles or they're just they're they're in theater like they're they're they are there in the capacity of representing uh the US um anyhow uh I went to Africa Iraq Afghanistan and after that I uh met some other veterans kind of that had had done uh done their Duty um guy named Paul reof who uh ran started and ran the uh Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and Todd Bowers who was in between deployments Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps and I just got to be friends with them and then I was like well how can I how can I be involved you know and and when I I hesitate using the word spectator I feel like there are real spectators from my side of things that want that experience of War without actually having that experience of War what you mean Oh you mean like they want to they talk the talk but don't walk the walk or something they want to go and they want to see what it's all like and they want to be protected and when they get home they don't do anything with that information okay they want to just vois or something right kinda kind of and I've seen that a lot you know it's like it's a very rare thing to be invited into the military space in whatever capacity you are going to a war zone or going to Walter Reed hospital or spending time with gold star families like it's a commitment that you don't ever walk away from yeah so when I say spectator I would see like my early entrance into that world of working with veterans groups or active duty or whatnot a lot of actors musicians athletes that were there yeah but when that experience was done that tour was done that uh you know meet at the hospital was done they kind of like [ __ ] off back into their lives so what did you do differently stayed involved I still do what I can for Gold Star Family so anybody that doesn't know what a gold star family is it's um a family member uh mother daughter husband wife um child um of someone who's killed in combat you get that designation of being a gold star family member that community you know is experiencing the worst of what war is their lost their loved ones are lost um and because of that you know the nation owes them a great deal of gratitude and support um Financial or other and I think there are some systems in place that fail those families in times so I do some work with some groups that and some in more individuals that have a high impact on those families um staying involved with that um also trying to get a War Memorial built a Vietnam War Memorial there's Korean War memorials World War II World War I the global war on terrorism there's finally going to be a memorial but that was an uphill battle to get like there were senators in the Senate that were going against bills that would give a proper placement um I won't name any names but you know talking to Senator mansion and having him block something it's like well all right dude that's not right I'm gonna go to Twitter and I'm gonna go on the news I'm gonna go do some stuff and you know not to be antagonistic but to let people in my sphere know that you're blocking this and of course he relents and of course placement happens at the on the National Mall where it should be you know so it's like just for me it's staying active and and the job the task the mission is always going to change but for me giving support to the military who which is apolitical which is for the people for the nation supports the Constitution like I was just want to do what I can to serve that group I want to say congratulations you got married I did how did you know you found the one um you know it's like when when you're in greatness you just you know around somebody great you just you get completely enraptured in it so that's all I'll say about that yeah well that okay true fair um but you did go on a secret wedding which is cool yeah and like that's exactly what I would do I'm not going to you know hit TMZ up about it that's kind of badass that you were just cool we're going to go do this and I'm not going to like let you guys in right I mean listen you this kind of goes back to the conversation we had earlier you know like what's the downside everybody wants to know your business so our private moments really that private or personal moments really that personal yeah and you know I feel that even someone in my position who's in the public eye a public figure when we say celebrity a public figure sure we have a right to privacy as well we have a right to have moments be sacred to be private to be only exclusively for the people that need to be there family you know so I'm grateful that we were able to do that for ourselves to enjoy our day and of course you know being out with my wife it's like people are going to see us and people are going to dig for information especially the first time and that's what it is you know and so to put out one or two wedding photos to just be like hey here's me and my my beautiful wife who I love very much who I'm very excited about um hopefully that satisfies people well I'm happy for you man awesome I appreciate that yeah I'm I'm a very lucky man that's awesome do do you feel like sometimes people like some people in society sort of get confused about this celebrity or Person of Interest or or I mean public figure and they kind of don't respect the Privacy thing absolutely whether it gives them permission somehow absolutely to just omit it well it's also too you know we in the public we become we have massive Targets on our back you know people just are constantly taking shots at us you know people can have a comment about me being married or me being single or me hanging out with my buddies or whatever walking my dog everyone can have a comment but also like I can't have a comment about anything you know so it's it's interesting when people think that a privacy the privacy of someone in the public is kind of like out the window but yeah like like like you threw it away or something or you owe it to someone to or you owe it to somebody yeah yeah or you know people will deny you know that I'm even married it's like no I'm pretty [ __ ] married it's like I promise yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you feel the need to protect relationships like that from absolutely like a duty that hey I'm not going to have this tainted by any of this I I've had moments in my career where let's just say someone who was a fan of my work crossed the line and try and engage my parents really and my parents having to or not quite understanding someone's intentions or I'd have to kind of pull them inside a sphere of protection you know so you just you do the best you can uh you give very little information you still try and be charming and fun and and you know have a good conversation with people but at the end of the day it's like you know there's a public Persona and there's a private Persona and I often think that the public Persona when was the last time you went to Disneyland it's been a couple years but when you were there you probably went on the haunted haunted Mansion ride right of course okay you know at the very end of the ride when you're sitting in your doom buggy mhm and there's a green ghost that sits next to you yeah that's what celebrities like imagine a green ghost follows you everywhere you go everywhere you go looks like you talks like you sounds like you but it's not you that's the public face and Persona yeah and then there's who you are as a person fundamentally human being that's who you get to be when the cameras don't roll when the audio isn't recording and you just like hang out across the table from your buddy from a long time you know yeah yeah so it's like there's something you always give to the public but then there's got to be something you hang on to for yourself entirely entirely so I think a lot of that I've really tried to maintain is my relationships my family cuz they're for me well I mean I think you do an amazing bouncing job man I look up to you apprciate you know you doing it the best out here I was to say one one other thing actually to that though I think it's important for performers to in a way minimize who they are what do you mean live a smaller life in who they are because then when somebody's watching you and the role you're playing somebody's watching Jack on this is us they're watching Jack they're not watching Milo play Jack they're watching Jess on Gilmore Girls they're not watching Milo play Jess Peter Robert babo Jr Chad you know characters are more believable when people get a bit of a blank slate from you the Mystique or you can I guess you can call it a what is it for you uh for me like I just I just try not to give too much like I said there's a reflection of who I am fundamentally just being a decent person out in the world try and be kind try and be positive right but beyond that you know where my real positivity that I was raised with comes from nobody knows that where my real kindness that I was raised with nobody knows where that comes from I know where that comes from you know so or are you saying basically that it has its perks because you care about your acting right and you want to get better at that craft of course and you found that that's been able to help you yes uhuh it has um there are many perks very little downside honestly very little downside I mean listen it's like you know like I said imagine walking around in life and people want to be nice to you the downside is not everybody's telling you the truth yeah you know um because people don't want to disappoint you or be on your bad side no no tell me the truth just tell me the truth always so you're more on a swivel you're a little bit more yeah a little bit um but also you know you you understand or you can you get to a point or a place where you realize you can be incredibly impactful to an individual or a group and if you do your your best to leave a positive lasting impression on people that they will then put forward then you've been a good human being be a good human being first and then be a [ __ ] kickass artist second yeah last question for you okay what are you looking forward to the most in the rest of your life right now that's a hard question pay you have 10 seconds I've got 10 seconds or it doesn't come true oh man kidding dinner I'm going to go home one dinner I'm going to go home and have dinner for like I'm so hry starving right here yeah hey I'm T we should eat dinner too yeah I know right I think it's about that it's about that dinner time hey man this has been a blast thank you so much always good to see you man AB abolutely there was a lot of people out there that come for her West Beach all the way to the rivers and all the way up through that country they haven't found a body they haven't found anything they hav't is gone you sure about that what does that tell you she's not there I I don't know the parameters of who she was with or what you know but I do know that she was supposedly last seen with this guy they found her things in his tent did you ever come in contact with the person not that I recall I'm not saying I didn't see him or something you know I just heard she was with this guy I don't know that who the guy was on the beach or something I just heard do you know who that guy may have been no I don't know the guy's name I I don't even I'm just old man yeah and I and I think logically I'm a logical thinker she could have wanted into the wrong tent some people don't like that I mean you're not going to drive down the damn Beach and just see somebody walking along and jump out and kill them that don't make any sense either you must have had some interaction with her and the people on that beach is the ones that had interaction with her where the guy went I I don't know but he's not here no he's not know I don't know where he went but I do know that if I was an investigator being on his ass like stink on [ __ ] take a little just look inside talking to death is a production of Tenderfoot TV and iHeart podcast created and hosted by Payne Lindsay for Tenderfoot TV executive producers are Payne Lindsay and Donald Albright co-executive producer is Mike Rooney for iHeart podcast executive producers are Matt Frederick and Alex Williams with original music by makeup and vanity set additional production by Mike Rooney Dylan Harrington Shan Nery Dayton Cole and Gustav wild for coho production support by Tracy Kaplan Mara Davis and Trevor young mixing and mastering by Cooper Skinner and Dayton Cole our cover art was created by Rob Sheridan check out our website talking toath podcast.com [Music] thanks for listening to this episode of talking to death this series is released weekly absolutely free but if you want ad free listening and exclusive bonuses you can subscribe to Tinder foot plus on Apple podcasts or go to tindero foot [Music] plus.com

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