Martin Sheen, Drea de Matteo | Full Episode

Published: Jun 13, 2024 Duration: 00:37:49 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: martin sheen
thank you thank you very much I appreciate it thanks a lot put some of that in your pocket and hold on to it for a rainy day which is today a training have a seat thanks so much I told you yesterday if you're watching I said I'm going to I don't want to fall into a rut I don't want you to fall into a rut no routine here I want things to I want to keep you on your toes you think you know they'll in a generous show you don't know they'll in a generous show that's that's how I want to be I want to be like what's going on where'd she come from how come she didn't do that I don't understand I'm I'm swirling I'm so scared and um and that's what I did I I I if you didn't notice I just walked out here this none of that mishos anymore I just walk straight out from my dressing room I'll do it who knows tomorrow through the floorboards I I'll you don't know where maybe tomorrow from back there I don't know where I'm going to be I whatever I feel I'll just be hey you know what and there'll be what and I'll be yeah that's how I feel just got to keep it fresh stop before a rut sets in that's what I want to do oh I feel good I'm in really I'm in a really good mood and you seem like you're in a good mood and I'm happy to hear it so and the reason I'm happy to hear it is it's it's officially it's official now if you didn't know it's flu season officially it's a wo and uh someone's still delirious obviously not knowing that you don't clap for that it's uh it's not a good thing it's a bad thing actually uh it's and you can't tell look at you you're all Rosy cheek and and feisty and and uh so you don't have the flu but uh it's officially here don't let it fool you that you're healthy you'll you'll be sick soon I'm telling you um I don't want you to be I'm not wishing it upon you but uh Allison one of our writers Allison had to leave work early yesterday because she had uh the flu we didn't know what it was at first she thought it was food poisoning that's how they get you you think it's food poisoning you start blame a restaurant and then it's not the restaurant at all it's uh it was our first case and so uh I've qu the building and uh she's not able to come within 200 ft of of the building or else she'll be apprehended I pull the guards keep her away and uh feel better soon sweetheart and uh but um everybody now that's the scary thing everybody's worried about the flu season and and there's no flu shots the vaccine it's hard to get uh a hold of you know the supply and demand that's how it goes but we'll get through the shortage we got through the Cabbage Patch uh dolls and we got through the pet rock I'm sure we'll we get through this um but this is how dangerous it is they someone stole did you know this they stole the flu vaccine somewhere from wherever they keep the flu um it's a I don't know they keep it in a vault or something like that the government and it's it's uh it's it's it's all in a in a safe place the flu is and someone stole it and uh it's on the black market now I'm not kidding around you think I am I'm not I'm serious there's a guy on a corner selling watches and then he's got flu shots cuz we're desperate for it and now somebody I mean you know how you not going to get caught with that somebody got flu stuff in there and it's bad though because I was driving in today and uh there was a guy on the corner with a A Sign we'll work for a flu shot and um we're desperate this is I I I learned something and I and maybe you know this already but I just learned it so I'm trying to to share for other people who didn't know this this is how they came up with a flu shot um every year the Center for Disease Control the CDC that gets all the different strains of the flu which I didn't realize there's a lot of different strains of the flu and then some guy it's his job to guess which flu is going to come to the United States and that's what they make the vaccine out of is that he's like e eeny meeny miny mo you know and just trying to figure it out and they pick uh that's his he he guesses that's he's got a degree in guessing I'm guessing and and he uh that's his job and and and then the shot is what it is and sometimes they're wrong by the way last year I think they were wrong they got the wrong strain but sometimes what they do not sometimes all the time what they do is they give you a I realize I use this hand a lot for anything and that and I don't know why but um I'm going to switch it up um there's a I'm using this hand and I'm not good at it watch they take the uh the vaccine and they give you a little bit of flu that's what the vaccine is they give you a tiny bit of the flu to keep the flu away it's a bunch of different strains oh I'm using both now um it's a bunch of different strains it's like a cocktail like a Long Island iced tea is what it is um and it's a miracle that it works not the shot the Long Island Iced Tea because you would think that many different Liquors wouldn't taste that good but it's delicious um but um the but anyway so the shot gives you a little bit of the flu so it builds up your your immune system and resistance because you've already got the flu so since there's no shot this is all what I'm getting to Big buildup um we should expose ourselves to the flu since we can't get the shot if if if you feel like protecting yourself volunteer at a daycare center and um just go for an hour hang out with some kids and uh stay long enough to get sick don't take care of them or anything just okay kids and then leave take a flight anywhere just breathe in that recycled air up there or if you're really desperate lick a doorknob and uh I'm just saying I'm trying to help but I plan I plan on staying healthy because I gotta I can't call in sick I got to be well so I'm washing my hands a hundred times a day I feel healthy except I have a tiny tiny bit of a fever right now a little tiny bit of Dance Fever Tony oh I was waiting to drop down and get the eagle on it but I I didn't think I could with these pants you have to have loose pants to drop down and get the eagle on you gave it a good shot you came close oh man I think it's is it star a cold and feed a fever or scar of a fever and feed a cold okay it's an American thing I don't know what it is I have I've never heard it before what's an American thing do you have the flu in England yeah we do what are you talking about it's an American thing no they're saying starbu cold and fever Fe fever yeah this thing it's an American thing I've never heard it oh it probably is yeah and I don't even know what it is either I know it's righty tidy Lefty locy that's all [Laughter] I I know that um last year I said it you I got to start taking care of myself prevention they say is the best medicine because last year Tom Hanks I'm serious is the one who got me sick uh came out with a little bit of a sniffle and shook my hand and then a little peck on the cheek and that's it's dangerous so this year uh I'm thinking about as it gets more and more into PL season yeah I got a pack of latex gloves and I'll change him for each each guest and then I'm going to put a sneeze guard like a salad bar right here and if they need anything I'll give them tongs and they can come if they want to I got to stay good I got to stay good and healthy for this show it's very important and I'm not going to let any of these uh celebrity guests get me um hey for those of you who are keeping count and I hope you are I hope there's someplace you're marking the side of your garage or a wall in the backyard it's our 200th show today that amazing it's amazing 200 yeah and I and I hope to and I hope to be sitting here saying it's our 200,000 thousands thousands 200 th thousand I'll stop at 199,000 cuz that's easier um and I believe for those of you who what do you get you know the 200 show it's I believe it's a jewel en crusted white gold watch and uh I don't know I'm thinking I don't know what's right for that occasion um hey on the show today I'm just excited in general but this is even better Martin Sheen is here Martin Sheen is on the show from the West Wing he's here he's here not right now but he'll be here also on the show Dre de Mato is on the show she's a she won an Emy on the soprano she's so great on The Sopranos just and and now she's on the new hit show Joey and so I'm looking forward to having he her here her here on the show and I have to thank everybody um my publisher called and you know my my last book the funny thing is is now paperback and it's doing really really well so everybody who's buying my paperback out there I appreciate it very much it's a it's a lot of people wait for you know they didn't buy the book they're like I'll just wait till it's paperback and if you're one of those people your long ordeal is over it's uh it's out in paperback and uh it's uh it's doing well and and holiday season is here so it's good for a stocking stuffer it's good for anything um killing spiders if you see something it's a perfect weight for SP if if you kill them I don't but if uh if you do um but Christmas comes early around here everybody in the audience is getting a copy of my book um you're welcome it's nothing it's nothing oh come on it's all right it's the least I could do and I didn't mean free did you think I meant free no it's free and also if you already have one uh and and probably a lot of you do give it to somebody with the flu because they're home and laughter is the best medicine and they read that and they laugh and they they're better um last week we had Ray Romano on the show and challenged him to a putting contest and uh little wagering involved just to make it more interesting and uh well anyway here's here's the here's what started we're going to putt at for a hole-in one and whoever gets the hole-in one that makes the other person the loser and if you get the hole in one and I lose on the show I have to wear um this t-shirt on on my show and if if uh if I win and you lose then you have to wear this t-shirt all right so he promised to wear it at the opening of his new movie eulogy and uh so we tied and uh I held up my end of the bet I I wore my there there I am on the show and shortly after that a large wind came along and I flew um excellent aerodynamics um and uh so then today I found out that Ray also held up his end of the bet uh take a look at this at the premiere I actually like it cuz I didn't have to worry I just my I didn't have to worry about my wife complaining about what I'm wearing good good move now you are a golfer you're quite a golfer this had to hurt it was a little bumpity bumpity bumpity green and it was her home course it was in her Studio yeah I haven't golf in a while cuz of Cu of cuz of that woman right there my wife I understand that believe me bumpy bumpy what kind of excuse is that it was probably a little windy in here too right Ray that was a not my course they brought it in for the thing I've never put it on that thing before in my life it's crazy and like they don't have bumps out in golf courses what's he talking about anyway I'm excited that he wore it because I started thinking how many fans I picked up on that deal because if Everybody Loves Raymond and they do and he wears a t-shirt that says he loves Ellen then those people now love me as well so thanks for wearing my t-shirt um all right so we have been getting an incredible response to RSVP Ellen and I I don't know the exact figure uh I've been told that we have upwards of oodles and oodles of requests uh for me to share people's uh special events I mean they want me to to come to all kinds of different things and and I I know a lot of folks think that I've already picked a winner that's the word on the street said I've already picked where I'm going it's not true don't believe the word on the street I'm uh I'm still reading all the letters I'm trying to decide where I'm going to go and uh here's a few more today I'm telling you it's it's just you should see we should take a picture of the stacks of of email that we've gotten but uh so this is um Lisa Luna from Newport Michigan Ellen my neighbor and I are starting our own cleaning business and need help passing out our flyers in the area it'll be fun Lisa that does sound like fun but I've also been invited to smash huge rocks in a quarry and uh snake out some drains on a hot day so they all sound so darn good I just can't decide right now but best of luck with your new business um and we have Ivy Baldwin uh hi Ellen this invitation is for dancing I know you love to dance and I have a modern dance company in New York City I'm having a big show in November and would love for you to offer you a guest spot in the show in modern dance lesson if you want one we can show you some new moves and you can put a modern dance concert on your resume help us expose the world to modern dance I have to warn you that you will be stuffing ducks and eating meatballs during the show love I Ivy Baldwin um by the way this is a New York and that just reminds me the first weekend of November I just found out I have to be in New York for something I'm doing for some other business if you live in New York and you have something going on the first weekend in New York I'm going to be in your neck of the woods so maybe uh you know but anyway this sounds good and I don't know what this means that you'd be stuffing ducks and eating meatballs with modern dance if it's like the Funky Chicken there's no problem because anybody who knows me you ask them they'll tell you I I can funky chicken like crazy and as a matter of fact Ivy I appreciate you saying that I can put it on my resume but I also do have some Modern Dance Experience uh take a look at my resume right here there it is so um I love this letter it intrigues me and uh I think I'm going to call her a little later in the show I don't have time right now but I'm going to call Ivy later on the show unless we have another letter that comes in between then I'm going to call somebody today I know that I love calling people I really just can't call people enough um so thanks for everybody who took the time to write into RSVP Ellen and once again uh we're trying to decide where I might go nobody's offered me cash or a new car or anything which could sway me just kidding all right when we come back Martin Sheen's going to sit right here we'll be right back please welcome Miami award wedding Martin Ste thank you so you don't have a cold either no I do not good but isn't that hard when you go to the set do you have is anybody on the set sick yet or no no but I'm sure there will be I know it's hard and thank you for your lovely card thank you for being here on my show if you ever have a talk show I'll be on yours your host Ellen thank you so much you're welcome that's a promise yeah okay I figure at this rate everybody's going to have one so I might as well just be safe to put myself out there you know can't wait now you know I just was talking the other day wait I'm going to ask you quck did you really go to Harvard no [Music] oh but I'm going to be going this summer are you really really can I talk about that yet we'll cut it out if I can they asked me to be the commencement speaker at Harvard bra bra I don't know if I can talk about it we may cut that out don't tell anyone are you getting a an honorary degree I hope so all right yeah no I don't have a I I I didn't uh finish college I tried to did you I went to college no I've been given a number of these honorary degrees and from now on when I get offered one I usually say I have enough degrees I need an education yeah so yeah but that can you use them for anything you can't like show up to a job and say I've got a degree I have two doctors so some people refer to me as doct doctor uhhuh but that's about it you know you have two doctors two doctorates one one in Humanities and one in Humanities W cuz I have I have a few doctors but I don't have you know just that I like a throat doctor and I have different now I was talking about this the other day and uh and I did not know this about you Martin Sheen is not your real name no it's not no what is your real name I don't know it's been so long since I did no no no as a matter of fact I'm going to show it to you because this is It's a real problem when I travel now because I have no identification as Martin Sheen so I have to use the only yes that's it and this is how I identify myself that's a good picture of you thank you can you read the name yeah Ramon Gerard Gerard Estes Estes that's who I am you look so much like Charlie right there it's amazing can I show it like I'll cover up stuff you don't want me to that's all right well we don't want your address all right look at that that's amazing that's a good picture is that your head shot no you just transferred it you should use it as your head shot if it's not but I I never I never changed my name officially and that's why I can't travel under Martin Sheen since 9911 you know you have to have a photo ID when you get on an airplane right and unless the ticket says Ramon G EST best I can't get on a plane why didn't you officially even though they say to me during the conversation I'm sorry Mr Sheen there's no way that we can allow you on this plane with I said but do you recognize me right well I do indeed what about this guy behind you he knows who I am too right yeah no no no it has to be on the document that has the photograph wow that's theend I guess that's good so but why didn't you change it officially then because I never wanted to I I love my name and I I wanted to keep it and I still do and it's on all official documents but why did you change it then I just just use an AKA Sheen I just never thought I'd become famous but so it's good even if you're not thinking about going into this business just have another name just in case it's good to you know that when I was a Youngster in New York I I went to New York when I was 18 I was working in the theater but and when I worked in the theater I worked under the name Sheen and when I worked as a soda jerk and elevator operator at delivery all those other car Wars for months and month I worked under EST us and I have two social security cards with a different name and the same number so that's the way the government looks at you you're a number not a name right but two different cards with the same number I didn't even know you could do that I didn't either I I sent in and said I've got this problem I've invented this person and uh I'm starting to make a few bucks and I think you people should know about it right and so but but we would it's so interesting because you know we would have gotten used to that name but now Martin Sheen is just you can't imagine you know calling you anything else but I'm going to call you Ramone for okay okay that's fine I'm does anyone call you that yes Rosco Lee Brown will not call me anything but Ramone okay Joe Pap called me Ramon and uh uh oh uh God resting my father called me Ramon all right well then I will call you Ramone today okay and uh and you will call what's your real name my my real name is Ellen but I tried to change it when I moved you know you have a chance to start over when you move sometimes and I moved to Texas when I was in high school and I didn't like my name and my middle name is Lee so I tried to get everyone to call me Lee so when I was introducing myself I would just automatically say my name is Ellen I mean Lee and then people would look at me like I'm crazy and so I couldn't start over because I kept calling you know it can get very I remember the first time I saw it on a marquee I was very disappointed and ashamed and I was so sorry that I had changed it and my father wouldn't speak to me really no but then he understood finally he understood finally yeah well but you know what then what I'll today I will be you you can call me Ramona and I will call you Roma Ron okay all right all right we have to take a break and then I want to um talk about your precious little granddaughter who is adorable in this P all right we'll be right back we have to take a commercial we're back with Martin Sheen and uh and I was showing you the the picture you hadn't even seen this of your granddaughter this is Sam Charlie Sheen and Denise Richard's new little baby how old is she now from from March 9th what she seven months now yeah I don't know Sam is her name but it's not Samantha you know it's Sam just plain Sam that's adorable well I said well the only thing I identify with is surface to a missile uhhuh but they want her to be independent and own her now I said fine I'm no one to talk yeah exactly she'll change it anyway what do you care um that's a cute name Sam all right well here's you saw earlier in the show I talked about Ray Romano being on and so what I decided I I heard that you uh love playing basketball well just by myself I'm not that good all right well this is sort of by yourself cuz I'm horrible so it you will be by yourself I'm but we what I thought we would do is we'll have three shots each okay and um if whoever gets in first I guess or whoever gets more balls in um you will have to wear my underwear um and not not just wear my underwear because they're very comfortable you'll want to wear them but in the Oval Office on the set and have a picture taken in the Oval Office wearing my underwear okay all right and if if you get more then um I'm going to wear your underwear um just all day long on on the show okay sweet all right how will I know uh I'll show you okay all right let's go shoot some um poops I should take my coat off huh you want to take off yeah all right here you go thanks so much hi I'm Martin That's Nate that's houseon over there here's your mark here's your mark right here right here yeah this is the foul line Mark and it's a long way and it's too high that's more than 10 ft I promise you it is wait what are you doing up there oh it's too high it's too high why is it so high everybody I don't know it could be let me just see what it does let me see it's regulation well yeah but it's too high that doesn't it's too high it's it's about 6 ft 10 in tall I'll bet you anything am I right or wrong they they say it's regulation we'll oh you and your excuses you and Ray bumpity bumpity all right all right let me see I think it's too high too but uh good almost no it's all that's right got it oh you ready this is a big one Ellen this is it yes you're right oh ah that was so wrong okay that's not fair because I I play I do have a thing in my backyard so I'll tell you how I play one day uh can I have the ball that I made the shot with I think it's this one isn't it this is that's not good one day uh Charlie and I were challenged by um Michael Jordan and so we played him in three different basketball games I'm playing you challenged by Michael Jordan yes yes yes and so he and I took on Michael Jordan and we played him with half court shooting and foul shooting and two on one uhuh I won't tell you who won but at any rate for he felt it was a disadvantage for him to shoot from the foul line because that's what he did for a living right so he said to make it even I'm going to close my eyes and shoot okay and so that's how we did so that's what I'm going to do close your eyes then everybody be careful counts you don't have to make if I miss I'll wear the I'll wear the thing you ready okay The West Wing airs on NBC Wednesday nights at at 9:00 and uh we're going to call a viewer for RSVP Ellen right after this thank you so much for being here earlier in the show I read a letter from Ivy Baldwin from Brooklyn New York she offered me a part in her modern dance show and I'm going to need a little more detail than that I don't know what that means so I'm going to see if she's home right now and uh I don't know why you'd have to stuff ducks or eat M meatballs or something like that so Ivy Baldwin from Brooklyn New York hi you've reached Ivy Baldwin please leave me a message and I'll call you back to page this person press five now I would I don't have my number hello did it beep hey iy bald one it's Ellen degenerous calling and um I was wondering uh I don't know exactly what modern dance is although I have some experience with it um is it do you do you spread your fingers is that sort of more of the modern dance a like that is there is there is there um and do I have to wear a leotard and uh couple questions for you how much rehearsal will I need I'm only in town for a day and can I just wing it can I get by with just winging it and um uh is there judging involved or is it more like an art opening with wine and cheese I want to know sort of and also you said stuffing ducks and eating meatballs and uh do you mean that in an Arty way or should I skip lunch I don't know if that's I don't know what you mean so uh and also I don't want any Ducks harmed in the in the show I I don't like animals to be hurt so if you're going to hurt Ducks while dancing if you're dancing on them I don't want to have any part of no part of it at all okay Ivy um thanks for the invitation I'm considering it and uh and also uh do you do it Barefoot I'm may maybe I'm thinking like a leotard beatnik kind of a bngo type thing am I maybe not all right um okay uh bye all right don't go away winning actress Bray D Tao joins us after this many people know our next guest from her Emy award-winning role on The Sopranos she's so great on that now she starring in this season's highest rated new sitcom Joey take a look please welcome Dre D Mato you have the donkey the smoking uh donkey I can't believe there's an elephant too yeah someone sent me I didn't know it either and and then uh someone sent me the elephant and that's all that I know of oh my God it's my favorite thing in the world isn't it great yeah yeah we sell them on the website they're they're big hot sellers you really sure yes do you need more yes on our website go on to our website and you can purchase the smoking donkey ass dispenser I don't know what it's called um so hi we really have not met although uh you you don't remember but uh after you won the Emmy uh for The Sopranos you were backstage and I was passing you and I stopped and said congratulations and you just looked like completely glazed over you I just wanted to go home yeah you were you were seemed extremely n first of all this was uh these are the great pictures that this is on the red carpet before you won very relaxed and with your boyfriend and and then this is a little more relaxed after you won very relaxed there had you not seen these yeah that my friend took that picture that's so funny well so I took it there in the car with you what I know yeah it was okay I anyway and and I was saying how how congratulations on winning the Emmy because you were and I'm sorry that your character was killed off because it's uh you were amazing amazing in that final what it's very disappointing to see that happen did you know that that was going to happen I knew you did know I knew after during season five really I mean um episode five I'm a nervous person nervous I don't be nervous no so so well anyway that's what a different show you're doing The Sopranos and then you you're doing Joe had you done a sitcom before had you no I I still don't know what I'm doing but I'm I'm trying it's I'm not used to seeing myself not getting strangled so yeah feel so naked yeah it's an easier show to do I would think or is it because that that's an hour and it's longer hours and you're outside and I think this is the hardest I've ever worked really yeah doing a sitcom it's so hard to make people laugh and the whole medium is so different and you know being on stage a lot of air conditioning and is the air conditioning bad yeah it's really uncomfortable being inside in a dressing room instead of a trailer yeah cuz that's where you are probably I like being in a trailer really that's what I that's one of the the my least favorite things about doing movies is that you're on location and you're sitting in a trailer waiting forever to for them to set up the shot rather than just working all the time oh I feel right at Home in a Trailer really yeah now too that's a good thing maybe if the show is successful they'll get you a trailer park it out in front you you write that into your contract I think the girls from friends I think they had a trailer out there did they I think they did well then you can you can ask for that but the show is very successful now and so you you you is it hard because you have to hold for laughs and stuff like that or yeah holding for Laughs um all the lingo that comes along with the sitcom thing the reversal and I mean just all these tricks and reversal I don't I don't even know what that means I don't either I mean you I don't know you're funny you know well but I don't know what reversal is maybe they're just throwing things to try to scare you I know freaking me out but I'm trying and I'm having fun good I love Matt so that's me all day great he's he's the sweetest guy now you so that means you moved here did you commit to moving here from New York to LA or I'm on location for eight months living in my trailer you have not you you know cuz the show is successful you're going to be here um yeah I got a I got a place here so mhm Oh I thought my shirt opened up that happens often sorry [Laughter] um oh hi shooter um yeah so I'm living here okay and so and you you traveled here with your animals on a in a trailer a trailer it's a theme because you didn't fly here no I wouldn't I have two two dogs and one of them is 10 he's a Great Dane and I wouldn't let him go on an airplan so me and my parents and my parents driver and my boyfriend drove us cross country in a in an RV in an RV yeah with with two dogs yeah and and one is is a Great Dane yeah great a big Great Dane a big 10-year-old danne he's nice I think that's great see I would I would actually I worry about that too when you fly and you put the dogs in the in the we have our own Airline called pet Jet and just I wanted to do that I wanted to do that myself that's a great idea we look into it we should someone else is doing it really it's a great idea because I worry and you see them sitting on the tarmac forever and then they go in and you don't know what's happening if it's air conditioned or heated and and they don't know where they are they don't know that's not forever I I worry about that all the time for the animals so good for you I want to do that yeah or we just get a service of like an RV that just travels cross country with the animals it just the blanket the whole way they eat pigs in the blanket you can eat pigs in the blet I can eat pigs in the blanket wow you're going with this trailer thing aren't you pigs in the blanket we decorate the whole thing nice then a little spam later on oh man little slit beer Lucky Strikes we're set all right we have to take a break we'll be right back right after this back with great D and all right so uh now I don't understand I mean I do understand it but there's everyone's obsessed about a different thing that makes them very happy uh with me it's flossing or Ziploc bags I have certain things about love Ziploc bags aren't they the greatest you can't even believe that people don't know how to do it um my mother doesn't know how to ziplock things and um but you have a thing about Viva uh paper towels they're the best now the best I have been doing Bounty but I'd like you to tell me but even feeling it right now there's something different about it isn't there oh yes it has a great hand I mean really I mean okay that shouldn't have happened but um great hand what does that mean it's like rubbery and they I pick up a lot of dog stuff around the house right and they don't it doesn't break through and it's just it's is this one of those things where you could actually pour water and then sit a glass on it or something like that perhaps really have you ever tried it no I have not well let's try it here this is your paper towel I'm trusting you and if not so much better than Bounty have dressing well we don't have anything to compare to all right sit your glass down oh no no no not that that's why did you do that then that was the whole point of it it's to sit he didn't just wow it actually is holding unbelievable that's really good very impressive soy your Viva made you happy this is this is really great so uh you just know do you have like a whole cabinet full of Viva paper towels yeah really I'm crazy with them yeah yeah like how low do you get down before you have to buy more um I I I I don't know I don't know all right but they're important it was a stupid question all right but they're important right you want to have a lot of them put this one in my all right you're really obsessing on it now there's plenty you can have this whole rooll it's yours all right Joey is on Thursdays at 8 o'clock on NBC one more thing right after this I want to thank Martin Sheen and Dre d t tomorrow Susan s der M and Duran Duran will be here oh and one more thing I'd like to present to you the spotlight dancer of the day ruthanne Lin from Nova Scotia Canada ruthanne [Applause] know [Applause]

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Category: Entertainment

Our next guest saved his dad's life by calling 911 after he went into a diabetic shock the most amazing part is he's only 5 years old from salt lake city utah please welcome crew and his father aaron ferris i know what that fire it's like a fire but it's not real that's a fire that's okay to touch cuz... Read more

Every Time Max Greenfield Appeared on 'Ellen' thumbnail
Every Time Max Greenfield Appeared on 'Ellen'

Category: Entertainment

[applause] [music] i i like that everybody feels like they have to dance when they come out here and well i was excited i didn't i had never seen that clip before oddly enough i dance in the clip and then i i i thought i'd show a little bit of those moves yeah but then i didn't want to go off schitz... Read more

Ray Romano, Kaley Cuoco | Full Episode thumbnail
Ray Romano, Kaley Cuoco | Full Episode

Category: Entertainment

Thank you thank you thank you thank you very much i don't need it i take it thank you veryone thanks thanks thank thanks thank you thank you very much please oh and back at you thanks so much i oh that's ah i know some people are sitting down going that was really loud and i apologize i don't know how... Read more

Minnie Driver, Treat Williams | Full Episode thumbnail
Minnie Driver, Treat Williams | Full Episode

Category: Entertainment

Little kittens how cute are the little kittens oh they're so cute isn't that adorable hey thank you so much for letting me be in the open today oh that's fine i didn't have anything else to do anyway give me one quick second i'm going to run and just check everything in the sweater and roll lint and... Read more

Denise Richards' Playboy Confession & Monkey Dream Come True with Ellen! thumbnail
Denise Richards' Playboy Confession & Monkey Dream Come True with Ellen!

Category: Entertainment

You can catch our next guest alongside her husband charlie sheen on the hits sitcom two and a half men take a look please welcome denise richards hi denise hi how's it going great thank you and that's your that's actually our that's y''s little baby go that's our baby thank you how old is she she's... Read more

Chad Michael Murray Spills Engagement Details & Takes Ice Rink Challenge thumbnail
Chad Michael Murray Spills Engagement Details & Takes Ice Rink Challenge

Category: Entertainment

[applause] we all know our next guest from such films as freaky friday in a cinderella story you can currently see him every week on the wb's one tree hill take a look please welcome chad michael murray that just looks like fun hair to have oh my god it's so easy how long has it been like that a long... Read more

Ray Romano Talks the Finale of ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ thumbnail
Ray Romano Talks the Finale of ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’

Category: Entertainment

Oh that that makes me laugh so hard that clip that is we've got more response from that clip than anything in nine years really i just just throwing her against the fridge yeah now did she get hurt you had to rehearse that you know she every we rehearse it a lot and every time i said am i hurting you... Read more

Kate Winslet, Chad Michael Murray | Full Episode thumbnail
Kate Winslet, Chad Michael Murray | Full Episode

Category: Entertainment

Thank you thank you thanks a lot oh thank you very much thank you that's a lot that's 20 that's enough all of it all right thank you very have a seat i thank you very much i'm hugging you all right now uh that's nice i back at you that i appreciate your appreciation for me uh very very much that it... Read more

Father Daughter Duo Lenny & Zoë Kravitz thumbnail
Father Daughter Duo Lenny & Zoë Kravitz

Category: Entertainment

[applause] i'm lenny how you doing i'm good how are you excellent i haven't seen you in a long long time and you haven't been on the show for like five years it's too long i've been you've been gone too long i've been hiding out where are you hiding where are you staying actually well actually i spent... Read more