Josh Pate's Connor Stalions Netflix Documentary - REACTION

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:09:29 Category: Sports

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the Connor stallions documentary came out early this morning on Netflix and I dutifully watched it for you now I would say there going to be some spoilers in this but I don't think it's like a movie this is not like when I talked about Twisters on air and I said no spoilers there's not really anything to spoil guys if you've been paying attention there's not really much in this documentary that you wouldn't have already been aware of I think what you learn is you learn a lot about who Conor stallions is but I'm just telling you I hinted at this several times over the past couple of months I told you everything the NCAA was doing and their timeline was centered around when this documentary was going to come out and I was intentionally guarded in my wording because what I couldn't tell you yet is what I knew I knew the NCAA had interviewed him for several hours I knew that I also knew he recorded the entire thing and that wasn't public knowledge and so I didn't know what was on it I had no clue I it could have been Bombshells it could have been a a total firecracker that Fizzles but I knew the NCAA wasn't used to that he was sitting on a piece of information that he was going to probably put in that documentary and sure enough he did and I knew that made them uncomfortable because they didn't know what he was going to run with now as it turns out there wasn't really anything jaw-dropping but you did get to see a zoom meeting you got to be taken behind the curtain on an NCAA investigation and really in general it's every bit as unimpressive as you would expect the NCAA investigation to be uh I'm going to be honest with you it is my working theory that they probably had a lot of footage that could have made the NCAA look a lot worse uh but it didn't serve the purpose of the documentary I'm just telling you these These are you picture an NCAA investigation and your theater of the Mind kicks in and you know you're thinking like a dark room and there's Haze and cigarette smoke and a guy's got his sleeves rolled up and everyone's sweating like it's 93 in the room and there's really dimly lit setting there's one light overhead and there's an ashtray here and and that is not it that is not it it's just a bunch of career bureaucrats fumbling over notes and pre-prepared statements and questions and the minute you throw them off their game it's over that's an NCAA investigation so I mean I don't I don't blame look if Ryan day went and got his brother's private investigation firm to go dig up dirt because the NCAA can't take a leak without getting the front of their pants wet I would have done the same thing was one of the big allegations tossed around in this documentary well you know Ryan day in Ohio State are behind this if they didn't obtain the information illegally I couldn't care less cuz I'm telling you I would have done the same thing cuz if I thought something wrong had been done to me and these jokers in Indianapolis aren't going to do anything I'll go do something uh the other part of this I saw everyone who watched this this morning take to their various feeds to say the same thing oh my goodness Jim ball knew well of course he knew this is not news it's it's news if he admits it which he's not going to do but of course Jim Harbaugh knew what can you prove probably nothing probably nothing there was nothing that was revealed in this that revealed Jim Harbaugh knew anything other than your common sense kicking in but your common sense should have already kicked in Harbaugh's a smart guy Harbaugh's a very cerebral guy Jim Harbaugh is a guy capable of leading NFL franchises and leading major college football programs to the brink of Super Bowls or to National Championships and's got his hand on everything to ask me to believe Jim Harbaugh didn't know what was going on is to ask me to believe he's stupid Jim Harbaugh's not stupid so long before I pressed play on this documentary my Common Sense had kicked in and pretty well figured out yeah harbon knew what can I prove what can you prove did you um for those of you who haven't watched this uh I want you to pay attention to Dan Wetzel over it I believe wetzel's at Yahoo sports he's included in this there's this little throwaway line I didn't see anyone talking about this afterwards but this is what raised my eyebrows a little bit wetel revealed he filed Freedom of Information Act requests with a number of different entities related to science dealing and and Wetzel is just there's a nice little audio bed under it you can tell they're about to turn the chapter to the next segment of the document and wesle just kind of says yeah you can nail Clemson you can nail Utah you can nail several other programs if you wanted to and it dong and it's just move on I'm like H can can someone please hand the mic back to Dan Wetzel what else is he talking about Daniel not canel Daniel Wetzel what else do you know sir H which is why I always keep coming back to the same thing as far as what's been presented in the court of public opinion and whatnot as far as what's been presented in media the reason I haven't gotten too terribly worked up about it is not because wrongdoing wasn't done of course it was done I think it was done I mean I I I think that they did things that were against the rules but it doesn't go above and beyond what we hear I hear do you have any idea the kind of rumors Clemson it was good Wetzel pointed it out dude you could write a novel about the rumors that exist about Brent venes when he was at Clemson and what they did in the way of sign stealing and the followup is okay well was it legal was it illegal I'm I don't know cuz I don't know the details I'm just telling you rumors exist so what goes above and beyond like like what am I supposed to believe is going to be the bomb that gets dropped on Michigan's head here not answered in this documentary what was answered is you finally got to meet Conor stallions dude sat right there on camera and his mom and his dad and Friends shout out to our buddy Isaiah hle just sat there on camera and answered questions and it's good it was good for Conor stallions that he did that because that's the one thing I wondered and I I assumed he would do but I wondered like is he going to introduce people to himself because if you've just followed this story you picture Conor stallions as some some clown Pariah loser Fanboy siant that's not him he is a big fan of Michigan but the dude is razor sharp went to the Naval Academy very cerebral guy in his own right um perfect ly cut out to exist in that world and uh you know well spoken represented himself well just really passionate and found himself a niche found himself an in into college football extremely intelligent and he applied it and he got himself into a really really as it turns out extremely high level role at the University of Michigan did I get the whole story from Connor stallions it's unlikely Connor stallion loves Michigan therefore that makes him an unmotivated truth tell in other words I don't doubt that I got his story did I get the entire story I probably didn't I think he told a ball face lie on this documentary when he was talking about uh the central Michigan game col Colin by the way do we have the P State investigates footage because I'm still contemplating legal action against Netflix this right here is a screenshot I screenshot my screen when I was watching this documentary this morning screenshot is the past tense of screenshot by the way and do you see what they did to your boy here oh they put the screenshot from Twitter so Netflix was fine with doing that they turned me into Josh P not my full name and they what did they make me exus user Josh that's what they made my handle like do we have no dignity and no class in this world is this what Society has come to in the words of Nick Sabin is this what we want college football to be shame on you people you have 24 hours I don't you always give them an ultimate Kevin Malone rule Michael Scott rule you have 24 hours so yeah there was a lot of lot of ston thrown at Ryan day I don't care um lot of stones thrown back at Jim Harbaugh and the Michigan program I do care but I'm going to need to see a whole lot more than what this documentary showed and what's been presented in the media so far my opinion is unchanged on this my opinion is exactly this as it stands right now I think Michigan will be punished punitively and financially I think they'll suffer a big fine from this based on what I've seen so far I am totally open to any additional information that comes out changing my mind but I don't have that in front of me and I cannot go over to bucknuts or 11 Warriors I cannot Wade through all that and treat that as the gospel if it ends up being true it's a it's a slippery slope when you uh scan those Ohio State message boards right now if a fraction of that is true we're talking about a different ball game we're talking about a wrecking ball headed towards the Michigan program I I don't know that any of that's true so history has told me if it's true that's probably not where it'll surface it'll probably come out of nowhere you got to bring me more got to bring me more than that it's well worth watching though documentary is well done they did an excellent job producing it it's just um you know it didn't leave a crater in the ground shall I say [Music]

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