I Ranked *EVERY* College Football Team for 2024! (Tier List)

Published: Feb 25, 2024 Duration: 00:37:01 Category: Sports

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ladies and gentlemen long time no see it's been a little while but I figured I would do something that I believe I did back in 2022 I don't know if I did it in 2023 where I decided to actually rank every college football team based on a tier list this is every FBS team I believe Jacksonville State is included in here you know what I don't think kennes saw state is in here the newly FBS team but other than that some weird logos but we're just going to go through this entire list you can see the most important thing when it comes to a tier list I'm going to quickly explain this and then I know you guys want me to get to it it's how you label the category so you can see I've got playoff locks there's going to be three or four teams in that teams that I am sure unless something catastrophic happens are making the playoff the contenders kind of speaks for itself teams that could make it solid bull team that's an eight- win team that's a 9 and3 team in a bad conference that's what a solid bull bu team is average 7 and five 6 and six 5- seven below average like a four- win team but they're feisty and then trash three three and nine 2 and 10 and what have you and we're just going to Rapid Fire go through this hopefully maybe around 30 minutes we will begin this is all alphabetical too so Air Force I've got a very uh interesting relationship with Air Force when I kind of trolling picked them to do well last year I'm going to say the upper echelon of average they started out 8 and0 they kind of rage quit the season they're you know a seven or eight win team the Mountain West is a decent conference I might move them up we'll see moving on to akan Akon's always horrible I'm going to say trash it's going to be hard to kind of rank some of these lower end mid- major teams because you want to put them all in trash but some of them in evitably are going to win five or six games so do I put those teams in average I'll probably just put them all in below average but akan legitimately they're normally always a three or four- wi team Alabama so Alabama losing Nick Sabin certainly somewhere in between lock and Contender now Alabama has a top three most talented roster in college football they return Jaylen mil we know they lost Nick Sabin we know they lost Caleb DS Proctor the offensive tackle but they've got some decent players in the portal I'm going to say right now playoff Contender for Alabama upper echelon I don't feel 1,00% confident about them make like being a lock for the playoff just because of the turnover in terms of the coaching situation appalachin stay apple and State's a solid average team kind of on par with Air Force maybe slightly above average Arizona okay now this is where it kind of gets annoyingly hard Arizona in the SEC is probably like an average team or a solid bull Team but the fact that there in the Big 12 you kind of have to put them on the back end of playoff Contender because of that auto bid in the Big 12 Arizona unfortunately losing their head coach if if if that didn't happen this would be a team everyone would be saying they top 15 they top 10 that kind of hurt them you know back in January when that happened with the whole domino after Sabin retired but I'm going to say Arizona top two top three team in the Big 12 they've got to be in the playoff Contender tier because of that auto bid moving on to Arizona State Arizona State at this point I say quintessential below average team we'll see what happens to them uh you've got Arkansas below average team I am going to put them above Arizona State but Arkansas very similar I'm believe they're losing KJ Jefferson or did KJ Jefferson get another year I thought KJ I could have dreamed KJ Jefferson got another year and then transferred or something next you do have Arkansas State Arkansas State towards the back end of below average I do remember Arkansas State covering the spread against Ohio State last year or was that that was two years ago with the Ohio State team with CJ strout but yeah Arkansas State the red wolves are normally never good you've got Army I'm going to say Army upper echelon of average kind of sim I'm going to say say Air Force is better than Army next year we will see very similar teams uh next you have alurn alurn going in next year you know upper echelon of average I'll say the SEC very tough conference with Oklahoma and Texas joining Alburn is not trended in the right direction I will say they are starting to really recruit better in state with Sabin gone we'll see right now they're on the upper up upper echelon excuse me of average Ball State quintessential below average back team next we've got Baylor below average they did get Finn dcoin Finn the transfer QB maybe you could bring them to average backend five six wins I like that I like that I like Baylor they've struggled recently but they get the transfer QB from Toledo who's been good we'll see Boise State this is a very tough one because obviously we know the one Auto bid from the group of five I think Boise State could possibly get it with Malachi Nelson with the receivers they're bringing in but it's like can you really put them as a playoff Contender you really can't this it's hard to rank them because technically they are kind of a contender they've got like a 16% chance whatever there's like five top group of five teams I think that are above everyone else in terms of possibly getting that auto bid I'm gonna say Boise State very solid team right now after firing their head coach last year going on that run and finishing out the season really strong Boston College quintessential below average team I'll put them I'll put them like right here in front of some of the group of fives but behind teams like Arkansas next you do have bowl and green so I mean credit to bowl and green for kind of turning it around last year but they're still a below average program Buffalo below average BYU they've got to be below average they had a tough time their first year in a new conference in the Big 12 I will say it should get a little bit better their issu should be alleviated with Texas and Oklahoma leaving but that's not going to solve you know all of their problems they don't recruit very well well the Big 12 is a complete Mosh Pit they're probably destined for 5 and seven maybe I should move them to average but at this point I mean we'll put them like right here I'll say next to is Cal below average team joining a new conference weird situation with the ACC they go right there in terms of below average Central Michigan below average team we'll put them at the back end Charlotte maybe the most irrelevant team in FBS no but they're below average Cincinnati really tough first year in the big 12 should get a little bit easier you lose Luke fickle they had the crazy run with s Gardner Desmond Ritter it's just not happening right now I'm going to say I'm going to say I like the pedigree of Cincinnati I like the pedigree I'm going to say upper eela below average but it's not like they're recruiting any better in terms of that Clemson very tough one to rank because of the ACC situation kind of a weak conference you I'm tempted to go playoff cont I'm going to have to go right now we're putting Clemson in the playoff Contender tier people underestimate how well they've recruited specifically on the defensive side of the ball Kade Club nickb he's got experience I know he has not lived up to his five-star name but I like this Clemson team they're sneaky people that we're understanding Clemson's not this dynasty anymore they've kind of lost that Mystique but now it seems like people are underrating them that's an ACC that's kind of wide open with FSU losing a bunch of players back end of playoff Contender because of the conference situation for Clemson and also their recruiting ability Coastal Olina the great field they lost Grayson McCall but I have to give Coastal Carolina the courtesy they they're in a weaker conference they've had a few nice Seasons we're going to say middle you know maybe a little bit upper echelon of average you could maybe argue solid bow Team but they did lose Grayson McCall uh Colorado Dion Sanders back end of average I can see Dion tacken on maybe two wins you know maybe a six and six type season for them do something like that maybe move them in front of I'll say six and six maybe seven and five you know we'll see what happens with Colorado but I I don't think they're going to be you know a 9 and3 team the issue is that conference I will say this Colorado can pretty much win every game on their schedule in conference play but they can also lose every game it's just a conference that's so compact you know what based on Colorado and and just how much talent they have I'm going to say upper echelon of average I can see seven maybe eight wins with upside with Colorado thinking through it Colorado state they're a below average team out of the Mountain West uh Duke at this point uh with getting Murphy the the transfer I'm going to say upper H they lost their head coach very tough I'm GNA say as a courtesy because they had the upset win last year at Clemson they're a program on the up they get the transfer QB from Texas the back end of average they did lose their head coach to A&M though moving on to Eastern Michigan they're a below average team out of the Mac East Carolina you know I like their colors we're going to move them up because of the colors but they are below average uh Florida Atlantic kind of kind of just another average team Florida International definitely one of the worst teams in college football maybe they turn it around but at this point you have to put them in the trash tier uh next you do have Florida quintessential average team at this point very tough out of the SEC obviously you know very hard schedule it's like their schedule is historically hard I think they're the team that has the crazy tough schedule but yeah they're an average team we'll see they've got a big week one non-conference game coming up against Miami Fresno State do I go solid bull for FR no State they started off the year 4-0 last year they were ranked or is it kind of an upper echelon of average right now you got to go uper Echelon of average there's going to be teams in the solid bullt here but right now I would say Fresno State out of the Mountain West You could argue solid Bowl it's iffy we'll leave them right there FSU they've got to be a playoff Contender I will put them in front of Clemson as well probably yeah also in front of Arizona so I like that ranking right now FSU they lost a lot ACC still very winnable DJ oui longay we'll see what happens with them you know I I actually really excited to see DJ long running the ball on third and fourth and short he's a big boy he's going to cause some problems FSU the whole thing last year them going undefeated not getting in very sad personally I did agree with the decision just because the context of it we saw FSU was probably not going to put up a fight in the playoff without Jordan Travis but either way Georgia Southern they're actually not a bad team I'm going to put them I mean it's just they're in a bad conference so it's like are they really better than Cincinnati no but because their conference is bad they're probably an average team Georgia State typical below average team Georgia Tech they had a decent year last year I'm going to say upper eela below average I like them right next to Cincinnati and Arkansas You could argue based on like the last three or four years they should be next to like Boston College There's Something About Georgia Tech I like I don't know Hawaii I'm not going to say trash but they've had a few real bad Seasons I'll put them towards the bottom with some of the max schools in terms of a low average Houston it's unfortunate but you got to go into the below average tier joining the new conference it didn't go well last year again it should get better the big the big 12 is going to get worse so that should help Houston but at this point they've had it you know dearon King the decent run he had a few years ago Illinois below average you know they had a run I remember two years ago when they win eight or nine games I said last year this team's going to be a fraud people thought they were going to you know continue that with Brett be I said no way and they really struggled last year they're below average football team Indiana is on the verge of trash you could put them at the front end of it I mean it's hard because obviously Indiana's like a better program than Ball State but because of their conference they may only win two games you have to kind of throw them into the trash tier here's a great solid bull Team it's Iowa so Iowa you know getting the new offensive coordinator we'll see how that works out love their safety Xavier noaca really unbelievable recruit losing Cooper to Gene is going to be tough but I think Iowa they're always going to have a solid defense the big issue for Iowa and this is all the Big 10 West teams their schedules are going to get infinitely more tough so Iowa should be a you know a solid eight- win team maybe a seven- win team depending Iowa State I think they're just an average team maybe you know what Iowa State I may have to put them in a solid bow Team I liked Iowa State's offense last year surprisingly Matt Campbell kind of Reinventing himself they had an explosive offense I'm going to say solid bull for Iowa State I think they've got a chance at eight maybe nine wins in a Big 12 Conference where you're not going to get overpowered by any team there Iowa State could win any one of those games kind of similar situation to Kansas State as well uh Jacksonville State you know just joining FBS I'm going to say way down in below average although to be fair Jacksonville State had a better year than expected but it's just they're in a tough you know they're in a bad conference it is what it is what a weird logo this is for James Madison so yeah James Madison I'm going to say right now I like next to Fresno State they're on the upper echelon of average they started out the year last year amazing towards the end they kind of lost steam I need to see it again to really prove to me they could be potentially be a solid bull Team I'm not I'm not there yet with them I like that they're in the average tier Kansas wow Kansas is very hard so the Kansas situation is tough because they're not going to be at their home stadium they're going to be at Arrowhead they're going to be at an MLs Stadium I like Kansas man I really like Kansas I think they're building something good there solid bull Team to me is like eight wins maybe nine wins I think they can reach that I like Kansas solid bull Team for Kansas Kansas State very similar very similar I like them as a solid bull Team Ken Ken state was the worst team in college football analytically I think maybe they can be better than Florida International that's you know what that's a low blow to Florida International but what are you going to do we're going to leave Florida International down as the worst next you have Kentucky another average SEC team I'm going to put them below Florida just because I think Florida has more talent and upside next you do have Liberty you know do you put them in I can't put them in playoff Contender I know people like well they are technically a contender you know we'll say they're a solid bull Team they've got another horrible schedule they're going to win a lot of games I believe they return their quarterback we know what happened last year they had the worst schedule in all of FBS they're rewarded with a new year game and then they play that Cham game against Oregon where you know it's like 50% full the game starts at 11:00 a.m. the ratings are terrible and they lose like 44 to6 against Bo Knicks next you have Louisiana Louisiana is always okay kind of similar to Georgia Southern yeah Louisiana Tech I would say upper echelon of below average Louisville you know Louisville had a very nice season people say solid bow Team I don't see it with Louisville I'm I'm not expecting a Repeat Performance I I think they're going to be average I know the ACC isn't great they should rack up seven wins but if you're going seven and five in the ACC to me that's an average team you're not making a solid bull out of the ACC going seven and five and I expect them to go around seven and five LSU so LSU losing I don't know what happened there LSU losing Jaden Daniels losing their top two receivers Brian Thomas along with Malik neighbors I'm going to say LSU at this point they've got to go on the back end of playoff Contender even with all the losses I know they're getting a new defensive coordinator they've just got ridiculous Talent remember you can LSU can very easily lose three games and make the playoff very easily I'm going to say maybe I might have to reformat this a little bit do one of these do something like that yeah do something like that in terms of the playoff contenders they're they're squarely in in terms of a playoff Contender they're not a lock but they're in as a contender these are getting hard to I may have to actually minimize this just yeah I actually I'm going to do that just to make it easier uh next you do have Marshall I like Marshall but right now I would say you know just kind of an average team at this point Maryland losing Tonga vioa you know I know he tried appealing it getting another season I think he was going to transfer anyways they're like without their starting quarterback I'm going to say the back end of average especially dealing with the newcomers to the Big 10 the schedule's going to get harder they're trending down at this point in my opinion Memphis you can argue as a playoff Contender I do think they could potentially make the playoff but it's just I can't put them on the level with those other teams because it's a group of five situation well I think Memphis is probably going to make it honestly be the group of five representative but right now I have to say solid bow for them Miami I think M listen Miami is always a very hard one they've got the nil going they've got a few more five stars coming in at this point you know the quarterback situation kind of weird I'm going to say Miami solid bow Team at this point just Ju Just because I think Mario chrisal at some point is going to turn it around Miami of Ohio somewhere in the below average tier I'd say Max school you know towards the end Michigan I would say playoff Contender at this point very squarely even losing Harbaugh losing McCarthy they do return Donovan Edwards they do return coulston Loveland they do return will Johnson you've got to respect this team they just won the national title they went 15 and0 I understand the cheating stuff but still I'm going to say squarely as a playoff Contender even with the losses Michigan State Aiden shiles Jonathan Smith upper echelon of average I like what Michigan State they got a lot better they got very lucky with that melt Tucker situation getting out of that horrible what was that decade long contract the breach um I I like Michigan State I'm going to put them upper echelon of average you could even maybe argue if I really wanted to be a Darkhorse and say they're a solid bull Team I think they could easily make a solid bull it depends how good Aiden CH is Minnesota to me trending down I'm going to say upper echelon yeah I like them with Cincinnati Georgia Tech teams like that I'm going to say upper eela below average you do have Mississippi State very similar very similar to these type of teams upper echelon you know tough conference five wins maybe higher upside a little bit maybe five maybe six wins if they do get to six wins they're an average team right now I'm going to say upper aleal on a below average a lot of that has to do with conference though Missouri do I put I don't think Missouri's making the playoff I know people are going to hate me for this I'm going to say solid bull they're a solid bull Team I think people are overinflating their win over Ohio State where Ohio state had the debacle with their Center not playing they benched him and then dealing with Lincoln keenholtz coming in after the Devin Brown injury I think Missouri makes a good bow they win eight games the SEC is tougher they I know they've got Luther bur and I get it I just don't think they have the overall talent to have another 10-2 type season if they do go 9 and3 you know you could argue that they're a contender because this it's not based off of my predictions so you could say they're a contender but I just don't think they're going to make the playoff honestly uh Middle Tennessee kind of a below average team towards the end I'd say Navy Navy's a their worst than Army I'm going to say somewhere you know in this tier below average I I like Navy though personally we'll move him up a little bit here's a good one NC State so NC State is firmly in the solid bll tier and I would say a dark course to potentially make the playoff out of the ACC NC State's going to be ranked inside of the preseason top 25 pool they return a ton they're a solid bow Team right now they can win nine games for sure if they win nine games they're not making the playoff nine and three out of the ACC will not make the playoff but that will be a solid bll for them kind of along the lines of your Missouri your Boise States your Iowa I think they're better than Iowa they've got more upside Nebraska Pro possibly start St in Dylan Rola High upside I guess he's a true freshman though kind of similar to Maryland who knows we'll throw them at the back end of average Nevada Nevada's had a few really bad Seasons we'll throw them somewhere towards the end of below average New Mexico New Mexico below average Team New Mexico State listen if this was two years ago New Mexico state would be right here but New Mexico state's kind of turned their program around they did lose their quarterback to the portal I'll put them towards the end of below average still even with their bow appearance even with that you know bad conference uh Northern Illinois northern Illinois had a nice uh you know pedigree where they had a few seasons back in like 2012 2013 where they had like double digit wins but at this point they've they've really kind of slowed down back end below average North Texas high octane up offense upper eela below average Northwestern I just can't do it I know people like well Northwestern had a good season they went eight and five they won their bow game the the schedule is just going to get so much more harder they don't have a stadium in 2024 they're going to be playing at Wrigley Field I think they're below average team in 2024 pretty firmly I understand people say they had a good year last year this is me predicting forward so I put them there nor uh Notre Dame do I put them as my first playoff lock I don't think you can I'm gonna say Notre Dame with Riley Leonard they've got to be behind Michigan still I have to respect Michigan the national champions you know Notre Dame though firmly could very easily make the playoff a lot of people are predicting Notre Dame to make the playoff very likely as around of a nine or a 10 seene is what I'm seeing for most people some people have Notre Dame up to a five or six but certainly they're normally one of the 12 teams Notre Dame situation is to the point where they go 10 and two and they are clearly in the playoff moving on to Ohio another below average team Ohio State so this will be my first playoff lock Ohio State I would be completely shocked based on their roster Talent what they've brought in from the transfer portal Judkins Caleb DS it is ridiculously loaded I understand people could say the quarterback a little bit of a question mark I get it but Ohio State I believe is the only team that if we had went to a 12 team playoff starting in 2014 would make the playoff every single year you could also argue Alabama Alabama had one weird year where they finished 13th when really we all know they were better than that so it probably would be Ohio State and Alabama but Ohio State uh they to me a playoff lock I think they're guaranteed to make it I'm going to actually have to probably Zoom this out again just to fill all these teams in next you do have Oklahoma I am high on Oklahoma they're getting better under Brett venables but the issue is the schedule is getting tougher so I think Oklahoma is a high upside backend playoff Contender but the schedule gets harder you know joining the SEC infinitely harder and they have the new quarterback Jackson Arnold and also an improving defense so we'll see they also have good recruiting classes Oklahoma does kind of an underrated teams team in terms of recruiting Oklahoma State back end of solid bow I know you know Oklahoma State tends to make noise they're a very strange team they lost to South Alabama like 23 to7 and they come back and you know win 9 10 games I'll say back end of solid bull it wouldn't surprise me though if they went six and six honestly Old Dominion somewhere in below average it's just a conjumbled mess in terms of below average right now Old Miss playoff Contender for sure playoff Contender I would probably put them in front of LSU based on how much LSU loses a lot of people think Old Miss is going to make the playoff they loaded up on the defensive side of the ball they did have the weird situation losing their number one running back kind of some nil stuff but they also invested into nil getting Walter NL and getting a few other pass rushers and now Lane Kens actually got a defense we'll see if they can put it together and they're in the SEC it's a tough conference but I'm going to say playoff Contender for them uh you do have Oregon Oregon is on the verge of being a playoff lock do I put them there you know those two teams are going to face each other Ohio State at Oregon in October it's tough Oregon's like to me a preseason top five team Dylan I love Dylan Gabriel I think he's a very underrated transfer portal QB we'll leave them in locks right now I meant move them down yeah I just don't know if I can put them well I mean Ohio state has a transfer portal QB as well I would just be shocked if Oregon missed it based on Dan Lanning the pedigree what they've done the past few years I would say uh they're right on the verge they're right on the verge Oregon State at this point it's unfortunate what happened to them losing basically everyone the easier schedule should help I'll say somewhere in the average range but it's going to be a completely different roster they lost their their one number one quarterback and their number two quarterback Penn State you know Penn State they always you know if we expanded to a 12 team playoff they would have had like five appearances by now they're definitely a playoff contender I'll say they're right on par with Michigan and Notre Dame I think that's a good spot for Penn State wouldn't surprise me at all they're a nine or a 10 seed it also wouldn't surprise me if they missed out and they were like 13 or 14 and they get jumped by the group of five Auto bid because someone's going to you know very likely get jumped by that team Pittsburgh to me kind of an average team at this point they need they need a new stadium badly Purdue I'm going to say upper echel on below average with a team like Northwestern It's just tough with the big 10 getting tougher now uh rice is really bad I'm not going to say trash for rice but but they're definitely towards the end of below average with some of those other Mac teams at this point Ruckers is an improving program but the Big 10 is also improving I'm G to say right well I'm I'm GNA say right on par with some of these other teams you you could argue well Louisville is better than them okay we'll put Louisville in front of them yeah they need to move back a little bit I agree but Ruckers you know they've been better recently I'm going to actually move Ruckers down a little bit but somewhere in the average range still ahead of Nebraska I mean this is is just a conjumbled mess it's very hard to to rank this many teams uh Sam Houston just joining FBS you know they were really bad they they started like 0 and N or something they're definitely below average San Jose State love the logo decent team decent team I could see them winning six games we'll say upper echelon below average San Diego State at this point you know a six you know Mountain West do they make a solid bow I'm G to say somewhere in the upper e line of average you do have SMU very interesting Preston stone is he going to be healthy they possibly could have made you know a new year six bowl if their quarterback didn't get injured they're joining a power five conference or at least at this point a power four conference in the ACC it's tough it's tough with SMU I'm you know what because I put Oklahoma State well they're joining a better conference it's hard for me to put them there I'm going to say upper echelon of average South Alabama's a good team team people don't realize South Alabama is a good program they're right now in their conference certainly they're good but are we do we really think they're going to make like a really good bow game I think maybe upper echelon of average I like South Alabama a lot South Carolina they're your quintessential average team unfortunately they're in the SEC so they may only win four or five games uh Southern Miss below average team Stanford joining the ACC at this point a CLA below average team recruiting is not getting any better Syracuse with Kyle McCord very easy schedule be interesting with Syracuse very easy schedule I'm going to say somewhere in the middle of average I mean but with their schedule you could say probably a seven and five eight and four team just because of how easy it is but we'll put them somewhere up here in terms of average TCU you know I think TCU is is decent I know people have this Vendetta against them because they made the national title and then they went five and seven analytically TCU was a really good team I'm going to say I like TCU we're going to going to put them upper echelon of average you do have Temple Temple's a bad team you do have Tennessee say back end of listen Tennessee will be interesting with niik Lan Lea they just win the major case against the NCAA that should give them momentum they definitely have more Talent than some of these other teams I'm going to be moving them in front of some of these teams though we'll move Kansas back there we'll move Tennessee right here we'll move Tennessee right here we'll move Tennessee right here move Tennessee right there I I like Tennesseee I'm high on Tennessee in that offense that we see what happens with lmen Lea the Superstar Young quarterback you do have Texas A&M very similar situation to we're gonna we're gonna put them in Miami right next to each these are talented rosters they are H&M's lost a lot in terms of you know Jimbo Fisher leaving the portal Walter Nolan leaving Stewart leaving the five-star receiver but still a very talented roster I think but I don't know will they make a solid bow it's hard man maybe back end of it back end of solid bow Texas is Texas seriously a playoff lock at this point I don't think I can do it I don't think I can do it playoff locks are well it'd be hard to see Texas missing the playoff they do have that non-conference game against Michigan they lose that game that's one loss they're in an SEC schedule you've got Oklahoma you lose to Oklahoma that's two losses before you really even get to the me of the secc schedule I don't know Texas is close to a playoff lock if I'm going to have Texas as a playoff lock I'm going to also have to have Oregon as well but it's hard for me yeah no I listen if there's 12 playoff spots a lot of these teams are pretty much guaranteed to make it but then I'd also probably have Alabama as a lock but that's too many Texas State come on Texas Tech it's not going to happen remember Texas Tech when they were ranked no I Texas Tech got a nice Stadium renovation I'm going to move them up to like this is an improving program I think Texas Tech are Darkhorse but I I can't do it right now now but I will rank them in front of Fresno State Toledo they lose Finn their quarterback they're on the upper eela below average I'll say that much Troy is a solid team they've got a good defense I like them next to Coastal Carolina T Lane what do you do with tan Tan's gotten some transfers they got to go next to Memphis right H they're they should make a solid Bowl they might be possibly also making the playoff as the auto bid from the group of five but right now I have to throw them in solid Bowl TS was a bad football team folks just throw them in there UAB we're going to throw them towards the upper echelon below average UCF middle of average right now it's unfortunate UCLA losing Chip Kelly I don't know what they're doing they hired someone people are not happy we're going to say B well listen with their conference now in the Big 10 yeah they're probably going to win four or five games we'll see although I you know what you can't just do that they're they're better than some of these teams we're going to move them up it's hard to rank these teams because they're in different conferences but I'm going to have to zoom out again all right we're almost done Yukon boy Yukon used to be down here there's still yukon's still not a good football program Georgia we've got another one now you can argue which way this should go is Georgia number one is Ohio State number one but let's be honest Georgia at this point based on their pedigree based on the two national titles based on the fact that let's be honest they were probably one of the two best teams last year they destroy FSU I know FSU wasn't playing anyone but still uh Georgia is a Powerhouse Georgia and Ohio State to me are my two just Auto locks whether you want to include these two teams it's debatable but Georgia and Ohio State are autol locks those are the two Auto locks for the 12 team playoff you could also think about including Oregon and Texas U mon throw throw them in UMass they're always terrible we're going to keep them in front of Florida International but they got to go in the trash category UNC you know losing Drake may but they've been a program on the up and up I'll give them average at this point I can respect it how about UNLV what a season they had last year I respect it I don't know if I can say like what do we quantify as a solid Bowl I also don't know what UNLV were if you LV returns their quarterback I'd throw them in solid yeah we'll leave them there I'm feeling charitable uh USC you know everyone kind of doubts USC because of the conference because of the defense I think USC is a very going to be a very solid Bowl team I think they win eight games that's good in the Big 10 they're going to win eight games Miller Moss the defense Zachariah Branch the Superstar receiver they recruit real really well South Florida you know South Florida they're they're getting the new stadium I'm going to say upper echelon below average Utah here's another one very similar situation to Arizona these are the two teams out of the Big 12 you do have to put into playoff Contender and they're not they weren't even in you know these are Pack 12 teams but they're joining an easier conference now with Cam Rising coming back and I do have to kind of defend cam Rising I know everyone says well cam Rising he's back for his eighth year I believe this is only his third year where he's starting so you know and I'm not this big cam Rising fan I think he's kind of overrated but you know I understand he's old but it's still only his third year he's been injured a lot Utah state they're not good remember Jordan love though utap my goodness UTSA the Alamo doome solid program UTSA upper echelon of average I like UTSA Vanderbilts you got to throw them down here they're the one sec yeah they got to be worse than than Indiana as well Virginia they had a really good receiver last year but they are not a very good Pro program Virginia Tech underrated very underrated team do I do solid bull I think it's possible I could see a matchup in a solid Bull game between an well I don't know if they're going to win yeah I I can't see them winning nine games and then if they win eight games I don't think they're going to get into a great Bowl ACC eight eight game win yeah I mean the ACC is kind of an easier conference I don't know I like Virginia Tech they get their quarterback back they're but they're very similar to like MSU it's close Wake Forest is just not a good team they similar to Virginia Washington I'm expecting a huge step back I'm I I respect them though so I'll put them in the upper echelon of of average but guys it's not that I think like South Alabama would beat Washington it's based off of the conferences you have to understand that but I will put them I I'll move them up here because I respect what they did last year going 14-0 making the national title Washington State I think you got to kind of put them in the same category as Oregon State I can't find Oregon state folks folks where did Oregon H whatever next you've got West Virginia West Virginia kind of had an under the radar year last year we're going to say we're going to say average team but kind of under the radar oh my God this is a horrible logo Western Michigan below average Wisconsin it's very tough you know they're trying to build something with Luke fickle I get it your schedule's about to get really tough I'm going to say average I mean they also face Alabama at home that's interesting no but they have a good pedigree I like them I'm going to put them above MSU msu's got to prove it to me that they're you know with their new quarterback and head coach next you do have Western Kentucky below you know they're they're an air raid team we'll throw them there and then Wyoming what do you do with Wyoming put them right there all right well that's basically the tier list of every team again it's not that I think you know a lot of this is based off a conference so like UNL V and Washington if they matched up I'd probably pick or excuse me yeah Washington or Wisconsin I'd probably pick those teams to be UNLV but UNLV in their conference they can make a solid Bull game I I do like this list it's fine you know you rapid fire go through it but you could make an argument that Alabama's a playoff lock I just have qu if they had Nick Sab they'd be a playoff lock absolutely you know Ohio State I don't think you can argue it Georgia you cannot argue it Oregon is getting to the point where they're a playoff lock in a 12 team format I don't think you can have Michigan there if they still had Harbaugh and McCarthy then yes Penn State you can't put them there Notre Dame you just can't so I think for playoff locks it's an exclusive Club you know it's an exclusive Club to make sure teams are going to make it and it needs to mean something that category so that would be my ranking of 133 teams and then Kennesaw State I would put them in below average in between Cal and Old Dominion that's going to do it for this video guys make sure you follow me on X link to that's always in the description

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