Big O and Chris Perkins - Can Mike McDaniel Coach The Miami Dolphins out of this Adversity?

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O show 843 call Eric right now if you need it and custom uh home construction and major Home Remodeling date in Broward County call ejd construction wow perk um like I've been doing this for 34 years this might be the most dep pressing post game part I've ever been associated with because everything has kind of Fallen apart dude everything now the a quarterback that has to really consider retiring now really let's be honest you just gave a head coach a contract that he didn't earn um if you can't find a quarterback the last two years of Tyreek aren't going to be very productive for all that money you whole have a whole bunch of old guys on this team this year you this is going to look bad for Greer McKenzie and Allen now this is like in in One Moment Like This one injury just kind of leads to all kinds of negative things it's like a domino effect it's kind of really bad dude yeah well you know what Big O it is but you have to kind of take this sandwich one bite at a time right Tua is the Big Bite teron Armstead Rob Jones Raheem mostard um yeah there there's there's a lot to digest here um your 30s somethings you know it started with Shaq Barrett then to obj then to Tran Raheem moster that plan is kind of crumbling on you but you can't be so fatalistic because it's going to drive you crazy so I do agree with Mike McDaniel you know although you do wonder is it safe for Tua to continue his career is it is it imminent that he's going to the IR at the very minimum um you you have to kind of take this one step at a time and kind of compartmentalize all these problems or else it's going to be this big Avalanche of stuff with Seattle coming at you so it it's not easy I understand that but you've got to do the Tua thing and then the armit thing and the Rob Jones thing and then see what you can do see about maybe bringing in another quarterback I you know you know Mike White was here Ryan tanah Hill is out there I don't know but you you've got to take this one step at a time and not look at the whole picture or else it's gonna drive you crazy bigo what I'm a [ __ ] Dolphins fan what do you mean drive me I'm already there bro I know I know trying to bring you back I'm trying to bring you back no that's it I'm listen nobody's a bigger to a Believer than I am yeah okay he proved he ran into the guy it wasn't this major hit dude yep yep you've been UNC concussed for a year and a half now yep and you got this concuss this easily your season your career is over you are now as a team searching for a quarterback in the draft you're now now now perk you got some new homework now as a beat Rider now now you get to write about the quarterback next year because they're going to be drafting one because that's what to the worst part about it is that after everything Tua Tua thinks he's a football player he doesn't realize that he's like Marino and Montana and L not I'm sorry uh um what's it called Manny and Brady bro you're just a quarterback you're just a passer bro you you're not a runner you're not to there to put shoulders into people when when did you see Marino put shoulders into people ever ever when did Drew Brees put a shoulder into somebody so after all these injuries all these concussions bro you don't know how to slide like yeah yeah he's he had the first down right yeah at the was fourth fourth and four he had the first down or fourth and three fourth and four whatever it was yeah he had the first down he should have slid I think that that was where the leadership part of Tua got the best of them that's where the the heart got ahead of the head because the head should have said Tua just get down you've got the first down get down but as you said the heartt said you're a football player lead this team they need a spark uh you've already thrown three interceptions including a pick six got to you got to get this thing back and that's what we saw out there uh you know what bigo and and I understand your you know everybody's emotion and I still let let's sit back and take this slow I know it's easy to say he can't play anymore he has to go on IR blah blah blah blah let's wait you know you know what story I told and you lived it I think you were on the beat at that time were you on the beat for Ted gin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep okay so I was one of the morons I don't know if you were one of them but we oh Ted gin he's running out of bounds he's avoiding contact well guess who was the smart guy yeah guess who end up playing like a 12year career because if he listens to this idiot and says oh come on Ted get the extra two or three yards take on the hit because Marvin Harrison never took a hit he slid he sat down he ran he literally sat down I I I want people to go look at those highlights he literally sat down sometimes in the middle of the field when he saw H Boop he just come he wouldn't take a hit and he had a Hall of Fame career why because he knew he wasn't a football player he wasn't gonna start hitting people and all that Marvin Harrison was gonna play a long time Ted gin was smart he was gonna play a long time to a tongue of ioa man he's a smart guy but when he gets on the football field he makes these dumb decisions sad sad yeah you know I I I wouldn't have extended him because of this mainly because you didn't know whether he could stay healthy he did it last year but that was an anomaly and I would have I would have had him play this season that wasn't a very popular opinion that's not what turned out to happen but let's not Rel legislate that that's in the past um yeah moving forward I look I I don't know what's going to happen it's it's not a bright Outlook from where we sit right now you would have to think that it's going to be on the Grim side as far as yeah you've you've got to search for a new quarterback next season but again you know let's take this one day at a time I know that doesn't sell on podcast it doesn't sell in your business it doesn't sell in my business but logic it's just there's no logic behind it man unfortunately there's no logic behind did at this point you can you can try to sell the company line well let me let me ask you this bigo if you're if you were if you were Chris Greer Steve Ross or Mike McDaniel would you put Tua back onto the field this year if he got medical clearance no I would I would I would I I mean this is football and and this is a this is it's a rough and tumble League it's the NFL if he gets Medical clearance and he wants to play I'm putting him back out there because that's my best chance to win and then we take up next year next year but I'm trying I'm still trying to win this year with this team that I put together with this plan that I've constructed with these contract extensions that I've put that I've awarded whether they're Justified or not you've got to do your best to clean up this I this situation I I I shouldn't call it a mess it's a mess tonight on September 13th uh I guess this morning really uh but um let let let's wait and see what happens here let's not be fatalistic right now let's wait and see what happens again it it does look like it's going to be on the Grim side but let's wait and see okay so the only thing I I now that I'm thinking about it you're right you you do have to bring them back yeah but I'm thinking different than you are I'm a cynic son of a [ __ ] I've been at for a long long time get if he gets cleared by a by a doctor and his hard-headed ass well his soft headed knuckleheaded ass um wants to come back then you have to let him come back and you gotta let him get concussed again because you need him to retire in order for you to get cleared out of that contract and not pay as much in the guarantees because as long as he has to try to play then you've got to pay but if he wants to play himself into concussion Zone well then go ahead then he comes back and then on the next one then he'll be forced to retire and then that's how you'll be able to get out of some of the responsibility of that contract so in an evil way I think you actually have to follow your advice it's a business and I hate to be so cold and right it's a business big oh I hate to be cold and calculating look at Cleveland you know uh they're trying to get out of that Deshawn Watson deal and if it comes through a lawsuit or you know then we're out uh it's a cold cold league and and but that's that's kind of the way you have to let it play out plus let's face it from where you sit right now to is your best chance to win he's your best chance to get to the playoffs I I I want to see what kind of growth Skyler Thompson has had this is the exact situation that Mike McDaniel said he put Skyler and Mike White through in training camp the stressful traumatic situation um let's see how Skyler P that believes that right there you're not even saying that with a straight face right you're there's there's no part of you that believes anything that Skyler Thompson is capable listen listen bigo listen what Skyler has to do all he has to bigo is get the ball to jayen Wadd and Tyreek Hill right that's pretty much what Tua did Tua is better at it but that's pretty much what he has to do is get the ball into the hands of The Playmakers and let them do the heavy lifting get it to hn get it to Tyreek get it to to to Wadd now look he's a backup quarterback here's what I've always said about the backup quarterbacks bigo what I want from them is to get me to 500 over a 4-we stretch any longer than that you're G to be exposed and I'm not looking at Skyler Thompson to win me these games I'm looking at Tyreek to do more than his 11 Jaylen waddle to do more than his 11th Jaylen Ramsey to do more than his 11th Anthony Weaver Mike McDaniel everybody's gotta pitch in and do more because you know Skyler is not as good as Tua you've got to do more this is not on Skyler it's on Skyler not to lose the game it's on everybody else to win the game and that's what I think is the case for pretty much every backup quarterback in the NFL I mean you know maybe Tyrod Taylor or somebody could could you know get you do something a little unexpected but most of these guys have not been starters they they don't have experience everybody else has to get you over the hump they can't lose the game for you others have to win the game for you I have to ask you this question because fonus is coming up next and I love you I know you're watching but you're a little young for me to ask this question you got to have a little perspective you got have a little age okay yep um Mike McDaniel he looks different but he's kind of the same dude I've seen this guy before except this guy that I used to know he used to leave a pair of tickets for Elvis every time but he had an exciting offense he was a colorful character m-hm liked him when push came to shove his teams got shoved yep and uh to me Mike McDaniel is the new version of Jerry Glenville yeah first first NFL game that I covered Jerry Glenville and Tom Landry were the coaches 1988 uh yeah you know look you you know bigo that's that's been my big contention with this team is that last season one and six against playoff teams the two years under McDaniel 3 and 12 against playoff teams and last year while going one- six against the playoff teams the average score of those games was 32 to 16 I don't know what's more outrageous allowing 32 or only scoring 16 I think it's only scoring 16 because you're an offensive team that's your identity and yeah this has been a big criticism of mine about Mike McDaniel and about this offense is that it's good against the non-playoff teams but the playoff teams figure out a way the playoff teams know if we can really focus on shutting down Tyreek Hill this offense can't score it can't score Jaylen W can't beat you and and Durham SMI can't beat you Raheem Mo and Devon aan can't beat you they can put up 100 yard games and they can score two touchdowns but they're not going to add up to four touchdowns 28 points 31 points and beat you and that's been my big thing with this off offense it's it it doesn't come through against the big boys and that's what we saw again tonight yeah and and by the way because I told a lot of people because people oh well if you lose this game and you play a good game you know you still have the whole season I said no no no you got to win this game because you look at the last three years it's really a seven game season and what I mean by that is you only play seven playoff teams yep went one and six last year you went two and five the year before that and two and five the year before that y so that's all you need to know is what do you do in those seven games against playoff teams oh that's what you do well that's what you're going to do in the playoffs right there if you even if you get if you get there we now know you're one and six or two and five two and five and now you're 0 and one already so you're you know you're well on your way so that's kind of the that's kind of the knock out of this I'll ask uh uh fonus and I'll ask you and we'll wrap it up with this I know when Eric spolo has got his back against the wall and somebody's injured and somebody's out or whatever he still can out coach somebody he can still he can still overcome adversity I've never seen that with Mike McDaniel what tells you that he is a good enough coach to coach out of adversity nothing nothing and this is what I have to see from Mike McDaniel as a matter of fact you can ask fonas this I sent fonas and Dave Hy a text during the game and I said you know what it's coming up very soon to the day where I have to write the column is Mike McDaniel being out coached in these games because you've got the talent and there's no excuse for you to get pummeled like this I mean if you're losing close games okay but you're getting pummeled and here's the other thing bigo is that they've got to have another way to win games right so I I've always said you know watching the NBA for instance how quickly can you get to your b game if you're a three-point shooting team and they cut that off well can you go to a drive and kick game can you go to a to a inside game can you score some other way can you let your defense uh fire up your offense and get a transition offense going to fire you up the Dolphins only have one way of winning and that's the big play we saw that last week right we we saw Devon aan with the 39 yard uh reception we saw J jayen Wadd 6 3 Tyreek 80 those were the big plays but you have to have something else can this team win on defense can this team win with a run game special teams turned in a great performance last week but that's not gonna well I say that's not going to win you a game it did it did win you the Dallas game right you had one touchdown and five Jason Sanders field goals you've got to be able to win a game some other way and and I don't see that often enough with the dolphins that gets to both coaching and design of the team this is a Greer Mike McDaniel problem uh it's why I get pissed off at people who RI Liam ikenberg because Liam gives a damn Liam is doing his best it's not his fault he's a converted tackle they they don't value interior offensive line and so you're in the position that you're in and Liam becomes a scapegoat this is a Mike McDaniel problem this is a Chris Greer problem this is their design and so when we're looking at this team right now bigo now look when you're without your quarterback and possibly without your starle tackle that's serious that those are serious hurdles to overcome right but how how else can you win can can you can you do something with Jaylen Ramsey and Jaylen Phillips and Zack seeler and Jordan puyer can you can you drum something up like you have all this Talent put it to work like get it to win some games for you get it get it to keep you close and let Jason Sanders be the closer something Big O we've got to see something aside from this big play offense winning games for the Dolphins my pain ready yep five bet parlay oh no James Cook anytime touchdown yep did I get it got it in in big way in a big way Ray Davis over seven and a half yards rushing did I get it yeah yeah okay Tua Tonga vioa over four and a half yards rushing yep did you get it got that James Cook over 60 and a half yards rushing did I get that almost got that on one run right almost on one run but I did get it right you got it oh yeah you got that the only thing I needed was an anytime touchdown from from Janu Smith oh oh no plus 5,000 bro it 5000 man you know what man I'm waiting for that tight end touchdown too I am waiting bigo I am waiting for that I thought johu yeah I thought that you know Hill he overthrew Hill yeah yeah y Julian Julian was dude he did he did was not sharp either before the injury he actually had throws too correct correct wow bigo wow that's a heartbreaker right there you know how much you know how much Bitcoin I was getting ready to buy tonight yeah I bet you were I bet you were oh man what are you working on the Sentinel so folks can check you out my man well you know what um I'm I'm writing a column tomorrow I haven't really decided what I'm going to write yet I I've got to get with Dave Hyde it's might be big picture and and looking at this team until the buy it might be looking at the plan of the 30s somethings it might be something t a related it might be looking at how they can win games but um yeah I listen um I the last one bro don't even bother with that one bro they they gotta come up with something bigo they got to come up with something so yeah so it's uh I'll I'll write something I'll sleep on it uh but uh boy I I I will say this big old you know in the locker room all the players were saying that Tua was in good spirits that he talked to a lot of the players they talked to him and and he seemed to be in good spirits that means nothing as far as you know head trauma and not going on IR or anything like that but I know that's the that's the the fencing posture that that was the scary we all saw that right away I know we all saw that right away so I I would think this is a multi-week injury just to be on the safe side right just to even even for appearances but who knows it's the NFL who knows he he could be back in two weeks but um thank God I'm going to two concerts in Seattle next week oh no joke no joke nice nice man all right text me man maybe we can uh maybe we can hang out I'll be there I'll be there but I'll definitely text you guys but yes yeah do that man I I pull in on Thursday I'm flying out Thursday so oh nice nice nice well Dolphins fans I don't know I don't know what to tell you man this is a kick in the stomach I know it but I small bites of this sandwich small bites of this uh what 16 more weeks left in this sandwich take small bites you you don't have to bite off seven weeks tonight let's see what happens with Tua day by day it's probably going to be a multi-week absence but again if Skyler can get you to two and two over a four game stretch after that every backup I know bigo every backup gets exposed after that but again everybody's got to do their Skyler just can't lose the game for you he's not gonna win it everybody else has to win it for you where are you doing your standup comedy I'm I'm gonna go do it in North Bay Village at my condo I'm gonna go practice then I'll bring it back to Miami Gardens follow on Twitter at Chris perk Chris as always your stud my brother thank you we'll catch you up next good all good bigo all right there you go Chris Perkins ejd construction call my guy Eric 305 433 4843 fully insured liability and workers comp so that way you know when you hire somebody you want to make sure they're fully insured that way if anybody gets hurt on your property you're not going to get sued they use shell construction inhouse that's how they keep their cost down so call them free consultation 305 433 4843 for ejd construction [Music] [Music] this is the Big O [Music] show this is the big old show [Music]

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