MAJOR Davante Adams Rumors, Kolton Miller & Jackson Powers-Johnson Injury Update + Raiders OTA News

[Music] rer Nation what's going on it's Mitchell R here host of the Raiders reporting coming up on today's show we're going to look at the Raiders otaa news from practice today that I think a lot of y'all want to know now obviously I'm not there in the building I wasn't at practice but just from following a lot of the reports being able to reach out to a few people that were there have some conversations I'm going to talk about all that and then at the end of today's show we're also going to discuss the coaches notes from Patrick Graham Luke gsy Tom McMahon who's the Raiders special teams coordinator because they had some interesting things to say before though there was a little bit of rumor speculation going out and anytime something happens around Devonte Adams the entire NFL world listen so he did not practice today and it was originally reported by Vincent bodor that he was not at like OTAs at all so when that happened everyone and their brother starts running with the story of oh no Devonte he's angry you know how the NFL media is everybody thinks that the Raiders want to trade Adams everybody thinks that Devonte wants to be trade it so when that came out people were like oh man here we go again bottom line is this even though he did not practice he was still at the facility today so let's just stop the trade rumors if you see any Devon Adams trade rumors because he did not participate in OTAs sent it to me I'm going to do some shows of brown him and we're going to have some fun with with it but like here's the bottom line like this is why you subscribe because I am telling you right now from doing this as long as I have from y'all probably watching the show and just being on social media there is going to be somebody tomorrow I'll know who it is that's going to say Devante Adams trade rumors they're going to get circulating again and if you see it send it to me I'm going to make a video on it he ain't getting traded he has said multiple times he wants to stay Antonio Pierce has said it Toco I don't know how many other ways we could do it but this is why you subscribe the otaa news and uh get the good rumors cuz there is such thing as good rumors let's talk about some other notes that I got today Aidan oconnell was I was told very accurate today now again you got a fun little quarterback competition and it's going to be a really fun QB room because Aiden is I I want to say like more locked in than Gardner based on what I was told but Gardner definitely has that like a little bit more laidback Persona kind of go with the win which I really shouldn't Sur surprise anybody the good news is though that with mchu and Aiden both guys from what I understood look pretty damn good today both guys were able to you know hit the Nets pretty well both showed good accuracy and Again Luke gatsy wants a quarterback that take care of the football Gardner mchu and Aiden lonnell it's going to be a one fun quarterback battle also I got some updates here on Christian Wilkins and what somebody messaged me dude's the real deal which again if you're going to go out and spend all the money that you did on Wilkins he finally gets to work with the interior guys on the defensive line I expect big big things from Wilkins no doubt about it but just like seeing him out there Crosby he was a leader today he led all the stretches those two guys on your interior is going to strike a lot of fear on defense another thing that I thought was very interesting was Adam Butler was working with the ones today so when you when I say working with the ones there's sometimes where the starters are out there but you're mixing and matching there was a time where predominantly all the Raiders starters were on the field from a practice standpoint and it was Max Crosby Christian Wilkins Adam Butler Malcolm Coons I think most Raider fans would say that's the ones on the defensive line Max Christian Malcolm so the fact that Adam Butler was working with the ones not shocked by it I did want to throw that in there other thing was Michael Mayer he was making some pretty big plays today also was speaking to the media and I I loved what Michael was saying just because you know you don't really get to hear a lot especially last year previous years with McDaniels mayor I don't know if he meant to do it he definitely threw a few Jabs at McDaniels just being like the offense is a lot easier to understand we're allowed to have fun this year when you hear those two things he didn't say anything about McDaniels whoever also was chanting like fire McDaniels in the live chat that it was hilarious but like you could see on his facial expressions that he anticipates to be used a lot he's excited to play with gatsy he was getting a lot of work they were moving them all over the football field today but also it was the understanding of yeah it's a lot easier in year 2 it's also a lot easier not having Josh McDaniels around coming up we're going to get into more Raiders OTA news from today that I think that the nation would want to hear and we got a lot more updates to get into in fact some good some not so good some injuries on the offensive line which I don't have an update on them yet still working on them but just hoping that you know it's nothing too serious there's nothing really to rush because well it is May after all I'll tell you what those injuries were in just a second shout out to today sponsor prize pick and there's a hell of a basketball game on tonight you got the Celtics Pacers can't wait to get that one underway we also are going to be live here at chat sports shout out to Ally Barefoot she's going to be covering that game so if anybody wants to choose more or less with foot tonight you can do so with our awesome sponsor prize pick prize pick has fun games for the NBA playoffs and I want you guys to to play the purple stars because look for select players on the board with star icons win a lineup that includes one or more star players and get a 10% boost on your winnings if that lineup is perfect so the lineup that I have here tonight for this game I'm going to go with more with Jason Tatum on 10 rebounds three straight games with at least 10 rebounds Tyrese halberton has yet to score 19 and a half points against the Celtics this season so I took the less there and then Drew holiday give me four and a half assists I anticipate that the Celtics are going to win this basketball game in kind of I don't want to say convincing fashion they're clearly the better team and if the New York Knicks don't get hurt the Pacers are probably not even in this situation hell you might even be able to say the same thing about Jimmy Butler in the heat but to me holiday's going to get four and a half assist I'm rolling with this and if you want to roll with this one as well you can find that link it's going to be available for you guys down in the comments down in the description prize picks is simple you just pick more than or less than on two to six player sta projections and watch the winnings roll in get started now if you haven't already at priz clns and get a first time deposit match of $100 priz CNS pick more pick less it's really that easy all right coming up here next let's get into some more OTA news from today and I got one notification today from uh one of my buddies and he was like dude I'm telling you right now Dylan lby is him and I'm excited and I know that the nation is excited too he was making a lot of things happen today and there were people throwing out the cops of oh Christian mcaffrey which he wears 23 and he's a white running back like that's that's the connection there as much as as excited as I am for La he's not Christian mcaffry you can already see it he's not the athlete but then again not many people are mcaffrey what I am curious to see though is all the different ways that they end up using him because he was getting some work out of the back field today zamir white did not practice but like clearly they are going to use him at special teams clearly going to use him at the back field as well la is a very very sneaky name to consider in a PPR fantasy football league that's very very deep also some updates here this one's from Tashan Reed and it said that the Raiders had 78 players practicing today for day two of OTAs so again day two means like think about it where yesterday was supposed to be the first day no nobody practice so today it's considered day two realistically it's day one those who were not participating zamir white Amir Abdullah shout out to Dean we'll bang to that here in a second Michael Gallop Devonte Adams Jaylen gon Tulu Griffin Colton Miller Ron Stone Matthew Butler Nesta Jade svera Darien Butler and Jack Jones so 12 players not practicing remember 90 players overall in the roster what's important about this one though was Colt Miller so Colt Miller was working on the sidelines today which usually means that he's dealing with something like again star player was there unable to practice but working on the sidelines means that he's battling at least some minor of an injury which I don't love again it's probably he's a veteran 29 30 years old they don't really want to rush him they don't want to do anything all that wild but the fact that he did battle injuries last season and then the Raiders also made the point right after the NFL draft to go out and get Andres Pete who's going to predominate play on the left side one of the things that I am going to be Mooring this this offseason is the Colton Miller injury how healthy is he because again when you get older and older and older and you're just that big of a human being things can start to add up a little bit another injury update that we actually just got here right before that we went live Jackson Powers Johnson so he left practice early I have no update whatsoever on what jpj's injury is what exactly happened or why he did leave early maybe he didn't leave early I don't know maybe he pulled a we're talking about the Celtics of Paul Pearson he [ __ ] his pants on practice I don't have the answer but what I am going to say is if this is injury related this is a this is a red flag for me and the only reason why I say that is because the only reason that jpj did not go in round one was because a lot of NFL teams were afraid of the injury so if it's a concussion if it's something with the head that's going to scare the absolute freaking hell out of me outside of that though I still to see what happens because great player but everybody that's watching the show right now or anybody that watches Oregon or knows anything about him is the biggest red flag was the injuries and the fact that he left today early that's does scare me quite a bit coming up next here we got some coaches notes that from Patrick Graham Luke gatsy and again Tom McMahon and they spoke to the media right before practice and if you guys want to see everything that they talked about that's why you guys should follow me on Instagram on Twitter at Mitchell Ren 365 and put all this stuff kind of out there but like what you're going to see here is just the notes that I thought were the most important from today Patrick grah believes that Tyrie Wilson playing inside was important for his development talked about how it's just like a shorter like a it's it's shorter distance from you to the defender where if you're an edge there's a lot more time between what your hands are going to do and they moved him inside to help him with his hands his footwork his get off a little bit easier and I've seen some people say that they still think that he's only going to play defensive ENT I actually totally disagree with that I think that the Raiders are going to continue to use him as an edge as a defensive tackle move him inside and outside but like right now I was anticipating that Wilson was going to have that opportunity to be the defensive tackle one which it's still early it's freaking may but Adam Butler get did get the Reps today at number one for DT let's continue to talk about Christian Wilkins here Patrick Graham was super excited when he was talking about him as as he should be he hasn't had a defensive tack like Wilkins literally ever as long as he's been a member of the Raiders here had some good ones when he was with the Giants but Wilkins is going to require a lot a lot of double teams and really just talked about how that's going to open up things for a lot of other players I think the my favorite note from PG was one on Malcolm C and you know when you hear these coaches talk a lot of times it's coaches speak and I love the fact that Tom McMahon was freaking fired up today Luke gety was the only one where I was like yeah he's a little bit more reserved but like PG said that C is out here taking that next step coaching guys up and when you see a young player like Malcolm coaching guys up PG say said it made him Giddy and even know if he can like say giddy out loud you got to watch Patrick Graham cuz like he's laughing internally that he's even talking about this but to me the fact that he brought it up and the fact that he's talking about Malcolm taking that next step I do think for a lot of people out there that want the Raiders to extend Malcolm this is one of those little little things that I think could go a really long way getsy he's started talking about Brock Bowers and all the ways that they're going to use him he was asked the question kind of like went around how the Raiders are going to use Bowers and then the next person came in asked kind of the exact same thing and gsy was just like I'm excited to use him they're going to use him in a lot a lot of different areas on the field basically said that he was the best player in the SEC for multiple Seasons which again I think people look at Bowers and just say tight end he's he's an athlete he's a secret weapon and I'm excited to see what the Raiders do with him also getsy was talking about theer m and that he was talented enough to play both sides of the offensive line which will be something that I continue to monitor just because you know Antonio Pierce said that they mford is going to be playing on the right side and really made it seem like this team is set on him playing right side and right side only specifically because they also said Andres Pete's going to be playing on that left side and I've said that Cody whitehair is going to be the dude on the interior but the fact that they think he can play Both Sides if this Colton Miller injury does linger definitely watch out there and where they decide to use him next thing is Luke getsy really wants a quarterback who protects the football like somebody asked what are the traits that you're looking for in your starting quarterback and gy kind of fired back quickly and was like I'm not really going to look at traits which I do think helps both Aiden and Gardner because neither of those quarterbacks have a lot of traits that scream you can be a starting quarterback in the NFL but if you can go out there and mentally prepare yourself for the good competition and hold on the football protect the ball like that's how this team's going to win games you're not going to win games because of Gardner muu and Aiden lonnell you're not going to you will lose games though because of those two guys and if they take care of the ball well then maybe you will win some games because of them all right so how about this if getsy is going to say that he wants a QB that protects the ball out of the two names that you see up here on screen who's better at it like who do you have more confidence in to protect the football do you have confidence in Garner mchu type GM or you have more confidence in Aden no Connell I want you to type AOC down below I think it depends which way you talk about turning over the football because throughout their career aen o connell's interception percentage is 2% compared to Garner M's 1.7 not that big of a difference Aiden also was a rookie last season so from the interception perspective I do have more faith in Garner to not turn over the ball when it comes to fumbles though and this is the one thing that if Gardner don't clean up the fumbles Aiden's got his fumbles problems on top of that but we talk about all the time Derek Carr and the fumble problems he had remember Derek Carr's fumble problems that's Garner muu fumble PRS they are right there neck and neck both bad I think if they can clean it up it's a it's a solid thing but based off of what gety said alone I still have more confidence in Garder muu but I do think that Aiden probably protects the football better this season specifically from an interception standpoint one of the other notes that I thought was probably the most important from our special teams coordinator Tom McMahon again he spoke and dude if you haven't seen McMahon's like speech he left the podium I'm not [ __ ] y'all like three or four times to go teach up the media of like the different rules and he talks a lot about like what they're planning on doing with these new kickoff rules he did say though that he loves DJ Turner DJ Turner is not a player that I think makes this 53 man roster but we see it time and time again that there are guys that find ways to make this team A lot of times it's through special teams could Turner be one of those dudes also McMahon bringing that energy I I loved it dude it was it was cool because I was not thrilled when the Raiders hired him last season but like the way that they are constructing practice I love it because they're letting Daniel Carlson the players really weigh in a lot of these new kickoff rules and I am extremely curious to see what the Raiders decide to do for these new kickoff rules so again Patrick Graham mcmah gave me some good teacher Vibes where gs's answers were a lot of words like I don't want to say this because I know people are going to blow it out of proportion just because of everyone knows how I feel about Josh McDaniels but when you listen to the way Patrick Graham and McMahon talked they talked kind of the same way when I get that vibe from Antonio Pierce when they're talking I listen and I feel like I'm learning something where when gsy was talking it just seemed like a lot of words and I had a little bit of you know Josh McDaniel Deja Vu of man I don't know really know what you're saying you're saying a lot but you're not really saying anything to me Patrick grah McMahon hell of a job Luke getsy did some good not so great in this press conference overall though from what I understood very very good first day here at practice for the Las Vegas Raiders at OTAs [Music]

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