Oklahoma Sooners Young OLine Class In 24 IS Alot Better Then You Think‼️ WAS THIS BILL’s BEST CLASS?

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:50:59 Category: People & Blogs

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oh you how you doing it's samel Migo Grayson hton and we here at the women's gymnastics meet y'all make sure y'all tune in and we here with my dogs do it I ain't going to lie yeah I ain't going to lie they flipp it out right okay then oh you yeah yeah oh my God let go let's turn it up y'all oh yeah yeah right now let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let do it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh she got a 10 oh you know it you know it she got a 10 let's go R let's go let's go she the one one not the two she the one not the two the one Z come on [Applause] and he's going to take it all the way back touchdown sooner they consera and run the football they chose to throw and the defense makes them pain [Applause] almost that [Music] time Boomer sooner this fall Camp's going to it's going to Define who we're going to be what we are and who we are and that's the challenge everybody's got the same amount of time everybody in college football got the same amount of time so we on the clock stands on Saturday at the Cotton bow there will be a lot of horns up and a lot of horns down depending upon which end of the stadium you are for the OU Texas game at 11:00 a.m. on the field there will only be horns up apparently the Big 12 announced this summer that if players show horns down in a taunting manner it will be a [Music] penalty Big 12 announced this Summer that if players show horns down in a taunting manner it will be a penalty the Sooners we ask about that [Music] today a lot of horns down lot of horns down and the defense makes [Applause] them a lot of horns down sooner born In The Heat Of The blaz Crimson and cream dreams you DNA all of just to clear up something with my sooner Nation family in the last video I lik in BV to BW and a lot of y'all took that as me claiming that BW was the greatest coach in OU history when we all know that the greatest coach to ever grace through the palace on the Prairie was the man the myth the legend no other than Barry Switzer see Barry Switzer was a winner like no other and for me to get y'all to better understand why I say he's the greatest coach U has ever had I need to dial it back for a second and let y'all know oh OU has 17 national championships in total seven claimed and 10 unclaimed now why is that important it is important because Bud Wilkinson has three claimed and three unclaimed while Barry Switzer on the other hand actually has three claimed and four unclaimed so seven national championships in total so when we speaking about Barry Switzer you have to speak on Barry Switzer in the light of one of the greatest to ever do it in college football so you can only compare him to an alltime great only one Nick Sab seven national championships one unclaimed eight in total that is the only man you can compare Barry Switzer with Barry Switzer is an elite company Barry Switzer is the peak of U football and when it comes to the coaching tree he is at the top the man is truly one of one but family we got a lot to talk about though because when it comes to the National media it seems that there is a true disrespect for U football right now we've caught so many Strays in this off season the jealousy for the Sooners is truly starting to reveal itself like in this college football season record prediction that top tier put out where they claimed that the Sooners were going to go six and six why while going 2 and six in the SEC which truly shows what these people really want for the Sooners they want the Sooners to be a bottom feeder and the hate for Alabama is displayed as well on his record prediction as they have them going seven and5 they have them with the same record as Florida and Arkansas State they have the Oklahoma Sooners losing more games than Florida or State Texas A&M and tied with the University of Kentucky but we are here for the Sooners and when it comes to the Oklahoma Sooners The Narrative that these National media [ __ ] I mean pundits try to hide behind is that Oklahoma has a gauntlet of a schedule but what I'm trying to understand is how does Oklahoma have a gauntlet and Florida doesn't let's not forget that Oklahoma has always been a better team than 90% of the teams that they have on their schedule including Texas the one y'all have going 8- one so you know what I say to this prediction considering sooner Nation we refuse to lose failure was never an option but if we fail we fight hard and never give up and here's a message to all the sooner Nation content creators out there don't allow these secc Punit to make you back up off your record prediction if you believe we going 12 and0 11 11 And1 10 and two stand on that don't let them punk you into saying hey look we can lose this amount of games or that amount of games at that same time we can win this amount of games and that amount of games so don't allow them to dictate how you feel about the situation and push you off your record prediction stand on that what you have to say about man you see man we SEC down we coming hey they think we sweet they don't know bro we F to wake him up they don't know we coming sir yes sir our younger brothers Grace in the field and crimson and cream are fired up they've been seeing everything that been put out there so the SEC better be ready and like BV said his 2024 recruiting class the 24 karat gold class is his best yet and I most certainly agree Hawkin Jr here day after signing day getting the work in ready to get it rolling up Nation my name is Xavier Robinson from Carl Alber High School play running back glad to be out here you know getting that work in and uh happy to be a sooner what's up Nigel Smith Jaden Jackson like y we play defensive end excited to join sooner Nation yes sir ready to get to [Music] work the field in this situation I want to be shoter Sho I would go ahead and square up and I would end hey Jaden Hardy from Louisville Texas Eli b d Texas early and rley decid to get that work in excit to be a sooner hey Boomer Sooner when you mix this 24 karat gold recruiting class with this team full of upper classman blue chippers what you get is a recipe for Success see those upper classman don't want to give an inch on their spots and these youngest the 24 karat gold standard recruits are pushing the line and speaking of the line see the old line that has been the topic of discussion this entire off seon due to the fact that U lost five starters to either the NFL or the transfer portal upand cominging Talent like Kaden green decided to step and go chase a bigger bag Tyler gon got a first round grade Andrew rain left a bit too early Walter Rouse was a nice one-year rental but BV and BB decided to go ahead and reload in this year's transfer portal picking up names like Branson Hickman they picked up fi no wayu garyan Hatchet Michael tarwin Spencer Brown while picking up machines on the dline and in the secondary Deon Burks may be the diamond of this transfer portal class but don't get it twisted these youngans they are coming most certainly they are coming underrated prospects like three star Isaiah arrey who comes from an athletic background his mother was a track and field star and his cousin was former U Alum who eventually transferred out we all know that thing ended bad but Marcus duri who the legendary Barry Switzer decided to go ahead and pick up on the recruiting trail that boy was a dog and if he finished out his career here he would be a legend in the NFL the way they discussed that young man he was special but let's go ahead and check out the tape from Isaiah arrey and when you look at Isaiah atre's tape the first thing that stands out on film is Isaiah has beautiful feet he moves his feet so well for a big guy the term dancing bear is most definitely something that applies to him because he's so fluid with his feetwork and movement you can tell that he has a basket background because that footwork doesn't really come naturally to someone so big that's something you have to work on in the sport of basketball you learn very early how to bend your knees and shift your weight from side to side because it's all about being able to put your weight on one side and the other remain quick and stay in front of a Defender and on the offensive end you have to be able to cut and move and roll to the basket to go ahead and catch lives rebound and do things like that that would be his job on the basketball court because he's a bigger heavier set guy and you can see that in Isaiah arry's playing style he's out there on the field moving around like he's playing basketball but there is some things that I noticed that stuck out with Isaiah Isaiah seems to play very hot and that's very common in young players then he has a very long wingspan I'm pretty sure being 6' 7 6'8 he probably has a 69 610 wingspan maybe longer so he's used to putting these defensive ends at the high school level in jail once he gets his hands on them and gets a good grip it's over with they can't get around that they don't know what to do to get around all of that length and size so Isaiah arrey has the measurables to be something special in the Collegian level and at the next level the NFL if he so chooses to go there Isaiah arrey reminds me of a prospect in the 2025 five class that we were going after that eventually committed to the Missouri Tigers in Lamont Rogers the link the size the movement patterns they are all very similar but the thing about Isaiah atry is he's a little bit more fluent than Lamont Rogers Lamont Rogers reminds me of a Bambi at some time seems like he just grew a little bit too fast really not used to his size and speed he hasn't grown into them legs fully and that's what makes Isaiah Tre so intriguing is the fact that he's already filled out and grown into his body and he's able to control his body at a level that's really not common Isaiah rree can be as special as he wants to be as long as he locks in and you know pays attention to the technique that bill beaten ball is trying to introduce to him Isaiah will need all of that technique to be successful at the Collegian level cuz Isaiah doesn't seem at least from this film that I've examine and of course these are highlights we can't see everything but from the film it seems as though Isaiah isn't very strong up top or in his base he's about average he he's decent but not very strong like these tackles you would see at the Collegian level or in the NFL so he's going to need all of that technique Isaiah's game is more so athleticism that footwork the mobility but I mean strength is one of those things that you can always acquire you know that Superman level strength that's god-given but you can always get stronger see Isaiah he's just going to need a little bit more to push people off the ball if you want to be really special he going to have to lock into that weight room and really get strong put on a lot of weight but of course you got to be careful with packing on too much weight and muscle for a player that relies on athleticism and mobility and especially for a tackle so you don't want him to get crazy big nothing like 335 340 you want him right around 315 to maybe 320 at Max so that that Mobility is still there and uh he also has that ability to push people off the ball but Isaiah alrey just like Lamont Rogers has a very very high Boomer bus potential but uh if he reaches that peak man you talking about somebody special and that's how I don't know how Lamont Rogers is a top 100 overall Prospect and Isaiah atrey is only a three star for our next commit the Sooners went across the pond for an overseas eval to acquire Daniel akumi a 6'5 offensive guard or tackle who has meant a elite amount of strength in his upper body and in his lower half he moves very well for his size Daniel is one of those players who has his pancake badge he just pancakes everything here's an example of his Mobility when they utilize him to pull and he just takes out that D linan and also knocks back that linebacker and really opens up that hole he's more shaped like a guard he's projected to play tackle for the Sooners and I believe he has that ability because Daniel akan aumi even though whoa hold up I just love this play it's so violent look how violent he is right here he gets some reps at tackle and look how well he moves his feet he's just shutting that defensive end off he had no chance they pulled him again right here and his mobility and violence is just just on full display man I just love this kid he's only played football for 2 years he has something that either you have or you don't and that is the capability to lock into whatever he does the man is a perfectionist and you can see that in his game and how his game has taken off within the short amount of time that he's been playing or even knowing about American football Daniel akan aumi has decent footwork but I see his footwork getting a lot better especially if he's placed in the play tackle I'm sure bill beatball will move him around because he's just one of those pieces that is like a utility piece on the old line that can play Anywhere his strength and size will make him perfect to play on the inside because hey we all know that's a tighter space and it's all about what you can get out of your base but on the outside playing on the end playing tackle he can do that as well because he has amazing footwork for a newbie and then this is where you see big ax athletic basketball background stand out as well he just moves so well I love the way that Daniel akumi moves he moves like a tackle in a guard's body and that IQ is just going to take him so far if he can just stay healthy we already know that he has dealt with an injury that sidelined him throughout the spring but there was raving reviews coming out about akan aumi and how he is just a stupid of the game and that's something that you love to hear see Daniel once he gets that experience he is an NFL o linan whether that's a tackle or a guard I just don't know right now we don't have enough information to make that judgment well it's not even for us to make of course it's up to Bill beatball but just for me evaluating Daniel akumi we don't have enough information to know whether he's a guard or a tackle we've seen plenty of people with this guard type body make it to be excellent tackles in the college level and at the next level the NFL in my personal opinion the best tackle in the NFL Trent Williams is more of a guard at the Collegiate level who they consider one of the best tackles in college football and Kelvin Banks Jr is a guard he's not a tackle that's why he always gets beat I suggest y'all go rewatch that Red River rivalry you will see Kelvin Banks Jor get beat time and time again the dude is not an elite tackle he's not a first a second maybe a third round tackle I don't see first or second round tackle in kelvin Banks Jr but don't get me caught up in that hey Gabe ier he brought it up and I had to go re look at that film and it was just egregious Kelvin Banks Jr is not an elite tackle go look at his film Daniel akanomi reminds me of a player that's already on this U roster and it is a player that all of the U fan base has come to love because of his loyalty and his ability to adapt to whatever the team needs and that is Jacob ston he also reminds me of another U former guard SL tackle that of course was a freshman All-American and left to go to Mid zoo and that man Kaden green and funny thing is man Kaden green and Jacob ston always kind of favored each other to me man look at these two dudes faces man tell me they don't look alike I can't be the only one who thought that these two men look alike you would have probably seen Daniel akanomi be a high fourstar Talent just due solely to that athleticism and his IQ of course he has good measurables but overall it's just that athleticism that raw athleticism once again is something you can't teach and it's something that doesn't come around every day so these two tackles for the University of Oklahoma look to be something special now let's get into the Guardians of the Galaxy or should I say the Guardians of Switzerland because this next one we looking at comes by way of the sooner state Edmond Oklahoma Three Star Josh asosa and Josh assosa in my personal opinion is probably the lower tier of all of the rest of these old linemen that was recruited in the 2024 class because when you look at Josh isa's tape it kind of seems as though Josh isosa isn't one of those Premier highquality athletes like his fellow commits in the 24 carry go recruiting class now don't get it twisted I am not saying Josh iosa is not athletic because he most definitely is he just still moves to me on fil like he has a lot of baby weight that he's holding on to a lot of bad weight that he's holding on to that he needs to shed and turn into muscle seems like it's slowing down his Mobility but Josh isosa as far as what I've seen doesn't really seem to have that Elite level of footwork that you'll see from his peers in his class as well Josh solsa is also needing a lot of work on his technique now I'm not saying it's terrible it's not terrible he came from edmin Santa Fe that is one of the better schools in the sooner state for producing offensive lineman so it's not terrible he just needs a lot of work you feel me I believe Josh assosa is more or so a project player because right now at this point in time on film Josh isosa seems to rely on his brood strength you can tell he's very strong and that's what's been getting him by throughout high school but when it comes to the Collegian level it's all about details details details the small things at this next level is what makes you great it's what makes you a starter it's what gets snaps you have to work on those details and I believe that if Josh isosa which he's projected to play center if he can work on his technique he will be a good player serviceable player his ceiling to me is not as high as you know his peers within this recruiting class but just off of that Bru strength alone he could be a very quality SEC Center if you know he gets the right fine tuning and uh he's probably one of those project players that will not play until about his Junior season maybe even senior season he'll be a red shirt senior and probably uh will have you know a couple of years of Eligibility by the time he's a senior because like I said he needs a lot of work not to bash on Josh isosa it's just you know it's all about uh the coaching and where you come from and it just seems like Josh HOSA maybe didn't have one of those private old lineman coaches that his peers most likely had but in this college strength and conditioning with a old linman Guru like Bill beaten Bol who is the best in the game I know a lot of people like to say Chiron Moore Michigan has the same amount in the NFL Chiron Moore is a product of Oklahoma don't you ever forget that but here with the blank canvas that Josh isosa already has I see Bill beatbo painting the masterpiece by utilizing that strength adding some footwork adding some technique and you can see Josh isosa be a monster you know that three star ranking could be uh completely off but right now I do agree with the recruiting sites that Josh isosa is a low three star now family this is where we get into the superstars y'all already know it's time to roll out that Crimson carpet Family [Music] [Music] these two highly regarded high-profile prospects are can't miss prospects and will be Superstars especially with a coach like Bill Beaton ball we all know what he does with o linan but the first one we are going to highlight comes by way of Las Vegas Nevada he transferred to Sierra Kennon and is 63 334 lbs and is the number three inside oor lineman according to 247 Sports this fourstar Prospect is the number seven player in California and the 73rd overall player in the nation Eugene BJ Brooks If you followed his recruitment for some time early in his recruitment around 8th nth grade Eugene Brooks was viewed as a five-star Prospect he was viewed as the Top O lineman coming out of the 2024 class and of course as his recruitment went on his recruiting rankings dropped simply due to the fact that he was no longer attending any of these camps and Eugene Brooks also had a lot of baby fat at the time he had a lot of bad weight I believe he was upwards of around 360 lbs and the man just wasn't moving as well as he could now BJ Brooks was always a walk you are not going to get through BJ Brooks BJ Brooks I advise y'all go look at his old clips on YouTube he went to a lot of camps and just destroy kids the man is a young monster this young man doesn't even have his grown men strength yet and you cannot get through BJ Brooks he's going to lock you down now BJ Brooks his rankings Rose whenever he went through his senior year and attended a couple of camps and was locking down five star defensive lineman like they were nothing he did not lose not one rep that right there should have let y'all know that BJ Brooks was actually a five-star interior old lineman and uh looked a lot better than of course you know the five-star in that class and Jordan seatan at that same Camp Jordan Satan lost a few reps from what I seen But BJ Brooks did not lose one now let's go ahead and check out BJ Brooks film because his film it just says it all I don't see how you could ever looked at him and said that he was a three star Prospect because on the film he displays a high level of mobility and athleticism for a player of his size and stature the man was walking around at almost 360 lbs at like 17 years old he is one of the more impressive old linemen that bill beaten ball has ever recruited him and this next player that we're going to get into but when it comes to Eugene Brooks Sierra Canon utilized them as that allpurpose o lineman he literally touched every spot on the o line but he majority played tackle a few things that pop off the page when looking at BJ Brooks is his strength and the fact that he plays with such intensity he plays with an anger he plays with this ferociousness that's just a mindset something you love from your old lineman I want y'all to really Zone in on this here clip because this is truly indicative of the way that crer Canon love to utilize BJ Brooks a lot of pre- snap motion where they're moving him back and forth back and forth to confuse the defense to get that backer or defensive end on an island that way he can go ahead and just take him out once again this is another player with his pancake badge you'll see BJ Brooks throughout his film put a lot of defensive players well in this case they're defens less against him on their backs forcing these young men to assume the position of amadan cockroach they look like they out there doing amadan cockroach y'all played that game with y' friend when y'all was younger your friend lost to bet so you made him do 50 armad Dian cockroaches rolling around on his back well that's what BJ Brooks is out here making these Defenders look like when it comes to Defenders trying to utilize the bull rush it does not work against him he is Stout he is strong his base is built to withstand a lot of force whatever chaos you throw at BJ Brooks his base is built to withstand that then you add on the fact that his upper half his upper body is the equivalent of his lower body in strength it matches beautifully so when he grabs you his grappling skill is like a wrestler so you're not getting away from him he grabs you like a wrestler like he has a wrestling background the man is special this is what it's supposed to look like a five-star Talent is supposed to look dominant at every level this young man looks dominant on film he's just dominant and you cannot deny the athleticism because of the way that Sierra Canon like to utilize a lot of pre-nap motion with him and just keep him in constant movement most old Lian can't endure that because of all that weight they get tired very quickly but you see BJ Brooks just ready for the next St time and time again and I think that was on full display in those practices that are really like Junior camps for that All-American Game I believe it was the under arour All-American Game but don't quote me on that like I said it's just the junior Camp those practices because you have these analysts out there evaluating everything and trying to tighten up those screws and things that they got wrong throughout the course of the year and rerank these young prospects but I don't understand how you could look at that and not see that BJ Brooks was a five-star talent and he was the best old lineman at that Under Armour All-American Game by a mile it was not even close let's just be honest but like I said BJ Brooks is a highl athlete and I don't think he gets enough credit for his athleticism being 340 lbs and having all of that Mobility moving around nonstop on that o line and still being ready to work still coming out for the next snap and being ready to go that takes a highle athlete not to mention his mentality man he has the mindset of a underdog so that makes him a real dog even though that skill set says five star so I believe BJ Brooks was under ranked he is a five-star Talent without a doubt here is the Crown Jewel of the 2024 o line recruitment class Bill beaten ball did his big one with this one Eddie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah deep heart bro so deep it broke into m [Music] [Music] [Music] n don't even so once again thank Lis Carter the will linebacker who was just named to the two deep as a or and could be a starter against Temple we should all know by this time that this is a highlevel athlete everybody seen the videos of him running track and field but didn't understand that that video they seen was a process and even though he came in last place in his first race hey he understood that this is a process and the process isn't always linear but as long as you work long as you put that effort in and grind get that money you will eventually get to where you need to be so over time Eddie Pier L got better and better and better why because he understood the assignment [Music] [Applause] but Eddie still wasn't where he wanted to be with it so Eddie continued to work and work and [Music] work I told you that I told [Music] [Music] three more three more three more got another one out Lo out out up until Eddie got better and there's the video that went viral that everybody [Music] seen go go go go [Applause] W Eddie Pi Lei EPL for short displays that aspect in every point of his life especially in football at one point he was the 21st ranked player in the nation according to Rivals this Tampa Florida native went to Tampa Catholic High School along with Lis Carter he is 6'4 300 plus pounds closer to that 320 range now the man has prototypical guard length and size he was reranked to the number 34th player in the nation Rivals had it right the first time this man is most definitely a five star because all on film all you see is violence nothing but violence and I know he put out this skit where he said stop the violence stop [Applause] stop he literally picked that young man up like he was a baby look at this no VI you ready he what's up boy hey bro hey bro what you doing J what you doing hello everyone when I was 2 years old my best friend got hit in the head and he was pistol wh and I'm here to tell you today to stop the back in middle school I was harassed by multiple guys hold the beef because I don't like the violence stop bullying stop bullying stop bullying and I know that's what he said but let's look at this film because on film all Eddie P does is Bully the man is all about the violence on a c that man's violence is a spectacle to watch I love to watch Eddie Pi Louise film because there's just one word that describes his entire film and that is violence this dude is exciting the way that Tampa Catholic utilized him they love to get Eddie Pier Louise in space they love to see him down block and when he's down blocking he can down block with the best of them the man is a freight train on legs and if you are in his way I promise you you're going to have a bad day somebody going to get CED to the hospital I expect at least one time throughout Eddie Pi Lou college career he's going to put a kid in the hospital one of those linebackers are going to get in his way and he's going to get them carted off the field I love the way that Tampa Catholic like to hide Eddie p l and and get him out in motion and uh make him chip the five or the four and get whoever's behind him attack whoever's behind him whether that be a backer or when they're running downhill if it just so happens to be a DB safety or whatever he just wipes them out he cleans their clock you have no chance against a player like Eddie Pi Lei and I was watching somebody's breakdown on Eddie Pi L I believe it was somebody out of the canes it doesn't doesn't really matter who it was overall what they were stating was Eddie Pi Lise and this is before he committed looks like he's dominant against uh these high school DTS and backers but what will he do at the Collegiate level they don't believe that that dominance will come out because Eddie Pur Loui doesn't look fundamentally sound and my thing is I just don't understand what exactly they were watching cuz when you watch this film Eddie Pi L has amazing technique the dude is highly Advanced for his age the way that he utilizes his hands his footwork the speed power ferocity that he plays with you can tell that he has had some outside coaching from somebody who really knows the game and I believe Eddie Pi Lei has a sibling that is in the NFL and that may be where he gets a lot of the technique from because he is so Advanced that no one High School level could even match him and I don't believe that he will really have a challenge on the Collegian level especially being under a cach once again like Bill beaten ball when you give him a canvas like Eddie Pi Lei someone who has a very high work ethic someone who has the mindset of being a dog you know him and Eugene Brooks they have that Underdog mentality so that's going to take them far in itself but when you mix that in with Bill beaten ball that's his type of prospect that is a first round Prospect see y'all think Bill Beaton ball is a bad recruiter and he can't get these five-star High fourstar prospects every recruiting cycle and he's always going for these three stars but what y'all don't understand is Bill beatball is looking for a specific type of O lineman a specific skill set size stature and a mindset Bill beaten ball is very specific in what he's looking for these recruiting sites they do not know who is a five star and who is not they admit that the ones that's the hardest to evaluate or old lineman so they don't really know him and the way that they give the benefit of the doubt to you know schools like Ohio state Alabama Georgia that is what they should do with Oklahoma when it comes to the old linan Oklahoma and Michigan because we produced the most quality oinment it's just what it is man so if coach bill beatball is going after a o line Talent he's putting all his resources behind him that should tell these recruiting sites that's a festar give him his fifth star that's a five star and that is what Eddie Pi Lei is Eddie Pi Loui is Big dominant he's a force on his own in any team that he goes to he's going to be highly successful but to go under Bill beaten ball that is just going to make him a highly successful professional at the next level let's just be honest and I believe that you know for Eddie Pi Lise skill set he probably would have been best to go to like a run heavy team like Kansas or UF but uh Hey man we'll see what we do with our new offensive coordinator Seth the TR cuz as we all know he was a h-back so he's going to run the ball a lot and I believe that Eddie Pi Lise is best when it comes to run blocking hopefully he can develop in a pass blocking scheme but overall when it comes to run blocking Eddie P Lise Talent just flashes off the screen I love this kid he is highly talented and I believe that he is the best old lineman that OU has gotten in quite some time let's just be honest this 24 car Gold Class is special and I know that me making a claim that eppl is the best the soonest has picked up so far after we just picked up festar offensive tackle SL guard Michael fausi and also have Ryan FJ in the 2025 cycle I don't like to really speak on prospects until they actually sign their letter of intent because as we all know there are late flips even though BV has that rule once you commit you are committed kids going to do what they want to they are kids they can be persuaded you know to change their minds at any given time so I don't like to really speak on those recruits until they sign you feel me and I know we still looking at Andrew babal L love that Prospect but he hasn't committed to us and the other two are still not signed we'll speak about them when they sign but family soon Nation I want y'all to go follow me on Twitter at Secore Boomer trying to be a part of the Twitter family lock in with y'all and uh be a part of everything that's going on over there and also you know let's go ahead and get this channel to 1,000 Subs let's go ahead and get everything going if you are viewing go ahead and subscribe you know hit that subscribe button it's free help us get into the groove with things you know because I want to do this a lot more regular I just got a lot of things on my hands you know going on and uh at the end of the day bills don't stop getting paid so I got to focus on those more and then I try to do this in my free time but uh if we get this thing monetized get it to a th000 I will come on here a lot more frequent and uh you know we'll really lock in every day and drop a video every day I'll give yall something every day soon as we get this to 1,000 Subs so y'all go ahead and do that for me attack that like button attack that subscribe button comment down in the comment section I am responding to everybody I've been trying to finish all of those responses back to everybody I appreciate all the love that you know y'all been giving me family I'm excited to finally get out and open my mouth to our Nation because I've been a lifelong sooner fan I'm 29 years old I've never known anything else but sooner Nation you know I'm a college football fan but sooner nation has always been my nation from the beginning you know I am a legacy of sooner Nation you know my granddad went to OU and you know we just just a legacy man it's just one of those things man where it's in my blood sooner blood sooner DNA all the way through and through so I love y'all appreciate and I'm I'm just excited to you know uh be embraced by the community the way that y'all have man I just had to let y'all know that so uh yeah with that being said I will be back with another one it is game night I've been having this video in the works I just didn't have it finished yet but what better day to finish it then on game day our first ever Friday that we will be playing on in sooner history this is a very historic day not only from the as aspect of us joining the SEC but the fact that we are playing on a Friday and I just believe in this team man I'm just so hyped about this team not from all the sunshine pumping but simply from the point of view of me doing my own EV vals on each player on the roster and I just feel like this is a very good roster this roster matches up with any roster in the nation and the best thing about it is that it's a sneaky good roster the rest of the nation don't even realize how great of a roster it is let me not even say good this is a great roster I know everybody has concerns with the o line and that's the reason why I did this video to show y'all the young old line you have two young true freshmen who could be starters already who would probably be starters on most other teams but when you have a old line coach like Bill beatball you know you got to work your way up to that and I think these two young prospects in BJ Brooks and eepl will work their way into that starting line up but when you look at the experience on the o line know that's something that can't be taken for granted these aren't just a bunch of young true freshman and sophomores who are trying to Jael together these are all seniors Juniors and seniors who've been there and done that who have been through you know changes in the o line time and time again and had to reail with a new o line cuz here's a news flash to all the media pundits fans and SEC fans who do not realize that this is Collegian football you can only play with eligibility for 4 years so there's a lot of new that comes to every program a lot of programs are breaking in a new o line and uh eventually everybody will have to do it everybody has something new coming in with these these uh upper classmen having this experience man it's just going to help that jail happen a lot easier that's what I see they are all very good prospects who were uh top one to three on their team like we talking about getting o lineen from each team that were either the best o linan on their team or you know was the second or third so these aren't No Scrubs that we pulled in you feel me and I'm just excited about the defense every component of the defense man looks great I'm excited about the receiver room I'm excited about the running back room I'm excited about Jackson Arnold in that entire quarterback room every component of this entire team appears to be great it's deep it's dep like we haven't had in 20 plus years man I'm excited for what is to come and the thing about the old line is if you do not play well bill beatball has somebody who will replace you he is the best old line coach in the nation without a doubt Jackson Arnold I believe he's ready the throws he made in the Alamo ball that man look like he's special like he's ready to go so I'm excited about this team the SEC better be ready I believe that BV is an elite coach and this year he will show that to the entire world y'all know I will be back with another one make sure you don't leave the video without subscribing and go follow me on xir Twitter whatever you call it Secore boom

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