Packers Claim New Kicker & Begin Building the Practice Squad!!!

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:31:04 Category: Sports

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this video is brought to you by bet us Sportsbook and [Music] casino what's up friends happy Thursday welcome into an all new episode of the Packa day podcast I'm your host Andy Herman you can follow me on Twitter at Andy Herman NFL you can follow the podcast at paday podcast the Packers continued to tweak their 53-man roster they brought in a new kicker they lost some players via waivers they started to build their practice squad we will get to all of that but before we get there shout out to our brand new pack aay podcast YouTube members Tyler nikila uh Cen Dizzle and Ethan appreciate you guys signing up now is the perfect time to sign up not only do you get members only content like the Q&A which is going to be happening today Thursday at noon so if you're listening before noon get signed up get into that Q&A for members only at noon uh you can also get exclusive content Ross uglam has some content out there right now Ross and Dusty should have some up soon I'm going to try to get a bonus episode up uh hopefully either this week or next week so a lot of stuff like that and then you get exclusive access to content as soon as it is uploaded not having to wait till 5: in the morning every morning so there is all of that as well so now is the perfect time and you get exclusive access as well to become part of the pack a a pickham league over on ESPN and you can do the complete pick them season and the winner of our league will get two tickets to a Packers home game next year or an equivalent prize of if they can't make it to a Packer game but either way now is an amazing time to sign up all right let's start with the biggest transaction of the day for the Packers and that is that the Packers claimed Braden narvis off of waivers from the Tennessee Titans and then released Greg Joseph in the process so Green Bay has a new kicker narison will be the kicker week one against the Eagles that was confirmed today by Brian gakin and this is a really interesting signing we talked about narison quite a bit he was one of the players that was in a battle this off season with a you know another kicker on their roster that we talked about that could be somebody that Green Bay might be interested in the only thing that was I guess uh a red herring in hindsight was I really just kind of thought hey if if they were interested in narvis just throw him in the Malik Willis steel like you can clearly get something done there they were going to release uh nervis anyway this would have given him the opportunity to be the kicker in Green Bay and usually like gmss are also like oh yeah you want nervon to like it builds Goodwill and good faith and all those sort of things so it would have just seemed easy like we'll give you a seventh you give us Malik Willis and and Braden narison and you just complete the deal that way the only thing I can think of and goody was asked this today by Mike Spofford so I'm glad I'm not the only weird one that thinks of this stuff but uh he was asked and you know he basically said you know they have conversations and it just didn't work out that way but the only thing I can think of is when you package two players together like that in order to complete the trade both players have to pass their physical so that could be the one thing where they're you you know maybe just hedging so that if they really like Malik Willis was really their target they don't want to include narison in the trade and or any other person in that trade and then have narvis fail the physical which voids the trade which then you either have to work out something else for us or it can just sort of be a bit of a hassle going about it that way so that could be the only thing I think of but either way doesn't really matter the the main important thing here is that Braden narv is the new kicker for Green Bay undrafted free agent out of NC State in 2024 in preseason like we've talked about six of seven on field goals his only miss was from 58 yards he was two of two on extra points if you'd like to go see all of those kicks I did post every single one of his kicks over on my Twitter so you can go over there at Andy Herman NFL and check that out his field goal makes were from 34 21 59 46 which was a gamewinner against the Seahawks 26 and 31 so he had a few chip shots here 34 21 26 and 31 and had the two extra points so those were great um then he had the 46-yard game winner clutch you know in from a decent distance with everything on the line and a 59 y his Miss from 58 you might remember it's against the Saints I don't know if you saw puka akua's brother that were you know got it like at the you know 109 yard Mark and brought it all the way back looked like it was a touchdown but he stepped out of Bounds at the three yard line that was neston who kicked that one you're like might be thinking well he couldn't get it there well first of all it's 58 um second of all he's made 59 and third he actually did make that kick prior to it coming up a little bit short but there was a timeout and then he had to re kick it and then came up just a little bit short so uh he made it when they you know kicked it attempted it the first time but that timeout ruined it and he ended up missing just a little bit short on the second one so overall had a fantastic preseason and that gives you some hope and comfort of what he can potentially be for Green Bay moving forward now in college it's certainly still a little bit of a work in progress now this is a little bit normal from a college kicker it usually takes a little bit of time for them to sort of get going and remember this is his entire college career he was 196 of 197 on extra points but remember this a college extra point we're talking about so extremely short those should be gimmies I did not go and look to see if that was actually a missed extra point or if it was blocked in some way but only missed one out of 197 either way nothing to really be concerned about uh he was 71 of 91 on field goals for 78% in college he was 26 of 32 from 40 to 49 yards 81.3% he was only four of 12 from 50 plus in college which of course is 33.3% it was funny listening to Matt laflor be asked about the kicker position of like what do you need to do to have narvis come in and be successful and he's just like I don't know hope he comes in and just executes makes his kicks like he's like all those are questions for Rich bashia like you can tell uh one that this is a a new anything for him where he's got a kicker that's coming in right before the start of the regular season and now they're you going to have to earn trust and everything like that work with a new holder and Long Snapper so that's going to be a process I asked Matt if that would affect his play calling because of course the joke from everyone online everywhere is all right you don't need a kicker just go for two every time just go for it on fourth down every time etc etc but I asked him I'm like you know he he clearly was like I I want I don't want to say like uncomfortable like this is Uncharted Territory for him and there was almost like a little level of uncomfort of like yeah I got this new kicker I have no idea you know what he's going to do what he's going to be Etc um I asked him and he's like yeah it absolutely could affect his his you know decisions in game as to whether or not he goes for it on fourth down whether or not they go for a two-point L he he said absolutely it could affect that so there's going to have to be some trust that guilt gets built up from Braden narv in order for Matt lafl maybe to give him some of those opportunities and it would not surprise me early in the season if we did see Matt be a bit more aggressive maybe going for it or maybe uh you know I think extra points he's going to trust him but especially some of those longer field goals uh if there's a fourth and five in St I could easily see him going for the fourth and five or under and uh you know kind of poo pooing the decision to to maybe kick a longer field goal for a chance at maybe extending the drive or making it an easier field goal if they can get a little bit further down field by converting the fourth down it is also very clear and I I'll just say this I would love I would love to tell you that I went back and I watched all the narvis in tape and I am so excited and he's going to be amazing I I'd even love to tell you like yep I watched it look out this is going to be a nightmare this is just one of those things where I don't know like Matt lefl is basically even just shrugging at the podium being like I don't know we'll see like it is very clear that Green Bay is throwing darts right now at the wall of kickers and who's up next Jack pod lesny did not work out Anders Carlson that they threw that Dart that one didn't stick they tried Greg Joseph that one didn't stick Alex hail I guess theoretically still on the international pathway program but that clearly did not stick for a kicker this year they're now on their fifth Dart and it is now on Braden narison to come in and be the kicker for Green Bay and whether or not that works will just be a matter of time and we'll see I'm hopeful I did like you know from my if extremely untrained eye when it comes to Kickers uh there are certainly positions that I feel very comfortable evaluating kicker ain't one of them and I'm not going to pretend you or BSU and tell you yeah this but this is what I'm looking at and this is how I can tell he's going to be good from a very naked eye it does look like the mechanics are good it looks like he's got a nice clean follow through I like how he strikes the ball like it looks fine it looks good but as far as whether or not that ends up being a consistent kicker in the NFL like I said only time will tell uh goody had a very fun story and anecdote of how he basically understands that he probably needs to be more patient with Specialists and just basically he can't be patient with Specialists and he talked about the story of like how Ted Thompson kept uh trusting Mason Crosby when he had those early seasons of struggle and he's like there were absolutely people in the front office that wanted Mason gone and Ted stuck with him and and kept you know saying he's the kicker and obviously that paid off later but you know he he understood he's like JK Scott's gone on to be a good punch we got rid of him early and um you know just kind of said like yeah know sometimes I probably need to be more patient but he's like I wanted to give he's like I think we have a really good team and I wanted to give them every opportunity to be the best possible and we're going to you know we wanted to bring in a new kicker with the hope that this is going to be able to make the team better I just want to say I I get you know the GM position is a thankless position sometimes everyone thinks that they can do it better everyone thinks that they have the answer um the the weighing out of the here and the Now versus the patience and the long-term approach is insanely hard especially in the modern NFL you know everything is this year this year this year and Green Bay probably of all teams in the league takes as much of a I think a long-term approach as you possibly can I quite frankly I love this from gudy maybe in in two years we look back and say like wow look at what Anders has done over the last two years and he catches on with some team and he's a 90% field goal kicker and everyone's regretting that Green Bay just didn't hold hold on for a couple more years that regret will be with the benefit of hindsight because if you looked at what he's done so far and the 32 yard Miss at the end of preseason and not really showing those signs of progress in year two I I absolutely understand what yudy is doing here and I appreciate what gudy is doing here because he could have stuck with a Michael Pratt he could have stuck with a Sean Clifford at quarterback he could have stuck at quarter or at kicker excuse me with a Greg Joseph or an Anders Carlson but he understands that this is a really good team and that these decisions could affect Green Bay in a significant way uh depending upon what happens this upcoming year and he's not just going to stay there and know that he's got something that probably is a little bit broken or not right and just stick with it and hope for the best he's going to go out and try to fix it and maybe that's Malik Willis as a backup quarterback and maybe that's Brady narvon as the kicker and maybe both of those things work and it ends up perfect or maybe not and they have to throw another dart at each but he is not going to sit on his hands and wait and wait and wait and wait and hope and maybe think that this could turn around he's going to say no this is a results based league and if you're not getting the job done we're going to go find someone else who can and like I said time will tell if if Malik Willis at backup QB and Braden naron at kicker can be those answers but I love the fact that he's being aggressive he's trying something this to me at those two positions is not the time to sit and be patient now we can argue the Michael PR practice squad thing and maybe that would have been a better way to be patient with him there um um I I definitely could have understood that and you know maybe you could have tried to get Anders back on the practice squad there's still four spots open we'll talk about that but I think overall I mean you're going with a young undrafted kicker a kicker that I didn't look at the ages but is probably younger than Anders Carlson to me they're they're still young Malik Willis is still young I like these moves there's upside and there's the hope and the chance that they're both better than what the Alternatives were and what they were uh just maybe a couple days ago and those questions were very large at both backup QB and at kicker the good news here is the Packers undrafted free agent streak continues now there was some debate in the media room before I think it was before gudy came in as to whether or not the Braden narvis uh udfa counts towards the streak because he's not Green Bay's undrafted free agent so uh theoretically I guess it depends on where you fall on what side of the spectrum we anointed Wes hotovitz as The Keeper of the undrafted free agent list because he's been doing it for forever and according to Wes this counts so we are counting this one Braden nerson will be the kicker in week one so the Packers did once again have an undrafted free agent make the 53 for opening week it just so happened that it wasn't one of Green Bay's undrafted free agents but rather one of the Titans undrafted free agents uh the Packers meanwhile as we kind of transition over to waivers they were able to again acquire Braden narison off a waiver but they did lose three players in the waiver process two of which I'm pretty sure and almost would guarantee they were hopeful to get back on the practice squad the one I'm not sure on is Royce Newman who was claimed by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who is obviously a an offensive lineman that could play multiple positions started and played over a thousand snaps as rookie year uh you know every like I I told you guys every team is looking for offensive line depth it's just the state of the league and you know maybe they saw something in Royce and feel like they could teach him something a little bit different and see what he can do I still think that Roy is like the number 10 guy on an offensive line especially if you can get back playing a little bit to closer where he was as a rookie makes a lot of sense for some teams out there but Tampa clearly felt that way like I said I don't know if Green Bay would have had him back in the practice squad or not but either way he ends up in Tampa Bay and that's a discussion we don't even need to have because he's a Tampa Bay Buccaneer Michael Vic here at bet get it all huge bonuses great odds Race book live ingame betting and a casino bet us my online sports book and casino then the two tougher ones uh the two people that I think were you know people were most bummed about although kayin King might be in that conversation as well who they did get back on the practice squad but the other two Anthony Johnson Jr and Grant toose both claimed Anthony Johnson Jr is a New York Giant Grant Tu Bose is a member of the Miami Dolphins they put in claims for them they are gone they are part of their 53 man roster first of all congratulations to Anthony Johnson Jr Royce Newman and Grant tuos for staying on 53 man rosters goody said it best they had they knew that they had more than 53 players that were capable of making a 53 man roster that's a good problem to have but it makes those decisions very difficult and now Grant toos will again be playing for the Dolphins Anthony Johnson Jr for the Giants Royce Newman for Tampa Bay and those three players are lost and at least the opportunity to bring them back to the practice squad and I kind of mentioned last week of hey you you really are looking at cutdown day but you're looking at the day after as well because especially now with 16-man practice squads an extra International pathway program player you want to get as many of those talented players back as possible I can tell you right now the practice squad would look a heck of a lot better if Grant Duos and Anthony Johnson Jr were on it because you know you have two players that can step up and be called upon at any time if needed at those positions if you need someone and now the access to those players is gone and there's no guarantee that ajj or Grant toos would have signed back with Green Bay on the practice squad they would have been free to sign with any team's practice squad and like I talked about I mean it's for both of them right if I'm Anthony Johnson Jr's agent I'm looking at the Packers roster and saying hey xaver mckin is not going anywhere and then you just drafted Bullard you just drafted Evan Williams and you just drafted katano aapo and you kept saying Anderson over me I can easily find a practice squad that has less depth than that and I'm going to go sign somewhere else with a practice squad there and Grant too is same thing all six wide receivers are young talented and not going anywhere so you could easily make the point of like there are other teams out there that have a way worse wide receiver core that are not young that will have openings and I can work my way up there better than I could work my way up in Green Bay so there is no guarantee that they would have been back on greenbase practice squad either way but I we know they won't be back there now because they did get claimed and again mostly congratulations to those three players and kudos to Green Bay and goody too because there were only 26 players and we talked about this where I said there's basically like 30 players every year that get claimed like an average one per team if you were to average it out which is not the case because usually a team has maybe you know three four guys get claimed that was Green Bay this year out of 1,00 players who were released only 26 get claimed and three of them were Green Bay Packers again Newman Johnson and Duo so you know kudos to gy for putting together a roster that has the depth there you know I I get that a lot of people would have liked to have had Anthony Johnson Jr and Grant du Bose on this roster I think they are pretty darn good at wide receiver and safety right now and I don't think there's like they have xaver McKenna uh Javon Bullard and and Evan Williams at the top of that safety Group which is so exponentially better than it has been in a long time and at wide receiver they go six deep right now so yeah it's a bummer but they're going to be just okay more than okay I should say at both of those positions that those were not the only players that they lost however s more Tay is a Chicago Bear he signed with their practice squad we don't know if Green Bay had interest in bringing him into the practice squad and he choose he chose Chicago or if he you if Green Bay was not interested and he tried to find something else and it just happened to be Chicago we don't know but he is a Chicago Bear Michael Pratt is a Tampa Bay Buccaneer as well joining Royce Newman he will also be on their practice squad uh so uh Roy is on the 53 Pratt is on their practice squad so he is gone Christian Welch is an interesting one uh the both goody and Matt lefl May mention that he is going to another team and it sounded like the Ravens but the Ravens did not sign him to the active roster on Wednesday and they put together their full practice squad and Christian Welch was not on that either from the sounds of it from gy and and uh Matt it sounded like this was a 53 man roster remember he was not on waivers he's a vested veteran so he could have he could sign with any team he didn't have to go through the waiver process so it's possible they're just working out the contract details and he will end up in Baltimore but he's not going to be in Green Bay that's another difficult loss and then Caleb Jones there's been no report that he signed with any team but there have been reports I think from I think it was schneidman and Huber that said he will not be returning to Green Bay So Tay Pratt Welch and Jones gone and then Dubose Johnson and Newman so uh seven guy or sorry eight guys we know um are not going to be back with the team Sorry Seven counting is very easy uh seven guys that we know are going to be gone in some capacity uh all right the other thing that we really need to go over here maybe the most important topic for the day we have some new numbers Carrington Valentine very controversially goes from number 37 to number 24 I don't know how I feel about this there's a little Sam Shields 37 feel to Carrington Valentine you know I know he was a seventh round pick Shields was in a udfa but I just kind of this Underdog young talented Corner who makes some plays who's got good ball skills just felt like 37 was right I don't know how I feel about number 24 in carington Valentine that's going to take a little bit of getting used to to be Crystal Clear he might have some sentimental thing towards number 24 which is so awesome and I'm saying this totally in just but I do feel like there should be a poll of fans of like do you approve of this number and if they're like no we're good you have to just keep your number I would have definitely voted in the poll for number 37 for Carrington balance but he is now number 24 no other number change but Malik Willis at least as we know of as of now Malik Willis will be number two in Green Bay I like that number a lot for him I think that's a really good number so number two from Willis a little bit less uh Feelgood on the number 24 for Carrington Valentine but we'll see how it feels and looks as the regular season kicks off all right practice squad building here are the players that the Packers have announced on the practice squad so far desin Alexander Edge rusher Shawn Clifford quarterback James defensive tackle Alex hail kicker on the international pathway program Julian Hicks wide receiver Donovan Jennings offensive lineman kin King Corner that was a big one that I know a lot of people wanted to get back they did get him back Nate MCC running back Ellis Maryweather running back Robert Michelle Corner that's another big one to get back on the practice squad L Smith offensive lineman Messiah Swinson tight end and Jaylen Wayne wide receiver think overall pretty good group of players I think getting Donovan Jennings back somebody that was udfa that they gave 110k guaranteed to I think that's a really nice aspect that they were able to keep him and still develop him cuz he missed so much time uh in the training camp and offseason with some injuries so great to see him back kin King this is a player that I know seventh round pick a lot of people were worried they were going to lose they didn't he's back in Green Bay on the practice squad there uh Sean Clifford they get back should they have gone Clifford or should they have gone Michael Pratt we can have that debate you guys know where I stand but Clifford does know the Playbook a little bit better and will likely help I hope Malik Willis and he might need to even be the number two QB called up from the practice squad while Willis still learns The Playbook um I actually really like getting laa Smith back I thought he had a nice Camp think he can be like a number 11 number 12 offensive lineman and somebody that they can continue to develop Julian Hicks was somebody that I really liked as an undrafted free agent think that there's something there if they can continue to cultivate it I really liked what Nate MCC did as a late running back pickup wearing that number 30 there was a little am on green to his game I'm not obviously comparing the two but but there's a little the way that he ran and almost some of the good and the bad he ran a little bit upright kind of like Aman did at times but overall like that pickup I like this practice squad again just maybe missing some of those players that you were hoping for like Christian Welch Grant Duos Anthony Johnson Jr Etc and they do still have four spots remaining it sounds like they did agree to terms with some new players as goody said uh at the end of his uh press conference but they obviously have not announced those as of yet we should find those out today on Thursday some notable players that are not on the practice squad Luke Tuda is not back other than the ones we already mentioned of course Luke Tuda Joel Wilson I really thought Joel Wilson would be on this list I thought he had a strong enough Camp to at least Garner uh some practice squad consideration he did really struggle with drops so that is definitely something he needs to clean up but I thought everything else looked pretty good especially that first preseason game but he is not on there Henry Pearson another one that I would have sort of expected with that HB back tight end fullback type position being something that Matt likes and with losing Tyler Davis you know obviously Josiah deua is somebody that they had last year he's no longer on the team I thought there would be a chance that Pearson at least gets the chance on the practice squad to maybe get called up for a couple games but he's not on there kesan Banks defensive end uh you know he had I thought had a pretty nice run last year on the practice squad and then got called up for the playoff game actually of all things and then uh was really injured all of camp but I thought maybe they would give him a shot at the practice squad to kind of get back to where he was last year but that wasn't the case Chris Russell the linebacker I thought showed out really well in preseason in very minimal time he was one of those late ads just kind of like an extra Camp body but he was intriguing enough from what I saw on tape that I thought there may be some interest there and then Benny sap you know especially with losing Anthony Johnson Jr uh and Benny Sapp being sort of a core special teamer last year I would have expected him to be on that list as well so um some interesting names and I guess omissions if you will but Tuda Joel Wilson Henry Pearson keesan Banks Chris Russell and Benny sap as of now not on the practice squad all right uh goody when H his press conference no major takeaways he did start by basically saying the Malik Willis trade was due to the quarterbacks being underwhelming in preseason and and in the offseason so obviously shots fired a little bit at Michael Pratt and Sean Clifford Pratt's gone so it doesn't really matter there but to Sean Clifford who's still on the the practice squad shots fired a little bit but um you know hopefully that just motivates and and you know Clifford knows he got released he's on the practice squad and he's going to have to continue to improve moving forward if he wants to get back on a 53 man roster but you know he didn't sugarcoat it he said it was underwhelming and they felt that they needed to do something the opportunity presented itself and they went and got Malik Willis he did make mention that they did consider keeping seven wide receivers which would have been Grant to Bose but he said it was just tough with some of the other roster math and again kind of pointed out that they had more than 53 players that were worthy of 53 man roster spots and then he did also say that the decision to acquire Malik Willis really affected their decision on Michael Pratt and getting this young player in Malik Willis who has you know upside and talent and can come in right now and play uh or be the backup that that affected the the Pratt decision and he said that he still thinks Michael Pratt can have a very bright future in this league and that he would have no issues you know bringing him back to Green Bay if the opportunity presented itself at a right time so uh was very complimentary of Pratt still but um you can tell right this is a team that is draft and develop they give a ton of Grace to a lot of these young players you they give red shirt seasons in a lot of different scenarios and you know they don't release draft picks very often so to release a quarterback seventh round pick and not give him that opportunity there was clearly something that they just didn't like and decided to move on and not you know even get him back on the practice squad so uh good for Tampa Bay to get him but uh Green Bay clearly saw something there that they were okay with moving on and they did and now Malik Willis is on the team uh the last couple things that I want to talk about good news first uh Marshon Lloyd was the only player at practice that was not going through the initial you know sort of uh Team stretch and everything like that there's only the small portion that's open to the media but Martian lyd looked like he he was the only one that was not participating in some capacity so if everything goes well over the course of this next week There's a chance that Green Bay has the ability to be very healthy going into Brazil in week one against the Eagles and then the last but not least I just want to talk about AJ Dylan for a second I had these two comments on the episode from yesterday the first one was quote two years ago you would have never thought that AJ Dylan would be handled like this and then the second one was Andy I don't get why if Dylan is on a very cheap deal the the Packers can't put him on injured reserve and bring him back when healthy players who stay loyal to Green Bay seem to get the short end I may be missing something here so this may be in response to me yesterday talking about with Dylan that they had the open IR designated to return and that theoretically could have been that he's out for the year or that you know maybe they just were ready to move on and they couldn't release him because you have to figure out the you know the uh injury settlement first first of all my the first thing I would say is I don't think you know that Green Bay handled this poorly in any way even if it would have just been a release right like they are well within their right and did nothing wrong if this was the time where they're like you know what we have Lloyd Wilson and and uh Jacobs those are going to be our three running backs and we're going to move forward with AJ Dylan but we can't you know do the you know just the release right now or try to trade him to another team because he's hurt so they would have had to put him on like they're just following the rules that they have to follow at that point there's nothing else to it if that would have been the case but per Matt laflor and just to kind of make this very clear and easy per Matt laflor he explained that they had a very clear vision for AJ Dylan this year and said it very clearly leads leaves them with with a void and it was obvious that they had plans for Dylan on this 53-man roster and um yeah that that the reason that they put him on IR was cuz he's legitimately hurt and they didn't think that he was going to be able to make it back now goody did say they're kind of going to see what happens and if he gets good news they'll have to kind of work through some stuff at that point so maybe there could still be a injury release at some point with a um injury settlement and maybe he could go play for another team which they would do to benefit AJ so that he could go out and play but Green Bay did nothing wrong here they certainly are not treating him poorly and per Matt it was very clear that their intentions if he was healthy was for him to have a very a role within this offense I don't want to say significant but a legitimate role within this offense so this was not something that they were cutting him because they didn't think that he was one of the top three running backs or anything like that it's legitimately that they had concerns and if they still had that vision and thought that they could have brought him back from IR at some point they would have put him on that IR designated to return and done it that way but they clearly thought that that was not the right path to go in they did say that they really are careful with necks heads and hearts is what he said those three where they're going to be extra cautious with it and this maybe is you know but might be best for AJ Dylan is give him that time off and let him rest and recover and just kind of see what the the news brings and when he might come back and if he can come back this year then they probably will work out something but there is no harm or foul here they did everything that they could they clearly had a plan for him it didn't work out he got hurt and this is what you do when a player gets hurt and then you kind of go from there dependent upon when he gets healthy so we'll see but Green Bay handled this the best that they possibly could have there was no heart feelings there there was no anything it was just the move that they had to make due to the circumstances that they were in and the injury that AJ suffered so no no major problems or issues or nothing that we need to go over there that is going to do it for me today thank you so much for joining me I will be right back here tomorrow with Perry Goldstein so make sure to check that out reminder check out those pack aay podcast YouTube memberships shout out to our Hall of Fame and All Pro members most in Minnesotan PJ wi John wild J BR dad Brandon Peta Jennifer Wright boom handle Donald Lee Lori Lord baby QB David mclusky Donald Decker Dan Miller Alex Wong eraldo Espinosa Peter raka Caleb cookster SoCal pack Dan gessford and love and& football and thank you again to bet us for sponsoring today's video if you'd like to sign up for bet us use the link in the description below they have an unbelievable promotion going on right now and remember please always gamble responsibly that's going to do it for me but until next time and as always go Paco

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[music] what is up everybody happy monday welcome in an all new episode of the paday podcast i'm your host andy herman you can follow me on twitter at andy herman nfl you can follow the podcast at paday podcast and of course you know the one and only perry goldstein you can find her on twitter at perry... Read more

Five Packers Who Must Be Good - Quay Walker thumbnail
Five Packers Who Must Be Good - Quay Walker

Category: Sports

[music] what is up packers fans and welcome back to another episode of pack report tv i am your host and the publisher of that very website ross uglam and very excited today to be continuing our five guys that have to be good uh real briefly again it goes back to packers if you didn't watch the tj slayton... Read more

The Packers Trade for Malik Willis (Plus Full Malik Willis Scouting Report!!!) thumbnail
The Packers Trade for Malik Willis (Plus Full Malik Willis Scouting Report!!!)

Category: Sports

[music] what is up everybody happy tuesday welcome in to a all new episode of the pack aay podcast i am your host andy herman you can follow me on twitter at andy herman nfl it is a fun day today because it is not every day we get to talk about a trade much less a quarterback trade but here we are the... Read more

Packers Preseason Week 1 Winners & Losers thumbnail
Packers Preseason Week 1 Winners & Losers

Category: Sports

[music] maybe in three two one what is up everybody welcome into an all new episode of the pack a day podcast i'm your host andy herman you can follow me on twitter at andy herman nfl you can follow the podcast at paday podcast and i am joined by the one the only the great and powerful perry goldstein... Read more

Packers 2024 BOLD Predictions!!! thumbnail
Packers 2024 BOLD Predictions!!!

Category: Sports

This video is brought to you by bet us sportsbook and casino michael vic at bet catch an incredible 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers insurance bet us my online sports book and [music] casino what's going on packers fans welcome into an all new episode of the pack... Read more

Carrington Valentine vs. Eric Stokes - Who Will Be CB2?! thumbnail
Carrington Valentine vs. Eric Stokes - Who Will Be CB2?!

Category: Sports

[music] happy wednesday everybody welcome into an all new episode of the packa day podcast i'm your host andy herman you can follow me on twitter at andy herman nfl thanks again for making packa day part of your daily routine quick shout out to cheesehead tv and packa report huge friends of the show... Read more

Is the Packers Roster Better in 2024?! thumbnail
Is the Packers Roster Better in 2024?!

Category: Sports

[music] what's up friends happy saturday welcome into a all new episode of the pack aay podcast i'm your host andy herman you can follow me on twitter at andy herman nfl you can follow the podcast at paday podcast a fun breezy episode today i've done this the last couple years it's always fun we know... Read more