THE MOST TDs I HAVE EVER SCORED! College Football 25 | Road To Glory Gameplay 24

okay people hopping right back into some more college football 25 the Florida Gators number two ranked and they are 8-2 right now absolutely killing it uh let me look at the Heisman watch to see where we are at um hopefully we are not third right now God we're still in third place bro what is this now I don't even know if this is like ranked like I don't know if I'm third or we're all just kind of on the list I have no idea but um yeah we'll just have to wait and see hopefully I can win the Heisman but let's so we're playing Auburn today okay I already spent my energy so we're ready to go bro we are ready to go uh can I upgrade anything we're at four skill points probably not anything I really want to upgrade yet um yeah I guess I could do this one better change of Direction yeah why not screw it we'll do that okay and we're still a 94 overall I don't even know if it's possible to get to a 99 no idea but maybe maybe we will get there someday but let's hop right into this game bro okay let's go play game boom and uh yes I want to skip practice whatever and uh let's go so the Florida Gators again number two ranked very good it looks like Auburn's actually pretty good they actually their overalls look better than uh than Florida but apparently not apparently not but hopefully we win that is a goal I want to win a National Championship and the Heisman hopefully we can get it done okay let's go bro the audio is so quiet what is going on I don't know I can barely hear anything but we are at home so let's go and yeah last video like the running from the goat really not good we really didn't have too many good runs but receiving I did pretty good so who knows what this game is going to be like today I'm just hoping for at least like a like maybe five yards per carry that's pretty insane if we could do that but that is the goal okay and here we go what are we starting out with did you see the name of this play bro I don't there were so many things going on I don't even know what the name was and a loss of two not good not a good start I think I'm going to call for this pass on this one only if I'm open though last game I called for some pass and uh the quarterback threw two pick sixes it was not good or maybe maybe they weren't pick sixes but they definitely uh the quarterback definitely threw two picks because of me so definitely my bad so I'm going to be a little bit less aggressive calling for it today but we're going to get the run here nice that was pretty good we'll take it seven yards I like it I like it a lot yeah I'm just going to make sure I'm wide open open if I call for the pass like this one a i gu Dude Where's the ball at that was a good I don't even know if he passed it or what what that play was I don't know but we got a lot of yards right there I really wish I could run it more but I'm not going to get greedy give me that oh if I could have stayed in oh my God that probably would have been a touchdown I don't know maybe not maybe not let's see so we're just blocking on this one not doing much right here all right we're on the eight please let me run it beautiful beautiful come on let me get another touchdown here please please get the touchdown goat come on bro oh my God we were so close we were so close all right inside Zone got to get it this touchdown could win me the Heisman Trophy okay every touchdown right now is so important no I get stuck right away Frick see dude I don't know what's going on but the running is just not good I might catch this give me that yep let's go touchdown again I don't know what's going on with the running the running just is not as good as the receiving right now it's not good okay it's not good but I'm just glad we got the touchdown I don't know how many that is this season but it's quite a lot so the three carries 11 yards is pretty good um all right 73 not bad not bad come on Mighty get a lot of yards here bro oh my God why did I go that way why did I go that way that was garbage that was garbage all right we're good though we're good bro he throws it to that guy I was wide open I can't believe that just happened what are we even looking at what are we even looking at did we even get a yard on that play I have no idea but third and 12 I don't like that pass bro I don't like that pass Frick fourth and third or four and whatever we're obviously not going to get the first down um and Auburn scores oh my God bro we're about to lose we are about to lose to freaking Auburn okay it's only a three-point game but I don't I don't have a good feeling about this let's get a lot of yards here Mighty three dude I just cannot get anything oh this is bad this is so bad come on get a lot of yards let's get the momentum come come on there we go there we go that's a good run that's what we like to see and the coach is finally feeding the goat here we [Applause] go that was good that was good we're heating up baby we're heating up oh yeah also I did my fantasy football draft uh yesterday number one pick or F I was I think I was fifth pick and uh I went Breeze Hall number one for me let me know what you guys think was that a good or bad idea again I was fifth overall pick and I went Bree Hall no idea if that's a good idea none none but we shall see we shall see let's see here last year I had Tyreek Hill so I'm kind of sad I don't have him anymore because uh he was so fun to watch but oh that's a touchdown yeah let's go but uh yeah Hopey Bree Hall is uh is insane I mean I know he's good but how good is he I don't know I hope you guys tell me okay but uh we do score that's good seven carries 39 yards so we are over the five uh yards per carry like I wanted so that's good so we have 322 left let's see if we can score again before halftime come on there we go good run good run aot let's keep going baby Quick Pass first down let's go let me run it dang it dude we go the Mt and double pass I guess that's motion dude I thought it was mountain and I'm kind of sad about it but I think this works about 1% of the time dude I I literally have zero time pass the ball out of that play like it's literally insane zero time so I'm probably never going to choose that play again yep yep ah I tried getting round that's all right we'll take it great play still no running that's okay that's okay I don't need to run to score okay again I think I'm better at receiving than I am at running what [Applause] happened hey we got the first down let's go I didn't know what happened wait no no one score here please let the go get the touchdown no no no nice I know that's selfish I know that is very selfish bro let's see what happens here I don't know why I'm not involved in these plays I'm the best player on the team oh he's in no he's not third and one let me run it yes come on I'm so scared we're in let's freaking go bro two touchdowns let's go dude if I don't win the Heisman this year it's completely rigged okay like dude how many touchdowns does the goat have right now 15 I don't know it's insane it's freaking insane let's go what's GNA happen here wow they score again oh my God 1720 yeah this is uh this is looking like it's going to be an insane game 51 seconds left I got stuck what a play this is beautiful [Applause] um bro we're we're going to score again [Applause] bro nice good job um I guess the same play dude I don't freaking know probably should have called a timeout there but whatever come on come on he dropped it oh why are we dropping that why are we dropping that oh that's pain how did we drop that thing Frick that was a good stop from that guy dude he do for IT smacked it I swear if Auburn scores with like 20 seconds left we get the ball back again what what is going on here bro I'm so confused do we just go for it I have no idea come on oh he got destroyed timeout we got one timeout left all right see if we can get lucky we're on the 20 I think I'm going to run my own route here screw it yeah well we're going to get the field goal right let me just call the timeout I'm assuming they're going to go for the field goal or are they wanting are they wanting to score a touchdown I don't know I really don't know what they're going to do right here um all right we got the field goal we're up six wish it was more but we're starting in great field position here let's go five yards we'll take it we'll take it dude I I just know I'm so close to just flying past everyone come on oh I'm dead yeah dude I saw that guy basically glitch off the freaking offensive lineman he just you know what I'm saying I I could just see it I could just see it but third and six we're not even in field goal range I don't think good good let's go let's freaking go now it's so loud bro I think my headphones are broken it went from so quiet to so loud good block is he in oh someone's someone's hurt oh it's his back he broke his back oh no second and 10 on the 10 yard line I wish I could run it I wish I could freaking run it let's go second and two he's in no he's not first down though all right we got a lot of chances to score another touchdown I would love to get it my first try here come on wow dude he he is a beast oh my God third touchdown of the game we're up 2917 oh they're going for it they're over for two let's go I like it oh he's done what was that well oh he broke a rib dude that was the worst play I've ever seen we just had like what are we doing what are we freaking doing okay well 1729 let's go and they don't score beautiful all right let's go ahead and get another touchdown let's go I think we got it I mean I've never been this confident in my life to be honest with you double slant am I still not involved in this play yep of course not I'm not going to complain okay I'm not going to complain oh he's so wide open beautiful freaking beautiful now can I run it or something I think we're going to actually be involved in this one though again I can't really just call for the pass unless I'm open I don't want to I don't want to make the quarterback throw an interception all right second and five not bad I just want to score another touchdown to be honest with you that's literally all I want right now is to score so I can win this Heisman Trophy that was questionable um I might call for this one though because I'm G to get that running start and usually when I get this oh dude I I hate when that happens I call for the pass by hitting X but like if you catch it holding X he just kind of falls down like that it's so stupid it is so stupid and they score oh my God we're only at five now Frick okay come on we're good oh I juked right into the guy that was a good run though that was pretty good that was pretty freaking good come on one yard one ah all right we're blocking again bro we really got a score here I'm actually kind of scared what was that bro he literally thw he threw the ball at my back oh my God that's okay third and nine this kind of a huge play here and just a terrible pass bro we're losing we're definitely losing this game I can already smell it we're gonna lose to the three and seven Auburn I guarantee it okay they don't score yes yes let's go let's go passes it and he just falls out of bounds okay that's fine we don't need the yards no you you do you bro I was going to wait till the fourth quarter but screw it wow dude I just got smoked all right well this is bad I mean we're still up by five so that's good but dude I don't want to lose I do not want to lose this game come on come on we're good third and seven come on let's get a first down here please dude he throws a pick oh no and I missed the tackle bro you're kidding me I was wide open to I called for the pass would have been a first down but he threw it to the other team like perfectly brutal freaking brutal dude they're going to score yep oh my God no all right we're only down one though so just need a field goal five yards that's good dude I'm actually terrified right now I am actually terrified this freaking quarterback bro good first down first down I don't know why it went left I probably should have just kept going right we might have been able to score I don't know but we're getting some good yards here oh dude I thought I had room I know we're we're kind of killing it right now dude I think I just got to score quick right I don't know if it's worth wasting time no dude if I could just get one freaking block Ah that's okay it's okay we're good we're good come on bro please please oh my God he lost like 15 yards oh no third and 12 on the 50 this is so bad yes that is so clutch oh my god let's run the ball waste some time or not yeah we don't have to waste time now screw screw that why would we waste time maybe it's a bad idea to waste time right now dud see this is the situation I don't know what to do do we try to waste a lot of time and then just kick a field goal or do we try to score quick I really don't know screw it second and seven all right we got some yards um so we're blocking here again I think we Wast some time dude but then again if we don't score no I'm playing it first down yes all right now I think we slow down a little bit oh dang it we're not going to get we're not going to get into the two-minute warning that's okay now I think we slow down we're in field goal range obviously I really wish this could have ran down to the second or to the two-minute warning but I think we're in a good spot here we're going to waste some time yeah I'm going to waste all this time bro come on I'm GNA snap it at like eight seconds and go he's in motion wow that's a good run wow all right that's two-minute warning right there two minute warning strong toss I guess if we score that's fine I don't think we've actually had this play before we're in let's go hopefully we didn't score too quick hopefully not but that is my that's my fourth touchdown right yeah he's he's insane I mean bro he is just absolutely insane but uh yeah that is four touchdowns I really like that play though I feel like we should do that more often but let's go good play um oh we're going for the two-point conversion makes sense makes sense hopefully we get it hopefully we freaking get it boom I did my own play too by the way I did not follow the play I did my own thing and it worked out we were up seven so Auburn has to score a touchdown freaking let's go okay and they do why why would they not why would they not why can't we get a stop oh yeah because this game hates me all right it's fine we got a minute 26 and he falls down that's okay dude I'm I'm actually scared I don't know if we're going to score in time maybe oh my God he's gone he's freaking gone all the way all the way yes wow wow okay well we all know Auburn's gonna score again so good job Auburn I guarantee it watch it's just you just can't make it up bro so we're gon to go overtime it's just insane dude they it's you just can't make it up boys you just cannot make it up of course they score again look at the score right now 44 44 and I just dropped how am I how did I how did I drop that pass someone someone let me know how I dropped that pass there was it literally right to me how did I drop it I don't know final play of the game basically oh I fell over okay that's all right well going into overtime no surprise there just brutal dude 44 44 against freaking Auburn that's fine maybe we'll get another touchdown let's go let's freaking go Florida come on screw the rules I don't care I'm so scared dude I do not want to lose this freaking game I just want to know how our team has given up 44 freaking points how are we about to lose after we score 44 that is just insane go I don't even know what I just chose to be honest whatever it's fine it's fine let's go win let's go freaking win come on we're doing a screen hopefully this works out get going get going that's good that's good no let me run the ball bro let me run the ball it's okay on the eight oh my God he's still up wow that was actually pretty impressive now we're running can we get another touchdown can we do it a stay up oh we need two yards this is a huge Run come on nope well we're gonna have three Frick we might lose right here we had to score right there we won oh my god dude I thought Auburn I thought Auburn beat us let's freaking go bro wow I'm obviously gonna be player of the game right obviously there's there's no way I'm not uh I had like 4,000 touchdowns so many yards it was incredible yeah 116 rushing yards four touchdowns it's going to be hard to beat that it's GNA be very hard to beat that uh what a freaking game okay I don't even know how many uh receiving yards I had that was a huge play right there by the way that was incredible but what a game this team is incredible the defense needs to uh get a little bit better honestly uh the defense given up quite a lot of points honestly but overall I'm happy with the performance um of the offense the defense not so much but let me see rushing killed it receiving not bad wait did my uh was my rushing over five per carry wow it was literally right out five wow okay well that was the goal was five so very good game from the goat I hope you guys enjoyed it um let me know if you think uh he's going to win the Heisman Trophy he freaking better okay he better but I'm out of here subscribe I'll see you in the next one peace

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