Emma and Matt Willis talk couple's therapy, kids and an EMBARRASSING proposal

Menu of the episode hello everybody good afternoon good morning and good night and welcome to the show Sophie what's on the menu today today on the menu we have got Matt and Emma Willis they are joining us on the show it's very exciting also our masseuse thinks we're swingers we've got some weird ass dreams happening you're having some strange strange dreams and of course the best part of every episode listeners messages get ready for the show strap in here we go well hello Debrief on our past week everybody Welcome to newly we's podcast uh I'm not going to today cuz what I'm taking in From This Moment is your sweet little winter outfit what my sweet little winter outfit what do you mean we need to get you some summer clothes you're wearing clogs I'm not these are brogues if anything oh no they're penny loafers get with them [ __ ] so so we just swore at me and no we've got this really weird thing where we constantly just put our middle finger out to each other but like mid meeting talking to our accountants we'll just be like under the table swearing at each other and like we how I'm having a massage Jamie walks past me just puts the finger like where my face is sorry I have so many things that I need to say I can tell I can tell you're so excited and can I just tell you what Jamie does all the time with these things called have you had a coffee today no n well that sounds like you are on I told you I said that I'm not tired anymore I have so much energy I took 5 days out I rested my little socks off we have so much to talk about today I'm I'm I'm ex so excited to get things out of my body I actually want to tell everyone what I think the coffee the energy situation is I'm not drinking coffee I'm not having caffeine I've had one matchet for the last couple of days so much more energy you were right you were right I think you were right all along Sophie I can only describe is in her bossy era she's in her era of being bossy and it is scary it is scary no all is I have energy no Sophie is in her era of being bossy and also being um unsympathetic there is no sympathy anymore within your body towards me there is towards other people you get very upset you cry at videos of people I see you cry the other night my sister not one tear shed for me if I'm feeling why would I because I'm your husband it's all self-inflicted it is not self what is it that I'm like Mery ret Gade that's all that you're feeling yeah we're going to get into it but you are in your bossy era you boss boss boss me around I can't help it I don't know what's happening it's like in me it's like coming out it's like a dragon within I I I I put on my little hat that I'm wearing today don't know if you've seen it on socials but I'm wearing a little hat that I really like and I put on as I put on she went no don't wear that and I was like um no the reason being is cuz we used to film a TV show and we weren't ever allowed to wear hats or sunglasses so I'm like still it's ingrained in me that there's Shadows when you wear a hat can you admit you're in your bossy era something within me has become bossy and and I'm like really ravishing in it like every part of me enjoys it to the point where I said to Sophie I'm going to go and have my hair done today I'm going to have my hair cut and I go and get it done I've warned you about it because I do occasionally dye my hair so let's go back cut or done what Define done I sometimes color my hair dye your hair thank you ladies and gentlemen it's been 3 years in the making you just announced it he is not blonde no I am blonde I'm 100% blonde but you're my blonde I'm not you're not blonde you're Brown I'm blonde you're dond I'm whatever color I am you're there okay you're dark roots I love my hair [ __ ] you I never said I didn't like it I never said see she's on the defense already anyway I go and get my hair done I come back Sophie's having a massage by the way I feel like always we're like oh I was having massage the weekend you have a massage you you do what mon you've yeah you've brought it into our life cuz we have this wonderful woman and Jamie thinks Jamie thinks that the woman thinks we're swingers because she's like we have her so often she's going to think we're wanting to swing with her so now I can't look her in the eye because I think we have the same woman we we go onto the app and we order a massage on the app and they come to your house we order the same woman every single time and honestly she turns up and she's like again I had a joke with her where I went you might as well move in she went got my bags I know and I said to her don't worry I'll see you next week and she was like no you just did that and then she was like don't worry I'll be moving in I was like yeah we make jokes with her now anyway anyway she um so good she I come back Sophie's having a massage with the lady that we know very well who's been massaging us every week it seems like and Sophie takes her head up from the massage and sees my hair and gets so angry at me you got so angry at me you started crying yeah you started crying about my hair we then missed the cinema because I was crying too much I am seething with anger about it still seething why youthing cuz you have promised me time and what what's your promise now at the moment um I don't know what is it that you will never dye your hair again that's your promise so I've just announced it on this new year so when you next do it every all the listeners will be like he PRS promises willy-nilly cuz you promised me last time that you wouldn't do it honey the reason being guys I'm not being like a crazy person he has such nice hair actually all the listeners reply to me and they're like his natural hair looks better this is my natural hair this is not your natural hair okay but I I'm blonde I'm a Blonde boy you're you're peroxide now no I'm not per it's not that's peroxide blonde okay fine it's very blonde at the moment I agree with you but not enough for you to cry honey you so it's so jarring when you take it off and you have like red burnt scalp from it and I'm like oh my God you left you were Jamie you combat your Boris Johnson it's so upsetting for me and like where's he gone we've been having these dreams at the moment and honestly they have been absolutely wild this is why I think Mercury's in retrograde they've been so wild Sophie I'm actually so like you know I told my sister about the dream cuz I was like I'm taking that [ __ ] down with me she needs to go through what I went through Sophie woke up so funny if my dad listens at it he'll be so upset yeah but it's okay it's it doesn't matter it's we've got to say what happened so if he woke up in the middle of the night having had a nightmare and she does this thing as she always does and I've told you before she goes I'm had a nightmare and I have to strike your bum to make you feel better my back oh your back but maybe your bum and you go it scares me so I go oh what the [ __ ] what's happening sopie said in her dream I she walked into a room and I was having an orgy with these people and she was so upset cuz I was having an orgy and I was cheating on her so she phoned up her dad no I didn't I was in a haunted house like so I ran down the street ran down the corridor to get my dad and he was Furious he was Furious he was so angry he couldn't believe it that I had cheated all these things and Sophie was like yeah you tell him dad dad and then Sophie's dad walked down the corridor opened the door where I was having the orgy and he looked in looked back at Sophie walked in and shut the door Jo no I don't know if he was going to join in but at that point my body was obviously in so much pain I woke up from shock looked you he looked turned around and he just looked at me no [ __ ] given and shut the door and I was in so much pain my body V up and I felt sick all day I was shaking all day I had goosebumps all day I couldn't eat all day so gross well nothing I didn't nothing he probably beat you up I probably did it to beat you up that's what I like he did it to like beat you really up oh God and Sophie kept saying to me kept saying to me isn't that the worst dream anyone's ever had isn't it the that's the worst dream anyone's ever had the way you described it to me as well I that you went he looked at me went into the room and shut the door and I was like oh my God it's unbelievable it's the worst dream can I just quickly before we because we're going into our guest today which we're really excited about Matt and Emma Willis who Emma Willis the wonderful TV presenter she's never really done a podcast it mean she's done like a couple in her life and they're coming on today which is really exciting it's really cool but before we do I do need to know I'm not annoying you too much am I no that's good news anything you want me to change no what about me I can't stop being bossy quite yet you have to stop being bossy at some point I need it I like it's going to continue for the rest of August maybe September I'll mellow out okay fine I'm happy with that just you can just be your bossy I actually quite like I think you like it a little bit of bossiness I quite like I yeah I I can see the mother in you coming out I just I always knew you had a mother complex what that's not a mother complex there is no I can just imagine that my our little boy or our little girl running around and you're telling them not bossy boots Sarah Sophie what the hell yeah that's your mom you're going to be a bossy Mom I'm not going to be a bossy mom you're going to be a bossy Mom I'm not I think you're going to be OCD dad OCD yeah you've got your OCD is going to come out and you're going to be like freaking out the door and the M like it's going to blow your socks off I I'm not going to blow anyone's socks off are you kidding me I Ain going to be Sophie I was doing this to sop I was doing like a dance with Sophie just going like like this completely naked and Sophie looked went our kids are going to love it when you do that not naked but like you like them and then you were mimicking them going he Daddy Daddy he I was like this is weird you were you were daddy daddy [Music] mommy daddy mommy Terri we watch this movie called long legs and then the man goes mommy daddy oh God we went and watched a movie called long legs which is in the cinema with Nicholas Cage it's one of the voted one of the scariest movies we went and watched it at 8:00 at night it don't tell me I never do anything for you hate scary movies went there spent three hours of my life at 900 p.m. watching it it was at 8:45 actually in the evening and the opening scene is this man who don't see his head and Sophie turns to me goes is this a horror movie and I went it's more like a thriller anyway the opening scene is this guy you can't see his head walking up to a little girl going hello little girl maybe I get my long legs on then and then he goes mommy daddy mommy daddy and like shakes his head it's ABS guys it's insane in the theater screamed yeah yeah screamed right at the beginning multiple times anyway listen um we have Matt Emma Willis on so I think we got to get into listeners messages otherwise we're going to ramble forever okay [ __ ] pants all right [ __ ] girl are you ready for this I am ready honey it is time for listeners messages welcome to listeners messages the time when we read your Listener’s messages messages can you sit back relax and have a laugh or cry or shock and despair okay honey um should I kick it off please do okay so here's a wild story so a little backstory I've been in a relationship for 2 years my relationship started when I studied in England but I'm from another country so this story happened when my boyfriend was visiting my family in my hometown for the first time one night we both had a few glasses of wine and things got heated in the bedroom things go on and we decide to take some videos to save them for later the videos were taken on my iPhone so the day after he asked me to airdrop them his phone is just named my iPhone phone and I had just got a new phone so I had no save contacts either I didn't really think of it much and the videos got sent he then told me that he did not receive the videos or requests for them I got a bit irritated because it was loads of videos to select and I swore I sent them I was going to do it again I saw that there were two phones with the same name my iPhone my mom who was in the house then calls me and ask me to come upstairs she also has her phone called iPhone keep in mind my mom is the most innocent acute woman alive who's now traumatized and I bet she can't look at me the same no no no no no I went upstairs and she said something popped up in my phone I pressed something and now some videos are on my phone that's not meant to be there for me I took her phone and deleted it and we never spoke about it again no she's so precious that is the fact she called her up horrendous she called her up she said can you come upstairs please we should remind everyone that when I sent my mom a picture of my Seaman because I was scared I really don't like that you remind people cuz the more and more I think about it is so gross like I really think that's gross I'm weird okay I've got renovation story ready for this just quickly a renovation by the way guys is currently undergo we're waiting on designs waiting on different things we're not going to be updating the house renovation today cuz we got Matt and Emma on the podcast so keep in mind that this is an ongoing thing it's going to be coming back the next episode cuz there are loads of things going on yeah you can now continue s so my partner let's called her Lucy really wanted to renovate our house she had a knack for that sort of thing so naturally I let her take the rains and oversee the home renovation she was on site most days making sure everything was running smoothly and I was really proud of how on top of it she was one day I finished work early and thought it would be nice to see how the house was coming along myself so I decided to swing by to surprise Lucy I arrived lived and couldn't find her right away so I asked one of the builders who mentioned that he thought she was in the bedroom I'd imagined all sorts of renovation mishaps wrong paint color ugly Furniture budget overuns but what I I hate it when you pause I hate it when you pause oh my [ __ ] she's shagging the Builder baby is that's what happening I don't know but what I walked into was beyond anything I could have imagine there in front of my eyes in my bedroom was Lucy cheating on me with one of the builders fan when they were going out what what do you mean they were going out cheating on her it's it he I I don't know I'm confused wait what this guy is saying that his wife was renovating it's me you walking in and I'm shagging the Builder what did you think was happening I thought it was a friend when they noticed me there was an award scramble and Lucy even tried to pull out the classic line this isn't what it looks like safe to say I sat at the builders and me and Lucy broke up I so the house as soon as it was complete as I didn't want to live there I'm a bit worried now because I've heard about that a couple times I'm a bit I'm a bit worried now because you you lost your virginity to one of the contractors potentially and if I come back and you trying to rekindle that virginity story why are you smiling like that I don't know I know you're do you know what the I actually this is what I'm I'm why I love being married to you really and like so many reasons but one of the reasons is is also I don't think you'll ever cheat cuz you can't be bothered that's basically what like I I don't think you would be bothered like you would just be like oh can't be bothered to like get naked I can't be bothered to like like have sex with that person and I honestly don't think you'd be bothered even if even if you felt like really like frisky or like whatever and we weren't getting on and you didn't like me and I had done something wrong I still think you'd be like ah much rather just watch a movie much rather just watch desperate housewi and do that 100% if I came back and you watching Desperate housewise with a builder that would be actually worse that would be worse than you cheating than you having sex with them really yeah because if you were having sex I'd be like well how's that happened but if you watching Desperate housewi I'd be like that is that is pure judice that is disloyalty you watching Desperate Housewives with the builder with popcorn what would I hate you gaming with like some honey on the sofa that I would not like well I just wouldn't like any of it um before we do leave listeners messages please remember to send in any stories that you have and at all renovation stories we'd love to hear fun stories sex stories anything at all send it to newlyweds podcast you can slide into our DMS on Instagram or you can send us an email newly wordss at jumo productions. co.uk that's the end why are you waving that's the end of listeners messages okay the moment has come the time that you've all been waiting for Introduction to Matt and Emma Willis tell her like it's a story gone the time that you all been I'm waiting for it is that's it Matt and Emma Willis no this is how you do it banging ready this is how you do it ready for it here we go well hello listener welcome to Story Time this is the time when you get to sit back and relax and [ __ ] it [ __ ] it hello and welcome it is story time tonight sit back and relax as I tell the tale of Matt and Emma Willis good right G is wanting to clap okay okay hang on one more time one time no no no no we're done now I'll do okay no no we're really done well the time has come for you to sit back you sound like long legs and relax okay with Matt basically what we're saying is our guests are about to arrive we're very welcome to the table we're very excited Matt and Emma Willis are coming on the podcast they are going to hopefully talk about loads of things family kids um they're hosting a new show love is blind in the UK on Netflix which is really exciting um let's see what happens so you ready for this honey I'm ready okay guys please welcome to the podcast Matt and Emma Willis guys this is very exciting very Trying our Birmingham accents exciting for lots of reasons cuz I this is one of your you you haven't done many podcasts your tone just changed I did it really you went you went it got it suddenly got like right let Grill them you turned into like an M&S voiceover advert you like so did I go softer did you do this if you look back over the years your voice has just consistently changed it just tweaked well I have I have a podcast voice do I have that well because you have to say you have to be much calmer right I can't be as hectic but I think also it's you yeah maybe you're a bit more collected but also I think it's when you can hear yourself you take your um Pitch down a little bit not you generally I do that I I start going I must not be quite so Bing so you do you bring it a little bit lower a little bit lower Emma's natural pitch is very much like do what was what was the name for the Muppet Beaker she's a bit Beaker do do do so what is your what is your Hometown accent I don't know I've tried to bash out myself no I haven't I haven't uh no you haven't Matt is okay that's it welcome to my world that's my life um it's a bit like all right how you doing you okay a singy Birmingham sing songy Birmingham love that well we're a bit sing songy aren you are a bit sing your dad's very sing songy all right bab do you want a cup of tea put the b in a lot put the put the in the oh get down the races Jamie that was do that okay hold on stop everybody give him a minute breathe Jamie breathe go get in character go did you want me to help you yeah go give me an in here we go Birmingham Birmingham not Birmingham Birmingham birming Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham I Le a drama okay go for that how to say my C that's again so good that was the one word that would get me into my um mat also say myup my that's it um now also uh Sophie's freaking out cuz she was the biggest bustard fan in you serious just pick up on the was yeah Sophie being the biggest Busted fan still is still I was going to let that slip I was going to go you know it's like these days I get I get people coming up to me and going oh my God my mom's such a huge fan I'm like when did that happen so so me and my sister were super fans as she walked in I was singing one of the songs and I was like what are you doing like what are you doing three concerts you went you went where did you George went to loads my dad used to take out it was great ni was this back in the day have you been to one recently I haven't but I would love to I you're welcome um to a little Festival over the summer I would bloody love you yeah you should Emma were you Jamie's not I are you kidding me I'm a freaking anything I swear to God this is no word of a lie guys okay so when I was at school we uh YouTube had just started and I still got the video we did the voice over to busted what I go to school for we sang it we got a million views on YouTube we were we were like I swear to God we were one of the first viral hits on YouTube I still got the video the song that was the song that I was doing when I was 15 years old and we edited it and we were singing this song yeah I promise you dude listen which one were you you were Charlie of course from that not that it's a debatable oh that is debatable but you guys you you circulated everyone became exactly we were a moment Go 100% were you back then on on we're aware we're aware Emma were you were you a bus fan no you were not no no so wait so not even a little I The first time Emma ever met Matt I wasn't into them when I met him but then when I met him and I got to know him and kind of saw him in action it I mean he was it would be really awkward if you then he was just very very good and now those those songs that I want awward really awkward send them those are still [ __ ] still really like the don't like them now those songs that have been such like an integral part of the beginning of our relation [ __ ] because they were massive every time I hear them kind of I've got such great memories from them and I know every [ __ ] word and I am now the biggest bustard fan yeah so where was the first point where you fell in love the first time we ever met yeah you don't remember meeting me that day when I was his bridesmaid H what yeah that was a weird day though yeah it was weird wasn't it so wait what so what happened so we're in um MTV used to be in Camden yeah um and they they started a show called TRL which had been huge in America and um one of the kind of first EP all the early episodes busted came on and they wanted to do this bit where a fan could marry one of them we had a song called crash the wedding so that's why there was the time oh see I didn't know that's why we did that there was there a reason married why there a wedding yeah this is weird well no I mean that makes sense right yeah glad I crushed the wedding hey he knows all the US Ed myself out okay so you had this thing right so so he was he was getting married to a fan and I was the bridesmaid and that is the first time we ever met but the first time I ever saw him was that day but earlier on and we walked past each other and my very first thought of seeing him was underneath all of that makeup he's really cute sweat sweat sweat to you a really that was your first I had such us bad acne like it was terrible like it was awful so my makeup artist we had like an airbrush gun that he would do me with remember airbrush for car for a car Bas spray paint me on you know because it was so bad you you'd see it so they they'd airbrush me on and James for my band used to s look like um when they um did that film Ai and they did J Jude Law without any expression that was me like just full of like this thick makeup but you won em over you well no that was very early that was just like my initial thought at seeing him but that's something cuz otherwise you don't even think that it was a couple of years later wasn't it really that we kind of met properly we were How Matt and Emma both pursued each other both away coincidentally at the same time in the same place and we had lots of mutual friends and we all got together one night and that was kind of the first time we ever spoke really outside of a we had a crazy night out in Miami here we go and it was amazing I mean all right K you want some sorry we were okay um so so basically um I hounded her in my because we um we were doing a you didn't Hound me I didn't know you I know but i i s I found you literally in the whole of Miami I tracked you down babe yeah like so um so we were we were shooting this um TV show for MTV and she was on the red carpet for um for MTV in UK and we were walking past and I saw her and we were only supposed to do a few people and I was like come on come over here so I dragged the boys over and we got interviewed by Emma so then I approached people that were working with us on MTV to find out who she was there with creepy so then creepy right and I found out the producer of her show and found out where they were going to be and I just happened to turn up at that hotel happened to turn up that sounds hold on I KN on the door he was in theob yeah yeah oh fancy seeing you here yeah yeah I sat on your couch in your bedroom yeah yeah the hotel room hello surprise is this too much I don't really know this is definitely going to work yeah this is definitely going to work she's going to love it he was with a bunch of people that he worked with and I was with a bunch of people that we work with and we all worked together so we all got together and had like a big night out yeah did you guys kiss that night no I don't think we did you didn't no no we didn't play we didn't really know each other we kind of just we kind of hung out and I knew there was something there I was like I get on really well with this girl and I haven't weirded her out it's going well you know so I was like and I knew there was something there but then we didn't see each other for ages and then um then she she hounded me yeah hounded is a wrong word it's not very sexy word what I say um pursued pursued me pursued me I had a mission and I chose to accept it yes I like that there we go love it so I was on Saturday Night Takeaway right and suddenly out of nowhere so we were on the show with blue and Su I get a knock on my door and Simon from Blue is there with his mobile phone he's like yeah M and I thought it was going to be like his niece who was a fan or something or you know and got the phone and it was Tim cash from MTV saying all right mate Emma Griffith wants to get your number is that all right I was like yes mate yeah so moment is unbelievable it was unb I was watching I was watching telly one night at home and I was watching Saturday Night Takeaway and I was like oh he was really fun let's try and track him down and I didn't know how to do it and then blue were on I'm like oh I worked with Tim at the time I'm like oh he's mates with Simon right Tim can you Simon to pass my number onto Matt sorry that that's so sexy that is that is like and I was like I am [ __ ] in you were like this is this is amazing yeah yeah the confidence that you suddenly get you feel like you're like a rock it's like oh my God you would never do anything I had to pursue you for ages before there was none of that romantic that feels like like slid into a DM no that wasn't like that I don't think that was romantic I think sex cool I think it was awesome I think it's amazing um you guys have been married for 16 years and you've just had your anniversary M cuz I I'm a bit sppy like I think love is like the the greatest start we it's the coolest thing People thought Matt and Emma wouldn’t last in the world and also like you know if anyone whether people believe in marriage or or whatever it is but when you do get married and you do become a team there's there's nothing better yeah yeah man I rate it and it gets better and better does it yeah how long have you been married for now a year a year yes take us through the steps honestly I can say it's better now than it's ever been yeah and it's amazing after you first get married cuz you're in that kind of honeymoon period aren't you which is lovely um but I feel like this period is even better than that why because I don't know there's just well you've got time experience you know that you I I mean I do kind of think that lots of people probably thought we wouldn't last really I mean when we're watching the wedding video back which we hadn't watched before we watched it back recently we sat there and you said to me I reckon everyone gave us about 6 months I was like yeah I think so why well I don't know I don't know you just I suppose maybe you just kind of think that people doubt you anyway I I don't know it felt it felt quite grown up you know it was like we were quite awkward about it it almost felt like you play and dress up in a way I felt like that Emma being embarrassed when Matt proposed the night we got engaged I was like oh I'm really embarrassed really weird and didn't I I was like oh I've got to call my mom and tell her and I don't know what to say cuz I feel really weird and he was like they know it's fine I had to ask them babe guys I I'm so happy you say this because we talk about this as well yeah when when I was I was standing in in this hotel room and I was waiting for Sophie to come in and she had no idea and I was holding the ring I was like and I was wearing a suit and I was like what I was like this is feels so weird and then you came in and I got down on one knee and I was like and I I was cuz my anxiety was and it feels and no one talks about it it feels awkward it feels awkward yes and then you're like so you shake hands and go should we go spinning like what you what you do now so strange especially if you're like quite hu like you're just it it's suddenly like your relationship and then you're so serious and it's moment it's just a weird thing it is weird you seem quite like us like we we don't really do things like that and I mean when I proposed she was devastated can you give me all give us all the details what happen no hold on devastated not devastated no I wasn't devast deadly embarrassed yeah that's what it was I was embarrassed so embarrassed I mean literally like so so we went to I took her way to um to Venice for a birthday and like um obviously knew what what was going on you know I was like right so I'd organized this restaurant which was really nice and I was going to propose at the table in front of everyone in front of everyone you know it's in Venice no one will be English it' be great sit down there's a table full of English people there I hear someone singing a busted song at one point and I'm like oh this is going to go terribly wrong and um and I was so from Birmingham or mass mass mass tableup is that so I was like right this isn't going to work so then I was like what do I do now so we then had to walk around Venice like trying to find somewhere to propose and that's not my vibe Venice is hard to find like exactly I don't know where I'm going you know we've never been to this before so we haven't got a clue Matt is not somebody or wasn't at the time somebody that when he went away wanted to go sight seeing and he we like had dinner and he was really weird like he suddenly turned like before we even went to dinner like he didn't really talk to me he was a bit Twitchy and I was like this is really [ __ ] up if he's bought me here to finish with me do you know what I mean I wasit like [ __ ] and I thought it's either that which I he's not that kind of person so please God no or he's going to [ __ ] propose and so I was I was like trying to be like an investigator and I was trying to like hold his hand and rubbing his leg to see if I could feel anything in his pocket but he used to have a a um as Asma inhaler and I was like oh I think that's his asthma um and then he was like let's go for a walk down here oh that's a nice bridge I'm like what what we we're walking around [ __ ] getting lost in Venice like I'm like what are we doing and then we literally stumble across the Rialto Bridge right which no idea never heard of it didn't know it existed didn't didn't know anything I didn't know until we showed someone a picture of us afterwards and they were like oh that's a r bridge I was like oh that's a famous landmark brilant famous so we walked to the top of it and he just like got all serious and I'm like oh what are you doing then he whipped out this box I got and he started to get Dro and I just grabbed him around the neck and I went don't you [ __ ] dare no don't you [ __ ] dare I think it said go down there yeah ex [ __ ] dare go down there and he was like what what because I was like oh there's loads of people around and they're going to see you down and your KN and they're all going to look at us and oh my God how embarrassing but not like oh don't propose just like oh how mortifyingly embarrassed in the moment I didn't know that don't you [ __ ] dare go down there I was like oh no she's going to say no oh the it is and then he opened the box and the ring had like flopped out of the little holder and he like I like oh no that's so cute you did that you opened the box upside down I was like is it under there can I see it and I had organized a light to be in it so basically blinded what the hell is this the whole but it's true the whole like it's awkward and weird and that moment and it's a bit it's like it's not it's not cringy cuz it's so sweet but it is just it's a strange moment it just feels very is a bit cringy is a bit it's a bit it's a bit it's a bit of a strange thing if you're not that kind of stereotypically romantic staring in each other's I mean he stares at me all the time like what the [ __ ] are you looking at can't stop won't stop stop I said and then I stop giggling I'm like stop it I you have the nicest size I've ever seen in my life so I'm I can't stop saring you that was our proposal what was your wedding like was it was it fine did you enjoy it with any anxieties leading up Matt and Emma’s wedding day to it because I think that weddings are a big thing to handle I always find I was super excited about it I I think it was quite an easy process actually the hardest thing was finding a venue yeah cuz everywhere we went as well was like oh yeah it's really beautiful and pretty but I wanted somewhere a bit gritty yeah you you a bit rock and roll and it is a beautiful building but it's got like the minute I saw it I was like please be beautiful inside because outside it it was not not like a Gothic building but it had a slight Edge to it yeah and it was Gorge wasn't it when we saw it um felt like an oasis video yeah yeah not a bastard one not a bustard video the bastard wedding recreate no no because when you guys rewatched it what was it like rewatching the wedding video video um I found it quite difficult yeah well I loved it because it's like that was then and now is now you about anxieties on the leadup to it I don't think well we didn't have anxieties leading up to the wedding about the wedding I don't think um I was very late yeah were are you an hour 45 minutes okay stood there to an hour going yeah it just took no no God that sketchy I was there cuz we got married everything was in the hotel everything was there I was in the building you knew I was in the building I had just taken a little bit longer getting ready that anticipated and then I didn't realize that before I went in I then had to go and talk to the um the person who was marrying us and go through all the legalities before you go into the room you know all that all those things you've got to do all those little bits it's scary though but but as you know as the as the groom standing up there I remember you were you didn't come up for ages as well well all of our guests were about an hour late so I had to do laps in a around a roundabout in the car like with my veil like this I was like I'm about to have a panic it was not okay I think also the thing is right and and mat I I've said this to you before your documentary that you did well you did to Matt’s documentary to help people through addiction kind of get was the most incredible thing about your journey with addiction and things like that and and what I find amazing is right you guys like I said your 16th year wedding anniversary in like there's always these ups and downs but you navigate your way through them yeah and it's amazing how you guys have done that together it's incredible yeah I think that's the thing we kind of love we shied away from talking about it for years why because because whenever I did um it got turned into some scandalous headline that was taken out of proportion alth they took something out of it which wasn't a big deal made it a big deal out of context yeah so um and kind of sick of getting asked about it all the time so we just kind of stopped talking about it and then after a while I was like I'm not really helping anyone by CU there's a stigma around addiction which I think is wrong and I was like I'm helping that stigma by not talking about it you know so I was like I want to kind of take that away so we decided to do that and kind of say it all and and also with the hope that it would help other people talk you know and kind of open up and that's the experience we've had it's been great yeah it's amazing yeah it's been good you we talk about the fun times and things like that but life is hard sometimes and marriage is hard and relationships are hard and you have to get through you have to be that team to make your make your way through it for sure I think like we we were talking about when you know you kind of have that honeymoon period that's great and then reality kicks in and you're like okay this is this is really the beginning once that's over of married life and then you know if you're fortunate enough or or you want to and you have a kid then that brings you know in our situation Sparkle and excitement and almost like that new beginning and then we had Navigating the ups and downs through 16 years of marriage another one and then we had another one much like song another one and another one and another one and another one um you know and and and that comes with its own kind of navigational skills as well um and then you can have [ __ ] times yeah that's thrown into the mix and it's you know are you committed to working through the [ __ ] yeah I think I think that's exactly I think I think it's um you know as and we've been through stuff as well like in certain ways and I think that when you get through it exactly that you just feel like you're like you become this real team and you're like you're unbreakable complely the best way and a respect for each other you know a kind of like and a massive respect for each other yeah how tough are Emma and Matt get emotional talking about their kids kids why that I'm sorry well got this new obsession anyone over anyone he thinks is married he firstly asks do you have kids and then the second question is strange on the street and how hard are they let's just it's cuz because look you know Soph and I touchwood we get to have babies and we have this amazing life together and all these different things touchwood but it does it feels like a lot it feel it feel you know and I look at sometimes I look at my friends who have kids and I'm just like oh my god well like well done to you guys so it's it's but it's amazing isn't it it's incredible okay great that's all I needed to know and that was a real serious yes that was a real it's incredible it's see you remind me of Matt a little bit yeah I I don't really know you yeah but you seem a bit like an excitable puppy is that do I give that vibe that what it is that I'm looking at all yeah yeah yeah is that what he bang on bang on that's what Matt's like right he is and the minute we had kids it's like his best mate had arrived really yeah ah okay and he is my partner and my equal and sometimes he's like my fourth kid and and I mean that in the best possible way cuz he's like that when he's with his kids so he just gets down on their level and he's [ __ ] phenomenal with them yeah yeah honestly really it will make you the best version of yourself why am I I've got these I've had these on five times in this podcast why you em you will or I think I've got loads of kept up emotion at the moment or something or you'll combust you won't explode it's it's it's honestly it's the most I mean yeah it's a massive adjustment get but it's and it's tough yeah but the best possible tough the one thing you you want tough for really I see my kids is like the best version of both of us I see the good parts of I see some of the bad parts of me and some of sometimes but I see a lot of the kind of great parts of both of us in them wow you know so it's wicked you'll love it mate you'll be [ __ ] awesome really yeah you'll be great they'll love you baby let's go do it now let's go let's go go my kids would love you go really absolutely you'll be great I love that what is the um cheesy but what do you Secret to maintaining a happy marriage think is the uh secret to sort of a happy relationship who the [ __ ] knows that as well right let me just get my notepad out let's just go um perseverance yeah good I think yeah communication you've got to still [ __ ] like each other yeah big and still fancy each other that's I was going to say fancying it's always that and be interested in each other yeah and want to show up for each other and have each other's back no matter what I mean you na it you na it I need to say nothing you need brilliant that was brilliant that's what we're going that's the clip that's it there that's it there done um and Al also you you've got to listen do you think I need to listen yes ien great advice for you to take on board that's very true that's very true and I thought that's me as well because I just think I'm always right I i' I've realized often I'm not and and the more the longer we're together the more I realize actually Matt I don't want to say out loud is he right Matt's right quite a lot he's getting more right as he gets older right we do well we I I I I did therapy Both of us doing couple’s therapy and I do therapy and things like that and then and then I sort of said to Sophie I was like do you know what wouldn't it be a good idea to do like couples therapy as well because I just think 50% of like relationships end a divorce and like maybe a great place to like just chat and things like that and I went into a session the other day without Sophie and I basically explained this argument you had and she said you know you're wrong and I was like and suddenly I real my whole world claps I've always been wrong like sun realized that everything you're always right um we did we've we've done it too yeah isn't it great we did people should be more open with it a big yeah switch for us actually really and we didn't go we didn't go cuz we were in trouble and we didn't go because um we were like [ __ ] this is this is a sinking ship we were like [ __ ] there's a couple of sticking points here that we can't understand each other's viewpoints on so let's get a third party to try and figure navigate why we can't referee we can't see where each other's coming from on it and it was you know one one or the other things right and you sit down you're just like [ __ ] this is brilliant and actually it's not that it's one or the other it's just you know your your your brains are in a certain way because of your life and it's like oh I just need to kind of switch my viewpoint slightly or or open how much I can see or think from another person's perspective and and that is so simple yeah but in those moments you sometimes just don't think about it do you and it takes a stranger to go hey what the [ __ ] are you doing great and you go I'll listen to you okay that's yeah that makes total but is it's that it's that self awareness where you switch and you go I see it from the other point of view now and I get it and actually what does that mean yeah you know cuz you say that what does that mean where's that coming from you know like then you go back and you go and you can really explain it and then you're like oh right I totally get that you know whereas I didn't before you know but I can totally understand and that goes back to the listening right it's like you're not understanding what I'm saying you're not understanding what I'm saying well actually maybe I just need to listen to what you're saying and all right but we're with you it's been it's been fantastic and I think that's since that has been a massive game changer for us is hasn't it and and we've kind of I think that's why we've got we never got better and better I learn we learned ways to talk to each other as well you know about certain things we learned how to have conversations that are tough you know because like we're not very good at that you know or we'd end up having the same argument again and we don't ever want to kind of piss each other off or or offend each other or like we're so on exells about so sensitive with each other cuz he's very sensitive and I'm very sensitive that's like you EXA I don't want to say anything to kind of make him feel bad or if I say this is is he going to get upset and he's the same because I'm so sensitive and then all sudden you're like well you don't say anything you keep it all in and it festers in your brain and then when it does come out it's all kind of contorted or it's really comes out or whatever the way you kind of say it in a wrong way or it's taken in the wrong way you're I didn't mean it like that it's like just like [ __ ] yeah so we learned how to talk to each other and kind of remove ourselves from our own thoughts and try and it was [ __ ] brilliant was mat was the one that suggested actually I'd never had therapy I was like I'm great I'm all right nothing wrong with me this this is fine yeah yeah baby that's your [ __ ] bab it's amazing it's amazing it could be really good for us I'm like I'm okay again session oh God was wasn't it was like um another first session oh my God and I was like like like a human tissue for us I like what's going on another example of where Matt was right yeah yeah I love that guys um guys we got to talk about love is blind as Emma and Matt hosting ‘Love is Blind: UK’ well love is yeah we've got to talk about love is blind um you guys are hosting it what is it so for anyone who doesn't know what love is blind is how would you describe it Bonkers it's I mean when when you speak about what the show is it sounds crazy and when we first um got approached about it we were like what that sounds mental we were like no no come on that's that surely that that can't be that can't work and then we watched it and we were like we were so in you got 50 single 15 single women and they haven't met each other and they're separate and they basically date in these pods so they never see each other and they're just talking aren't they just talking getting to know each other you know and they fall in love in these pods hopefully hopefully they fall in love so they Whitt it down not with all 15 so they basically um they speed dat at the beginning they kind of meet everybody then they Whitt it down to who they're kind of liking and then suddenly they'll form connections with someone and then someone will propose at the end of it hopefully someone will propose dude like you only get to meet them if you propose yeah so yeah so then you get that that moment where they're kind of stood at either end of that Corridor and then the door opens and they literally are staring at the fiance oh my God and they've never anxious we thought we were anxious so imagine you've dated somebody you probably got a picture in your head as well right from morning till night yeah exactly you've dated somebody from morning till night for two weeks straight right you've got to know every part of them aart from physically yeah yeah and then you see them and you've built up that like you just said you built up a picture of somebody they can't mention how they look at all no yeah not hair color like nothing guys before you go um I just want to say this has been you've gone all serious again I don't know but on this has been this like say makeup again mup okay uh we're you're very good at that you're very good so bril to be in the piggy blind movie I need to be an actor you do go down RAC no no that was better I'll take you down the roastes no he lost it again okay right here we go so Mr and Mrs you ready for this okay got to be honest yeah you got to be honest okay okay okay here we Mr and Mrs Game go who is the neediest Matt Emma both quite we're both quite needy we're both quite needy really yeah who is the strictest parent me hmer but I think it um it I think it changes with their ages for sure yeah because I think now teen years I think you are going to be a bit stricter yeah certain things I want stand CU you CU you know where that can go as well like you can feel it from experien stuff you know that if things are going out of place like oh hang on you got to tighten this up here right a little bit a little bit you know and also I heard something really scary that like by the age of 12 like their biggest influence is their friend group that's terrifying you know trying to hold on to it you know is that a thing so I read that I don't know if it's true um last one who is the most romantic I don't think either of us are no I don't know if we're very romantic we're a bit more silly I don't think silly but we're quite soy yeah you know like the older more secure we get in our relationship we're quite happy to be quite soy with each other which I think is romantic I like that that's I mean might cringe people out if they knew it who gives a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] I love you babe love you I love you I love you I love you thank you for coming on W we love you what a nice couple obsessed really Outro lovely and they just look so good as well I mean they're really really really phenomenally attractive yes do you think they thought that about us I I don't know I think I hope they thought that we were really lovely I think they thought that I thought they were so lovely lovely she got emotional about talking about kids just big F big F huge fan so thank you for coming on guys you were fantastic um okay that is the end of the episode also um next episode you ready for this I'm scared you know how our Fang maybe hasn't been that good M rumor has it that a fangue expert's coming on I'm thrilled it's going to be unbelievable I'm thrilled cuz this room needs a bit of fanu everything needs a bit of fanu so that's on next episode so stay tuned for that also guys um as always we'd love to hear from you we love our listeners messages and we love you guys so if you can send us any messages you can send it to our Instagram at newlyweds podcast and also you can email us newly WS at jamot productions. co.uk we love you goodbye if you're getting married good luck if you're getting divorced don't worry if you're waking up in the middle of the night and Sophie is screaming just can you lucky St does okay if you are thinking about getting engaged go do it if you're single C girl summer brat summer and if you are renovating your house good freaking luck okay everybody we'll see you next week good luck bye bye-bye [Music]

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