Byron Pringle: All-22 Film & Thoughts | He'll be on Commanders Final Roster | Watchin Film With Phil

[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's good football fans back at you once again with another video and you know with preseason just right around the corner I wanted to come on and talk about a player that I believe is going to put some serious pressure on those guys you know towards the the middle to bottom area of the wide receiver depth chart mainly from like Dax Milne down so to speak and the guy I'm talking about is Byron Pringle he's a guy that his first three years in the league did a whole lot of things for the Kansas City Chiefs and more importantly a whole lot of things for Eric the enemy I went out in free agency in 2022 and he had a bit of a disappointing year with Chicago but I'll get back to that in a second for right now let's just hop right into the film you know when I first started looking at Pringles film I really didn't know what to expect but it was clear right away that this guy will catch you kind of off guard with shiftiness and you know his speed to be quite honest with you I was not expecting a guy with that kind of size to be that fast but he was and as you can see from that play right there he's super Shifty and he can make a play you know really out of nothing and and that's something that you like to see from a guy who's you know kind of down on the on the depth chart so to speak I believe we can definitely look at our depth chart and know who the top three four guys are but you know a guy they bringing off the street who Eric the enemy has plenty of experience coaching you know he's a guy that could be a threat to the guys in that four five six area and when you look at the film from Kansas City you could see that they really thrive on you know on quick reads and hitting guys like you know Pringle that are Shifty and have a little bit of speed that can make plays out of nothing now by no means am I saying it he's as Shifty as a Tyreek Hill but yeah seeing the the film from the Kansas City Chiefs and seeing Vietnamese offense in action it really kind of leaves me foaming at the mouth because I have for years wanted you know our team to be able to attack the goal line the way that this offense does and Pringle was a part of that in 2021 and was a big part of it I might add as you can see he's highly skilled I love that little move he put on him right there and he pulls the catch in it helps that his quarterback has a clean pocket and makes a perfect throw as well just an example of great execution I sure hope that Sam Howe can take this offense in because I believe that the way that it's built definitely can put points on the board a guy like Pringle can fit right into it love to see that kind of catch right there where your your wide receiver does his job fully your quarterback does his job puts it right on the mark boom touchdown you know one of the things that I saw that really stood out that really caught my eye was the way this kid fights on any given play to be able to to get open to you know to give his quarterback a chance to complete a big play now as we all already know Patrick Mahomes holds the ball till the very last second and then lets it go so he's pretty special himself but if you watch this play Pringle he does not give up look he cuts back Cuts back Cuts again cuts back again that's three cutbacks wide open TouchDown I mean what more could you ask for from a guy that's your fourth or your fifth option on the offense you know he steps in he runs his route it's not there he moves around resets resets again resets yeah no yet another time boom there it is this angle is not all that great for but you can see him come across and yeah that'll play is again the number one thing that I learned from watching Byron Pringles film is that this guy is faster and shiftier than you think and I like everybody else in the world I love big time plays but at the same time I absolutely love a player you know like a like a Pierre Garcon they could get the ball and just take off with it you know and do big things with it you know make a big play happen make something that you weren't expecting to catch the ball in the open field or whatever just a little seven to eight yard play make a couple moves and you're gone I love seeing this and I'm certain that Eric the enemy was foaming at the mouth when he saw that name pop up on the free agent list I am certain of it he thought to himself now there's a quick hit candidate for me I can put on the field I know what that kid could do you know and I don't have to question it you watch it from this angle you'll see him let's see that one person missed two well actually that second person he just outran I mean that's a lot faster right there his game speed is a lot faster right there than I than I would have imagined now just watch his acceleration he hits that edge and he is gone 20 yards to the end zone nobody even there here he is showing his little intermediate you know inside route tree right here he's really good at those kind of catches too man right across the middle good little 15 yarder money in the bank there it is cha-ching again never give up down by the goal line this guy makes it happen of course you know Patrick Mahomes is Patrick Mahomes too but watch he doesn't give up Cuts back touchdown I'll say it again what more could you want out of a fourth or fifth option you know he makes the play and looking at it from this angle it also exposes the idea of some trickery to me you know I believe that Eric the enemy definitely will resort to trickery when needed we all know that Andy Reid was a master forever in Philadelphia with it and has proven that he can you know still do it today the enemy spending all those years with Andy you gotta know that he's picked up on that this play right here is further evidence of that we don't see it from the other angle because we didn't see that Tyreek Hill was actually the guy that lines up as the as the quarterback run to Center and the defense kind of gets a little you know like what the hell's going on here but then of course my home pops up and it kind of throws the defense off for a half a second at least enough to be able to set that play up to have Pringle come back inside and everybody's confused enough to make that a touchdown I mean it's perfect execution if you think about it and to me this is not only Pringles athleticism on display but also the enemy's play calling or at least you know Vietnamese skill as a person who develops the plays the in-game you know philosophy or whatnot now here's a solid example against us on my dad of him being able to catch the ball stay in bounds after he took a pretty big hit and he kept the ball you know he didn't drop it right there that's what you want out of a guy that's looking to get that first down and you know maybe a little bit extra move the chains he watch it back from this angle you really hope that that Sam Howe can grasp this kind of offense because if he does the opportunities are going to be there for a guy that has his touch because this is the kind of play he can make that I saw him do that in college on his college film and watching UNC you know myself live that he definitely can make those plays and Pringle as you see can hold on to the ball and make those kind of first downs that every team needs you know and one thing that the film has shown me that I know will be beneficial for a Scrambler like Sam Howe or guy that isn't afraid to run like Sam Howe is that Byron Pringle likes to move around and come back to the ball he does it well he has experience doing it with Patrick Mahomes you know I'm not trying to say that Sam Howe can spin the ball like Mahomes but I believe that Sam Howell is capable of doing a play like this one right here like Sam Howe is capable of being able to move the pocket outside and be able to come back across himself and throw that pass now I know that that's looked at as one of the the toughest passes in the game throw right there across your body and and Mahomes does it perfectly right there but give credit to Pringle for being able to go up and get that knowing that the hit was coming and I love Pringles ability right here to top point the ball and be able to go up get it take a hit again and come down with it and not fumble that my friends is what you want to see on the football field if the guy's not is highly dynamic as you know a Jahan Dotson or whatever the case may be a guy like Pringle school can go up and make that catch and bring it down and hold on to it you know it puts you down at the 18 yard line and you're set up with first down I mean that's what you want and as you can see right here he's not afraid to go across the middle either and make those catches I have a feeling we'll see a lot of this play right here I'm not saying it'll be a bread and butter type play but I have a feeling we'll see a lot of this this year that offense the enemy uses is built on a lot of quick reads the quick hitters you know what I mean and as you see Pringles pretty good at those kind of plays too makes first guy Miss makes a second guy Miss again first guy Miss second guy Miss another example of perfect execution right here great route running great receiving skills great ball thrown great freaking catch and we get a touchdown out of this right I mean Kansas City really loved this guy in 2021 I don't know why they didn't throw a little extra dollars this way I guess it's because Tyreek Hill had to be paid right I heard one person say that they thought maybe it was a red flag that he went to another team and didn't do well when he went to Chicago last year and kind of flopped he'd only had like 10 catches the whole year to me that should speak dividends to us we should be hearing that licking our chops because he's back in the enemy system and the enemy knows how to use this guy I mean you know he is a player that that EB has definitely some history with and what else could I say the guy gets out there he's not afraid to take a lick and he moves the chains I mean what else could you ask for from a guy that sits forth to fifth down the depth chart that's Milne better be afraid for real I love this play right here because it's Travis Kelsey is underneath the center right here and the ball gets snapped the play goes off and he sells it like it's going to be a run at first and then slides across the middle Kelsey throws the touchdown pass I don't know if you guys remember this game or not but that was a hell of a play and he was wide open now I realized that maybe I'm a little bit bigger Logan Thomas fan than the average cat around the house you know but let me just tell you this play right here has got Logan Thomas written all over it again down by the goal line the guy just knows how to get open the Holmes holds the ball to the last second gets him the ball touchdown I mean again what more can you ask for I watch it again my home's about to get creamed too and just out the corner of his eyes sees Pringle boom touchdown now anybody that's watched my videos before knows I always look for the good and the bad I always look for you know if the guy can block what the intangibles are with them with Byron Pringle I'm kind of somewhere in the middle of the road some of the things I saw were good some of the things were kind of uh he's not really that great of a run blocker but of course most wide receivers aren't like for instance on this play right here he kind of uses a little bit of a mesh concept route right there and and you know borderline pick but the play leaves Kelsey wide open in the center of the field which is what that offense was always designed for which is another reason why I think Logan Thomas is gonna have a big season this year because the offenses are almost always shaped around the tight ends over those and it was Andy Reid you know Eric bienemy style offenses but there's no doubt in my mind that Pringles hold job here is just to slow down a little bit and run a route that keeps him to the inside of both of those Defenders so that Kelsey is wide the freak open in the middle of the field first down you see it from this direction just like Child's Play yep setup now in this play right here he doesn't do anything spectacular but he does everything he needs to to be able to get a touchdown out of the play on that side of the ball he makes enough momentum going towards the goal line with his guy that there's just enough there for the running back to come in put his head down and fall forward enough to get that touchdown I mean did he blast anybody away absolutely not but he did what he needed to here's another example of some Midfield kind of downfield blocking right there on the edge that kind of set the you know set the tone for that play and allowed it to get to the middle of the field same thing on the other side of the field on this play right here except for the you know the ball doesn't get to where he's at but he's still downfield blocking his man I wanted to show this play right here because he completely whiffs on his block right here I mean completely like he didn't he had a choice here what he could do and he did neither of the two he either could have gone wide you know on the outside over there and tried to get that corner on the outside which you realized real quick he wasn't going to be able to or he could have gone back inside and got that linebacker right there and he completely whiffed and missed that guy who in turn turned around and grabbed his running back and yeah I mean you know to the ground he went right kept him from getting the first down I might add yeah I was none too impressed from this play right here he he looked he looked horrible blocking on this play right here you know like had had one job to do and just whiffed same thing on this play right here one job to do and completely whiffed you see number 20 just goes right around him and makes the tackle on Tariq Hill that's not to recoil that's Hardman I think just goes right around him and makes the tackle on this play Down By The End Zone he just completely whips on this guy trying to block him look at the end of the day Byron Pringle will be 30 years old in November he is not an answer for the long run what he is is a short-term plug-in piece that's going to be able to fit somewhere between you know I'd say about wide receiver five you know and he's going to make it interesting for the rest of the roster because he can return kicks in 2021 over in Kansas City he had 621 kick return yards and he had 324 the year before and a touchdown you know this is a guy who appeared in all 17 games for Kansas City in 2021 and started five and gave them 42 catches on 60 targets for 568 yards and five touchdowns and then in 2022 when he stepped out went over to Chicago signed the new deal with them he only played in 11 games he only had 10 catches for 135 yards and two touchdowns pretty obvious he did not fit that system you know pretty obvious that his last year over in Kansas City he really had learned what Eric bienemy and Andy Reid were trying to put in front of him a six foot one 201 pounds and with the speed this guy has it's deceptive by the way I expect this offense to definitely work him into the mix you know preseason is going to be an interesting time in that wide receiver section like five six you know four five six area it's gonna be real interesting because there's a lot of younger guys that are below that area as well trying to make the team still then you got guys like Kashmir Allen and guys like Dax Milne who are kind of down there near the bottom that need to kind of like show out preseason should be real interesting in that particular position battle to be completely honest I'm real hyped to see how this one turns out a lot of this depends on how good Sam Howe picks up on the system but I just I could see big things happening here at any rate for those of you that haven't yet make sure to hit that subscribe button hit that like button before you leave and drop down in the comments section and let me know what you guys are thinking I really would like to hear everybody's opinion about where they see this offense going y'all take it easy peace foreign [Music]

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