🔴F1 LIVE - Dutch GP QUALI - (HEAVY RAIN) - Commentary + Live Timing

all right uh we should be live apologies for the issues there I don't know what happened um my OBS just crashed um yeah well I kind of know what YouTube was giving me some sort of warning and then yeah anyway we should be back um guys if you could hit the like button it really would help out the channel start the stream again uh essentially because uh yeah all the likes have disappeared um but everything else should be back and uh yeah we should be good to go to qual we've got 10 minutes left till the star of qual um so yeah hopefully we haven't actually missed all that much and uh yeah very very unfortunate though um apologies for that right um yeah do let me know if you guys can hear me I think you you guys should be able to hear me but um yeah right so uh let's let's continue on through um through what was going on in qualifying um yeah welcome back welcome back folks um yeah any and all likes would be appreciated on the channel because um no my laptop didn't die uh YouTube was giving me some warning message and I I changed a setting and then it crashed the stream so yeah it's uh it's brilliant isn't it um but 10 minutes to go to qual we actually haven't missed all that much as long as we get a th viewers by the time qual starts we should be fine um yeah so let's get underway then uh what was I going to talk about oh yeah I was going to talk about um Adrian Nei he is going to Aston Martin so there is some real potential here that Aston Martin could be a championship winning team by 2026 uh Adrian y of course he's going to be bringing all of his expertise and skills to um to Aston Martin there's going to be a lot of money going his way as well rumors are that the contract was for 400 million which is crazy um all right we've got the qualifying data coming through as well so let me just get rid of the fp2 data and then we'll have the qual data brilliant okay so here is the qualifying data we've got wins of 13.7 km per hour which is um well the drivers are going to have to be cautious of that we've seen quite a few lockups because of the wind so um yeah we'll we'll have to wait and see what happens um yeah all right um oh yeah let me also update the like counter cuz it's currently counting the likes on the wrong live stream um so yes Adrian y we going to Aston Martin uh there's a lot of financial backing going his way of course Lan strolls dad also is uh pouring loads of money into the team as well the question is is Lan stroll going to be an Achilles heel for the Aston Martin team he is uh I what I would describe as a very good Midfield driver but I don't know if he has the capabilities to be right up there uh at the top of the pack so you know at the start of his career there was a lot of um he he got a lot of you know crap basically for being a pay driver and you know fair enough really he he did pay his way into Formula 1 his dad had a very very big role in that but um but yeah I I don't know I think that at this point in time he is a fairly good driver of of a decent caliber in Formula 1 and um yeah Adrian Nei I guess uh I guess he might be hoping that uh they they somehow remove Lan Shaw from the team but uh I don't know I don't know what's going to happen there what your guys' opinion what do you think is going to happen with Lan stroll versus um well is lanol going to stay in the Aston mod team is he not uh um yeah no idea really okay um what else have we got to talk about um 400 million for three years yeah that is crazy I mean the amount of money that he is getting is uh wow did the stream just move yeah yeah the stream did just move um folks if you could hit the like button we've got 700 people already tuned in um it would really be appreciated because yeah we've just had a stream crash um so it' be ideal if uh we had you know a bit of a Kickstart to the current stream that we've got here with some extra likes I think STW just hasn't had an opportunity to fight at the front we really can't make any true assumptions yeah well I don't know I feel like the fact that he isn't on the same level as Fernando Alonzo is is enough of a reason to to doubt him and not be a driver at uh at the top of the pack so uh I don't know well we'll just have to see really wouldn't we um yeah oh I've got a couple of other things to change in the YouTube settings um oh this has been a big old faft after the stream has crashed um but yeah we are not long now till qualifying gets underway so 5 minutes till we get going Okie does um right um really sad for Logan yeah I don't think Logan Sergeant will be taking part I don't know if you guys saw the crash that happened in fp3 but Logan Sergeant he probably will not be taking part in this uh qualifying session mainly because they won't be able to repair the car in time and uh yeah that's a pretty pretty significant issue isn't it if you if you don't have a car to drive so um yeah unfortunately there for Logan sergeant able to take part in this quality session but of course it was his own mistake if you do look at the onboard he was just driving on a piece of wet grass and uh it's not really surprising that um he didn't have much grip so yeah Okie does um we got 1,000 people already tuned in oh yeah um if you guys want to watch all of the onboards and things like that then there's a link in the description for f1tv pro there's 25% off in fact uh for the next uh it will give you 25% off the next four months if you sign up uh now which is uh yeah pretty nice and um just uh good discounts really that's all it is um and you can watch all of of the onboards all of the team radios and you get professional commentary a little bit better than mine you know hopefully with streams that don't crash and um and yeah okay um prediction for poll position uh my prediction for pole is probably going to be uh I you know I'm going to go with Oscar piastri I said this in the fb3 Stream uh I think Oscar piastri is going to get on poll today um I don't know I just think that he's been performing very very well past couple of races Lando Norris is uh you know he's a good driver but I think Oscar piastri has that little bit of an extra Edge over him and considering it's only pastry's second year in Formula 1 and he's been able to compete with lonis on such a level uh it's it's spectacular really and um that's why I'm backing uh backing Oscar piastri um we'll wait and see what happens though all right there we go the light counter has also been updated right uh I spent such a fa from doing that right now I can finally commentate properly got 1,300 people tuned into live stream a bit well we've already uh made made up for the fact that the stream crashed so uh yeah thank you everyone for tuning in and now let's get underway uh for the coverage we have a risk of rain of 40% F 40% R risk of rain which is fantastic to be honest um just makes things so much more exciting and then we should be uh good to go for some uh for some qualifying here now 2 minutes till the drivers uh will get a green light at the end of the pit lane and then they'll be going qualifying very very shortly um what else have we got to talk about uh oh yeah Daniel Ricardo his seat is at risk it has been confirmed Liam Lawson would be the driver to replace Daniel Ricardo if Ricardo cannot perform in the second half of the season so Ricardo has got well 10 races now to out qualify outrace uh and outscore Yuki sonoda in um if he wants to keep his formula one SE if not then it'll be see you later to Dan and Liam Lawson will be coming into the racing Bulls team and you know if Daniel Ricardo can out qualify Yuki soda consistently maybe they' even think about putting him back into the Red Bull team um because Sergio Perez it does not look like he will be able to bounce back there's been so much talk of him looking to recover and trying to get better and closer to Max for Tappen but I just really do not think that it's going to happen anytime soon we've seen this for quite a while now Perez is consistently four 510 behind whereever stappen and um the only reason it's it's an issue now is because there are actually cars that are within four or 510 there are loads of cars that are within four or 510 of the Red Bull's Pace um the McLaren are in fact ahead of the Red Bulls by the by most looks of it so yeah previously you know last year where Max was dominating there was more than enough of a gap uh that it wouldn't really matter if Perez was in if Perez was half a second slower because he would still be in third position or fourth position but now with everything so much tighter this season um it's much more likely that Perez with if the stens up in second place Perez is down in eighth which is just not cutting it for the Red Bull team and the Constructor Championship maybe going down the drain um McLaren have actually gained the most points in the previous five races in terms of Constructors actually I think no McLaren are second most points Mercedes have got the most points uh or is it the other way around but nonetheless uh it's it's McLaren and Mercedes that have scored the most points in the previous five races not Red Bull uh the gap between uh McLaren and Red Bull is shrinking uh rapidly so with only 10 races left to go and Sergio peris unable to perform we uh we may see McLaren win the Constructor Championship which would be a huge turn of events here um all right green light at the end of the pit Lane we have got Nik hulkenberg and guano leaving um which is great and let's get underway for some qualifying then folks oky does got 2,000 people tuned in 2,400 people tuned to the live stream that is spectacular uh very much is appreciated and if you guys could smash the like button that would be fantastic as well um here we go then soft cuz it's dry enough yes folks uh so I I I realize that in the title it says Heavy Rain um The Heavy Rain is forecast for later on in the session it was raining in uh this morning it was a wet fp3 session uh since then we've had no more rain and the circuit started to dry out a little bit so uh the drivers will be out on soft tires but there is something to keep in mind is that there is a dry line and there is a wet line and the drivers that have to you know move out the way for traffic and let someone else on a fast lap go by they are going to drive over the wet parts of the circuit cool down their tires and that could be um well it'll be quite devastating for their Tire temperatures to be honest uh driving over some water so so yeah they're going to have to be careful of that Nik huberg starts his flying lap looks like he makes it through the first corner without locking up which is a good start for n because he's had a a pretty rough weekend so far to be honest and um yeah good to see him performing then Okie does um and we're getting basically everyone coming out onto the circuit now they all know they need to set a bank AAP in just in case any sort of rainfalls as of now uh the sky does look blue but with Winds of 16 k per hour in in the space of about half an hour you you you can definitely start getting torrential rain and um yeah that's why the drivers are all making their way out track evolution is going to be extremely critical here considering it rained here just this morning the circuit is not worn in whatsoever there's no rubber deposited on the racing line track evolution is going to be so key and the drivers that do go out right at the end are going to have a huge huge Advantage uh when it comes to um yeah when it just comes to going quicker because they have more optimal track conditions compared to the rest of the pack so we'll keep that in mind and we'll see if anyone gets a toe as well toes won't be all that important it does help a little bit going down the main straight but it's a very big fa to set up and there's also a pretty big risk that you could get stuck in traffic so um we'll keep an eye out for that as well Okie does um but that is it for now we've had our first couple of laps come in we've got niik hulkenberg a 1 minute 13.0 Nico uh and then we've got guu Joo a 13.7 710 behind him which is not ideal but we'll wait and see what the saas can do they've been struggling for a while now oh niik hogenberg sliding around the rear um interesting there the the H doesn't look like the most stable car this weekend uh maybe there's a maybe there's some setup changes they can make maybe they can't all right here we go 3,500 people tuned into live folks if you could hit the like button hopefully you can hit 500 likes um that would be fantastic right and if you aren't subscribed as well we're getting pretty close to our subscriber Target what's that 141 yeah 141 subscribers away from hitting the subscriber Target so that' be spectacular as well uh Logan Sergeant will not be racing today he's sat in the pit Lane uh is very unlikely that he will be racing his car is far to damaged and he's going to need a probably an entirely new chassis to get that repaired in out in out in time for race dat tomorrow we don't even know if he'll be racing tomorrow they probably do have a spare spare car and a bunch of spare parts in the garage so they should be fine for tomorrow but uh you know the question remains is does Williams have enough spare parts and do they have enough uh spare parts that are upgraded as well because they brought four or five upgrades this weekend and Logan Sergeant has totally destroyed them in his crash which isn't great um but yeah that's the way things go sometimes in Formula 1 all right right Lan strol up at the top of the timings so 11.8 from Lan strol he goes 30 milliseconds ahead of Alex Alan Sergio Perez cross the line third place for him he goes a 10th slower than stroll and that is classic Sergio Perez Pace um it's not great to be honest Fernando Alonzo with the fastest final sector that's great job from him but only fifth position um we've got llar up into third place nice job from Charles lur the the astons are looking strong today even in fp3 l was looking very very quick um so who knows maybe the ason will have a surprise weekend this weekend uh pastri though up to the top of the pack 310 ahead of the competition we'll have landois coming across the line shortly as well uh gazy comes into the pits so does esan o on Lando Norris comes down the main straight and he's starting a flying lap whoops Okie dos um Nico hulkenberg he's on a hot lap now currently in 12th position improves up into Ninth Place he did that on a u set of tires so you can't expect the best lap time from him but he's going to go back into the pits get a fresh set of tires bit more fuel and he should be out for another run soon enough uh stroll comes across the line to start a flying lap by the looks of it what is he doing actually um maybe he's starting a flying lap I can't exactly tell um but lur across the line he's in fourth and s's in 12th quite a big gap there between the two Ferrari teammates but pastri as I predicted as is on poll well as I say that Hamilton on a set of medium Tires I'd just like to clarify I'd just like to check if that's Hamilton's actually on a set of mediums um because that seems awfully wrong that he's gone quicker than everyone else on a set of medium tires so um yeah let's have a look I'll just uh I'll see if I can find Hamilton on the TV feed otherwise uh it seems a bit strange to be honest that Hamilton's up in first position on a set of mediums there are there have been issues in the past where it's shown the wrong Tire um so I will I will just double check that Lando Norris crosses the line it's second place for him he goes a tenth quicker than Oscar pastry two milliseconds off Lewis Hamilton and yeah there we go the data has changed and Hamilton is out on a set of soft tires um yeah all right um so clarification there uh the data has made a mistake uh but it has been rectified uh Gary wisman have you ever failed to stream a session yeah I've missed I missed a few for exams so yeah it's pretty pretty typical to be honest okay um but Lewis Hamilton still at the top of the time you know you can't discount the fact that he's still right there at the top Lando Norris is pushing extremely hard on his on his lap uh when he did it and two milliseconds is the gap there it is so so close Max foren still he's on an out laap now he's going to wait for everyone else to do their lap uh he's going to have a bit more better track conditions uh a bit more better uh he's going to have he's going to have better track conditions um compared to everyone else because everyone else has already done one lap so there a bit of rubber deposited onto the circuit already but yeah let's wait and see what Max foren can do he's um he might also be able to sort out a little bit of a toe from Norris actually no he's slowed down a lot uh he's not even going to Norris won't be giving him any sort of toe we've got 4,700 people tuned into live stream that is fantastic folks really is appreciated if you haven't hit the like button please be sure to do so it massively would help out we're getting pretty close to 500 likes and we're getting pretty close to 88,000 subscribers as well um yeah Okie does um I'm going to have a quick sip of water and then I'll commentate Max happens actually Max happ's already on his flying lap he's got a bit of traffic Aon and sonoda both have to get out of the way otherwise Max Forman is going to be extremely annoyed with him and now going towards turn number seven there's a bit of a Tailwind there 16 km at an hour worth of Tailwind but he manages the car nicely goes through turn number seven now towards turn number eight he's got to set up the car perfectly for breaking to turn number nine it's a tricky Corner turn number eight very much like barain turn number 10 and then he goes towards zanor turn number 10 we saw a couple of drivers go off there in fb2 yesterday but Max Tappen deals with it nicely he get activates DRS coming out the exit turn number 10 he's going to have a bit of a boost as well from Pierre gazi ahead of him he's who's getting a nice toe and now going into turn number 11 gazi gets out the way Max just happen very late on the breaks there and now he's only got the final two corners left to go penultimate turn number 13 and then the enormous banking of turn number 14 there he goes he's on the banking he's on the inside line DRS is wide open he's purple in the first sector Green in the second sector across the line he goes and it's third place for Max Sten only 18 second 18 milliseconds behind Lewis Hilton 16 milliseconds behind Lando Norris look at that the top three split by 18 milliseconds you cannot get any better than this this season is so so good three different teams three different drivers and they're all split by 18 milliseconds spectacular honestly cannot believe it um and we are going to be in for a great qualifying session and also folks there is rain forecast at the end of Q3 Q3 will probably be wet according to the weather forecast and if the competition is this close already who knows how close it'll be in wet conditions so um wow Okie does right then here we go um Logan Sergeant I just like to clarify anyone Logan Sergeant in the pits because he's had a crash and um wow gazley up into fifth place great job Alpine has been uh has actually been pretty good here uh in the in the high speed circuits not sorry high speed high downfall circuits slow speed circuit specifically the Alpine have been doing pretty well um gazi goes up to fifth Aon only 12th for him quite a big difference there actually it's not quite a big difference it's only 3/10 of a second between gazi and Aon but look at the number of positions between for 3/10 of a second gazi's in fifth aon's in 13th and they're only split by 3/10 that just shows you how close this field is and honestly it is spectacular honest it's so so good um all right so uh like Target up to a th000 we've already hit 500 likes that is spectacular um yeah oh there's a bit of a mistake there on the news ticker let me just fix that right [Music] um what was I going to say the tractor stop track tractoring indeed uh they they brought a couple of good upgrades here and there and then uh their Pace has suddenly skyrocketed up the pack which is fantastic the racing Bulls are currently getting knocked out of q1 uh which is not ideal whatsoever caros SS also on the brink of elimination here the Ferraris they have uh they have fallen from grace and um not ideal also there's been an incident Lewis Hamilton versus Sergio Perez there is an incident noted for impeding I don't know who is impeding who but uh there may be a grid penalty coming their way which is uh not ideal because uh grid penalties on this circuit are deadly because overtaking fairly difficult around here there is of course the DRS Zone down the main straight where you can get most of your overtaking done but after that turn number 11 is a pretty Niche overtaking spot which you normally only overtake back markers from uh Sergio Perez H okay Hamilton was blocking Sergio Perez Perez over the radio immediately complaining about that what is he doing and uh yeah Hamilton parked up on the Apex on the on the racing line essentially of where Sergio perz wanted to be and there was nothing that well I don't know I mean there probably was something that he could do uh what does Hamilton say over the radio he says I was well out of his way um well we'll see we'll see I mean it'll all depend on what racing line Sergio perz normally takes and was Hamilton actually in the way but it was definitely very very distracting because Sergio perz was practically driving straight with uh with his entire Vision filled up with a Mercedes car all right uh F gamer suggestion give the the ticker half half the screen and move the audio bar gra down so the radio messages get even more space yeah I could probably uh probably do that um should I do that now I I'll do that later I I won't be able to do it on the halfway through the stream but yeah thanks for the suggestion all right um Sergio sorry George Russell says over the radio I don't know what's going on I have no grip sliding all over the place so Sergio George Russell he's in 10th Lewis Hamilton up in first the Gap is 610 between the two drivers and yeah George Russell struggling for grip there Matt Lan stroll he sets another lap time improves on a fresh set of tires that is uh and he goes up into to Fourth position there are 4 minutes left of this qualifying session uh with a Lap only being 1 minute and 11 seconds the drivers are tempted to stay out uh right till the end but we've got vapen leading the way then we've got uh the two saers and we've got Kevin mson and a nice big old Q now uh coming out from the end of the pit Lane um for everyone to do their second set of hot laps all right yeah I don't know what's going on with Ferrari but they have really uh really l lost all of their pace and I don't think they've lost their Pace I think everyone else has just gained so much Pace that Ferrari have been left in the dust um yeah all right we got 7,000 people tuned into live stream folks that is spectacular we are still the biggest live streaming uh Formula 1 live streaming Channel on YouTube and that's while my stream crashed about uh what 15 20 minutes ago so uh yeah fantastic really do appreciate all the support folks and uh we're getting pretty close to 88,000 subscribers as well all right then let's get into this um everyone spreading themselves out nicely actually look at this the dri is being very well well EIC well very gentle gentlemanly I'm not sure but essentially they're just leaving space for each other uh and not just forming an enormous Queue at turn number 11 or turn number 13 because we've seen this a couple of times in the past I think it was Alex Alor he was on a hot lap but there were about four drivers ahead of him all is traffic and Alex alon's arriving at like you know 150 mph and there's four drivers that he has to drive through as a chicane like it makes no sense so the drivers are doing the right thing and the teams are also doing the right thing they do know that the fa will just give them a penalty if they send them if they send the drivers out in a massive queue um so yeah good on the drivers good on the teams uh Max for Sten though he is on a hot lap now he's currently in third position looking at his first sector times there's a couple of yellow Min sectors a couple of green ones but I think might be slower than his personal best let's have a look he comes across first sector line yep slower than his F personal best for the first sector he did have a bit of traffic to contend with uh Fernando Alonzo gets out of the way for turn number eight and um yeah not ideal there not ideal for for Max happen whatsoever the projected knockout time is around about a 1 minute 11.9 currently The Knockout time is a 1 minute 12.2 but all of those times are going to Tumble as the grip improves and track condition get better and the drivers get quicker and quicker driving around this circuit the Dutch fans are here in a huge crowd and uh they're totally packed out the stands they are the tickets at zanville are hugely expensive they're about as expensive as the ones at silverston but the P the the stands are still fully packed and um and yeah here comes Max roppen their homeboy uh he's yellow in the first sector yellow in the second sector it does not look like he'll be able to turn this lap around and yeah Max foren comes into the pit Lane he knows that there's no point Point setting this lap time um because he is already slower than his personal best Carlos SS comes across the line with 56 seconds left to go to start his flying lap and we have a couple more flying laps coming through km mag across the line up into sixth position purple final sector and he didn't even have a toe great job there from km mag nicely done all right next couple of drivers coming across the line we've got Nico hulkenberg he is he doesn't improve on his previous lap time then we have got lanch stroll here is starting a lap I think we've got 30 seconds left on the clock now not long whatsoever Lando Norris pulls into the pits um Alor across the line he goes purple in the final sector what is going on here but fourth position for Alex albor in their Williams Take a Bow Alex albor what a lap uh codo goes up into seventh and now we've got gazley who's starting a flying lap Ricardo across line he goes up into 13th and Ricardo his main job now is just to outperform his teammate and his teammate is sixth position six positions ahead of him the checkered flag has fallen Fernando Alonzo on a flying lap currently one place away from the elimination Zone he's first purple oh sorry Green in all three sectors up into fourth place in the Aston Martin great job there from Fernando Lonzo sight goes up into first place what a lap and he's half a tenth quicker than Lewis Hamilton and half a 10th quicker than Lando Norris as well the Ferraris may be back I don't know track conditions have improved but some of the drives did not improve so a little bit unpredictable there uh we've got L clur up into second have the Ferraris just come back you know if you were a Ferrari fan I would I would hold back from celebrating just yet because Ferrari have a habit of doing these kind of things um Russell goes up into first place uh Hamilton he does not improve on his lap see this is the thing we're seeing some drivers improve massively and then some drivers not improve whatsoever so I don't know if it's a circuit or if it's the driver setting a quick lap or what um Perez up into first place great lap from Perez and he's three1 ahead of both Ferraris half a tenth ahead of russle um and I think this give me gives me reason to believe that the track conditions have got better like no doubt on Sergio Perez that was a good lap but uh I I do also have to say track conditions probably have got a little bit better if Sergio Perez is fastest out of all of the drivers um yeah all right uh um I don't know where that lap has come from from Sergio Perez but a sensational lap nonetheless Max V Haven aborted his lap because he could not improve um but Sergio Perez pulls this one out of the bag a 11.06 we're dipping down into we might we'll probably be in the 110s by the end of Q3 maybe even the low 110s which would be quite crazy um yeah the top four do have new tires that is one thing to keep in mind oh yeah that explains it actually I totally forgot about new and fresh tires we do have a couple of drivers who did their Laps on Old Tires like Hamilton Norris and veren and that explains why they didn't improve okay um well thank you for pointing that out so um yeah essentially we've got the drivers that are up there on the top Perez Russell science L they've all done the Laps on Fresh sets of tires um Hamilton Norris for Stapp and all of the drivers that aborted their laps because they weren't going quicker they did all of their Laps on new sets of tires um that is the end of q1 the drivers that have been eliminated Daniel Ricardo esan oon both saers and Logan Sergeant Daniel Ricardo suffering from some bad luck here I mean maybe it's bad luck maybe it's a skill issue it's not my it's not my thing to answer but yeah Daniel Ricardo is is his sole purpose now is to out qualify Yuki snow and do better than him and he cannot do that which is um a very very big surprise okay uh what does the Blue Bar mean the blue bar at the end means the drivers have come into the pit Lane if you see the blue bars on sector one that means the drivers have just come out from the pit Lane if you see the blue bars in sector 3 that means they've come into the pit Lane um yeah nine qualifying sessions left for Daniel Ricardo to for him to beat Yuki sonoda otherwise he will probably have uh probably have to hang up his racing boots or at least hang up his Formula 1 racing boots maybe he'll drive in LMP or maybe he'll drive in Indie Car who knows uh why is everyone pitted because the qualifying session is has come to an end we have a 3 four minute break between before we get into um before we get into Q2 uh a couple bits of F1 news here and there Jack Duan has been confirmed to be driving for Alpine next year he'll be driving alongside Pierre gazley EST Manon of course leaving the team at the end of this season all right um also um I am sponsored today by f1tv like the official F1 TV guys which is is pretty crazy to be honest um but if you guys are interested in watching you know if you like F1 and clearly you do since you're watching the live stream uh and you want to get all of the all of the footage all of the onboards team radios behind the scenes all of these different things um f1tv Pro is 25% off at this current moment in time so uh the link is in the description and if you guys want to check that out then uh feel free to check it out uh I make a commission off it uh but I'm not being paid to say this you I like I use f1tv to get these to get this data so like uh yeah if you if you guys want to use it then go ahead if not then uh continue watching the live stream I'm so confused there's another live stream from F1 gamer that won't let me type yeah communication device that's the live stream that crashed uh about 25 minutes ago so uh yeah congrats on the sponsor thank you thank you every much um yeah I know it's a bit of a stupid sponsorship the only reason we watch you is because we can't have the actual normal F1 but yeah there are some people that do uh there are some people that have bought it through through my link um so yeah thank you everyone for uh you know the congrats messages in the chat all right um there we go we're at 88,000 that is spectacular uh we have a green light at the end of the pit Lane Q2 is underway folks and uh yeah green light at the end of pit Lane we'll have drivers making their way out soon enough I have it but I like the interaction here more yeah fair enough uh I know a lot of people well I don't personally know a lot of people but a lot of people in the chat have said that they that they have the actual sky sports or whatever f1tv but they still listen to my commentary because they prefer it so um quite honored really uh that people prefer my commentary over Sky Sports I think that's quite crazy um yeah track evolution is ramping up but track temperature is dropping rain uh well let's have a look at track temperature is 30° it was what I think it was around 31 32 before so um yeah it's um I think that's about fine really I think that's just when the cloud uh when the Sun goes in and out of the clouds um that's what causes uh the track temperature to fluctuate a little bit but no rain as of now uh oh it says the pit lane is closed uh what what's going on here um it says green light pit lane exit is open and then it says green light and then pit lane exit is closed uh I don't know if they opened it early by accident or what um but uh yeah a little bit odd there who do you think will win the constructors I would probably say McLaren you know uh at the rate things are going I don't think Red Bull will consistently perform throughout towards the end of the season and their upgrades haven't been working every single time whereas um whereas red Merc McLaren's upgrades have been working um and they've brought six upgrades this weekend six upgrades I mean that's crazy um and yeah McLaren seems to be going on an upper trajectory so yeah I would uh I would say McLaren are the the team that are going to win the constructors I don't know about the drivers though that uh may still be Max happen may not it depends on how these next 10 races will go um Q2 has begun the two Ferraris make their way out of the pit Lane they are making their way out on a used set of tires I'll be very I'll be very cautious to mention who's on used sets of tires who's on Fresh sets of tires because that is pretty key information in this weekend um the tires really do switch off after one lap and you do lose a lot of pace uh wow we've hit 1,000 likes that is fantastic all right let me just move that to the right uh like goal Bosch 1, 1500 why not um Okie does I don't think we can get F1 TV in the UK and uh sky1 is too expensive yeah they they uh Sky F1 have bought all the copyright stuff to uh F1 in the UK so we can't actually get F on TV it's a joke honestly Sky Sports number one hater that's what I am um they between qualifying sessions they'll show you adverts like what was the need I'm already paying you money um why do you need to show me more adverts uh oh the screen's just unfrozen itself that uh should be all right hopefully hopefully things are fine um all right uh we've got some nice in informative team radio messages from Carlos scth uh it can be wider on the exit of turn number two tighter on the entry of turn number three so they're just coaching him through where you can go uh where you can what lines you you should take to gain a little bit more time the wind is similar to the previous lap all clear in front all clear so yeah the wind still 12 km per hour but it's in the same direction which is the the important thing and um let's see let's see what will happen 13 minutes left of this session only the two Ferraris out on um out and uh they're on a u set of tires so don't read into the lap times a little bit too much Okie does 8,300 people tuned into live stream that is simply fantastic folks hope you guys are enjoying the coverage and um yeah here is the qualifying session we've got 12 minutes uh remaining Char car SS on a flying lap he is quicker than Charles L clur which is uh well quicker than Charles L Clair in the first sector and we'll see what Charles L cler can do in the second sector but it looks pretty promising for Char for caros SS here um leros 410 of a second quicker in the middle sector looks like SCS made a bit of a mistake um to be honest because 410 of a second in one sector alone is definitely mistake sort of territory um what happened to Ricardo well uh firstly I wouldn't appreciate the spam and Ricardo uh should I tell you what happened to Rico a skill issue that's what's happened to uh to Daniel Ricardo um yeah yeah he just wasn't able to keep up with the pace he didn't get blocked or anything like that he just uh just wasn't quick enough if your RPM fans started a petition for you to bring RPM for some joint commentary yes um I would uh I'd love to see that actually uh I was thinking about emailing him but uh I don't actually have his email so if uh if someone if some of you guys could uh well I don't know I didn't know how I would get RPM's email but uh it seems like a good person to to bring on to my channel for some commentary um very based as as many of you would say all right uh first couple of laps done uh Charles the CLA 1 111.6 car of Sci are 11.8 um and yeah the driv is essentially they have lost 3/10 of a second for maybe two 2 and a half T 310 of a second uh through Just Tires wearing out so after one hot lap your soft tires lose 2 and a half T which is quite uh quite the significant amount of Tire way considering the circuit is quite small it's only 4.2 km or something and um and yeah it's quite slow speed as well but nonetheless the banking must take a lot of of wear and life out these tires and that's why the drivers lose 3/10 of a second uh we've just got a replay of Carlos SS as he was going through the middle sector he had a massive snap of over steer that he had to correct for and that is why he lost 410 to Charles lir in the middle sector um it was all the way down the street and then he lost time while the DRS flap was open as well yeah very very unfortunate but you know that's the way things go sometimes and he's got another opportunity to set another lap time all right what else have we got going on here today um everyone else now coming out to do their hot laps the Ferraris have done theirs and everyone else now making their way out Alex albor should be starting the hot laps everyone else just making their way out of the pit Lane okay here we go Alex albon he is on a US set of tire so let's not read into this lap time too much Oscar pastry though he is on a fresh set purple in the first sector 410 quicker than L clur I think in the first sector which is very very nice the wind sorry not the wind the rain it is arriving folks you can see if you look at the radar there is a massive patch of rain that is currently Over the Sea and zanor is right next to a beach which is right next to the Sea of course and that is slowly but surely moving in the direction of the circuit uh there the wind is 14 km an hour if the wind picks up anymore the rain will start arriving sooner and sooner um all right but P though purple in the first sector purple in the second sector he makes his way through the banking and DRS flap is wide open here he goes across the start Finish Line L and it is a 110.5 half a second improvement over everyone else's lap times from uh from q1 which is brilliant Max for zappen though he's gone purple in the first sector and that has now been taken away from Lando Norris so Norris is now quickest in the first sector let's wait and see what happens here but Max foren he is going to be fighting tooth and nail to try and get whole position at his home Grand Prix Howton gets out the way nicely this time round and Alon across the line in fifth place but of course a you set of tires nothing too much to read into all right then km mag up into second position he's still 8/10 off Oscar piastri not too much to read into there but here comes Max First St and DRS is wide open across the line he goes and he's three1 back from Oscar piastri oh no no no what is going on for Max for stappen and Lando Norris 9 milliseconds that is the gap between himself and his teammate it is so close between the McLaren Joo but piastri with only two years of Formula 1 experience and Lando Norris with nearly 5 years of Formula 1 experience just goes to show I think pastri has got that bit of an edge of Norris and I think Norris is going to be spooked sometime soon piau of course a little bit more calm and collected than Lando Norris as well Perez comes across the line he's done a lap on a fresh set of tires and he's 3/10 of a second back from Max withen pretty typical for Sergio Perez so he's not you know his pole lap well not pole but his uh his lap that got a P1 in in q one um is uh yeah to be expected really it wasn't uh it was because he was on a fresh set of tires it wasn't because Sergio Perez was suddenly sandbagging and um hiding his true Pace from everyone uh Cod across the line he goes into ninth we've got George Russell leis Hamilton both on flying laps Russell across the line he goes third place for Russell ahead of Max ver stappen and only half a 10th between Norris and Russell wow Here Comes Hamilton it's fifth place for Lewis Hamilton George Russell was struggling for grip in q1 he was 610 behind his teammate Lewis Hamilton in q1 but in Q2 he goes ahead of him by half a second I mean this is crazy isn't it in the final sector he gains 2/10 of a second alone and he's managed to do that without a toe as well so huge props to George Russell for his final sector I mean loads of people are going quicker and crck in the final sector it's really about finding that optimal line through turn number 13 through the the the banking so you can carry as much speed as possible Fernando Alonzo he goes across the line Sorry Fernando Alonzo went across the line quite a while back but he's in ninth position uh and caros SS he's at risk of being eliminated here and this is not uh you know a mistake that he made and he's at risk of being eliminated this is on pure Pace here the Ferrari of caros ss is is one tenth of a second away from the Ferrari powered hcar of Kevin Magnuson this is um quite shocking here H have been on the upward Trend and Ferrari have been on the downward Trend and they're about to meet here the Gap is one10 of a second between caros SS and Kevin Magnuson which is crazy and both of the drivers did their Laps on Fresh sets of tires it's not like SCS was on a used set it was fresh sets of tires for both drivers wow okay five minutes and 20 seconds remain of this qualifying session we've got Charles lir making his way into the pit Lane all of the drivers now they're getting pushed back into the garage they're getting a bit more fuel into their cars probably a fresh set of soft tires if they're at risk of being eliminated I don't think the mcclaren's really need to leave the pit Lane um but once again I'd like to point out the top three are split by what what is that half a tenth of a second so so close um this is fantastic all right ETA on rain let me get a let me get a more accurate read on where the rain is uh let me see let me see where the rain is coming from [Music] um I'll see if I can find out okay uh if we look at the track dominance um between Lando Norris and Max V dappen it's a fairly even 50/50 split Lando Norris is slightly quicker is in about 60% of the circuit and Max stens quicker in 40% of the circuit so it's not hugely different um between the two drivers and um but I think in the in the bits where Lando Norris is quicker he is significantly quicker than Max veren whereas Max veren may only be slightly quicker than than Norris in the C that he is quicker oh my God that is a massive bit of rain that is coming towards xanor um let me get the ETA on that um right it should be arriving within the hour now I cannot tell how yeah it's definitely arriving within the hour uh and it says thunderstorm um so yeah essentially that's what it is uh arriving within the hour and it says thunderstorm the clouds are now on top of the zanol circuit the sun has gone away the clouds are out um the C some of the drivers have now started to make their way out but we we may have rain um by the end of the session by the end of Q3 we should or maybe have rain uh and it will be thunderstorm Like Rain by the way folks so um yeah get your get get some popcorn because we are about to have a sensational qualifying session um 3 minutes left of this one and then we'll have a three or 4 minute break and then we will have Q2 uh Q3 sorry uh the final top 10 shootout let me know who you think is going to get eliminated will it just be the bottom five that are currently in the bottom five or will it be a couple of other drivers as well maybe we'll see one of the astons get eliminated um maybe we will see a Ferrari um we'll have to wait and see um yeah or all right thank you everyone for tuning in by the way very much is appreciated we got 10,000 people into live stream that is spectacular right so uh here they go then the drivers um make their way around the lap um make the way around the circuit Pierre gley is starting a flying lap so let's go on with Pierre gley 300 M 300 km per hour through the speed trap makes it way around uh makes it way into turn number one sorry and slamming on the brakes at 50 m Mark going taking a bit of a wide line through turn number one as well to just to carry the speed through and Charles L cler gets out of the way nicely through turn number three very wide line once again to carry the speed and now through the through the little kinks of turn number four and five down on the hill towards turn number seven and uh he he nails turn number seven absolutely perfect from Pierre gazley and now he goes towards turn number eight a very tricky corner but he stays within track limits and we could see a penalty coming Lewis Hamilton's way because he blocked Sergio Perez at turn number eight earlier on in the qualifying session um but Pierre gazi on the exit of turn number 10 he opens the DRS flap and he's got Lewis hamilt ahead of him a little bit of a toe that he'll be getting from him but as he goes into turn number 11 very very late on the breaks and makes his way through turn number 12 and now he's not going to have any sort of ter from from Lan strol ahead of him but he all he's got to do now is get a good exit ride the banking carry all of the speed through the corner he's currently in 13th position two green sectors from him and he comes across the line currently in 13th up into fifth a great lap from Pierre gazley the track evolution is pretty key here and that's why we've seen so many drivers make their way out of of uh the pit Lane you know Lewis Hamilton ch um Charles lur who were in seventh who were in fifth and sixth they probably thought they were safe but track evolution is playing a huge role here codo across the line he goes up into sixth position then we've got Perez across the line he goes up into fourth and um let's wait and see what the rest of the competition can do Alex albon currently in 15th position he's got two green sectors in that Williams car comes across the line and it is fifth position for Alex albon strong goes purple in the first sector 310 quicker than Fernando Alonzo nobody has ever nobody ever goes 310 quicker than Fernando Alonzo in just one sector but stoll's done it and he's gone purple in the first sector Alonzo across the line in eighth position and then we've got car sits in 13th only Ninth Place for Carlos SS there is some serious risk sits could get eliminated here um Nico hulberg pulls into the pit Lane uh after his flying lap attempt that he did not improve stroll up into fourth that has pushed Cod into the elimination Zone Lewis Hamilton comes across the line he Hamilton's eliminated Hamilton is knocked out of Q2 because he has just could not hook hook a lap together on his second attempt Charles declar proves he's up into sixth caros SS gets eliminated Charles lir knocks out his own teammate as he goes as he makes his way through into Q3 what a turn of events has just happened here um what um this is is absolutely crazy and um wow right uh I think everyone's completed their hot laps uh yeah everyone has completed their hot laps no one else is on a hot lap and so the drivers eliminated are SCS Hamilton sonoda hulkenberg and Magnus you know I expected sonoda hulkenberg and Magnuson to go um but I was thought sort of thinking the Alpine uh of Pierre gazley and Alex albor would be going in Q2 but apparently not Carlos and Lewis Hamilton have um have been eliminated because um well of unforeseen circumstances that Alex albon uh was set a very very quick lap and so did Pierre gazley and both SS and Hamilton could not hook a lap together um wow and look at that Gap as well between George Russell and Lewis Hamilton 410 of a second that is enormous um wow okay uh wow I I'm kind of lost for words here I'm just saying wow wow um stroll is the lead driver yeah I don't know what stroll has done um maybe maybe you know he's paid some of the mechanics to to mess with Alonzo's car but uh by the looks of it he is a solid 210 quicker than Alonzo in qual today which is a bit mind-blowing honestly normally you'd think Fernando Alonzo the two-time world champion would be quicker than Lance Stoll but apparently not all right yeah Aon getting knocked out in q1 Pierre gazley making it through to Q3 not a good look there for EST man Aon but esman Aon of course is already leaving the team so uh yeah all right I'm going to have a quick sip of water otherwise my throat is going to start hurting we've had so much action already um here we go then oh it looks like George Russell has gained all of the time on Lewis Hamilton on the straights of the circuit um so it seems like George Russell might be running a lower downforce level than Lewis Hamilton is but he's still managing to M hold the the same Corner speeds as Hamilton we've got a replay of Lewis Hamilton here the car twitched a little bit on the exit of turn number 10 but I don't think that was a big enough twitch to explain the fact that he got knocked out you know he got knocked out by a solid one tenen of a second that that twitch was not worth a full tenth and um yeah I don't know they probably did do a bit of different setups but George Russell is still holding the same Corner speed that Lewis Hamilton is is holding um but obviously down the straights he's much much quicker um interesting interesting what is Perez doing Perez is uh well Perez did a did a lap on a fresh set of tires and V stappen I don't know if he did a lap on a fresh set of tires um it says that he did but I don't think vapen came out to do a second lap Perez did come out to do a second lap ven didn't I think that's what happened so that's why Perez is ahead of a Sten Perez just turns into his best form when his job is at risk well don't we all you know if you know that you're that you could be fired then you know you stay you stay into work an extra four five hours every uh every week and uh whatnot so you don't get fired so um all right oh folks if you could hit the like button that would be spectacular we're getting pretty close to 1,500 likes and um if you aren't subscribed as well I'll be commentating the race tomorrow uh I hope you are enjoying the coverage I hope you are enjoying the the racing and the qualifying that we've got and we've got a lot more of that tomorrow um I'll get another retail on the rain but uh I I really won't be able to get much from the internet I'm just going to have to look at the clouds and basically guess um I think that's what most meteorologists do to be honest um no I'm just joking but yeah the weather is kind of unpredictable especially when you're near the sea uh there were enormous enormous rain clouds uh just just a couple of miles out from uh from the bay so uh we'll see and yeah the the clouds are looking dark and gloomy and they have arrived over the over the what's it called over the land now so um it won't be long I guess till till we see some rain I think it though I think though it might be after the session um which is not ideal all right 10,000 people tuned into live stream that is spectacular folks um would love to see a Perez pole indeed I mean it would be a a big kick in the face to um big slap in the face to Max stappen at his home race Sergio perz out qualifying him after being basically terrible all season long um he has um yeah out qualifying him at his home race would be uh not great all right there we go Q3 is about to begin folks um it'll be starting in 1 minute and 30 seconds time so yeah that is uh that's when Q3 is starting um what else was I going to say oh yeah if you guys are interested f1tv Pro link is in the description I do have to play this advert because they have sponsored me it's in the top right of the screen it's uh I'll turn it off by the time Q3 begins but yeah essentially you get all of the data all of the all of the commentary and all of those things um and you get everything live all the team radios historic races actually you get races all the way back to 1990 as well which is quite cool uh if you're into that kind of thing and um and yeah 25% off so if you guys want to if you guys want to watch that and get that then uh go ahead but I'll turn off this advert now because adverts are annoying uh and I've also blocked all of YouTube ad adverts so hopefully you guys aren't getting any adverts from YouTube as well because uh why would you want adverts to be honest um just uh literally the most annoying things ever so uh anyway qualifying starting in 30 seconds time or so Q3 beginning in 30 seconds time uh correction there and um yeah we've got the two McLaren the two Red Bulls and the two Aston Martins we H we've only got one Mercedes one Ferrari one Alpine and one Williams quite the quite the interesting combination for Q3 I would not have guessed this if you know if you asked me to guess this morning who would have got through got into Q3 this is probably not what I would have guessed so yeah a good interesting um good interesting mix of drivers and we'll see who can get a poll I think it's going to be in between uh Nando Norris Oscar piastri George Russell and Max foren I think lcla uh I think L Clair's pace is probably not that close to the rest of the other drivers mainly because the Ferrari their upgrade packages that they were meant to bring this weekend that has been delayed to Monza so we'll have the Ferrari upgrade packages next weekend in Monta but um yeah no Ferrari upgrades this weekend out and that's why I'm going to say ferar Charles the clur is outside of the fight for pole position all right there we go pit Lane is open Oscar pastri is the first one to leave here we go F1 game is the goat well very much appreciated folks um yeah I mean if I was watching a live stream I wouldn't want to get adverts in the live stream so you know I'm just doing the same thing back to you guys uh do do for other guy do for other people what you would want to be done to you or something along like I don't know what the exact phrase is but um I'm telling you Ferrari will be unstoppable in monzer and then will'll never be in the top five again till next year yeah maybe Ferrari um yeah who knows what Ferrari will do at Monza but all of their fans will be there so we'll see what happens all right uh pastri ver Sten all making their way out onto the circuit this is brilliant here we go then folks let me know who you think is going to be in the uh who's going to get po position uh where is your F1 Pro link the pro link uh the F1 TV pro link is in the description uh it should be in the description I'm pretty sure I put it in there um let me just check um yeah it's there uh it's in the yeah it's in the description is it raining no it is not uh the rain seems to have been delayed apologies for the sort of I guess clickbait because it was in the title it said Heavy Rain uh it was forecast to rain and it didn't rain so apologies for that but um either way let's get underway for this spectacular qualifying session we've got Oscar pastri going into turn one making very very late 70 M Mark carries the speed through turn number one now heading towards turn number three he's got to take a wide line through turn number two get a very good rotation and yes he does exactly that through turn number three the car spins around with the help of the camber on the circuit and now goes through the Kinks of turn number four and five towards turn number seven a little flick of little tap of the brakes flicks the car in nicely done there from Oscar piastri purple in the first sector of course but that has been quickly taken away by Max vapen and uh we'll see what they can do Lando Norris as he comes across it Lando Norris goes quicker than Max verstappen as well by one1 of a second in the first sector alone so the McLarens are looking great today let's see here we go then uh George Russell is out also L clur is out on a u set of tires Pierre gazley is out on a u set of tires but everyone else is out on a fresh set so all of these lap times are representative and uh yeah accurate so here comes Oscar piastri across the line he goes a 1 minute 10.1 we may even dip into the 1 minute 9es at this rate uh the start of quality was 1 minute 11 but with track Evolution we may even be into the 1 minute 9s ven is 30 milliseconds behind Oscar piash so so close orando Norris across the line and it is provisional Poll for lonar he's a tenth ahead of oscap asri very very close between the two teammates but lonis managing to hold off Oscar piash at this current moment in time l clur in fourth he's 710 behind the competition but he is on a used set of tires you do have to keep in mind um so they'll have a fresh set of they'll have a fresh set for the final runs but in the first run they will be using a used set of tires uh so Pierre gazley yeah he makes it he's uh in fifth position after his lap but of course that was a new set of tires and um let's wait and see let's wait and see Okie does here we go then um wow 11,000 people tuned into the live stream that is brilliant I mean considering it's only qualifying who knows what will happen tomorrow for the race but you know hope to see all of you guys here uh we're going to have some brilliant racing especially because I think the the Red Bull may have slightly better race Pace than the McLaren um just overall so and McLaren have also made quite a few strategy mistakes so it'll be good to see uh if anything like that happens and maybe even another inter inter McLaren battle between Norris and pastri considering they're in first and second place as of right now um George Russell that was a lap on a fresh set of tires for George Russell what is going on here um okay um yeah don't know what's going on with George Russell but he is significantly further behind oh we've got a message on buy me a patreon uh Jules is Jules has become a supporter thank you Jules uh in fact I should shout out all of my patreons Stefan um and then we've got the code monster Tom tomama 46 and AJ and of course now um now jws as well um if you guys do want to help out the channel then there is a patreon and a Discord or you can be a YouTube member whichever one floats your boat um and you get access to a Discord and a couple of other things but um yeah nothing too special really uh if you guys are interested and you know want to help out and you can then uh be my guest if we look at the track dominance Lando Norris is quicker than Max for Tappen basically everywhere apart from uh between turn number eight and turn number 12 so those four corners Max for's quicker but everywhere else Lando Norris is far far quicker than Max for snen which is uh yeah crazy the rain has decided not to precipitate indeed has not uh track temperature once again down to 28° 29° um that is totally because this the the clouds have blocked the Sun so there are definitely clouds there but yeah the Sun the the clouds are yeah they're just not precipitating what can I say um is George switching off uh I don't think he is I think George is uh George will be coming out for another lap uh we've got five minutes left of this session the Aston Martins this will be their one and only lap um but but yeah imagine czecho wins the race tomorrow well I don't know I I think I will definitely have to imagine that because I don't think Sergio perz is going to win uh we'll see he's currently in the pits he hasn't set a lap yet he'll be going out right at the end and yeah okok then if you look at the team radio messages it's it's very interesting you can see temps are still good we can get a decent stop at turn number 11 we don't need to push through 11 or 12 so you know the drivers a decent stop into 11 that basically means you want to heat up your brakes going into turn number 11 and then by the time you get to turn one they'll cool down again and you can get a good start good breaking performance um it's very very interesting isn't it but uh yeah Fernando Lonzo is still on his out laap and we have got Lan strol on a flyer OK Oaks Fernando Alonzo starts out his flying lap as well uh let's wait and see what the Aston can do um yeah they did bring a couple of big upgrades uh I think it was at the Belgian Grand Prix or the Grand Prix before the Belgian Grand Prix I forgot which one that was um which one was it before the Belgian Grand Prix it was the Hungarian Grand Prix yeah I think Aston brought upgrades to the Hungarian Grand Prix and they were quite big ones so I think they're paying off and they finally you know found the sweet spot for the upgrades and how to use them properly so let's wait and see what ason what stroll can do he's in seventh position as of now hasn't set lap time crosses the line goes ahead of gazley but behind lur kind of where you would expect an Aston Martin to be to be honest um question is what can Fernando Alonzo do uh Alonzo's one10 slower in the first sector let's wait to see what he can do in the middle sector all right in the middle sector Alonzo is basically identical with Lan stroll um but I think Fernando is pushing a lot in the final sector here he's going to have a lot more Tire life because he went very very slow on his outloud compared to stroll by the by the looks of it so let's wait and see does Fernando Alonzo have a banging final sector here he comes across the start Finish Line he goes and it is fifth position for Fernando Alonzo he goes ahead of Charles L cler ahead of Lan stroll by two10 of a second as well so yeah for once again uh it's only temporarily that you see Lan stroll ahead of Fernando Lonzo when it comes to when it comes to crunch time uh Fernando Alonzo will always deliver all right we've got gazi out on a flying lap well no gazis are on an out laap sorry and then we'll have um ven out and everyone else is coming out in fact to do their final runs we have got 2 minutes and 47 seconds left of the session and uh folks do let me know who you think is going to get poll position the previous three grand PR at in the Netherlands Max dappen has managed to get po position and uh um yeah the previous three races at zanville of course 2020 um 2023 2022 2021 all three of them Max fappen went on to get Pole Position he probably I think he also went on to win all of them as well so yeah is it going to be Max for Tappen is he going to have the you know is he going to be able to pull something out of the bag here or will it be one of the McLaren who knows um let's wait and see Max was Sten starting a flying lap at the front there only I think it's only gazley ahead of him Russell is just come out of the pits um here we go then on board with Max fappen the previous three pole sitters uh well yeah poll sitter for the previous three occasions at this circuit going through turn number 12 turn number three oh sorry turn number two and turn number three what an exit he gets from turn number three he really just swings the car around that corner and Carries so much speed through there looking at his first time what's it going to be it's green it is not purple though um in fact Sergio Perez goes has a purple mini sector right at the start there uh which is quite good ven gets out the way well Russell gets out the way of v stappen as they go into turn number nine and Lando Norris purple in the first sector two10 quicker than Max ver stappen wow uh Norris is really going for it today and um look at that piastri he is getting a tow off Pierre gazley there Pierre gazley going towards the start Finish Line Oscar piash has timed that to Perfection or his Engineers have and piash is getting a nice little toe going into turn number one which is going to help him out but ven purple in the middle sector let's see what he can do he comes across the line what can Max ven do it's provisional Poll for Max ven by half a 10th of the second but can Lando Norris do anything about it here he comes across the line and it's provisional Poll for landos by 3 and a half T of a second a huge huge margin from Lando Norris there and now the only person I think that can stop him is Oscar piastri or George Russell let's wait and see what they can do piash goes through the middle sector he's really pushing the car all the way to the limits all the way out onto the track limits as well and he comes through turns to matense slams open that DRS slap uh DRS flap and what's his middle seor time going to be slower than his personal best pastri has made a little bit of a mistake there um maybe pushing a bit too hard the car sliding around a bit and he's currently in third position parez came across the line it was fourth place over him he's he's 710 of a second behind Lon norres But Here Comes Oscar piastri can he stop Lon norres from getting Pole Position no he cannot and he stays in third place and veren's in second position here and what what can George Russell do he's currently in fifth place he's Green in the first sector doesn't improve in the middle sector and here he comes across the start Finish Line what's it going to be for George Russell fourth position Lando Norris is on poll at the Dutch Grand Prix Max for stappen in second place and Oscar piastri in third George Russell in fourth and we've got Carlos seint and Lewis Hamilton who are eliminated in Q2 and nowhere to be seen here in Q3 wow what a turn of events Sergio perz he is still half a second off 4/10 of a second off Max fen's pace pastri he's half a second off his teammates that was a sensational lap from Lando Norris and I think if you watch the onboards it could be almost close to perfect um but a very very good lap there from Lando Norris three and a half T is the gap between himself and VAP and that is simply simply brilliant uh folks thank you everyone for tuning in we've got 13,000 people I am commentating the race tomorrow we're going to have so much action between Norris vapen and piash I think Norris is going to get another one of his TR traditional bad starts fall his way back through the field and then we're going to have some great racing um so I'm going to end the stream today here folks if you guys haven't hit the like button or subscribed be sure to do so it massively massively helps out the channel but hopefully I'll be seeing you tomorrow for the Dutch gr pre and um yeah that's it from me folks so have a wonderful morning day afternoon evening or night depending on where you are in the world uh and what I'm going to do is I'm going to uh send you guys to tomorrow's live stream if you guys could hit the like button on tomorrow's live stream that would be so so helpful uh it really just boosts the channel and helps the live stream out so um that's it but thank you everyone uh for tuning in and uh if you could just hit the like stream like button on tomorrow's live stream it would very much help out um and I will uh see you tomorrow cheers Fellers

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🔴F1 LIVE - Monza GP FP3 - Commentary + Live Timing

Category: Sports

All right we should be live thank you everyone for tuning in and um yeah welcome to the coverage for the italian grand prix free practice 3 session free practice 3 is starting in 30 minutes time currently on the screen we have the free practice 2 standings and uh well we have a little bit to talk about... Read more

🔴F1 LIVE - Italian/Monza GP QUALI - Commentary + Live Timing thumbnail
🔴F1 LIVE - Italian/Monza GP QUALI - Commentary + Live Timing

Category: Sports

All righty folks we are live welcome back to the channel welcome to qualifying for the italian grand prix we are going to have such an exciting qualifying session on our hands today it's going to be very very exciting thank you everyone for tuning in we've already got 700 people tuned in the live stream... Read more

🔴F1 LIVE - Belgian (Spa) GP RACE - Commentary + Live Timing thumbnail
🔴F1 LIVE - Belgian (Spa) GP RACE - Commentary + Live Timing

Category: Sports

All right radio check radio check you guys should be able to hear me we are now live we have got 30 minutes to go to the start of the belgian grand prix we have got so much action in store for us today max foren starting in 11th position charles lur starting from first place perez in second and the... Read more

🔴F1 LIVE - Belgian (Spa) GP QUALI - HEAVY RAIN - Commentary + Live Timing thumbnail
🔴F1 LIVE - Belgian (Spa) GP QUALI - HEAVY RAIN - Commentary + Live Timing

Category: Sports

All right radio check radio check we should be live thank you everyone for tuning in be sure to hit the like button uh really does help out the stream at the start but let's get right into this we have got a wet qualifying session here in spa it's going to be a spectacular spectacle to watch and well... Read more

F1 Live: Monza GP Free Qualifying - Watchalong - Live Timings + Commentary thumbnail
F1 Live: Monza GP Free Qualifying - Watchalong - Live Timings + Commentary

Category: Sports

It's very iconic la pista maga la pista maga i can only agree with you know what i have i have the the trophy in my living room i see it every morning and uh oh man i know exactly why i'm going races every weekend is just uh seeking that second uh winning trophy what an honor thank you thanks man appreciate... Read more

F1 Live: Dutch GP Race - Live Timing + Commentary thumbnail
F1 Live: Dutch GP Race - Live Timing + Commentary

Category: Sports

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🔴F1 Live: Belgium GP Race - Commentary + Live Timings thumbnail
🔴F1 Live: Belgium GP Race - Commentary + Live Timings

Category: Sports

[music] [music] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] a [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] this live stream is sponsored by pure bpn if you ever tred to access online content only to be met with a message saying this content is not available in your region you are... Read more

Ferrari Triumph as McLaren Fumble! | F1 2024 Italian GP Reaction thumbnail
Ferrari Triumph as McLaren Fumble! | F1 2024 Italian GP Reaction

Category: Sports

Hello everybody welcome to the post race reaction podcast for the monaco grand prix and the race had lots of little battles throughout strategy mixup some collisions to make sure that the order kept getting changed throughout it just felt like everybody had to battle for all 53 laps and that's exactly... Read more

F1 LIVE - MONZA GP QUALIFYING - Commentary | Live Timing | Chat thumbnail
F1 LIVE - MONZA GP QUALIFYING - Commentary | Live Timing | Chat

Category: Sports

Hello and welcome to monza grand bri we have a small issue with uh our life but i think i fix it give me a moment just to refresh also some uh other pages okay i think now we are good to go so welcome uh to the temple of speed to the monang jp uh please move to the next uh live because the previous... Read more