Kash Patel, Joel Pollak, Bryan Ganz

Published: Aug 12, 2024 Duration: 01:58:30 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] live from the city that never sleeps 17 miles from Madison Square Garden New York City it's America at night with Rich Valdez America's favorite late night talk program featuring interesting guests from around the world and calls from across America and now here is your host Rich Valdez hi there good evening and what's up America I am rich vales Valdes with an S Rich Valdes on all of the social media your Liberty loving Latino Amigo happy to be with you this Monday Night Live and National if you want to join us give us a call 8334 825 337 833 the number four vales and uh few things I want to get into obviously the the media is in full swing against Trump they will do absolutely anything to have you think that he is out for the count that kamla has won this thing this is a foregone conclusion that she has won she's already done the inauguration everybody loves kamla her Crowds Are bigger everything is better she's got absolutely nothing to do with Biden she had nothing to do with inflation nothing to do with the border and she invented this uh no tax on tips thing I mean it it's just amazing to see the uh psychological operation that's being waged on America by way of the media fascinating really is fascinating to me because I look at this and I think how do you do that with a straight face but in reality that's what the best Liars do right they lie with a straight face unbelievable so that continues and and we'll get into that uh we also have uh donaldus Magnus making his return to Twitter great this was one of his uh most effective tools I think during his administration that's how he cut through the noise and he had been relying on Truth social um his his own platform which is great it's a great platform um I I love there's no censorship there's um a lot less of the Riff raft that you get anywhere just as an example right so I I post um cross post most of my content across the different platforms some of them are more amable to certain things than others but for the most part I've probably been on Twitter or Facebook the longest or around the same time maybe right joining around maybe 2009 or so and I I think I have close to 35,000 followers or 30,000 followers on Twitter yet on Facebook the censorship is very very serious I me I got buddies of mine from high school that are like hey I'm trying to share your content on my Instagram story and I can't because they don't make it sharable and it's not because I'm not public or it's not sharable on my end that's not the case it's because they don't allow me to and they sent me these letters constantly these little notices saying you know we're not going to allow you to share this and to share that and because I'm violating Community guidelines I don't even know what these guidelines are half the time it's not even original content to me that it's not me saying something that might be considered offensive or this or that or anything else this is me sharing something from Breitbart News from uh the New York Post or something like that some news agency they don't like and they'll go ahead and say that one time it was the cover story of the New York Post and they said I was sharing inappropriate uh sexually graphic images it was Hunter Biden without a shirt and a crackpipe they considered that sexually graphic material obviously so that nobody will share it and they can get away with what they do best lie and obfuscate so anyway I I bring that up to say truth social I've been on the shortest amount of time right maybe since last year when when it came out I think I have close to uh 60,000 followers there right compare that with the 30,000 I've had with Twitter that I've been on for forever right or the four 5,000 that I have on whatever now you add them all up and you add some other ones in there and you know you have a decent number of people you reach but honestly very difficult to grow and very and I don't I don't share a ton of content and I don't do a lot of memes and I don't do a lot of video so I understand all of that impacts you know people wanting to share the stuff as well that's fine I'm not a a content creator as they're called but I will say that it's so much easier to grow on a platform like truth social so it makes sense to me that Donald Trump would prefer to use his own platform but donaldus Magnus made his return to Twitter today to announce that he's doing an interview with Elon Musk and we're going to get into that in the next segment and uh the rest of the hour you'll hear some of those clips from that but something he told Elon Musk that I thought was pretty cool was something I said on the radio the other day and I'm hoping he heard it and and uh liked it and is sharing it with the rest of the world but he said illegal immigration saved his life how clever listen to this well and and I mean speaking of the the the the sort of slide that got you to turn that uh saved your life really uh was the illegal immigration slide maybe this maybe this it's worth talking about about that it was it was that slide that slide say illegal immigration saved my life you're right but it was be at the exact angle I mean that's that's a great one sa saved by you know the the incredible thing though when you talk about the odds you had to be exactly at that angle unbelievable exactly at that angle and listen if Elon Musk is listening to the show please call in during open phones Elon we want to talk to you we want to have you on as a guest not the easiest guy to track down but I'm glad he shared that point that we made on this program the other day because I think it's a valid one illegal immigration saved El tpo's life now the audio that we have today is is really good there's a a lot plus it was the weekend I had I had a major old man moment today I'm going to share that with you as well uh but before we do I want you to hear this clip of walls uh walls you know Mr walls the uh Governor uh who is is um you know you know putting himself up for vice president or whatnot but he's he's getting criticized and challenged all across the board about his uh quote unquote Stolen Valor and the reason they're saying this is because he's been you know misusing the title that he has and he didn't really achieve that title cuz he reneged on it and he ended up not going to Afghanistan anyway um listen to him I don't know 20 years ago hi my name is Tim wals and I'm running for congress here in southern Minnesota for several important reasons but today I'd like to tell you about one issue that's very personal to me I am a retired command sergeant major in the Minnesota National Guard and after years of firing artillery I sustained severe inner ear damage damage all right now listen I listened to that and if I had to parse the words I'd say he chose the words extraordinarily carefully so that should he ever be challenged on it he could say no no I sustained firing artillery I was firing at the range uh you know he could talk his way out of these things but yes overall what he said leads you to believe that you know he was in war shooting these guns and and got some ear damage I get that I mean you know there's a lot of broadcasters with ear damage and imagine them saying something like you know because I've fired heavy artillery and now I've got you can't conflate these things and I'm not saying that he didn't get it from that I I'm just saying he didn't get it from war because he didn't go to war it's that simple and when he says these weapons of war that I car so I think this is why uh his colleagues his veteran uh uh compatriots are up in arms with him saying he's not one of us this guy is all about Stolen Valor and Biden finally speaks and he says that yep they have pushed him out in so many words uh we'll get into that in a little bit and more on El trumpito with Elon Musk and the news of the day and all these polls that are coming out we're going to discuss some of that with President Trump's pollster uh tomorrow but today I want to dig into some of that with another person inside the president's orbit cash Patel is scheduled to join us so keep it locked right here don't go anywhere I'm rich Valdes coming right back this is America at night with Rich Valdez [Music] [Applause] [Music] the best guess the best opinions this is America at night with Rich Valdez making a speech to say and there will be no tax on tips I said that months ago and by the way they had just the opposite you know they had not only tax on tips but they hired 88,000 IRS agents and many of them were assigned to go get waitresses and caddies and all of this on tips they have a policy they had a policy they were really going to go after you and we really harassing people horribly and then all of a sudden for politics she says you know she comes out with with what I said which I think is terrible and I think it's also hitting them very hard these people are fake these people are fake that is El trumo he was uh just a little while ago on with Elon Musk on an interview they did on Twitter and they call X now and I I want to get some reaction to that and everything else that's going on with a 2024 election from cash Patel he's the former National Security adviser to the house intelligence committee he's a former Chief of Staff at the Pentagon uh big big uh influence in in Trump World and the author of government gangsters cash butell welcome back hey it's great to be with you guys you bet so let's uh let's talk about it here Kamala now her strategy to appeal to the middle class is to become a Democrat that cuts taxes and plagiarizes Trump policy look I'm here in my home state in Nevada that's where president Donald Trump launched months ago at a campaign event the no tax on tips months and months ago the world heard it Nevada heard it we are the largest culinary uh unions and bar institution unions in the country and it will impact no one greater than my home state here in Nevada and then of course what does Kamal do because she has no policies of her own that are working she goes to the guy who has the best policies Donald Trump and steals him in places like CBS News who hated on Donald Trump for issuing such a policy are now lauding her and I just want to note the IRS headline under the Harris Administration the IRS introduces new service industry tip reporting program it's on irs.go that is what the Harris Administration issued earlier this year or last year and now she's saying no tax on tips everyday Americans should know the Harris wal regime stands for people who will lie to their fath lie to you about their service record lie to you about what they're going to do for America and Donald Trump has been telling the truth about his policy since day one because they favor everyday Americans you know cash Patel it's my understanding uh that she cast the tiebreaking 51st vote as president of the senate in her role as vice president in order to get that uh package of bills the for the IRS to get these 88,000 new people and all that funding uh she cast that that winning vote for them that Biden eventually signed into law it's uh your understanding is correct it is factually accurate 100% true and I hope America and your audience is listening to what she says versus what she does when she has the opportunity to create jobs and prosperity for Americans instead she goes into the halls of the Senate and cast the vote to do the exact opposite to take our taxpayer dollars hire 88,000 new IRS agents to do what hunt down people who are living on tips as bartenders and waiters and caddies and serving in the restaurant industry and actually introduces and codifies into law legislation that will the middle class and the working class and while it's impactful here in Nevada every single state has hundreds of thousands and millions of people employed through the tip industry like I was growing up as a cad and in the restaurant business and she goes out to the halls of Washington DC and caters to the swamp and the swamp's everyday needs and the radical lling agenda her record as you highlighted speaks for itself as does Donald Trumps yeah and it really is uh somewhat disheartening uh I think for for people right for people to to to to see that that she's so fake and phony and fraud here you know should they see it and that's I guess my next question you've got this situation here where uh she pretty much doesn't say much she's not doing interviews she's hiding from the world and she just comes out now and says you know we're we're going to help the people in the hospitality industry just you know paring Trump if reminds me honestly of not this past State of the Union but the one prior where almost everything Biden uttered sounded like Trump policy I would have thought Trump was giving the State of the Union speech he was talking about you know we we've got to uh we got to fund the police not defund the police you know he was saying all these things and and I feel like this is exactly what Harris is doing despite um seemingly enjoying a bump in the polls because she is a candidate that happens to have a pulse unlike Joe El baboso Biden so I I'm thinking does this continue does she continue to um enjoy this or do you think this catches up to her at some point and it levels up no listen I think the Hollywood honeymoon moonlit romance is fading fast for Camala Harris because like you everyday Americans are asking seriously simple questions of the person running for the presidency of the United States for the Democrats name your policies what have you done since you've been charge of our border namely that is the number one National Security crisis of our time and I love how the mainstream media is coming out and saying come on was never in charge of the Border well if you go to Twitter now called X and you go to Kamala Harris's website from three years ago when she was vice president she proclaimed herself the leader in charge of protecting the border so which one is it Camala Harris you are the borders are or you're not the borders are and putting that aside what have you done to regulate and seal the Border you have allowed CCP to pour fentol to our streets you have allowed illegal immigrants to come here and some of them to commit atrocious crimes like killing Lake and Riley raping elderly women in murdering everyday American citizens and you have been the one who has shouted for the defunding of the police and your vice presidential candidate Governor Tim Waltz literally in the state of Minnesota while the police precincts were burning down refused to activate the National Guard and has made statements which are now public through the Minnesota Council hearings that show that Tim Walls delayed and permitted these police stations to be burned down that is not a pro cop pro- Law Enforcement Administration that is one that is catering to the itical whims of the radical leftwing ideology and that is not what everyday Americans subscribe to I agree with that and and on that point uh I feel like they this is a very um I don't even want to say Center left because I think it's way more than Center left uh it's a a very radical you have two very um very left-leaning uh individuals here which I thought really would not be a winning combination so tell me your thoughts here because I look at this politically and I think okay they wanted to to mitigate losses they knew it would be a quote unquote for me blood blath uh blood bath if Biden ran too many down ticket losses You know despite his loss so they try to get her in there and and this guy to appease the left and her to mitigate some of that loss so that it's not as bad down ticket my original thought and now I think they're creating this hype as if um and I don't want to say she can't win because I don't want to be foolish either um it's a race and we have to take it seriously but I just find it fascinating how that that was my original thought and I don't think I was that off personally speaking but it seems like if I were to go by the media it's a foregone conclusion that she's she's already at inauguration day oh of course well that's what you know the Democrats and the radical leing agenda has partnered with the mainstream media for decades and they've turned it on um exponentially since Donald Trump came down the escalator since he won his first Administration and since he was doing so well Across America um during this presidential election campaign they joined for to get George Clooney to write letters and remember the Democratic party is the one that destroyed the Democratic process this year Joe Biden received 14 million votes from everyday Americans through the delegation process and before the Democrats had their nominating convention they threw out those votes they threw out Joe Biden their nominee designated by law per the Democratic process and anointed Cala Harris and now they're going to have their Hollywood reunion next week in Chicago as if they weren't the ones that took a flamethrower to the United States Constitution and people's everyday right to vote that's something we need to remind everyday Americans of if they're willing to do that to 14 million people what are they going to do to the other 350 million Americans um who are out there every day working their tails off under this Harris Biden Administration paying double for eggs and peanut butter and gas and security and scared about the FBI chasing them down at their parent teacher conferences in houses of worship this is a weaponized system of government on all fronts and it is sponsored by Harris Biden and walz really well put folks we're on with cash Patel former National Security adviser to the house Intel committee and chief of staff at the Pentagon he's the author of government gangsters which is now a movie and we've got a trailer for that we're going to get bring you a snippet of that in a little bit and um if you want to learn more about what cash is doing go to his website fight [Music] withthomas give us a call 8334 825 337 8334 Valdes I'm rich Valdez coming right back don't move a [Music] muscle by the way your ratings are up congratulations I had somebody it's always nice to check I like to see even if they're friends I like to see how are they doing are people listening right but you're you're doing great America at night with Rich Valdez because you know now she's trying to say she had nothing to do with it and she's such a liar because she was called the bordar the first day and it was on the headlines of every newspaper she's the bordar and she never even went there she went to one location which had nothing to do with where the problem is you know she went in and out I guess cuz she was getting a lot of pressure but had nothing to do with the problem but she was the borders are and you can't allow them to get away with their disinformation campaign now she's trying to say that uh she wasn't uh she wasn't really involved and the whole thing is horrible she was totally in charge she could have shut the border down without him he didn't know what he was doing anyway so he wouldn't have even known what happened you could shut the border down he wouldn't even know the difference but uh the fact is that she was bordar but if you don't have to call her that the fact is you could just call her she was was in charge of the border and the Border was the worst ever the worst ever again that is El trumpito Den Aldis Magnus the 45th president of these United States on a u interview on X that he did with Elon Musk just about an hour and a half ago and uh maybe a little more and he says that uh she's been an absolute failure and he's right uh it's interesting though it's almost as if kamla Harris is running for president and she the record she's running on is that of the Attorney General of California as if she's never been vice president she's not the Harris in the Biden Harris Administration cash Patel is our guest he's a former DOD Chief of Staff author of government gangsters the movie and we got a clip of the trailer we're going to play that uh after the right after this break but right now I want to get Cash's reaction on the borders are and why she's somehow able to distance herself from herself well look it's great to be with you and it's look as a former Federal public defender and National Security prosecutor who practiced in the courts of law um every day I'm offended when people tell me Camala Harris's attorney general restored the rule of law to the state of California we just talked about how much they don't like the police and how much they allowed the police precincts to be burned down and how much they wanted to defund the police but do you know in the state of California who imprisoned more black men disproportionately for drug HS than anyone in the state of California's history Camala Harris when she was the Attorney General put more black and minorities behind prison for disproportionate drug kinds than anyone else and of course she learned it from her boss President Biden who signed into federal law the 1998 crack bill that imprison more minorities than any single piece of legislation criminally in US history and the only guy to reverse that was President Trump with his act when he came in to allow minorities to apply for reduced sentencing based on disproportionate drug charges president Trump did that Obama didn't do that Biden didn't do that Harris didn't do that the facts speak for themselves in the mainstream media will try to lie to you and say she is the pro minority candidate just because she's a minority well if this guy who's an indian-american and a minority grew up in the United States is wildly offended when we hear such disinformation campaigns yeah I I I totally agree and what it just it really amazes me and this is part of why I'm really glad Trump got back on Twitter because he needs to be on Truth social and he he needs to be everywhere he can be as much radio as possible because uh I feel like his message is is getting drowned out by all of the investment being made by the Harris folks they're paying people I think $150 a person to any anybody online that'll post their stuff positively and it's just uh I think it's a pretty brilliant idea but it's it's rather dishonest right it's very AstroTurf it's not Grassroots like the stuff that you see coming out of the Trump side and that's just it and they have the media and they'll always have the media which is why the mainstream media that is which is we have to fight for every inch of airwave we can get on radio on podcasts on TV shows on streaming and of course tonight president Trump's Brilliance to accept and I think it was an over an hour long conversation with Elon Musk Cala Harris would not accept a two-minute conversation instead her response is she goes to Twitter and post how offended she is that Elon Musk would dare to have Donald Trump on Elon Musk and Donald Trump Are The Champions of free speech the the champions of censorship free social media the people who have inculcated censorship into our everyday lives in America is the Democratic Ral party in big Tech Facebook Google the list goes on they got into bed with the Democratic team and we heard Mark Zuckerberg apologize to Donald Trump for allowing thisinformation to be spread on Facebook that helped rig presidential elections let's see if he's true his word and cleans up his service like Elon has done to his yep really well put folks we're on with cash Patel uh the author of government gangsters which has become a movie as well and last time he was with us I think he invited us to the one of the premieres I'm looking forward to one of those screenings there better be another one coming up folks we're coming right back you're going to listen to the trailer when we come back government gangsters would catch Patel this is America at night with Rich Valdez call now 833 for Valdes that's 833 482 5337 833 for Valdes that's Valdez with an s [Music] [Music] look at Rich Valdez he's now a radio host and he's a great Radio America at night with Rich Valdez government gangsters are the group of individuals career bureaucrats who have been installed by what we call the Deep State into every agency and Department in the United States government had Donald Trump not won in 2016 he would not have exposed the flank of the Deep State and their weapon of choice the two-tier system of justice from Russia gate Hunter Biden's laptop to Joe Biden's classified documents case to January 6 to the 51 Intel letter and everything in between we would never have learned that these people are dangerous and vindictive learning from their mistakes and perfecting ways to hide their corruption it is finally time for a straightforward assessment of the state of our nation based on that trailer I think everybody in America needs to watch this film twice cash Patel tell us what's going on with the film how is it being received and let's dig into it a little bit thanks so much yeah go to war room. film War room. film you can watch it right now as many times as you want and we are doing premieres across the country look this was a brain trial of the great Steve Bannon he saw my bestseller which president Trump launched in nine straight months of bestseller about the Deep State and Trump called it the road map for 2024 Steve Bannon and His Brilliant team of Matthew tayor and dlet combine the pages of this book and put it on a cinema screen for everyone to visualize who these deep State actors are how they utilize the mainstream media and most importantly how interchangeable they are it's not a Republican or Democratic thing it doesn't matter if you're Rod roses de or Gina haspel or billar or Merck Garland or Chris Ray or esper and the list goes on these people care about themselves and the revolving swamp of Washington DC and whether it's the 51 Intel letter that we were talking about in the movie in Peach W disinformation campaigns about Insurrection Russia Gates election rigging the the media and the government gangsters in DCF stitched it together masterfully and so we wanted to take the information from their Holdings their resources their databases and show it to the American people to say this is the truth they robbed you of it to elect to rig elections and they're going to do it again and in an hour you can learn everything you need to know about the Deep state and government gangsters and most importantly how to fix it go to war room film and look for theater screenings by us all over the country outstanding folks go to war room. film uh check out cash Patel's film government gangsters you know cash I listen to this and all I could think is you know we in this world we hear these terms we you rattle them off uh like they're commonplace because they are uh Russia gate and these things but I think there's a lot of people especially on this show that you know some a variety show that that don't know these things and and and that's why I really want them to take a look at it but it you're you said it so well in your opening there their weapon of choice the two-tier justice system which is really the weaponization of of our laws and and our justice system and in my opinion that was what had Trump winning this election they went so far in overplaying their hand that from last summer even that people were saying you know inditing him four times arresting this man this is crazy this is you know I had Trump haters Avid avid Trump haters uh that came from third world countries that said this the type of stuff I saw in my country know like I don't like Trump but I don't like I like I dislike this even more than I don't like Trump a and I thought this is great let them keep doing it and it worked and he saw this huge bump in the polls right and now whatever like I said you have a new candidate that has a pulse unlike Joe Biden so you're they're seeing uh you know some some uh some modest gains but irrespective of that I think the the focus of the campaign has to be on how they used this law fair to try to after Trump immigration I think has been a lynchpin of this uh all along and of course the economy and and I feel like even on our side the message is getting drowned out whether we're talking about kamla Harris being a third cousin of yours from India right or or or or anything else right um that's you know her crowd size and things like that I I don't know that any of that stuff is really helpful to the conversation I might be wrong but I really think this boils down to the economy the border and laware what say you look I think you nailed it and that's what Donald Trump has been running on that we are in the National Security crisis of our times with not just the Border but the forever ending Wars and the fact that Al-Qaeda and terrorists are on the rise I mean look at what Iran just did they hacked president Trump's campaign Iran hawed other people's infrastructure here in America and they're seeding terrorists into the United States and into our communities the FBI just admitted a hundred terrorists have come in through the southern border and they don't know where they are if that's not a national security crisis I don't know what wins and you're right we got to talk about that we got to talk about President Trump's solutions to sealing the border and stopping the narc traffickers and stopping the sentinol Cala Harris doesn't have the policies or the operational chops to put that up against the American people and Safeguard this country so if we talk about that and we talk about most importantly the two-tier system of justice which has been used desperately to prosecute you based on your political orientation Donald Trump more so than anybody but they are Prosecuting thousands of Americans behind that and the administrative application of the two-tier system of justice in places like doj and FBI and the intelligence Community when it comes to our national security is on overdrive right now because they want to reelect Iran our enemies and those folks in Washington DC other part of each state they want a Harris Administration they don't want Donald Trump to expose their corruption they don't want Donald Trump to utilize the Constitution applied equally to everybody and when we talk about things like that and when we talk about President Trump's brilliant policy agenda that's I think how we are going to win this election you're absolutely right and president Trump has gone out there and laid out his agenda for the American people time and time again like tonight with Elon Musk on Twitter and is always open to new ideas and Cala Harris I have yet to hear one original policy that she is going to put out as president of the United States except for the one she ripped off from Donald Trump about no tax on tips yeah 100% I mean let's not forget there's the America First policy uh Institute that that's a whole think tank with generals and and professionals that people that worked in the administration that are constantly cranking out policy uh this she's got nothing on her website She's Got No think tag she's got no nothing and the biggest part of it he's got a record and she doesn't uh other than a bad one that's attached to Joe Biden so I think you nailed it there folks make sure you go watch this movie War room. film F LM to see the movie absolutely free government gangsters cash Patel's book is on film I really recommend you watch it maybe do your own little screening watch it with some friends or go to one of the screenings that's on there and cash Patel I want to thank you for being with us brother you're a gentleman a scholar and a patriot godp speed my man thank you so much and thanks for being courageous enough to put out the truth you bet folks there is more to come straight ahead we continue with your calls and more 833 4825 337 8334 Valdez this is America at night with Rich Valdez call now 8334 Valdes that's 83 3 482 5337 833 for Valdes that's Valdes with an s [Music] you have experience and skills in interviewing or you wouldn't be on your program America at night with Rich Valdez all right America welcome back Rich Valdez here with you straight till 1:00 a.m. eastern time and again if you're listening on the uh Pacific side on the west coast uh then you know we want start this it's just evening time for you guys if you're on the East Coast where I am it's almost 11:00 p.m. at night and again I say all of that to say we're live and we're National the phone number 833 4825 337 8334 Valdes and I want to go to the phones let's go to Dothan Alabama W DBT and check in with Jeff hey Jeff you're on with Rich Valdez welcome hi Rich um could Trump put on commercials on mainstream TV that say if anyone is caught voting illegally whether it's it's voting more than once or stuff in ballots or just undocumented uh that they will do an automatic five years in prison under a trump Administration yeah I think could it well I think there's no need making other commercials if they're going to cheat because they can stuff as many ballots but if if they knew that they would go to prison for do I think they would think twice about it yeah I don't know that to be true I I I wish I could agree with you on that Jeff but I I believe I guess my view of politics is is one that is is somewhat jaded I would say uh I believe that the majority of people that get into politics are in it for the wrong reason and there is a a minority of people that get into it to try and make the world a better place and those are your citizen candidates that run for dog catcher and school board and State Assembly and things like that and eventually work their way up to running for congress and even for President right there's a lot of really good-hearted people uh the problem is within that group of good-hearted people you have people who are just way too um altruistic and with that altruism comes some naivity where they think that you know they they go into this they're like I I really think I can win because they they've never done this before and they don't realize what they're up against they don't know how deep the Deep state is they don't know how how difficult it is to win an election because you know you can get thrown off a ballot by by your own party let alone the opposing party especially if you're in a primary so I mean there's so many ins and outs of it but to to answer your question yeah I think Trump can make uh commercials talking about that saying you know in my Administration we're not going to put up with that um and I think that'll help him and it it focuses on immigration as as a key issue I think immigration is a key issue I think uh the is the issue I believe uh the economy is another major issue and and they should continue with the polling and we're scheduled to speak with uh one of Trump's pollsters tomorrow but I think it's it's Paramount that we stay focused on the issues people that uh even are making a good living um I can tell you I don't like paying more than $70 to fill up my gas tank I'm at 70 bucks I'm all right but when it's 88 92 which it was I three or four days ago I filled up $92 I was like you know come on this is a little bit what I try not to complain a lot because I know I drove I bought the big car and I know it's you know I've always driven a big SUV so I get it I always knew I was going to pay more but I remember $50 was the big SUV bill then it was $60 then it was like 65 and as of late you know 100 or you know between 80 and 100 and not crying not complaining uh I'm just making an observation that a lot of people are annoyed with that and some can afford to eat that others can't that's a make or break thing thing and I've been in that situation in the past so I I get it and I know when Americans look at that um they're not happy and that's why you see so many folks I think especially in the inner city uh why Trump made gains with Hispanics with with black Americans uh because there's a lot of them in these inner cities and when you have to deal with that level of inflation with that level of economic crunch there you are so I think those are the issues that Trump really needs to focus on uh of course he also has to focus on drawing contrast between him and Harris I think drawing uh parallels between Harris and Biden because G malis is the vice president and it's almost as if the media is painting this picture that she she just got here you it almost seems in many ways like she is a challenger running against him the incumbent and it's actually not a horrible strategy because he takes on that Persona of I'm president Trump and I did this at the border and I did that so she figures oh let me go ahead and go after you as the criminal that she says he is and there's a degree of Effectiveness to it but ultimately people aren't stupid and people are going to say that's fine he's a rapist he is a criminal he's whatever you want to call him but I was alive when the rapist criminal was in the white house and I was paying $68 to fill my tank and things were better and I was able to save more money to buy that vacation home or my first home or whatever it is so I think ultimately it comes down to dollars and those aren't looking good for Biden or Harris Jeff IND Doan Alabama WBT thank you for your call my friend I appreciate the conversation folks more to come straight ahead we continue our conversation tonight we're going to get into a lot of things in the next hour so keep a locked right here I am rich Valdes and the number 833 4825 337 8334 Valdes don't go anywhere [Music] live from the city that never sleeps 17 miles from Madison Square Garden New York City it's America at night with Rich Valdez America's favorite late night talk program progr featuring interesting guests from around the world and calls from across America and now here is your host Rich [Music] Valdez hi there good evening and what's up America I am rich Valdes Valdes with an S Rich Valdes on all of the social media your Liberty loving Latino Amigo happy to be here with you this this Monday evening we're live we're National I'm coming at you from the New York City metro area and I'm with you till 1 a.m. and El trumpito donaldus Magnus the 45th president of these United States he joined Elon Musk on Twitter for a live streamed interview and they talked about everything under the Sun not the least of which was the economy and how Biden got pushed out of the race and uh kamla Harris who I like to call K malais was um undemocratically chosen to be the the new nominee and that's just you know part of what's going on today obviously there's a lot of other things going on but part of that I think leads to what what do we expect moving forward and I want you to listen to this clip of trump on with Elon Musk discussing how Biden was pushed out listen to this don't forget I beat I beat beat Biden uh he failed in the debate miserably and you know some people said oh gee it's too bad it's too bad he did so badly or I did well in the debate you know the first night they said wow one of the people at CNN said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever witnessed and then two days later they didn't talk about that they just said he was bad but that's okay that's the way I get treated and I don't mind that at all what I can tell you is this we cannot have a Democrat we cannot have her she's incompetent she's as bad as Biden different look she hasn't done an interview since this whole uh scam started and and say what you want this was a coup this was a coup of a president of the United States he didn't want to leave and they said we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way yeah I mean they just took him out back behind the shed and basically shot him oh what they did with this guy and I'm no fan of his and he was a horrible president the worst president in history the worst president in history well the worst president in history uh took to the media to to reiterate what Trump said saying that yeah they did push me out listen to this the polls we had showed that it was a neck and neck race would would have been down to the wire but what happened was uh a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races and I was concerned if I stayed in the race that would be the topic you being interviewing about why did Nancy posi say why did so and uh and I thought it' be a real distraction so Biden here admitting that um he sucks wind he couldn't win and Nancy Pelosi pushed him out and this leads me to believe okay so now it's K males versus El trompito I've got my money on El trompito but what happens when he wins right what happens when he wins and he takes office what does he do during his first hundred days well the good news is there's a book out there called the agenda what Trump should do in his first 100 days written by Joel Pollock he's the senior news editor at breitbart.com Joel Pollock welcome back great to be with you you bet let's talk about this obviously you heard the audio you you you've seen what's been going on all day um let's talk about how this race is shaping up before we get into the book uh because I think the race is shaping up in an interesting manner the media has all but uh declared her the win and um moved up the inauguration day well they could move up the day she starts to work as president by compelling Biden to resign I mean the 25th amendment is still an option he does not seem to be running anything the interview clip you just played showed a president who's really not entirely filling the job and I don't know whether it would hurt her politically or help her politically to be the president right now but I don't know who's running the country and I don't think they do either so I do think that she could report for duty if she initiated a 25th amendment process but I don't think that she's going to make a good president if she takes over now or if she wins in November and of course I wrote the agenda thinking about what things would look like and feel like if Donald Trump won the election you know I've been saying for for a week or so know that she kamla Harris has been able to capture so many media headlines that Trump supporters are starting to feel a little bit lost maybe a little bit discouraged and he needs to get out there and give them a sense of what victory feels like what they're voting for what he can deliver on day one and that's what my book the agenda proposes it's not a comprehensive set of policies it's not a big project 2025 or even a republican platform it's simply a to-do list for his first 100 days in office and in fact most of what I recommend he can do in the first week I think it's important to give people that sense because you know that the media narrative which is right now obsessed with KLA Harris it's going to shift as soon as he takes office to 2028 they're not going to want to let him have a chance to govern they're going to start talking about who the contenders are for 2028 does kamla run again does Gavin Newsome run who knows right but anything to distract from Trump so I said he's got to come in with a to-do list that is very long but doable in a very short period of time and that's why I wrote the agenda folks we're on with Joel Pollock senior news editor at Breitbart and Joe Pollock I I I think that's wise I think it's important for Trump this is what I was just talking about with cash Patel a little while ago was I think that uh while it's it's very Trump esque and always entertaining right for him to call out her background and say that she was Indian before she was black and uh to talk about crowd size but ultimately I think that may be drowning out some of the message which is really in my opinion um the border the economy and the lawfare that they Ed against them I think these were the things that made him solid in the eyes of of so many Americans and and people that were even Democrats that are opting to go for him what are your thoughts well when you talk about people who are in my audience and probably in your audience as well you're talking about people who follow the news very closely and for well-informed voters issues like the law fair are very important issues like the bizarre process through which kamla Harris became the nominee Trump has talked about that as well it's very important but for your casual Observer of American politics for someone who's just trying to get by who's wondering what this election means means you've got to offer a vision for what you're going to do for that person and that's why I wrote the agenda I wanted to to be able to say this is what a trump Administration means for you here's how he can tackle inflation by himself here's how he can fix the economy by himself and of course there are things you want to work with Congress on doing there are some legislative pieces to this and so forth but there are things that are within the president's executive Authority and we know from 2016 2017 the last time Trump won Congress was not that helpful even with a republican held house and a republican held Senate it's like hurting cats you know you think they can all work together and they're all on the same team but there are all so many different agendas so many different personalities I think Trump needs to be able to say this is what I'm getting done regardless this is what I can do with executive orders with executive actions with memoranda with policy changes I can do all these things so I sat down to figure out what it was that he could do on his own because that's a set of promises he can deliver on and he doesn't depend on anybody else outstanding really well put folks we're on with Joel Pollock senior news editor at Breitbart we're discussing his book the agenda what Trump should do in his first 100 days you can get a copy on Amazon or wherever you get your books and uh when we come back we're going to get a little update on uh his trip to Israel uh what anti-Semitism looks like as well as uh the rest of our 2024 conversation so stick with us folks we're coming right back with Joel Pollock this is America at night with Rich Valdez Rich Valdez who again will do a fine job and I know you'll enjoy listening to him this is America at night with Rich vales is a ceasefire possible before the end of your still possible the plan I put together endorsed by the G7 endorsed by the UN Security Council Etc is still viable um and I'm working literally every single day to uh and my whole team to see to it that it doesn't escalate into a regional War but it easily can what did he just run a marathon geez he sounds so winded that's Joe El boso Biden saying he's working every single day to get to a ceasefire and meanwhile he he's calling for a ceasefire why don't we ask Iran to do a ceasefire because they're um firing rockets on on troops in Iraq and talking about going all out with war Our Guest is Joel Pollock senior news editor at Breitbart he's the author of the brand new book the agenda what Trump should do in his first 100 days Joe Pollock um sources tell me you were just in Israel what's the what's the vibe on the ground well tonight and tomorrow are actually a national day of mourning in Israel it's the traditional Jewish holiday of the ninth of a also known in Hebrew as Tish and it commemorates Jewish tragedies throughout the ages it marks the anniversary of the destruction of the first temple in the year 586 BC and then the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD and many other tragedies besides so this is generally a pretty apprehensive time of year the three weeks leading up to tonight are weeks where people do not have celebrations they don't have parties they don't play live music and it's generally pretty mournful so that's the mood in which Israelis have greeted news that Iran intends to attack Israel either directly or through its proxy terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Israelis have been waiting and waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak but they've also been getting on with life you know someone told me that they're not waiting on the edge they're living on the edge they're actually doing the best they can to go to work to make sure their kids have summer activities to get them ready for school in the fall to enjoy life as much as they can in this period so it's a very resilient soci it's a very cohesive Society I think people are banding together and supporting one another in Tel Aviv which is a city that's had some flasho confrontations in the recent past between religious and secular Israelis religious and secular Israelis came together for a joint reading today in Tel Aviv of the book of Lamentations from the Bible which is the traditional text that's read on this day so the threat of Iran plus a sense of history has brought Israelis together and I do think that the mood is on an upswing when I was there in April I was actually there during the last Iranian attack when they launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel and the mood the day after when nothing really had landed and Israel's defense systems had picked up almost everything and the United States helped and other Arab countries actually helped the mood the next day was almost euphoric you know when you live in the sh of a fear of attack and then the attack happens and you come out the other side of it and you're all right you feel the sense of invincibility so I think Israelis are about to turn the corner and things are going well in Gaza despite the bad press that everything gets they're closing in on the Hamas leaders and Hezbollah is being very careful even though they're firing rockets at Northern Israel and they could make life very difficult in Northern Israel even more difficult than already is with 60,000 refugees essentially having evacuated the Border towns I think Hezbollah is afraid of Israel's response so I think Israel could be on the cusp of a great strategic Victory we don't know but at the moment for the next 24 hours at least there's going to be a sense of mourning in Israel and around the world because people are focusing on the negative throughout history and Iran is playing on that by the way Iran threatened to attack on this particular day because it's a form of psychological welfare uh Warfare it's like saying we know your greatest fear centers around this day bad things happening on this day we're going to threaten to attack on this day but I do think that if Iran doesn't attack by the end of the week it's probably not going to happen and if they do attack I think they're going to face a massive retaliation from Israel so we'll see it's a very tense atmosphere but very hopeful as well Joe Pollock uh from Breitbart News author of the book what should Trump do in his first 100 days what do you make of the recent meetings between um Putin and Iran well you know Iran has been sending drones to Russia for more than a year now and there are some close and very concerning ties between those two countries Russia is sending Iran weapons and Iran is sending Russia weapons Russia's also been supplying Iran with nuclear expertise Donald Trump put a stop to a lot of this and as he was saying to Elon Musk earlier in the evening when Trump was president and he told countries not to have any business dealings with Iran not to sell them any weapons not to buy their oil many countries listened and Joe Biden has been doing the opposite he's been looking for ways to put waivers on sanctions to look the other way when China and Russia do business with Iran what we need is strong American leadership again Trump kept us out of War and kept the world pretty safe and pretty stable because he had very clear policies with very clear consequences if you violated any of the red lines unlike with Obama and with Biden and I think Israelis certainly missed that I mean Israelis when you talk to them they hope Trump wins they're terrified of KLA Harris winning they're trying to get to know her a little bit and they know that she could win so they have to get used to her perhaps but they really want Trump to win and that's true of Israelis across the political Spectrum not just right-wing Israelis Israelis on the left even though they think in many ways like people do on the left in the United States they're facing an existential threat just like people on the right are in Israel and so they want a strong American president to give them some cover so that they can take the fight to the terrorist and restore a sense of security to their lives wow really well put now Joe Pollock uh as as we move forward for with with all of this do you do you see an offramp for what's happening in Gaza uh what do you think the future with that looks like the offramp is victory for Israel and giving up the hostages if you're Hamas I mean the only I presume they're not going to give up the hostages well we don't know so I think and I've been saying this for a while the only viable deal is one in which the Hamas leaders are convinced that unless they give up the hostages they're going to die and even though they have a whole Cult of suicide and martyrdom and that sort of thing I think a lot of the Hamas leaders are actually not ready to die they would prefer to live in five-star hotels in Doha which is how most of the leaders actually do live wow they send other people to die so I think Israel could reach a point where it says to them listen give up the hostages and we'll give you safe passage to Turkey or Qatar or some of these other places but that's the only deal I see happening I think that's the off-ramp you know if if they really want to stop the war they will give up all the Israeli hostages and they will give up their weapons and then there's no more War I don't think the Israeli public is going to be satisfied with anything less than total Victory or Surrender by Hamas October 7th changed Israel psychologically yeah and Israelis are no longer willing to live with the status quo that was there before 100% right I I I agree with that Joel Pollock is the senior news editor at Breitbart and he's also the author of the agenda what Trump should do in his first 100 days Joe Pollock I want to recommend everybody get your book on Amazon and I want to thank you for being here you're a gentleman a scholar and a patriot sir all right thanks so much you too you bet all right folks we continue our conversation Straight Ahead uh let's see what what what do we get into next ah these really cool guns that aren't guns they shoot like pepper balls we're going to talk about Burna coming back don't go anywhere I'm rich Valdez [Music] My Hands Across America to the Liberty loving Latino Rich Valdez this is America at night with Rich Valdez several Kentucky law enforcement agencies are among hundreds across the country testing a new deescalation device it'll help them stop and detain suspects wdr's Brian Martin shows us why Shelbyville police welcomes the new tool I tested it out and as you see it resembles a gun however the carbon dioxide power device is a non-lethal weapon and the department believes it'll be a staple in a new wave of policing moving away from the use of deadly force Shelbyville police say this device will help it's the Burna Home Defense basically it's going to supplement the officers that are on patrol with along with the taser to give them another less lethal option unlike pepper spray or tasers it provides a safety zone of 60 ft it also holds 568 caliber hard kinetic rounds designed to burst on impact it's kind of twofold it gives you an impact you know it gives you an impact where you feel it it'll stop you it'll stun you for for maybe a fraction of a second maybe a second Chief Bruce Gentry would know down down he experienced the impact of the CO2 fir non-lethal weapon during a demonstration the projectiles release a small yet powerful cloud of pepper spray or tear gas powder definitely gets your attention anyone can purchase the device but Burna trainers say It's Quickly becoming a shop for law enforcement providing officers with options so that they don't get to that point where they just run out of options and have no other option than to utilize deadly force within the last few months Simpsonville and Frankfurt police officers started using this self-defense weapon Shelbyville is currently training its officers and this gives us one more option to kind of go to another non-lethal skill another tool and police duty belt that's uh Brion Martin with WDRB in Kentucky now I want to um learn a little bit more about this because if you've been paying attention if you're watching some of the conservative news outlets you've likely seen a commercial for this and this is a a really cool device co2 powered it shoots the what what appears to me to be like a mace or pepper ball uh very effective it seems to be a very effective Tool uh I I during the break I was telling the producer I've used mace in a real life situation and works like a charm uh but as long as it works right and you have to be close enough for it to work this I think gives you a little bit extra stopping power at least uh to push somebody back and uh it seems like it's a fantastic idea that that uh as I understand it is allowed to be carried in all 50 states I want to get to the bottom of that with the president and CEO of Burna Technologies that's Burna b y r na a Technologies Brian gan welcome sir uh thank you so much nice to be with you rich likewise so let's talk about this thing I I'm dying to get one of these and I think it's fantastic I really am uh A friend of mine has one and uh and he was like man you got to get this it's really cool and I am I'm I I think it's a fantastic idea because you know having used CO2 in the past you know like with airsoft and stuff like that um It's relatively easy on the trigger I think it might be easy for I have two daughters that are you know 19 and 23 so I I feel like these might be good uh options for them who don't want to carry firearms uh tell us more about how this came about well first let me ask you a question Rich are you a gun owner uh yes okay so I'm a gun owner myself I've been a gun owner for many many years um but you know I always wondered when it came right down to it how quick would I be to pull the trigger and the answer was probably not very quick and then I worried if I hesitated would that be a fatal hesitation for me if I didn't hesitate could I be making a fatal mistake and I really wanted to come up with something where there were no fatal mistakes and and I kind of joke around if I you know shoot the paper boy coming up the driveway by mistake well 30 minutes later he'll be fine nobody's going to the morg nobody's going to the to jail and I'll leave a bigger tip at Christmas but it it gives me the ability to uh to know that I'm going to pull the trigger and that was really why we developed it I wanted to have something myself that I know that I wouldn't have trigger hesitancy excellent excellent point of view and and again my thinking was trigger hesitancy on just uh it being that much stronger with recoil and things like that I think this is that much easier to use at least from from what I can see now what's your success been have you had any legislative push back I I'm I'm born in Brooklyn but I live in Jersey now and I know in Jersey in some states you can have a taser or a stun gun and it's like having mace but in New Jersey it's the same as having a firearm well it we are legal in New Jersey we're legal in all 50 states so there's no uh background checks there's no waiting periods there's no permits required for the launcher itself however there are uh a number of states specifically California and New York that do not allow us to sell the pepper rounds so we fire two different types of projectiles one is just a hard polymer and it frankly it hurts like hell when you get hit there's a video of me on the website uh where I'm getting hit and I'm you know muttering a few Choice curse words and then you know 10 minutes later there's a bruise on my leg the size of a volleyball so it it the the kinetic rounds will stop all but the most motivated asants um and and frankly I load my gun so that the first two rounds out of it are kinetic and if that doesn't stop somebody then we go to the pepper or you know as you say the tear gas mace type rounds um and then that causes somebody to be temporarily blinded they're in respiratory distress um you know their skin is on fire uh so it is very very effective at at stopping an as salance yeah I think so and Brian Gans you you you came up with this idea because you said you wanted to come up with something for trigger hesitancy which I think is a great idea idea uh but uh in perfecting it in in really um rolling it out I'm curious to know what some of the thought process was but I want you to stick with me as we take a quick pause right here folks we're on with Brian Gans president and CEO of Burna Technologies you've probably seen it on TV uh the Burna launcher it's a really cool gun looking device that shoots these um plastic pellets and pepper balls which I think are super cool um stick with us we're coming right back with Brian gance this is America at night with Rich Valdes call now 8334 Valdes that's 833 482 5337 833 for Valdes that's Valdez with an s [Music] [Music] Rich Valdez the day that you welcome me to your show is a happy day for me and I hope that America appreciates what you're doing because you're fighting a good fight America at night with Rich Valdez all right Amigos welcome back and we continue with our conversation uh with the president and CEO of Burna Technologies Brian Gans and Brian Gans uh one of our callers from The Windy City Jim in Neighborville Illinois or close to the windy city on WLS has a question Jim you're on with Rich Valdez and Brian Gans Our Guest hey Rich and Bri um you know I'd love to buy what I've looked into it at least tertiary and you know and but I was put back because uh it looked like any uh when I do a Google search it looks like in Illinois they would require me to do a uh to get a concealed carry permit even for this okay which is ridiculous let's see uh let's see what Brian can tell us about that yeah I I don't know what you're looking at Jim but that is not true and uh Chicago is in fact one of the uh very top cities that we sell the burnard in and and what we found is that those cities where it's very difficult to get a concealed carry permit to carry a gun um but there are high crime rates those are the areas where Burna tends to do the best um so what I would urge you to do is to go onto our website uh there's a whole table on where it's legal where it's not legal uh but you can carry it in Chicago outstanding thank you Jim in Neighborville Illinois WLS in the building big shout out to you guys and Brian I think um this is again a fantastic thing you came up with it with this idea you said you wanted people to feel less hesitant to to pull the trigger feel more confident and being able to stop somebody without ending their lives and that's cool um what else went into the actual design the look The feel the the capacity the strength of it well the launcher looks very much like a 9mm firearm and in fact uh it was sort of copied uh on my Glock 19 9mm so it is essentially the same size as a a compact firearm uh it's the same size along the barrel it's the same size down the grip it's a little bit wider uh because it's a 68 caliber and and my Glock 19 is a 9 millimeter so essentially like a 38 caliber um but we wanted it to look like a gun because it has the deterrent and I was on a very similar show a couple years back it was kind of a 2A Focus show and they asked me you know has this ever been used in a real life situation and I said you know it's in fact it's been used hundreds of times um this was a couple years back it's now been used thousands of times to stop a crime um but I said it's been used hundreds of times but the majority of the time nobody needs to pull the trigger and the host of the show told me something which I was unaware of at the time but he said the has done a study and they've said that 92% of the time when somebody uses a firearm to stop a crime they don't have to pull the trigger just presenting the firearm is enough um now you can't carry a toy gun because eight% of the time you do have to pull the trigger but but we found that in most cases simply presenting the burner is enough to get the as salant to back down and if you think about it uh most as salant are looking for the easy Mark they're not looking to get into a gunfight and you know when you talk to law enforcement they say you know if somebody's attacking you scream bloody M uh you know make a scene fight back and in most cases the as salant will leave so that's why we wanted it to look like a gun but also it it just is much easier and more intuitive for people to use you know I was um you mentioned that you had two daughters I've got three daughters all grown now God but my wife my wife passed away when they were young and I was a single dad of three girls and there is nothing that gets you focused on your kids safety like being a single dad and my youngest daughter who's now a doctor was in medical school at the time and she would get out of the hospital in bad parts of Boston late at night have to walk to her car and was really concerned so I I wanted to give her something to could protect her and I gave her a burnup I put a Crimson Trace Laser on the front I said you know keep it in your pocketbook put your hand on it as you're walk into the car and if somebody is following you and you feel uncomfortable turn around put the Red Dot on their chest and if they mean you no harm they will immediately apologize and turn around and and frankly you should apologize too because they probably just crapped their pants with the Red Dot on their chest um but it gave her a sense of safety um and and we came up with the Mantra Liv safe because she she was empowered and she wasn't afraid and and that's also what we wanted to do we wanted to give people and and my daughter would never carry a gun I mean she thought I was a neanderthal for being a member of the NRA so you know but but she would carry a burnout and and that really meant a lot to me outstanding um Brian Gans let everybody know where they go if they want to give one of these a try I'm dying to try one so folks if you're with me uh tell them where to go and how to get one yeah so uh three4 of our sales are online um you can go to www.com byrna.com um and if there's hundreds of videos showing real life applications there's as I mentioned a chart showing where it's legal where it's uh uh you have to have a permit or where you might not be able to use all the different rounds um but you you can walk through the whole store on ber.com we also are carried in Bass Pro and Cabellas and about 500 other uh gun stores around the country outstanding well good luck to you I think this is a fantastic thing not not to necessarily promote a product but really to promote a what you just talked about that that that sense of safety that I think a lot of people would prefer to have knowing that they're not killing people but they can get out of a situation that might get sticky very easily uh without inflicting a mortal wound and and look in this day and age you know people are afraid but they're also fed up with gun violence and I you know I say a lot of times Burna is the antidote to the epidemic of gun violence and every time somebody is carrying a non-lethal uh self-defense weapon instead of a lethal self-defense weapon they are potentially saving a life really well put folks uh Brian Gans president and CEO of Burna Technologies now I guess my last question for you um is Burna a play on Brian or what how does that come about yeah it it is a play on Brian it's an anagram of my name uh you know when when we invented it uh we said we want it to be a burner yeah it sounds like burner yeah because it burns but you know we're from Boston so we don't say burner we say it's a burner it's a bur love that we should have started with that that was so funny all right folks get your burner I love it Brian G thank you for being here brother you're a gentleman and a patriot I appreciate it rich thank you very very much I really enjoyed it you bet all right folks your calls and more are coming up straight ahead Plus at the top of the hour we've got open phone America where you get to weigh in on everything and man we've got a lot to discuss tonight we got to pack it in so if you're planning on calling call in quick uh because I've got plenty to say don't go anywhere I'm rich Valdez this is America at night with Rich Valdez call now 8334 Valdes that's 833 482 5337 8334 Valdes that's valz with an s he's brown he's bald and he's breaking it down it's America at night with Rich Valdez call now 833 for Valdes that's 833 482 533 7 833 for Valdes that's Valdez with an S so two illegal aliens uh illegal immigrants in New York City including one of them that was charged in a sex assault crime four months ago raped a woman at knife point and then beat her boyfriend as it was happening that happened in Coney Island today and this is just crazy again one of them was released from jail less than 2 months ago after sexually assaulting a different woman at a city funded shelter and and I I got to tell you I I've never heard of so much rape going on people want to say that I'm selectively picking the migrants for raping but who does this who comes let me go to another country for a better opportunity and start raping their women that's what you do when you're at war with somebody right that's what Hamas did to Israel that's absolute Insanity uh but uh Daniel Devon Bonia 24 years old of Nicaragua Nicaragua they're communist there allegedly grabbed a 46-year-old woman and threw her to the ground before raping her while holding a knife to her throat on Sunday I'm sorry this happened last night at 900 p.m. Under the regalan Boardwalk cop said and uh again his alleged accomplice Mexican immigrant leando Moreno 37 years old accused of striking the woman's 34-year-old boyfriend with a pipe when he tried to stop the vicious assault so just imagine that right talk about needing a burner uh these guys come you hit him in the face with the pepper or like the other guy said the the rubber bullet you know stun him and then hit him with the pepper that give you enough time to get out of there and leave them on the ground you know choking crying and uh gasping for breath anyway I want to let's see um it's got to be tight here but let's go to Margaret calling us from Chicago WLS quickly go right ahead hi Rich how are you I just have a quick question with the Burna the question is you know would it be put you in a precarious situation where you pull out a burn a weapon but the person then sees that as looking like a 9mm handgun and they inadvertently pull out what is actually a 9 mimer handgun and you end up being being fatally shatter wounded by I don't think that would be the case only because typically if if somebody if if you're pulling this thing out um it's with the intention of using it now they stop and you may not have to use it but if they stop and Retreat super if they you see them fidgeting and going for a gun pull the trigger 3 4 five times do what you got to do and get out of there that's the whole point I mean and you could get away from somebody with a gun even with a can of Mace so uh I I think just you don't have to be as as close with with a burner so that's why and you get all that stopping power with the CO2 cartridge shooting it so I think you're you're okay but yeah whoever's quicker to the draw is going to win thanks Margaret folks I'm rich Valdez coming right back open phone America [Music] live from the city that never sleeps 17 miles from Madison Square Garden New York City it's America at night with Rich Valdes America's favorite late night talk program featuring interesting guests from around the world and calls from across America and now here is your host Rich Valdez hi there good evening and what's up America I am rich Valdes Valdes with an S Rich Valdes on all of the social media your Liberty loving Latino Amigo happy to be here with you it's hour number three uh it's Monday night thrilled to be with you our phone number is 833 4825 337 we're doing calls all hour long uh just make sure you get in early I hate it when there's people at the end and I have to apologize because I can't get to the call so again that number 833 4825 337 8334 Valdes we've got calls from Oregon from Chicago from Montana from Idaho and more coming in there's still a cou lines open so feel free you're uh welcome to join us and I'm going to get to the calls that are there momentarily but uh a few things I want to talk about obviously today uh Trump made his triumphant return to Twitter and I I tried to log on to a to announce right he he logged on to announce to promote an interview that he was doing on Twitter with Elon Musk now what's interesting about this is that when I logged on it said that it wasn't available it broke the internet in many ways right there was some serious um traffic and I think Trump even alluded to that in his comments with musk um congratulating him on on how on how much uh listenership uh they were getting uh listen to this cut number 38 Elon Musk with former president Trump check this out um we had a a great conversation yesterday as you mentioned yesterday if we could just record that conversation and posted it would have been excellent and I hope we can have something like that today well I think we will I'm pretty sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book with the so many millions of people and it's an honor we view that as an honor of course it's an honor shoot I'd like to be on with Elon Musk and millions of people in the entire Twitter imagine all of Twitter the whole Twitter uh pretty much trying to chime in very very cool stuff uh and and you know what's brilliant about this is that President Trump does right in the um in the at the right time right very slick very uh I don't want to say slick that sounds like I'm saying he's slide trying to somebody that's not really it but what what happens here is kamla Harris has been using social media uh for her campaign and for her benefit because she is in effect creating she's definitely creating this movement of social media people to to gravitate towards her campaign to try to make it seem like this is a a very robust campaign but I want you to listen to what what she recently said listen to this the side of Harris's crows oh give me a break listen I had 107,000 people in New Jersey you didn't report it I'm so glad you asked what dides she have yesterday 2,000 people if I ever had 2,000 people you'd say my campaign is finished it's so dishonest the press and and here's a great example I had in Michigan recently 25,000 people and 25,000 people were just we just couldn't get them in we had in Harrisburg 20 25,000 people and 20,000 people couldn't get in we had so many nobody ever mentions that when she gets 1500 people and I saw it yesterday on ABC where they said oh the crowd was so big I have 10 times 20 times 30 times the crowd size now they're going to try and taunt him and say oh Trump is melting down over crowds he's 100% right 100% right listen I I was at the rally in the South Bronx I had media credentials it was close by so I said hey why not check it out uh Bronx New York Kona Park and like I said there were double the amount of people clearly in my opinion waiting to get in as there were inside the perimeter even if I'm exaggerating and it's half and half right let's say there were 15,000 people inside and 15,000 trying to get in or 10,000 inside and 20,000 trying to get in it was roughly 20 to 30,000 people that were there a massive amount of people with a permit that the city gave him for 3,500 people 10 times he had 10 times the amount of people or close to it and and my point is they they'll they'll say and it was it was a lackluster crowd not showing you the people waiting to get in that are slowed down because if the local law enforcement doesn't work with the Secret Service to give them uh larger perimeter and more crowd control and and local support on the outside the fewer of those uh magn nomers that they can bring in the metal detectors and staff to to run those magners so you're down to like I said at the Trump thing I think there was four and it was incredibly slow to get in it took forever to get through every bag for the media people uh the other folks were told not to bring bags so that made it a little bit quicker but again with that level of people Trump was already done with his speech while people were still trying to get into the area of the park I mean they could hear it they just really couldn't see much from where they were my point is he's right uh she's making I'm glad that she's got more people than Biden good for her more people engaged in the political process fantastic love it uh I really do I want to see you know I've always I don't want everybody in America to be a conservative I think you need the balance you need the conversation that that's how good ideas happen that's you're never going to have that type of hegemony anyway so that's fine but kamla Harris is is running this campaign and again to her to her credit I have to say right um the best she can she doesn't really have people doesn't that that uh I'm going to say she doesn't have friends she doesn't really have people supporters that are as enthusiastic As Trump supporters are I get that no problem so they have to manufacture these people and the the help of a social media agency is what she's using kamla Harris this is in Forbes kamla Harris memes have helped her launch her campaign with a big bang but can it last this is uh in forbs magazine the Harris campaign is betting big on content creators to keep the momentum after going viral in their first week between uh coconut tree memes and viral video edits to set uh uh Chapel Ron's hit I don't even know how to say that word feminin uh vice president Camala Harris's surging campaign see how the words they use surging uh quick pause there something I want I heard this morning and it was a report rep on a right leaning uh radio um station report bottom of the hour news I forget who was providing the news but the guy says that let me see if I get everything straight oh that when Trump said it would be a bloodbath the Biden campaign or President Biden and the Harris campaign agreed that they interpreted that As Trump calling for political violence and an a a not a nonp peaceful transfer of power and again I don't think it meant that but they thought it meant that and I thought to myself how would they report that if it were Trump that if it was the other way around and I thought they would say that when Trump says it they would say um disproved or falsely claimed but when it's Biden that's claiming uh it's said the the the Administration and the Harris campaign um claim that this would be a um a situation that would result in in um a failure to have a peaceful transition of power if it were Trump saying it they would say uh the Trump campaign falsely stated and they do it all the time and I wonder why wouldn't they do that to the Biden campaign say that they're falsely stating it they have no proof that there's going to be some sort of um armed violent uh Insurrection none so why do that but this is how this the game that they play anyway so they've got these memes and her social media accounts racked up 70 million engagements the week afterwards why because they are urging this social media company launch viral it's what it's called viral launch excuse me the um this is what they're doing and the Harris campaign has quickly moved to transform the uh what they want to make look like organic excitement and viral videos into real political momentum but the campaign staff and the operatives acknowledge that in a quick moving media ecosystem she won't really dominate online discourse forever with four months to go until election day the campaign is doubling down on its strategy to leverage social media influencers to reach young voters while carefully capitalizing on the ground swell of enthusiasm that she's having lately and its strategy is to acknow memes with a wink and a nod without embracing them in a way that voters P perceive as corny or inauthentic huh that's going to be tough for her and it plans to lean on influencers to help Harris reach younger voters according to the campaign uh spokesperson Seth Schuster so one example of this is the neon green stylized comma HQ Banner that now adorns their Twitter account it's an illusion to the cover art of the new album from British uh pop star Charlie XCX who blew up social media when she tweeted Kamala is a brat a reference to her music's trashy kfy aesthetic the accounts bio describes its Mission as providing context a nod to a viral meme the campaign has embraced in which Harris shares an anecdote from her mother about existing in the context of all in which you live and what you came from I guess uh she's now unburdened by what has been by doing that uh Harris is also leaning hard into pop culture Trends largely thanks to a group of mostly 20-some that includes alumni of Biden's 2020 campaign the DNC and the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee the DC swiftly rebranded the campaign accounts to kamla HQ uh so that she could appeal to this younger group and and there's more right there's more about this they've got in-depth on this stuff um getting people from Tik Tok and from all over the place to to do it um including paying them right this is what they're they're paying the campaign is the way they would pay people on Election Day with like what they used to call walking around money they're now paying influencers to get this word out to create this what at least the appearance of a ground swell of support and again that is politics they're trying to influence the balance of power our job to be politically astute and informed Patriots so that we can make the best choices for our country and for future Generations that will inhabit this country so we going to get to your calls and stuff momentarily but I wanted to bring that to your attention because while the media says this about crowd size Trump was really criticizing uh the way that she's approaching this where you know he's out there earning the support of the people um she's out there trying to figure out how to make it look like she has the support of the people and I think that's a very interesting distinction so folks we come back and that article by the way is in Forbes if I have a moment I'll tweet it out so you can take a look at I'm rich Valdes if you are not following me on Twitter please do or whichever one of these things you like to use I'm happy to interact with you on social media don't go anywhere this is America at night with Rich vales call now 8334 Valdes that's 833 482 5337 833 for Valdes that's Valdes with an [Music] s call now 8334 vales that's 833 482 5337 8334 for Valdes that's Valdes with an S all right Amigos uh to the phones we go our phone number 833 4825 337 8334 Valdes and I want to go to the windy city Chicago busy night for the windy city tonight WLS let's go to William calling from Chicago Illinois William you're on with Rich Valdes welcome hey good evening Rich um question are you guys with cumulus yeah of course oh good then part of the family I just wanted to say thank you and welcome to WLS than Amen to that brother happy to be here yeah the other question I got for you is what are they going to do with these 15 million illegals that are coming in that Biden's probably going to get to register to vote see that's where I'm going with us please sure well I obviously this is going to present a problem I think there's two ways of looking at this and nobody knows right there's no Crystal Ball but I think uh I guess there's three ways of looking at it the first way is that some of them are going to register to vote and they're going to vote for the Democrats uh second way of looking at it is many of them in large part up until recently like i' say this last year uh but for the last two and a half years these were Hispanics right these were people people coming from Nicaragua and Honduras and all over the place and Hispanics by and large um have voted Democrat but also by and large tend to lean conservative so I think there's a a good portion of that uh also larger family size uh family values very different from most other voters uh it's still not uncommon to see three and four children in a Hispanic family as opposed to just about anybody else so I think all of those things don't bode well for party that Embraces abortion and higher taxes and turning uh uh your daughter into your son and your son into your daughter especially when there is um some machista dad in the house so I think that's these things all eventually blow up in their face one way or the other uh wi with that particular group uh my thought uh and the third way of looking at this is that uh some portion of them don't care to vote and don't really care to do anything but work in America in the United States earn a living and then uh be able to send some of that money back home so they can support their families because sometimes they come here without their family or they have an ill uh because they don't have health care where they live they have to provide private medical care and they have to pay for that in cash so it's a tough situation for a lot of people in in a lot of um South American uh Central American Hispanic countries so that being said with respect to this election there's no no question that I believe some of them especially the ones that receive driver's licenses are going to be automatically registered to vote uh I just don't think that the numers going to be that big of 15 million I think uh it's going to be a smaller number because there's still a lot of them coming in there's still a lot of uh uh scrutiny on the election I don't know that every District in every part of the country is going to be able to cheat I just don't think it's going to be possible because too many people are Vigilant now and um we're also not in the throws of a pandemic where people are wearing masks and people are afraid and people are saying you know um all the things that they said during the pandemic so I think all of that bodess well for for Trump and for for honestly for our Republic so my my thought is that that is eventually a problem I just don't know if it's going to be a huge problem in in this particular election I think it's a uh a problem just not a huge problem now with um respect to the the the top at hand that we were talking about with this AstroTurf uh generating uh these crowds paying people to attend rallies paying people to share social media content um what are your thoughts on the Harris campaign using these social media agencies to hire these people mine yeah I think it's I think it's ridiculous but I really wanted to send this conversation with this welcome to the family family and especially WLS we love you okay oh thank you I appreciate that William in Chicago Illinois I love you guys too and you know what about six years ago I I first got on the airwaves of WLS um substituting for the great one Mark Levin and I remember having some great callers from WLS and it was really an honor and a blessing so thank you for the warm welcome from WLS in Chicago great to be on live uh we were on in Chicago for for a while and it it's great to be live so grateful to WLS and folks we come back with your calls and more on all of these great stations like K Ki KBOI and so many more don't move a muscle I'm rich [Music] Valdez call now 8 33 for Valdes that's 833 482 5337 833 for Valdes that's Valdes with an S the the thing that they really is making them angry is what Kamala and Biden have allowed to happen to the economy it's a disaster with inflation the inflation it doesn't matter what you make the inflation is eating you alive if you're a worker or if you're a a uh just a a middle- inome person you can't afford you know four years ago five years ago people were saving a lot of money today they're using all their money and borrowing money just to live it's it's a horrible thing that's happening and we'll end that that is El trumpito on with Elon Musk uh the billionaire founder of X Twitter and U Tesla and the Brain link thing neuralink and interesting conversation between the two of them what um I find interesting is I just saw on Twitter that Elon Musk was asking if uh if anybody has any edited clips of of tonight's conversation uh so I think it's wise that we let him know that we're playing the clips right now live and he should tune in and uh it would come as no surprise to me if he is tuning in cuz uh he mentioned something that I mentioned the other day and I thought that was pretty interesting that immig illegal immigration save Trump's life um hoping he was listening or somebody passed that along to him anyway I want to continue with your calls and more as we go through this evening we got calls from Ohio wnir Arizona listening to riches.com and more let us go to uh the aforementioned Arizona and check in with Pat Pat go right ahead hey Rich You know what last three days I've been watching uh clips on YouTube and and all the other social medias of Harris's uh rallies and now I understand why it looks like there's people there it's almost comedian likee they they're using big curtains they cover up empty parts of the of the uh of the Arena they're they're having uh they're having bands and music there and they and they get to they stay for the rally they get to listen to music for free I mean it's like you know don't mess with the guy behind the curtain because we don't know who he is and I'll tell you I've talked to a lot of my Democratic friends I have across this country and they're all very upset about her the choice of Harris and wise and they and some do think they may be replaced before the uh the Democratic uh convention or after it or during it because uh they they think they're replaceable because a lot of Democrats don't like them they don't like her period and he's not a very likable guy and that's maybe reason why he got picked was because he is not likable he's he's done some pretty shady things in his governorship of Minnesota and you know and then you know he served hly I mean the man was I have a I have an uncle who's a sergeant major in the Marine Corps and I know a little bit about this you know his uh whole thing and he didn't finish what he was supposed to you know finish to become a commander uh major and it but why he served unly for 24 years in the in the National Guard I mean why should he embellish it it seems like I don't know it's very hokey maybe he's kind of ashamed of himself who knows but the whole thing is falling apart and I'm just a little lary of what they may do when they know they're not going to win you know they don't care about us and I I want your opinion do you think that these people care about us and what do you think they may do to us no I've never thought any politician any side of the aisle cares about anything I do think Trump cares about the country and he by and large cares about people I really do otherwise it would have been so much easier for him to live his life without doing all of this uh but I I will say and the reason I think that is because I I I largely believe that the majority of people involved in politics are not there for the right reason I believe the majority are there uh for their own benefit and to advance a particular agenda and there's a small minority that are people that want to change the world they want to see things better they they don't care about what happens to them they they want to leave this country better better for their children and and that's admirable I mean I I ran for her office once and those were all my goals I I really and guess what I lost right why why' I lose because people the good guys don't always win in in this game of politics you know Trump I think is a rarity because he he was one of them first right he was funding Hillary Clinton's campaign he's donated to kamla Harris in the past he knows all of this stuff he's been there before and I think that's why they they don't like him cuz he kind of like turns states are like you were one of us how dare you how could you Donald but he did be why cuz he cares and I think that's a rare thing to see but yeah I don't think KLA Harris or any of these people care about anything they care about power because that's what politics is about and I think that's where what gets misunderstood Pat is that that is the game right the actual definition of politics is influencing the balance of power how do you do it through rhetoric through uh leverage to gaining influence one way or another and uh I don't think you should be using lawfare or any type of illegality that's where people go way too far but the reality is that's what they're doing they're they're always trying to win they're always trying to gain more influence and that's the sport that is the game so obviously some people are going to play for keeps and play a little rougher than others and and that's how it's always going to be and that's why I think ultimately people that care about people they get exhausted in a business like this because um it's so Cutthroat and you're not able to help people the way you want to help them instead it becomes an act of survival for most of these guys and I think that's what makes them least comfortable why so many of them end up leaving right so uh at least that's my take on it pat in Sedona Arizona thank you for the call my brother I appreciate you man always good to hear your voice uh let us continue let's go to Canton Ohio check in with Deb wnir go right ahead hi Deb oh excuse me I'm sorry hi hi Rich yes hi um this is Debbie from Canton I called you last week and I told you how thrilled I was about yeah you were very gracious by the way and that's why I love you for being that way because you're like the Jim Bohanan ghost I I'm telling you I love you for that thank you that's a tremendous compliment I you let people like me get a little voice in here sure I'm not exactly um all um Trump I told you I I if you remember last week I said my whole family has been against Trump from the time he started and here's the thing I I really feel that's really sad because I'm a boomer U I got like I told you I got six gr well six or seven and a half kids grandkids coming on and my My Two children they are so awesome and loving and they don't want Trump just because and I don't want to make it all about him okay um it is is there a particular policy that that you don't like that Trump has well uh well let's say um yeah pretty much uh anti-woman I I feel he's anti which policy is anti-woman which policy oh because we can't have our own choice to um do what we want to with bodies well but which policy because I I've never seen Trump say that in fact he's on the record saying that abortion should be up to the states and it should not be a federal issue so he's kind of hands off on that topic saying you have your rights do what you want to do in your own State your state will figure that out how does that make him per se uh or his policy position anti-woman or anti-choice yeah in Ohio where I live We turned out headstrong very strong I'm saying is Trump the governor of Ohio huh is Trump the governor of Ohio no he's not right so then you have to take that up with your Governor Trump has nothing to do with your voting your your abortion right happy with what with what Ohio did I'm proud of Ohio for standing up for women's rights they did they came out right so I'm saying let's zero in you said you didn't like his policy on abortion but his policy is I'm I'm not getting involved in abortion so what's wrong with saying I'm not involved in abortion as president you know the head of the the federal government I'm we're not getting involved the question would you make me me the the uh anti- um or the drug that well it's not up to me this is before The Supreme Court no I know that's why we don't like him because he's really shitty he he's not clear on anything about that kind of thing you know what I think Debbie I think on these issues I think Trump is extremely liberal on these issues honestly um when with this stuff I think he's pro-choice he doesn't want uh he's he favors life but when it comes to this stuff I think he says uh libertarian is really I should say he that's the approach he takes and he lets you do what you got to do in your state and let your state decide and if the courts are going to decide they're going to decide that and I I I don't think he's being shady I think he's actually super upfront about it saying look I myself and pro-choice which I am as well uh but you do what you got to do uh because he's a businessman and I think often times that's how business people operate they're very matter of fact they're very black and white on these types of issues uh so you started this conversation and I'm I'm really interested in having it because you said I want to not make it all about him and I said sure let's make it about the policies so you brought up this one policy but in this particular policy we can't seem to nail Trump down to saying I'm going to take your rights away that's really just rhetoric that comes from like the Harris campaign and other people but the facts just don't bear it out well I don't see it that way I see it that we got to vote Kamala to have our rights given back to us that's the way I see it all right thank you Rich oh you're welcome Debbie thanks for the call I was hoping to do a little more conversation with Debbie there but okay folks we're going to pause right there we're going to come back the rest of your calls and uh let's see we got Montana Ohio what else we got Oregon coming your way don't go anywhere I'm rich Valdes this is America at night with Rich Valdez [Music] I want to listen to you rich all the time America at night with Rich Valdez all right Amigos welcome back Familia we continue our conversation let's go to Zanesville Ohio wh and check in with Paul Paul go right ahead hey good evening Rich something I don't understand that my um wife or my sister brought up to me she said how can Camala Harris run for president and she didn't have any primaries I mean how does how did they just throw Kamala Harris up as a presidential candidate when uh Biden is still in office and I'm confused on that rich and I hope you understand me I'm you know I'm not the brightest B in the pack on politics but I keep up a little bit you're great that yeah this is a simple one right and and it's not a very pleasant response but what what happens is there is party rules right um political parties exist and and and they have planks and platforms and rules and committees and delegates and all that stuff which is part of their process for for you know uh coming up with a nominee and all that right they do that um in effect right especially with the Democrats and Republicans do it differently right they're they're having their nominating convention soon right in the next uh next week and they've already come up with a they've already had a virtual um poll or whatever it was that they do making her the deao kamla Harris the de facto uh person and she's going to go and officially accept that nomination next week now is it true that not a single Democrat registered Democrat that can vote in a Democrat primary not a single one has voted for kamla Harris that that's true that is true uh is it true that 14 million Americans uh that are Democrats voted for Biden in a Democrat primary that is also true but the reality exists that let us just say just like in in the course of anything uh God forbid something fatal happened to the President Joe Biden they would have to replace a candidate and you can't go and hold new elections so you have these party policies in place to appoint someone and the same way with throughout the year that's why certain States the governor if the congressman steps aside or moves over the governor gets to appoint their successor to finish out their term and then move forward those are all party decisions right these are not uh elections per se uh that's part of how the process works in a representative uh democracy that's within in our constitutional republic so that's that's the reason in a nutshell um we uh we don't always get what we vote for and that's evidenced by you know voting for U what was that FDR who had a fourth term then he died right and uh there you go right you got somebody you didn't bargain for we had the same thing with Kennedy uh and and anytime that type of thing happens so uh these are again unelected people unless it's an elected vice president but that's in effect what happens somebody gets appointed to finish out the term so here she's she was the deao person the delegates um in fact voted for her and not who the people voted for in the primary definitely a Switcheroo definitely something that if the Republicans did that I would I would take exception and say hold on a second you mean to say we all voted for for you and now you're just going to bail not cool but that's exactly what they did did and they seem to be very happy about it I mean there's a reason they're Democrats right they like the way that works and that's okay right I think most uh conservatives tend to like the Constitution so they they like the way that works and they feel um you know Liberty is a big thing and nothing wrong with that and I think there's a lot of Democrats that um could do away with Liberty that would would like to see America redone rebuilt America 2.0 they're not happy with the America that we have whereas I think so many uh conservatives want to conserve those values that we have right now and even go back to the way things were uh at least relying on our founding documents and what the founders had in mind original intent if you will so I think that's part of the difference in the philosophy between these two movements and um that's why I fall where I fall on the conservative side Paul in Zanesville whh thank you for your call um I I can I do one more or do I have to go count dula all right let's go to uh Frank in Evergreen Montana K fi go right ahead there you are go ahead tonight's tonight's speech by from the White House himself Biden you're correct he didn't sound like he was completely there he's got an asthma problem really bad and it goes clear back to his deferment uh from Vietnam war ah that kept him out but now today we look at the situation he's unfit to be the commander-in-chief because of that same Asma wow that's I didn't think about that uh I don't know that I would agree with that because I think um it's it's a civilian job and he couldn't serve in the military but I I think you can be commander-in-chief with an asthma pump but I could be wrong Franken Evergreen Montana thank you for your call my friend K fi got to take a pause here we're coming right back with the rest of your calls don't go anywhere this is America at night with Rich [Music] Valdez all right folks it's the speed round get straight to the point so we can get to everybody uh let's start with Linda Albany New York wdgj go right ahead New York in the building oh thanks for taking my call I don't think it's right that taxpayers because it makes us accessory to murders have to pay for so many abortions for women there should be liit on it you're right it's an excellent point uh uh taxpayer funded abortion should should always be um illegal right the government shouldn't be involved in that to say the least and uh I think when they they had the Supreme Court ruling recently the uh they were freaking out uh they were saying oh how are we going to do it for the Army and they were trying to figure out how to do things um you know Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's you know let's let's obey the law of the land good call Linda I appreciate it shout out to New York wdgj let us continue let's go to PJ very quickly straight to the point gy uh Colorado go right ahead yes uh thank you for taking my call um I just asked first of all thank you for the show also all right thank you we're run out of time you bet I'm a trump supporter and I want to see the Border sealed and the reason I say that is first and foremost I don't want to see the Native Americans lose their land okay well thank you for that I appreciate it let's go to Michael Pendleton Oregon K ma go right ahead yeah Rich good talking to you um of course I always have a comment on Ukraine with my girlfriend over there uh Rich um do you feel with this Invasion into Russia uh will this risk NATO Hoops getting involved in that conflict no I don't think it does and I also think it gives them really good leverage uh so that they can try to either get their land back or say fine you want to take our land we're going to take yours Michael and KU thank you for the call Joe and Salem John and terot Indiana wi IBC Paul and Boise I can't get to you tonight but big shout out to all of you guys folks I'm rich Val take care good night and God bless [Music]

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Category: Education

The epa recently approved an experimental use permit to oxitec a biotech company funded by the bill and melinda gates foundation in an effort to fight malaria oxitec will soon release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in various us states according to the niih website programs are being developed... Read more

270: The Post-Biden World with David Ignatius | Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt thumbnail
270: The Post-Biden World with David Ignatius | Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt

Category: News & Politics

Hello and welcome to politics war room with james carville and i'm al hunt this week our guest is the author of phantom orbit a great new novel and associate editor and columnist for the washington post david ignatius no one covers foreign policy writes about it better than david remember we love taking... Read more

Pro-Trump 'Prophet of God' FAILED TO STOP KAMALA From Winning Debate!!! thumbnail
Pro-Trump 'Prophet of God' FAILED TO STOP KAMALA From Winning Debate!!!

Category: News & Politics

Hey before we get into this topic today give me just a few extra seconds to talk about something very important there is a fundraiser on this video for the national abortion federation that i'm asking you to donate to if you can the national abortion federation not only supports abortion providers they... Read more

IR Archive 1984 | Idaho Reports: Idaho State University Pharmacy School | June 28, 1984 thumbnail
IR Archive 1984 | Idaho Reports: Idaho State University Pharmacy School | June 28, 1984

Category: News & Politics

[music] good evening the patient is sick the prognosis is guarded and apparently the only prescription helpful is money that in a nutshell is the story of the idaho state university pharmacy school the pharmacy school in pocatello once considered one of the best pharmacy schools in the entire country... Read more

Coco Gauff details her social media policy and why she uses burner accounts thumbnail
Coco Gauff details her social media policy and why she uses burner accounts

Category: News & Politics

Coco goof has explained her social media policy as she admitted to using burner accounts and hit out at the abuse she and other tennis stars receive online coco goof has explained her social media policy and hit out at the abuse she and other tennis players receive admitting she uses burner accounts... Read more

271: The Electoral Landscape Past & Present with Dr. Whit Ayres & Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky |... thumbnail
271: The Electoral Landscape Past & Present with Dr. Whit Ayres & Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky |...

Category: News & Politics

Hello and welcome to politics war room with james carell and i'm al hunt this week our guest are prominent republican poster whit ss and the executive director of the george washington presidential library lindsay trinsky now remember we love taking your questions so write into politics wroom atgmailcom... Read more

Alberta's Ag. minister slams carbon tax and shares canola tariff concerns | RJ Sigurdson | BCN thumbnail
Alberta's Ag. minister slams carbon tax and shares canola tariff concerns | RJ Sigurdson | BCN

Category: News & Politics

You know many would agree that our agriculture sector is the bread and butter of our economy we rely so heavily on our farmers and producers but where's the industry at how healthy is it right now especially in alberta and where we headed we're joined today by rj sigerson alberta minister of agriculture... Read more

JD Vance REFUSES TO APOLOGIZE for Sick 'Joke' About TEEN GIRL'S WORST MOMENT!!! thumbnail

Category: News & Politics

[music] hey i'm starting every video today promoting my appearance on the david pacman show as the guest host today while g david is away if you'd like to check out some stories that i'm not going to get to talk about today on my own show you can check them out there uh i would appreciate it if you... Read more

Pro-Trump Psychos are SENDING THREATS to Taylor Swift for Voting for Kamala Harris!!! #shorts thumbnail
Pro-Trump Psychos are SENDING THREATS to Taylor Swift for Voting for Kamala Harris!!! #shorts

Category: News & Politics

When these types endorse donald trump it is heralded and celebrated by the magam mob but when other people express support for kla harris the right loses its mind oh my god so this woman is fine with his plan to take custody of the children from parents who don't want them to chop off their body parts... Read more