Things That Stood Out on OU's Spring Roster + OU Men's Basketball Left Out of March Madness & Ws/Ls

on this episode the Oklahoma Breakdown with I Layman presented by River Wind casino we discussed some of the things that stood out to us on U spring roster then we talk some U hoops and thunder in fgtb and of course we give you our winners and losers of the weekend please download And subscribe to the podcast rate at five stars and r a good review follow the show on Twitter Instagram Tik Tok and YouTube just search Oklahoma Breakdown on any of those and you'll find us all right man Michael hosty will kick this thing off it's time for the Oklahoma Breakdown it's a beautiful Sunday March 17th and you're listening to the Oklahoma Breakdown with ier and Layman presented by River Wind casino River Riverwind is Oklahoma City's Premier Casino experience and there's so many reasons why Riverwind is consistently voted OKC's number one casino but it all startts with their amazing variety of gaming Thrills and excitement RiverWinds beautiful award-winning environment Place host of more than 2800 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Breakdown let's jump into the OU football stuff and let's start with the spring roster and throughout the next couple weeks we're going to do our spring roster breakdown position by position like we've done the last couple of years but when they release this roster you and I go through it pretty thoroughly and there's always some things that really jump out initially and then we start asking some questions to some people but when the roster first came out Ted what really jumped out to you we have a bunch of tight ends and that's something that we've been talking about to me that was that was something that's really exciting we've got depth there we've got experience there we got a couple of guys that perhaps could be there's some star power there I we've gone from having really one guy and maybe was playing a little bit out of position to where we may have four legitimate players at tight end right now that's and maybe more than that like to me that's like that's the biggest uh last season to this season like turn around in a position group that and it's early like we'll have to see how these guys come around but to me that's the biggest kind of flip from last season yeah you look at it and one of the initial things that jumped out to me was Bowers sharp now we've talked quite a bit about him really like the stuff we've heard about the mentality he's got the way that he carried himself throughout winter workouts but 64 250 that's kind of exactly what you're looking for at the tight end position mhm so you look at him you look at Devon Mitchell 63 255 Jake Roberts 64 251 I I don't know what the level of play is going to look like at the tight end spot but they're going to look the part I mean it it that's it's not half the battle but it certainly doesn't hurt when you look at the measur 's perspective for that position you just feel so much better already than where that position was at a year ago it's not close and um another name that I was told uh I'll use the exact term for Bowers sharp the truth Bowers sharp is the truth okay so that was pretty good but another name that came up at tight end that I had to do a double take forgot he was even on the roster Hampton Fay the transfer I think was it Michigan State he transferred from um but another 250 pounder um they've really liked what he's done during the offseason is is start Spring ball off with a with a really good bang so I love it and I know you do too we've talked about this a lot with the the tight end position and the ability to use multiple guys personnel-wise in the running game build on your playaction package there's there's so much you can do with the tight end position so fingers crossed it looks like it could be uh a spot that went from a a real position of weakness and remember last spring what they had like random guys trying to fill in to play tight end um so that that position was stunted last year from the very beginning we're starting off in a totally different spot this year yeah Hampton Fay and I remember seeing him on the sideline during games last year and just looking at his frame going okay there there could be something there I I think he's another one of those guys that was a quarterback yeah so it was it was bers Sharp's the truth and Hamp Fay so he is it's a good sign yeah 65 247 is what he is listed at so I am I mean maybe he's one of those guys that could come out of nowhere and be a significant contributor I'm not sure I don't expect Hampton Fay all of a sudden to be catching 50 passes and racking up yards but if he can be a do a little bit of everything typ tight end we've talked about the absolute need for this offense to have a little more little more versatility from a Personnel grouping standpoint so maybe it's Hampton Fay I I know that we all have very very high expectations for Mitchell with how highly recruited he was but Bay has been in he he's been in college a lot longer so maybe he's a guy that can help help just take a little of that pressure off Mitchell to to get on the field right away but if Mitchell's ready to go I mean that's then he's ready to go that's kind of just where my head's at with it well I I wanted to ask you this question because you've got obvious you played the position but have like a a good a good view of how it works I it seems like a difficult position for a true freshman to play because there's a lot of protection stuff A lot of times you're blocking who typically are the freakiest players on the field uh you know you got the route stuff like it seems like a lot of times you can be the move guy with motions and what does that mean in the running game trying to ID guys it doesn't seem like an easy position for a true freshman so like my thinking is it may take some time for Mitchell to to come around I think other than quarterback hid in is the most mentally challenging position because of everything you have to know you you have to know formations you have to know motions you got to know all of the route Concepts you have to know all the Run blocking Concepts and you have to know all the pass protection you have to know everything as a tight end and that's why when you've got a good one or you got a couple good ones it's it's an absolute weapon but there's a lot mentally for that position and to ask a a true freshman to come in and digest all of that really really quickly sometimes it can take a while so you know Hampton Fay has been there B Sharp he's been playing college football I I don't know how quickly he can get up to speed but you would assume he he's got a little more experience than Devon Mitchell's got but yeah I I think the fact that Jake Roberts has played as much football as he has he's going to be a guy that they're extremely comfortable with putting out there for a lot of snaps you've got maybe if Hampton Fay really is a factory you've got four guys at your disposal when last year you had one you had stogner and that was that was really the only guy that I think they actually trusted at the position to put him out there yeah I I think that it may be a position where it's it's going to be really hard to predict what the ceiling may be it could be really really high but we don't know but I'm pretty confident saying that the floor of the position is going to be much higher than it was last year I mean I think we're going to be in a good spot I I completely agree did we just do our tight end preview without knowing we're still G to do one but that would maybe so that was uh that was a lot of tight end talk now any anything else any a couple other things that really stood out to you from the from the spring roster they released uh yeah I I I think overall our team is progressing in a pretty good direction would have I would have liked to see the defensive line a little bit bigger but you know I think that's one of those things it's it's unfortunately G to take some time I guess that's the that's the number one thing I look out look at when they put this out I mean it is every time and I'm not entirely sure what's going on right when you think about it I mean Grayson Halton we've talked about with Jacob Lacy having to medically retire we've talked about the fact that a guy like Grayson halton's got to step up and he's got to take weight gain extremely seriously and then it comes out he's 62 284 I mean 284 pounds just is not GNA hold up down in and down out in the SEC it's just not unless all of a sudden Grayson Halton turns into Aaron Donald which I no it's just let let's not even let's not even do that you got Marcus strong at 282 pounds you got Sears at 289 Sanders Ashton Sanders at 284 Ted that's just it's just not big enough and I know that there's it's only March right but winter is the in my opinion those weren't a workout that's like the easiest time to gain weight if you're going to put weight on you would want to see jumps for those guys during this time and I don't know man I I liked seeing David Stone at 283 I I I think that he's taken it seriously I'm not worried about him weighing that I I think he's got time so does Jaden Jackson Jane Jackson's going to be 300 lounds in the blink of an eye but these other guys that have been in the program dejon Terry is the only defensive lineman over 300 lbs that's an issue I it it's an issue and I you would assume it's going to be addressed but it it's just strange to me yeah no I agree [Music] um EV every single guy needs to add 10 at a minimum would like to see everyone add like 12 to 14 I mean I you know you wish you could just go in there and start clicking 300 lbs on everyone but on all these guys if they they clearly they're they're not easy gainers these guys they're which you know can mean some good things you know like the the body composition uh they they're they're all some leaner guys but yeah it every needs to gain at least 10 pounds by the time the season starts we'll see if that happens I don't know um it's been a long time coming where we we would hope that they would have added more weight by now but I I don't know and I don't know what they're telling them either you know I I I would be shocked if they don't want those guys adding some size but I don't know it it seems like it's been a recurring issue for some time for Oklahoma across the front you have to I mean you just have to be so explosive and strong to play the interior defensive line in the 280s you you got to be like a special athlete to really really hold up and make plays around that 285 Mark as a defensive tackle and it you you will get away with what you can get away with all right and the bigger and heavier you are the more you can get away with you can play defensive line at 285 pounds but you better be low you better have great technique you better be explosive as hell and you better not get tired right because it's gonna everything's going to be exaggerated as you get tired and you start to stand up a little bit and you're lighter in the tail it's it's it's going to be difficult so you know I will say that you know we move these guys quite a bit and we stunt quite a bit and that seems to be the way that coach venables gets past some of the size issues and he's still going to have that card to play but you know it would definitely go a long way if all those guys were were 10 or 12 pounds heavier and it's strange I I hope I hope this is like an NBA roster thing where they're just kind of hiding it from us they're just putting everyone's height the weight out there is the same as last year they they just want us to be alarmed for no reason like they're just messing with us with the defensive line weights I hope that's the case but you you look at couple of the edge guys Ian Ethan DS at 64265 I think that's right where you want him to be I think that that's not too light it's not too heavy I I think that he is I mean he is a he's kind of a power guy right there's not I I wouldn't say he's got a ton of twitch so might as well be a little heavier and play with play to your strengths play with power at 265 PJ being listed at 64240 after what coach vbl told us on the podcast what's going on there that's where I do feel like they're hiding something from us 40 I that's what he was listed at before right yeah so did they just forget to update it which is fine if they did but I saw that I I looked at it it not right no chance that's the same thing I was think because he said 265 by Spring ball right is it that what he said I don't remember exactly the time period but he said 265 yeah maybe it was by the season but the season yeah you would expect him to be in the two 50 to 255 range yeah so not sure what's going on that saw but I'm I'm choosing to not to not look at it just a typo hopefully yeah could be now Danny AO being listed at 63255 already is I saw that and went that'll work and he's I think he's an older guy as a freshman right and you know we talk a lot about the Freshman that can help right away maybe if he can develop a couple of go two pass rush moves seems like they've been really pleased with his explosiveness and his athleticism you look at the size right where it needs to be sounds like he's a strong guy for a freshman I maybe he's one of these guys that can help right away in you know some form or fashion yeah I think physically he'll have it um and where they're going to play him is a position that can be played by a freshman we've seen it quite a bit so uh I think it's possible you know I wonder what the what the the Gap is from you know because a lot of these guys like take David Stone and Jane Jackson for example example played at the IMG Academy they got like legit defensive line coaching uh so like I think the gap for them there's there's going to be a lot of carryover I don't know what that is for AO um if he's been coached well he should be able to to contribute in some manner pretty quickly yeah no it he's definitely a guy to keep an eye on offensive line I I like to see TR Everett up to 305 talked about it throughout the season last year he was he was just too light he needed to get stronger needed to add weight and looks like he has done that and he's going to have every opportunity to win that starting center job during spring ball uh we talked about Logan howand getting up to 310 He's listed at 306 so he he's right there which is it's impressive because it lets me know that he has taken putting weight on seriously which I always appreciate Garen Hatchet uh the transfer 65302 so we'll see if is he a guy that could be the center he's definitely an interior guy if he's going to be a guard and want to challenge for a starting guard spot bill is going to want him to be heavier than that so we'll see what that number looks like when when the fall rolls around but if that's going to be a starting guard for you he he's going to need to put it on a few pounds Eugene Brooks listed at 334 in my opinion too heavy for a true freshman I I don't think you need to be 335 pounds as a true freshman he was a guy from what I understand that had some really bad weight on during High School worked really really hard to get rid of it and that's why he improved as much as he did as a player because of that that new found discipline and keeping his weight down I don't think you need to balloon it up to 334 so I I am interested to get out to practice and see just what he looks like physically but the last thing you want is for a guy to come in and to immediately struggle with his weight now the guy can play so we'll see but I am I would prefer that number to be lower than it is right now and I say that without even I haven't even seen the kid practice yet so maybe yeah maybe I completely change my opinion after I watch a move I'm like okay 334 carries it great looks great moving great if that's the case I will come on here and say no issues no concerns but that is a big that is a heavy number for a true fresh yeah it's a big boy um yeah if he can if he can carry that and you know it's it's a lot it's a you know we're not expecting him I guess right now to be a starter but you know it's a long day at 335 pounds if you're a starter carrying that for you know 70 or 80 reps but yeah I I guess cautiously optimistic that it's uh that could be a good thing he carries it fine and he can play there there maybe that's why that number hasn't moved a whole lot I don't know but um I like to see Troy ever up it sounds like his name came up a lot whenever they were talking about winter conditioning and guys that had a really good off season I like his attitude if he can improve I think that he can he's got how much you think he's gained because he was pretty small was he 270s when he came he was if I had to guess from you know when he was starting games last year I bet he's up 15 pounds significant I think yeah I think he was probably around that 290 number so yeah it's it's good to see him he he's got he's got some natural leadership to him he's got a good good attitude fun personality so I think that he's a guy that clearly is taking it seriously and wants to wants to be the stting center so we'll see how he practices throughout spring but yeah I think that's a positive sign then the only last couple things that stood out stman up to 241 it's just funny stutzman at 241 meanwhile Kip Lewis at 214 yeah Kip Lewis is he's been stuck at that 214 number hasn't he um I think that's a good good number for stutsman you know he's he's he's close to 6'4 if he's not listed at 6'4 so he's got a big frame to carry a lot of weight uh you know he's a he's a fairly lean guy anyways and he runs plenty well I think that's a really good number for stutsman Kip Lewis is 214 um it's it's it's not ideal I I vary from pretty much everyone else everyone else looks at that number and is he's too small including the head football coach um but I I don't worry about the number at all if you can find me film of Kip Lewis getting blown off the football getting run through as a tackler then okay I'll have we'll have a conversation there I just don't see that so that's where I'm at with his weight would I like him to be 225 put 10 pounds on yeah if but if you can't do it and you're 24 you just better play lower play low play Fast play with great anticipation Kip you got it now I do think he'll be once the season rolls around he'll be a close to a 220 that's or at least that's my expectation we'll see it's clearly not easy for him to add weight one number that I saw people discussing Andel Anthony down to 183 PBS and something that maybe a lot of people don't know is is he is not a thick guy to begin with but I've got no issue with him being a little lighter as he rehabs his knee in fact when I blew my knee out my rookie year that's that's what I did they it is kind of a rehab strategy to help you get back quicker to be a little lighter and then as your knee gains strength um gains power gains explosiveness then you start getting back up to your playing weight so I have no I've got no issue with andrel being a little lighter because I think it's basically I'm assuming it's part of his recovery strategy so I I'm not worried about it I think when the season rolls around he's going to be 100% he's going to be closer to you know 190 pounds maybe even a couple pounds heavier than that and he's going to look really really good but I saw some people talking about that number going what what's going on there and I think it's part of him rehabing that knee so it's I don't think it's anything to be worried about no I I agree um you know he's a super lean guy already and it's not like I guess what I'm saying is a decent amount of that weight loss probably I bet you have some atrophy right in that surgery leg uh probably in the quad and and in the lower leg you lose quite a bit of muscle there with uh the inaction so yeah I I'm not worried about it as long as he is back healthy and he can still fly that's what I'm looking for yeah I I'm worried about the dline I'm not worried about Andre Anthony I think he's gonna be think he's gonna be just fine now Sooners only have a couple of spring practices in the books uh going to spring break now which is what a lot of people are doing have a have a safe spring break people enjoy it relax have a good time but I've only had one padded practice Ted so it's early but anything really standing out so far well I mean i' I've heard some names that are that are off to a really good start and a lot of it shouldn't surprise you uh Dion Burks we've heard about him pretty much since the day he uh he showed up on campus and the reviews of of his play have been incredible so it's good to to continue to hear that Kendall Dolby uh sounds like he he's off to a really good start stutsman off to a really good start and you know another name that really built uh you heard a bunch of guys talking about him through the offseason and apparently it's carried over to the firstand full of practice Fai the north Texas transfer offensive lineman sounds like he continues to really impress guys yeah weo is he looks the part as well he's I think listed at 326 carries it pretty well so yeah the excitement is he gonna be guard you think play on the inside I I think they're going to try him everywhere yeah yeah it is it's going to be a journey to find the best five yeah all the all the different pieces you got some young guys uh that have been in the program you got some some new freshmen uh you've got all the transfers it's like putting a puzzle together and you're trying to find your best five and the weird thing about offensive line it's not always your most talented five you got to find the five that play the best together and that can take that can take some time but that's exactly what spring practice is for I'm just expecting Deon BRS to be the best football player ever at this point I know I know I almost feel bad for him right that the expectations are going to be ridiculous by the time uh any of the fans actually see him play but it does sound like the battles between him and Kendall Dolby there in the slot are about the most competitive thing that's going on on the practice field so far so excited to get out and watch some of that yeah that's going to be good and the names that you've heard that are that are really standing out are exactly what you'd want you know your main leader leaders on defense um Dolby in the slot at cheetah Burks at at the wide receiver spot the tight end position with several guys looking good and then you know some some good on some good reviews early from the offensive line group let's talk some basketball football guys talking basketball but first Loves Travel stops is now offering a nationwide 10cent per gallon discount on gas and auto diesel just download the loves Connect app and scan your barcode at the prompt on screen and watch that price drop 10 cents per gallon across the country the loves 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able to make the tournament you kind of had to watch some other teams and some of those some of those conference tournaments didn't go the way you wanted but it felt like everyone was still saying that we're in so I was pretty shocked the yeah they were essentially the next team in they're the first one out just I am it's brutal for Porter Moser still has not taken Oklahoma to the tournament I feel for raldo sorz and Javon McCollum hugly the guys that injured where if you you got to imagine if this team was able to stay healthy they would have been in for sure I I don't know how their current injury situation was factored in by the committee but man I don't know if they just didn't want to put nine teams from the Big 12 in or what but that sucks it hurts were they too too confident that they were going to make it like would you approach the the TCU game differently I just I assume if those guys were were healthy enough they would have played yeah because but that's a I mean that's a good question for Porter Moser hey could the could a couple of those guys gone in that game but I do I do think they were they they thought they had done enough I mean all the Bracketology guys thought they had done enough yeah man that's that's frustrating for that group you know I we've seen way too much of this recently for Oklahoma whether it's whether it's football whether it's it's basketball when you when you play Just bar like on the line and you leave everything open to in this instance you leave it up to a committee or you leave it up to one call by an official on the field like we just we have not given ourselves very much room to operate everything has just been right there on the line lately and we've gotten the bad end of it a lot recently they had no they had no bad losses no all quad one 18 and six I believe I saw what they were 18 and six when they had all their guys after they started getting banged up they didn't they didn't finish the season strong yeah I mean they left the door open to being left out and you mentioned it just a couple of the conference tournaments it's like everything that had to have happened it was like the Murphy's LW situation for U not making the tournament like everything that could go wrong for them not to get in went wrong for them I was watching that NC State North Carolina game last night like oh my God this is not a good result for Oklahoma right and I'm sure there was plenty of other things that went down but you know here's the here's it sucks I hate it like I'm frustrated I feel like they were good enough team to get in I felt all along that once they got out of conference and got into you know seeing some new teams that they were going to be dangerous obviously needed to get healthy too but I mean the fact of the matter is they didn't win enough games late and they played some really bad basketball at times like really bad I mean it's one thing to lose some of those games but it's another thing to lose some of those g games and shoot like 30% from the field and hardly score any points I mean it doesn't make a big impression on people I was you're right you're right they weren't exactly blowing us away down the stretch in conference play but maybe I just thought they'd get too much benefit of the doubt with the injuries yeah but I kind of was just looking at all the Bracketology stuff and everyone still had him in I think lonardi before the selection show had him had them as their last team his last team in but they end up being the first team out I think a lot of people are confused like Virginia made it but ultimately no excuses right you have no one to blame but yourself if you're Porter Moser in his team you you cannot leave it in the hands of the committee you you just can't you got to finish stronger than they did but man I am I feel so bad for that group because to have the start to the season that they had to and then to go through the ups and downs of conference play but to feel like they still were going to have a chance maybe it would all come together brutal dude absolutely brutal yeah it's wild like what do you does this mean anything because I know there was conversation about the depal stuff and I think depal depal filled the opening so they did uh and I know that that's all been put behind us but like there were there was quite a few people that were saying before any of that that Porter Moser would be in serious trouble if they didn't make the the tournament this year do you feel like that's the case or I certainly think there'll be a conversation I mean that three years in a row it's tough yeah so and I'm sure like it's going to be hard to hang on to to players now it's well the interesting thing is what do we we talk about what the to the SEC does for football all the time but like what does that do for Porter Moser and for basketball I'm not entirely sure so yeah a a brutal selection Sunday I I was worried you know I was flipping back and forth between the players you know watching wendham Clark lip out to force the playoff what a oh you talk about brutal endings but I was just hoping they weren't in the East Reg because I was flipping back and forth watching the golf home and going oh I I don't want to miss their tile flipping over because it's an exciting moment and it just never came oh yeah brutal what are we gonna do for March Madness now that's the that's the worst part is we don't no no one feels worse than the players than the coaches I understand that but three years in a row we don't get the excitement of at least being able to irrationally advance our team too far in our bracket or fill it out I I missed that feeling well that's one of the things that's that's frustrating is no matter what like people feel frustrated about this season and I totally get it but if you just make it into the tournament you eliminate a whole bunch of like what went down throughout the season and everyone's ultimately going to remember the postseason that that you made it and who knows maybe you go on a run or something have some excitement like if you just get in a lot of the the frustration that happened to get there is like it's all flushed right away it's like new season right here off we go and unfortunately when you don't make it it inflames all of those things no doubt I guess and this this is something we talk about later in the episode that we've already recorded I guess the only thing that makes you feel better is U baseball completed the sweep against TCU six and0 to start conference play Hey number one in the in the league that's that's something to hang your hat on right now all right here's the rest of the episode all right moving on to OU women's Hoops we're recording this before the women's selection show oh you projected to be a five seed Ted I with the success that Jenny bronek has had over these last couple Seasons uh the excitement that she has created for the program I just I want him to make a run I I feel like it's time I feel like they deserve it with what they've put together but you just you never know and that's what makes March Madness so much fun is you never know but but with what they've been able to do this season just how great they were throughout conference play you know bouncing back from the rough non-conference slate I I just really hope they're able to put a run together man yeah me too um they got a pretty good starting spot and I it they seem like a dangerous team that's gritty um know that's that's done a lot more than people expected him to so I'm I'm optimistic with him you know I I obviously love coach bronek and they seem to be a pretty deep team I mean I don't know I don't know much about the women's field but I know that they had a a tough nonon and you know just like the the men's Big 12 schedule it wasn't an easy schedule for them and they they had some really nice wins throughout and I it should translate good to the tournament yeah I I mean a lot of people think Texas is one of the best teams in the country and if you're able to beat them twice on the right day you can beat anyone yeah so let's hope that the Sooners get hot in the tournament so that's going to be fun to watch uh Thunder they beat on Thursday night they beat the Luca donish donish that's hard to say donish it's almost like it's uh his name should have that at the end of it that's funny the Luca dones Dallas Mavericks that I sound so stupid so they beat them on Thursday night which that was another absurd 900 PM local tip off there for that one and sga's efficiency continues to be fantastic 31 points on 16 shots and that and the other main thing from that game is I think Jaylen williams' ankle is okay after watching him throw down that dunk guy tried to break the rim with that that was that was one of the more emphatic dunks we've seen from a thunder player in a long long time that was that was awesome how are we shaping up what do you think the uh like the uh the standings race is going to end up with because we're get down what are they 14 12 14 games left something like that got 15 games to go because they beat the Grizzlies on Saturday night 1181 12 that took them to 47 and 20 so I am I'm excited I I think that you know if I had to bet who was going to be the one seed the Thunder or Denver I'm probably betting on Denver because they've got the best player in the world now that's I that I don't think that is any slight to sha gilas Alexander at all but yok is just he's that dude man crazy it he is he's just so wildly entertaining to watch but when you look at they've got the same record as Denver one of the good things and one of the important things to remember is they've got the tiebreaker over Denver it it could end up coming down to that with how close this thing appears to be taking shape but yeah I thought they looked solid against the Grizzlies uh Grizzlies did some interesting things threw some different looks at at Shay and I thought he handled it really well and the other guys for the thunder made up for the lack of Shay scoring with some of the stuff that the Grizzlies were doing so I thought it was a nice team win well all the starters and double figures jet was really really solid again that Grizzly's Court just was brutal on my eyes especially with the Thunder and orange it was just playing tricks on my mind as I watched that game but Grizzly shot a bunch of Threes hit a bunch of Threes played really hard and still Thunder walk out of there with the victory so my expectation at this point and it's funny how the expectations keep increasing as they keep winning games but I expect him to be the one or two seed especially with the Carl Anthony Town situation with Minnesota I mean the Clippers have fallen to four and a half games back so with only 15 games to go you know that's that's quite a bit to make up so yeah I expect him to be the one or two seed Ted it's crazy right I I went from hey they should make the playoffs before the season to yeah they should be the one or two seed I I I just don't think you can doubt this team you can talk about the rebounding you can talk about the inexperience at some point you just have to trust the results and they just keep winning games so yeah now does that mean they are gonna go into a couple playoff series and just absolutely Dominate and get go to the Western Conference finals and I I I don't know about that but as far as the regular season one or two seeds the expectation now and I think that's very fair yeah well good things happen when whenever you've got um a player that's up for the MVP and a really good Supporting Cast and you know good locker room environment you know and whenever you've got an MVP candidate that's not doing it on like a disgusting usage rate he's doing it with high efficiency and there's plenty of other guys that are that are having great Seasons as well so yeah man it's it's wild that we're in this position but ain't a bad thing but one one very important thing that happened this week for the Thunder Shay reached the game limit to make all NBA into win MVP that's something that you got to keep track of now and he's hit it the 65 games he's hit it so some guys may not hit it but I think at this point in time Tim and yic for MVP jokic probably has a lead right now but we'll see what happens these last 15 games for the Thunder but it it also makes you wonder will they now that he has reached that limit will they rest him at all down the home stretch uh depending on what the standings look like I I don't know but it it's just something to knowe like he is eligible for all of that stuff now which is the new rule this season so it's all on the table for Shay gilis Alexander which is it it honestly makes it more fun it it's it feels like another thing is on the line for this team that is very attainable so I was I was wondering if Shay I don't know popped a bottle of sh PA or something was like all right I made it congratulations to be I'm sure uh he's qualified and he's in a he's sitting in a really good spot and there's been a little bit had there been some uh MVP fatigue with joic recently was that was that last year yeah I think I think the fatigue is gone because he's just so good he is he is and it looks like he could play in five hour basketball games it looks like he expends no effort at all it's amazing it is amazing to watch but so is SGA okay yeah so is SGA all right let's finish up yeah they're amazing in like the exact opposite way yeah I I wouldn't say either guy is hyper athletic like it's not like shaying Above the Rim type of player now he is not what I would call ground bound like like yic is but yeah it is it is interesting that both guys that I think are going to finish one and two for the MVP have just unconventional games man just kind of an unconventional approach traditionally when you think of a a center winning the MVP you think of like Shaq just overpowering people or some like incredible uh you know athletic guy just just enormous with his skill set and his ability to step out and shoot and then but also just punish people at the rib and then you've got yic is it's like a it's like a ballet dancer out there man just at seven feet it's he's almost like a like a a boneless like he's just like it's just weird looking man it's it's entertaining as hell though I'll say that yeah all right let's let's finish up with our winners and losers of the weekend but first all you grill masters listen up did your Ranch delivers premium quality beef that is 100% raised in Oklahoma right to your front door go to didor dier to order one of their premium quality beef boxes and use promo code Oklahoma 15 for 15% off your order fet riy New York strips sirloin steak Burgers they've got it all and they ship anywhere in the continental US and Oklahoma can get their deliveries in just one to two days the only thing better than having a lot of Premium beef on the o line 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from seever several guys so they're off to a good start this season man I think think we got ourselves a baseball team yeah that's I am by no means a baseball expert but seems like the team can score runs which what was it Frederick comes in and blasts the the pinch hit Homer in the nin by the way it's a good-look athlete yeah that was a hell of a swing too 400 footer dead center field that was awesome that thing was hammered and I just I it always comes back to this for me I just love skip Johnson so much like I love him so much and I just want to see that team and that program succeed and it it does feel like little more investment in the program and when things like that happen you you want to see the product on the field be good you just want that for the players you know what I mean and so so far so good now it's going to be going to be a long season that's just how it goes with Big 12 baseball but yeah you are you're on the money Ted this team looks like a team that they can do some things this year as long as they avoid Dallas Baptist that damn Dallas Baptist uh we play him this week all right so hopefully we lose to him hopefully we lose to him uh like we always do and just keep things right because TCU just beat him all right TCU just beat him in the series so um we don't want to mess up what what's been going for us and that is getting beat by Dallas Baptist routinely yeah who do you have as your loser of the weekend ah I had to go with Mike Bon you know um I guess if you're Oklahoma State you kind of had to go that direction just not getting enough out of the program um you know they're paying for it though another bad contract for uh a basketball coach Oklahoma state has a history of doing that um but they're just not getting enough there you've heard Mike Bon you know talk about how which I think he's a good recruiter but it's crazy he hasn't been there very long and the entire recruiting world has flipped on its head uh during his tenure and he's talked about it like recruiting is not really recruiting anymore so I I don't know what Oklahoma State's going to do moving forward um I feel like they're losing a good coach but I also I can't knock them for the decision because they're just not not winning enough games yeah 119 and 109 uh throughout his seven years and just did not did not win enough games in conference play the big 12's grind man it's it's an absolute grind but I think they were I think only had a 500 record in conference play one season only took him to one tournament and I just think the standards for Oklahoma State are higher than that it is it's a bummer for me though because I I've had the opportunity to interview Mike quite a few times I really like the guy I think he's all about the right things it's it's just a it's a results business and between not winning enough games and the the lack of excitement the lack of support that the program has got there's been some extremely sparse crowds there at Gallagher IBA and I I think that they just got to a point where hey you gotta you gotta Infuse some energy back into the fan base and the easiest way to do it I guess to pay that big buyout and bring someone in new I I don't know but I am I am wishing Mike Boon the best because I think I think he's one of the good guys in college basketball and it's gonna be really interesting to see who they hire because it's a big 12 job it's a good job but right Oklahoma state has not been I mean they have not just experienced a ton of success here recently on the hardwoods so I I'm interested to see who they landed got L does it make sense I I already saw reports that they said he's not a candidate that they already told him that I don't know if that's true or not I know this they should definitely talk to Doug gotle and get his thoughts yeah I mean some people may not sense to me yeah some people not may not value his opinion on a lot of things but the guy knows college basketball he I mean he is constantly watching constantly tweeting like he is paying attention and he played there he's got passion for the program at the very least you should bring him on as a consultant for this coaching search if he's not interested in being a candidate I I don't know man yeah I don't know either I whenever I think about the new direction or or what college athletics is looking like I at least in the near term it feels like a lot of your success is going to be directly tied to how much nil money you can come up with and I feel like Doug gotle would be a really good hire in terms of generating interest and nil dollars for the program and I think that's the most important thing thing that they they have to have moving forward I mean a big nil Fund in basketball is going to do more for you than any name at head coach I think that's accurate I mean you look at what Jawan Howard and Jerry Stackhouse both out those are guys that had long successful NBA careers and yeah there's an X's an O standpoint too but it's also you gota got to get the dudes man so I I don't know college basketball it's just it's hard to figure out right now it's really hard to figure out it's tough I mean it it's it's a lot of the same stuff as as football you got transfer portal guys all over the place it's it's difficult let's get to my winner and loser but first attention business owners you need insua in your life in in is one of the country's largest Insurance Brokers with 30 offices throughout Oklahoma Texas and the Southwest insura is able to customize programs by accessing the latest information from many insurance carriers they compare and contrast coverage offerings and pricing in orders on a cost effective comprehensive program to meet your businesses specific needs if your business partners with inua you'll save huge amounts of money and take back control of your total cost of risk if your business wants to be Best in Class Connect with insura that's I in s and head to opis for our podcast merchandise and the best OU gear out there that's op use promo code Ted te for 10% off it's opis use promo code Ted for 10% off buttery soft and 10% off for my winner of the weekend thought about going with the Pittsburgh Steelers I have no clue how the Russell Wilson situation is going to work out there but getting Justin fields for a sixth rounder that could convert to a fourth rounder is fantastic value for a guy that has his talent level he's got guy has started a lot of football games in the National Football League and it's if that's your backup I I think last season showed you better have a quality backup if you're an NFL team and to have have a guy that's that talented and still has a ton of upside that seems like a tremendous upgrade from Kenny picket and Mason Rudolph so I am well well done Pittsburgh that's that's impressive yeah I think and I'm probably I'm probably way more optimistic on Justin Fields as an NFL quarterback than most people I've seen some really good things from him um it just it felt like that situation in Chicago and I don't know what he's like on a day-to-day basis but it just it never felt like it was a good fit and things have to be the right fit to get the most out of your quarterback you know within the within the program the facility that with the offensive coordinator there has to be uh it has to sink up really well and it just never felt like it it was that way for fied so maybe be a little bit different there in Pittsburgh because you know I think he may have a an opportunity to play because I got to tell you Russell Wilson it like he seems like the opposite guy that Mike Tomlin would like so I'm just I'm curious how that's gonna work I I will not be surprised if Justin Fields is the starting quarterback for the Steelers and I know they've come out it sounds like they've come out and said no Russ is going to be the starter if you want if you want to cause a problem in your locker room start a quarterback that is worse than the backup there's not a quicker way to have a bunch of guys go hey what the hell are we doing than do that so we we'll see but I I will not be surprised if coming there there's a few stories coming out of training camp early there in Pittsburgh we like Justin Fields looks awful good yeah I I there's a lot that he could learn from a good Russell Wilson like Russell Wilson at his best if you could get some of that out of fields to mimic some of what he was really good at go a long way yeah no I hear you but seems like a solid quarterback situation for the Steelers now so I agree we'll we'll see how that develops but my winner of the weekend I I thought about going with with NFL offensive lineman but I I ended up going with Aaron Donald I guess both because every offensive lineman in the NFL can sleep better at night knowing that Aaron Donald retired and we'll see if this retirement sticks he was so good this season I mean the dude was an absolute Menace for 10 straight years three time defensive player of the year uh he made first team all pro eight times went to the po pro bowl 10 straight years all 10 years of his career he's one of the best football players to ever play the game just an unreal player Ted and it's strange I'm going to miss watching him play even though watching him play still even though I've been retired for a long time now still gives me anxiety watching what he did to Interior offensive lineman it just it I it was brutal to watch but also fantastic to watch at the same time he just so damn good in a guy that is going out while he is still the best in the game it's an interesting decision you know it's it's crazy that you have a player [Music] who it really didn't matter what his stats look like because because everyone that has ever watched an NFL football game knows that well Aaron Donald's draw drawing all of the attention from the offensive line and will not get an opportunity against a single blocker uh but a handful of times a game um I just totally dominates the the offensive game plan I there's there's there's always guys where you want to know where they are on the field but there's not a lot of guys that dictate what you're going to do in a given week from the defensive line position I I will never forget the stories that the offensive lineman for the north team so when we were at the Senior Bowl because we're in the same draft class the the guys from the north team telling stories about him and what he was doing to them in practice the look in their eye it was like a horror movie when people are talking about the demon or the spirit or the monster like that type of look in their eye and so we went and watched the film of him just destroying them and we all just couldn't believe it I mean the guy was incredible and when I was in Buffalo we went and played the Rams out at the Coliseum and our our basically our protection plan was hey if everything's even we're going to 99 we just called it 99 protection if everything we we are we're going to that guy and that is just that's the type of respect that he that he garnered as a player in the Senor Bowl I remember I think I was playing Center and Travis Swanson was playing left guard and I basically told him hey man if Aaron Donald's over you because you you're not supposed to Blitz in the Sher Bowl right I'm just GNA flip the protection if I'm sliding away from you like I'm gonna I'm that let's do each other as solid let's just go to that guy so he just an absolute Menace been just wrecking offensive lineman for a decade and I'm gonna misat it but I also I think I'm gonna be able to watch football with a little less anxiety now I I think I've told you this story before um but I'm listeners probably there's some out there that haven't heard it but I I have a good friend it he's he's now the defensive line coach at Stanford but we played together his name is Ross kagi he was the head strength coach at Wisconsin he was a defensive line coach at Wisconsin played in the N NFL for the Baltimore Ravens and just an incredible guy knows the defensive line position like crazy well he was also the head strength and conditioning coach at pit when Aaron Donald was there and I asked I had like talked to him on the phone one time asked him like how how it's going going there and he told me when Aaron Donald was at pit I think it was his sophomore junior year that he was an NFL Hall of Famer so that was whenever he was in college that he knew he was going to be an NFL Hall of Famer so it's it's pretty crazy the trajectory that that dude's been on and been an undersized like what you would consider to be an undersized player the entire time oh there's no doubt you walk out and you're like that guy's not big I remember vividly thinking that walking on the walking on the field with him at the Senior Bowl I also once I saw the uh the demolition that he was that he was responsible for the north offensive lineman I started talking to him in the Halls like introduced myself like hey man what's going on up game you know it's I was I was trying to butter butter him up like no lie it was just oh but an incredible career one of I I think it has an argument when it when it comes to the conversation the best not only defensive line but like best defensive player we've ever seen he just an absolute just an absolute dude and there was one stat from from ESPN that I thought was fascinating and he so over the last five years the NFL after average pass rush win rate against a single blocker was 17% for rushers that qualified for the for the statistic Aaron Donald had an 18% pass rush win rate against double teams so the dude was better on average against two blockers than the rest of the leag like that League average against one I mean he's just insane dude that's crazy wow I don't know everything that goes into pass pass rush win rate that's not easy to say but I believe it because guy was unbelievable wow that's incredible wow my loser the weekend the Big 12 in the ACC because they admitted that they are inferior to the SEC in Big 10 I mean that's what happened right with the new football playoff TV deal you you look at this and there's there's still a lot to be worked out here the the TV deal is in place though six-year extension through the 2031 playoff and that will pay around 1.3 billion annu but the SEC and the Big 10 they're getting more money than everyone else with this deal and over the contract you look at it the SEC and the Big 10 are looking at a combined $700 million while the ACC and the Big 12 are looking at a combined number somewhere around $400 million that's dead that is a big gap it's a big gap and I I just I don't know how competitively you can ever make up that Gap consistently there's going to be teams that emerge in random years but you know I think we're about to move I don't even think I know we're about to move to where all the nil stuff and everything's going to be moved into the athletic department and when you're you're operating with a smaller budget than your competitor by me because this is just the playoff money this isn't even including the the conference Network deals like regular season so I mean you add what was was the payout going to be was it like 20 million for SEC and big 10 schools and like 12 million for ACC and Big 12 that what it was I I think ACC was 13ish and Big 12 was 12ish because they based it off how many teams that made the playoff and that's kind of how they came up with these percentages you how many teams made the playoff with what the conferences look like now so it is 40% more money in addition [Music] to what almost twice as much money in the regular season payout I mean to stay competitive with yeah there's there's no doubt now I did like that like an parents you get the individual payout now right instead of it being dispersed to the entire conference I I I kind of feel like that actually went away okay I I could be wrong I didn't I think maybe that's for the non power five group yeah if you make the playoff let's just pretend like we're right well because I know that the those other conferences were upset about it the that it's not a conference dispersion yeah and we'll we'll see what the format ultimately ends up being it seems like it's going to be a 14 team playoff uh there's there's definitely going to be a discussion about automatic qualifiers and what that looks like especially for the SEC in the Big 10 those two conferences have shown a willingness to throw their weight around now and they got the revenue share so we'll see what they push for next but I think if the conference Championship Games aren't going away if it's going to be a 14 team playoff then it needs to be the five five conference Champs they get in and then nine at largest that's how I would do a 14 team playoff but we'll see but I I think my my number one thought when I saw this was it's another reminder that 's leadership made the right decision leaving for the SEC and you could say this is just part of a domino effect from that decision right and I think I think that's that's a fair way of looking at it but U's leadership envisioned things like this happening and I think they made the move and were proactive about it before they I I think they made the move when they had some Le leverage as opposed to being too late to make the move so U's going to be getting more than $21 million annually from this college football playoff TV deal and when you talk about six years that stuff adds up man and it is it's important for the program when it's all said and done and there're a they get a full share of the the SEC contract and then you add in the college football playoff they'll be getting well over twice as much as they would have been getting in the Big 12 now those numbers may have looked different obviously if o and Texas are still in the Big 12 but I they made the right move and you just hope that competitively you can get up to speed and you know I you're Bridging the Gap G financially between those teams that you were trying to compete with before I mean and that's a huge piece of the pie so um it should help us out tremendously that all being said this is all going to change when Florida State leaves the ACC right that seems like it's gonna happen sooner rather than later and well from mying there's a clause in the contract where it can be reworked if there's more realignment and this is and I'm not a lawyer but the fact that your conference came out it took less money than some other conferences I that's got to be very frustrating for Clemson and and Florida State I I I don't know legally what type of ammo that gives them but it just seems like a matter of time where at least Florida state is is going to get out and go somewhere else I I just don't know what happens to this TV deal if that takes place I know that Florida state is probably the most vocally upset or have been but just think if you're Clemson like if it weren't for Clemson over that playoff span the ACC would be nothing right absolutely nothing and they're not getting rewarded for it hardly at all so if Florida State wants to partner uh probably on the phone with Clemson talking about it right now because you know Clemson's been a huge part of the playoff era and the ACC not rewarded for it at all and it's going to be difficult to see the SEC I it's just it's they can't watch the SEC and the Big 10 make that amount of money over the top of what they're making and feel like they can be competitive completely agree we'll see I'm sure that uh I'm sure this is not the last time we're GNA discuss this yeah yeah I think it'll be it'll be a constant I think the how many times will the format change uh before we actually have a a 14 we haven't even have a 12 team playoff yet by the way you know but which I don't is the 12 team playoff format set yet do we know exactly that it's set how it's play out yes it's the four high four five highest ranked conference Champs and then seven at larges is that right just I don't know just let me know when it rolls around okay right right just let me know right birthday shout outs happy 28th birthday to Andrew Calver happy 37th birthday to Spencer Brown happy 64th birthday to Renee Cochran and happy birthday to I'm guessing that was supposed to be Tim I'm guessing I messed that up the goat mailman Hall Tim I'm guessing his name's not time which is what I typed Tim the goat mailman Hall hopefully that's right happy birthday Tim or time on that note episode 4 five in the books we'll have a new podcast that'll drop on Wednesday just a reminder please subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen to podcast and please subscribe to our YouTube channel hope you all have a great start to your week and until next time we appreciate youall for listening do what you always do Oklahoma take care of each other

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