Ws/Ls: Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce's to Amazon, NFL Cut Day, CeeDee Lamb & Ohio State's Ryan Day

as always Ted kick us off who do you have as your winner of the week well I guess I got to go with the Kelce Brothers Jason and Travis Kelce signed a new podcast deal with Amazon 100 million do three-year deal 100 million dollars wow did we call Amazon and let them know we do what half we'd take half we'll take half we don't want to start there we'll start at 75 and then we'll settle that half I love where your heads at that's that that's good negotiating yes nice no I the podcast is first of all the podcast is fantastic both of those guys are hilarious he's one of the best players in the NFL and he's dating tra or he's dating Taylor Swift and his brother is one of the most beloved NFL players in a long long time like it's what a combination and $100 million is nothing to Amazon like that that's couch cushion cushion money for Bezos it's like we got to figure out a way to get rid of some of this extra extra cash we got sitting around throw it at the Kelsey Brothers I it's I'm not a big list listener to the podcast you know who is a listener to the podcast my wife which is interesting because my wife does not watch sports at all does not care about football or anything why does she listen to the podcast because Travis Kelce is dating Taylor Swift yes nailed it which you know it makes me wonder not that it matters to Amazon but what happens if they break up do you have aund million podcast that tther Swift's Army doesn't listen to anymore or do they listen in more for the scoop yeah I haisten part part of me thinks that if they did break up it would be the best thing ever to happen for Amazon because everyone would want to hear what happened well yeah just yeah that's and then everything and then Taylor Swift would write songs about Travis Kelce and then he'd get to react to him and then Jason Kelce would get to react to him and it would just be this vicious cycle back and forth and it would be probably incredible content I can you think you think that's what Amazon's hoping for well I don't know if they're hoping for it but if I'm Travis I'm planning for it in two and a half years you know whenever the podcast has start to maybe Plateau a little bit reaching the end of that three-year deal little breakup huh or the relationship's a little on the Rocks there or wedding ah could you imagine that would be that would be a massive event and I wonder now I'm going down the rabbit hole could Amazon could there be something in there that says hey if you get married we get to broadcast the wedding exclusive wedding Prim video I don't know I don't think you get to film it and put it on Prime video yeah it's a good idea but I don't think Taylor Swift even notices $100 million and is like uh no 100 million bucks for our wedding you kidding me no we maybe the maybe he just signed the deal to pay for the wedding yeah yeah probably so he's like I'm going to go broke pay for this wedding if I don't sign type of deal yeah it's crazy it you know some of the some of the numbers in the podcast game I can I used to listen to Howard Stern and he always complained about the podcast stuff oh I don't know why anyone does it you'll never make any money doing podcast it's ridiculous anyone could start a podcast could not have been more wrong it's shocking how much money some people are making toing podcast shocking huge money if anyone would like to pay us a ton of money you know where to find us man I don't know I have a feeling that after I made I don't know after you split it just call it $10 million in year one on the podcast I think the I'd have a really low motivation for year too I I just be like it's fun but I'm good I'm good I'll see you later if I run out of this $10 million maybe we'll fire this thing back up but I'm good we'll see oh congrats Kelsey Brothers I will say I I I wouldn't say that I'm friends with those guys I have I've hung out with them a couple times because of other people both dudes were incredibly kind to me so I I really those are like genuinely good dudes they didn't have to be nice to me and they were incredibly nice to me so um I I'm pumped for those guys success they deserve it it's wildly entertaining also can you imagine like just grinding your ass off playing HD and all doing all of that and then retiring and then making that much money just talking showing up just it's like laid out for you can tell how they do their podcast like because my wife will show me clips and stuff like it's totally produced and laid out and it's like chopped to Pieces it's the exact opposite of this pod yes it is yes it is you're looking at the production team right here folks oh anything else on that are you ready for loser I'm ready for loser who do you have as your loser of the week uh me and everyone else that wanted to see Drake stops make the 53 man for the Rams now all hope is not lost still has a shot to make the practice squad and to be honest with you it's really what I envisioned he had the biggest shot at all along I mean he's he's the exact kind of player that everyone wants to have on their roster and you know I don't know what do you think you think he'll get a shot on the practice squad I hope so I I don't know a ton about their wide receiver situation he is I mean he's the type of guy that you would imagine if he's been producing because it practice is the most important thing like the preseason games are one thing I don't know how he's been doing in practice like has he been producing has he been making plays like ultimately that's the stuff that really determines if you're going to be on the practice squad or not and also you got to remember they're evaluating every other guy that just got released off of the preseason game tape so it's just it's just a waiting game for Drake right now not a fun place to be man I I can tell you I I never made a team coming out of training camp got cut every single time and then you know had to get claimed and had to do that it is it's a terrible feeling it sucks so the timeline was wait for your phone to ring 24 hours to clear waivers and then you can be put on a practice squad someone can't come claim you to put you on a practice squad can they no they can only claim you to put you on their active roster right okay so and you got to remember and that's why cut day just happened in the NFL it's the absolute worst because there used to be two cuts there's only one now it goes from 90 to 53 it's crazy so that's 1,184 guys dude it's so wild after a training camp is over and you have the cut and then you come in like the next day for team meeting it's like where the hell is everyone because you have these meeting rooms that are just now empty half the guys are gone if there's anyone that you should feel extra bad for out there it's the guys that survive the cut they're on the initial 53 only to find out two days later the organization has claimed someone else off of weers and then they get released for that person to get brought in yeah brutal that that is the most brutal brutal situation in the National Football League yeah Jaylen Redmond made it 53 man in Minnesota let's go Redmond hell yeah pretty impressive he's got the he's got the physical traits to make it in the NFL we've all seen that just a consisten man yep all right let's get to my winner and loser but first this episode is sponsored by better help we all have a lot going on in our lives and sometimes as adults we lose our curiosity to learn new things that's where betterhelp comes in visit to get 10% off your first month therapy can help you reconnect with your sense of wonder in life I started talking to a therapists when I was playing the NFL some of these guys that just got cut therapy could help the situation yes just need to talk to someone about these these stresses in life man hey there's a new business plan for you there you go better help reach out to all these guys that just got cut I'm a big believer in therapy and believe it can help so many people if they will just try it if you're thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it's entirely online and designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule all you do is fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and you go from there you can even switch therapists at any time for no additional charge therapy can help you focus on what really matters in your life ReDiscover your curiosity with betterhelp visit to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp to get 10% off your first month my winner of the week CD l D baby oh my gosh pay that man Jerry Jones he paid that man yes he did four years 136 million dollars makes him the second highest paid non-qb in NFL history only behind Justin Jefferson who let's be real is really good but he gets the biggest signing bonus ever for a wide receiver and Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboy fans and everyone involved everyone in that building can breathe the side of relief because they got CD lamb Deal's done don't have to worry about it this is this is awesome in so many ways Ted well yeah and maybe the best way that can you imagine saying screw you guys I'm not going to training camp and being rewarded with $136 million contract right as training camp ends you knew you were gonna have to pay it like just like oh it's that is so awesome I don't know how many millions that's worth just not having to do any training camp at all that was that's awesome I'm so happy for him perfectly and I think when guys sign contracts like this there's always there's this little concern okay does it change them like do they prepare the same do they put the same amount of work in I I'm not worried about that with CD he's he's never seemed like that type of guy to me it will be interesting to see how they manage him early in the season like he is you you've called him a Ferrari like he he's like he's a Ferrari he's a Formula One car like you would to let him get those tires warm that's right you don't want him you know game one metal to the metal going through the chicanes you know what I'm saying de that's right let's let's get the uh let's get the tires hot run around a little bit change the oil perhaps yeah new filters whatever you need to do get him race ready it's a long long season so uh and he's been working he'll be ready to go pretty quickly I'm sure but I mean it is an important factor the last thing you want to do is because you just you can't get in football shape without playing football you know it's just it's how it is so dud need to be smart with him but gosh dang 136 million bucks on the hills of creed h huge deal that there's some serious money floating around the league with uh with some o you guys right now how about this that Rose bow offense who Baker Mayfield Orlando Brown Mark Andrews let's not forget Kyler Murray was the backup quarterback on that team yes but guys that played in that game Mayfield Orlando Brown Mark Andrews Maris Brown Ben Powers CD lamb I went and looked up some career earnings numbers and this is the if they finish out if they all finish out their current contract Baker 155 million Orlando 87 Ben power 63 Mark Andrew 63 Hollywood 32 CD 168 big numbers dude huge numbers I am I'm not great at math but that adds up to a lot yeah massive massive numbers and then you mentioned other guys yeah Tyler 296 a 300 million no big deal Herz 263 oh Lane Johnson 180 Trent Williams 246 it's incredible you throw in Creeds 81 those guys add up to over a billion dollars it's nuts man that's awesome it's so cool but yes as you mentioned lot of cash for Oklahoma Players right now those numbers are just staggering aren't they we should have been better at football well you should shouldn't have list franked your foot I should have been better at football well I yeah you are correct sir I just can't believe how quickly the numbers have gone crazy in the NFL I mean four four years 136 for CD it's not very long ago that that would he would have been by far the highest paid player in the NFL like a wide receiver it's crazy business is good business is booming and it's about to Boom anymore you see they're letting private Equity firms buy 10% of teams yeah I didn't really know what to make of that I I'm not sure well it's one of those situ let's let's revisit it in like a year yeah and see yeah I feel like that's kind of an owner thing I I could like the re like the players are GNA as the revenue goes up the the players make more I don't know how that I don't know I don't know how how it affects it I just read it today so but we'll see numbers are big right now in the NFL and a lot of big numbers next to U guys names yes my loser of the week Ryan day and here's why there is no coach in college football with more pressure on him than Ryan day our buddy Jake troter has an article out on about Ohio State's 2024 first of all it says that Ohio state is spending $20 million on their roster for this season and that Buckey team they are loaded man they got NFL players all over that roster remember they went and got Judkins and Caleb DS from the portal they brought a bunch of guys back that would have been you know earlier mid- round draft picks like abuka jtt Denzel Burke Charter's article is littered with quotes about guys wanting to beat Michigan and go win a National Championship the expectations for Ohio State could not be any higher and I understand they're always high there I get that but you've also you got Chip Kelly now as your offensive coordinator if you're Ryan day he has to win a National Title this year and the reason it's so interesting to me is I feel like it's never been harder to win a National Title than it will be this year this will be the hardest it's ever been yes so you've got this pressure-filled situation where everyone is expecting you to win a National Title you haven't been able to do that like the last three years you have lost your most important football game and everyone just kind of expects it to happen when you've got this new look big 10 you've got a new quarterback at will Howard and you have to play a 12 team playoff you might have the best team in the playoff and the worst quarterback in the playoff which you know I'm not saying that will Howard is is horrible but I mean you don't have to start looking very far on the teams in the top 10 to say yeah I'd rather have that quarterback and I'd rather have that quarterback and I'd rather have that quarterback so I I'm just still it makes with the $20 million number on it and it makes the will Howard thing that much more I it just makes it so wild that he's the quarterback that ended up there since that's interesting now so now like Ryan day I I really do think he has the most pressure yeah on him of any coach in college football he's not he's probably not gonna lose his job like not not that type of pressure it's just like the pressure to go and win it all like that is the expectation I feel like the feeling around that program is if they don't win the national title this season then it's a failure which kind of makes me think that will Howard is the player in college football that's under the most pressure yeah how could you ever screw it up with all those guys around you you've got all this Talent around you look at we were giving you all these weapons you never had at Kansas State go win us a national title will CJ stown couldn't do it but go get it done will in this expanded Big 10 and in a 12 team playoff man I I mean is there another it's probably a quarterback conversation but is there another player in college football with more pressure on him than will Howard no well maybe it for like a for different situations I think Quinn yers is is probably close because I don't think he's what everyone is building him up to be I and I think he's a good player but I think everyone is like setting Texas up for or setting him up for like big disappointment but not like this I mean this is a different level you know are there do we think there are actually a lot of people out there that think Texas is going to go and win a National Title this year no but there's there's a lot of people that I mean take pay for example had them winning the SEC and be one of the you win the SEC you can win the national title yeah winning the SEC and having a buy for the in the playoff I believe that's what he had he had Texas and Ohio State playing in the championship now that doesn't mean anything other than he's a big name in college football that's picking it and people see that a lot and it influences what people think of of of that football team so yours is probably the next guy right with the high expectations for Texas coming into the SEC got Arch Manning yeah in that quarterback room waiting right that by the way have you seen that commercial the called backup with uh BOS and Quinn yers yeah I he says I didn't need backup to make the college football playoff but he did he's needed backup every year he's been hurt he missed multiple games last year do you think Malik Murphy saw that and was like what the hell man wait a second dude I thought that was funny whenever the first time I saw it I was like hang on a second is that right yeah I that's crazy though Ohio State it can they if they win a National Championship but lose to Michigan does that will they still count it will they fire Ryan day before the playoffs even get there oh my gosh gosh did you see kein tweeted out that article yeah I did it was funny for a lot of reasons I know a lot of people say they spent about the same amount of money that's why it it made me chuckle because I know they spent a boatload of money on their roster this season yeah but Ohio State also stole his running back so it just just it was I don't know it just made me it made me chuckle G to be wild it'll be fun

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