The latest updates on Utah's fires

Published: Jul 26, 2024 Duration: 00:01:32 Category: News & Politics

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Saturday. Coming up in my full for warm forecast. Brian, over to you. A lot of thank you and your fire tracker. Now. Fire crews are making progress on the GEO Fire that ignited last night. >> That fire is burning in County about a mile north of the geothermal plant. There. Fire officials say it was caused by lightning and today it's burned around 30 acres, but it is 70% contained. The geo fires burning within the old burn scar of the Milford flat fire. If you remember that several fire engines and aircraft are on the scene there. And we're watching the Decker Hill Fire Burning in Summit County right now. At last check that fire has burned about 360 acres. Fire crews worked quickly yesterday to get the fire. 55% contained and they're working toward more containment today as wildfires burn across Utah state and federal officials are warning Utahns to be careful because a single spark could lead to a raging wildfire. We spoke with an expert who tells us simple steps can also be taken to prevent those fires. That means fully putting out your campfires and making sure no chains are dragging behind cars over the last 4 years. You tons of reduced human caused fires by 60%. But still, officials say fire conditions haven't been this bad since 2012. >> For getting these dry, gusty winds and thunderstorms that that's a recipe to start fires to have summit ignitions and then that gusty wind would help spread, especially where we're seeing a lot of these grasse

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