WEATHER IN GERMANY: Record heat in September! The east is sweating, the west is threatened by storms

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:03:01 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: deutschland
Good morning Alex, good morning, good morning, let's talk about the weather. Well, the sunrise in Berlin stays so beautiful, at least it's fantastic, yes it's fantastic, it's actually a bit too hot and it will be even better today compared to yesterday 34° today in Berlin, which is actually the hottest air mass that can come to us in the summer, at least in the calendar summer. For this reason, this very hot air again today and it comes to us from Eastern Europe and there is really no possibility of even hotter air For this reason, at the beginning of September it is very unusual for us to get another 34 or 35° here you can see the responsible high pressure area on its south side, this warm air comes here to the east but our west good morning again, it is already raining there and Although because there is this low pressure influence here, the next map also shows the course so now there is already rain in the west, some heavy rain, it will then spread further in the course of the morning and then on the following day there will also be some heavy rain in Lower Saxony there and then into the night the whole thing will migrate to the west so that tomorrow morning around 4 a.m. it will be dry again in Germany. The next map shows again where it will rain the heaviest, in some cases there will be storms of up to 30 liters per square meter within an hour Be careful aquaplaning Be careful then something can really be flooded just go in when the storms are there they spread out sometimes in the evening from the Alps into the foothills of the Alps then in the middle but especially in the west and then later in the northwest there are really heavy rain showers and thunderstorms in the far east. Here the sunshine is correspondingly, the temperature distribution is then also 34-35° in the east it is really very warm again in the west it is significantly cooler in regions below 25° of course when the rain clouds are so dense and then Comes Thursday then the last showers move again or new showers arise then again Upper Rhine Black Forest and towards Hochrein here only in the southwest otherwise the worldwide friendly weather spreads further to the west and south Friday rain showers south of the Main on Saturday then spread quite nice Also only in the north there were a few showers on Sunday from the west, much more unsettled but overall a friendly Saturday and a slightly less friendly Sunday so now we're getting through the heat well, today is only Wednesday, the weekend is still a bit far away but I I've already said what it will be like, but here in the east the weather looks good, definitely in September, thank you, see you later

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