💥Deadlock is Cool💥BIG PATCH NOTES 💥if you want an invite lmk

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 01:00:16 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: deadlock patch notes
all right H let's begin this have some time so I'm just going to when I clear this account to invite more people send your requests yeah yeah send me send me a friend request on Steam and I will invite you okay just send me a friend request on Steam that's how it works simple I'm accepting right now people so just keep sending your friend requests yo pick a send one uh you will see your name on screen in a minute let me try now accepting everyone who's sending a friend request right now send one bble okay all right let's check all of you I have all of you here so you're going to see your name screen I'm going to try not to invite too quick so you guys can see your names [Music] yeah every everyone who's adding me on stream I'm inviting them okay let's check there there there okay that's it a lot of people here yeah if I already accepted you you have the game if I re accepted you you you I reinvite you don't worry I looking here so we can Squad up when I don't suck uh you you should if if you want to group up join the Discord uh I can send you I can put the link on if you guys if any of you want to grow up join my server there it is I'm just trying to recruit people who's going to stick with the game you know it's fine if you if you just want to try it but if you just actually want to you know give it a good good attempt you know and try to learn the game just join the this [Music] screen try to okay this yeah keep sending your friend requests because sometimes because so many people try to add me it gets stuck so keep sending if you don't see your name right now just keep sending I think I saw you this one yeah no worries thanks for the follows by the way is that real yeah no I saw you I definitely saw the name yeah you're here you're invited as soon as you send me your friend request I invite you so did you say name g uh should be one second you the thing is in game some of you appear a little bit different with different names here I got you thanks for follows yeah I'm going to be checking also the patch notes because today there's been and not to the game balances and other stuff and it's like a lot like you guys if you guys want to see the patch notes look at how much this game is getting updated right now I'm going to show you these are the patch notes for today's update that's big it's a lot uh okay let me accept all of you desent that's a bit overwhelming yeah it's it's a lot I mean it's good because that means that they're actually putting you know tons of effort in into the game but it shakes up the meta a lot so it's like a DOTA Le patch kind of like that right it's in early development so we should like kind of like expect something like this every like two weeks I think it takes up to two days to get an invite but after if if by the third day you don't get an invite you should ask people to in invite you again the thing is V needs to send you an email and uh and they send you also a notification to your account here so yeah it's up to Val but thing is I have seen people that still are not getting the game after three four days like look at how many people invited and most of these people I invited them three days ago so it's just luck dude up to it's just Lu like if you don't get it in don't don't feel bad just set description thanks yeah no worries yeah there there's also there's also been like issues with server capabilities and cues recently so there's also that on top of it now they're increasing the right now the matchmaking the the public matchmaking it's like it it has a schedules and with the latest patch they increase that schedule by one hour so people have one more hour of public match making in every region but yeah it's limited that it's limited too so it has right now it has a lot of um like things you have to go through to be able to to play yeah yeah it's up to two days the game Sayes it here up to two days on the third one try someone to get to invite you again um oh and another thing uh getting invited by multiple people doesn't help you by experience I can say that I only got invited by two people only two so if any of you are going like around getting every like eight people to invite you it's not going to change anything I got my invitation just with two people inviting me in 3 hours H do have to add me don't I don't I don't I don't know I have to go through many people so me you sending a friend request it's a little bit slow haven't got the invite yet it's not instant you have to wait up to two days it's not instant [Music] who's your favorite character or you guys want to check my favorite characters I play I already have four Heroes that I can that I kind I have certain skill with them I play Abrams I play shave Mo and CR and Lash these four Heroes they are my my favorites uh they are they are what you could consider bruisers like you have to get close to the enemy to actually do damage they're not long [Music] range yeah but Abrams just got change a lot in the patch notes but not by a lot but they got like couple of like a Nerf to his passive regeneration his third skill it got nerfed um and also you were able to standun people on stairs now well now that's fixed apparently it was a bug so that's kind of a Nerf too you know you were able to stand people using your second your your charge so yeah Abram I don't think it's like huge nerves but mean it will impact it will have some impact yeah also shave got Nerf too on tonight's bch there but sh shiv was considered like like stier an stier Hero by many people he's very very he was very very powerful I don't know if he's going to still be aner though you guys have to add me I'm not going to add anyone I do that for two reasons one it will be too slow for me to send friend requests since I have to go through my many people and two some some people have like restricted steam accounts so that's also a way to filter those I added you yeah if you added me you're going to see your name on screen if you if I already have you on on Steam like as a friend you're invited as you can see I'm inviting everyone who appears the game is very good it's very unique like you can compare it to moas but it's not like it's not 100% MOA you can compare it to Shooters but it's not 100% shoters it's like probably the perfect hybrid you have gun playay like ban or OverWatch and you have objectives like moas like Dota 2 or Smite it's it's pretty good hopefully people will not be um too intimidated by the amount of things that you have to learn and they will stick to the game because you have to learn a lot since it's like a hybrid between a shter and a MOA there's things that you are going to have to learn from both kind of generous I think it was shroud who was talking a little bit about the difficulty it could intimidate it could it could intimidate people but it's fine so haven't received the invite it's not instant you have to you you guys can read this right you have to wait up to 2 days it's not instant you will receive an email from valve and a notification on your steam client the part I don't like about the game is I see a lot of people abandoning the game in match when I watch streams like very often they get uh trust me there's penalizations you get a 15 minute penalization and then if you keep abandoning you get up to to a 30 minute penalization now I don't know if it goes beyond 30 minutes because and I don't want to know it I because I don't want to keep leaving games I need to be online to receive the invite no you will receive an email from uh from valve once you receive an email from valve you just log to your Steam account you check your notifications stab and that's it you will have the game there yeah there's they they have they there's penalizations 50 minutes 30 minutes maybe the next one is 1 hour I don't know but yeah it's fine all those people who keep leaving games eventually you will just stop seeing them sorry for B English n it was it was fine thanks in advance you you have to add me I'm not going to add people have to go through a lot of people so just just add me we have my friend gold uh with command where I'm so I have so times sorry there that's my friend go so just add me uh give me a second I'm going to check real quick if there's been people who added me to my other account that was me editing stuff I have two accounts which mainly I use to invite another one more people I think so far between these two accounts I have invited like probably 500 people already can take up yeah it can take up to two days if by the third if if by the third day you don't get an invite try to um try to get someone else to invite you yeah it's all good uh now I want to see the I don't think I can show you guys the actual Post in the test forums because you have it it has restricted access and I don't want to get in trouble but I can show you the Reddit post the thing is the Reddit post doesn't have uh some of the videos explaining the changes of the of the recent patch notes yeah I'm accepting a second opening the again again also you guys should um try to get someone to invite you like today because I don't think anyone will offer invitations tomorrow on the weekends because there's there's going to be there's going to happen two things on the weekends on this weekend there's going to be more uh time in this uh for public matchmaking like it's going to start earlier in every region a second people are just going to grind like it's going to be grinding time well are just going to go 20 games in a row something like that yes I invited you like 10 minutes ago Dude is there a solo tutorial mode no but there's uh sandb mode in this mode you can test anything that you want so you can you can this is like your training practice uh ARA you get me yeah if I have you if I have you as a friend on Steam I got you don't worry just check your steam check if I accepted your steam uh friend request that's all it takes I you sign as a friend yeah course yeah I know is uh there it is there's some people that here that I invited to today I think a couple was like receiving just random requests from people yeah as you can see I have 256 people waiting so don't feel bad if you don't get the game have been waiting for days I work with a lot of people from Nepal I'm not actually from Nepal D I actually I just I just decided to choose the country for two reasons it's kind of like a meme in a game that I play that's called hearts of it on 4 and second I don't think any much like a lot of people know where is Nepal much love from Pennsylvania nice we don't I think yeah think I'm wearing the same time zone I don't know say 52 right now yeah it's in between India and China Northeast border of India it borders what used to be uh Tibet now now it's part of China but yeah how the game's going they're pretty good dude you guys want to see what I got some of the plays that I got today I just got one video of It's is a short but it's like a good compilation of one match with ship that I got today it's pretty good was pretty good Dy theame look at look at what see see what she did she Ed there she ulted me her ult swaps her HP bar with yours so she Ed me and that got me to low HP but now check what I do right now feel good to be it wasn't just me but it was a it felt nice at least to wa the she was she was very vulnerable after that mult I wish I could see um some of my loading much details can I see I can download replays okay yeah I should do that placing this looks so sick yeah that's what I like and the and one thing that I also like about this game is that it's a little bit easier to watch than OverWatch OverWatch sometimes turns into a mod of pixels on your screen just a weird combination of pixels and you don't know what's happening sometimes in this game also you get into those situations but it's less less often I know what to look at now you have to wait for an email from Val 2 to be able to download the game it's not instant if I invite you it can take up to two days here you see here up to two days for you to get the game it's not instant play at the moment and it can be way too much tank especially yeah it's it's really really bad but a lot of what this game has like in terms of Graphics helps to reduce that feeling like if you see the the color in this game they're not like that shiny you know they have a little bit more of that of the valerant color schemes sorry color palettes so that helps a lot OverWatch tends to be really shiny because the colors are really bright like tf2 exactly there's a lot of inspiration from TF2 but it's like an art style that has a vault like this guy for example this guy is a straight up from tf1 if you think about it especially the face could he could perfectly be some dud in TF2 this W than two you guys have to invite me I I I'm not invite I'm not sending friend requests you you guys have to invite me as a meme game what do you mean like as a comp I don't I think it's just going to [Music] get it can get as big as as Smite for sure 100% now beyond that can it reach OverWatch popularity probably if enough people stick are stick to the game it can reach OverWatch levels of popularity I'm not sure if it will ever reach some the popularity of valerant or or Counter Strike I think those games like I think that's too much of or of or of an actual MOA like d 2 or League of lions but for sure I think it has potential to reach levels of OverWatch popularity and I'm talking about popularity of OverWatch back in what back at the beginning of the OverWatch league if you guys remember that era like that's that was a golden era of OverWatch no actually the first OverWatch World Cup maybe was bigger you know the one where excus participated sure for then ah there was some Spanish guy that I also watched um seagull I think was seagull there I don't know if seagull was in there Apex set out of OverWatch prop play yeah that's so that's the OverWatch Le do you guys do you guys ever watch the OverWatch Le I think I watched tried to watch it a couple of times but after but that I really never I really couldn't like get into it I never really lik um the way they they did it sports with OverWatch um I I used to watch the World Cup I think the World Cup was more fun the league not much oh the drops yeah for the drops it was good but then they moved the league from twitch to YouTube and that's when the drops uh ended which honestly I think it was a bad decision invite yeah you you just have to add me add me on Steam use exclamation point Steam and I will by you I saw you say there it is the what posted to the OverWatch League YouTube better because they were shorter edited yeah yeah that was much better yeah and you can notice like if you guys notice the the the the viewership Dro dramatically when they switch to YouTube gaming so it was on them I guess um well I send a friend request I don't have anyone more people then if I already if I already if you already have me on Steam as a friend I already invited you check if you have me on Steam as a friend if you have me on Steam as a friend I already invited you it can take up to two days it's see here okay let's do something um I'm going to play again I haven't played abrs today I want to try shave after neres yeah probably that if Shi really got nerfed to the ground I cannot much more how long will you be doing event for where we getting home and long on see here a bit uh you can just send me a friend request like just give your brother uh my friend code or my the link of my steam profile and I'll get him like at like if not tonight tomorrow morning no no it's it's a steam exclamation points steam searching for much taking it's taking a while to give me a game usually The Kills are instant give me a second I'm I'm I'm just going to jump into the in cber to get an instant game invite me just went online if I already have you as a friend on Steam I re invited you [Music] I can I can't find a game the invites are not instant oh got nice except to two days if I already have you as a friend then I reinit you I I went through everybody who added me Kino cup you yeah will be the last one standing you send a friend request yeah I saw you you will have to actually wait after the game is over because I need to to uh send you the invite um while being in the main menu hav much to come this far yeah I know worries yeah thanks for the follow much appreciate it complete the ritual and earn your reward okay monre I'm War then he's not denying they got ARS that's good and he not denying at all yeah it's like a paragon in a it's at third third person shter you Wast them right I need 15 more to buy two items okay he lost a lot of nice hits got we're going to do these and [Music] these yeah character the character designs are good I don't like there's some similarities with other games but they are still unique in their own way like for example this I heard someone call it like nooo and Willam yes or there but it also feels like Alchemist conceptually so greeding just kep G back learn to fear s now I'm rotating to Yellow nice going to help them push this for offer any much I mean I I don't get one it's nice of you yeah I just got I'm just gotten my invite also from like some random people on Twitter I'm just doing it like it's a way to give it back to the community you know the more people try the game the better helps development and also helps like to create an actual Community oh you're too badly are you Mo we'll hunt them down and e so much to like thing is you you don't know if how how can you be sure that you like a game if you don't even try it right my I can't before us our purple walker has been destroyed be relentless we're doing very well if we can get a walker right now that will be huge someone ISRO someone is approaching enemies haveed our I can't wait to see what the top has in stor we can hang there all right that was to greting 8 to buy stuff let's do that I need this for movement that for healing and okay I guess I just go up for all some more movement we can we can defend the spirit is waiting to be claimed it is a pleasure watching guardan show Mercy I'll be ready to lock them down the ear is ours he's got me don't wor you got to learn hard fight with their sand in your eyes uh B spe L more uh I have aable sh too far they are too far I see INF ferace I'm going in this down dreams what okay our yellow Guardian has been defeated our BL guard has destroyed keep the pressure up for all right like a triple kill something something like a it was like three kills in a row uh I need mobs and I it's pretty good I like this type of characters should you just go in drop all your stuff go out it's pretty good I just feel like there they should just be called bruers because they're not really like super mega tanky you know going I get you going I get you you are so lucky buddy you the is where no one is better than us I think I made more they only have one Shrine left you're lucky he rally got into his base with one HP my power grows and come you know you want to do it you didn't do it enemies have reached our stronghold attack I see enemies have breached our finish their Patron okay I got away someone you got it someone's going to be bleeding on the concrete ain't going to be you he got baited ready W to I got a not you that was very chaotic at the end but we won you will reap the rewards ggs ggs thanks for the follow oh look that's this is probably my best game with MRE and no one left no one left the game everyone stuck to the stick to the game very now all right uh well I had time just to invite some people in one game so yeah that's it if you guys want to group up you know for the weekend join the Discord I'll on the channel real quick there Al here and yep that's it I going to go have to rest see you guys tomorrow later oh also if you wanted me to invite someone that you know oh can you add me sorry real quick who invited me okay let's check if you know someone who needs an invite you can just give me them my friend call and I don't know D like let me Super H you have to be around here there that's you right

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