THEY BUFFED SEVEN?! | 8.29 Deadlock patch notes

what is up everybody bootman here and we are back with another deadlock video and the devs just hit us with a huge patch and I wanted to break it down for you CU there are a lot of changes some small some a bit bigger so I want to go over them with you all right but before we get into that if you're new here hi my name is Chris I also go by bootman and yeah I have been absolutely hooked on deadlock so if you are loving the game or you are trying to learn the game make sure you subscribe and ring that notification Bell I'm making a ton of content a bunch of guides I'm also going to do news updates about patches and stuff like this and you don't want to miss any of it all right so let's jump into this thing if you're unaware they post the updates for the game on their Forum if you're in the game there's like a little prompt that comes up I forgot where it is but it says like oh do you want to join the deadlock forums boom this is where they post them okay I have transferred this over to a Google Document because I want to highlight some things because as you can see it is fairly big okay so I am going to go over some highlighted things some things that I think are interesting or I think are important but this thing is huge okay so I will link The Forum post down below but I don't want this video to be like an hour long it's probably going to be longer than I want already so I'm just going to go over some of these I don't even know if I'm going to go over all the things I highlighted all right so let's break it down real quick all right so they added a search to the public builds list now beautiful love that so those of you who don't know when you are in the game you can go to the shop browse builds and then if you go to public boom now we got a little search bar right there so that's great nice little quality of life thing going on all right matchmaking window is now open one hour earlier I absolutely love that anytime they're giving us more time to play what more could you ask for all right players can now only pause once per game and a team can only pause at most three times in total amongst players beautiful so I have never personally had a problem with people like uber trolling in the game with the pause but I've seen stuff on like the Reddit and everything like that so I'm glad they did this because y'all know some trolls like to play video games I know that might be a surprise to some of you but yes there are trolls in the online gaming space all right added the streamer setting to uh to the opos panel causes players names in the game UI panels to be hidden so that's cool I am not a large uh content creator or streamer by any means but there are some bigger creators uh playing like I know shroud's been playing a lot a lot of OverWatch players like um seagull and stuff they've been playing so I'm sure they'll want to do this there was a video it's a very good video and um it was uh this other deadlock Creator I can't remember his name go go search it but anyways he had a match against shroud and he like broke it down you know what I mean and uh he he had some things like like he like put in a clip of like shroud like getting kind of tilted during the match and stuff so like this is going to be helpful for the larger streamers who want to keep that hidden and maybe don't want like content created about them when they're like pubbing and like losing a match so that's cool all right um added a checkbox in the postgame survey to make it not show again in the future lovely all right like if you've been playing deadlock for a minute it pops up at the end it's like how fun was the hero you played how fun was the match you played you know and it's like it's cool but like not only do we have to do it at the end of literally every game but they're probably getting massive amounts of these things coming through so I'm glad this will uh take a little bit of that off our plate for both us and the developers all right so um I want to so this I just I just highlighted it but spectating controls now use Left Right Mouse buttons to switch between players on team and space uh to switch teams this now works with free or cursor mode and you could still click on portraits mini map uh to spectate individual hero like I just want to highlight that I don't know I don't know if this is good I need to hop back in the spectator mode I just want to highlight this because For the Love of God if there are any deadlock devs out there watching this I I know we're in play test and it's probably at the bottom of the priority list but please please please make the spectator mode uh not the spectator mode make the replay mode uh just a little bit a little bit better a little bit more intuitive the controls a little bit better um I am somebody who loves watching replays I like like love analyzing gameplay I love learning and like right now like when you go watch replays and I'm sure it's the same for like you know just regular spectating um it's it's just not it's not great it is pretty funky I hope they keep working on this and improving it uh valve if you're out there and you need somebody to go test this stuff and give suggestions hit me up all right like when I was in there cuz I I'll like take screenshots maybe for like thumbnails or whatever um and it is just it is rough it is rough okay moving on and moving on spending too much time on the controls all right this is something this section the miscellaneous gameplay is probably something that you should all be paying attention to in case you zoned out at the beginning there these are all huge all right so added wall jumping does not consume stamina requires input direction away from the wall can be done once so this was not just super intuitive for me I remember jumping in here and like trying forever to get it to work and I was like uh I don't know how this uh wall jump works all right basically if you hold the direction towards the wall and then you bounce off like that see you kind of spring backwards you can also do it side to side all right but it does not use a stamina bar so that's cool so you can do it any direction any direction you just you could do that uh I haven't uh had a chance to use it in game but I'm sure it adds a little bit more movement options to kind of mess with people and you know get away or you know just in the middle of a fight and stuff I love the movement in this game all right moved Flex slot from a set of enemy base Guardians to all enemy Lane Guardians so that's cool so I believe that you know it is what it's saying so like if uh where's a map all right so right here so now it's all in just one Lane I believe rather than just uh the the Guardians just like um straight across so that is pretty cool um added ropes to some buildings to let you climb up hold jump key to latch onto them can shoot while hanging from them so yeah this this is kind of cool you'll see these ropes this is in the sandbox so yeah you just jump up and Boop slide down you can go up like this you start start shooting start shooting people look at that look at that so kind of cool kind of cool I I will say the one concern I do have is that they're like uh kind of having like um feature creep you know like they added They just added these bounce pads around the map now they're adding these I don't think it's like too cluttered right now but it's definitely it's definitely a concern that I have so hopefully hopefully they they they know where The Sweet Spot is all right teleporters pair of teleporters has been added to the outer Lanes at the midpoint uh near the three red neutral creeps uh four teleporters have changed locations the Upper Floor teleporters have moved to the street level the interior teleporters have moved to the bodega building and the theater teleporters are now closed for the first 10 minutes I'll be honest with you I think I mentioned this in The Beginner's Guide um but I don't really use teleporters I don't I probably should but I don't use them that much so that's like eh uh some more gameplay changes Perry cooldown reduced something that I need to do more especially like uh playing up against an Abrams I I don't I don't Parry much but the coold down has been uh reduced from 6 seconds to 5 Seconds earn delivery Sprint uh bonus plus two to plus three love it uh the minimum range the player must be to attack the Walker is increased from 30 m to 32 M so they in the last patch they up this like it was significant I forgot how I forget how much it was but you could definitely feel how much further you had to be away from the Walkers to actually hit them which is like good and bad like if you're defending it's great if you're if you're playing offensive it is it it's not great but anyways for some reason they decided they need to up it a little bit more golden statues now uh drop rate increased by 6% it is awesome so something that if you're a newer player something that I didn't start doing until way too late in the game uh was uh finding these statues and hitting them so those of you who don't know there's these little these little statues around the map and uh those ones didn't have any so no 6% here but yeah they have like they have stats bonuses in them stats bonuses in them so yeah like you just you know keep finding these like throughout the map and just yeah it they they boost your stats it's great so this is something that I've gotten much better at uh better at and you could definitely you could definitely feel it you could definitely feel it so make sure you're looking for these um because they just up the drop rate all right so they replaced some bounce pads with ropes they added two bounce pads added a bounce pad from the Amber orange sandfire uh so yeah this looks like it's like um near the Walkers and it gives you a boost forward so if you're trying to uh retake that area beautiful all right several buildings have been made taller uh so you get on top of them and several buildings have been made shorter so you can get on top of them I did notice this I only played a couple games after the Patch but I did notice um these buildings and getting on top of them it's it's pretty cool and a few of the buildings um have new passageways and higher floors all right weapon items so at first I was sad about this uh I mentioned this in my Kelvin uh how to play Kelvin video make sure you go watch that if you're interested in learning more about Kelvin let me know down in the comments if there are any other Heroes that you want me to go over but anyways this was a very underrated item and I was like super bummed I'm like wait you just you just reduced it uh you just uh you just nerfed my brand new toy but now has an upgrade so we'll go over that in a second active uh active reload this is a this is an item that I just started using a lot more of um it it speeds up your reload but also gives you like life steal well they just reduce the life steal from 30 uh% to 22% which is kind of ghoul like some some people were very very good with this and yeah so that's great uh buff duration also reduced so that got hit with a pretty big Nerf and again I I will link the full um Forum post down below I'm sure there's some of these items that you care more about than I do so make sure you go check out the full post uh now uh melee charge now grants plus one HP regen not sure if that's needed that's usually on um Abrams likes to use this item and he's already very tanky uh Titanic magazine bullet armor inre I enjoy that I am an ivy player and I get a lot of Titanic magazine it's an excellent item excellent excellent intensifying magazine now steadily ramps back down to 0% when you stop shooting rather than instantly emptying very good alchemical fire cool down reduced from 28 seconds to 26 seconds so make sure make sure if you're not make sure you're subscribed because I am going to make a video very soon about um deadlock websites for like stats there are some very very good ones and this is all coming back to alchemic fire or alchemical how do you say that alchemical fire anyways it's coming back to that but anyways I will be making a video on that there are very very useful sites if you are a stats nerded like uh like me if you like to see builds and stuff so I will be making a video on that very soon and anyways what I'm getting at I've been looking at a lot of high MMR players and a lot of them um use this item so I am uh planning on working in the some of my builds so it's kind of cool to see it got a slight little buff all right so high velocity mag this is the new upgraded um item add a new T3 uh weapon item Head Hunter requires uh it requires a high velocity mag it grants 50% bullet velocity love it 15% weapon damage and 150 uh bullet Shield passive cool down Landing a head shot on Heroes deals bonus plus 140 damage heals you for 8% Max HP and grants plus two um m/ second uh for 3 seconds cool down 6 seconds awesome now the only thing is the the heroes I use high velocity mag on like Kelvin or maybe like uh viscus and like I think uh yeah Warden I like to get it like the thing is I usually just get the high velocity mag for like early game for harass you know so I I can you know have a little bit of distance in my f my shots are a little bit more accurate but this this is a T3 item so it seems like it'll be better late game but it's just I don't shoot as much um as well with Kelvin I think it might be a really really good item on Warden but we'll see we'll see how players utilize this all right siphon bullets weapon damage reduced from 40% to 28% massive massive Nerf uh lucky shot proc chance increased from 30 % to 35% don't know if that's necessary uh Heroes like Hayes get that not sure if we needed that RI uh riate bounce damage increase again that is like a haze item not sure if we needed that Vitality items going back to what I was saying about um items I've seen a lot of high MMR players using this is definitely one of them it's one I'm going to start playing around with on Kelvin but it looks like they just nerfed uh a little bit of it gave a little bit of a buff so I really have many thoughts or opinions cuz I haven't used it much um leech no longer has 30% heal reduction resist so a little bit of Nerf on that um they buffed Unstoppable and let me say this dude so seven is a controversial uh hero in my opinion he's he's very good he's very good for like low-level players medium players and maybe even above average players once you get into very high MMR seven is not great all right but anyways stuff like this really really really helps out uh uh seven and some other Heroes so we'll see how many people are using Unstoppable don't know how I feel about that one Spirit items Quicksilver uh no longer has 10% uh plus 10% reload time suppressor health regen reduced from 3 to 2.5 these are two other items that um like carry High DPS players uh or Heroes like hay use so a little bit of Nerf um on that and that's good because we just got you know some Buffs from these these items over here so that's cool curse duration reduced um from 3.5 to 3.2 Point uh 3.25 um so H not sure how I feel about that usually this is like an item used to like stop somebody like seven but I've been using curse I've been using knockdown just for more CC and yeah so we'll we'll see how it feels that's not like this isn't a huge reduction but we'll see if it's noticeable uh Magic Carpet so this is a brand new item they put in the last patch and let me tell you let me tell you everybody this I don't think I've seen a single person I don't think I've seen a single person in any match that I've played for the last two weeks or so since they did the last match I don't think I've seen anybody use magical uh carpet so hopefully this gets the item a little bit more a little bit more usage so Abrams uh now we're at the the hero changes so Abrams infernal resilience regeneration time increased from 16 seconds to 18 seconds parenthesis this is a Nerf so from what I understand okay it it gives you some uh regen over time so increasing this by two seconds makes it so you're getting less heal because it's spread out over a longer duration so that's why it's a Nerf um this right here if you want to let me know in the comments below I have no idea what this means now how does pull-ups on the zip line once again all right let's uh let's hop in the sandbox let's hop in the sandbox and see what that is wait is this guy he's doing pull-ups he's doing pull-ups uh okay in the past notes it says this is a buff like is that just like a fun pun is that like supposed to be punny that it's a buff cuz he's getting buff as he does pull-ups all right some Dynamo changes um so gun damage reduced from 15 to 13 interesting Dynamo is definitely more of a highl uh player I think um you you know uh just like on an overall tier list like I don't think the majority of players are great with him but he is a a good character who kind of reminds me a little of like his Al is kind of like um uh black hole from like DOTA little tide Hunter even um but yeah so he is powerful but I don't see a lot of people do very well with him a lot of people feed because you know you pull people in and then you're just kind of there um but anyways it reduces gun damage his gun did do a lot of damage early game singular cast time increased and the range reduced so he got hit with some Nerfs great talent so charge shot Collision size reduced by 8% fantastic the the the hit box on that thing was massive all right so also they reduce the damage uh and yeah they reduced um uh Char shot tier 2 uh reduced from 70 to 65 um the immobilizing Trap some interesting changes here the root duration is reduced but now the Trap also applies a 50% movement slow for one second after the route and then the immobilizing Trap tier two changed from a 1se second route to a 2 second slow all right so that it'll be interesting I don't play great Talon but I do get caught up in great Talent traps so we'll see how that goes Hayes base bullet damage increased from 5.3 to 5.6 not sure why that was needed sleep dagger cool down reduced from 27 seconds to 25 seconds uh I am kind of glad about that um I I I do play a little bit of haze and yeah like it seems like the dagger cool down is just way way way way too long so hopefully this uh this feels a little bit better all right um some ferace changes they did didn't seem too big but again if you want to check out the patch notes go for it Ivy uh Ivy no longer um drop no longer silen his allies it also no now causes allies to deal 50% less damage while being carried the movement adjusted to be a little less frantic I'm curious to see how that feels all right let's see is it less FR frantic all right so also if you can see they also gave you the ability to move up and down this is cool I didn't even realiz realized you could change like the height of it until like yesterday so I was aiming I figured out you could aim but now this is this is kind of cool that you can um you can kind of uh just use shift and control to move up and down so that that's that's nice that's a nice little uh quality of life thing all right so uh uh self-cast cast time increase uh I'm on the fence about that it already felt like it took way too long to get up in the air if you selfcast uh move speed reduced slightly air drop flight you can pitch up and down I just showed you that all right Kelvin my man so bullet radius increase love that larger hit box base Health growth per uh Boon increase from plus 45 to 50 love that Arctic beam Max slow increase from 60% to 80% love it even more Arctic beam now affects Soul orbs uh secures SL denies them so this is awesome as well so um in case you didn't know uh you could not get like Souls when you were um using the Ice Beam but look look at that look at that look at that so like it would it would leave you in weird situations because you would be on a lane and maybe like uh early game harassing on the lane and you'd be like shooting at an enemy they'd run you're like okay well I'll just you know spin my Ice Beam on these creeps well now you can actually get the orbs too because the orbs would just float up and then if they were you know if they could they would just deny them and you're just sitting here with your with your beam out and you're like okay do I cancel it and start you know shooting the orbs uh and also you know put myself at risk for them to pop back up so I'm kind of glad about that Arctic beam uh tier three range reduced from 15 to 13 not a huge deal uh you're usually getting like um the the the increased reach item so that's not a big deal to me uh grenade heal increase from 135 to 145 love that lash this this feels like it's huge this feels like probably one of the biggest changes in the game I don't know yet I don't play lash I play against a lot of lashes I haven't faced one yet so I'm curious to see the grapple no longer gives a stamina charge on use all right so lash has an insane amount of Mobility so this might be big we'll see how it goes so seven Cloud spirit Power scaling reduced from 1.1 to8 love that uh storm cloud time to reach maximum radius reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds thanks I hate it I absolutely hate it so his alt is going to uh get a Max size in half the time uh what like that that's rough um stormcloud now provides plus 20% bullet resistance in the base ability uh so yeah this is all this is all insane this is insane all right this whatever cool thanks for uh nerfing it a little but this is crazy to me uh I I think that seven has one of the most overpowered alts there are ways to counter it somebody even made a video recently on like how to counter seven but yeah his alt is ridiculous and I don't have enough time in this video to fully complain about it but it's insane all right so shiv um shiv got hit with a bunch of Nerfs all right that's all you need to know ship got hit with a bunch of Nerfs um I think the last set of Nerfs were fine um and he was like more reasonable but he just got hit with more nerves so I I don't know I guess her internal metric showed he was so strong so viscus now has an ALT fire that has limited range but deals AOE damage that cannot head shot so I believe aside from shiv um viscus is the only the only other one who has an alternate fire so check it out blonc blonc blonc so 70 70 damage a regular bullet does 26 so yeah you're doing like two and a half times is with this alt fire and and it has uh has a little bit of AOE let's see if we can try that on um maybe some some creeps maybe some creeps oh wow the range on that is awful it is awful if we look right here little AOE damage so that's cool I like I like that I like that um so yeah he no longer has like aim down sight he just has this kind of little AOE look at that so that that's fun that's fun we'll see how that goes all right so lastly warden's base movement speed was reduced uh from 6.5 to six which yeah okay cool Warden is very very very strong uh I am surprised he didn't get hit with more Nerfs but hey you know whatever this works all right but anyways uh yeah thanks for watching and going over these patch notes this was huge I've been around for maybe like three weeks now and word on the street is that they do huge patches like this every uh two weeks or so so anyways make sure you subscribe and ring that notification Bell so you don't miss any news updates all that important stuff and again I will link the full Pat Uh notes down below if you want to check out everything all right anyways that's all I got for this video If you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new subscribe ring that notification Bell and have an amazing rest of your day I'll see you in the next one

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