Deadlock Patch Adds Wall Jumps, Map Overhaul & New Weapon! All Changes Demonstrated Ingame

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:19:26 Category: Gaming

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Deadlock patch breakdown with visuals oi deadlock got an absolutely massive patch today that comes with a completely new mechanic big overhaul to the map and very important changes to items and many of the heroes I'm going to try my best to summarize this a little bit without making it too long but also not leaving out too many important details so we're going to skip over some of the smaller changes that I think are less impactful like 2C cooldown changes and focus on the bigger stuff but we're not going to skip out on any major character changes for example the biggest feature that Wall jumping Volve has added in the new patch is is wall jumping you can now jump away from walls and this counts as an additional jump that does not use any stamina and does not require you to use up any of your normal jumps or double jumps in order to achieve this once you are close to a wall you want to push the movement button away from it and then press the jump button and you will kind of bounce off this can be changed with various other movement combos like air dashing for example or a dash into jump combo and it carries a little bit of momentum but not all that much it's kind of like your double jump which also slows you down a little bit in the air so it's not the best if you're trying to slide afterwards but it can definitely get you to higher places it will most certainly also make for an unpredictable juking tool in combat we also get a completely Ropes new movement mechanic with ropes that you can kind of ledge onto by holding your jump or space bar and not only can you hold on to them you can also shoot from them so there's some gameplay potential here some of these ended up replacing some of the jump pads on the map so there will be more of a variation and I think they're a little bit slower compared to the jump pads when it comes to going up and down but obviously allow for more gameplay around them just based on the fact that you can stop at any point and go back up or down a much Item builder improvements requested feature has been added to custom builds you can now drag and drop items in order to quickly change the order or place them into other categories the only thing that you still cannot do is drag entire categories but this will make the whole process of resetting a build or readjusting a build with some changes much much easier on Search builds top of that there's finally the option to search for other people's builds which I think will make the top builds much better so we can go to public here and I for example know that adorian build is called schement so if I type in shove it'll show me the build right away uh you can favor it as usual everything stays the same otherwise but just being able to have the search function to get builds that for example your friends made for you as well it's going to make things so much easier I will of course have plenty of these builds in the future I haven't published mine yet because I'm still working out some Kinks uh once I'm done with that you can find various bills there under Duke sloth if you enjoyed this overview so far consider subscribing and clicking the Bell it really helps out the channel a lot especially in a new game like Player stats deadlock if you go on the main menu you can now click on your name and get detailed character breakdowns for yourself which gives you all of your stats including performance on individual Heroes if you want to go into the details Souls collected and healing only start counting from now on if Earlier queues & Pause limit you're a grinder you'll be able to play a little more both on weekdays and weekends the cues now start one hour earlier players can now only pause once per game and a team can only pause three times in total total Guardians no longer AP change give one AP but instead you're getting AP at the following Soul levels 3,500 5,200 8,000 and 9,700 this means that if your team is really not getting any Lane pressure any tower pressure you'll not fall behind quite as much in terms of ability unlocks the map as a whole sees an Map changes: Teleporters, Jump Pads, Ropes... incredible amount of various changes including bounce pad locations climbing ropes and teleporter positioning I'm not going to show you all of them but I want to show you the new teleporter locations because I think those are extremely improved compared to the previous version you don't need to go far to get the teleporters anymore they're very accessible and one of them is right next to the Lane so a rotation all across the map is incredibly easy not that was hard before but now you have two options to go basically you can clear a wave and then immediately hop over to the other side do note that the teleporters are closed for the first 10 minutes so this is nothing you can use for early gangs there are also multiple new climbable rooftops with with a bunch of boxes on them there are plenty of ropes around to get up to them the range from which you can hit a walker is increased from 30 m to 32 M meaning you're not quite as likely to get beamed by The Walker while you're significantly out of range you can actually hit back a little bit earlier along with that the drop rate of golden statues for the Buffs has been increased by 6% we get a new item which Item changes: Weapon (new item) is an upgrade from High Velocity mag it's called Head Hunter 3,500 Souls 50% bullet velocity 15% weapon damage 150 bullet shield and Landing a headshot deals bonus damage heals you for a portion of your max HP and briefly grants you bonus movement speed that's 140 extra damage 8% heal per headshot and 2% movement speed the duration of that is 3 seconds and the cool down is 6 seconds so in a way this is also an upgraded headshot booster even though that's not required for this item very interesting design I think this might be quite popular toxic bullets had its bleed damage reduced by 1% % but its healing reduction increased by 10% from 55 to 65% it currently does a lot of DPS and now it'll be a little bit more utility but better at the utility that it's meant to do so I think this is a good change it also gives 100 bonus Health Now intensifying Magazine now steadly Rams back down to 0% when you stop shooting rather than stopping instantly so you can kind of fire again if you just take a quick break in between warstone had its bullets resist reduced from 40% to 30% Sharpshooter no longer provides bonus headshot damage but gets more bullet shield in return and also gets 10% extra weapon damage siphon bullets loses 12% weapon damage so I guess it's more focused on the actual passive now in the Vitality Item changes: Vitality / Health section combat barrier now also grants 8% fire rate while active enchanter's barrier now grants 8% cooldown reduction while shielded which I think is going to be fairly popular with certain spell builds healing booster now comes with a 15% heal reduction resist and leech no longer has this in return I think this makes a lot more sense for the design of the item along with that it also no longer has 6% bullet resist now Superior stamina has its air jump and air Dash distance reduced from plus 40% to plus 30% here's a quick comparison Unstoppable can now be cast while channeling which will help a lot of characters with their ultimates along with that the cool down has been reduced from 65 to 60 seconds Phantom strike had its range reduced from 30 m to 25 M you need to be a little bit closer Spirit Item changes: Spirit strike had its debuff duration the spirit resist reduction increased from 8 to 13 seconds while it only has an 8secs cool down so this could be very interesting for certain play Styles now Quicksilver reload no longer has plus 10% reload time this was actually a downside as far as I know so I think it's interesting that they're removing this tradeoff but maybe that's the direction they gener want to go slowing hex had its projectile speed increased by 30% it was quite slow beforehand so I think this is a good change just make it more reliable coolon was also reduced by 2 seconds rapid recharge had its charge count reduced from plus three to plus two which is a significant hit for certain builds however in return the faster time between charges has been increased from 40% to 50 5% and the cool down reduction for charge abilities has been increased from 20% to 25% knockdown which is a very effective counter to many abilities in the game and its delay reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds so it's going to feel a lot better along with that the stun duration has been reduced from 1. to 5 Seconds to 0.9 seconds but I don't think most people are going to Care all that much you mainly look into disrupt enemies and not to long-term CC them and it'll fulfill that purpose better because it happens quicker the cast range is also increased from 35 M to 45 m meaning you can use it a lot more safely here's a quick demonstration I can be this far from an enemy I drop that on them and it's already done so much more fluid overall silence cliff on the other hand has its duration reduced by 0.5 seconds this change isn't that big but Abrams changes it's funny enough to included anyways Abram's infernal resilience regeneration time increased from 16 to 18 seconds this is a Nerf Abrams now does pull-ups on the zipline once again this is a buff Bebop changes - Major Hook Change! B is no longer able to Sprint while his gun is charging up he gets slowed down immediately but his gun range is increased from 30 to 32 M the next change come with a bit of a problem bbop can now hook allies and will no longer hook allies if he doesn't intend to so I can hook an enemy through an ally by just using the hook and if I use the self-cast modifier then I can hook an ally instead and if I use that on an enemy it will not hook them so you can choose who you want to hook the problem is that these settings don't really allow for that in most setups right now now the button that you're using to assign this is the selfcast modifier button but this is the only way this works if you're using any of the other cast modes the press and hold the double tab it does not work and as you can see you can also not assign a key for that effect then so if I try press and hold it is not registering it they could solve this by for example giving it a second casting stage like they do for viscus the cube so that you can choose first what kind of enemy you want to Target uh or what kind of Ali but right now it's just not working quite as intended his hyperbeam can now be canceled by a Parry as you can see here and we're also seeing the new melee test Army Dynamo gets some pretty significant Dynamo nerfs changes his gun damage is reduced from 15 to 13 which will be quite impactful with all the scaling going into it for more gun focused builds along with that his cast time un singulari is increased from 0.1 to 0.2 seconds and the radius is decreased from 9 M to 8 m you can see the this is not enough in order to catch someone you to be a fair bit closer now one meter may not sound like much but when it comes to radius that is quite impactful great Ton's charged shot gets nerfed the Collision size is reduced by 8% the base damage by five and the tier 2 upgrade is reduced by another five you can see that you can still aim quite far next the target to hit them though in return great Ton's fire rate now scales with Spirit same as his movement speed Grey Talon buffs & nerfs he can now also use multiple air dashes while in his two in Rain of fire while the mobility is getting some Buffs the traps are getting some Nerfs the duration of the route is reduced from 2 seconds to 1.25 which in my opinion feels a lot more fair with how frustrating the traps were to deal with however the immobilizing trap now applies a 50% movement slow for 1 second after the route so it's not going to feel quite as bad but still not great and the upgrade on this the mobile izing trap will now give you 2 seconds extra slow instead of previously 1 second extra route overall I would say that is a quite significant Nerf simply because enemies will be able to dash a lot sooner as well Hayes gets a surprising Haze buffs (?) amount of Buffs her base bullet damage increased from 5.3 to 5.6 her sleep dagger impact now happens immediately so you can see the damage there right away as it lands rather than after The Drowsy period but The Drowsy period is increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.35 seconds so just a little bit later the Sleep dagger cooldown is reduced from 27 seconds to 25 seconds and the smoke bomb radius is reduced from 18 M to 20 M meaning you will be seen later fixation tier 2 upgrade now has 40 max Stacks instead of means you can reach a total of 70 stacks bullet Dance Now provides plus two weapon damage in the base ability why hay is getting such significant Buffs I don't know as far as I can tell she's kind of Performing fairly well across most levels of play Infernus nerfs & a buff INF Fus flame Dash gets hit quite hard the vertical reach on flame Dash DPS is reduced so you can't hit enemies as high above the flame Dash itself the speed is now affected by slows and it's not affected by movement speed increases the flame Dash tier one duration is reduced from 7 Seconds to 6 seconds but there is a buff at gets in return which is the width now increasing with the ability range perk so this is the normal Trail width if you're turning back now you can see it's kind of just about hitting both edges here on the boxes and on the wall if we completely Max this out with improved reach on the ability then you can see it looks like this and you can already see the Box are getting smashed and we're still hitting this Edge so it's significantly wider catalysts get some early damage neres the amplification is reduced from 30 to 25% on the base level but then the amplification you get when maxing out the ability is up from 10 to 15% usually not the first ability that people will make so so you're not going to see that super often the tier 2 upgrade has the life Ste reduced by 5% as well Ivy gets pretty Ivy nerfs & changes significant changes and partially Nerfs her bullet damage increase per Boon so per stat upgrade is reduced from 0.55 to 0.5 and the health per Boon is decreased from 41 to 35 instead self-c casting her ultimate the air drop will now have a 2 seconds wind up so a fair bit slower than before on the other hand you can now control and shift up and down to adjust your flight I'm not sure if I personally prefer this method compared to just flying like this but the option is there if you like it her Max movement speed in the old is also reduced from 20 to 18 picking up Allies though is still instant they are no longer silen like they introduced on the last patch and instead have 50% reduced damage that means it's not as rewarding to for example carry a seven around while he's Ting but instead you want to drop him off at a certain location and keep going from there so he just deals the most amount of damage possible i kelvin's Kelvin buffs (mostly) bullet radius is increased from 5 to six giving you a little more leeway when it comes to aiming his base Health from living up is increased from 45 to 50 per Boon ice beam's Max slow is increased from 60 to 80% and it can now also be used to secure Soul orbs which makes it a lot more convenient to hold it down during the laning phase this can even be used for denying but on the other hand the tier three upgrade for the Arctic beam uh only has 13 M range instead of 15 now the tier 2 Frost GR upgrade now heals for 10 more HP than before lash Lash Nerf grapple no longer gives a stamina on use but if you listen closely you'll hear that it has a new sound effect making a little bit more distinct in the battlefield you will definitely know when a grapple has happened seven gets Seven changes various adjustments the first one of them being the static charge radius being increased from 5 m to 6 M the second rank of the ability also has the radius increased from plus 7 m to Plus 8 m so so this is quite a big thing now pop improved reach on that and it's almost ridiculous how much this covers the stormcloud power scaling is reduced from 1.1 to 0.8 so a very significant decrease here however in return the time to reach the maximum radius is reduced from 6 seconds to just 3 seconds you can see it expanding much much faster than it used to so you're dealing less damage but you're also hitting enemies quicker you're also getting at plus 20 % bullet resist in the base ability itself making you a little bit more tanky while you're up in the air keep in mind that 7 is also significantly affected by the knockdown Buff when it comes to using his ultimate Shi gets a very tiny buff Shiv nerfs and then a ton of nerves part of his code was being considered a head shot so that's fixed now however in return his bullet damage growth per Boon is reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 which is quite a significant increase along with that his health per Boon is reduced from 41 to 35 his gun fall off range is reduced by 10% so I'm assuming this is the max value for each or at least for the total value here uh which would mean you just can't shoot quite as far guing this here is max range now the slice and dice base damage increase on the t2 is reduced from 100 to 85 and consider that this also affects the echo so this is quite impactful the cool on reduction on the tier three only considers creeps for half of their value the Deferred damage on blood Ling is reduced from 35% to 30% the targeting UI for shift's killing blow is a lot more clear now you will see that right here so it's very obvious visually that this is execute range Vindicta nerf Victor's stake duration is reduced from 2.25 seconds to 2 seconds the crow familiar duration scaling is reduced from 0.05 to 0.04 viscus primary fire is Viscous buffs a lot more usable now it has been improved in terms of damage and scaling there's also an alire now which is at the cost of Six Bullets but it's a little bit of AOE you can see they can hit multiple creeps with this so this will have its use cases similar to Yamato's right click the spirit scaling on split is increased from 1.4 to 1.5 the damage on the bounces of the max rank was previously 66% and 33% it's now 70 50% the padal punch Now deals 110% of your melee damage you can see my melee damage right here here 63 the paddle punch deals 69 right now without any items the tier 2 and tier three upgrades are somewhat swapped for this ability the second upgrade is now 50 damage and 20% movement slow which was 10 seconds coold down reduction beforehand and the third upgrade is now 12 seconds cool reduction which is previously 80 damage and 20% movement slow the delay before puddle punch is also increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.35 seconds giving you just a little bit more time to actually react to it goall has it Spirit scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.3 and along with that the acceleration has also been increased and the turn rers as well as the turn radius after bouncing should be better than before Warden has his base Warden nerfs movement speed reduced from 6.5 down to six his fire rate scaling with Spirit has also been reduced from 0.375 to 0.3 Yamato's power slash Max damage Yamato buffs requirement has been reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.4 seconds still feels way too slow to me personally the Collision radius has been reduced by 8% but as you can see you can aim quite far off the enemy and still end up hitting them anyway so that's not really going to be a massive problem the Crimson slash radius has been increased from 12 to 13 M the soldier return area is now red so Soul Jar change it's easier to detect which place is the pickup area and the return area for new players there are more changes in this patch these are just the ones I consider the most important ones all in all an absolutely massive patch I hope you enjoyed this overview if you did consider subscribing clicking the Bell so you get notified of future videos maybe leaving a like that helps me out a lot again there are more changes in this More changes! patch I focused on the most major ones but that's not even all of them I will link the patch notes down below if you want to read up on the rest if you don't know what to watch at this point I have a bunch of beginner guides and tips I will link a couple of them here so you can check them out thanks to my patrons for supporting this video and thank you for watching Duke sloth out

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