Justin Trudeau hits 61% Disapproval ahead of grim by-elections

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:16:11 Category: News & Politics

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a big tell that prime minister Justin Trudeau knows that his Liberals are likely going to lose the upcoming byelection in the Montreal writing of LEL andard Verdun is that he's already making excuses for the Liberals losing before the election has even happened the election's happening on Monday it's currently Saturday and the Liberals on their main social media account are posting videos of Trudeau on radio shows where he's saying that well you know it's just because we're too principled it's because of France Lago that we might lose this riding this riding that has been a solid liberal riding for a very long time in 2021 the Liberals won it with like 43% of the vote and like 42% of the vote in 2019 it doesn't sound like World shattering numbers but you have to know that the second place party came in with like 20% or 21% of the vote in both of those elections those last two elections this is a safe seat for the Liberals Montreal in general is a safe region for the Liberals and now Justin Trudeau is having to basically explain away why he's so unpopular without ever actually saying it I want to get to this clip that the Liberals posted themselves because even in this own in this clip the radio show host still has to ask Trudeau well isn't this indicative of the fact that a lot of people don't like your government and then he tries to handwave it away before I get into that I just want to show you the approval ratings for Justin Trudeau right now that came out of Abus data I tend to like their approval disapproval system because they don't do this nonsense with like somewhat approve somewhat disapprove either you like the guy or not you don't strongly approve or somewhat approve you like him or you don't like him or you don't know those are the three options so right now Justin Trudeau is at his highest point ever for disapproval 61% disapproval with only 22% of people people approving of Justin Trudeau and I believe in this advocus data poll the Liberals were like at 24 25% so there are people saying they're voting liberal who don't even like Justin Trudeau but like in all of my other videos where I cover abaca data polls you'll notice that Trudeau's approval rating is generally around where the Liberals polling is if you don't like Trudeau there is a very slim chance that you're still considered voting liberal that's the advantage of actually the NDP and the conservatives you can like Jag meet Singh but not really want to vote for the NDP and the same time you can not like pure POV but you can vote for the conservatives because you like their policies that also was all wrapped up in the fact that the ndp's leader usually gets glowing coverage from the mainstream media where the conservatives are constantly attacked so people will kind of signal the sort of mainstream position that the media gives them that oh pure PO is sometimes a mean guy but they'll still vote conservative because they don't want to go you know bankrupt and they want a party in power that's good for the economy I think pure p is a great leader which is actually why he has a positive approval rating despite the fact that a lot of people like hate his guts irrationally but whatever that's just how the cookie crumbles in Canadian politics but now let's get over to Justin truda let's hear him out why is he not doing well in this Montreal byelection the answer might shock you but anys before I get into this I just do want to quickly mention the fact that I have my le defense Fund in the description of this video below as well as pinned in the top comments just so that you guys if you want to support the show can donate there we have a Chinese billionaire suing us for like $900,000 I've spent $32,000 defending ourselves it's nonsense it's a defamation case where he hasn't even submitted any evidence proving what we said was defamatory because what we said was reported by tons of people before us but you know he is trying to just basically bully someone he assumed couldn't actually defend themselves in court and pretend that everything ever said about him is wrong so here's Justin Trudeau and in this post and again note that this is literally the liberal party's account the headline says we'll keep bringing people together and building a better future for everyone uh that preempting the fact that Trudeau is about to talk about how uh you know they're not looking so hot in Montreal I have to ask the question though for people about to vote here in this byelection so I'm wondering what you tell Montreal's anglophone population and I bring this up because I get these calls all the time whenever we talk about this who feel the federal liberals have let them down first of all I understand that feeling because people are feeling well first of all they see a government in Quebec City Lego government that has decided the best way to protect French which is something that I agree with yes we need to protect French but Lego decided the best way to protect French is to attack the English Canadians and that doesn't make any sense we see the most egregious example of it uh lately with uh the switch at the at in in hospitals we also see it in his attacks on on AR Alma matter Miguel and his attacks on Bishops and and and and Concordia but the idea that someone's going into a hospital for a a test or something anxious they might have cancer anxious they might be sick and is gonna have to be worried about whether or not they can get treated in English because their French isn't that strong that's just wrong here's the funny thing about this I'm gonna I'm gonna play the rest of the clip in a second here I don't want to go on too long without me breaking it up too but Trudeau is actually right about this Trudeau is actually right the F French language law in Quebec are nothing less than Draconian it's not that they're promoting French is that they're promoting they're demoting anything that isn't French to the point where even though everyone can speak English in Quebec for the most part outside of rural areas we all have to pretend that you can't speak like English then every sign's in French they just don't have English on anything it's ridiculous but Trudeau's a complete hypocrite he's voted in Parliament on motions to basically just let Quebec do whatever it wants on these particular issues even though they're probably Charter violating they did it so that Quebec didn't even have to use the notwithstanding Clause they basically just allowed Quebec to do whatever they want even though it's obviously patently ridiculous but now Trudeau is going to Pivot over and just talk about how you know it's just unfortunate that a lot of people are you know not like not seeing our way on this because we've just been so we've been so protective of the Anglo Canadian population so he's basically trying to blame FR ago as if because Trudeau's been opposing his hyper French nationalism even though he still he still wants to protect French that that's hurt him in Montreal because of his deep love for Anglo Canadians we've been pushing on the Lugo government to emit a new directive but but nothing has happened there's been no change I love that that they still have this in the liberal clip of him basically saying that you're full of garbage they have said they have committed to putting out a new directive and to change that directive and we're going to keep pushing on them as we have to do that now the one thing that leg go wants that I don't want is a fight he's trying to pit people against each other and my commitment to Canadians has always been to try and pull people together and picking sides and and trying to trying to say okay this one's more strategic for me to back or not no I I'm I'm a proud quebecer I'm a proud montrealer I my mom's from Vancouver my dad's a Franco what is a frankophone like I get The Duality I get the strength of this this this town I get the strength of this province he's a he actually sometimes is a skilled speaker and this is him trying to very subtly make excuses for why he lost he saying that F Fran Lago is dividing people against each other for his own political game because he's trying to he's trying to excuse if the block Kea win this next election because the block looks like the most likely party to win in uh in lella Mard verun the NDP have a chance too but the NDP is also a clown party so they are turning off a lot of people with their candidates basically running against everything they're just they're just openly anti Canadian they have the Palestinian flag on all their literature I want to go get that uh photo of his campaign office it's full it's just plastered with a bunch of non-canadian flags as if these are his favored countries and favored demographics it's absolutely nutty he'll grab up a lot of the progressives and that's why they're thinking that a lot of the more Middle Ground liberals who are sick of Trudeau are going to shift towards the block the Liberals still could win this byelection but Trudeau is sort of salting the Earth preemptively and saying that it's because Lego was dividing people and he pushed a bunch of French nationalists to vote block uh because you know we've just been we've been at odds with him and we've been fighting and he's trying to make everyone he's trying to punish us for us standing up for Anglo Canadians when Trudeau hasn't stood up a single day for Anglo Canadians he makes sound every once in a while about leg go being a bit extreme but that's really it that's that's absolutely it that he just makes like kind of weak noises about that and like he just makes weak noises every once in a while and he's pretending that that's why like Lego is a vendetta against him Lego doesn't have a vendetta against him other than the fact that him and Lego are both deeply unpopular so they're trying to start fights with less popular politicians so both of them are doing the same very cynical thing but now I just quickly want to bring up on screen the picture of the NDP candidate oh my goodness my computer's being slow but again the NDP candidate there's this big controversy around the Palestinian flag on all his literature in a certain sence I actually think that what he was doing was just trying to cause a media story and that that wasn't probably a big piece of what they were putting out but the NDP at the very least thought it was worthwhile so they did do that oh my goodness my screen here is still froze goodness technical difficulties everybody but anyways here we go here's the photo of this candidate standing next to Jag me saying out front of his campaign office I'll just bring it up right on the front so we see there up to his left we have the trans flag plus the Palestinian flag I don't think two groups of people that I don't think mix very well he has the normal rain rainbow flag below him on the left the trans flag he has this flag of this break away Armenian region there some other flags from other Middle Eastern countries indigenous Flags you know the Ukrainian flag all this stuff and it's so it's just so annoying it's just so annoying that's the only way of talking about uh mdp politicians they're annoying because they're so sanctimonious about one subjects they're usually wrong about like I think that supporting Ukraine is fine but they usually shove it in your face at the same time that you're like you guys are the ones who actually don't care when left-wing dictatorships around the world are oppressing people but you know when you when you label the Russians more right-wing even though the Russians aren't even right-wing the Russians are just kind of authoritarian or like Putin's just kind of an authoritarian now you suddenly care well they they they praise that they praise the Chinese or they won't criticize the Chinese when they're like when they're oppressing people they won't criticize their favorite dictatorships in the Middle East they won't criticize their favorite dictatorships in South America but as soon as the Russians are doing something it becomes a I think they're all problems but the mdp are complete obnoxious Hypocrites and this election although Trudeau's trying to play it off that if I lose it's because France Lago got me there is going to be momentum I'm not sure if it actually goes anywhere because the liberal party has far fewer spines and they have members uh the there are still liberal MPS pushing to make this El litmus test on Trudeau's leadership and if he loses he should leave you have this one liberal MP Al Alandra Mendes saying uh saying that he should be stepping down the headline here reads liberal MP says her constituents are very adamant Justin tro needs to go she herself is another uh she herself is another liberal MP in Montreal or I believe right outside of Montreal her specific writing if I can look it up here is brard St Lambert Another safe liberal writing and when she's sounding the alarm it probably means that even she's scared that she might be at risk in the next election because everyone thought Toronto St Paul was a fluke or at least all the Liberals thought Toronto St Paul was a fluke heavy Jewish population they're mad at us for being very soft on anti-Semitism as they should be mad and but that that can't be repeated in other Metropolitan writings well this this writing verun does not have a heavy Jewish population Liberals are still still super unpopular it might just be that this chart is reflective of reality that 61% of people don't like Trudeau only 22% of people do and you can't win an election with only 22% of people approving of your leader somebody who the media is constantly trying to like like fluff up and make him look like such a like it's like a positive Progressive figure oh he's so skilled at Politics the media can't put the shine back on and so the Liberals that they were smart would dump them I know there's many conservatives who say no Justin Trudeau should stay because it makes it easier for us to win guys stop being pansies we should want to fight the toughest liberal possible because we are better than them I always hate this nonsense where conservative strategists sit around hoping that the Liberals just make mistakes guys how about we start doing things well Pier Pao actually does stuff really well I think pure POV would mop the floor with Mark Carney I think pure POV would mop the floor with any liberal leader right now because liberal policy has failed we can beat any of them but I always and this is a completely separate rant I hate the idea of people are like oh you shouldn't want trudo step down or we want him to stick around like I know it's kind of a half joke oh yeah we definitely you know we want Trudeau to win the byelection so he's dumb enough to stick around for the next election I don't I think in Canada we should renormalize people getting out when they should have gone you know I mean Justin Trudeau's expiration date was a long time ago and I don't really care about the catharsis of beating him an election that's fun at the same time I want it to be that when Canadian politician are screwing up big time they leave that would be a great thing to normalize that you leave when you suck at your job and Trudeau has been sucking at it since he got into office so I don't want him to stick around for another year because he could do a lot of damage out of spite on his way out at least throwing a mark Carney who thinks that he's delusional enough to actually recover their popularity and still plows into the side of a mountain but at least somewhat pumps the brakes on some of the worst liberal policies because you know hoping that Trudeau sticks around for another year is basic basically saying let's hope another 10,000 people go bankrupt based on Trudeau's bad policies so it's easier for us to beat them let's hope for the best possible future in the shortest possible time you know let's hope for a new election as soon as possible I don't think it's going to happen but let's hope anyways that should be it for me today guys if you want to donate to the give send go I encourage you to do that it costs us a lot of money to fight back against this guy who can easily pay for any litigation he wants it's nonsense but now even he's ducking us so the case has slowed down quite a bit because as it's been going on he's realizing that we have been able to pay for it as as the case has been sort of developing and now he's scared that if he gets to the end of the case he's going to lose and get completely embarrassed that is the uh future that we want to manifest here and so we are trying to make sure that we keep the pressure on and we're going to try and apply somewhat soon to have summary judgment to get the sky out of our hair so if you want to contribute to that it's in the description of the video it's pinned in the comments below so if you can give anything that's really helpful you can't keep watching the videos like share subscribe do all that great stuff and I'll see you guys in my next video

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