Josephine Exotic ft. Tonia Haddix

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 01:01:07 Category: Entertainment

Tags : podbean
Trending searches: tonia haddix
[Music] welcome to the bad boy pod talking bad boy bars make a good girl nuts with the bad boy swag having conversations that a bad boy mad sit down relax kick back have a blast enjoy the bad boy pod brought to you by Lady pod I'm technically Ken we're technically within the testicle oh go call Ken inside of the testicle you know what I will say about go call 10 yes Ryan Anderson yes I bet he's like 6'4 at least oh my God he's definitely not a short King he's definitely tall Joker Zoe loves a tall man um do but you know what I would love to see uh what's his name Ryan Henderson Anderson Anderson wow can't believe I already forgot his name in four seconds yeah well he is um a star I wish he was on every reality show to mean he go on mass singer he's definely on mass singer watch God I mean can you imagine what animal would he be he would be like anal would he be okay what animal is famous for dating people in jail oh my God I don't know why I just am feeling koala and we'll put a side by side of Ryan Anderson out of koala and wmer Rama you can judge for your that would be the perfect Mass singer costume K the koala well no who well not quite oh wait Ken and Ryan are both on the same season um that would be a lot of drama Gypsy board Gypsy uh Rose's fetus honestly a girl who's the girl wow she's the next generation of gypsy she's gonna kill her mom also first sorry I hate to say that a fetus is going to kill her mom but I think it's going to happen wouldn't be the first time Shez L my name is Dee she's Louise she's Louise and de I just I want to see everybody from that entire universe on a reality show I think I mean outside of the reality show that they're currently on just like she life after lock up or whatever yeah I want I want like a like a Kardashian style um thingy where it's their entire life you know we're about to see that birth I it's going to be lifetime is about to publicize the [ __ ] out of thatth you mean like the live birth like they're going to film The Birth is that what you're saying that's what I'm saying okay gross I I mean I don't think they're going to get like the full view but I do think that they're going to film her face and Ken's face um and her hot Dad's face and possibly her sister Mia's face hot dad the only good person in her life and Mia her sister Mia's good too Mia's good too they're cut from the same cloth oh certainly um which is not being related to that side of the family at all and also not being for some reason he like he just has really bad taste in women I think horrible taste I don't know I mean relable relatable King I could fix him okay and she might okay one day you definitely heard of here last because um is a Millionaire Matchmaker and matching me up with Gypsy Rose's dad this is so Niche like I sometimes mid podcast like I'm listening and I'm like imagine it imagine you're just trying to get into this podcast you be like Oh I'm already confused um no no can't no um yeah we're obviously talking about Gypsy roses a lot of lilial there's a lot of lore there's a lot of lore um and unfortunately you cannot start at square one no which is why we're going to start another offshoot podcast one day called Gypsy Rose's Family okay go call Ken wow go Ken colon Gypsy Rose's Family Tree wow colon deceased and sad wow okay deceased and sad deceased and sad that's our new pod I think it could happen one day I do think that Gypsy Rose will be unfortunately deceased and sad within the next 20 years okay I don't know she's on early Death Watch there's something going on I feel yeah there's something going on my name is definely DD Blanchard and she is on the brink of death wow I mean if you know you know are you sweating is it hot oh my God I'm not sweating I'm turning up the AC okay my name is not somebody who cares about um the environment it's going to be so hot next week I know good God I'm you're not going to be here you're going to be in beautiful Canada where it's famously not so hot but it is sometimes hot in Canada and sometimes hot in Toronto um any other little tidbits for the testicle um no go no go call Ken go call Ken actually call your mom go call Mom then if you if you guys have a bad relationship don't bother yeah I don't think it's really worth remedying uh your bad relationship with your mom right now no not you just one just anyone who's listening who might have a bad relationship with your mom like today's not the day deal with it tomorrow give up give up oh or give up give up until tomorrow give up until tomorrow and if you until after Labor Day you're right don't wear we after Labor Day don't uh mend your familial Strife until after Labor Day both can be true at once all right let's hear the testicle and it's good and I bet it will be good and it's bad that's from a licorice ad if this is your first time listening wow we're going to start doing that okay perfect pod wow should we do a rare thing where we actually explain things the entire time yeah and be like and that drop is actually from okay so that was the testicle which is actually long for test which is uh we do a quick little test to see if everything sounds okay if Kevin who happens to be the iPad soundboard uh sounds juicy and clean and Kevin is named after Kevin James and when we say Kevin James bucket hat is because one time when we used to have to zoom during the pandemic era uh you know Kevin would have his own he would have to log in on his on his own and Julia put a photo of Kevin James in a bucket hat as Kevin's the iPad's face so then he became Kevin James bucket head wow and that is it's gonna be the longest episode ever bad boy pod which is named after when uh somebody may or may not assault somebody else the podcast uh my name is Julia davich and my favorite part of this podcast probably um saying bonad donk when somebody dies which is actually in reference to Jerry Seinfeld wow holy [ __ ] this is it does sound like out of context though it's pretty wild I mean yeah see that nothing more deathy than that yeah it does kind of sound like someone falling down the stairs when you think about it maybe that's is that yeah it's like bongonga to the Grave what is that called when you picture something in your brain psychically and also your podcast partner writing partner slri also sees the same thing in her brain it's em di Co imagining whoa co- imagination Co imagination creepy I don't like the sound of that I made it up stay out of my dreams baby I am your dreams my name is Zoe clar and my favorite is hands down absolutely spending my time editing this oh one of the best parts of my week it's it's like I don't wake up with a pit in my stomach knowing that I have to do this by a certain day at a certain time so Julia has a certain amount of time to listen to it so she can tell me if she has any edits be like hey can you take out that really specific thing I said about my high school ex-boyfriend I'm like um if I must can you please take out this really really small thing where I sound extremely stupid cuz like I already sound stupid enough this time so like maybe we could just take out one instance honestly 90% of it is just me taking out empty space which aren't you glad you don't have to take out my vape sounds though wow I used to [ __ ] Vape up a storm oh yeah Julia used to have a jewel she would lose the jewel we should' be like where's my Jewel it was a huge part of the podcast for a while it was wow I'm but that was also part of life though if in had you got to lose your Vape one of Diane's virgins which is sometimes what we called the fans of the Pod made like a bingo board for the podcast and one of them was Julia loses her Vape wow and it's when someone notices that you do something that you don't even notice Zoe notices that after I eat like a crummy sandwich or something I'll do this weird thing with my hands Rego yeah she'll do a how would you call this like a sometimes when I'm actively doing it I'm like oh [ __ ] that's the thing I do like a floppy hand slap I do a floppy hand slap she does a flop perfect name for the podcast episode but she does do a floppy hand slap um when she has something crummy to get the crumbs off but it's just very she pointed out to me when we were sharing office and it was really really like I'm so sorry disarming you're like I do that I ruined your life every day that is the day I ruined your life I had a sandwich every day no it was like anytime I eat something with crumbs you know what and the crumbs are out here my name is Diane I saw a Tik Tok once of this person who was obviously filming their dad getting into bed sorry if like I've said the story before and their dad I think it's their dad I don't know who it is um but they would get into bed and kind of like prop onto their knees and put their legs behind them and go like this with their feet like they're a little Cricket oh do a little like leg kick like it's really just like a foot kick to like get the Schmutz off your foot like I understand with cats litter like that's my big thing like I kind of like kick my feet but not like that I do with my hand yeah yeah yeah you WIP that thing off but he like got like the super cut of his like Dad I guess doing it like 20 times and it's so funny and if I can find it I'll these weird porks other than me everything I do makes perfect this like you could just tell this man is just like I can't touch my feet with my hands I can't handle it I have to only touch my feet together like that's his problem I don't mind touching my feet with my hands I'm a little I can I hate to say OCD but little are you like a are you a who hates feet know really no some people like I hate feet and that's their entire personality listen there a person with like I don't even think nice feet I still don't even hate feet yeah I have I have moderate feet and I think if you love feet or hate F feet you're a little weird yeah if you have too strong of an opinion I'm just like I use these to get around yeah I've never it's maybe the I mean I've had foot problems in my life so in that way I dislike my feet because they're uh you know irritable but for the most part um entirely indifferent I'm especially indifferent towards other people's feet irritable feet irritable feet syndrome unless you have like a really nasty feet then I'm like those are nasty but like for the most part I mean spoiler I did absolutely get a manicure today and then she did that thing where she was like and a pedicure and I was like yeah oh you got a pedicure I did it and I was like black toenails yes I was like I was really and right before that I had an interaction at Trader Joe's because I wanted to get cash out for tip I was like oh they do cash back baby I need a snack uh so I went and got a snack and then the guy at the counter was like oh nails and I was like thank you and I was like I'm literally just about to get them changed though he was like oh I was like he's like what are you getting and I was like black and he was like oh people don't do black anymore I was like everybody does black right now I think everybody does black but like I still appreciate that he tried to bond with you he did and then it's classic Trader Joe's though they're it's like you don't you guys don't even get tips like what are you doing they'll talk to you for sure you don't have to talk to me and then he was like people don't do red anymore either and I was like okay people do red okay we're not my mom does red people are constantly doing they can't stop a boomer is going to choose red oh they're like Revlon cherries in the snow do you know that that's a I'll put in the Slimer is that really a color yes the Slimer is uh named after Wilmer vder it's like Wilmer valderama and then because it's like a carousel on Instagram we like Wilmer slider cuz you slide through it I've always I thought it was called a slider but it is actually called a carousel carousel right and like Wilmer Carousel arama would not it would never it never would have happened but Wilmer inside arama and then it just turned into slim I don't understand it's mated yeah wow inside jokes really mutate here's the thing about the English language she's really up for your own interpretation it changes and when it comes to wmer balderama you would be shocked at how many things can apply that man's name I hate when people are just like no I hate learning new words and they're stupid shut up [ __ ] shut up there are certain slang words I'm just like no don't tell me that's SL incorporate wil valderama into your language see what happens bad you're not going to start dating teenagers like him don't worry about it no no no never people will be confused but just do it anyway but then you know what you'll always have an episode around episode 270 when you're going to explain exactly what it means and cherries in the snow real I'm pretty sure it was a lipstick color I'm not I really thought you made that up I literally worked at Shopper Drug Mart and I had only women that were like 65 and older that were buying that and they were like worst chaires in the snow they would just show me it and I'd look at it and go okay let me find it Cherry's in the snow I worked at the Cosmetic counter it was unavoidable who is your bad boy on the Block this week by the way oh my good yeah it sounds like you have a chunky Bunch Angel yeah that's Robin Thick that's Robin Thick yeah we miss him um we miss him we love him we met him we're best friends he's on the pot next week we didn't really meet him but like we almost met him I mean like you would for sure recognize Us in the last month we've seen him in public we've been we've shared space we almost Co with him at a game we almost made it we almost did a bit of a gang bang with him just us three it was consensual his kids were upset his kids were upset to have to watch just kidding that never happened it never happened we just happen to see him it's fine we saw him we saw him um my bad boy so last week when you were at my place you said oh did I ruin something no you're like oh you cleaned up your garage or you did a big clean thing I was like no we didn't yeah that diden I was like I cleaned out here but I did not clean the garage um and I was like oh jeez someone must have stolen I guess two full shelves yeah they were pretty large shelves to have just yed out of there they were just like Garden shelves that I was like oh this will be storage in the [ __ ] garage but now but now some else's garage I guess someone else's so then we're like okay weird and what did Carlos say about it he was like I don't know we were both kind of just confused like I don't know where that like someone must have really needed shels like I don't even know I like or I thought like he thought like someone threw them out from the building and guess what what someone did throw them out from the building but it was the building management because this is so convoluted to listen to this [ __ ] web okay I know and I've already had other problems since I walked in the door with always so she's probably really really exhausted by my wait I just don't understand why they think that they can go into your garage and throw out your store your Ika stor to tell you why okay wow so we have a new building manager she's fine RP to the last one it's been like 3 seconds yeah okay but we notice this person she's like parked in our spot so I just put a little posted note that said hey this is my assigned spot um sorry or something I was literally nice and then I just put Julia apartment whatever phone number and then we get the hello just we're you know I'm the new building manager and then she like brought at the posted note and she was like that's the manager's um parking spot and we're like no it's not it's been her parking spot the whole time it's been his parking spot for even longer yeah and she's like well and she really came at it from that angle where she was like the building management can actually change your spot and we're like okay well we didn't know anybody changed her spot and also we noticed our shelving disappeared and also like blinds for the actual building right like the blind I don't care throw your own blinds I don't the blinds that came in the apartment and then like if you were to move out you have to put them back because people are [ __ ] stupid I'll probably just end up having to buy them anyway but or I just won't do [ __ ] no you should blame her I me assuming that's where this is going here's the thing this is where the convoluted nightmare begins cuz it's like oh great so apparently what happened was because there were so many parking problems AKA people block the spot all the time M it's fine we don't even have a car we use it for other people essentially yeah I use it you use it every other week baby sometimes we use it but really when we need it someone's blocking it and that's kind of the law yeah um also it gets flooded constantly we're kind of the ideal people to have it because we barely Park in it right we're not even putting up a [ __ ] fuss we're just like oh okay well we just want to know where our stuff went and we didn't know that this was our spot but apparently the last manager who we had thousands of problems with as a entire Community told them that she had been parking there the whole time time because we had problems with the parking the building management told her to take that spot she never did and then told them that when she and then when she moved out and they called her because there was stuff in her spot what should we do with the stuff that you left she said throw it out wow as a last possibly [ __ ] you or she didn't want to get caught in a lie I'm not really sure that's so weird it was so wild so we were like okay not coming out you new girl but you did throw out our [ __ ] though you someone threw out our [ __ ] so we had to like talk to a different manager and a different manager it was just such a like you better not get dinged for not being able to put those blinds back I'm not going to [ __ ] get dinged for that that's like the least of my it's like theun planning on moving out so it's not like an issue but I'm just saying it's just the the the communication breakdown all of that [ __ ] is so annoying so is she in your spot now or like what's the deal no I mean like we called to just be like you know so what's the deal sorry we don't like know what's even happening cuz if they're all under the impression that that's not our spot I just need to know where to tell my [ __ ] cats at a [ __ ] Park like just tell me right that's it um so we're like the and like we Carlos talked to the other manager and then he called us back and said can you actually tell me who's parking in all the spots and we're like Yeah we actually can tell you from like one to whatever you guys are The Unofficial building manager it's really so much it's so much and then it was like okay and then he called back again being like okay it's obviously clear you guys have had the spot the whole time um so you can have your spot we're like honestly at this point we're kind of like yeah give us the other spot cuz like that's it would have been the easiest spot so we're like yeah give us the spot give us the spot yeah um but no they backtracked and they was like oh no you can just keep your spot or whatever okay well that's weird that they just threw [ __ ] so and they shut off the water today with no warning which is like someone's pipe burst and like okay someone I feel like I don't know anyone whose apartment complex building housing situation has as much drama as yours like honestly am I that hard to please it's not not you it's them it's really not me I also just think somehow it attracts a bizarre type of person I mean I I've seen we have seen the like uh job description oh yeah years ago not years ago like last year when they put it up just cuz we were so curious yeah and they didn't they don't pay the person right they get half off rent they get half off rent that's not even a job I mean like it's just this is there's no time that's a nice thing but it's like you know let's say I think like average one-bedroom in La at this point is probably like 2,200 so if it's a one-bedroom and they get paid $1,100 a month that's you still need to live with someone and that's still so much it's way more time like it probably ends up being like five bucks an hour or something like it's nothing you don't get paid you need another job to do it you obviously need a dual income to live there because it's not because you still have to pay half the rent it's and it's stressful like you should just be paid Al loone based on like the stress and we noticed that the law that was enacted was in January 2023 and that's this all began cuzz then that's the enacted law was if you had a certain amount of apartments in the complex you needed somebody on site living there so now it's just become like this new [ __ ] routine where they're like I'm a tenant I'm a paying tenant in your building treat me like a tenant but like a both sides it's so bizarre there's no like there it's a strange regulation it's it's such a it's just a [ __ ] position that you don't get paid for you just get yelled at the perks are not Perkin it's just shitty I know and then so they have to stand and dance between this like you know okay we have this middle person who takes the brunt and the stress of living with their their T neighbors yeah like that's rough it's rough and you don't get paid for it so you know it's not like I'm out there trying to make her life miserable but but her life will be miserable her life is going to be a few months it just absolutely will be miserable and she did steal your shelving so in my parking spot in your parking spot and your perfect BL would have been [ __ ] miserable if she was in our parking spot and it started flooding I wish that would have happened we're no offense I don't know I we both like yeah take it I guess I don't know why I'm wishing bad on her when like she is clearly being taken advantage of but like for some she doesn't know for some reason immediately you like based on your last building manager and like everything that happened I'm just like [ __ ] her immediately no I'm it's not even like I want to even say [ __ ] you immediately but even the way that um she was not defensive but there was like a oh I see you are still I mean like I don't know how long you've worked for a I don't or sorry but I don't care I'll gobble it out and by the way gobble is a turkey and it's sort of our equivalent of like a beep like it's a sensor so like anybody's you know personal information if we're talking about if we're talking sh really it's like if we're talking [ __ ] about somebody or something and we're giving away too much info but we want in we'll throw a goer in there and you'll be like wow the mystery remains yeah exactly and listen I'm not going to stop being um it's not even being a [ __ ] it's just like you know if someone does you dirty you respond in the way that you should respond which is hi I don't like the way I'm being treated right now next time could you please do this yeah or whatever it is and you know and I fully blame the building management company right it's not This Woman's fault but like she's just the face of this company it sucks that it has to be her or anybody yeah they should come here and have to live here with me as a neighbor cuz I am so nice yeah everybody knows that okay who's my bad boy in the block I mean tell us it's hard been bitching for 15 minutes it's fine um that's lowkey the point of the entire thing so my bad boy the block would be I had to go into work for real this week I had to go into the workspace workplace and my first day was Thursday and I made the horrible choice to get the CO booster Wednesday afternoon oh no and so my first day which was like a 10hour day in the office it was a long day um I was also boosted up oh dear I was [ __ ] so tired and my arm hurt um everyone you get the CO booster by the way I'm not saying don't but did you get your boosting and your flu at the same time I didn't get my flu at the same time I did last time and I was totally fine I was not like I was expecting to sort of be maybe sleepy but I was like I was feel I felt like I was on drugs almost and not in a fun way in like a oops coming off drugs now way where I was like I don't feel so good I used to be that [ __ ] who was like I don't need a flu shot mhm um I got the flu bat I got the sick multiple times this year I I just don't like getting sick at all yeah it's horrible it [ __ ] sucks getting sick my name is Diane my is Diane my name is Diane honestly I'll get mono if it means I got to make it how do you explain Diane if it's a bit Diane I would say Patron Patron s in the PO other than Mark McGrath we'll get there and she she's your aunt you know ant Vibes for sure ant Vibes maybe she's like between your aunt and your great aunt there's like an in between and she's that like and like to some maybe she's a bit like your grandma but like you're probably a jenzer and I don't know do any Jers listen to this that would be wild I mean I hope so gosh I hope so gosh I hope we're cool gosh gosh I hope uh yeah so she she runs she runs this [ __ ] um you're not necessarily excited to see her at a family reunion she's definitely bringing the most disgusting potato salad you've ever had she's a bit like a building manager and that we do not pay her no we don't pay her but she's she is sort of an intern uh she's like an elderly intern she's like an elderly intern and she um she gets a lot of stuff wrong she loves Beanie Babies she anytime we're wrong it's because of her she's quick to be scammed she'll join in MLM in a minute um she you know she's sort of she'll send you like the most blingy meme you've ever seen in your life yeah she loves a sparkly meme especially if it has like a cartoon Kitty in it oh yeah uh you know the Vibes you know this woman favorite snack like cottage cheese on crackers with raisins 100% I was not being bad oh some red wine with some ice oh she's annoying but like bagged red wine oh yeah and and she keeps that [ __ ] on lock you know it's it's not like she doesn't like to splurge on something but it has to be the right thing she always has a white and a red frzy on the fridge ready to go franzy frzy in college for sure this is so embarrassing please actually it's not I'm proud of this I'm proud we did something called Tor frania oh beautiful uh you should be very proud I hope you have a picture of it I don't know what this is I don't have a picture of it but it involves um I think you're in like teams of four if I remember correctly and you have to finish an entire bag box of frania and you do different things it's like you do a you do a like lap on your bike which is why it's torto fenia because you bike uh you have to like complete a puzzle um wow you have it's like a puzzle it's various things how many pieces I think it was like a 250 not not wild okay um 250 not wild got it 250 not wild I mean like 5 how long does that take a person it took like a night I think I mean there were like a bunch of teams it was like competitive you know there were like 10 teams H um and everyone just got drunk and went biking and it's not it's not a good thing to do it's unsafe and there were other things other than the puzzle and the biking that I'm just not remembering that you had to complete but there were different versions of it there was a version where like you know everyone has to smoke a certain amount of weed there was a version where everyone had like a 30 rack of beer so 30 cans of beer there are like different versions of it my name is not Diane because every night for Diane is a torto frania minus the bicycle well maybe she'll whip out her walking pad for for and do like a quick 400 steps wait what the [ __ ] is a walking pad is that that you do in like your room yeah it's like a treadmill that you can buy on Tik Tok shop unbelievable I forgot that Tik Tok has a shop oh boy does it ever um do you have any other bad voice on the Block oh No Just My Endless complaints about you know co-living okay um the only update I have is actually about uh Matthew Perry death he's back to he's he's alive he's alive again did you know um the doctor that was charged in its death accepted a plea deal guil guil arama and again that's a wmer balama reference oh yeah and could face up to 10 years in prison wow also uh Ken yep which is a reference to which is absolutely from the Gypsy Rose show also um Jennifer mother [ __ ] low oh yeah and Ben Affleck uh still deeply in within their divorce um God but now they keep getting it now Jay [ __ ] Gardener is coming in oh no and they're both sort of like this man is unhinged oh okay cuz like here's a thing I saw that um she and Jennifer were hanging out Jennifer low Jennifer low and Jennifer gar yeah wow are they both Jennifers yeah have never noticed this in my life oh yeah deeply Jens and B we're deep we're knee deep in Jens and Ben the the double Jens yeah were like hanging out pre all of like not pre all of this but like during this like back and forth we're like Ben is over here Jen is over there Ben is over here Jen is over there Ben is over here Jenna is over there but they're now spending whatever together you know that was the best [ __ ] sesh of all time they were oh my God what a release I mean talk about a [ __ ] GL talk about a couple chilled glasses of chardonay they were throwing them that's a that's a what did you call Tor FR right there I mean they wow more like a Tor something extremely expensive that I can't afford yeah absolutely a torto d perryon which is like champagne whatever anyway I bet they were just going in on that man and they they both needed it so hard oh my God they were just like wait so he forgot your birthday yeah four times and Jen's like and he forgot mine this year and Jennifer Gardner was like getting the call that to Jennifer [ __ ] low and she was like do I take it no she was like you're ready like she I bet she's been like waiting she was like okay the second they get back together that [ __ ] SES it's going to be so [ __ ] strong it was kind of I mean it was it's nice to hear cuz I didn't know that they that they had both confirmed so wait how do we know this is this what de mois says how do we know what that they are like mutually bitching about Ben oh we don't we don't we just know they both they both have said publicly like this man's a monster I don't know if they actually hung out and discussed how much he is I always thought that exgen first xgen yeah well listen that's hard um it is hard I always thought that okay what's her name Garder I always thought that Gardner was the one that was like religious or something and like maybe wasn't so vocal about their breakup I kind of thought that she was just trying to keep it together cuz don't they have kids together I think they have kids and she was just trying to be mum about it but listen I don't [ __ ] care I don't [ __ ] care drag this guy I don't give a [ __ ] drag this guy drag his Darkness I mean listen his darkness is probably something some boring [ __ ] where it's just like yeah listen I'm addicted to porn I don't care sorry I don't want to I can't I don't listen Jen I don't want to hang out with your friends no he's annoying maybe he's very regressed and doesn't want to do anything I think I don't think Jen is inviting him I think Jen is taking that time to [ __ ] be alone I think she's like I got to get the [ __ ] out of this man's she's sad sack oh yeah she she's way too smart for that yeah and like she did that weird [ __ ] autobiographical [ __ ] that last last year remember that yeah so that was weird Ben Affleck like funded that whole thing and was like apparently very involved in the creative of it I didn't watch it but I just saw that online I mean he seemed embarrassed to even be in it yeah well I mean it's just listen you watched it maybe I need to watch it I caught the end of it and then we watched the making okay and it was all of it was so self-servingly weird I love a I love a celeb doc though I love to see what they're really like even though this is obviously so not that you'll have a good laugh I mean it's a good laugh I love to laugh because unintentionally because it's not like it's just like she takes herself very seriously I guess I just don't take myself that seriously yeah we don't I just don't I don't know if it's like it's like both you catch me on a bad day I can take myself very seriously but if you tell me the is a direct threat that's a direct threat but on the on a different day yeah I'll just probably repeat what you just said back to and laugh okay perfect you know it just in a way that's my dream conversation and that is just Jayla that's just I don't think she gives a [ __ ] what anybody thinks cuz she has too much money to care y so congratulations on youres she did oh was this the dress yes yeah I mean she didn't invent it but that was whated I don't care about her music really there's like one Banger that's the only Banger it reminds me of the OTS it does I know where I was when I heard that song okay you can gobble at her name which is the term that we use for obviously the gobler that's pretty obvious L also whoa that was Fergie which is and also lowy like eating somebody out is a bit of a gobler not that I would know cuz I've never done it but yeah I guess so I haven't that's a fact I guess so and another thing about this podcast sometimes I'll just share deeply personal tidbits about my life yeah but you know what you can always rethink it in the edit I can sometimes I don't even notice when you take things out a lot of things I don't many things I don't notice how you take out when you notice or when you take things out I do take things out sometimes um sneak sneak a take out okay you ready for a bad boy on the Block this week or bad boy in the cage God yeah kind of sad it's kind of sad but you know what it's part of life um it's definitely Mrs wow M your gal power rager Tonka wow okay go with M your gal um okay well we she didn't Maul anybody no but I mean but her buddies spawned I um it's definitely a Mr I don't know she refers to herself as the Dolly Parton of chimps so I don't really want to give her that but I I can see where she got there I mean she's more of like the she's the Joe EXO otic of chimps she really isale she's literally she's literally Josephine exotic Josephine exotic you're right that's perfect I love it I oh that shot with her I watched the second episode yesterday we didn't we don't get to record this before watching the third so we get to spoil everything for ourselves cuz there's a there's a documentary Series right now we don't know exactly what's going to happen oh yeah it's called chimp crazy it's on Max it's called CH trimp crazy and like there are a lot of fun details fun details I'm saying but like they're not fun they're disgusting I don't need to know about monkeys masturbating I don't want to know any of this [ __ ] speak for yourself cuz I was so excited to hear about that it horrifying but it makes sense get animals away from this woman I mean I find out later but anyway um they tried they tried they tried and you know what they kind of succeed they kind of succeed see um okay her name is Tanya hadex she's a [ __ ] loon she's a loon that shot with her with a [ __ ] um oh the number when she got her lips did and who is this man that's doing the jections her nephew I don't know it's just like it really just looks like some guy like that you met at a grocery store yeah I mean your if if your chimp girl is getting filler or is she Connecticut or Missouri okay okay so the this DOI walkie dooo is about a chimpanzee breeding facility in Missouri which is called what the [ __ ] is it called and it's like two places where you're like wait anything goes in Connecticut the Missouri primate the Missouri primate Foundation okay and they had like at the time so misleading yeah it's definitely not that I mean they had like a couple chimps a couple Capuchin a couple other monkeys handful of poers handful of monks handful of various monkeys um and they basically just bred chimps and to give people as pets or they were sort of like movie stars in a way um like this the main the main chimp that is featured in the documentary is named Tonka who was a delicious movie star and was in George of the Jungle and also like a movie with Alan [ __ ] who was like deeply in this documentary Alan [ __ ] is all over the dock he's all over the do coming all over the dock Alan he um I guess was in a movie with one of these monkeys the main the main monk Nam named Tonka should we put tonka's artwork in the Slimer tonka's artwork is honestly second only to George Bush's deeply moving and I got to say I I kind of was like I think you're lying um when he was like someone sent me this monkeyy it's not a monkey it's a chimp it's a chimp it's a violent chimp someone sent me this violent chimps um artwork he's not violent he's just he's not the most violent one he's just a little bit he's an animal he's an animal doing his life he does tend to get a little angry sometimes um but okay this fact was interesting at least 15,000 primates exist as pets throughout the United States and in the past three decades there have been more than 450 incidents of privately owned primates injuring or killing people get a life guys I know just get there's so many dogs get life get a dog yeah get a so dogs in like in in shelters and you're out there looking for exotic pets you need a manc you don't need to pick so in 199 give me your money just give me money 1995 a baby chimp from the Missouri primate Foundation was $50,000 so you can only imagine that in 2020 which is when um all the [ __ ] started going down it must have been like 90k mhm I can't even imagine I can't imagine do you want to talk about Tanya's job so or are we getting to it we'll get to it let's just get into it so basically this documentary is about a case between the Missouri Foundation which was originally owned by a woman named Connie Casey who's like Diane's second cousin no um she's just like also an older woman um who has been in charge of these primates for a long time breeding them selling them as pets uh she did like sort of the Joe exotic thing which is like bring baby chimpanzees to birthday parties and have kids post with them or whatever I mean that was like the laziest form of anything to like raise a an exotic animal not that that's easy not that they're doing the best job possible I'm sure they're not even doing a good job it's certainly risky it's very risky but like also I'm sorry you're just making money off the back of a wild animal yeah lazy lazy sure um so Peta sort of uh sued Connie Casey um and this is when Tanya hadex the Dolly Parton of chimps came into her life and basically offered to take over the Missouri facility so as like Connie Casey wasn't implied in the law Su anymore so then they just sued Tanya instead what is her problem I don't know like again that part is the weirdest thing to me where I'm just like why are you trying to insert yourself in the weirdest way possible like did you have like are they going to get to that in the third episode I genuinely don't get they must they must so in 2020 Peta and Tanya hadex came to like some sort of agreement that she could keep three of the chimpanzees including Tonka if she met certain conditions to upgrade the Missouri facility um um because at the time uh Peta alleged that the conditions were unlawful and inhumane um The Chimps were deprived of social interaction with each other they were isolated from one another and yeah had I mean from what this article so there was a big Rolling Stone article about the whole situation in 2022 that I skimmed um which is where I got most of this information from probably the Rolling Stone article came out after the documentary was filmed but before the obviously right because I think the documentary was filmed in 2021 or two yes basically Tanya hadex did not fix the things that Peta said she had to fix she in the documentary I got to say they really made it look like she was trying yeah she did paint it she did paint it pink it is she did paint it pink but like you literally it is just such a weird like she really thinks genuinely she she's so delusional she thinks she can do everything on her own yeah she thinks that she is doing a good job no she does she genuinely thinks that in her heart and I believe that she loves these chimps because yeah you can still like chimps you can still love chimps I guess you can still like and love both of those chimps but I guess that doesn't mean you're doing a good job so they came to this agreement in 2020 she had to fix it up in 2021 a judge found that uh Tanya hadex had violated the consent consent decree that they had come up with to make those adjust uh fixing up the whatever the [ __ ] and a judge found her in contemp of court and ordered all seven animals including the three chimps uh be that hadex was originally allowed to keep be sent to the Center for great apes a day after the judge's order hadex began to claim to local news outlets that Tonka her favorite chimp had died from heart failure on May 30th which was we'll get to it and in the dog she really really puts on such a performance I she killed it she lowy killed it I can't lie I mean certain things where you're like you can tell when someone's lying yes but she does not make it easy on her everyone knows that she's lying but there's no so she basically says that um Tonka is dead her husband cremated cremated Tonka the the Chimp in like a backyard um in a backyard burn pit basically um which is not how cremation typically works also so weird that you have a backyard burn pit that you burn animals in I don't know is that just what people do in Missouri don't until you try it I don't know you know um Peta was like obviously No One Believes her everyone thinks that she like is storing Tonka somewhere although like the logistics of like harboring a whatever however much shrimps way a bunch of pounds a lot of a lot of pounds I mean a giant ass monkey or ape the logistics of hoarding and hiding a giant ass [ __ ] ape is not easy uh but pedo was having hard time finding direct evidence however the documentary crew knew that uh she was hiding this chimp and they are the ones that ultimately tipped off Peta it's so weird I mean like and at the end there's like it is so clear when you see it and then you kind of go back and you're like oh of course there's a reason that she still stays in contact with Connie of course she still talks to Connie this much and that like it that that whole situation did not erode their relationship because like um she's still hiding a [ __ ] monkey for Connie yep but like really for herself she's so far out to lunch and so she basically claimed that Tonka had died of congenital heart failure and that they made the decision to euthanize him and I think from reading in this Rolling Stone article that was like a real discussion they had about whether or not to euthanize him before he was sent away uh because they really didn't want him to go to this I guess primate facility so I didn't understand that part for some reason so this they really only did discuss euthanization as like a preventative measure of him going to a different facility not cuz he was Ill that was my understanding well if that's true that's really sick and then when he got to the new facility which was not the same place that all it was a different facility than where all of the other chimps from that Foundation were sent is it like the one he's in now the one he's in now it sounds really nice it sounds Lux it's like CL Florida um the doctor the Vets there found nothing wrong with him I mean she's just a big weird liar I guess like Big Max like I can't imagine they're living a healthy lifestyle they were kept at a very small cage um I mean I don't know the rules for how much it is to keep a chimp but I think you know he was in and when they found him she was keeping him in her basement in like a weird cage in her basement uh she did buy him a hammock I mean that's really nice I just got Fran a hammock recently so I mean he's just like a chimp I guess I mean it he she really has whatever it is that makes you love something so much you kill it you know what I mean like what is that called yeah DD Blanchard the the real it's a real Dey Blanchard she's a bit of a de Blanchard um but yeah basically the one of the I also read a profile on Eric good who made the documentary who also made Tiger King um and I get there was like a lot of internal conversations within the crew about how and when to let Peta know that she has this monkey in her or this ape in her basement yeah so how I don't I don't know how that happened secret that will be tipped off that will be in the next episode that was not in this I mean I assume the documentary crew didn't want to tell Rolling Stone about this because this is like the turning point of their documentary sure but also like but I do know that they tipped Offa how dumb is she that you would actually like you what did she think she was doing by like telling a document like genely want to know in her head why did she think her secret was safe with a documentary genuinely think that so Eric good who's the creator of Tiger King wanted to do this documentary but knew that none of these like animal cuck cuckoo would trust him so he basically hired like a decoy director who was a circus was in the circus and previously been arrested for uh animal endangerment or something to like get he was like their in to people like Tanya to get them to like he could get he could win her trust because he also you know it's like having an informant almost but like not right like they were you know the same type of person because they both like exotic animals and he's been arrested and he quote unquote hates Peta and all this stuff so she she trusted him because she thought they were like that his perspective on the documentary was not going to be What It ultimately was which was basically tiger for chips I mean it's so that's such jine Josephine Exotica Josephine exotic you know it's in my head it's like creating like that that CU it's just like God I really hate that anybody has to be duped into admitting the dumb like the dumb [ __ ] that they do but I guess you just got she obviously felt very Bamboozled in this situation oh God bet she did I'm sure she I mean she is very vocal about how she feels about Peter Peter Peta but it's also very funny like the editing is so good I know I know she's she's definitely kooky you know she's so cooky there are little moments where like I mean I love that you can do virtual I mean like um court now I mean not that I have to go to court ever but can't wait but they should let jury people do that I don't know I don't think she's been charged with anything even though she 1 million per perjured herself self oh yeah um by harboring an ape fugitive but she's wild where did she get her money like I oh right brokering selling uh selling monkeys and [ __ ] it's just like pre that like where did you get it I guess it just must all be brokering monkeys I mean yeah she basically just sells monkeys it is so what a and transports them too she it's not just monkeys either because no it must it's just all exotic animals it's all exotic animals apparently she really likes wallabies unbelievable I'm like you want to pet Walby though I'm not I I mean if you ever see a woman you know bottle feeding a monkey on the side of the road you know that's an animal broker I guess on their way to go drop or maybe they just got a new or maybe so the most famous chimp uh who also happens to rip faces was named Travis classic Travis was purchased from Connie Casey in 1995 um a family Sandra and Jerome purchased this chimp Travis from Casey for $50,000 when he was just days old in 1995 and basically raised them as their kid he would sleep in bed with them he learned how to ride a bike uh he apparently ate steak and lobster tails at restaurants um but then he got larger and larger and larger and lar larger and in 2009 he snapped and attacked the a family friend named charlin Nash and ripped off her nose eyelids lips and hands from her body so she was totally blind so yeah and she died not recently but like in the last 10 years I think okay but not premature premature but it didn't have to do with that I guess um I don't know she and she really thought she was dead I mean again it was it was really weird to talk to not talk to but like the documentarian talk to who was it like the it was like a stepdaughter of hers right yeah who again poisoned by monkeys like they all just love it they all just love this monkey life they're just like they think it's normal I kind I get it because it's like on it's like On The Fringe of society right but it's like all It's On The Fringe of society but at the same time I don't know I mean they're wild but like this woman I mean her story is weird because it's like okay her daughter died and then her husband died and then now this monkey became like everything yeah it's like her son and like it just became like the weirdest attachment ever and on top of it it just was nightmarish but like 20 years and they yeah so the monkey was like 15 or as a teenager when this happened but you know they go from being like a cute little thing to like a full-blown [ __ ] ape and if you watch there's a documentary on Netflix that's about chimpanzees in the wild and these [ __ ] kill each other for like on site on site if you them they kill each other territorial in the animal kingdom go ham you know sometimes you got to kill each other in the animal kingdom but when you're keeping a chimp as a pet it's shouldn't be legal but I mean be triggered by Tickle Me Elmo a lot it was Elmo it was literally Elmo it was literally Elmo he was triggered triggered by Elmo um I don't really blame the chimp I mean you know he popped off but basically this chimp attacked her friend um she called the police and was like come come [ __ ] murder my chimp son and the police came and shot the chimp uh and the chimp like ran inside and eventually died but I'm like wow it's just so sad and everyone in the community knew the chimp as like he would come around he would hang out he was like a weird you know novelty almost where it's like it's just so it's just like in every instance you're like gosh you know I get that you like I I can understand on one level that you are an animal lover but you are not loving an animal displ no it's so weirdly selfish it's hard to explain I I I I don't think it's like a Mental Illness but I do think it's like a weird compulsion that it's definitely an offshoot of someone's mental illness like it's I mean t hadex definitely has something going on yeah there's something going on there and I mean it's not like you should even require a checklist of you know um behavioral non problems I don't know it's a delete that I don't think that you need to be I don't think anybody should have chimps I don't think any literally nobody un not even a zoo like I just why I just there's no reason for it and like I don't know let them let them live out their last days on but okay so like the Tonka so it's not going to be a spoiler because it's coming out on Sunday so it's not like everybody's not going to find out that Tonga that's true is it Tonka or Tonga now I forget Tonka truck it is [ __ ] Tonka Tonka if we said Tona sorry no it's Tonka truck so Tonka now I mean even though Tonka in the past was like labeled as unwell and violent I mean b b yeah is completely normal in the wild I mean it just it is like at the sanctuary at the sanctuary not in the wild he's in like semi wild yeah he's normal fore an animal he's in human manufactured wild yeah and like when he got there he was reportedly like more human than animal but now he's more animal than human oh I'm happy which is like nice to hear that's my dream yeah honestly give me an animorph life somebody released me into the I just want to be a cat but not really in the wild like a safe wild email Diane okay you want to be a cat in a sanctuary I do sctu like a giant Sanctuary though perfect is that safe um okay so that's sort of chimps you know what I mean it's just [ __ ] up um let's shut the door on Tanya hadex if you own a chimp you can't listen to this podcast anymore unless you unless you get rid of your chimp then you don't play this podcast for a chimp yeah please don't jeez I don't know okay Mark McGrath does not own a chimp however he has definitely held a baby chimp at some sort of event and honestly he were if he were a single guy I feel like he'd be on like chimp watch like he would maybe if I can find a picture of him holding one somewhere I'll if there's a picture of Mark I mean I feel like holding a chimp is so 90s it really is um okay who's your good boy this week let's see gosh do I have a single good boy in my life I honestly don't like my broke down I guess that's a bad boy that I miss yeah my car broke down I had to go to the mechanic to get it fixed he was like you need new tires and then I was driving around and my like check oil light came on I'm just like [ __ ] every or like my oil change light came on I'm just like can this [ __ ] end for three and a half seconds that's not a good boy at all no it's not it's literally a bad boy g wow so Mike's giving a trouble late bad boy I guess late bad boy even though it's been here this whole time so not a good week not a good week U I made a random rhubarb thing CU I was trying to get rid of [ __ ] in my fridy poo and it was like felo dough and that that I had in the freezer oh nice that sounds good I have a lot of honey so I just did like a honey rhubarb and then like every layer of felo it was like I mean I used a [ __ ] whole stick of butter yeah you to you have to but like that's how it tastes good I mean it was [ __ ] good but like half of it went into the rhubarb and half of it just kind of I don't even think I took a picture so [ __ ] it oh but I still have some in the fridge um but the layers of the butter it just makes it nice and the butter is like mixed with brown sugar oh damn she was a sweet treat because I I swapped out the white sugar for honey and then I just left the whatever that's a sweet treat right there I don't know that this is a thing I just tried to get rid of [ __ ] but it was pretty good hard if it works it's a thing and then I really really tried to make whipped cream out of condensed milk cuz that's what I had and then it was a fail so I made it somehow into like a shitty dlal H and that's again very sweet very sweet you have such a sweet tooth though I just don't but the dessert was not sweet cuz it super tart because of the um rhubarb which is technically a vegetable so I had a vegetable filo pie Emil Dian great that's a good boy good it was a good boy it was a surprise good boy I really didn't know how it turn out um okay let's do TV talks guess we just did a full docky talk I mean we did um but I did practically catch up on well was Point 2K yeah but I'm not like you're not done though I'm not done you can spoil everything you want cuz I honestly I was even at the point where I was at the weddings fast foring all the boring [ __ ] in between being like I don't care you get married I don't care you should have watched The Reunion oh I do want to watch it I'm so curious the reunion is spicy because Sabrina and Steven straight Zoe de Chanel right and the guy they break up wait is that oh my God that's B fast and London couple yeah I knew it I [ __ ] knew it and they seem so in love well they did but the thing was right that was the only that was actually the only love story that I want like their wedding day [ __ ] because there was a moment where he was like uh where she said um I think he's living he's open to living in Belfast and I'm not doing the accent um and then they cut to him and she's like he said we're going to live in London for the first few years it and like but it was so disconnected like they not on the same page and I was like did they think they're living in the same [ __ ] place that is the gist of what happened knew it is she hinted it she went down to lond a bad editor she went down to London a bunch and he barely went up there and like I guess also his ex-girlfriend was at their wedding oh yeah why I don't know but that's a weird thing that also happened interesting um Bobby and Jasmine are still together okay uh fredd and Katherine obviously still apart Al and uh Demi still apart um benah and Nicole are together oh wow yep long-haired King long hair King how do you feel about him he's fine I mean like I'm glad that that's where they ended up yeah I mean I guess but he's like he's fine yeah I agree um I sort of liked this season I feel like obviously everyone's like above average attractiveness but there were enough people that were sort of just slightly above average that do yeah honestly yeah but did you say what happened to Oli and yeah they're not together they didn't say yes yeah I mean I I was so happy when she didn't say yes I was like yeah thank you this guy's annoying this guy going to be annoying uh but now he's seeing Charlotte who was in the pods who when they were at the uh bar or whatever and she walked down the St stairs and he was like who's that and they were like Charlotte yeah so now they're together oh dear yep oh God spicy meatball spicy meatball yeah um but I liked the season yeah this was fun actually I didn't think I I would enjoy it I watched it uh also partially at the dentist um I enjoyed that too did you um Beav ver worst ex ever no not yet oh I'm only like be trying beavering is what we call binge watching yes cuz beavering in Canada means um when you Beaver through something you get through something fast I don't know why people don't use that here I use it now for binge watching it's better I really beefed through it it it feels less like aggressive or something it does but I didn't be through it yet I I've been savoring it oh I beef through it in a day okay well it'll take me a sec but like it really won't if I really put my mind to it if you put your mind to it you can beef right through I really can um I watched that there's a new show on Peacock called the anonymous that I watched I don't recommend it at all it's like the circle kind of but there's also like but there's also like a real life element it's so stupid um don't watch that couldn't recommend it any less I do love the X thing I like it was it was I do like it's the same format as that worst roommate ever show cuz you're right it is and you told me that yeah it's the same people but I like that um you're like oh oh we get to meet more than one ex of this person that's great yeah sometimes love that sometimes if they have abused multiple people you get to meet all of them wow you know and that's the thrill of Netflix Baby dating and also Netflix um any other TV talks I don't think I [ __ ] watched anything else okay perfect well we will not be here next week so have a delicious week off uh email Diane at if you have a bad boy on the Block a good boy please leave us a five star reading uh on Apple podcast or Spotify or whatever or I will jump off of a cliff okay then you'll have blood on your hands and then you might have blood on your hands and you know then you'll be the worst X ever when you think about it how about that uh shop. badboy for a T-shirt and follow us at badboy podcast where we're going to post wmer slim aramas which are of course uh the distant cousin of wmer vama and other than that you know don't buy a chimp don't buy a chimp Autumn is upon us Autumn is upon us avoid chimps at all cost wow it's always birthday months buy her a gift yeah buy me a gift [ __ ]

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