JULY 18 - Olympian Bridget Carleton and Cherry Pit Spitting

Published: Jul 17, 2024 Duration: 00:33:56 Category: Entertainment

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podcasting to the world it's the CK Mornings in case you missed it podcast with Chris Alena and Matt subscribe wherever you get your podcasts from our mouths to your ears here's what you missed we often uh like to highlight those dumb drivers on the road that got caught for stunt driving mhm this is out of Lal down the road where a woman this time was caught going 102 km hour in a 50 in a 50 over double so that's like going down Kyle Drive at a 100 flying through LEL and it looks like it's kind of like a uh not a residential not a full-on residential area but you know there's there's houses close by yes how old was this woman I'm not even going to give you any clues was this a teenage woman was this an older woman young 20s I'm going to guess incorrect okay 30s incorrect okay I'll go opposite end 58 higher higher 65 65 year old woman charged with stunt driving and that's not the oddest part of the story it's the second time by the same officer a 65-year-old woman has been caught stunt driving twice in lell by the same officer and the last time was just this week oh she's got a let Leed foot then what is happening Grandma where's she going that's my question where is this 65-year-old old woman having to go so fast at 100 and a 50 Bingo is the first thought I'm like there's a bingo coming knitting knitting she's got her hair appointment yes she's got to get her hair done uh the bridge game is going to start soon pesy Pary she's going to go visit the family she's late to see her grandkids the latest truck from winers just pulled away oh yeah that it maybe she's late to get the grandkids six 65-year-old woman quite often we like a 17-year-old just got his license yesterday caught stunt driving this is a 65-year-old woman who has now been caught twice by the same LEL police officer I think maybe she was thinking the officer she could just pull off though just a sweet old lady yeah I see my mom do it all the time oh hi beautiful we act like 65 is like the crepet it's not even that old oh look at you I remember your mother oh isn't that sweet just go into the bingo hall you look like a real police officer twice now her vehicle's been stolen here I'll give you another little uh wrench into the story what kind of vehicle is she driving just give me like a general idea you don't need to have an exact maker model with the speed she's ah like a dodged charger close dodg Caravan oh Caravan Grandma so she was going to pick up the kids she had soccer Duty pick up P Duty or maybe since this story is just full of like twists and turn she's like I was just delivering my meth I wouldn't be surprised 102 twice my grandma like that teenage kid in that family is like oh yeah well Grandma's done it I can do it too yeah what a story drive safe Grandma's out there watch out for those Caravans at 102 with a left turn signal flying good news good news and nothing but here's tell me something good tell me something good on CK mornings brought to you by wimar 570 Grand a East in chadam it's tell me something good we share good news want to shout out Charles and Bonnie Parker who I am pretty darn sure are listeners of the CK Morning Show oh are they they well since we used to hang out as children um we were really good friends in high school uh they won The Encore and $100,000 man I remember the good times we had Bonnie and Charles that was so much fun we should hang out again and I'll tag along too I mean know you don't know me but come on $100,000 what a nice little score to start off the summer right yeah that's a good score Corner smoke and convenience on mcot and Avan chadam sold them the $100,000 Encore ticket oh good for them yeah they got six of the seven the last six Encore numbers where' It Go 100 Grand and Bonnie give us a text I haven't heard from you since high school yeah right B come on and Chuck you too let's hang out sometime Atlanta tell me something good well with the Olympics coming up we're starting to see like the behind the-scenes stories come out of it too and I really like this one US Olympic track star Allison Felix who's the most decorated Olympian in track and field history she's launched the Olympic Village's first ever Nursery first time ever so the space is going to give caregivers a private area away from just The Madness of it all to breastfeed or spend time with their kids in a quieter location um like like I said this is the first time for athletes who our mothers will have a nursery to go to and it's really interesting so I guess her own story this Allison Felix she had a pretty traumatic birth her child was born 2 months early and she talked about how hard it was for her to compete after giving birth cuz practical things like this weren't available and she felt like she had to wait towards the end of her career to have kids and had to choose between them so she's really making it her Mission now to normalize Child Care at sporting events and make it so women don't have to choose between their fashion that they love and motherhood as well isn't that crazy first time ever you don't think about stuff like that till you need it right yeah I'm sure the other athletes are excited what be babies in here if they're mothers or whatever yeah if they're mothers like man I went to the Olympics to get away from my kids well put away it's only going to be in the middle of the Party Zone yeah well we'll talk to uh we'll talk to Bridget Carlton later this morning who's going to represent Canada we got to find out what what actually happens in the Olympic Village rumors yeah this will be her second go around uh wanted to finish off and tell me something good today with a shout out to to the uh the investors of 100 King Street the uh basically the downtown chadam center that is not Sears yes the Sears portion has been sold the rest of them all so we knew new investors had bought it a couple years back and now they finally revealed their plans of what they plan to do with their own money to revitalize downtown chadam and it looks spectacular Rob Meers Jessica Myers Don Tetro Ron nidm of of JP Holdings are uh are are the owners and they what they have got planned is outstanding C news today you got to go check out the uh the renderings it looks amazing gorgeous and you know they're so meticulous and just they do such a good job like the yeah the work they've already done they're proven their track records proven so uh support give them some support and let's let's see what happens they're going to start doing some work here in the next little bit but the renderings are available online if you're like what are you talking about send us a text we'll send you those uh those links so you can have a look and see what they've got planned for 100 King Street in downtown chadam tell me something good it's brought to you by by windmar 570 Grand AV East and Shadow chance to win this morning an early riser is on the line her name is Katie let me let me do this there Katie we got you hello there's Katie how you doing I'm good very is this like a normal time for you in the summer getting up this early um just because my daughter has gymnastics it is this summer oh yes yes all right so we're going to play a game here this morning for an early riser for a chance to win two water park passes to East Park London we have got these passes with a game today it sounds like the kids are going bananas uh we've got uh we got a game today we're calling purse Bingo and we played purse Bingo a couple times let me tell you Katie is that Atlanta has one of the largest carry-ons I've ever seen she comes walking in this morning and it's like she's dragging a whole I was this morning I know I got to change of clothes so I figured let's play a round of uh of purse Bingo this morning so I'm going to give you an item you have to tell me if it's in that uh purse or not okay she's she's uh she doesn't know what items we're going to list and then she's going to see if she can find it all right Katie so my first item let's start let's start easy here in that large purse of yours do you have a change of clothes any piece of clothing that you can change into well I got my change of clothes yeah I got my bag hold on oh wait I didn't even give her a chance to answer yet got excited does she have a change of clothes in that bag you better answer this correctly apparently she does yeah she does she does ding ding ding see you're going to win easily if L's spilling her guts okay all right so now you know how it works that was a test Katie we'll see if Alanta can figure it out um do you have any kind of eating utensils in that purse okay eating utensils does she have eating utensils in that purse um I'm going to say knife a spoon okay all right she's going to dig around in that purse such a disaster you know those Ikea bags those big blue bags like that's still not big enough for her purse do you have an eating I think I have an eating utensil no eating utensils your lunch box no no okay no no match on that one uh I'm going to say a phone charger a phone charger in purse bingo today does she have a phone charger in that large device of hers Katie yes or no uh yes yes ala do you have a phone charger let me see here what is that what okay no phone charger I keep it in my car Noone that's what I was okay okay all right uh let's say sunscreen does she have sunscreen in that purse yes or no Katie well she just went to the beach didn't enjoy it uh you say Yes again you say Yes again I can answer this for you because you've already pulled it out I see it sitting right there got it copper tone 50 SPS you're uh you're two for four so far so this is the Swing Vote here in Pur Bingo this morning k does she have something in that purse that is out of season out of season like like like I don't what does that mean like an an ice scraper or something that would you would have in there in the winter like a pair of gloves or something yes exactly it's very broad she does not have something out of season in that large purse of hers purse bingo today for the win atanta she says no you have nothing in there out of season no I think we're all in season in here oh we have a winner a baseball yeah she's pulled she pulled a baseball out of her purse today uh congratulations Katie you're off to East Park in London you've won a round of purse we're done put that stuff away Katie you're off to East Park at London all right thank you so much no problem hold on Katie we'll get some more information from you Katie's off tomorrow our last pair of tickets and don't forget we've got that summer extreme are you done there's a lot to pack back in here now I'm done that summer extreme pass online for the family you can register online at 943 ckss y.com I've been living a little bit of a secret double life here doing things I swear I would never do but I'm desperate and actually we just heard Taylor it has to do with that this RBC Avon rewards it's like a Rewards program a year ago they posted a thing saying we're giving away ays tickets throughout the year random yeah yeah yeah yeah so I got win to that I signed up for the rewards program just for extra chances and then they always post things on their Instagram and their Tik Tok and I've been feverish commenting trying to be anonymous about it commenting little stupid things hoping they'll pick me pick me pick me out but I'm always so nervous that someone's going to see it and it's going to be so embarrassing me begging begging begging typing my little funny jokes in their Instagram comments and then finally yesterday my friend sent me a screenshot and she saw one of my comments I was like oh I got I got to shut up this is so embarrassing and I sent you some of the screenshots too cuz I need you to talk some sense into me stop just you you see all those I said this is what I've been doing this I turned on my Instagram alerts so whenever they post I go to the post and I comment and I try to decipher the post and then I'll here's one from five weeks ago what did I say Taylor Swift making the friendship bracelets from Wills Alanta 1989 duh 75 emojis of hearts and stars you got to stand out leaving like a father running like water oh because it was a Father's Day post so I thought maybe it was a clue so that's one of her lyrics oh you got to I know and anytime I would ever see one of my friends comment on like a celebrity's post on Instagram I'd be like H shut up they're not going to notice you but now I'm desperate and I know I look like such a loser and I'm like I hope you or whoever doesn't see me commenting stop has anybody ever won one of these celebrity post comment things like outside of like like Sons Kent will post hey we're going away tickets to this this blah blah blah and you can win that it's a local thing or whatever but like a Taylor Swift and somebody's responding to Taylor I've never heard of anybody real winning they post videos of the winners and they say we just gave away a 100 lucky Canadian winners your chance could be next keep following keep commenting and then F I send them messages to and finally I get a message yesterday from RBC music hi stop messaging hi we appreciate you reaching out however selections are done at random blah blah blah hundreds of ticket giveaways and surprise countown for the tour make sure you're signed up for the awards and keep following us to stay tuned from Sarah B oh yeah po Sarah sir Sarah's going to go through your text the intern is like oh my God here she goes again you know what my mom does she talks to Brian Bomer all the time who's that on HGTV Brian bom okay yeah constantly Life of Brian uh island of Brian whatever it is always always I'm like Mom you know he doesn't run that account well who does then I'm like what you know they have people like these celebrities have people that run their social media oh I don't think that's the way it works I don't have somebody running my social media so she'll constantly like Brian that plaid shirt you wore on episode Sunday blah blah blah and I'm like Mom he's not going to see that he never responded no when you see someone comment on like a public figures page it's always so embarrassing looking on the other side of it or like someone will comment on like the Maple Leafs page and be like like sitting there reading it like they're busy you know what I mean yeah there's there's a you're right an intern Sarah be who is sitting there like oh my gosh I got to go through these she don't care Sarah don't care I know but then I got so sucked into it I couldn't stop I'm like stop like you look like an idiot people are going to see this you're either an online commenter or you're not and I'm usually not like I don't really comment on you are now I am now my secret agenda so now you know what's going on if you see these stupid comments coming from me what would you do if Taylor ever responded at Taylor swi Taylor it's a company that's giving away tickets then why did you tag Taylor for some ex show so they're really convinced you got to stand up they're getting thousands of comments okay you check your Instagram this afternoon and it says Taylor Swift says at Wills atanta hey Avon rewards how about atanta comes to my show she's so friendly cool and fun what would you actually do if that happened I don't know scream what do you do i' pass out I don't know I don't know Sarah bees in the other like oh great finally this woman yes I wish want Brian Bomer once to talk to my mom just to blow her brain up cuz sometimes they do reply even though I know it's the public page you do see replies yeah and then you're you're right though it's never the actual person no I I got my sweater Ed marks my mom would be like oh my Ryan bobler responded she loves Ryan e She oh yeah like he could be my new dad if if things worked out she's just waiting for him to answer it's all she's waiting for well me and her both exactly you hanging out with tayor my m mom with Brian Bomer that's what happens to people who post online here we are in the mid of I I say the middle summer we got about another week or two before we're officially in the middle of summer but people doing their vacations getting away and getting things in there's a story out that uh burned out Jen zers or zetter are taking sleep cations sleep cations where they're just so burnt out they're just taking time off just so they can sleep all day I get it 100% cuz sometimes the vacation you can't wait to get back to work the vacation's more stressful than working that's what I don't like vacations that are like that I I don't like like Hey we're going to go next week and then on Monday we're doing this then Tuesday we're doing this Wednesday like that's I need a vacation from the vacation especially if there's no buffer zone which I think happened to you where you come back on say a Sunday then you have to go back to work on the Monday yeah that's the life hack is at least have a day off in between like the return and the back to work because otherwise you're just burnt out yeah you're like I did nothing all I did was run around stressed on this so-called vacation and you sometimes you'll be like oh well we get back on Sunday well that's a day of driving most times it depends where you're coming from unpacking all that kind of stuff and getting back into like a routine and then let's like boom right back into work so yeah this is the idea is that it's first of all it's cheaper it's much more affordable just to stay home and nap they say vacations are cool but sometimes you just need to rest and sleep I think there should be like Atlanta congratulations here's a full-time job you get 2 3 weeks vacation plus your sleep cation which is a 5day spell where you can use that throughout the year and then you get your mental health days or whatever else but like it's specifically just so you can just BL yeah around Christmas time I had a week off and I don't want to say I didn't want the week off I appreciate it but it just kind of took it with timing wise you were off too and I didn't have anything planned or going on I'm like oh man I got nothing going on this kind of stinks but to wake up and have like no schedule I was like this is how we were meant to live life like I could just I was doing what I want all day I was resting I was sleeping in I was staying up when I wanted to the problem is though if you have multiple days like that in a row then it becomes a habit of like you become a slug slug is the word and then you're just like G that one day though just to have like a one day or where it's you know we're coming up on a weekend darn sure that parents are like I don't have time off I got to run the kids to baseball and and one's got gymnastics and then all there's a pool party and then there's there's there's never just a just a day just a day to we're not doing anything today and I feel like it would help normalize it cuz speaking for myself I when someone asks you like what you're doing with your day off or your vacation you don't have anything planned you ever start to like make up like well I got to do you know stuff around the house and yeah we're doing this and this and this just say you're sleeping you're doing nothing it's okay ha no like really no I'm just going to sleep and then I'm probably going to get up and sleep some more haven't you heard this is not my vacation it's my sleep vation you want sleep cation yeah normalize it good point I'm on I'm on board I love it I might not show up tomorrow sleep now we know who you'll be we're so excited to have Bridget Carlton on the line with us chadam own Olympic hero yes such a good ring to it how's that sound Bridget I don't know about hero come on you are kicking butt this year first of all let's let's like let's show some love for what you're doing in the WNBA you must be feeling good right now yeah it's been the fun season so far for sure um our team's playing well um I'm playing well um just getting a lot of minutes and you know a lot of confidence on the court right now um yeah just doing a little bit of everything and yeah it feels good our team this team the success of our team has been you know really helpful and um it's been a lot of fun yeah I feel like your minutes have picked up you're scoring you're you're a part of every every night with the the links so that must be that must be nice going into the Olympic Games and and a push for Canada to bring home a medal so you're leaving for France you're leaving here real soon um and what happens before the games open next week yeah we actually head to Spain first I go my team's already there so uh all the WNBA players there's four of us that have to meet them over there um we're going to Spain for a couple exhibition games just for a week um and then we'll head to France uh next week and uh yeah then just kind of practice practice practice and then games start on the 29th so it kind of happens quick um but I'm excited to get there I know the games is obviously the main focus but is there anything else you're most looking forward to doing or seeing while you're in Paris um I don't know how much I'll be able to see because actually the basketball's being played in Leo um France which is like I want to say like two hours from Paris so we're not going to be right in Paris but I am really excited that my family is going to be there my mom and my dad and my aunt and uncle um are coming and it's my dad's first time in Europe I'm really excited for them to experience Europe and France and obviously just like the Olympic excitement so that's what I think I'm most looking forward to too well I was hanging out with your aunt and uncle last weekend and they are so pumped but they're not the only ones there are a lot of locals that are going over to watch you I didn't know I don't know I haven't like heard maybe I'm not supposed to tell you that maybe not yeah but like you're you you're you're your family certainly they've always been there for you but you just played in Chicago a couple weekends ago now and so many chadam kers came to to to to follow you just to to catch you the hometown support must be nice yeah it's incredible I mean you know Chicago's close but it's not that close so to see like the commitment and you know how excited people are to first of all just watch women's sports watch the WNBA and watch me and support me it just means the world and seeing familiar faces in the stands um during games like that is just so comforting and so um fulfilling and it just means the world and it gets me emotional like thinking about it in those moments that you know so many people were there to support me um and it just means the world bridet this is your second Olympic games um you go through it once and obviously it's an experience it always is but the second time around is there there something that you can pass down to others that haven't been to the Olympics yet yeah I think obviously Tokyo was pretty unique with the pandemic and um you know we weren't able to go to the open ceremonies we weren't able to really see other sports because you know we were pretty much locked down until we had to go to the gym um but I think you know having won Olympics under my belt and just realizing the magnitude of where you're at there's almost like a you know the blindness to it when your your first time around you're just kind of like everything's new and now that so I have that under my belt and um you know I can lead the way for the young ones that you know are experiencing that for the first time um so I'm really excited just step into that leadership role and um it's a lot going on you know the Olympics there's so many distractions and um things to do and people to see and people to talk to but you know like we said before the main thing is winning games and trying to represent Canada as best as possible so um keeping focused on that and hopefully I can help the team with that yeah I know like you said probably lots of distractions but I can't imagine how cool and the energy of getting to be around these athletes from all different kinds of sports and all from around the world too it's incredible I mean last year or not last year in Tokyo I had a view of like an outdoor track that a lot of the athletes would just warm up on stretch like do their thing their routine and um it's just incredible seeing like the different body types the different um style of athletes from all all countries around the world all walks of life it's so incredible um just to know like I'm a part of that you know the best um players in my country uh representing you know my country just it's just incredible and it's so surreal walking through the village and seeing all of that John McGregor secondary school graduate Bridget Carlton Team Canada for the women's basketball heading to Spain then to France I I don't I just want to ask because Atlanta and I will never be in Olympic Village we hear craziness about it there's stuff going on there's parties is it really like that or is it more subdued as everyone's getting ready for their their competitions it happens yeah it definitely happens I mean because people finish at at different times and you know some people are only there for like one or two events and it starts early and so they're they're done early so um there's definitely a lot going on like at all times uh Tokyo a little bit less obviously because of the pandemic and there were some rules but it still went on so yeah definitely there's some there's some things happening in the village for sure BR we'll leave it at that we'll leave it at that fly in the wall in that Village bridet we we love watching you we love you representing chadam Kent uh we're so excited to see what to do at the Olympics go Canada Let's uh let's do uh let's do what we can to bring home a medal Bridget best luck thanks for finding time to talk to us absolutely thank you so much kick off to Cherry Fest in downtown blenham the annual Cherry Fest 41st annual Cherry Fest celebrations will'll be there a little bit later on today JP Huggins is in studio the uh I've proclaimed him the mayor of blenham oh there's an honor for you JP is once again organizing the Canadian National Cherry pit spitting Championship that's right which takes place part of cherry Fest it's on Saturday that's right Saturday it starts it kicks off with the kids uh the kids there at at 1:00 p.m. we also have some some tryy outs if you want to come and try it for free okay uh uh right downtown blenham Friday uh Friday 12: until 2: yep you can come out spit some pits with us there and uh see see how good you are and you can pre-register then as well I want to I want to bring this up okay CU because we we talk about this it's 41st annual and there's people that have been to every single Cherry Fest yep there are a lot of people though and chadam Ken we our population's growing there's some new people that are here and they may like what's Cherry Fest all about it's a lot of fun sidewalk sales but the big like the Pinnacle of the event is the Cherry pit spitting Championship the Canadian the Canadian national so so if you win in the men's or women's opens there so it's 16 plus it's the open category uh you are the national champion you are the number one ranked pit spitter in Canada it's a pretty big title yeah and and it actually you can actually qualify with that you can go over to oakair Michigan and spit in the international pit spit competition so they hold they hold theirs July Fourth weekend so you'd go over in 2025 if you wanted to and be the Canadian rap that's so fun yeah it's it's pretty awesome and people come from all over like last year we had people from Serna Niagara Falls Perth County there's a lot of times people will come from Michigan they'll come over for it as well wow and uh yeah it's just a big you know we have the kids spit from you know little kids all the way up to adults we have a celebrity category and uh we have a lot of fun and it's awesome I hear Chris is a pretty good celebrity Chris is past celebrity Champion here both it's been we've we have a hard time booking him in there for it now though right he's all on tour all I'm on tour with my spitting the European pit spit yes he's made an international now listen to this guy he's a former Canadian Champion himself I got a lucky one two of the best right now so every single year every single year uh well since since I've been around we've had JP come into studio and give us a little break down on the what you need to do what what what the tricks of the trade are on a cherry pit spit yeah so first of all I'd like to thank our prize sponsors today go Ahad which is Apollo Property Management awesome came in helping us out with some prizes for people there and then Dell Haven Orchards as well so Del Haven Orchards not only is sponsoring prizes this year but for the 41 years that the pit spit has been in Canada um they have provided the cherries for it so so Hector delange owner of the uh Del Haven there is one of the original people who brought it over with a couple people Joel lard and Rusty Smith from Mana tree farms brought that over from from the Cherry growers in the states there wow so really cool so all so okay so hold that thought because coming up after 8:30 we're going to do the cherry pit spit okay so we'll do it we'll get you to give us some of the tips we're going to do Facebook live too oh boy okay so if you want to jump on our Facebook 943 ckss y you can uh well you can see Atlanta's outfit today she's dying to show it off that's right it's great great Cherry dress old thing but you'll also old thing uh but you'll also see JP a pass Champion give us the breakdown and then we'll tell you again how you can be part of the Cherry Fest Cherry pit spit Championship all right it's all coming up on CK morning Cherry Fest begins today in blenham and uh sidewalk sails the rides are there all the fun but the the big stable that has been around for 41 years is the Canadian National Cherry pit spitting Championship which will take place on Saturday the host pass champion the organizer of the cherry pits bit this year JP Huggins is in our studio that's right I'm excited it's going to be a great day weather's going to be awesome there's lots of great rides and stuff going on all weekend long in Blom it's uh this is going to be an ideal year for Cherry Fest for sure it's awesome it should be good too because we've had rain in the past I feel like that slows down the pit spit roll it certainly does but funny enough the one year at the only year in 30 some odd year 33 years that I've spit in the contest the only year that I've ever won it was raining really hard that year really oh maybe it was some good luck then interesting interesting maybe it's just I do better when it's raining we all you're out of luck this week doesn't look good not doing good uh so JP comes in our studio every year leading up to Cherry Fest talk about the pit spit and and how to get involved Friday you can come out and you can try your hand or try your tongue I guess try your tongue at pit spitting yeah so it's it's all free to sign up for the competition Friday from 12:00 till 2:00 you can come out and you can try pits spit you never tried it before even if you're not going to go in the competition come out spit a couple pits have some fun with us you can pre-register your kids on on Friday or pre-register yourself as an adult as well and then on Saturday starting at 12:30 we're going to start registration as well and you need to be there probably if you register on Friday to be there Saturday still by about 10 to 1 cuz right at 1:00 we're going to start with the little kids competitions and obviously you need to be there to compete yeah and there's no cost to compete anybody can do it some great some cash prizes for everybody the top three from each category along this year sponsored by Apollo Property Management um come on last minute as a sponsor awesome and the amazing ever delhaven Orchards uh some of The Originators of bringing Cherry Fest to Canada the pits fitting all right I'm going to jump on this microphone you guys can hear me okay good uh so I'm going to jump on this one here ala do you want to go first okay okay so ala is going to swing around we are on Facebook live right now at 943 cksy so you can jump on our Facebook you can see what's going on here uh JP's in our studio this morning and we are going to do the cherry pits bit demonstration can you set that up there you go good job all right so we've got these uh these cherries what kind of cherries are they again so these are Mont Moren sour baking cherries these aren't the sweet cherries normally people wouldn't eat these these are for jams and pies best jam and Pie Cherry you'll ever find so Alanta here I'm going to start to so we're each going to take a cherry we're going to strip the Cherry of its meat okay no meat no meat I got all the meat off the all right okay this is the grossest sound ever so hold on here hold on so we're we're in a limited capacity here we don't have a full court so Atlanta's just going to spit at our old CD players our old CDs here okay do as I normally do it's gens on a regular basis all right Alanta make sure you're in the the shot here so Facebook live can see you all right so Elena is going to spit hold on we got to get a we can hear it okay so Alena is she doesn't know how to roll her tongue we have found that out all right so we want to hear it okay so okay hold on I'm going to get the microphone ready and prepare yourself for the spit oh God what was that that was embarrassing that's no that's that's weird sorry I told you I'm not good yours is going to blow blow through the walls all right here you hold the micophone Chris's chair all right all right former Champion Chris I'm spit right get the noise ready here we go you want to give it that hot the big hot right hold on Miss fire Miss fire Miss fire I almost did I almost SW it chaos all right bring the microphone back so we can do this oh my God boom launched launched nailed it that would have been a world champion we okay I'm back on this microphone out we uh you can he just put that down we had a little bit of an instant if you're watching the Facebook live our stack of uh Tim Horton's containers all fell over but there got to be at least there's got to be 12 trays over there that's yeah it's a mess in here so that's how you do it that's right yeah you uh you you get all that meat off that cherry there you curl that tongue to get that little tongue Taco as people call it make like a little Cannon and then you just blast that pit down the court roll counts which is why you want to get all that meat off of that cherry uh so you can get a good roll on it I'm not going to lie I uh h a lot of spit there Atlanta's try to find where trying to find it did seem like a moist pit coming it was a moist pit I had a moist pit spit not not my best yeah it looked like there's a bit of meat on that one too I think it's stuck to the window in the corner it's some I think it's in Atlanta's purse now so she'll have to find that but JP thanks for coming in we're going to find you this weekend the annual Cherry pit Championship try it on Friday come out and register and be ready for the spit on on Saturday beginning at noon absolutely that's right all right you find it I didn't find yours Chris it'll never be found again never be found again if you missed it you can always go back and watch this on our Facebook live listen online every weekday morning at 943 cy.com weekends on in case you missed it or tune in to the podcast weekdays subscribe rate review and tell your friends all about the CK Mornings in case you missed it podcast

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Brett's Old Time Radio Show Episode 663, Tales of the Texas Rangers, Double Edge

Category: Entertainment

Hello good evening and welcome to our thursday night episode of brad's oldtime radio show a huge thank you for joining us once again for our regular late night visit to those dusty studio archives of oldtime radio shows right here at my home in the beautiful lime bay i'm brett i'm your host for night... Read more

Mom Life Unfiltered: Jessica Szohr (The Orville, Gossip Girl, Shameless) on Embracing Parenthood, Na thumbnail
Mom Life Unfiltered: Jessica Szohr (The Orville, Gossip Girl, Shameless) on Embracing Parenthood, Na

Category: Entertainment

[music] welcome to emotional support thank you for joining us and now here's your host alisandra tesani this is going to be the best podcast because it's it's so honest and real and we have babies out outside being walked right now we have babies inside the house screaming we have computers not working... Read more

Episode 175: Steve Martin / Tinnitus (Part 2) thumbnail
Episode 175: Steve Martin / Tinnitus (Part 2)

Category: Entertainment

[music] today we'll have part two of our discussion of steve martin and we'll be discussing tenidis this is doctor versus [music] comedian i'm dr asf doa and this is the doctor of laughs not a real doctor ali hassan every episode i pick a topic for ali from comedy and entertainment and i question him... Read more

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer-prize winning historian on AUTOCRACY, INC.: THE DICTATORS WHO WANT TO RUN T thumbnail
Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer-prize winning historian on AUTOCRACY, INC.: THE DICTATORS WHO WANT TO RUN T

Category: News & Politics

Before we get started i wanted to take a minute to tell you something i'm very excited about the atlantic festival i've been reading the atlantic for years so many of my favorite writers and thinkers contribute to this it it's a historic publication i kid you not i am on there almost every day reading... Read more

Pretty Woman, Pretty Epic: The Julia Roberts Deep Dive thumbnail
Pretty Woman, Pretty Epic: The Julia Roberts Deep Dive

Category: Entertainment

Hi i'm beth and i'm jimmy and we're the talk to the hand podcast hi jimmy hello beth how you doing i'm good we're doing a episode today on someone that you're quite keen on in fact yeah would you say that one of her lines in one of her films is one of your favorite lines ever yeah favorite line ever... Read more

Josephine Exotic ft. Tonia Haddix thumbnail
Josephine Exotic ft. Tonia Haddix

Category: Entertainment

[music] welcome to the bad boy pod talking bad boy bars make a good girl nuts with the bad boy swag having conversations that a bad boy mad sit down relax kick back have a blast enjoy the bad boy pod brought to you by lady pod i'm technically ken we're technically within the testicle oh go call ken... Read more

Sox In The Basement | The Real Cause & Effect of White Sox Attendance thumbnail
Sox In The Basement | The Real Cause & Effect of White Sox Attendance

Category: Sports

You're listening to sacks in the basement a production of the broadcast basement limited where every show is 30 minutes of good and comes from a basement bar on the south side of chicago pull up a stool pour a cold one and join us right now for saks in the basement heard everywhere podcasts can be found... Read more

Sox In The Basement | The Real Cause & Effect of White Sox Attendance thumbnail
Sox In The Basement | The Real Cause & Effect of White Sox Attendance

Category: Sports

You're listening to sacks in the basement a production of the broadcast basement limited where every show is 30 minutes of good and comes from a basement bar on the south side of chicago pull up a stool pour a cold one and join us right now for saks in the basement heard everywhere podcasts can be found... Read more

May 31st, 2023: Pete Hughes, K-State, Tech Football Schedule, Tech Baseball, Tell Me I’m Wrong thumbnail
May 31st, 2023: Pete Hughes, K-State, Tech Football Schedule, Tech Baseball, Tell Me I’m Wrong

Category: Entertainment

Foreign [music] but taking the scenic route to get there this is the bottom line podcast from 100.7 the score i'm mike hebert owner of context roofing and construction every day is game day and we'll get it right when it comes to your roofing construction windows and mirrors call cantex roofing construction... Read more

Episode 110 — Knights, Keary, Broncos, Blaize, Wahs, and More thumbnail
Episode 110 — Knights, Keary, Broncos, Blaize, Wahs, and More

Category: Entertainment

[music] here to discuss all things nrl and anything sports related please give a warm aussie get day to the footy fanatic and america's own cory jackson in outside the sheds greetings salutations and welcome back to outside the sheds the show that keeps on giving and makes the smiles flow around the... Read more

2024 Presidential Debate Trump VS Harris Livestream with Gen-X News thumbnail
2024 Presidential Debate Trump VS Harris Livestream with Gen-X News

Category: Entertainment

[applause] [music] you're listening to gen x news conspiracy theory culture and the human soul [music] [music] well good evening everybody uh hope wow lots of people are watching from x we are doing the live stream of the presidential debate between donald trump former president donald trump and current... Read more