9 Real Dynasty Trades to Make Right Now!

[Music] welcome to the football guys Dynasty show and this is a very special show we're going to do for you guys every week going forward we're doing trades guys like I said if you watched earlier this week um you guys want Buy sales and trades you want us to help you win this is how you do it in Dynasty by being an active Trader so I pulled some uh some tweets from Twitter pulled some tweets from Twitter and um it going for for guys just comment all of your trades so if you like this comment uh if you like this video like subscribe comment whatever trade that you had if you want to roast some of the other people in their trades do it because we're mean in Dynasty not really we want you to be nice don't do that we're not about that in football guys sorry uh sorry Joe um but with me as always is uh Jeff Bell and Alfredo Brown and we're just G to jump right into it starting with Roman dunay this is when I when I messaged Jeff I was like I really hope to see some romad dun trades because I'm trying to buy him so what's the market right now and I'm incredibly bullish in our first trade only one that I got lad Boni and DeAndre Swift for Roma dun and a 26 second Alfredo where are you at on this trade I respectfully want to say this is nuts like I I would take the Rome side every single time 15 times out of 10 like this is absolutely nuts like I don't know that DeAndre Swift has much more left in the n NFL after the next couple years maybe not in the NFL but like relevancy for Fantasy I think this is probably it this stop here in Chicago I don't know that I want him as my rb2 Loni good player he's not romad dun he's had health issues in college radun like this is you're looking at having a Larry Fitzgerald type of player on your team and or Devonte Adams who I comped him to in the off season on top of that you're going to get get a second as well what are we doing to me like it would have been win for romad dun over Maki and Swift anyways but to add it a second that's putting cherries on top of your cherries so yeah like this this Sunday is packed I'm I'm taking the romad dun side uh all day every day I'm loving every second that I've been seeing of him on Hard Knocks with Caleb Williams where like dude they're they're hooking up each other's pads like he's looking for romad dun In The End Zone when he's running around he and Rome they have that connection we kind of are already seeing Keenan Allen might not have too much left in the tank I Dave kugi said this not too long ago and I think I agree with him Roman dun is closer to being the wide receiver one for the Bears than he is the wide receiver three at this point so I I just love romad dun and I love this trade yep Jeff um I think you agree right when I saw this trade I was like oh wow and a 26 second I was like like like surely like did you ask for that or was just like well this will get the deal done like like some you like what happened here I mean I mean the pick is on the wrong side and even then it feels light for a Dun so no I I mean I've been on this program for the last two months I've been telling you people to go out and buy Odun and and if you've been watching you know Alfredo mentioned the Bears Hard Knocks but the Giants Hard Knocks was really interesting to kind of get a look behind the the camera and that's where we saw in the draft process everybody had a Dun in the NFL circles right there with Malik neighbors and with Marvin Harrison Junior and we knew that in fantasy we knew that too in our scouting and we still created a fake Gap because of what Jackson Smith and jiga didn't have a good rookie year and yeah know I I he said two months ago that if a Dun there's no reason why Odun they can't pop immediately the connection with Caleb Williams that Alfredo again did a great job pointing out has always been evident and if that happens then rad dun is closer to being a top five Dynasty wide receiver than he is to being a top 10ish or you know he's he's right there yeah I've been I've been trying to overpay for him now because it's just yeah just like get it done guys it's like overpay like like go to keep trade cut build a trade that you lose by like a thousand points and like just forget about it Go send it if they accept it come back a month later and then you're like wow I got them so cheap that's what I think that we're that we're at now it's like it's like you said the second's on the other side and I know the guy who did this this is uh Matt Chester uh I don't know who he works for now because like he rarely puts out content but boy does he this dude I Matt how do you do this man just like comment what do you do to these people do you point a gun to their head and tell them to accept do you blackmail them old school style with a magazine cutout letters you know like like I have these pictures of you you know like what what are you doing to get these done cuz I would like to to know your secrets so guys like with that being said arguably I would play lad Maki in a first for Adon right now like that like that's not that's not even a question I would do that like right now I would tear down what someone might call win now to go get a Dun that's what I'm saying some of these rosters that a lot of people think that I'm like I'm win now I would go send a asset to go get a Dun plus like you go like if you don't think you're going to definitively win this year and you have Garrett Wilson go get radun Plus for Garrett Wilson right now and thank me later our next guy that we have on here um is a football guys favorite and another Alfredo favorite that's why I wanted to pull this is uh he was biggest on him early on is Ray Davis Man Ray we were getting Ray Davis for the like a third round pick in the rookie drafts and we were telling you here to go get him and everywhere that he was that he was going to be a guy then he got the draft Capital then was like what he's old the dude can just play and people like I don't I don't think you guys get that the NFL doesn't care about running backs they all they want is three years out of this guy so Roma uh Ray Davis for a second excuse me Ray Davis for a second do you think that that's too much now knowing what we know Jeff you are the Bills guy no I I don't think so so I've kind of been you know I I've been a little bit quieter on Ray Davis partly be because I've been wanting to grab him in best balls and and I I I think the thing that people don't realize that I at least I have not seen people realize is if James Cook gets hurt Ray Davis is the top 10 Dynasty running back not not Dynasty running back top 10 redraft running back if James Cook is out of that lineup there's nobody else there's nobody else Ty Johnson they liked him he's been hurt Frank Gore Jr probably maybe might make the roster that's what we're talking about here and so it's really James Cook and Ray Davis and yeah it might be a little bit more of a handcuff situation I think that when you really roll up the roll of what they tried to do with those backs they had last year the older backs with Damen Harris with latavius Murray and combine all that into one you've got a flex option in Ray Davis I do believe that but the biggest thing is if Cook's out of the lineup you've got a league winning player yeah and that's like if you look at everything that James Cook lacked that's what Ray Davis is good at so uh uh you again Alfredo you're the most bullish guy on him like like Ray Davis for a sec you think that's a slam dunk right at this point yeah I'm actually so I mean dynasty home leagues you got to love them we're uh we're doing our rookie draft now here a week before the season I'm in the middle of the second round and uh I'm I'm at I traded up I have picked 205 right now I'm probably not going to take Ray Davis there but I'm trying to figure out how I can get back into the second round so I can take Ray Davis with one of those picks because I I don't think he's falling to me at the 305 and that's Ray Davis is a guy I'm super bullish on in redraft but in Dynasty I'm pretty good with him too I mean for all the reasons that Jeff said and I think what gets lost on people as they kind of think that Ray Davis is going to be the Thunder to James Cook's lightning but moreover I think that Ray Davis can actually do a lot of the things that James Cook does he's may he may not wow you as much with long runs or or the athletic testing but he's really really good on passing Downs if I remember correctly he was second in this class in in receiving yards uh it's something Ray Davis can actually do it all and I know we kind of overuse that term he's a three down back but this is a guy who actually did do that and what I think impressed me the most was that he did it for so many different schools under so many different coaches I know there's not too much to learn with the running back position but the fact that he's been able to overcome so much transition so easily into new programs and have multifaceted success everywhere he's been that's a guy that I I I want to invest in I like that he's in a good offense and I like that the bills have so many openings right now for who's going to catch passes who's going to be an offensive weapon James Cook does not have that typical physique or archetype of being a guy who's going to be getting 20 touches per game he can still be efficient he could still be good for Fantasy but Ray Davis actually becomes like Jeff said one of those guys that you could potentially Flex if he's getting into more of a a 6040 or 50/50 role in this bills offense so yeah I would I would absolutely do a second round pick in 2025 for Ray Davis I want him on my rosters yeah the only drafts I'm not getting Ray Davis is when I draft with hell Freo yeah yes yeah it's um I I've a traded back in to like like a draft to get ray Davis in a third round like like I remember one draft specifically I had four fourth round picks and I was like I'll give you all these picks for Japes cook and they're like really and I'm like I don't care about anybody else it's just like he's my last guy you know but that being said guys if you like especially in Dynasty we have a little bit more flexibility to make these moves if you need like an rp3 or some depth Ray Davis is the perfect guy and you might even be able to get him in a package deal you might not even have to be as bullish as paying a second up just be creative and you can probably get a deal done the next one is Maron Lloyd which I flipflop on how I feel about him every every day because like objectively I like him as a prospect and it's more just about what is he going to be this year for the Packers the deal for is darnold lock in a 253d for Lloyd in a second this feels like someone is desperate for quarterback and they're willing to give you good stuff for some kind of dooo uh uh stuff here so uh Freddy we'll start with you which side of this do you want like like let's put this way like obviously you want Lloyd in a second let's just say that like you want Lloyd in a second because he has decent dra capital and he's a good system but would you pay that to get darnold and lock in a 253 like would you sell your soul for that no no because I mean we we know that darnold is not the long-term answer there I mean you are I think you're paying way too much just to try to be competitive this year I think that you could probably get it done darnold for a second am I crazy to think that that doesn't get done if you really really need a quarterback to go into your superflex and and that person's willing to trade him I think attacking on Lloyd is a bit much I think that whoever is actually buying Marshon Lloyd they are doing they're doing everything right right now because they're selling Sam darnold at his Peak before anything bad happens in season they're selling Drew lock while we are all down on Daniel Jones and then they're getting Marshon Lloyd at his lowest because he's about to start the season on ir and I think that that price is only going to go down from Marshon Lloyd so to get Lloyd in a second I think that's very Savvy move by this person here um I I loved Marshon ly during the pre-draft process I'm a little disappointed that he ended up on the Packers and I just I don't want to see him kind of end up like kendre Miller where injuries become turn into more injuries and the Packers are notoriously safe with bringing players back from injuries so that's the only thing that worries me there but either way I still think this is a pretty Savvy trade and I I take the Lloyd and second easily um I don't know that you have to give that much though to to go and get darnold yeah Jeff I guess uh I'm sure you agree with that so I'll ask you what are your expectations for Maron Lloyd for this year because like do you think that's a little bit too early to sell him for that like CU like there's a big beat on AJ Dylan that he's in the best shape ever like the dude's always been in shape man he's he's like Quadzilla Jr he's jacked he's just not good you know I wish that we were recording this show tomorrow because I got a Emanuel Wilson is way under the radar and Emanuel Wilson has been the star of the preseason for the Packers each of the last two years he's the guy that I'm concerned about not AJ Dylan I think for Lloyd I view Lloyd almost as a red shirt this year to be honest I mean I think that you're going to get a lot more and I know there was talk at the beginning of Camp about Josh Jacobs in a committee type role I think now with where they because ju Lloyd is hurt right now so he's injured AJ Dylan is hurt right now so he's injured and so I think you're going to get a lot more bcow Josh Jacobs than probably what the expectation was a couple weeks ago when you know the initial talk and about AJ Dylan and all this was coming out but yeah Emanuel Wilson I think if you are out there and you have a roster spot if you're holding Lloyd I would go add him um but on this trade in in general if you've got a quarterback problem and you're trading for Sam darnold now you still have a quarterback problem and just you have Sam darnold so that's such a good way to put it that is such a good way to put it I'm marking that down to clip guys like oh that's good because it's like like that that's my problem is like darnold for a second fine but giving up Lloyd for lock and it like because that's what it is you bought darnold for a second you do you feel good about selling Maron Lloyd for lock and a 25 like to be fair the person who posted this trade they're on the Lloyd side you know you won you were flexing that's why you posted it I just want to talk about the other side of this trade here just like like you're doing too much guys you're doing too much someone else I wanted to talk about who I've been bullish on is uh David Montgomery this we talked about in our last episode about bejan Robinson I think it's a problem that's indicative throughout the entire um just running back linescape is like people are like well Jame or jir Gibbs is the guy stop saying the guy with running backs like just stop saying that there is guys like like jir Gibbs is a guy and David Montgomery's a guy and they like them both and they're both going to get touches David Montgomery was like the rb13 last year and that and that I think that's with a finish that's not even his points per game because he missed a couple of games and if we love the Lions offense why wouldn't you want him the first trade is David Montgomery or is Derek Carr for David Montgomery and the third congratulations you know how to Dynasty uh Jeff this is a slam dunk right like let's just say what it is like we've seen the Spencer Rattler drum beat uh do we think Derek Carr starts the rest of the season nove Circle November 19th Circle it right now Tuesday November 19th that that's going to be the day that if Dennis Allen is still the coach that's the day he's no longer the coach and that's the day that Spencer Rattler is going to be the starting quarterback for the New Orleans Saints so if you can get out on on Derek Carr go ahead and do that yeah that's it it's this is how Dynasty guys um where are you ranking him in redraft because that that kind of trickles down to Dynasty Alfredo like with with Derek car for instance because like obviously da of Montgomery this is a win this is someone else flexing and I'm willing to give you your flowers I'm not gonna lie I really hate Derek G redraft which is which is annoying because I like chryst lave in redraft and that's for me like that's I guess they kind of go hand in hand and I've got Derek Carr I think it's sort of bunched up here but I've got him around that quarterback 2728 range uh with that's in redraft that's terrible yeah like I've got him below uh Gardner mchu I've got him below darnold um I just I like the upside of of Minnesota's offense I think Gardner minu showed that he can run an offense last year I like the upside of Drake May uh better than him so yeah I've got Derek I've got Derek Carr at my quarterback 29 right now because as Jeff said like I don't think he lasts the season I think that there are a few teams out there that are just ready to implode at any moment one of those teams is Norland Saints and the other one is is a team that we haven't talked about yet but the New York Giants and I think that a couple of these teams are just ready to explode and at any given moment their starting quarterbacks that they have there are are going to be gone this I don't even see Derek like when I it's like just BL like it doesn't even pop on my radar that Derek Carr is available I I have one share of Derek Carr and I inherited this I I inherited this roster I've had it for three years I've been trying to move Derek Carr and then like the guy literally Lo he has JJ McCarthy and he loses JJ and I was like I'll give you darnold and Derek Carr for basically anything and like the dude still said no and then he wouldn't got Aaron Rogers and I was just like okay that's like I would have done that too you know like and that's to give you real world examples guys so like it can be done and to quote Jeff don't go bu Derek Carr because you have a quarterback problem especially in Dynasty like if you now you have a quarterback problem in Derek Carr and now you don't have a running back that you could basically call the season a wash Trot Derek Carr out there to you can't anymore get a high draft pick cool now I have David Montgomery um still I I still have a a third round pick that's probably going to be a high third round pick because I have Derek Carr and I can rebuild and still have a running back or just trade David mtgy for a good player I don't know just like just not Derek Carr Carr had one of his better seasons of his career last year and we all still hate him like that that tells you everything that you need to know where his job is in the line the team drafted a quarterback relatively early in the NFL draft and even the head coach is like he's okay he's just there like that that tells you where the ceiling is they're they're ready to start tasm Hill at any moment let's just put it that way linebacker he'll just he'll he'll play both ways yep the next trade is some would think it's Balan I don't think this is because it was controversial I posted that Jaden Reed should be a trade couple weeks ago people still think I'm crazy I traded Jaden Reed for David Montgomery and Romeo dubs and I want to prove you guys all the stuff I said about David Montgomery earlier now apply this here now let's go to Romeo dubs I've said on this show that I think Romeo dubs has the same upside as Jaden Reed why isn't this a slam duck like and I guess this is more about Jaden Reed guys is this is why you have optionality you shouldn't fall in love with players and I used to be like this like very recently I used to be like this like I scatter Jaden Reed I love Jaden Reed he got drafted in the third round I told everyone you should draft it and I'm right I am right Jaden Reed is an NFL player all right guys but he's like he's always going to be wide receiver two wide receiver three so why not go get another wide receiver two wide receiver three and then go get a free running back so uh with that being said Alfredo is like I know where Jeff is on Jaden Reed where are you at with this can like like would you go move him for Montgomery and dubs or you still like like there there's people that legitimately think that Jaden Reed can lead in wide receiver touchdowns that is a real stat that is made up kind of but real so the real but not real wide receiver touchdown St got it um you know I really loved Jaden Reed coming out of Michigan State and he was one of those guys that I was saying man we're drafting him too low in rookie drafts I felt very Vindicated when he had himself a very good rookie year but I think we do this far too often where we romanticize players that we were right on or that they helped us win in their first year and we romanticize a bit too much do I think Jaden Reed can still be a very productive player throughout his career and he's very talented yeah of course why not but when you have another player his own team teammate Romeo dubs who I think the value is pretty adjacent and then you can just tack on a David Montgomery to that I think that's a win I think that right now you're selling Jaden Reed at I don't want to say his ceiling but he had a really good year for touchdowns and if you are the person that believes in touchdown variants and how that can change then yeah I I think you have to believe that Romeo dubs da Montgomery is the better option here over Jaden Reed and the guy that we haven't even talked about here is the guy that I continue to be bullish on and that's Christian Watson uh everything right now has been not a question of his talent or the production when he's on the field but it's can he stay healthy and if he can stay healthy uh I don't know that Jaden Reed is nearly as valuable as he's been in years past and so I think right now you're kind of getting out at the right time I wouldn't be going out and looking for Jaden Reed I'd be just either holding him as my fourth or fifth wide receiver or I'd be doing this exact move right here yeah optionality folks um well in the the book on jayen Reed by asking Jeff a question that he may or may not answer is uh what do you think Jaden Reed's real ceiling is like this year like realistically what what are the odds that he finishes top 15 low I I don't think he's a top 15 type wide receiver I I mean I think he could get to like 12200 yards but it's I think that you require some injuries to get there probably and and maybe things to fall apart a little bit in that Packers receiver room to really focus him in that role I do think he's trending a little bit more towards a he was about thous thousand yard receiver last year I think that that's probably about where he sits in this offense but Jack I gotta say that like the Jaden Reed thing I I'm really enjoying this how to me this like seeing your development into the Jaden Reed thing is like when Anakin was in the Jedi Temple with the hood drawn and and the Younglings are like oh he's cute and then you turn the lightsaber on like that that's where we we've got Jag right now in Dynasty so that's it's just a lot of fun but it's one of those things that that D like everybody's so concerned about Dynasty value but value is what you can get and and you know value is so relative to it's just across the board it's not a keep trade cut rank it's so across the board and every single League get its own microeconomie Reed but you know what I like more the value I can get for Jaden Reed cuz like and what it is guys here's the logic I have what best case like this I sent this trade out best case scenario I get David Mont gy and Romeo dubs worst care scenario I have Jaden Reed that's how you have to think of it like like send out good trades that help you and then just if someone wants to talk you down find out where your stopping point is and then stop just have boundaries guys it's just like being flexible the next I'm gonna let Alfredo break this trade down uh because this is his and we workshopped it this weekend uh this is a one QB league and this is his home League during a a a rookie draft so Fredo go ahead yes so uh I was all in on my season last year and injuries and and whatnot and the Stefon digs breakdown at the end of the year kind of threw that off but I was in my rookie draft and I was looking to make a move I wanted to get up I was desperately trying to move up to get romad dun I've become the guy in the league that nobody will trade with so I kind of get embargoed really quickly but I did someone at the 105 that was willing to trade with me and Jagger you and I talked about this so I traded Devonte Adams Stefon Diggs DeAndre Swift and Zach moss and the 208 all right I know it's a mouthful Adams Diggs Swift moss and the 208 for Debo Samuel the 105 the 205 and the 305 basically someone's entire draft in Debo Samuel at the 105 I ended up taking Brian Thomas to pair him with uh Trevor Lawrence because I was looking a little thin at receiver after that trade and you and I sat there and we said like man could Brock Bowers really fall especially in this one quarterback League like could that actually happen where he falls to me at my next pick at the 108 that's exactly what happened we were I was between saying okay well listen it's going to be either uh Brock Bowers or Caleb Williams I ended up walking out of that draft with dvo Samuel uh Brian Thomas Jr Brock Bowers and then I'll be on the clock soon at pick 205 where uh Ricky piol is still on the board like there's still some really good value so go ahead guys tell me what we think about this deal this is how you rebuild guys and like I'd even if I could I'd post your roster that you had on here because like Debo is now like your wide receiver one but like you you you got off depreciating assets to get assets that are going to gain value so this is an absolute win right now my wide receivers are going to be Debo Samuel Drake London T Higgins and Brian Thomas Jr yep yep so it's just that like you got you got high variance wide receivers but like Brian Thomas is going to be high variance this year like and I told you this that like I I think Brian Thomas can have like a DK metf type trajectory where he's just like he he might have games with two catches and then he's gonna have a three touchdown game Jeff where are you at on this trade I mean Alfredo knows he won this trade I mean that's why he's screenshot of course it's a good deal good job alfredo no I think that and and you're right on Thomas I mean we're already seeing it the buzz building around Thomas and he is the type of player that yeah all it takes is week two he gets loose and goes for 140 yards and two touchdowns and that dynasty value is going to Skyrocket so I think you know I'm I mean I'm some somebody I'm a little bit more skeptical on Stefan Diggs returning to Elite status I kind of think Zach Moss was right place right time and moving off him that's fine there and yandre Swift I it's fine but no I think you did a good job you you know you kind of I think points wise unless Devonte Adams gets straighted then Debo Samuel is gonna be right there and you're he's younger so you're kind of operating in the same window there and yeah to flip Stefon Diggs and these running backs for a player like Brian Thomas is the best you can do right now yep thanks D the last the last player we're going to talk about this is going to be kind of a roast for me and that's again this is another thing where I liked lad makoni but it's one of those things where lad mak's value is better than lad makoni like at this point like he has really good film he Alfredo said it he struggled with injuries in college and we're already kind of seeing that rearing its ugly head right now where like he's he's struggled in Camp to say struggled in Camp but he's uh struggled to consistently stay on the field and you want you want rookies there every day if you can um so here I've made some moose from aoni I traded l Maki and a first for tank Dell and that is a deie first like and that's what kind of made me want to to uh open up the bag on other trades here and see what everyone else is doing the first one is lad makoni Bryce young and a first for Murray and Schultz Jeff where are you at on that trade I think that that's a good trade because that's a fair trade you know that's a fair trade I think in superflex and really you're looking at Bryce young as the pivot point there where if Bryce young falters then you obviously you drafted Bryce young because you needed a quarterback so now you move into a Kyler Murray which is a little bit more of a safer quarterback and yeah I think that if Bryce young hits yeah then you're gonna lose this trade I mean it is what it is but I don't know I think we're all kind of really iffy on Bryce young hitting right now yeah that that's one like and I I have a roster that I made a trade I would say similar but like I paid up for Lamar Jackson kind of the same thing where it's just like when you have the roster you see NFL teams do it you just I got to get it done I'm like this roster is not going to stay this good right now I'm GNA get Kyler Murray I love Bryce young but I can't I can't wait for if ands and butts so uh uh Fredo do you agree this is pretty pretty even trade for both yeah I think it's a pretty even trade I I I would lean the Kyler Marie side just simply because what what does it mean like Jeff you say if ryce young hit hits well what does that mean like if Bryce young hits is he a top five quarterback year in and out kind of like how KY mayf yeah yeah like he's he's Baker he's a fringe quarterback 12 like he's a fringe qb1 in that area right and and like and so then like we start to ask the question if makoni hits like how high does he really go um how valuable is that first so I'm kind of okay I know this is playing it a little safe but I'm kind of okay with just being like hey I got one of the best quarterbacks in fantasy football right now Kyler Murray and I'll take this tight end that can just get me a couple points you know each week you know steadily so yeah I I'll lean the Murray side here yeah it's like a one of our colleagues Corey spala he's like I just tend to want the best player in the trade and like sometimes in Dynasty that kind of is what it is it's like who's the guy that you can get the most points in one spot so you can get other points in other spot because that's what we're really bad about and it's like explaining math to people with like marbles in a cup it's like you you know it's really cool having 30 points in one area so you can put other stuff everywhere than like saying like hey this worked out it's like cool you you know you made four dimes make a dollar type thing you know situation so uh I tend to I get the first one like it would depend on the roster like if if I have a if I take a uh an orphan team and it's really rough and you know Murray might be my only piece that actually matters and everyone else is pretty old I would do this trade you know but but other than that uh you tend to want the best player if you're thinking about winning within the next year or two um the next trade makoni and a first for puka naua yes just go get puka I people think I'm a puka hater I'm not but puka it's people think I'm a puka hater because he's not top five I think puka is uh is perfectly fine in like the top 10 and this is a trade where you're getting someone you you think is good for someone who is good Alfredo you taking the puka side or you still leaning makon in the first first yeah what are we doing here this is the family guy like you can have the boat or the mystery box and he's like oh the boat is a boat but the mystery box could be anything it could even be a boat like you can have pukaa or you can have the mystery box it could even be pukaa like what what are we doing that's why you go and you draft a lad makoni or you want a first round pick is to hit and get a guy like a puka nikua now what you have is not necessarily it's not just two VI not two options where you can maybe land a pukaa It's also two options where you have to just totally whiff on the player and the pick when you you've got something right there like Jagger as you have him ranked as as a top as the wide receiver five in Dynasty you've got him what what are you doing like why I I I don't understand that keep puka makoni and a first like that is someone who probably a Georgia Alum or something but I'm I'm I'm all so far on the puka side in the streight like you're talking about a Ben sinot Hive and like like I was one where like I liked Ben sinat when he was in the third round then people were like well like he's he's Sam leoric I want an early second then he got out of hand and then people were relying on him to start and that's what I think we got with lad makoni I was like lad mak's good value but like the Chargers just aren't a very good team and now we have tangible evidence that they're still even with Jim harp you got to understand coaches need to build a team like yes sometimes and this is why I worry about the Texans like I just watched move the sticks with Daniel Jeremiah and Bucky Brooks these are vets that have worked in the NFL my entire life quite literally I've watched my entire life and they know and talk to GMS they have never seen a team turn around like the Texans do don't expect Jim Harbaugh to come in there and then like Chargers are our playoff team that's just not realistic like they are very Talent depleted team and the offensive line struggles and lad mcon as good as he was on tape like I said I'm worried about the injuries and him staying on field like that's like when these things start happening I just worry and I'm not a doctor and I don't have time to read a lot of doctor stuff so I just move off these players because I'm a person like I like I read I watch a lot of football film for you guys I'm not looking at x-rays that's why we hire Adam and pay him the big the big bucks so I want to ask you guys a question what happens if Cooper cup is 2021 Cooper cup like top three fantasy wide receiver and pukan nikua is like wide receiver 20ish do you think that's gonna be handled rationally by the fantasy no no but I I still think that pukan Aku at wide receiver 20ish is more valuable than L than anything lad makoni is probably going to be able to this year or next year um ask that question yeah no I I don't think it's going to be handled rationally but I think that that's something people have to remember it's very much within the realm of reality and I I do think that what's maybe more likely is that if we do get a healthy Cooper cup we get a really good Cooper cup season and probably a Robert Woods type of season from pukaa which which I mean should just be on the table and we should be really happy with that like I I don't see how that's a loss if pukaa gives you a top 15 wide receiver season we should be very happy with that even in Dynasty because you know that he's going to be sticking around in Los Angeles for a long period of time and see and that's why I said that um like I I have puka NKU as like top 10 I think he's my wide receiver 10 and people are upset that he's not wide receiver seven and wide receiver five I'm like guys that's his ceiling you realize that right like that's like like we're really bad at like well he's a rookie so like obviously he's got to consistently get over 1,600 yards now that's just not that's just not how it works man like when you actually rationalize the statis ICS it's like I think I'm being reasonable like enough like putting in in the top 12 uh the next one is was my favorite of this Bunch because people are going to hate this like I know that and it's makoni for jsn and I would take jsn like right now I am way in on Seattle right now I'm I'm way in alfredo I know you are too are you that bullish that you would trade Maki for jsn straight up yeah yeah and I know there's a lot of uh fantasy analysts right now that would not whether it was in redraft or Dynasty where they would take makoni over jsn uh I have jsn ranked ahead of makoni I I think that jsn is primed to be the number two Target on the Seattle offense I'm very much in on the Seattle offense and what Ryan grub is able to do uh with a more vertical attack I actually talked about this today uh for an episode that's going to Premiere tomorrow and I whenever this comes out it might be today so whatever time is is relative and it's not real but uh jsn is one of those guys that I have him as a breakout I have him as my wide receiver 36 in fantasy right now uh Dave Ki hates jsn so when he pops off I can't wait to rub it in his face but last year the Seahawks usage of jsn was just it was a gross misusage where he was I believe it was ranked 78th out of 81 qualifying receivers in terms of average depth of Target but then he was number one in designed play percentage which means that jsn was only being used on screens they were giving him the Rashi PR treatment like you normally do that for players that can't run routes jsn is a phenomenal route Runner everything he did at Ohio State was catching the ball deep he's a great deep ball tracker that's what's going to happen here with the Ryan grub offense a guy who uses the vertical attack uses three receivers I mean all of his receivers from Washington were drafted really highly this year what do you guys think he's going to do with jsn a player who outproduced Chris alve and Garrett Wilson when they were all on the field together I yes I'm very bullish on jsn very bullish on the Seattle Seahawks offense and I would take him over lad makoni every single day in Dynasty yep I love it and I can't like like uh Jeff we're going to we're going to bring Dave on in gotcha moment him with like like we're actually gonna breing like we say we don't bust out data on the show but it's only to make Dave kugie look bad I hyped him up today I need to level it out and roast him again so we talk today and and I have jsn at wide receiver 36 he has jsn at wide receiver 52 he just basically that he's just like not going to exist in Fantasy is he bringing up Tyler Lockett tell me he's not saying Tyler lock he is he's saying I don't think Tyler Lockett goes away I'm like yeah he's not going to go away but J jsn is not going to get worse last year from week six on even with a bad rookie year he was the wide receiver 38 we're like we're we're drafting him at where he was at in a bad rookie year and I don't know Dave is expecting him to get worse I'm here just talking crap about David he's not all to defend himself well he just thinks that tiaka Paul red like obviously Jeff you're going to take that you're going to take the jsn side at this point right or really yeah I'd rather be connected with Justin Herbert I think that the charter pass offense is going to surprise some people I've got lad makoni ranked above Justin or above Jackson Smith and jig in redraft I mean if I've got a player similar age ranked above a player in redraft connected to a much much better quarterback in Dynasty I'm gonna take that player so I'm on the Maki side here so sorry to throw cold water on the party how dare you disagree with us in five six trades I'm broken I'm broken like I I was not expecting that what are what happened what's going on where are we we are going to end the show but it's not because Jeff's a disappointment but it's like right there we're just disappointed yeah exactly um you guys spiring i' Pi the JS s side but like that said it's a pretty close trade but uh as always guys um like subscribe make sure to go to footballguys.com plans uh we got our uh our new draft tools over there with draft sync you can draft from our site you don't have to move back and forth you guys have uh been asking for it and we've tested it out and it works fantastic and again a lot of you Dynasty guys are in MFL so if you're doing some of these drafts do that draft sync and uh and actually use a platform that's built uh for 20 um 2024 you know um and with that being said guys my name is Jagger and that's Jeff and uh we'll bring Alfredo back I think I think he did a good job and we'll see you guys on the next one

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