🚨they're taking down TRANS REDDIT😭🌈🏳️‍⚧️

foreign [Music] also be nice there we go what's up roommates one topic here welcome home today we're taking a look at trans memes it's been a minute do you think I was gone not a chance you may notice we're still fundraising for the Trevor Project you'll see it linked under this video yet again and we are so so close to raising our goal of a hundred thousand dollars USD and if you have a spare baller if you have a spare dollar or two consider chucking it down there all right let's get started the spare baller all right shut up fellas is it gay to have checking no it's a pelvis is there any reason on why Nintendo gave link of a vagina bones what me who has a permanent pelvis but can't find my vagina bones confused gay sounds I Instagram is adding a pronouns option what the [ __ ] who cares about that she doesn't like the new feature hey CIS people so often forget that it goes the other way too one year on T oh it's for me oh Mom choosing the girl is a speed running Strat I swear me trying to watch a pro trans video YouTube ads mad watch documentary what is a woman what is a woman oh God damn it that's like here yeah it happens a lot I can't really control that but but on the plus side at least they're wasting their money propaganda is clearly not cut for us hunting normal women are hot but but so are CIS women I mean wait do you see that argument brought up a lot I'm not sis I'm normal did you do it yes what did it cost being able to Face mind oh no oh life might get way harder now but laying on my chest now puts me an Indescribable pain and my Prospect for Pockets increases by the second and don't even get me started on the prospects of employment what what it starts with fortnite and boneless wings it ends with gender pronouns and communism real men take bones in their wings they put the bone in their mouth and so true king Beware of the pipeline regular guy fortnite Boneless Wings Gender pronouns communism we'll share a gender now I bring a sort of breast and a penis vibe to the airport that that the TSA body scanner don't really like yeah I've been checked I get I I feel this doing a skirt ghost mini in public remembering I went Commando oh what's in your pants oh nothing of consequence I I must know get used to disappointment there's like zero introspection too they have no idea how weird that sounds whenever they're like I must know trans women are women one thousand years later holy holy in the skeleton Wars when you dig up some non-bonary skeletons when a transphobe tells you to just try harder to be your assigned gender at Birth wow oh if I hadn't thought of that stop it get some help so thanks thanks for nothing you're welcome hmm spell that reveals repressed feelings boom look I just think that pineapple and ham works really well put on pizza it tastes like [ __ ] [Music] you good oh oh ah still says though what you egg she stabs him you really had to go and quote Shakespeare on this one it occurs to me someone out there is gonna think that I'm making a silly joke and that I don't actually mean that it's a quote from Shakespeare so pardon me while I put this here so it makes more sense for anyone who wasn't catching up on it all right trans guys trying on a binder for the first time oh damn it I'm a guy watching oh and all I can think is huh cute top I have I have news for you buddy let me know if someone has done this already but I just noticed all the states are the same ones on the anti-trans map oh my God you're not wrong wow God dang it America stop being predictable challenge impossible difficulty why did you make a trans flag on your chicken coop uh I I ran out of wood I like the colors of it I thought it was funny to place it on an egg Farm all right that that actually is pretty funny trans women are women Thousand Years Later holy [ __ ] it Sands from undertale here's your order enjoy customer I just like there's a bunch of m's on there oh thank you ma'am have a good day that's it thanks you as well read the damn room man my human rights leaving me after I come out as trans oh boy oh no hmm I'm a girl no uh oh oh I wish I was a passing girl I'm a girl yay I fixed it for you God dang it having someone in your corner can make all the difference it's so wholesome I love the smile oh one of the best videos I've ever seen this is a trans man being welcomed home after his gender affirming surgery okay oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] God dang it the fellas are so wholesome sometimes oh fellow chest bumps let's go too soon too soon fella you just transitioned to being a girl choose a subclass programmer pastel goth regular goth radical leftist roller derby person band camp musician professional streamer YouTuber said poet furry which one are you conservatives when they see a couple of trans kids hanging out across the street sandwiches sandwiches barely even human a notification from my phone pops up all my mom is using it it's from a transgender subreddit what's everyone's favorite dinosaur save me on that one wow your hair is actually really nice oh um thank you if you are someone's daughter I'd suggest growing it out to them too bad you're a boy my name is now Abigail please use she slash her pronouns for me transphobes my name is still Chris you can call me by he slash him oh my God they're such snowflakes I really like the idea of being a girl I know I'm not one but if I could like go back and be one from birth I do it with zero hesitation I know what this is this is a fatish so glad I figured it out but she was all of her deceived my son is fine your daughter pretends to be a CIS girl on the internet oh vote Democrat no borders no walls girls oh uh [Laughter] I can't vote in America we're fine with the gay people unlike this trans stuff that goes too far trans are just recycled talking points again and again testosterone is poison me a trans guy me estrogen also me will you press the button you will become an anime girl but you'll be lesbian is there a single time we've had a will you press the button meme where people would not press the button come on make it make sense you're not a man men don't wear skirts except for like history and when it's comfortable you're not a woman you're a man in a skirt yeah the whole point is that they don't want to make sense it's just that they want to be hateful yeah uh we can't approach all of this with Logic No matter how much we want to sometimes we just gotta do our own thing when you meet someone safe and you're like hold on let me just that's better it's getting kind of hot in there well I'm probably not trans anyways I want to be an anime girl rather than an actual girl you know so um what exactly is the distinction between the two for you practically hey uh wait wait a minute don't use logic on me it's the girl who thinks Octodad deadly is catch he's a trans allegory me oh hey huh huh okay yeah I'm I'm on board with that good morning sir what would you want sir sir sir sir I just wanted a cookie but now I want to hug you um what the [ __ ] oh God created America so men could be free to do anything including becoming women oh basic math part uh divide by negative wait hang on advanced math all right equals I all right let's go basic physics 30 states of matter Advanced physics three four seven states of matter yeah it all got really weird when he started throwing in like Oobleck and slime and stuff are like plasmodial liquids please sing biology equal gender male female a bunch of different Expressions no my two gender ruinos it really does seem like the people that take advantage of others ignorance in this area are the ones that haven't actually got the education in the area that they espouse some sort of intrinsic knowledge in no the Bible tells me there's only this and this and what else isn't in the Bible with a taste that's gonna drive you like a whole bunch of stuff come on now she watches she watches philosophy tube philosophy tube Contra points Contra points oh concealed carry gun holster ad uh uh yeah I don't know fam sometimes it seems like whatever you put an LGBT tag on they'll put like the opposite end of the spectrum for advertising and I guess maybe in some way it helps because it drives engagement but at least they're considering this to be an untapped market for a lot of these marketing schemes but we really see this as like ah it's not really it's not for me Fam like if you want to waste your money here I guess go ahead Mike doesn't hurt AKA I don't give a what hmm huh CIS people are weird yeah yeah but is that all is that a common expression I have never heard of my doesn't hurt also meaning I don't give a I'm intrigued trans fans when they don't get double D cups one second after starting e my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined fine dining cisman vaginoplasty gifts this man what me when you first come out as trans and have no idea how to dress yet oh my god future I'm you from the future oh yeah prove it Well turns out you're straight but I I like boys exactly oh me I'm a lesbian doctor ah good so you have no possibilities of being pregnant uh I might have my trans girlfriend you ask your mom if you can get a binder she says yes your mom drives you to Staples Staples is an office supply store yeah your mom drives you to Staples oh no thanks Mom but that wasn't what I meant oh no concern derivatives when a trans person is just existing oh you have become addicted to estrogen boy I'm having penis surgery girlfriend I know boy I love you girlfriend I love you too after surgery he wakes up and only dad is there boy where's my girlfriend dad who do you think gave you the wait what hey is this you oh um legally I'm required to say yes Luigi doesn't question how Mario presents his gender he just wants to go to the wedding whoa bro you're getting married and you didn't tell Luigi oh no don't play with that Billy it's for girls well you can play with whatever you want Peter don't be silly Billy you're a boy uh sure Peter if you like it you should be ashamed you forced this poor boy to be like you wanted him to be just because you wanted a girl I bet uh okay bye why does Mario have nipples but link doesn't because of his Top surgery dumbass oh person well now that you've transitioned are you ready to date a man me uh no I'm a lesbian person and what was the point of your transition well why not just stay a boy if you still like women me my sexual identity and gender identity are different it's not so simple person please for the love of God I don't understand what you're saying after fully coming out to supportive friends finally feeling like myself holy sh this is what it's like to feel normal later you're like this because you're friends manipulated you no dad they didn't Jewish trans women getting bottom surgery surgeon I will finish Rabbi what you started my feelings when my partner says I don't like seeing trans people on TV it makes me uncomfortable I have those same feelings what if I'm a girl oh coming out the girls so yeah I'm a trans girl that's so cool I support and love you the boys so yeah I'm a trans girl can you make yourself pregnant pregnant what do you have can you pee be me trans girl like you boys state three separate boys all of them become trans girls within like a month why are men like this she's out here making omelets why is this reply in the oven hello sir how may I help you I pitched Mo girl voice hi oh sorry I mean ma'am go back hey is it normal to describe being trans oh yeah that's normal everyone feels like that oh okay neat men should not wear women's clothing what if it's really fun are you winning son oh Dad this is a hateful slur no gaming recommendation if you like escapism you should try confronting your gender identity shopping with Mom hello my kid's looking for a shoulder bag oh sure the girls section is right there okay enough [ __ ] around I'm not waiting a year for my boobs to grow I'm macro dosing estrogen oh a heroic man faces an ancient horror horror no man can defeat me it is foretold hero defeats horror anyway you're a leader with a bottle of mead in a Tavern asking why he can't stop thinking about the horrors prophecy before coming to a realization about herself oh from now on I'm Sarah four years later yikes hey Max nope isn't this a cool shirt when you hear your dead name and accidentally dead name yourself internally you get out of women's spaces um I'm sis I really don't know what they were thinking but honestly like I'm gonna have to pull this up I saw this on Tick Tock a while ago and I was saving it up for like an r slash of the straights okay video it does it's a little bit pertinent there we go I knew she was talking about me so I started recording today a woman thought I was trans and harassed me for using the bathroom literally just needed to poop I tried to mentally prepare myself before leaving the stall knowing she was going to approach me her venting about trans people and people's gender identities in the privacy of your bedroom do what you want I I hate this so much so hang on how are you are you a man or a woman CIS people can literally not be normal what is wrong with them allow me to invalidate your identity I think I need to identify you shut the front door really okay pull the cops yeah because this is not that way you play your [ __ ] go down on the strip and try to do it there don't do it up here not alone all right all right we get it so police Karen has shown up and decided to police the bathroom as uh who is allowed to poop here and who is not okay skipping ahead all right security is called and she's talking to security glad you had someone with you because some of the some of the things I've read about where people have not had some backup around them have not gone super duper well and for goodness sake all right I'm Gonna Save the rest of those ones for a Strays video but like good gracious that gets me steamed up it takes so little effort to just be normal and it takes so much effort to be whatever that was Karen stop I'm the police I saw you take that now put it back welcome you're about to be born on Earth first let's roll for your gender two one four oh no that moment when you see something in the background and automatically headcan in her as trans protect trans kids you believe you know basic biology I have a degree in biology we are not the same I have the best thing to show you I am just a very regular person and sure it's fun to poke fun at all these people but why don't we pull in an expert for a moment oh there are only two genders it's just basic biology hi how you doing welcome to Advanced biology from a biologist you see you see that thing so we're gonna go over some facts together but first off happy trans day of visibility right so sex and gender not this that's what I found this probably heard that before right it's because it's true because biology actually has nothing to say about gender you would have to look towards sociologists anthropologists or gender scientists for that and that's why when you defer to your basic biology 101 class that you failed in high school you look like you don't know what you're talking about right gender is only my internet died oh no hang on a second right gender is only Loosely related to sex insofar as we've identified certain physical characteristics and have arbitrarily decided that this person belongs to this gender but there are a whole bunch of people from that gender that don't have those physical characteristics right it's almost like there's some variation to sex and that's because it's not a binary it's a bimodal distribution where you have two extreme ends and most people falling somewhere in the middle now this could be due to your genetic predisposition it could be due to the fact that there are more than two combinations of sex chromosomes it could be due to the intersex Spectrum but it's mostly due to hormone washes and it's the reason why every person assigned male at Birth isn't seven feet tall with a raging beard and a hairy ass in fact there is more variation within a sex than there is between male and female and by the way you could be intersex you could go your whole life being intersexed and never know it and the reason to that is because when you're born nobody tests you the doctor just decides what you look like and assigns you with sex and in society then assigns you a gender that is traditionally associated with that sex I really hate when people appeal to Nature when they're trying to erase trans or gay people because when you actually study the animal kingdom the concepts of male and female cease to function as we understand them when you're talking about creatures that have vastly different sexual dimorphism than us species that can flip-flop Sexes or produce both gametes or reproduce asexually animals that have gay relationships no this isn't a rewrite of history or science you just weren't paying attention in class concern about gender it's a social thing right you got these roles and responsibilities that you assign to a specific group now hear me out not only has the concept of a man and a woman change within our culture over the course of hundreds of years not only are these characteristics and the amount of genders different between cultures not only has the concept of gender identity change since the beginning of civilization but between two individuals is a different concept of that gender identity what it means to be a man for me is like vastly different for what it means to be a man for you it's almost like none of this has anything to do with the chromosomes you have trans people don't just feel like a man or a woman they are a man or a woman or a woman or neither or and dysphoria comes from the fact that we've applied physical characteristics to social categories and the real mental illness is thinking that 8 billion people can all fit into two arbitrary classifications and no nobody's turning your kids trans nobody would have anything to transition from if you didn't apply something to them that they don't identify with thanks for coming to my TED Talk I love Micah's content go follow Micah God dang I wish other people had as much fun learning as we do on this channel I love finding out fun interesting facts I love learning all of the things that I had gaps for when I was in school further your education please all right back to the video anyone find me cute me oh I was once a boy now I'm a full-grown lesbian Google opinion for cute feminine clothes for men trying to do men's guy against the shorts this summer two inch inseam okay hey there you're a trans Elder right I just started using tea this is a small must protect my dad messaged me and then changed the Facebook theme to transgender I see you ordered something from Amazon it was just a DisplayPort cable arriving Sunday mailed to the female guy [ __ ] walked into work dressed in these Sam me sometimes out of nowhere at no specific time and for no specific reason yay I'm a girl thanks Boy Scouts now everyone is required to use the bathroom designated on their birth charts bathroom Bill there will be no men in the girls room sorry wrong restroom yeah me too I am a law abiding citizen no it works no talking with Dad after telling him I've started HRT you can't do this to yourself it's a family decision I need time to mourn I am 24. I'm also not dead when I was a teenager I said repeatedly that if I was a girl I'd be a huge and I was right my dad has repeatedly said that if he was a woman he'd be us too huh dad I want to touch a guy's muscles I'm straight I swear I just think that muscles look really tasty I want to touch them it's so nice how big and strong guys are I want a guy to protect me in oh right I've legally been a girl for three years and for my daughter your daughter me pharmacy technician prepping other trans people's prescriptions drinking the potion will alter your gender forever but if you leave without drinking it the potion will evaporate as you exit the tomb you must choose now lgbtqia2s plus rights in the U.S Joe Biden my entire Administration state stands proudly with the lgbtqia plus Community oh wolf Joe Astro brick why do you always look so tired after taking a shower um dysphoria oh no you know how it is with showers accidentally spent all my life making sure everyone around me feels comfortable only to realize I never felt comfortable the whole time what is your legal gender female I do not wish to declare United States of America male only only for admin use please do not select CIS people do not understand how hard or for how long many trans people try not to be trans before reaching acceptance I think the vast number of CIS people are fairly ignorant in this area many of them supportive even if they don't understand the loud minority being those who think they understand and object and I think there's only an Insidious few that do understand this that no it is something that trans people try to repress for a long time time before realizing they're happier being themselves for every one of them there's at least 10 allies it matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be oh and who's this quote by God dang it another person who should know better yeah transitioning didn't solve all my problems transition made all my problems feel worth solving so long and thanks for all the memes Rip r slash try June 2023 the trans Community had to say goodbye when Reddit killed their API hello my beardos and weirdos I'm one topic and today we're going to be looking through Trump I found this place before I really got to be me even when life was hardest this place gave me somewhere to escape to one day I finally shared you all supported me I've grown and changed I've stayed here to share and support others I'm going to miss this community I'll miss my brothers sisters and be fam and system siblings I hope the best for all of you continue to grow yeah I read about the stuff that's going on on Reddit it looks like the tra subreddit might actually be over and we're still gonna make trans memes videos on this channel just because one subreddit has to go down because there it is an impossible task to moderate a subreddit this big it doesn't mean these videos are gonna stop and it doesn't mean that all of you don't deserve a community to share them in yeah thanks for letting me know about this Brooke all right my beard is weirdos that was our dive in our slash trans memes oh I'm back by the way I don't know if you noticed I'm a little bit Rusty to making these videos but I'll do my best now that I'm back to try to get back up to speed and make more of them happy Pride everybody it's feeling pretty good to get back behind the camera and be able to talk to all of you it's been fun kind of just like streaming and stuff as well I don't know if all of you are into that I noticed a lot of comments with people being like yeah I don't know I don't really hang out with Gamers but you know whatever I like gaming by the way I was chatting with makeship and they were like hey OT do you want to do another plushie and I was like what if we made this but full-sized so I'm currently in talks with makeshift they have a couple of ideas that we're kind of turning around right now but this is one of them and if you would like to see the dino T but in big version full-sized let me know and yeah we'll see what happens all right remember this is weirdos thank you so much for sticking around to the end of the video we'll see you in the I don't remember how I do outros I'm just gonna say bye bye [Music] you know one of these days I'm gonna break my camera oh yeah we do like a Boop at the end right okay get out of here

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