10K + 10 Miler | runDisney Springtime Surprise | 2024

Published: May 15, 2024 Duration: 01:16:19 Category: Travel & Events

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[Music] let me [Music] good morning and welcome back to the Run Disney Springtime surprise weekend 2024 the Wilderness must be explored I've got my wilderness explorer costume on I wore this actually last year's Springtime surprise and I'm so so happy to be recycling it again this year um these ears are just they're epic they're epic all right it's 2:44 in the morning let's go get him good morning here a little earlier today and to try to grab some phot how beautiful is this it's hotter than I don't know what it's already so hot but we'll survive oh my I saw someone I knew on the walk the walk in from the parking lot and she was it's like yesterday was the sea of green today is the Sea of yellow and it's true there's so many Wilderness to clor that I'm so excited if you know you know but I really love up it's my favorite Pixar movie and one of my tops of all time really and Doug Doug is my energy anyway let's go uh see what there is to have today you know for 3:00 in the morning it to be this humid we're going to hydrate it's going to be all good it's going to be all good you need a Cofe on the way in you can find one and on the way out I'm guessing know they're here all day all right here's the scene you got your information you got your baby care I don't know first day gear check I'm going to go see if I can get some pictures the lines aren't too long yet we'll see it was a big deal for me I waited in a line for the photo and um it's after they letting in for the crows I'm usually so anxious but not to get closer to the front is just like an anxiety thing so that was a big deal for me to wait I'm glad I waited cuz I got that photo and I don't have to do it after when I'm all sweaty here's the get excited okay I'm only 5 minutes past the coral open [Music] time that was a big deal for me I'll try to talk about later it's too loud now but that was that was a good thing for me to do [Music] we this is the Victory lap right that's what we say you guys have 10 seconds I want to shout out Kathleen here in the blue shirt her 172 run Disney race starts in 3 2 [Music] 1 the hot dog Adventure is out Ry I need to know why but why the hotg Wilderness [Music] explorers I would have done a lot of people [Music] [Applause] [Music] because it says you did it right yes don't answer it's okay I'll answer myself that's what I'm talking about yes right at the start of everything that's new running [Music] goofy away [Music] oh I don't think you see it it's [Music] four legend himself sorry I'm ruing your no it's all right he's our race host [Music] [Applause] just me [Music] baby not stopping it's jogging Jack yay spotted him again Duffy Duffy cuz you [Music] know there he goes again [Music] [Applause] [Music] we missed you so bad we're so glad you're back under that 90 minute Mark for your 10 turn I know a lot of you [Music] started another one of those very useful inflatable C I just want to see like a dance we got a little dance party coming in I [Music] see y we got [Music] it sow hey we got to you get to oh awesome nice this kind of thing we put oh jeez I forgot I have this flag on my ears okay the corner oh girl is hot okay there we go that feels good let's get some medals great job congratulations woohoo look at that look at this guy I think it does something thing but I can't do it right now does it do something I'm not sure it does is it supposed to oh something behind it moves I'll figure it out later all right she's got it lookoo awesome I'm shiny pretty good time just day break now was the adventure oh it's beautiful I'm just going to grab my metal post race pick and I'm out like trout and it's going to warm up real fast really fun one I'll talk about it the room but it was really fun so just have you come through the gear check uh trucks they have these I don't know what we call these but these areas set up for you to take your post race picks with I don't know at least half a dozen photographers sometimes they do fun overlays too lately which is cute yeah so this is all part of the reunion area there's the dance party up there which is where they have the characters that I took pictures before they've got quite a few food trucks Jaw free sweetzels taco place and then they have their own food Disney cells drinks and stuff you can get like a beer or glass of champagne if you're in that kind of mood and if you're not you can just go but lots of people hang out you know who have friends it's okay what did we come back with luckily they gave us the cold towels today although I made everything in my bag super wet so it's fine it was really nice in that moment right after finishing um again I got like the 28 Oz power it seemed like the yellow ones were the big ones and the other colors were the normal size a water this I will drink now this I will save for Coral's tomorrow a banana and then I just opened the sticker on this but I haven't looked inside let's see if it's the same as 5K day usually they are the same for race weekend with few exceptions we've got Tostitos the mini M&M this is all the same oh we got peanut butter crackers today that's a little different the cheese and a cookies and cream waffle which I would say PR as well and that's that I am trying my best to salvage you know keep this biib as nice as possible it's got one more race even with this humidity just the top got a little weird but I find it Taking It Off in the car both ways helps it not crinkle so much uh yeah let's chat about the race my Sparkles are oh look at this sweat my Sparkles are going on my face some most of them are gone I think when I had the cold towel on my face I wasn't really thinking about the uh um oh excuse me hold on [Music] it's not it's now not a post race recap without a little serenade um how cute how cute is this I had so much fun um I did intervals today uh for the 5K which was a separate video so just in case you missed that one um I just went by uh feel basically 5K is you know I don't always do my intervals today I did uh run I always run walk but today I did timed intervals and for the first time I didn't I brought my gym boss but I decided to use my um watch instead and that worked out great I really liked it it's one less thing like on me I will take it uh so I did 1 minute run 30 second walk which I think is just like my happy my happy race intervals uh I'm not trying to win anything for sure uh but that just makes keeps my heart rate pretty consistent and I was really proud of myself I maintained nasal only breathing so nose breathing no mouth with the exception of when I went through photo pass for like almost the whole race I think at Mile 5 I broke a little bit um from that and and I was just excited so that too but uh it was fun I love the 10K it's such a good distance uh the course was nice I think the first three miles basically was road then we popped into Epcot for a little bit but then we got to run around the boardwalk the other way so um through the world showcase entrance of Epcot on that side and then you go by Boardwalk no no beach club and Yacht Club and up over the bridge where you can see the Swan and Dolphin and um then back around to the boardwalk on the other side um so you don't go through the like really squeezy part but you kind of you go over the bridges I love it I me a little bit of a Rolling Hill situation so I know we're not so fond of the hills but I don't know I don't mind it's good I'm doing elevation training anyway other events I have coming up and I just I love running there I love being able to do the whole loop around the the boardwalk area and whatever they call that body water I still don't know after all these years but uh then we you know pop back into Epcot for a song and a dance and and on to the finish and it was it was good it was warm um I'm a sweater this is well documented I will stand out in this weather and just start sweating standing there for the most part maybe not but if I you know walk enough or whatever so I need to be really on top of my hydration um and I felt like I did a really good job hydrating yesterday I was really proud of myself and then this morning I had the the bottle of my with my element in it the bani bottle I will save like I got from the race I save it I put in the fridge save it bring it to the crown I kind of just drank it like I did yesterday while I was sitting in the crows and I have glitter like on my neck anyway it was it worked out but I can tell I am like thirsty um but yeah that was fun they had a lot of characters out I didn't really pay that close attention to me honest I was in the zone with my I was like so focused on um my breathing for the road part I didn't really pay attention to the characters on the road but I did stop I stopped for Duffy we had Duffy at the reunion area yesterday and I was kind of bummed I didn't sorry my stomach I didn't see him today they had um Marie the cat from the aristoc this is the cat from the aristocrats instead and I was like oh I miss stuffy oh no then they had him on course so I got a picture with him I don't know if it came out or not but I did get that picture um I don't I didn't stop for any others I took one selfie in the boardwalk I'm fuzzy it's like one of my other Traditions is to take I always look like this cuz I'm just so excited and it's fuzzy cuz I'm like kind of moving still anyway it's my Midway half crazed with excitement fuzzy selfie tradition a friend of mine captured my finish which was so sweet of her that was really kind so I got a little clip of that I'll pop it in here can see me fist pumping up that's what I I can't I like keep I even thought today I'm not going to fist pump I'm just going to run over I can't help it it's just like automatic I get to that Finish Line something comes in over me and I'm like I got a fist pump anyway all my BRAC photos look like that and it's not on purpose it's just I can't control it it's just what comes out yeah really really good I think I think that's I think that's it oh yeah I was going to talk to you about what I I tried to say in the when I was like walking to the crowds it was just so noisy I I don't know how much I got out to the camera to be honest but I left a little earlier today cuz I wanted to get my um car my reunion photo with the characters first and it was Doug and Russell and so I knew I wanted to get that today and I didn't really want to wait afterwards to be all sweaty and whatever and I'm just wanting to like get out of there so I got in the line at 3:15 and it was a huge line and I knew that they were going to take a break at 3:30 the crows open at 3:45 I'm usually waiting in line for the cows by like 3:30 and it's not because I want to get to the front of the craws it's just like an anxiety thing with times I when there's a Time on something I'm like I have to be there right at that time it's something I'm kind of working on and also with the races I still do have a little bit of um like crowd anxiety with the corow so I try to get on the periphery of the C just for a little more space like along the fence line cuz then I know there's nobody right next to the other way uh and that fills up pretty quick on the side of the be caral anyway they switched out at at 3:30 the character stepped out and I actually like I was chatting with the gals in the line for the whole time um so they saved my place for me and I I was like I want to ask if it's going to be 15 minutes I'm going to bail the line um cuz I know they usually get like a 15minute break and I got out of line and the man's like oh no they're coming right back out and they were back out within like 4 minutes I want to say and got to that line and was heading to the crows at 10 to 4: so for me to like go into the crows after they've already opened like intentionally not because I got there late or whatever um that was a big I felt like a really big deal to me and it's just I know that seems kind of like trivial I don't know I feel like some of you will understand but especially when there's a routine like I have a routine with my races whenever I step out of that routine a little bit to me that's progress in expansion in growth and I know it might just seem ridiculous sounding but that was a big deal to me today to to choose to wait in that line instead of going into the CRS right when they opened um that was a big deal anyway with that being said I am planning to get to the reunion area even earlier tomorrow cuz I have a feeling the Stitch line is going to be out of control and I have to get that picture the Lelo and Stitch picture so probably wake up even earlier tomorrow but I I got over 7 hours of sleep I was so tired I shut my lights out at like 6:15 last time I think I I woke up at 2 20 so I did pretty good I did pretty good was sleeping I slept over 7 hours for sure so I'm feeling good now the only part of me that's bothering me a little bit is I'm developing a little bit of a heat Bluster on the bottom of my right foot on the ball joint so that's a bummer but this is a day 10K day whatever the race is on Saturday of the race weekends I try to walk the least I try to give my body the most rest so I have no Parks planned for today I'm going to go to Disney Springs but it's only 7 25 so I'm going to take a shower and do my whole stretching a little hip mobility hydrate up get some protein in I have my protein shake and then head over at 9: because I want my Gideons I want my cold brew and I want my cake so we we'll reconvene in like an hour when we're getting ready for that oh and somebody on course gave me a bracelet she was run by me and she gave me a bracelet so I gave her one of the ones I made for my wers but actually um there aren't a lot of them here this weekend and I think I made more bracelets than there are wonders so I was like that was so nice I gave her one of mine it says um Ready Set run on it and it's really cute and one of my wers gave me a bracelet too but it's kind of bigger and it kind of just clangs up and down my wrist so I didn't wear it for the brace but I do appreciate it Rebecca thank you for the bracelet I wore all day yesterday and I will put it back on today okay I'm going to shower cuz I am gross but yay 10K okay Adventure is out there got our whole King Kaboodle on my new BB Brook ears match my the shirt really well so random things I'm bringing with me that you might be like what the heck is that for um I have little ice packs and like a neopan bag for my Gideon's cake because I'm going to be at Disney springs for a few hours and I don't want my cake to melt you do not have have to refrigerate Gideon's cake its best served room temperature but uh it's so freaking hot out and I will not eat it till later maybe even tomorrow so we're bringing the little cooler back made it right open man there's a lot of people here already feel like it's not usually this bumping but I already have to pee but I want to get my spot in line problems but look it's my favorite part I like walking over this these Bridges all I'll see what it's like okay we're still on the wall we're good if you're on the wall you know you're going to get in reunited with my friend so this is the special cookie right now the white chocolate caramel macadan nut and then they've got some of their standbys and I know the special cake today is some sort of pineapple extravagance but oh they have all the cake slices laid out just in case you've never seen it I'll pan this shop it's so cute all right we got rainbow crunch we've got chocolate everything there's the pineapple dream carrot cake Marsh red velvet cookies and cream okay and then more cookies so many cookies okay the cake cake is secure peanut butter cold brew acquired I just happen to sit down there's a lot of sound happening right now next to really nice couple uh who recognize me from my videos uh so Kelly and oh my gosh I already forgot I'm terrible with names I think it's Andrew Kelly and Andrew if you're watching this thank you for chatting with me for that whole hour you guys are the best and I hope you had a great time at the 10 Mile peanut butter cold brew if you ask for low ice we get more cold brew if that if you're into that sort of thing just a tip from me to you also I'm really glad that my well I'm not really glad that I have this problem on the bottom of my foot you know what it is it's like the I have a callus there and it's separating a little bit and it's like there's a bit of a fissure this is too much information I know I'm sorry but it's sore where like the fissure is right on the bottom of the ball of my toe so I put a blister Band-Aid on for padding and then I taped up with sports tape but I'm glad that I'm not walking a lot today so good Segway though I am going to walk down to I didn't make it during princess weekend and I really want to go see what if any personalized things they have at the Christmas shop as I'll show you sometimes I feel like for every race weekend lately at least they've had pre personalized more like generic personalized race things like ornaments and maybe a frame or two I don't know I might walk through World of Disney it's not my favorite store but uh just to like see see what there is to see but I got my cold bre so I'm happy okay let's see what there is to see also I just like looking at Christmas stuff um it just feels good right let's look around here's the things that they have available that are themed so cute I'm still looking for that frame though I'm going to look around and see they have it look at this they gave me this as being the first runner to come in today is not that nice nice I thought that was so nice I got pixie dusted this is I really like the uphouse that's really cute so unfortunately they were out of that little frame um I bought one for Marathon weekend in 20123 uh but they knew exactly what I was talking about and they said if I can find it on the Disney Store online they would personalize it if I brought it in so but I got a button that was so nice you usually have to like pay for that so they just gave it to me that was really kind this is the one of the spots I like to look in the co-op and then I will probably also go to bear Bradley although I feel like I was just there and I didn't really like anything oh I see Stitch right away let's go look look at him very cute anyway it's got just like little stands and things a fun spot to shop look they have some R Disney stuff here stitches challenge cute are those ornament or yeah I think those are ornaments cute all right I guess I'm going in the nice thing about coming here pretty soon after Disney Springs opens this is not too crowded I don't need this but it's very cute up inspired um water bottle I feel like Stitch is having a moment there's so much Stitch merch my goodness y the day I buy a Nimo is the day they have a Doug Nimo they bring out a Doug or a c Kevin I'm on it I've seen the russle Russell's great but if it's not Doug or Kevin not going in my cart I'm sure it's cute stuff nothing I need I you know I buy all the Run Disney March and that kind of Sai satisfi satisfies my souvenir taste except I find something like special or cute or something I can use for something else like the if you watch the last Vlog I bought um one of those little like shoulder Pils not to wear really anytime except for at the Disneyland half a Halloween half it's um zero and one of my I think one of my costumes is going to be um a Nightmare Before Christmas kind of bound all right well still got 45 minutes I have a brunch reservation and I'm meeting one of my community members uh my wonderers as I call them from patreon uh for brunch at boat house which I'm really excited about so I think I will Mosey on down over to uh what's it called my brain stopped working I had a coffee and my brain stopped working to where the Vera Bradley and all that is just to have a little lookie um cuz I've Got Time time to waste and I just don't want to be outside too much today oh I can pull my um Gatorade Powerade whatever it is out of my bag too and drink some of that that's a good idea okay I'm going to put the camera down for a little bit I'll pull it out if there's anything interesting to show you but here's the scene at 10 to 11: on oh it's a Saturday so still not very crowded but in the next hour the crowds will double if not triple in my experience yeah I got the balloon and all that and it is Toasty man all right I know I show this in like every everyone Disney Vlog but this this is my favorite spot in Disney Springs doesn't this just look so tranquil I I love this little bridge where they Ducks there are that looks like a a little duck where's the rest of its family oh [Music] boy hello I'm back it's like 1:30 I just had the best morning hanging out with people um I happened to sit next to somebody in line at the Gideon wall who recognized me from um my videos she was there with her uh fiance and we spent the whole hour that 9 to 10 talking which was really fun uh so yeah that was really fun and then I think I already told you about that oh no my pins I need to put locking backs on these anyway and then after I window shopped I didn't buy anything but after I window shopped I um met one of my I think I told you this already one of my um community members from patreon for brunch we had the best time I didn't film obviously I didn't want to take away from our experience or be weird so I just showed you the food those rolls the brunch rolls if they're like they're dinner rolls but with the cinnamon glazing on them had them at Princess 2 when I was at runch there with a with a friend um they're so good and I'm I I'm glad that um my um brunch mate enjoyed them too cuz I talked them up so much I'm like what if they're not as good as I think they are to other people but um she liked them too so anyway um and then I got the lobster roll which I've had there before it's um definitely on the pricier side but it is so yummy and they're pretty generous with lobster and really really really really fun and now I'm back and we're going to see if my efforts to keep the cake cool worked I had to put it on its side because the Box doesn't I wanted it to be flat well this is still kind it's not frozen but it's still cold so that makes me feel like the Cake's going to be okay shall we see I'm not wful to eat anything right now but we can look at it comes packed with a fork oh we can smell it a you can see it here I'll just lift up the paper so we can have a little look oh please um I maybe I can lift up the paper oh it goes this way this my first day here it's perfect it's perfect so that apparently is like a pineapple caramel and then it's got the looks so good and there's a little bit of coconut flavoring in the icing and the one of the um people working at Gideon is like it tastes like a little bit like a p colada on a cake I'm like well okay oh let me put the fork back in there oh let me put back in there anyway I'm not going to have this now but uh I will probably dig into it later and I will report back on how it is so I think I'm I think I'm feeling pretty good for the day like done enough running SL walking I've already gotten 27,000 steps in for the day that feels like enough um I actually might go down to the pool it's really warm so maybe I won't to just chill and I don't know what I'm doing yet but if I leave this room I will let you know honestly I don't feel any bit bad about staying in all afternoon because it's part of my recovery to not be outside even in the shade just with how humid it is and hot right now it is oh a balmy 88 and this isn't even quite the heat of the day yet we're getting into it now um but yeah honestly that feels good that feels like you know what I'm going to leave these out so they're not moist when I pack them up good plan J okay I bought those to leave in I'm going to leave this in my um owner's Locker too for future cake Acquisitions and future races I will be back here God willing in uh November for wine and dine um but yeah that's that I'm going to drink some water cuz I'm very thirsty despite drinking all the beverages this morning and uh like I said if I go out of this room at all I'll let you know but otherwise just assume I'm here reading relaxing I'm want to do a nice stretchy yoga practice that's all I got on my radar at the moment it's a good life I'm very very satisfied it's been a good day time has passed I've just been sitting here doing some work and it's beautiful outside I just I can't I can't really do any more heat and I think that's just the decision I going with and actually running a bath I know it seems counterintuitive to take a hot bath but it's an Epsom salt bath with my um CBD bath boms I bring some pal that's about like half a bag of this comp here it's a lot it's a big tub by the way I'm at the board walk I did share a little bit more about it in the 5K video but I bring these from home I get these to thrive Market um these Prima bath bombs I really like them I'm not like I don't I'm not like a huge CBD person nothing nothing against it I just don't like ingest it or use lotions or anything I know that's very popular but the back the C back off I do find not only relaxing like mentally emotionally but also really good for muscle and I know the lotions and things are good for that too I just I've dabbled with like samples I've done I've just never really gotten into it but so that's combo salt and cvd bath which I'm very much looking forward to and then what I did yesterday I've cooled down completely now what I've did yesterday which I plan on doing again is I took after a nice long hot bath I took a cold shower so a little like temperature I don't know if you're supposed to do that or not I just felt really good and then I did Yin Yoga I'm going to repeat all that again and honestly I'm just going to put the camera away because it I want to take my bra off and there's just not like you don't need to watch me doing yoga like that's all there is but I will show you how I've set up for the next races I like to show this at least once a video in my race videos um cuz I do get ready in advance so here in the bedroom I've got my whole kitten kabo all ready for tomorrow bib is ready to go already attached I use the um sashes from crown and they're bid maget magnets that was hard to say I've been doing this for this season at least and I really like it because I have noticed in years's past that this Edge especially when it's like damp or I'm just it's humid it's raining I'm sweating whatever can leave a mark on my costumes and this saves it from that um and also it's easy to like rotate around like I said to like not wear the bib in the car or if I'm sitting on the ground in the corow I can like rotate it to my side so it doesn't get all crinkly when we have to reuse the bibs 8,000 times you know anyway I'm doing a bit of a Stitch Lilo and Stitch combo tomorrow so I got this this is a new dress for me the one I wore today I actually wore the 10K Springtime surprise last year I've got my run shorts and my favorite bra from lemon I always link my race outfits any linkable parts in the description if you're curious a these glow uh buns are almost done they're from like a couple of Seasons now and I've worn a lot of them many times and then this I'll show you in the morning but this also lights up very cute and I've even tucked my socks and my body glide into my shoes and that's just so I remember to put the body glide on my feet so that's all ready to go two in the morning or whenever it's easier to get ready when everything's already laid out and then here in the like kitchen area I have everything else laid out so in this bag and I'm going to put these things in here immediately just I don't want to forget anything I don't want to have to come back to the room or turn around you know so I've got in the bag already just a layer in case I want it before or after the races this is not a donatable it's something I actually keep in my owner's Locker here for that very purpose sometimes I get chilled especially if I over exerted in a race I haven't had that experience this weekend um but even if it's hot if I overexert I need to um bundle up after I have the gear check bag just in case I make a game time decision about that and a poncho just in case the ground is wet or it looks like rain is likely or you know sometimes you don't really know with FL weather until the day of too so that's just in case I only bring those things with me if I need them um and then of course I need my wallet and my car keys and the sunglasses are I am expecting the sun to be up when I'm heading back and then um all of this stuff will either go in this bag or in my pocket these are the things from my pocket in here I have a Band-Aid couple sticks of gum and a couple of salt tabs those I that's kind of a standard little packet for longer Braes this is something I've added recently it's just one tissue I know it seems silly but with the humidity and you know I'm a sweater I just got to keep my tissue dry and because I've been doing all this like nose breathing running if my nose is at all stuffy it just doesn't work so that's just I haven't had to use it but that's just in case I have a couple of bracelets I made in case I meet Wonders on the course or in the Cs and that's the my like race chapstick I always bring with me those things go in my left leg pocket ET in my right leg pocket will go my phone during race time and then I have banana I will try not to forget my uncrustable today so I'll eat those because I'm waiting there so early to take pictures I'll probably eat those while I'm waiting in line for the characters the banana and uncrustable and this is my pre- snack I've decided to do this instead of a gel at the start we'll see how that oh no I am I'm doing this like a half an hour before the start and then I'll do this right at the start a gel and I'm going to save this for halfway through I think I only need two gels we'll see how that goes I have the salt tabs if I need them and then this is actually in my fridge I have the Dan the bottle of water that I got out the race so I'll bring that with me and sip on this mixed into that during all of that time that I'm in the reunion area Before the Race and in the Corrals so really the only thing I have to remember in the morning is and I'll put this all in this bag now and put it in here and the pocket stuff will just be out all I have to remember in the morning is the stuff in the fridge my uncrustable sandwich and my water bottle anyway I'm just having some Triscuits and I'm going to get in that bath but I'm going to call it a day for the Vlog I will pick up with you bright and early at 2: in the morning or whatever tomorrow sometime between 2 and 3: and we will we get the 10 Mile we'll go get it we'll go get our Stitch metal thinking about that Stitch that Stitch metal is getting me through that race tomorrow the the foot thing is not comfortable it's not like the worst thing in the world to happen obviously by a long stretch but I wish it hadn't it's okay they will be all right I will survive um and yeah I have Animal Kingdom tomorrow too which I haven't been to in a while so I'm excited for that for sure all right so I will um I'll see you tomorrow all right I'm trying the cake but I'm not wearing a broth so we're just going to do it from this angle wearing a shirt just not a r the Glorious cake I have to give you a taste test though and I have to have a bite today on the day of freshness okay but you can't see my face oh well I just have to take a word take my word from it from my um auditory reaction does this not look fantastic stop I was so skeptical of this that might be the best cake I've ever had I was so skeptical of the pineapple I was like how can that be good a stand corrected all right good night good morning from 2:25 a.m. you don't have to get up this early but I do I don't know if these are going to come out really well on camera they're a little like the lights are a little less of a great placement they're just so cute little stitchers they have Stitch Sil the wette on this side and this side it says Ohana and it's the Ohana challenge so I had to but I'm doing like a Lilo and Stitch stitch let me show you so we've got the little Lilo inspired run dress and obviously the ears I like to just turn the lights off until I'm in the crawl just to kind of save them a little bit I guess I don't know they're cute with the lights off and good news the um like the part on the bottom of my foot that was bothering me the heat blister thing yesterday I put one of these um blister Band-Aids on after I took a shower and just some sports tape over it for until I was off my feet in the afternoon and this morning feels a lot better so I left it as it like I took it all off cuz I took a bath last night I didn't put any more on cuz I try not to have any additional things unless I absolutely need them like Band-Aids or tape or anything just because that can actually cause irritation sometimes too and I just put like extra body light on that part of the foot we'll see feels better now though so I'm delighted okay let's go I'm trying to I'm going early because I'm trying to get um my Stitch Leo and Stitch photo if they're there I hope they're there cuz it is the day but we'll see never been on the first parking L before so I think I did a pretty good job of coming earlier today that's a big truck nice steamy one that's pretty usual here we go they haven't even opened security yet morning with this beauty I thought they might open a little early I knew the security didn't open to the three but because Corral's open 15 minutes earlier I thought they might open 15 minutes no it's okay um I'm going to try to be like yday and not panic about getting to the CR line right when it opens and get my Stitch photo instead y' my hustle is paying off oh my God I'm so excited baymax is here I'm going get more photo already I'm going to get bmax and then I'll go get the L J CJ the scene lines are getting a bit L did any of you guys have this as your alarm this morning when your phone went off now who is out here running their first 10 Mile okay this L earlier wake up completely wor it I am beaming with joy can't believe they had bmax got both bmax and my Stitch and Leo photo the longest line is the one for The Lion King characters but like I've mentioned I'm not like a huge Lion King stand it makes me two and I'm getting in line for the [Music] um Crow which open in 5 minutes looks like this who's brought stripes and bright stars who the per fight or [Music] okay I thought had question that's the verbal air horn from the DJ how's it going so far pretty good I moved all the way from the UK to Nashville to live with him so well you know where you're going to be now about 10 miles away from the Finish but we got to get you there that's right 10 miles away and those 10 miles start in 3 2 are athletes with disabilities there thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay the fact that you're running with those you did this yourself yeah no yeah you [Music] def hey next [Music] [Applause] what a [Music] wonderful when I [Applause] [Music] you got way too fast good job good job four I love some water water please looking good honey you got this great job guys work [Music] [Music] it's a little hot even the non sweaters are sweating today also a lot of the course does look like this I just choose to show you the uh shiny Parts also want to remember to shout out Chris I've seen him the last few events event weekends he's always running up and then stopping and taking time to just encourage people and then I love that that's great congratulations keep running you got it six and Y I can't even believe it look at all these beautiful people they're all beautiful yesterday not so much today gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous hope that [Music] 7 on the sunrise feel like I'm back it's okay right myal good girl eight just running past him though all right we's stop her tank I don't know the name of the other fairy but that's okay it's Captain Jack I think I'm done with character lines so I just want to get done please use caution course Narrows ahead please use caution nice now we're almost there wait for this be but I am enjoying it [Music] [Applause] [Music] get with it get cro with it number 191 [Applause] y I love it when everybody finishes on Rhythm well done yay thank you wet towel feels good for about 10 seconds and then it feels awful congratulations thank you nice those Challenger medals you great smile too thank you look at how cute it is a I love it and that's our CRA I feel really good actually I know at mile 7 I said I was dying but I really wasn't I had a lot of technical difficulties with my watch and my phone and all the I'll talk about it back in the room but it's beautiful I'm glad that I finished before the sun fully came up that was kind of my unsaid goal just for the sake of my body but I'm going to head back now it's loud here and I'm got like a mile and a half walk to the car so at all these Miracles you're Miracle friends you got this oh they're so close you got it oh my gosh it's so incredible to see them on the way down all right what do we got today same as okay I'll out to my collection of boxes um the only thing that I've actually taken out of these is the waffles to save for for breakfast for future races um nothing against them I don't know I haven't eaten them whatever it's all good but yeah drank the power at all on my way back cuz because they had it was a big reroute it's usually like a five minute drive to this hotel but it was I had to go all the way around so it took 20 minutes it's okay I don't know the worst of this song but there's no place be [Music] a what a wonderful pH he moves maybe when he when he wants anyway we got all the medals now they're in the other room sorry all the medals now and the challenge is done and the 10 mile is over it was great it was really good it was somehow warmer than yesterday I mean I guess it's not like that surprising temperature rises and falls right but I swear even the non sweaters were sweating so I did not feel outnumbered today in the sweating in the sweating department but yeah it was really good I mentioned I had some malfunctions but my I've never had this problem with my watch but it like revolted against me waking up at 2: in the morning this morning I don't what happened it was working just fine was in sleep mode and then it get got out of sleep mode like I SC if you have a Garmin you know it like scrolled out of sleep mode it was fine and then at the start I got to turn it on to the activities to pick run and it's like end sleep I'm like already ended sleep and I kept hitting the button to end the sleep and it would not it just was like glitching it wouldn't get out so I couldn't get to my activities to start the Run um I ended up turning it off and on again at before at the start and it still didn't work and I turned it off after the start and just was like I'll let it be off for a mile and then I'll turn it back on and I did turn it back on and it still wouldn't get out of that glitchy end sleep screen so what I did is I actually started a run through my Paton app just like a outdoor run um like not with a class or anything just so I'd have the the stats for my uh I know I can manually upload those to mon my um training Peaks just to keep track as I'm training for other things too I knew I wouldn't have like heart rate data or anything like that but I was like oh well I was like a little annoyed about it at first cuz I I want that heart rate data but then I was like do I really need like it'll be fine it'll be fine if I don't have it for one run and I was like okay I have to Pivot because my run walk timer is also on my watch I don't have that um I'm just going to run by feel and take it a mile one mile at a time and about mile two and a half I was like I'm just going to check to see if it's not glitching anymore and I tapped the activities button and it loaded up so I tracked my run for like I think 7 and 3/4 miles so maybe a little like less than 2 and 1 half I think it was 7.68 um was the finishing thing so I do have some data from that which is great um and I also have the whole run on my I don't usually use my pel hun during run Disney races in recent events um I used to run with headphones on and the classes and stuff and I've been headphone free for the last year and I really enjoy running races that way I feel more present and you got to do what works for you it's just I ran with headphones for a long time um and now I do what I'm training but not here I just want to be here and and be hearing all the things on the course and all that we'll see with Marathon weekend though I don't know anyway it was really good it was sticky and warm like I said I felt like a hydrated really well over the past week to support for this weather um and I felt like I feeled really great today I took two gels on course I had my breakfast like an hour and a half before the race and then I had my little snack maybe like 30 minutes before a little carb Lo 30 minutes before with the waffle and then I didn't take a job the start cuz I didn't like the flavor that I had here so I just saved my jels for Mid course and it worked out fine and uh man it was fun I sto for a couple characters um I think I showed that so I probably pop those pictures in Ed it when I show you them and I did try to recreate the jump shot it was a little lighter out I thought it might have a better chance the photographer took two shots to try to get it so we'll see if it came out or not if it either way I'll share it with you it was pretty funny the failed jump shot from the uh was that from the 5K I think it was from the I can't remember now you guys they all melt together anyway that's it for the season it's hard to believe isn't it um I will say I've been doing like Zone 2 training for the past month or so as I started my um specifically my elevation training for the mountain and Trail challenges I have later this summer uh and if it just means I run a whole lot slower and I don't run fast to begin with um but I've been doing that only like I said for about a month and I am so impressed I haven't been running like my normal running at all since princess basically um I've been doing this more lowkey heart rate training and I have been so impressed this weekend with just that little bit of time with the heart rate training I got to be honest I was a total skeptic of it I was like how is this going to pay off long run and I'm not even long run and I feel really good about it maintain the nasal breathing for most of the Run except for when I was beaming in the Parks and at the photo pass people um I feel like my heart weight was high probably I didn't even check it really to be honest because of the the heat but I have explained this before I have a pretty large heart rate capacity I guess I don't know it doesn't mean anything it just means that's what how my heart Works in my body um for Zone 2 my zone twos looks different our Zone twos look different and they don't always line up with what the devices think your Zone to should be so you know if you're really invested in learning about that it's worth looking into getting tested and stuff like that if you I mean I did it when I was a a young thing um but I can tell like it's probably changed you know 20 years later but I still have that different Zone 2 capacity um anyway I don't feel winded I don't have that feeling here that I overexerted um I don't feel overexerted I sweat and I get red that's just like my body that's my physiology but I don't feel like I have felt after other races um and I didn't really look at I think I my Paces are not that different I I didn't pay like super close attention I'll have to pull up my the thing from run Disney and see what it says um between the years I don't remember what I did last year but or whatever I can't even tell you what I did at princess I can ballpark it but I feel like they're similar it feels like in that ballpark just looking at the brief stats that I had from my pellaton tracking and all of that and my Garmin for the you know for the seven plus miles but I'm a convert now now I am sold on the heart rate training I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do for the kind of training I'm doing for these mountain and Trail events that I've got coming up but now I'm like this is this is the future for me with running especially as I age and my body and my needs change this is it and I'm also going to credit I've been paying more attention to nutrition just really recently in the last couple weeks really trying to really do more protein not just say I'm going to do more protein but really do it I've been doing the shakes after the races even here which I've never done anything you know like that's totally new to me and I have to say that's making a a noticeable difference as well so you know you can teach an old dog nutrix it just might take a long time anyway I just thought I'd I'm not an expert in nutrition or for fitness and I'm definitely not qualified to give advice I'm just sharing my experiences um in case that they spark some curiosity for you and your own story but yeah my pleasure to share today um it's already 8 going on 8:30 and I want uh I have um lightning Lane stuff at Animal Kingdom way back in the um Avatar area which I can never remember the name of the land there at like 10: so I want to quick shout show change get a quick stretch in and head over so I'm not like busting my butt to get to those um and I'm going to bring all my Metals this one I would totally wear today but it clangs cuz of a spinner um I'm just I'm not a huge Lion King's fan maybe I'll just wear the shirt today and carry the metals it's hot anyway who needs another thing around their neck yeah maybe that's the plan but I am going to bring them all and try to get um my metal picture in front of the tree yay anyway this was fun I actually saw quite a few people on course who um recognize me from my videos so if that was you thank you so much for saying hello It Make My Day um it really does make my day when you guys say hello and I hope you all had a wonderful race and that you're feeling good and proud of yourself and that you are recovering well well this video will be up way way after this today but I hope you have recovered well and uh yeah thank you thank you for saying hello okay definitely need a shower though cuz I am gross yeah look oh my poor little costume okay bye clean feeling very happy about that I'm going to wear these cutie patootie ears today they're from loungefly actually did the ears for the springtime surprise and they are really nice in fact let's put them on they're cute I did put my hair up CU just too hot it's nice and clean I just got to keep it cool I wanted to show you the little metal holder that I've been enjoying this season uh I will I can't remember the name of the shop off my head but I will link her below and yes I have bought different metal holders for the different theme braces because I can and want to so this person who makes these sells them in different with different kinds numbers of pockets depending on the race you're doing you might want just one pocket or maybe you want two or three or four or five or six um so for challenge uh weekends and where I also do the 5K this is the only challenge weekend where they include the 5K in the challenge usually it's just the two course challenge but um I want four cuz I've got 5K 10K h u 10 m and then I have The Challenge medal there like I said I'm just not going to wear the medals today but I just did decide to wear the the shirt um I might put one on later I just have a feeling it's going to be warm but I just wrap the ribbons around them and then they Bunch up real nice it's like a little accordion style thing and I'm going to try to do this onehanded very ungracefully it looks nicer when you do it with all of your hands but they just okay so try sorry I'm doing laundry at the same time trying to do that one handed was not good but I love this little up and look nice and compact okay let's put it in the back today I'm packing up my little run Disney Doney and Burke that I've had for a few years now uh I'll show you well you've already seen I'm bringing the medals this is the danani from the race and I just put an element in there for rehydration I probably the the metals take up a lot of the bags so usually I would put in my little run Disney walking Pharmacy I don't think I really need any of that stuff I have Chopstick and my glass cleaner and my airpods and my wallet and stuff like that in there um I'll wear the sunglasses and the mic and I'm planning on drinking this in the car it's a little bag but everything fits in there nicely and I can tuck um my ears in there they like pop out a little bit I also brought the new thing I got from Brooks Booth the little um I forget what she called it but the ear holder thing that I could Loop onto here and have my ears hang off the back if I want but yeah I'm just went waiting for the laundry to stop so I can put in the and then we'll we'll go I might grab a croissant just for some carbs on the way out cuz I don't know when I'm going to like my I have booked a meal but it's not till later well I'm me Tim Buck two but that's okay I was going to wait for the TR was like you know what I've already done 27,000 steps today what's a few more all righty here we are hi thank you morning buiness have a great day thank you too we are here yay I am hot already again okay whatever this park is a hike both how long it takes to get here no matter how you come and also just get navigating it it's just maybe it's not actually bigger but it feels like you have to walk more and there's some like and things but anyway I still love it I feel like the theming is the most on point here not that it's not on point anywhere else it is but feel like they really nailed it with Animal Kingdom we're in the jungle bed all right the tree wow it's crowded I don't know how I'm going to get a metal picture if hold on we'll try not sure if my microphone is working but we're going to hold it this any way I saw a like an Instagram boyfriend basically and his person who had just run she was like saying up her medals on he kind of looked at me he was like you need your picture I was like yeah I thank you and um took a great picture but unfortunately my popsocket was like in it so now I got like going have to crop it down a whole bunch you look confused that squirrel did not look good anyway I've got all my in Pandora is the name of the one day one day maybe I'll figure it out and we have the na'vi River Journey and I have the flight of Passage and I can do either oh I did buy Genie plus mainly for the na'vi River Journey cuz it was only $18 and uh I feel like the flight of passage was only 16 or or the other way I honestly am not sure oh this is where I'm coming for lunch I've never been I'm very excited but not so much later anyway so we'll see if I get on anything else today but I do like Everest so maybe we'll do that later but got to eat this ciss just been like hauling it around well hello it's not not crowded you guys just say thato I think I'm going to do flights of Passage first that's the plan otherwise it's an 85 minute wait beaming beaming it's everything it's just like so intensely landscaped at the same time as being the non- landscape like this that stuff's not real but they made it look real right I've done this once before and I really enjoyed it that ride so cool just made it with 5 minutes to spare to my na'vi River Journey uh Lightning L so we'll go do that even the soundscapes the soundscapes man I just now [Music] we may may it's one of my kids favorites uh it's very relaxing and again and I just think it's magnificent what they do with the the design and all the details I just love that about Disney all right so we're leaving Pandora didn't organize this super well cuz Tiffin is right here and my next stop is Expedition Everest and way on the other side of the park but I still have 2 hours until lunch so it's not like I don't have the time lunch might be the last thing I do I can't decide if I'm to go see the um Finding Nemo show or not haven't decided but um also kind of looks like rain and I did not bring a poncho I have so many ponches and I don't have one with me cuz that was not in the forecast for today but oh well Vol can you do it'll be all [Music] right to the right festivities happening D land's the fastest way to get to ever I think I'm going to be there in just a few minutes honestly I have not been paying super close attention but from what I know Dino Land about to be extinct there she is here we go d [Music] [Music] [Music] I love roller coasters I really do but I think going backwards really fast makes me a little mad but I still really love it so guess that's good okay I did go ahead and get a lightning Lan for the Nemo show because when not paid for it might as well use it and be nice to sit down for a little bit [Music] there's the view I cry every time every time in one specific part when crush is telling Marlin is that his name the Nemo's dad that um you got to let the kids go you know to let them grow my mommy my mommy heart anyway I did make a um lightning Lane at dinosaur cuz I I think I have just enough time to do that and then head to uh lunch so I actually packed a lot more in today than I was planning what is this my fifth ride I don't know if that show counts as ride but I'm counting it as one yeah that was four wow good I really used the lighting night today so that's good I honestly cannot remember the last time I did this I feel like it's been years maybe somebody else will know more than I [Music] will that's a good oldfashioned Disney ride right there all right good timing I'm going to walk puff it back over to Tiffin and good from good all right here we go oh my gosh that meal was so good okay so as I've mentioned many times now I am an Adam Hatton fan he's a YouTuber who does a lot of uh Disney content and I have watched at least two videos where he has waxed poetic about the butter chicken from Tiffin and honestly that's the main reason I decided to finally go there did not disappoint let me start at the beginning now I got the this like like a non-alcoholic like a mocktail um the Zinger Fizz which was so tasty yummy and then I got the buttered chicken did not disappoint it was like top five chickens chickens chicken dishes I've had in my life a little salty but I actually need that today with all the sweat from this morning so worked out it was so good there was this little like rice croat too I don't know exactly what it actually was but um that was good and then because another thing I know is that the lobster mac and cheese there is very popular but I knew I could not eat two dishes it's an appetizer but it's like I I couldn't I got it to go to have for later for like dinner so yay really really good meal and I am very happy I have have my airpods in cuz I've got a long walk back to the car going to put a podcast on but let's head out of here I think I'm uh done with Animal Kingdom for this time but I will be back my I will be going back to that restaurant too wow I would come to Animal Kingdom just go to that restaurant no joke all right my friends as we oh wind wind finally let's not go to the audio it's okay as we uh step away from I say that because it was like no Breeze during the race today which made it even hotter anyway as we step away from Animal Kingdom I'm going to wrap up the the Vlog here I'm really not going to do anything at all interesting for you for the rest of the day to be quite Frank uh and I'm going to be packing and stretching and that's about it so that's it let's wrap on another run Disney event weekend and the season as it were has now come to a close am I going the right way I have no idea okay we're going to try going this way and see what happens anyway it's been such a joy it is absolutely my joy to share with you as well red Disney means a lot to me personally I know it's not everybody's cup of tea but it means a lot to me to be able to share these special things with you and you made it to this part of the video I'm guessing you're into it too so thank you for being here thank you for watching I will return to run Disney content in the fall actually this still technically be summer um when Disneyland Halloween comes around but uh I'm excited to go back to Disneyland to race is this not the way I go I am going the wrong way I'm sure I am going the wrong way I will end this video going the right way anyway that's it for now thank you for joining and wherever you are whatever you're doing I'm wishing you Magic Magical miles Happy Trails good health and lots of love all right friends take care bye bye

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