Fun to be had in and out of the LLWS stadium

Published: Aug 27, 2023 Duration: 00:01:31 Category: News & Politics

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weekends starts right now. >> Good evening and thanks for joining us I'm Mark Hiller the eyes of the world around South Williamsport today for the Little League World Series championship game. While the action between the teams in California in Curacao was happening inside lawn of the stadium. There was plenty happening outside of it a huge crowd showed up on a really nice day to take in the fund including inside the fan zone to take some swings time you're pitching speed or trade pins results of the time honored tradition of using cardboard to slide down the hill outside the stadium. For many people here tending championship game day is a must. >> I come here all the time I mean I've been coming here since I was little, you know pens just the atmosphere with everybody around just electorate. I mean just being here I love baseball, I love watching so I always come back. >> Listen my pear, I grew up in South. my parents still live here and and we always come up every year because it is so much fun. My my boyfriend in fact is born and raised in Delaware County and he's a nother was like I want to come up to Williamsport for the World Series it's so much fun. >> Anybody that lives in Lycoming County should show up to this game at least once in their lifetime to be amazed at how much goes on at this facility. >> Fans were also happy to see state police horses at the Little League complex we'll check in with Brad out for a

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