LIVE: Kamala Harris & Tim Walz host BIGGEST rally YET in Arizona

Published: Aug 09, 2024 Duration: 02:28:50 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: tim walz abortion stance
big one tonight KLA Harris and Tim Wallace are hosting their biggest rally yet this time in Arizona the capacity of the Arena that this rally will take place in is 20,000 this is again the biggest rally yet and already uh it's completely sold out so I thought we would take this opportunity while we wait for the rally to actually begin to just get uh a better look at what we're actually looking at in terms of what this rally uh crowd looks like and normally I wouldn't care but well there's a certain somebody who takes to Heart the fact that his Crowds Are dwindling compared to KLA Harris's and Tim wall so uh you know look this isn't this isn't us that decided that crowd size was the most important thing in the world this wasn't our P our fight to pick but since the fight has been picked might as well just finish it so let's take a look first off at uh some video footage that we're seeing from inside of the arena and this is in Phoenix Arizona so again pretty enormous crowd that we're looking at right here I think we have some other footage here let's check out this Real Deal a completely packed Arena completely sold [Music] out top Rafters they don't have to do any of the Trump tricks where you black out the top parts of the stadium and here's some photos from the event again a completely packed Arena here's another one from the top Rafters tell you what I wouldn't want to be a plate maralago at this point of course Donald Trump is holding a competing rally and that's taking place in in Boseman Montana and the reason for that rally is clear uh he's trying to help Republicans win that senate seat uh that that John tester is fighting to hang on to in Montana uh something tells me that his rally in Boseman Montana is not going to be quite as uh quite as big as the rally crowd that we have right here in Phoenix Arizona um also this is uh especially important because it comes on uh it comes in the immediate aftermath of some polls showing that the race has actually turned in in kamla Harris's Direction I believe the last poll that we had was a high ground poll that shows KLA Harris up three points in the state of Arizona there was also a poll just previously uh about a week ago that showed her up one point in Arizona the two previous polls had shown Donald Trump up two points and Five Points so again the momentum is clearly only going in One Direction and we've seen this before over and over and over again in state after state in National poll after National poll the the momentum is very clearly only going in One Direction uh as far as all of these polls are concerned so that is good news for the Harris campaign and the reason that they're doing these rallies is so that they can keep up the enthusiasm keep up the energy and it seems to be continuing to to progress in exactly this way we have seen bigger crowd after bigger crowd after bigger crowd at each subsequent venue uh you'll remember of course the Philadelphia rally there was one Detroit there was one in uh let's see oakair in in Wisconsin after that and so now we are here in Phoenix Arizona with a massive massive crowd getting ready to see KLA Harris and Tim Walls take the stage shortly so we will wait for that rally to uh to begin in the meantime if you have any questions uh let's take this opportunity while we're while we have a few minutes still before this rally begins uh I'll take the opportunity to answer some questions so go ahead and throw them in the chat if you want to participate in the chat all you have to do is subscribe doesn't cost you anything to subscribe to this channel but it's a great way to support my work great way to get me to answer some questions that you have and also a great way to see the rest of my content I just interviewed Pete budajudge today and asked him specifically for his response to the comments that were uh that were given by JD Vance about Tim Walls and his military service and kind of disparaging his 24 year serving this country and uh Pete did not hold back so I uh highly recommend you check out that interview and also just make sure to subscribe to this channel do I think President Biden will be at the DNC yes I do think he'll be at the DNC but don't quote me on that but I do believe he would be at the DNC it would seem seem like a missed opportunity to hear him speak can they keep this momentum up until November absolutely look it has been a long time I know I speak for a lot of people here and saying that it has been a long time since we actually felt some hope and optimism in politics that's what we're getting right now and people are signing on this is the kind of excitement uh this this kind of excitement that you cannot buy that you can't manufacture that you can't fake what we're seeing right now and it's only getting bigger this is snowballing at this point and we're seeing more endorsements from people we're seeing pop culture figures come out and endorse KLA Harris we're seeing top figures in the Republican party uh move away from Donald Trump drudge from The Drudge Report Matt drudge uh posted a pretty scathing uh pretty scathing headline about Donald Trump let's see if we can actually pull that up um let's see let's go to Drudge here's the headline today I hope you can see this oops it would probably help if I put it on my screen does that look like the kind of headline you want less than 90 days out from the election on the conservative aggregator site of the Drudge Report Maga running out of steam pole shows the dawn losing Miami Rogan jump ship and if you look at the top corner it actually gets worse Trump loses his orange face debuts lighter Hue at marago that that I'm not really sure that's important isn't campaigning as hard as he used to no longer commands the spotlight kamla Harris weaponizes crowd siiz Paul Harris plus five biggest lead yet in Nevada I mean just bad news after bad news for Donald Trump and when this is what the what what the headlines look like on the Drudge Report just imagine what Trump is contending with with the rest of the media ecosystem that that's not overwhelmingly conservative so things just keep going from bad to worse for Donald Trump as he continues to dissemble and I think what's interesting about that is he views this as one of those instances where okay things are going poorly get me on TV I can fix it only I can fix it the the the the cameras love me and so he calls an emergency press conference in Mara Lago and he is so lacking in self-awareness that he thinks a press conference at which he says that his crowd size with the January 6 insurrectionists was bigger and better than the crowd siiz at Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech crowd and he thinks that's going to help him first of all he thinks that's going to make him sound less insane less narcissistic better to Americans who are looking for somebody to vote for that's the first thing the second he is right now trying to reach out to two demographic groups in particular young people people of color when you start comparing yourself and bragging about how you are better than Martin Luther King Jr do you think that makes you look better in the eyes of people of color do you think that makes you look better in the eyes of young people who just days ago you again you again uh distance yourself from by pretending that kamla Harris uh being biracial is a thing that doesn't exist when today's when today's younger generation youngest generation in this country is the inherently the most diverse generation in American history I mean all he does is continue demanding that everybody look at him and then when he demands everybody looks at him and he does get those eyeballs he just steps on rakes the entire time which is why look I'm perfectly content to do these live streams I live streamed Donald Trump's speech yesterday at maral Lago I fact checked the entire thing because uh screw this idea that we are going to do what we did in 2016 and just imbue all of this uh coverage onto him without saying a single word when he decides to lie through his teeth so um I I will continue hosting these live streams where Donald Trump speaks so that we can do live fact checks this way if he says stuff in the future and you've seen my live stream where you know exactly what he says uh which parts of what he says are lies which uh is most of it then uh then that will be more helpful and uh also in terms of kamla Harris's um rallies I I've been live hosting live streaming them as well so I think this is a you know if if you're looking for a channel that will give you that um hopefully that's what this is doing right here will there be parking at the LA book event oh thank you for asking actually I'll take this opportunity if you live in Los Angeles or Washington DC I'm hosting book events the LA one is is August 26th the DC one is August 14th DC is with Jens saki at 6 and I if you have not yet bought tickets Please go to briantyler book I will post it in the chat right now um Shameless and book tour okay and you can go ahead and click on the link that I just pinned in the comments right now and uh so August 14th with Jens saki in DC August 26th with John favro from PS of America in La I believe there is just there is plenty of parking garages in Los Angeles at Santa Monica so you'll have no problem finding parking in a garage um DC I'm not familiar with but uh but in any case both of them are very quickly winding down in terms of tickets so if you are watching right now and you live in DC or LA and you want to come see those shows I promise they will be very entertaining and uh would very much appreciate it if you can grab your ticket because they are fast approaching um and of course the book itself is available and you can click the link at the pinned comments uh as well to check that out okay let's answer some other questions do I think the Republican party will now want to replace Trump I guess that that matters whether you're asking it depends on whether you're asking publicly or privately publicly not a chance these people exist to gravel at the feet of their god king not a shot and hell that they will ever call for anything that could be considered even one in left of center when it comes to total complete falty they they have hitched their wagons to Donald Trump's every errant synapse that fires that leads to some rambling diet tribe of a word coming out of his mouth they treat it like gospel so publicly no privately of course I think they're all just kind of recognizing how screwed they are by having hitch their wagons to this guy he he's he's an idiot he's an idiot who thinks that he can go out on the campaign Trail and just say moronic things that might have worked when he wasn't getting any attention for the last few years and and that that's somehow going to win him a general election look this is a this is going to be a close election and so he needs every other vote that he can get and by going out there and denying the existence of KLA Harris's biracial by continuing to go off about how Hannibal Lecter is a great American by screwing himself by saddling himself with someone like JD Vance whose position on the most potent issue in this election which is abortion is that we should end it outright and someone who called rape inconvenient this guy just makes Gaff after Gaff after Gaff and he's been doing it by the way but because the media was so focused on taking its cues from the Trump campaign and focusing solely on Joe Biden Trump was able to kind of like skirt under the radar and get away with all of this but now that there's a a much more Adept uh candidate who's running in kamla Harris and her VP with Tim Walls we don't have to worry about having the focus of her mental state for example retrained on her and now the focus is on Donald Trump and the stupid that he says and so he isn't able to get away with it anymore and you have you have kamla and Tim who are very effectively Prosecuting this case against him and it's led the media to recognize that like hey maybe we should spend 5 minutes re uh focusing on what Donald Trump is saying and focusing on some of the positions that he espouses and his running mate espouses and once they did that once they were able to once we were able to see under the spotlight what some of those positions are clearly didn't work out too well for them do I think Trump will become more and more un hinged if the polls keep showing him constantly behind absolutely look Trump will continue to every time he feels more and more desperate he will continue to lash out even more and the way that he does that is he reverts back to the only tool he has and that's the one from 2016 and he says okay what worked in 2016 it was just eyeballs that's it didn't matter what I said didn't matter what I did as long as there is a tension on me I will win that's all I know it's like his pavlovian response he has been trained to think that so long as he can set himself on fire and get the news media to pay attention to him then it's going to redound to his ultimate political benefit uh what we're realizing now is that that's not necessarily the case and that all it takes is not just saying stupid and hoping that people turn their attention to him if they want to if he wants to win but he's trying it and all he's realizing now is that it's actually hurting him and far from doing what it did in 2016 which is clear the field in the Republican primary and ultimately lead him to Victory now he's recognizing that every time he opens his mouth it's just getting worse will that mean that he changes his ways no he's just going to revert deeper and deeper into the one strategy that he knows which is to continue lashing out saying crazy stuff trying to wave his arm so he has some attention on him and that people train their cameras on him and then he'll continue to say stupid stuff and push people further and further away so it's this vicious cycle that he's engaged in right now it's not going to end well for him and already we're seeing the polling swing rapidly in the direction of kamla Harris so he can keep trying it and I'm perfectly happy to broadcast it when he does continue to dissemble uh but how that's a winning strategy beats me can I tell you how it was to interview kamla Harris I interviewed her in June so about 2 months ago and it was great I mean she was very clear and focused even then about what the stakes of the election were and she was clear about the prosecutor versus felon framing then this is this is her um this is basically her her and her element look she has an entire career of of dealing with scumbags and conmen cheats criminals and sexual deviant like Donald Trump so this was when I interviewed her it was in June it was in the immediate aftermath of I believe the conviction in New York and so look she when when she says that she knows his type she knows his type and that was that was uh that was her tack even back then a couple months ago um so she knows exactly who Donald Trump is and she is for that reason uniquely situated at this moment in time to be able to prosecute the case against him no pun intended so uh so otherwise it was great I mean she was she was lovely every you know um I I there's not something I could even come Clos to saying bad about my interview with her why is it that for the past three rallies Harris and walls have made basically the exact same speech so it's called a stump speech and they will make this speech over and over and over again what they'll do is they'll tweak probably the top or the bottom of the speech and make it more relevant to the news of the day but we're going to hear a lot of the same stuff and some new stuff and that's how it works basically in campaigns that's how it's always worked it's a little different now because now we have the opportunity to live stream this stuff and broadcast it to the entire country but here's what I would say about that and this is a point I've made in previous live streams we should 100% embrace the notion of repetition in the Democratic party in my book Shameless which is coming out in a couple days and again again if you haven't yet pre-ordered please do me a favor and grab a copy um it's a great way to support my work I don't put any of my content behind a pay wall and uh and I don't do host red ads or advertising or sponsorships on this channel and I won't um it it's pinned at the top of the comment section right here in my book I actually talk about the one thing I would give Donald Trump credit for is his Embrace of of repetition as a rhetorical device I mean think about what we've heard Donald Trump say make America great again build the wall lock her up it's these short piy sentences that he repeats over and over and over to the point where they are seared into our brains For Better or For Worse mostly for worse when it comes to Donald Trump but they are seared into our brains just by virtue of him repeating them so damn much but Democrats have failed to do that there's a part in the book where I talk about how Al Franken uh has this joke where he says Democratic bumper stickers are usually uh usually end by saying continue on next bumper sticker and it's true think about what we did with Obamacare with the ACA where we got into the depths of talking about the intricacies of Medicare Part D you can't win any voters that way and think about what Republicans did they vilified it by talking about death panels easy to understand and evocative death panels ironically enough now judges are deciding whether or not women can get abortions which will determine their own health so Republicans literally ushered in death panels 10 years after they fear mongered about it with the ACA but we'll leave that for a conversation for another time but what Democrats are doing now is recognizing the importance of repeti I think about we're not going back easy to understand simple evocative and and good on them for repeating it over and over and over and now by comparison this 10-year-old chant that Donald Trump loves to bring forward of build the wall and make America great again and lock her up does feels flat and lame I mean lock her up Donald Trump is facing facing sentencing on September 18th and he's going to have the the audacity to start a chant of lock her up he's a literal Criminal running against a prosecutor man you couldn't get you couldn't get a a less uh fortuitous um campaign slogan than that so I think I think when we hear a lot of these elements of kamla Harris and Tim Wall's speech is being repeated we should embrace it because think about it this way we're not if if we if we've heard this stuff before we are not necessarily the target audience uh the target audience are people that we need to persuade and so for a lot of those people this is going to be the first time they hear it maybe they're not online maybe they don't watch live streams maybe they haven't seen the rally in Philadelphia or oakair or Detroit and so this will be the first time they hear that speech first of all good speech excellent speech and so they should repeat it and think about if you're hearing it for the first time think about how powerful it was then we want it to be that powerful for those people who are seeing it the first time for the rest of us you've already heard it let us let us have these words seared into our brains for the third time fourth time fifth time this way when we go out there and we talk to our Circles of people we have the tools that we need to be able to convince them and and act as tribunes for KLA Harris and Tim Walls when when they go out there and they uh and they make their case then we've heard it so many times that we could start making the case that's why I do repetition on my channel I mean if you've watched my videos you know that I've spoken about uh the the accomplishments of this administ ation the Democratic Administration right now and how it's the American Rescue plan the inflation reduction act the chips act the pacted act the infrastructure law the gun safety law the violence against women act codified marriage equality into federal law 16 million jobs brought unemployment down to a 50-year low inflation is down wages are up I I repeat that over and over so that when people ask what have Democrats done in office you can say it and it doesn't just have to be I I don't know or or Worse Donald Trump can pretend like he accomplished something other than just passing a tax cut for millionaires billionaires and then stripping women of the Reproductive Rights so it's important to be informed and I think repeating this stuff over and over is going to help uh make sure that people have the tools they need to talk to the people in their circles and make sure that they're well informed even if Harris wins and Trump Goes to Jail will this momentum be enough to continue to quash the American farri movement overall or will a slightly smarter figure emerge well the bar is pretty low uh it would be hard to find a slightly Dumber figure to emerge unless they really did rally around uh a uh rally around uh margu T green maybe uh Madison cord it's it's uh there's slim pickings when you get to the uh when you get to the slightly dmer figure than Donald Trump options so yes I think regardless there will be a slightly smarter figure to emerge in the aftermath of trump but our job is not necessarily to wait for the Maga movement uh fever to break because I don't think it will I think there's no incentive structure for it to Break um I think our job is to recognize that every election that we face right now will be the most important consequential election of our lifetimes and every election so long as this magga movement exists as it does which seems to be the case every election will be a fight of democracy versus autocracy and we have to be prepared to recognize uh that we will never win in the sense that it's mission accomplished then we can all stop like this has to be part of life and by the way to keep our democracy it is a small price to pay just to go out and vote every two years I'm I'm I'm perfectly happy to do it and if it means that we get to continue to enjoy our democracy and not descend Bend into autocracy or authoritarianism that's perfectly fine but we have to come to terms with the fact that it's never that this fight is never going to be over and that there will very likely be a far-right movement very much in the vein of what we're seeing right now because this is the majority of the Republican base and so and so the only figures that are going to emerge from Republican primaries are not the Mitt Romney or Liz chenies or Adam kininger of the world those people are excommunicated the people who are going to emerge are the people who emerging right now it's Donald Trump it's his carbon copy uh JD Vance it's Trump light in Ronda santis it's people like Margie green and Lauren bobert and James comr and Jim Jordan and these provocative Brash uh uh uh Scandal creating you know people in the GOP who have no Scruples and will lie with with impunity as far as right-wing media is concerned and shamelessness as far as the rest of us are concerned so no I don't think the fever will break I think we will continue to see smarter figures continue to embrace the same America First magga agenda and it's just going to be on us to make sure that we are prepared to go out every single time and vote to protect democracy every single time and know that our work isn't going to be over but that's okay that's what democracy is let's check one thing real quick I just want to make sure that we are not seeing uh this rally uh on any other channel so just give me one quick second okay it looks like we do have some speakers beginning so let's do this for those watching I'm just pulling up the rally right now and we can get some speakers earlier here actually it looks like in terms of the live stream we don't have that yet let's just make sure yeah right now we have an empty Podium so um with no audio so I think we're okay uh for the time being and uh we can stick with we can stick with the stream that we have as we await this rally stream to begin uh for kamla Harris so as soon as that goes live I will make sure to bring it to you don't worry let's get back to questions here okay I'm getting this question I did answer it before do I think Trump will become more and more unhinged if polls keep showing him behind yes I absolutely do you can scroll back a little bit because I did answer this but the the the quick answer is the more it becomes clear that Donald Trump is not gaining in the polls but in fact falling further and further behind he'll do what he did at Mar Lago yesterday which is to think the only way to to to resurrect support for myself is to go back there and uh is to go out there and get the cameras on me and just say a bunch of stupid because any attention is good attention but really all it's doing is showing Americans uh reminding Americans about the chaos and dysfunction that consumed this country when he was president so not doing him any favors but you know it's very hard to teach an old dog new tricks especially when he doesn't want to learn do I think the Republican party will now want to replace Trump I did answer this one as well privately yeah like yeah he's a he's a disaster and he's falling in all the poles why wouldn't they want to replace him you think that he's their best bet the guy is a and he keeps going out in public and saying stupid to everybody of course he's a disaster publicly not in a million years who want who's going to be the first person to distance themselves from uh from the god king from the cult leader who wants to end their political career all right so we have Ruben [Applause] gyo hey up fny after so this is US Senate candidate Ruben gyo running for kirston Cinema seat Arizona it is so good to be here with my fellow arizonans for those of you who don't know me my name is Reno I'm a dad a husband a congressman and next to be your US senator but before all that I proudly serve in the United States Marine Corps y y I had the honor of fighting for my country alongside my brothers in Iraq I know the audio is a little bit wonky uh this is their feed this is the official feed from from the Harris campaign so I'm sure it'll get a little bit better just bear with it is this fight Arizona Arizona we have 88 days until election day and this excitement this enthusiasm to fight for a better a brighter Arizona together is what we need hos eidos I am proud one second we have [Applause] a is they okay Med I apologize can we get some medical can we get some Medical Care over there please okay [Applause] thank you please arizonans bear with us we have a fellow Arizon and that needs a little attention [Applause] here there we go thank you also to our First Responders for reacting so quickly give a round of applause thank you to First sponsors law enforcement everyone here for protecting us and taking care of our thank you this is a very good example of what Arizona is we took care of each other right now we asked for help we said that we were going to take care of a fellow person that's what we're bringing here today together in 88 days together in 88 days we can bring that better is forward I'm proud here also to stand together with another proud veteran unano Governor Waltz a man who has spent his career proudly serving his community a teacher a football coach a soldier in the National Guard a patriot I got to know the co the governor in Congress we both served on many committees but I know one thing about him he always put veterans first and he is going to probably represent us alongside our next president of the United States KLA Harris as a prosecutor I'm going to switch the video because this one has bad audio and others don't as a US senator and now the vice president K Harris knows how to win and to fight for us look Arizona we are at a Crossroads we need to be cutting costs for our families we need to be protecting abortion rights and we need to be defending our democracy all that and more are at stake in this election since launching this campaign 19 months ago yes 19 months ago I have been proud to crisscross this beautiful state of Arizona I've spoken to arizonans everywhere the farmer in Yuma the sheriff and Parker the mom in Mesa the teacher in marville the student in the Navajo Nation the aita in Nogales and here's the one thing the one thing I discovered we have so much in common we we want to build a better Arizona for our families and our communities and that is what this election is about these politicians the carry Lakes of the world would not give us that she and they they will divide us she will ban abortion and not look back she'll put Medicare on the child Shing block and she has been very clear that she will not do anything to have true solutions to the Border this this is the same person that is still trying to declare herself Governor two years after losing an election krye lake is not looking out for you she's looking out for [Applause] herself and what we need is someone to look out out for you to fight for you and I am probably going to be that person cuz no matter what and everyone knows it once a marine always a marine and I never back down from a fight so I'm going to fight for my daughter who deserves the same rights that her grandma had growing up let's fight for her for my mom who struggled to put food on the table keep us in our safe apartment and fight for a better future let's fight for her for my son Michael who deserves the brightest future that I can give him that this country could give him let's fight for him in the Marines they teach you a lot of things but one of the most important things to teach you if you fail to plan you plan to fail so here is what we're going to do in the next 88 days let's defeat Carrie Lake let's let's defeat Donald Trump let's fight for a better future for Arizona and let's go win let us show them who we are in Arizona show them that you don't dare to come come and try to take our rights our freedoms and our future away we are arizonans we will fight back we will protect our rights and we will protect our future let's do it let's go win let's go Arizona Ruben gyo is a Kick-Ass candidate and he's running against one of the most extreme candidates in the entire country and that is Carrie Lake who is so extreme that she thinks she's such an election denier that she thinks she is the current governor of Arizona and yet perplexingly also running to be the next senator of Arizona so it'll be amazing to see her hold two positions uh in a few months both of which she' lost got no destination in the M inaz imagin you love this even if that doesn't ring true you've been all over and it's been all over you it's beautiful [Music] day to let it get the way we've got Mark Kelly and Gabby gords here Mark Kelly was uh on the short list to be vice president hugely popular in Arizona as is Gabby GFS Gabby Gabby Gabby gab Gabby gab Gabby gab gab gab gab wow what a crowd a crowd thank you hello Phoenix it is so great to be home here in Arizona and Gabby and I are so excited to be with all of you today W and to welcome our next president and vice [Music] president to our great home of the State of Arizona so Gabby and I played rock paper scissors to see who could speak first today and guess who [Applause] won you're right my wife the woman who inspires me each and every day and teaches me to never give up Gabby gers our Liv can change so quickly mine did one I was shot but I never gave up hope I chose to make a new start to move ahead to not look back I'm relearning so so many things how to walk how to talk and I'm fighting to make the country safer it can be so difficult loss is hurt set back are hard but I tell myself move ahead I'm finding joy in small things riding my bike playing the French horn going to the gym Laughing With Friends of small things add up we are living challenging time we're up for the challenge my own recovers has taken years many many many people helped me along the way and I learned so much I learned when people care for each other and work together progress is possible a world is possible but change doesn't happened overnight and we can't do it alone join me let's move ahead together thank you very much thank you Gabby gers everybody Arizona [Applause] Democrats now we've done a whole lot of winning over these past few years haven't we and I don't know about you but I think we're ready to keep winning we are going to keep waiting with kamla Harris and Governor Tim Waltz and we've got to because there is so much at stake whether our kids grow up with the same rights and freedoms as the generations before them [Applause] whether whether our economy works for everyday people or is rigged for [Applause] billionaires and whether our alliances are strengthened or shredded and that's why we have to elect KLA Harris and Tim wals KLA Harris has served as a prosecutor an attorney general a senator and now as the vice president of the United States of America she is the leader we need to take our country into the future to lower the cost of child care to restore Reproductive Rights and to help us reduce gun violence and Tim Waltz Tim wals has served as a coach as a teacher as the governor of the state of Minnesota and in the US House woo and I don't know if you know this but Gabby and Tim Waltz were sworn in together as brand new members of Congress right yes right he served honorably in uniform for decades and Tim has brought that experience to everything he has done since fighting for service members fighting for veterans and fighting for military families now that's not something I expect that Donald Trump would understand [Applause] Donald Trump calls those who served suckers and losers and he has zero respect for any of us who have worn the [Applause] uniform folks here in Arizona we don't attack people for their service to our country what do we do we thank them right so how do we help vice president Harris and Governor Waltz win this election [Applause] so folks this is not rocket science and I know I know a little bit about rocket sign that ain't this what this is about is who works harder that's it it is as simple as that and here's the thing I've flown in space four times and I flown in combat nearly 40 times but folks not once did I do any of that by myself it takes a team of people working together to accomplish a mission it's always been that way now I may be a Navy guy I might be a Navy guy but to win to to win this election we do not need a Navy what we need is an army now here's the good news our future vice president he's an army guy y so we need all of you to become part of an army yes an Unstoppable Army that can get this team through the trenches and across the finish line and Gabby and I we are ready to join this Army are all of [Music] you all right so let's get this done Arizona thank you thank you very much thank you everybody one more time thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] super popular in Arizona Mark Kelly and I said from the beginning I think the toughest the toughest pick for kamla Harris would have been if she chose Kelly as her VP even though he was on the short list because uh look if you take mark Kelly out of his seat he's clearly extraordinarily popular in Arizona which is a seat that we need to keep he would have been replaced there would have had to be a special election in 2026 so not only do you have to defend the seat per usual in 2028 with perhaps a lesser candidate than Mark Kelly but you have another election in 2026 which means more resources go to that more resources go uh to defending a seat in an off-ear election cycle that we otherwise would have been able to hold no problem so um ultimately I think it's in our best interest that it was not Mark Kelly as uh as the VP pick and also Tim Wallace has been absolutely crushing it so I think just unto itself it was clearly the right decision but just just further confirmation that Mark Kelly is definitely well situated in the senate seat that he's in right now I'm not sure who we're seeing next but I do believe there is the possibility that it could be Tim Walls next uh for those watching right now if you are enjoying this live stream I'll never put my content behind a pay wall best way to support my work quite simply is just to hit the Subscribe button about half of you watching right now are not yet subscribed so uh if you're not yet subscribed please just do me a favor and hit the Subscribe button this way you can catch more live streams like this one uh as well as Trump press conferences that I can assure you will be fact checked in real time as well as interviews in my regular content I just interviewed Pete budha jedge today that went up about an hour ago where he responded to the attacks against Tim Walls by JD Vance on his military record so I can assure you if you have not yet seen that you might want to check that one out um but again yeah if you're not yet subscribed please do me a favor support this Channel and hit the Subscribe [Music] button also kind of amazing just to see I know I know I speak for everybody when I say that it is so amazing to see Gabby gords up there just just kind of a miracle not kind of a miracle it's a [Music] [Music] miracle and also the point of these press conferences I know I know Lawrence O'Donnell made this point yesterday uh as well about the extent to which the media is dropping the ball right now by covering Donald Trump in exactly the same way that it did back in 2016 and that is these fact check free press conferences where they lavish attention onto him and then only afterwards does somebody come and do some type of muted half-baked fact check when everybody stopped paying attention so I made sure that for his maralago press conference where we had 65,000 people watching in real time and ultimately almost a million people watched the video afterwards that I was doing fact checks in real time um because uh I think we are long past the point where we need to just continue to to Heap attention on to Trump let him lie with impunity and then wonder why Americans are misinformed for those asking how many people are there this is the biggest rally they've held to date there are 20,000 people in Phoenix right now 20,000 people in Phoenix so clearly kamla Harris and Tim Wallace's rallies are getting bigger and bigger the energy and enthusiasm continues to persist and uh and we've had a number of rallies that have been in the exact same venue as the ones that Don Donald Trump is holding and KLA Harris is filling up way more seats than Trump is which is causing him to lose his mind which is partially why he went on stage at maral Lago yesterday and started trying to brag about how big his crowd sizes were by likening his Insurrection crowd on January 6th to Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech crowd uh before he was assassinated like bragging that that crowd the crowd of insurrectionists that would go on to try and assassinate the vice president of his own party was bigger than Martin Luther King Jr's crowd at the same time that the guy is trying to make inroads with people of color and the black community it's Donald Trump is where strategy goes to [Music] die I'm too high like a dragon to retire man I'm too high say my name you know who I am I'm too high and my that break it down girl [Music] Hallelujah so we seem to be just moments away I believe the next speaker will be Tim Walls if I'm not mistaken and that should happen momentarily so if you're watching and getting ready to see them this is the main attraction now [Music] here's a fun uh fun little project I want to play I'm going to start a poll and these are the poll will only be uh available to those who are watching in real time but we can talk about it after and the poll I'm going to do I only want those of you who live in areas where there was a lot of trump signs before so if you live in an area like I do in Los Angeles where there weren't a lot of trump signs don't vote in this poll but I want to know if you lived in an area where there were Trump signs before are there more or less Trump signs in your area and go ahead and vote again this will only be a poll that's available to live viewers so if you're watching after the fact meaning after 5 p.m. Eastern or 8:00 p.m. p uh I'm sorry 8:00 P p.m. Eastern 500 P p.m. Pacific you won't be able to to do that to do this poll but uh I'll talk about the results after so only vote if you live in an area where there were Trump signs for I don't want to hear from people in New York or Manhattan or Los Angeles or Chicago I want to know if you live in places where you were just completely bombarded with Trump paraphernalia already we have 3,000 votes 90% of you and these are only people who live in areas where there were a lot of trump signage before 90% are seeing less Trump signs than they did before for that is wild almost at 4,000 votes and we're seeing the same percentage 89 to 11 if that is not a testament to the the cratering enthusiasm and look it's not like we can just see take from take from one small piece of anecdotal data whether this election is going to be won or lost by Donald Trump or KLA Harris just like how we couldn't look at boat parades during 2020 and just decide oh there's a lot of boats with Donald Trump's name on it he's going to win the election but it is an interesting proof point that for 5,000 people who voted thus far and these are only people who live in areas where there was Trump signage before of the 5,000 who voted 89% of you are seeing less Trump signage than before just a little piece of interesting anecdotal data here it also kind of warms my heart because look I live in the liberal Bastion of Los Angeles but it is interesting to see people in the chat talk about where they live in Michigan Arizona in Florida in North Carolina in Missouri in the Panhandle the Florida Panhandle in Oregon North Carolina Tennessee South Carolina Ohio Kentucky [Music] Indiana and comment after comment after comment right now I'm seeing States across the entire country which are no liberal bastions Texas Oklahoma where people are coming out and saying that there are fewer Trump signs than before we've now had almost 7,000 people vote in the poll the ratio is staying exactly the same 89% of you are seeing less Trump signs than before looks like the audio went out right now but as soon as that comes back on oh there we go it's back on already please welcome future Vice President of the United States Governor Tim Walls one last request as he comes on to support this Channel please make sure to hit the Subscribe button great way to support what I do and I will host these live streams as much as humanly possible thanks everybody a small town D down in a small town oh a small communi all my friends are a small town my parents live in the same small [Applause] town is this not the most likable guy on earth a complete foil to JD Vance hello Arizona wow hey I mean a coach chant a coach chant well you might have seen a a few people showed up in Philadelphia the other night and then 10,000 plus walked into a field in Western Wisconsin and then on Wednesday the largest crowd of the campaign showed up in Detroit Michigan but but Arizona just couldn't leave it alone could you wow you know it's not as if anybody cares about crowd sizes or anything wow God do they have Trump's number let begin let me Begin by giving a few thanks to some people here and a few uh dear folks to us first of all I want to thank Arizona for sharing Senator Mark Kelly and Gabby gford with the rest of the country Gabby was a classmate of mine in ' 06 and they are both National Treasures thank you Arizona also had the privilege of serving with uh with congressman gyo and I'll have to tell you he was an amazing colleague and I have to tell you he's going to be an amazing Senator but we get a we we get we we get a twofer with Ruben CU we know who is never going to be a United States Senator and that is Carrie Lake who considers herself the governor even though she lost that race thank you to each and every one of you look you took time out of your busy lives you found babysitters you took time off work you walk for miles in look I'm a Minnesota I'm like a damn snowman I'm melting here we we walk on water half the year in Minnesota it's so damn cold but uh but not you you came and you came in into the space with neighbors and you came here for one beautiful simple reason you love this democracy I'll I'll tell you what wow wow wow well I couldn't be prouder to stand with you and I couldn't be prouder to be on this ticket you know what's at the end of this little journey KLA Harris as the next president of the United States this is a leader who wakes up every day on the side of the American people this is she will take on the Predators she will take on the frauders she will take on the transnational gangs and she will stand up to the corporate interest and put Middle America first and she's been effective she's been willing to reach across the aisle no matter what just to make sure it improves people's lives and I'll have to tell you I know a little something about commitment to people some of you heard this I was born in a small town in Nebraska we talk about small towns these are those Nebraskans that moved out here for the winner so but look small town was all about Community my mom and dad they taught us to show some care to your neighbors show some generosity work towards a common good be a decent human being to your neighbors my dad and some of you know him in here you had him a chainsm smoking Korean warer veteran um cared about his community but two days after I turned 17 he took me down to join the Army National Guard and for 24 years I proudly wore that uniform I'm proud of that service but what my nation gave my dad and millions of others and me was an opportunity to use the GI bill to get a college education my dad was a teacher my brothers and sisters and I my brothers and sisters and I all became teachers and we married teachers I had the privilege of teaching High School social studies for 20 years and you might have heard coaching a state championship football team ah now if the Vikings could just win that would be the weer look that worked better near Green Bay I'll tell you so uh look it was my students it was my students who encouraged me to run they saw in me what i h to instill in them a commitment to a common good the belief the true belief that one person one of us in here can make a difference in somebody's life I I wasn't very politically Savvy cuz I did not know it when I decided to run for Congress that there had been one other Democrat elected in that District since 1892 but my neighbors believed and they graced me with an opportunity to serve them in the United States Congress for 12 years and I'm proud of the work I did as ranking member on the Veterans Affairs committee working on the agriculture committee and I worked hand inand with Republicans to make sure that we were crafting legislation that improved the lives of veterans and people all across this country I learned how to compromise without compromising my values and as governor of the great state of Minnesota I brought all of those experiences I brought all of those experiences to the challenges facing the state of Minnesota this idea about a common good this idea about something bigger than ourselves this idea of kindness generosity and compassion that this building which I have been told by the way might be the largest political gathering in the history of Arizona well that set that's going to set Trump off he's going to lose his mind off that I can guarantee you I think it's I think it's safe to say Donald Trump sees the world a little differently than we do first and foremost and be very clear about this he doesn't know the first thing about service it's hard to provide service when you're too busy serving only yourself again and again and again Donald Trump weakens our country to strengthen his own hands you've watched him mock our laws you watched him so chaos and division at every opportunity and that's to say nothing of his record as president as Governors as Governors he froze during Co and pitted us in a hunger game against our neighbors to try and find basic life-saving needs and because of him our neighbors died by failing to address Co he drove the economy into the ground and let's be very clear the statistics and the facts are clear about this violent crime was up under Donald Trump and we don't even have to count his crimes in that to make it up so SK look those better yet beat the hell out of him at The Ballot Box beat the hell out of him at The Ballot Box smart they've been they've been really Adept at at renava the locker up lock up the gray hairs in the crowd we know we know our relatives Republicans used to be the people talking about Freedom not this group when they talk about Freedom it means that the government should be free to invade your exam room with your doctor look in Minnesota we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make we may we maybe wouldn't make the same choices but we respect them and I know in Minnesota and in Arizona and places across this country you know what makes Society work best is when you learn a golden rule mind your own damn business mind your own damn business we don't need it I don't I don't need you telling me what books to read I don't need you telling me about what religion we worship and I sure the heck don't need you to tell me about my family look this this this one's personal for me this one's personal for me about IVF and reproductive care when my wife and I my wife of 30 years because yes we share Family Values we just make our own damn choices about our family but when we wanted to have children we went through years of fertility treatment and I remember it was like it was yesterday just waiting for good news and then the phone would ring and you would be tensed up and then you would hear that the treatments had failed it was a it would blot out the Sun that you just wanted something so beautiful and so simple to have a child and then one day and it wasn't by chance when that news came and we welcomed our daughter into the world we named her hope we named her hope I'm not crying you're crying so when vice president Harris and I talk about Freedom we're very clear we mean the freedom to make your own Healthcare decisions and for all of our children to be free to go to school without worrying they'll be shot dead in their classroom and in Minnesota believe me we believe in the Second Amendment but we also believe in common sense gun violence laws I remind my colleague when I was in Congress Ruben could tell the story for three years in a row I was the top gun in the Congressional Trap Shoot so we can shoot better than them too just by the way when vice president Harris talks about Freedom it's when freedom is when education is a ticket to the middle class not crippling student loan debt and this building and what we believe in we are people that settle our political differences not through violence but through voting a simple a imagine every person in here is going to vote and every person in here is going to get 10 other people to vote and here's and let's just go ahead and not go through this thing that it's so close let's just win big people let's just win day that's our choice how often how often you get a choice so simple that this is going to decide the direction of our country country we have 87 days to decide the direction we're going to go and I've been saying it we can do anything for 87 days anything and my Mantra is and look you can see it on me over the last 5 days we'll sleep when we're dead we'll sleep when we're dead not now not now look you know it and I know it but I think we need to be reminded you know exactly what Donald Trump's plans are you know which direction he's taking us don't believe this guy don't believe that's like listen no one in here believes this guy so anyway but don't believe it when he's playing dumb about this project 2025 he knows exactly what it'll do they are not playing they wrote their plan out but just like they're getting arrogant about it they're saying the the quiet stuff out loud it'll take our freedoms it'll rig the economy for the super rich it'll underfund veterans and you know that if he goes back again he's not only going to let go where he left off it is going to be much much much worse so look Rising costs pulling Health Care from us you know the whole routine look I get this too I know I'm preaching to the choir a damn big and beautiful chire but practice is over people the choir needs to sing the choir needs to sing this guy is so good Trump's not fighting for your family he doesn't give a damn and his running mate shares the same dangerous Twisted backward agenda yeah EV every kid every kid in my class of 25 studied at Yale had their career funded by Silicon Valley billionaires and then writes a book trashing the very people who raised you I've said it it wasn't a name it was an observation these guys come up with the weirdest damn ideas that you will ever imagine you know it's true but here's the good news we know the stakes we know who they are when they told us we believ them we know what's coming but here's the big thing about it is that's a reality that's not going to happen because the people in this building and millions across the country this is a campaign about the future we know what's there we know it can come we're not people who are afraid of the future we shape the future kamla Harris believes in the freedom to make your own choices she believes in the opportunity for every single person to enter the middle class and she believes something so beautiful she believes in the promise of America the promise of America so I want to say thank you madam vice president for the trust you placed in me and I want to say something else that this incredible leader this incredible woman has brought to this fight she she has brought back compassion and decency and humor and joy to our politics so Arizona Arizona bring that Joy with you bring those Smiles bring that positive future as you join me in welcoming the next president of the United [Applause] States if that doesn't get you fired up I don't know what will also this entrance music is is so good Freedom right in hell hey I'mma keep running cuz wi don't quit on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] themselves I'm a wait I'm a wait through the waters till the ti don't move good evening through your B call me bul let's go that's what 20,000 people sounds like oh my good evening we're going to do this good evening good thank you all thank you can we hear for Tim Walls oh my goodness oh it's good to be back in Arizona good evening everyone oh my goodness thank you all so very much oh it is good to be back let me just say Let me let me just start by thanking everyone who is here thank you all so very much all we're going to do this we're going to do this we are going to do this yes we are and I want to thank all of the incredible leaders who are here including Congressman Greg Stanton your next United States Senator Congressman Ruben gyo and my dear friend United States Senator Mark Kelly and let me just say as Arizona knows Mark is an extraordinary leader who has dedicated his life to the service of our nation as a fighter pilot as an astronaut and as a member of the United States Congress and he has given so much to our country he always fights for the people of Arizona and I am so grateful Mark for your friendship and your leadership and of course the a phenomenal congresswoman Gabby gford there are also an incredible group of Mayors with us today mayor kago mayor Corey Woods and Arizona co-chair of Republicans for Harris Mayor John Gil so today I also bring greetings from our incredible President Joe Biden and I know we are all deeply grateful for his life time of service to our nation and we thank Joe Biden each and every day for all he is and all he is done and all he has yet to do let us thank him always so Arizona this has been a big week on Monday I officially became the Democratic nominee for president of the United States and on Tuesday I announced my running mate in this campaign Governor Tim wall and as you all just heard Tim has a great record as governor of the great state of Minnesota and to those who know him best Tim goes by a few more titles besides Governor to his wife Gwen so thank you so Tim Tim we know him by we know him by Governor but you'll soon get to know his wife Gwen to whom you know what hold on a second hold on hold on hold on everybody hold on sounds like there are protesters so let's see how she deals we are all in here together I'm I'm told an extraordinary number of folks who are here together because we love our country we're here to fight for our democracy which includes respecting the voices that I think that we are hearing from and let me just say this on topic of what I think I'm hearing over there let me just speak to that for a moment and then I'm going to get back to the business in hand oh this is this is interesting so let me say I have been clear now is the time to get a ceasefire deal and get the hostage deal done now is the time and the president and I are working around the clock every day to get that ceasefire deal done and bring the hostages home so I respect your voices but we are here to now talk about this race in 2024 it is a pretty good way to have dealt with that wow so Tim wals so let's just say this besides being Governor the thing I've come to learn about Tim Walls that you have known and may learn more he's an extra extraordinary person um he's known by many titles to his wife Gwen he is husband damn to his kids hope and Gus he is Dad to the people of southern Minnesota for 12 years he was Congressman to his former high school students he was Mr walls and to his former High School football players he was coach and in 88 days the nation will know coach Walls by a new title Vice President of the United States so it's so good to be back in Arizona and I thank you all for turning out today this is an extraordinary extraordinary thing and Arizona I'll also this say this as exciting as this is we cannot lose sight of a really important fact we are definitely running as the underdog we are the underdog we are out in great numbers but we got a lot of work to do and this is going to be hard work but I know we like hard work hard work is good work for all of us hard work is good work and we will do it with joy and I know we are all clear about what we are up against as many of you know before I was elected vice president I was an elected United States Senator before that before that I was an elective attorney attorney general and before that an elected district attorney and before that I was a courtroom prosecutor so I took on in these roles perpetrators of all kinds Predators who Abused women frauders who ripped off consumers scammers who broke the rules for personal [Applause] gain so Arizona hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type the crowd is so loud that it's going to bust the speakers it's just wild or at least my ear fact I've been dealing with people like in my entire career for example as Attorney General of California I took on one of our country's largest for-profit colleges that scammed students well Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students as a PR as a prosecutor I specialized in cases of sexual abuse well Donald Trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse as attorney general I held Wall Street Banks accountable for fraud well Donald Trump was just found guilty of fraud 30 for count so all of this yeah the courts will deal with that we're going to win in November we're going to win in November we'll handle that too so but all of this is to say in this campaign I will proudly put my record against his every day of the week every day of the week but make no mistake that being said our campaign is not just about us versus Donald Trump we love you it is about and I love you B our campaign our campaign is about two different Visions for nation one ours focused on the future the other focused on the past and Arizona we we fight for the future a future with Affordable Health Care affordable child care and paid Le a future where we build a broad-based economy where every American has an opportunity to own a home to start a business to build wealth here with us today I know we have a number of native leaders and as president I will tell you I will always honor tribal sovereignty and respect tribal self-determination and fight for a future where every native person can realize their aspirations and every native Community is a place of opportunity we here we believe in a future where we lower the cost of living for America's families so that they have the chance not just to get by but to get ahead because look while our economy is doing well by many measures prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high you know it and I know it when I was attorney general I went after price fixing schemes and when I am president I will continue that work to bring down prices I will take on I will take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging I will take on corporate landlords that unfairly raise rents on Working Families I will take on big Pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans and all of this is to say unlike Donald Trump I will always put the middle class and Working Families first because you see coach walls and I know the middle class built the United States of America and when the middle class is strong America is strong and while we work to move our nation forward look Donald Trump be very clear intends to move us backward just look and we're not going [Applause] back and we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back no but just look look look at his you know Tim talked about it look at his project 2025 [Applause] agenda it's 900 plus pages I can't believe they put that thing in writing by the way but when you look at it when you read it you will see project 2025 is a plan to weaken the middle class if he is elected Donald Trump intends to give a tax break to billionaires and big corporations he intends to cut Social Security and Medicare he intends to surrender our fight against the climate crisis [Applause] and Arizona every day you feel the impact of extreme heat and drought you know this crisis is real he calls it a hoax and on top of all of this if Donald Trump wins in November he intends he intends to end the Affordable Care Act and take us back to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with preexisting conditions you remember what that was remember what that was he won't win he won't win you're right wi we will win will win and part of why we are going to win is because we [Music] remember and we are smart and we know what's happening and we're not falling for the gaslighting and we're not falling for the OK do that's why so look America has tried so many of those failed policies before and like we all know we're not going back we we will move forward and take on the biggest issues facing our nation for example the issue of immigration so I was Attorney General of a border state I went after the transnational gangs the drug cartels and human traffickers I prosecuted them in case after case and I won so I know what I'm talking about we know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned Pathway to citizenship but Donald Trump does not want to fix this problem be clear about that he has no interest or desire to actually fix the problem he talks a big game of about border security but he does not walk the walk earlier this year everybody here knows earlier this year we had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border of security bill in decades but Donald Trump tanked the deal because he thought by doing that it would help him win an election but when I am president I will sign the bill so Arizona ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for Freedom across our nation we are witnessing a full-on assault against hardfought hard one freedoms and rights the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride and the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and on that last Point understand how we got here when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would overturn and undo the protections of roie Wade and as he intended they did and now in over 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many like Arizona with no exceptions even for rape or incest and just yesterday in a press conference we got a fresh reminder of what Donald Trump's project 20 25 agenda would do it would ban medication abortion in every state but we are not going to let that happen because we trust women and when I am president of the United States and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedoms for every woman in America I will sign it into law so listen here's the thing that we all know here's the thing we all know Generations generations of Americans before us led the fight for Freedom now the Baton is in our hands each and every one of us so we who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote at it and we who believe in the freedom to live safe from gun violence will finally pass an assault weapons van Universal background checks and red flag laws so much is on the line in this election and understand this is not 2016 and this is not 2020 you know this time around the stakes are even higher and that's because last month the United States Supreme Court basically just told the former president who has been convicted of fraud that going forward he was he will be effectively immune no matter what he does in the white house but but think about what that means think about what that means in this election think about what that means he's been effectively told he will be immune if he's back in the White House think about what that means when you remember Donald Trump has openly vowed if reelected he will be a dictator on day [Applause] one that he will weaponize the Department of Justice jce against his political [Applause] enemies remember that he even called for the quote termination of the Constitution of the United [Applause] States understand what this means and let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States should never again stand behind the Seal of the United States President never again never again so Arizona it all comes down to this we are here because we love our country we love our country we love our country and I do believe it is the highest form of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that's that's how we preserve the promise of America and after all the promise of America is what makes it possible for governor walls and me to be on the same stage together cuz think two middle class kids one a daughter of Oakland California who was raised by a working mother had a summer job at McDonald's the other a son of Nebraska Plains who grew up working on a farm think about it only in America is it possible for them together to make it all the way to the White House only in America only in America so we together all of us we're running this campaign on behalf of all Americans from Red states to Blue States from the Heartland to the coast and when we are elected we will govern on behalf of all Americans all Americans so Arizona ultimately in this election I do believe we each each one of us we Face a question that question being what kind of country do we want to live in do we want to live in a country of chaos fear and hate or a country of Freedom compassion and rule of law and the beauty the beauty of our democracy the beauty of our democracy is that we each have the power to answer that question each one of us in a democracy has the power to answer that question the power is with the people and in the next than 88 days we need you to use your power we need you to knock on some doors we need you to register folks to vote we need you to energize to mobilize to or oriz and to make your voices heard so Arizona I ask are you ready to make your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America [Applause] [Music] I don't even want to lower it right now because the vibe is so good when we hear this outro music it is so [Applause] good blue love forgive me i' been running running blinding true I'm a rain I'm a rain tell the twet [Music] [Applause] I'm just absolutely killing [Applause] it freedom freedom I can't move Freedom me freedom freedom where are you cuz I need Freedom too I break chain St by myself won't let my freedom right in hell hey I'mma keep running cuz a Winer don't quit on themselves I mean 20,000 people strong in this Arena right now here's the thing you can't fake that you can't buy that you can't manufacture that there's one thing that everybody keeps saying after watching ing these rallies and that is how similar it is to 2008 last time that we ran somebody in 2008 with this kind of feeling uh behind our campaign that guy served for8 years was the most popular Democrat in the entire Democratic party that's the exact same type of uh of Joy optimism hope that we're feeling right now as the direct result of this campaign and let's be clear that that is growing right now I know everybody's taught there so you know a lot a lot of people in the media are desperate to to make welome to I'm Dan fer and I'm to make it feel like uh that this is this is different for example that they're waiting for the honeymoon period to end and so they will uh they're just going to kind of say oh when's it you know when when is it going to be over and so when can we focus on on really uh some critical coverage of the kamla Harris campaign the the the coverage that we're seeing right now the rallies that she's holding right now they are growing in energy growing in enthusiasm the first rall has had a few thousand people the next couple rallies had tens of thousands of people we had 20,000 people in this rally here tonight and that number is only going to get bigger and let's be clear these are in must-win States Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Arizona states were that that were completely written off before that are now not not only back on the map but winable for kamla Harris her numbers are are skyrocketing right now we're seeing the first polling where she's leading in Nevada which again was a state that was written off I mean we were we were looking at we were looking at states that that were going into the red column in New Mexico for example and now she's leading in Arizona I think the last two polls that we got from Arizona KLA Harris is leading up by two and then four depending on the poll so look none of that is to say that we should take this for granted because we shouldn't we still have to work and we've seen what happens when we count our chickens before they hatch uh it happened in 2016 but this is to say that we have a shot to win this election the momentum is clearly on our side and we when we saw momentum like this last again it was 2008 right now we are running a campaign where we are pitting hope and and optimism against demagoguery and fear and that is an exhausting campaign to run and it may very well have worked against Joe Biden because he wasn't able to prosecute the case for himself for as good a president as he is he is not a good candidate wasn't able to prosecute the case for a second term that is not the case with KLA Harris and so she's coming out now and she is showing how effective she is uh both with the prosecutor versus felon attack that she's taken which already unto itself should be disqualifying enough for Donald Trump the fact that they are running a 34 time convicted felon under the banner of the party of Law and Order give me a break give me a break and then you have the issue of Reproductive Rights remember before kamla Harris became the vice president before she became the Presidential nominee as vice president she was crisscrossing the country talking abortion and Reproductive Rights in colleges everywhere in America that was her focus and now after a year of having done that you have her a champion for abortion rights running against the guy who cannot help himself but brag about the fact that he appointed a third of the US Supreme Court who uh decided to overturn a 50-year president in row and strip women of the Reproductive Rights the first rowback of civil rights in this country in its history so you have the prosecutor versus felon framing you have the abortion rights and Reproductive Rights Champion versus opponent Framing and then you have somebody who is just running a campaign based on what what we can have in the future we can have a future where we protect abortion rights where unions are strong where the rich pay their fair share where Health Care is Affordable on issue after issue these are popular issues where we have common sense gun safety reforms you have Tim Walls up on that stage who admits that he is a gun owner doesn't doesn't run away from it at all admits that he's a gun owner and says that that while he supports the Second Amendment we should have common sense gun Safety Solutions and let's be clear the the issue of uh Universal background checks pulls at 90% in this country this is not a left versus right issue this is not a red versus blue issue 90% of Americans 90% of Americans agree that we should have Universal background checks and that is including gun owners themselves because they know that when crazy people get guns who shouldn't have them it reflects poorly on them the first people who should want Universal background checks are the rest of the people who actually own guns are the responsible gun owners and the fact that Republicans are so extreme they can't even they can't even give an inch on that goes to show that it is about cow to to the special interest the NRA says we don't want anything to stop us from selling even one more gun so the Republican Party says great we're not going to block anything even if that means we can let mentally mentally un unwell people grab guns fine if it means the gun lobby is happy cuz they donate to our campaigns that's exactly what we're going to do same thing with the fossil fuel companies if it means uh if if if polluting the entire planet is what it takes to get a few thousand bucks for each of our members so that they can win re-election and consolidate power for themselves that's exactly what we're going to do and so for the first time you have a campaign focused on on what's possible ahead looking ahead and yet the campaign that Donald Trump is running on predicated on fear on retribution on Vengeance on protecting himself how is that going to help anybody in America it's not and while that might have worked when he's running against Joe Biden because there was such a little amount of enthusiasm for him not going to work against KLA Harris and the numbers that we're seeing are a testament to exactly that the numbers of people in these rallies even when Donald Trump and KLA Harris hold competing rallies in the same exact venue the crowd siiz difference where KLA Harris is filling these venues up to the brim and Donald Trump can't and he can't get enthusiasm and so he starts to panic and what does he do he calls an emergency press conference in maral Lago where he betrays exactly how uh salty he is about the fact that is that no one's coming to see him and he's losing the one thing that he had the one thing look this guy is terrible on policy he's terrible on foreign policy he's a terrible speaker he's terrible at governing all he had was the fact that he could command agulation from his adoring fans that no matter what he did it's Donald Trump and he could he could open his mouth and people listen well now he's losing that he's losing that and you know what else he's losing the strongman bonafides KLA Harris did a number on him when she uh challenged him to that debate and instead of taking it right away he waffled for days and days and proved to everybody that no matter how much he beats his chest and punch es down on immigrants black people brown people trans people LGBT people foreigners women that at the end of the day he's only punching down on people who he perceives as being weaker than him and when you have somebody strong who came up to him and challenged him to a debate face to face what did he do ran away for days and days and days piercing the one thing that Donald Trump really had left and that was his strongman bonafides so he's not commanding attention anymore more he's not being perceived as strong anymore what does he have left that is exactly why so many people on the Republican side are running away from him I want to show you uh an article that came up today in drudge here's the headline in drudge which is no leftwing Outlet let's be clear look at this Matt drudge Maga running out of steam pole show the dawn losing Miami Rogan jump ship look at the upper corner here I'm going to read it because I know it's probably too small to read Trump isn't campaigning as hard as he used to no longer commands the spotlight kamla campaign weaponizes crowd size pole Harris plus 5 biggest lead yet in Nevada this is a conservative website we had Joe Rogan Express uh Express admiration for RFK Jr there was a a Neo-Nazi named Nick Fuentes who did the exact same thing bailed on Trump's campaign today when you're losing the neo-nazis that says something when this campaign when the Donald Trump campaign is basically basically created scientifically engineered to be able to reach those exact people when those are who you're losing not a good sign this is a sinking ship but let's be clear I say that knowing full well that anything can happen and we've seen it happen before we were all here in 2016 we know that it's possible that when everybody writes Donald Trump off that he still has the ability to win so do not let it happen again everybody here watching 50,000 people watching right now 50,000 live viewers I'm sure by the time everybody watches this there's going to be roughly around a million everybody has the responsibility to find one person in your circle of people who wouldn't have otherwise voted maybe they're disaffected maybe they don't agree uh with something that they've read online about the Democrats and have been susceptible to misinformation maybe maybe they're not even aware that there's going to be an election coming up everybody has somebody in their life who just doesn't care about politics who doesn't care about any of it your responsibility is to find that one person and make sure that that they get out get registered and that they go to the polls and vote especially especially if they live in a state like Arizona Nevada Georgia North Carolina Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania or if they live in a district where there's a swing seat and that is even in places like California where I live where we think it's this big blue Bastion but there are plenty of Republican seats close Republican seats uh that are that are absolutely flippable so I think what I'll do right now is I'll take some questions uh before I do just a quick request I have two requests here the first if you enjoy this live stream recognize that I don't put any of my content behind a pay wall I don't do memberships or anything like that and uh and I'll never do sponsorships or paid ads uh all of my content is always free and available so if you'd like to support my work and see more live streams like this one please make sure to subscribe again it's the best way to support what I do and the subscribe button is right here on the screen so if you're not yet subscribed please do me a favor support this live stream make sure you can watch other live streams and uh and go ahead and hit the Subscribe button the other is that I have a book coming out called Shameless it is available on Amazon Barnes & Noble if you want to support Indie book shops uh and uh I spent the last year working on it Forward is written by Jamie Ras and I'm very proud of the way it turned out it talks about Republicans long-term branding their their historic branding the party of family values the party of the Constitution the party of states rights the party of Law and Order the party of fiscal responsibility how that is all a farce put in place to make you think that they're one thing while they act in a way that's completely antithetical to that and so they've given themselves this cover by pretending that they're still the party of Reagan all the while they continue to just again run completely counter to all of those values I also talk about how the media uh lends them cover cover while they're doing that that kind of stuff the both sides media and uh finally what Democrats can and should do to rebalance the political landscape so again that book that is called Shameless I will pin the comments right here uh on the top of the comment section uh and if you'd like to grab a copy that is a great way to support what I do so that is going to be pinned at the top of the comment section right here okay let's answer some questions here do I think we'll have to wait until January to find out who actually wins because of Trump's monkey wretching no I think we will get an answer pretty soon and I know that a lot of these states are well prepared for Donald Trump's Antics so he will pull them let's be clear he's already doing it in broad daylight he got some members of the Georgia state election board to vote for this rule that would allow them to delay or prevent certification if they feel that there's adequate rationale to do so uh ultimately if anybody does try to do that and I've spoken about this with Mark Elias on my channel in our series called democracy watch he can he assured me they will be sued so let's be clear if and when these Georgia election workers try to prevent certification because their god king didn't win and they don't know how to deal with the fact that they're losers they will be sued uh any other election officials who try to do the same thing they will be sued so this is going to happen we need to be cognizant of the fact that it's going to happen we need to recognize that there is no basis for this stuff to happen that they were throwing temper tantrums because they cannot accept the fact that their guy is a loser our job is to come out in numbers that make it so clear so clear that Republicans are suffering a massive repudiation at The Ballot Box that is our job um and it's going to have to happen in every state in Georgia in Arizona Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania every state across the country can I comment on how kamla handled the hecklers I thought she handled them masterfully to be honest I know this was an issue look there's a big uh there's a big population in Michigan for whom uh the issue of Israel Gaza is a major issue she's already spoken to them uh to the to the uncommitted group uh who refused to vote in the primary for Joe Biden and uh and so they have they have someone in kamla Harris who's very clearly taking this issue seriously and is who is working on a ceasefire and that's been that's been her Focus right now and I guarantee you uh you know by virtue of the way that she answered that question and by the by virtue of the way that they responded which is to stop heckling there's clearly some um I guess symbiosis there thank you by the way for people saying that uh that they've pre-ordered the book Shameless I appreciate that let's see by the way if there will be any coverage of Trump's rally well let let me in on a little secret out here in Montana we know the difference between a bll and a cow don't we yeah I think what I'm going to do is is not give airtime to far-right Republicans who are just G to get up on stage and kind of spew their their BS right now and uh we know what Trump's rallies are like uh I don't think it's going to be necessary to do the live stream of Donald Trump's rally he's going to spew a bunch of Lies I did a full fact check of Donald Trump's press conference at maral Lago which is a little bit easier to fact check but we've heard his stump speech look if anybody wants to hear him talk about uh toilet pressure and and Hannibal Lecter and uh windmills killing birds sharks magnets lasers Moes uh you know you you know where to find him but I think uh we've seen that song and dance before and uh I think it's a bit tired at this point how long do I think it will take for Republicans to flush Maga reps from its ranks I I think it's going to take a long time I think that's what the party the Republican party is right now so it's not going to happen in one cycle not in two not in three four or five I think this is what the Republican party is this is how the Republican base has been groomed to vote if it means that they will continue voting against their interest because the base has been groomed to to accept no compromise and only get the most extreme candidate so be it they'll continue to lose like they've lost in 2018 2020 2022 2023 and like how they're going to lose in 2024 if and when kamla wins I think she should replace Merck Garland he's been more than a disappointment I think she should appoint Glenn or mark my thoughts if you're asking me whether I would like to see Glenn kersner or Mark Elias as attorney general you already know what I'm going to say uh I think that mer Garland has has been exceedingly slow to prosecute these cases um exceedingly slow and the fact that we still haven't seen this stuff go to trial and it's been four years since the Insurrection happened for example is a miscarriage of justice and is exactly why Donald Trump feels so emboldened to try to do it again so um so for what it's worth for for as much as it matters yeah I'd love to see Mark or Glenn as AG thank you by the way people are still saying that they that they're pre-ordering the book so I very much appreciate that thank you so much that's a that was a took up a big part of my life so I very much appreciate it how do we convert Reds to Blue how do we effectively open that door I'm in Georgia please tell me I think you find the one ask them what the issues are that they care about I mean look here's the benefit of what Democrats stand for on issue after issue Democrats actually represent the position of the majority of Americans so find out where people around you stand on the issue of abortion on the issue of IVF for example Republicans keep voting against IVF the Senate Republicans just blocked it about a week ago so if that's a if that's an issue that's important to them bring that forward uh there's also Republicans trying to ban Interstate travel for Reproductive Healthcare let's say that doesn't work what about the issue of climate change they have young kids that's going to be an issue in the future what about the issue of of gun safety a little older than young kids maybe somebody in in middle school or high school and they don't believe in the proliferation of weapons of mass of of war in this country that's an important issue what about Healthcare do they want to make sure that the ACA is there for the next 5 10 years that's an issue Republicans have tried to repeal the ACA 77 times the only reason they didn't repeal it is because John McCain voted it down but John McCain is gone Republicans will absolutely try to overturn the ACA the project 2025 already calls for an end to myff of prone so Republicans are using their their political power to try and ban medications that they don't agree with they'll do the same thing for the ACA and this is far more extreme of a Republican party than we had you know 5 years ago when they failed at overturning the ACA so absolutely will happen so find out what the issues that they care about are because Republicans are extreme on all of them whether it's Healthcare whether it's gun safety whether it's making the rich pay their fair share unless the person you're talking to makes over $400,000 a year they don't have anything to worry about under a democratic Administration but they probably want those making over $400,000 a year to pay their fair share in taxes Trump has helped those people those are the only people who Trump has helped Trump used all his political capital in office to give them a tax cut to give Millionaires and billionaires a tax cut that and to appoint judges who would strip women of their Reproductive Rights those are the only two things he did with his political Capital so find out what the issue is and make sure that you know the facts on those issues because Republicans are extreme on all of them and also if you find someone who's hardcore red it may not be worth it worth your time focus on someone who doesn't have a iCal affiliation focus on somebody who's young focus on somebody who's disaffected maybe don't spend all of your time trying to turn your crazy Maga Uncle when you can use that energy to find people who aren't yet registered people who are just turning 18 people who haven't voted yet people who weren't around during the first Trump Administration uh a lot of those kids you know in 2016 for example if you were just in in in middle school you don't you don't remember the lunacy uh and the chaos and the dysfunction of the first Trump term but you probably would now so remind them of that but use your time effectively and efficiently and I think uh focusing on people who you can actually have a big impact on is going to be the most important part here can I explain what kind of an impact these rallies have presumably all of the attendees are already on board right they're great but how do they help I wouldn't assume that everybody who's attending is on board I I remember when I went to my first rally and I wasn't that interested in politics and uh I think it was Bill Clinton was campaigning in Pennsylvania for Barack Obama in 200 11 or 20 early 2012 ahead of the 2012 election and uh you know I wasn't that was the first rally i' been to but it gets you energized it brings you into the political process makes you feel like you're part of this movement and then you're more likely to go out and find other people who you can bring the next time look I wasn't interested in politics until I went to went to a rally and now look at what I do now look at how you get interested in something you got to start somewhere and so these rallies are important for that reason it also helps you become a Tribune for the message so you hear KLA Harris make her pitch you see where she stands on the prosecutor versus felon framing you see where she stands on abortion Champion versus abortion opponent framing you see where she stands on abortion rights and climate change and gun safety reforms and the Supreme Court and democracy as a whole and you can take those messages and bring them out to your people your families your friends your co-workers your neighbors this is all about building a community so that you know look those people in that Arena are not the end goal just like you all watching right now are not the end goal the goal here should be to take these messages that you learn and bring them out to your people people who aren't paying attention in politics people who aren't sitting at home on a Friday night and watching political rallies online it's important because you know we're doing we're doing the work of of bringing these message messages out to to people who may not be paying attention this is the important work right here but this isn't the end of the ecosystem this is the beginning this is where we get the messaging and then we spread it out to everybody else and so everybody here has a responsibility to not just take this and then sit back with it but to find one or two people again who you can make your responsibility make sure they're registered to vote make sure they go to vote and that's going to be the whole that's going to be the whole ball game here I promise you it's going to have a difference look we are talking about States like Georgia like Wisconsin where it was just just over 10,000 votes was the difference between a trump win and a Biden win in 2020 these are close races if everybody in this live stream right now were to vote we are the difference between those States we are we there are more people watching this live stream right now than the margin by which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020 think about the impact that all of these people could have if all of you found one person who wasn't going to vote before and made sure that they voted makes a big it makes a big difference that's why why I think it's so important to to do these to host all these live streams on a nightly basis for every time she does that because I know I'm finding a few people who maybe wandered in here by accident and heard the message and heard something that they liked and I found a few people who I said something and you can bring that to your Circles of people and that changed a few people's minds I reach a lot of people on a daily basis but nothing is more impactful when I get one or two emails a day from somebody saying I didn't pay attention to politics then I watch this and now I'm going to make sure to vote for KLA Harris and I promise it feels good and I promise if you're able to do that for somebody in your life and especially if you live in a state or a district where Donald Trump won before or whether there's a republican in power before or where you're defending a seat that could be the difference between a democratic house and a democratic uh uh Senate it's going to feel good I promise what happened here's a good question what happened to Donald Trump's campaign money that was donated to him no one is talking about him spending a not spending a lot of it is he saving it to do something with after he loses nobody knows where Donald Trump's money goes it's a black hole these people are the biggest grifters on the planet his lawyers walking around after losing case after case after case with the nicest bags you've ever seen where do you think the money goes these people are dumping their wallets into the hands of just a con man and a grifter Steve Bannon conned and grifted his supporters into paying millions and millions of dollars for this wall that was never built everybody just wants to con their supporters on the right Donald Trump has spent more time selling shoes selling nfts selling I mean what is what is the list of things that he sold let me know in the chat I can't I can't even remember the full list of of junk that Donald Trump has slapped his name on uh in terms of trying to get his supporters to just empty out their wallets and hand him money do me a favor write in the chat right now and remind me of the things that Donald Trump has tried to sell his supporters I know I know it was shoes I know it was nfts I know it was trading cards for example uh let's try to remember what else it is it's going to take a few seconds here we go B that's a big one Bibles hats shirts $2 bills the guy was selling $2 bills I mean yeah yeah had the stuffed animals the Bears H and then of course that's to say nothing of of his defunct businesses Trump University Trump's steaks Trump's wine Trump water Trump Airlines Trump the game it is all a grift pieces of his suit that's a great one gold coins pieces of his suit dude and of course it's not his real I think it was the the suit that he was wearing when he was shot or something like that the guy will sell anything he when if I say the shirt off his back I mean it literally he will sell anything there is nothing he won't do for for his supporters money and yet let me give you an indication of the disparity right now in terms of how they're spending that money so for example I think this will put on full display whether it's really worth it to donate to the Trump campaign in Nevada kamla Harris has 13 campaign offices Trump has one in Pennsylvania Harris has 36 campaign offices Trump has three in Georgia Harris has 24 Donald Trump didn't open his first campaign office until June dude has no ground game dude is not raising any money dude is grifting his supporters on a daily basis and has nothing to show for it because he just shovels money into his own pockets and the pockets of his lawyers who are helping defend him in court and losing on a daily basis and that is all they care about these people are just tools for the wealth and prosperity of Donald Trump and the people around him he is showing that right now during this campaign just like he showed it when he was actually president and he used all of his political Capital not to help the exact people who he got to vote for him while he was was running his fake populist campaign not the working class not the middle class but the wealthy donors who funded his campaign he passed a tax cut for Millionaires and billionaires and the way that you know that it wasn't for the middle class is because he dangled the prospect of a middle class tax cut only if he and Republicans won the midterm elections and of course they lost those elections by the biggest margin in the house in modern American history where Democrats won 41 seats but if Donald Trump had actually passed a tax cut that would benefit the middle class why was he using a middle class tax cut as the stick as the carrot to dangle in front of his supporters to get out there and vote for him when he had the political Capital he used it not for them not for the exact type of people who he who he manipulated into voting for him but rather for the wealthy donors and he's doing the exact same thing now where he's going out to fossil fuel companies and saying give me a billion dollars and you can basically write our climate agenda you can write our energy agenda and in doing so guess what he does by the way just as a quick aside when he tells the fossil fuel companies that they can just basically write the write the energy agenda in this country and entrench our Reliance on fossil fuels knowing full well that the entire world is moving to renewable energy that means that we don't have control of renewable energy manufacturing we are not investing in renewable energy manufacturing we are seeding control of that sector the fastest growing sector in the world to China so the same country that they all fearmonger about the Chinese Communist Party Republicans are handing them a gift by allowing them to entirely control clean energy manufacturing which again is the fastest growing sector in the world by entrenching our Reliance on fossil fuels not because it's the future not because it's safer not because it's cheaper not because it's cleaner but precisely because those people donate to their campaigns they are entrenching our alliance on a dying on a on a a dying sector right now because those people know because Republicans know that they have them in their pockets and they want the cash that's it they're willing to sell out not only our economy but the planet itself all in blind deference to a few thousand bucks per Republican in their campaign donations these people are so self-interested that they are watching the planet burn and not only not putting that fire out but exacerbating those Flames because they think it'll help themselves and their own consolidation of power it is unreal and it's infuriating and that's why that's why I stand up here and make sure that on a nightly basis I can talk to you guys and make sure that you have the messages that you need to go out to your Circles of people it is existential for us to make sure that Republicans do not get into Power because of what they'll do with it what do I think the Elon Trump interview will be about on Monday what here's the thing what are we going to expect from Donald Trump what is it going to be some in some some some deep dive into policy Donald Trump is going to the things that he doesn't know elon's going to ask him about crypto Trump is going to say oh yeah we're looking at it very strongly very strongly it's a we're going to have an answer on that in two weeks we're putting together a very strong plan on that you're going to love it it's going to be in two weeks anything that Donald Trump doesn't know he's looking at it very strongly otherwise when he does get to the stuff that he's passionate about like Hannibal Lector and windmills and dying birds and whales and and sharks and magnets oh man he can go on and on about that stuff all day and that's what he's going to do he's a dude is a one-trick pony when everything looks like a ham when when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail he does the same thing every day day in day out Donald Trump's favorite thing in the world is Donald Trump he will massage his own ego talk about how great he is pretend that his dismal policies his exceedingly unpopular policies are somehow popular try to convince us Gaslight us to our faces that somehow the whole world wanted row overturn when the fact that Ro return has been responsible for Republicans losing elections in 2022 2023 in States like Ohio and Kansas and Kentucky and Virginia and Alabama give me a break with all of that has there been any update about the golden sneaker orders do you know if anyone ever got them just wondering I don't know I haven't followed it closely enough but I think the only thing less surprising than uh you couldn't find anything less surprising than this notion that these people didn't actually get their sneakers I will do one more question here so let's do this in advance of this last question uh just one more shout out one more request here if you're not yet subscribed to this Channel and you enjoyed this live stream and you want to support the work I do and I'll continue to host these live streams on a daily basis as we get closer and closer to the election uh please make sure to subscribe doesn't cost you anything to do so but it's a great way to support my work and of course I have a book coming out called Shameless the forward is written by Jamie Rasin it includes interviews with Heather Cox Richardson Pete Budaj Jens saki Mark Elias Al Franken Dan Fifer medy hen so if you'd like to check out the book where I talk about how Republicans have used their historical branding as cover to act in a way that's completely antithetical to that uh how the media has helped them do it and finally what Democrats can do to rebalance the political landscape please make sure to hit the link at the top of the comment section or pin to the top of the post description or you can just go on your favorite site to get books Amazon brns & Noble again that's and type in Shameless by Brian Tyler Cohen it is a great way to support my work as well so again thank you everybody for tuning in I appreciate it and uh as soon as there's another rally I'll make sure to be on so I believe that's going to be tomorrow and uh and thank you for tuning in with me and I'll talk to you next time bye everybody

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