Joey Harrington talks Bo Nix and Dillon Gabriel

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:38:41 Category: Sports

Trending searches: dillon gabriel
all right it is not every day that you get to chop it up with a pair of Oregon Duck Legends so I'm feeling very lucky on this Thursday J Stew was with me as always but we are thrilled to bring in Joey Heisman Captain comeback Joey Harrington back onto the show Joey how you doing man wow much better after that intro those are uh those are a joey Heisman man I haven't heard that in 20 years mostly it's like Dad where's my toast you know so it's my my my recent monikers have been like uber soccer driver and uh yeah neighborhood taxi got that five star rating do you uh yeah I'd go four and a quarter probably you know are you a stickler are you a stickler on having uh a clean car with kids um no is cuz I'm going through this phase right now with my daughter where she's I dropped her off for for school the other day I went through a whole day with no with not knowing that she left a bagel so how old how old is your daughter that's the question she's seven she's seven so seven is different than 14 right yeah a seven-year-old can forget that they left a bagel or or not have it be front of mind yeah a 14 15year old it's like pick up your bagel like there's there's a difference you know so you've got a few more years until um there's that responsibility that that you know you look back and it's like granola bar rappers and some of those applesauce squeezies like you got a few use that yeah and I'm I'm dealing with the two-year-old where it's just you you've come to accept that there is going to be a mess no matter where she goes and there's just no planning for it or no stopping oh you won't you won't have a clean shirt for another three or four years that's fine I'm used to I just just kind of yeah you're going to show up places with like like at first it was like spit up and then it's like you know like muddy hands and then it's like drool and like all you just got all sorts of stuff going yeah at this point I've come to accept it so yeah yeah uh wear it like a badge of honor Joey Joey your entire life this time of year you know this this start like you can feel the change in the air you feel that football is just kind of kind of in the air your your entire life has kind of revolved around this time Jay still and I talked about this last week but what is that sense like for you when you get to the end of August you feel that chill in the air a little bit is it dread is it not excitement no no no no no no no no it is complete and total like PTSD dread like and I and I know J St you got to have this feeling too where it's like and it's not so okay let me check let me check this end of August is different than end of July right end of July was like oh it's hot and it's like you get you know you're out there playing and you know somehow you end up down face first in the grass and it's like you smell the grass and like immediately are rocketed back to like stretching lines and Daily Doubles and that moment is like H Summer's over like I got to go back and I'm going to get absolutely murdered for the next three weeks that part is dread this part of the end of August is excitement right because by the time we get here you're through fall camp or you're through pre-season in the NFL and this part is excitement but yeah so I I'll I'll quantify that as two different feelings last month at this time it was dread this month it's excitement I like that yeah I totally agree right now if you're a player you're thinking to yourself I made it all I got to do now just make it another week stay healthy hydrate make the team make the roster prove my point that I should be playing and it's smooth set but to that point end of June end of June it's like ah man that happened really quick I gotta gotta start working out I gotta I gotta go outside and sweat good thing that I lived in North Carolina because it was easy to go outside and sweat and feel miserable July was the worst July was the worst because it's like you know that like you had this window of fun that it's like oh man I can kind of take a break for a minute and then it's over and not only is it over but it is like I'm going to kick you in the face for the next month over yeah well we've got a ton to cover on the grid iron before we get to that I think the three of us would not be true to ourselves if we didn't at least mention our true passion of golf uh J Stu I know you had question how did I not know how did I not know that you're that's that's on you Zach that's on you for not sharing that because he's your partner right he's your guy he's like your podcast like it's like that yeah you should have told it's really on you because if you listen to a single one of our episodes when you're not on you would know that he's a golfer cuz talk about it definitely on you Joey Heisman okay that's that's a good point but to be fair I don't listen to any podcasts I don't listen to any sports podcast you know like I said I'm I'm a taxi driver between soccer practices that's fine well anyway Jay St I know you had a question for him about golf well yeah we we texted yesterday and I basically um I'm inviting myself to the Safeway Foundation battle of the dunes um for the 13th the 13th one I'll skip the 12th because I know that there's probably already some plans made and I don't want to ruffle any feathers well I'm gonna start I'm gonna start by saying you can go to the battle of the dunes but I'm not sure who's going to be there you may be by yourself because the sa Foundation battle at Bandon you can go to the dunes yeah man you know it's so funny like I'm I'm am so lucky that this event has been has taken off the way that it has um we are admittedly in a little bit of transition like where are we with sponsors where are we with the conference where are we like you know whereas 12 years ago the Pack 12 wanted nothing to do with us now we're moving to the Big 10 and it's like well you know there's some interest there so I I don't know if it's going to stick with the old pack 12 schools I don't know if we're bringing in like Michigan and Ohio State I have no idea but I do know that you're going to have to fight Justin Herbert for that other Oregon spot so I'm looking forward to seeing a fullon like smoker style amateur boxing match Winner Takes the spot for uh the 13th annual battle abandon well it's funny that you say that because I'm actually starting a Golf Channel called uh T time stew that's how much of a golfer that i' I've show for J and so Channel yeah YouTube um so basically and and you you I'll have you on there what's your handicap I am currently a 29 index he's better than I am that's really good um my goal is to get in single digits okay um I I'm working vigorously but uh what is Justin Herbert's um handicap he's probably I would guess like an eight or so he's he's up to he was like a four and now he's like a seven okay perfect so by by next year okay I will have a duel with him for the spot like a playoff like a 18 hole playoff for the spot I'll earn it all right let's put it that way I don't want to just take it I I don't want to you know you know twist your guys' arms I'll just go up there and just earn it if I lose then I don't come invited but I'm might Uninvited but you might come Uninvited how about we just and and this is what I've been toying with we could just expand to four players per school right I love that idea that's the way because honestly like the event it's it's this push pull for me because some schools are notoriously hard for me to get guys to come to like I have literally gone through about 25 guys for Arizona and you know none of the basketball guys want to play golf and or it's you know schedule doesn't work but then I get you know you get somebody to come and they're like they don't ever want to leave like it's such a unique different event that takes place at literally like the greatest golf resort in the world and with this group of guys that has become like a family over the last decade so um yeah like some schools I can't get anybody show up and other school is like I'm beating people off with a stick like and guys will text me in like November saying all right I got my you know I got my flight booked like I'll send the I send the uh the invite out to Ryan Leaf uh and he's like he will literally if I the last couple years if I invite him at like 9:00 am on a Tuesday by noon he has texted me back his itinerary for the flight that he has booked he's like all right I'm set I'm right don't worry about me like he knows like I have like so much drama to deal with some guys who were flying across the country and all my flight got cancelled or I can't make it or what should I wear or I don't know if I want to do this like he just sends it to me he's like I'm going to be there don't worry about me like the less drama I can cause the know I I know it's better for my invite next year I was like all right yeah well kudos to you for um you know obviously putting on such an amazing event um thanks for sharing that it's uh Bandon Dunes not the D yeah that's great all right let's talk some football uh before we dive into the Ducks I know right golf golf is much better but you're supposed to be excited Joey it's it's the end of August all okay you're right we've gotten by we've gotten by dread we're into excitement now okay yes before we talk about the Ducks and their 2024 season I want to touch on kind of a more newsworthy topic I want to talk to you about Bo Knicks uh he has been incredible in his first two pres season his first two preseason games with the Broncos he was officially named the starter this past week from Shawn Peyton what have you seen from him in those two games that has impressed you the most from the the quarterback mind nothing surprising I mean it was literally the perfect marriage between quarterback and Coach I played with Shawn or I played for Shawn uh 08 my last 0809 right before they won the Super Bowl and Bo is Bo is exactly what Shawn wants in a quarterback he is a grinder he is I mean he's literally just like a gym rat he's he's a football junkie you know that story about the the backpack like what's in your backpack well you know a squeeze ball and a Playbook and like that's literally like what Shawn loves loved about Drew and why the two of them were were like this and I got to sit back and watch that relationship between Shawn and Drew and how they work so well together Bo is a more athletic stronger armed version of of Drew Brees now we'll see if he has the the endurance the work you know the I and and not that I would ever doubt this because you know from what I've seen he does have it but it's that it's that work ethic that made Drew so good it's that work ethic that made Shawn and Drew um I mean it was like this symbiotic relationship like they were they were attached at the hip and that is exactly what bow can be so everything that he's done has been perfectly on brand for what um I think we all saw from him at Oregon and you know how it would translate to the NFL with Shawn and and let's also not forget like he's you know Bo is like 36 and so like he's got plenty a lot more experience you know seeing the ups and the Downs of the situations and and honestly like you you know St like the NFL is not smooth sailing the NFL is isn't just like walking in and it's like ah cool you know just just riding the riding the road like we always did the NFL is like one week you're on top of the world and the next week somebody is literally kicking you in the crotch and dragging you by the teeth over hot coals and you're expected to get up the next week and do it and and be how you were the previous week right Bose's experience at Auburn and literally being like run out of town and still keeping confidence in himself and understanding not only am I a good player but I can continue to get better which he did like that is such a huge part of being a successful NFL quarterback is understanding that I have the talent to be here and I'm going to get kicked in the teeth and I need to continue to work to get better like that that is everything that Bo has already so I was going to ask you like with your experience going from college to Pros like what you know challenges if any would bow experience and it sounds like you know he the the mental capacity of staying with the grind as a quarterback as a leader um your off the- field issues like being able to compartmentalize all those types of things are there any other things that you experienced you know going into the league as a from you know as a kid from college that you saw yourself you know struggling with um you know day one yeah my biggest issue in the NFL was this belief or this this story or narrative that I had in my own head right because my whole career up to that point had been you know you work you work you work it works out you work you work you work it works out you work you work you work oh this one didn't work out oh well let's work a little bit harder and have a team meeting and you know come together and then it works out again right at no point had I ever experienced guys in the locker room or people in the media or you know people that got my cell phone you know like at no point up to the NFL had I experienced that type of adversity like like where people doubted you or openly criticized you or you know left you death threats on your voice oh no I did get a couple death threats in college but that was that was email that was different we we'll go back you know that's that's what was the email oh it was it was like it was like typed out in the so the CC like Central Catholic and in each of those like Seas it was like you will die you will die you will die like like in the like in the shape of the Sea and the Sea and then um you know below it was like if you ever play like that again I will you know comeing kill you I know where you live I know who your high school English teacher was like oh yeah no no no that that was need to relax man fun stuff yeah oh yeah but my point being like my issue was that created self-doubt right that created that moment of second guessing like well maybe I'm not doing things right or maybe I'm not good enough or maybe I should have or I could have and you know the moment that you think in the NFL is the moment you're dead because the moment you think is cuz thinking thinking takes an extra half a second and if you're a half second late you're wrong right and so now not only have I thought about what I did wrong and was then a half second late but because I was a half second late I compounded that mistake that I made earlier which then sends you back into the cycle of like doubting what you did in the first place right so B through that B's taken tough coaching B's taken criticism Bose's worked his way up from the bottom up to the top again and so his issues to me will be physical right he throws an incredible deep ball bow needed to work on his mid-range accuracy he does if you're GNA if you're gonna if you're going to be a long-term successful NFL quarterback you have to be able to put the ball with pressure in your face across the middle on a 15 yard dig not not here but here yeah right because this Ball's knocked down that Ball's intercepted that Ball's a first down like that's the difference between success and failure at the quarterback position in the NFL and that and and so Bo's issues to me like what will keep him from being an elite quarterback is is that if he can progress physically in those areas he's going to be just fine I know it's a really small sample size obviously we've seen like what six total drives from him in the preseason were there things that you saw from him that you noticed that he had that he did not have wall at Oregon I know it's it's very small window you're you're looking at but were there anything things that kind of stood out to you not off hand you know again like you said it's it's it's a small sample size you know I need to see I need to see a full season and and frankly more than just a full season because he's going to make a lot of mistakes this season right and so how does he adjust from those mistakes not not just in game but coming into next year right does his mid-range accuracy improve Pro from this year to next year does he um you know we saw him as a junior he took off and ran like crazy you want to count the number of times he left the pocket as a senior yeah you can do it on one hand you can do it on one hand right and so there was a conscious effort of like working on his passing you know working on making those throws from the pocket there's going to have to be like a marriage of those two seasons in the NFL like because it's not always going to be clean and it's not always going to be pretty and he has the physical tools to escape so like I have to see like that long larger sample size not just from last year to this year but can you learn and grow from the mistakes you make this year to next year because that's when you're truly going to become an elite quarterback so the year that you were up for the Heisman and all the marketing and all the you know I I mean just looking back in time it was different in how Oregon you know put you out there in New York in Time Square it and it was a you know it was aggressive um but in a sense in like in terms of college and just the timeing of media you know Oregon was Trend setting they're setting a trend you know and that's basically what they've we've always been known for is trailblazing and setting Trends and and you know being on top of you know whatever's next right the similarities of what's happening now as we enter the Big 10 can you give me kind of like your feelings during you know your Heisman race and just seeing yourself and seeing Oregon you know on this national scale you grew up in Oregon like how proud did you feel and and and what similarities of feelings are you um you know tapping in right now yeah I mean that's a good point in a good analysis that I had really thought of like when they you know when we changed uniforms you know to the and granted we only had two you know we had a home in and a away but still it was a different you know it was outside the box and then comes the you know and then comes the billboard like the inyour face it it reminds me of like you know what Tinker always always said is like when everybody zigs you zag right yeah and then you zagged and so everybody else starts to zag and so you Zig again like it's to your point like we we zigged our way into the early 2000s right and we built this brand and we built this image and there was that moment of transition and and we became fast and we became lightning and Chip Kelly and like you know you know certain guys going up to Seattle and running for 300 yards in a game like you know like this like those things didn't happen before right and now we have become this National brand that is knocking on the door and moving into a conference of of History you know moving into a conference of of I mean Michigan and Ohio State and Penn State and Wisconsin and like this we're we're here like this is this is big boy football right so there is a little bit of similarity in terms of like taking that next step forward but we still did it with a giant five story inflatable rubber duck in the river like you know so that that's what I love about Oregon and that's what I love about our brand and more specifically our family right because because that that's what it is to me is like there's and and I've said it before like and been criticized for it I there's something different about Oregon there there really is there's something different about the Oregon football program like you go to Alabama and you know great like you're part of this this tradition you go to Ohio State you go to Michigan you go to all these these blue blood powerhouses and those guys would see each other in the NFL and you know you you say hey after the games but when you go to Oregon and when you come through Oregon in the last 20 years there's something more personal because you know that you've helped build something yeah you know that you've been part of something unique you know that you've had to fight let let's be honest we've had to fight more for relevance than any Ohio State team in the last 30 years right that doesn't mean that Ohio State players don't like each other more than than we do but there is a connection there is a an understanding it's almost kind of like an understanding of you know we people connect more on struggle you know what I'm saying so like the struggles of being noticed the struggles of of you know being relevant um like I I totally agree because when and also too knowing that people Envy you because of whatever reason isn't that the ironic part like they Envy you on one hand yet on the other hand they don't want to recognize what it is that you've done to get to this point of Envy right they don't want to give you well yeah you know you won four pack 12 championships you know during during this stretch but you haven't won the National Championship yet right right there is this there's this jux toos of having to put yourself out there and be willing to fail you know that that billboard in Time Square that could have it ended up being one of the the the biggest Heisman campaigns of all time but it could have literally been the most the most giant flop in college football history had we gone eight and four instead of 11 and one like people would have been saying man that's so dumb you're so arrogant like you don't deserve to be here we have had to fight for visibility fight for relevance and and we're still fighting right but but we're part of the group now right and so there's this connection whether it's players coaches like and part of it too is like that family of coaches that that helped us get there like this is and you know we're going off on a different topic but I love how Dan Lanning has embraced that family atmosphere that family feeling yet also taken a step forward and realized this is what we need to do in order to get to that place that all of us wanted to be to begin with like so yeah that um there's Pride you asked about being from Oregon and seeing the transition from Heisman to relevance from relevance to the Big 10 like the the best way for me to describe it is it's it's personal right it's family it's what I grew up with it's the neighborhood it's it's literally people like the recruits that came in you know from Southern California and oh I hate this place like oh man I can't wait to go home during their first winter and then by the you know by the end of their fifth year it's like like yeah I'm just going to buy a place down the street in Springfield and you know I'm going to work I'm going to work and raise my kids here like there's something that just gets inside of you and I love that yeah well well said man this episode is brought to you by Emerald Valley Golf Course located just South Eugene along the coast Fork of the wamit river Emerald Valley is one of the Premier Championship public golf courses in the wamit valley Valley is also the proud home where the men and women's Oregon Ducks golf teams with a Peter and Jan Jacobson Oregon golf teaching facility is located I've personally tour the facility and I have to say it has got to be one of the nicest golf buildings in the nation listeners of this podcast will know that Emerald Valley is my home for golf and my absolute favorite place to play book your tea time now at Emerald Valley so you mentioned real quickly back that was a a great conversation about leading up to that kind of the the love for Oregon that but you mentioned how this is something I've always wondered how that billboard it could have been a massive flop it it's nice that I mean fans will say yeah oh it's lucky they win 11 and one it's not lucky it's just you know good foresight on you guys that hey you knew you were going to be really good this year and so they kind of took advantage of that I'm curious one thing that Oregon has seen massive blowback from and and Jay Stu and I have felt it because we've kind of been um a part of the conversation is this new documentary that they've had with that team out west where a lot of people are saying you know wow that's you know that's very bold calling themselves that team out west yes it's bold and if they don't have the season that they think they're going to have it can look incredibly stupid um but I I think that they have that same type of foresight that they know they're going to be one of those teams this year that are fighting for a national championship what was your kind of thought and your your idea of it all when you saw that documentary came out you saw that name you kind of see how they're inserting themselves into this big 10 rivalry world you want my honest answer I would love it I didn't know about the documentary till a couple weeks ago really I didn't um and I and I kind of checked it out I was like oh I like this because like I I don't think it's as big of a as big of a step as you make it out to be I really don't or maybe you know I I don't know how your interactions have gone with other people but like not well is it really that different from Oklahoma State putting QR codes on the back of their helmets like you know like they're they're we we are in this world of college football which is inherently different than what it was 20 years ago it is and and if you can't recognize that then you know like you can't be part of this conversation because we don't live in the world of college football of amateur Athletics in you know um idilic you know student athletes gone done now never coming back this world is based around eyeballs and clicks and dollars and nil and now we have to figure out how to get that under control right but that is the world that we live in what they're doing right now for Oregon is no different than Hard Knocks it's not yeah it it it is no different you're going to criticize the you know the the Bengals Cowboys you know Jets whoever it was for Doing Hard Knocks no you're not like that is that is the world of college football and yes it's not being run by a governing body you know the NFL you know has a say but that's part of what needs to be fixed you know is is figuring out some sort of this is minor league football this is well and and in a lot of cases it's not even you know guys in the in college football are getting paid more than some of the guys in the n like so this is professional football that needs to be governed in a way similar to the NFL and until it is you know hey do do your thing like put a QR code on the back of your helmet um you know make a A Hard Knocks documentary about the team out west that frankly like we talked about we are still for it's this jux toos of like we have Envy but at the same time we have hate and disrespect you know um man I really wish we were like that in some ways but you don't belong here how dare you do it oh well you won a few games well you know you haven't won a national championship oh like there's this back and forth and it's almost a hypocrisy of both sides of your mouth you know love and hate for Oregon um and frankly that that just kind of means to me that we're doing the right things yeah they're they're being talked about that's for sure let's uh lastly let's shift gears to Dylan Gabriel you watched the spring game we've seen him play for you know Five Seasons already it's kind of like you're saying with bonck earlier the guy's basically you know 35 36 years old already do you feel like you have a good sense of what to expect from him in Oregon's offense this year somebody asked me this question the other day and their point their point was how do you not know what you're going to get from Dylan Gabriel it's like yeah you know you he is literally like you said you and Jay St were talking about the other day like with a an above average season for him he will break the all-time touchdown passing record in the history of college football right that being said anytime you have a new starting quarterback I'm nervous like I I am and it's just and it's just a that's just a me thing right it's nothing against Dylan I think he's a phenomenal player he's probably an even better person and you know the somebody the person I was talking with said well when will you become comfortable I said give me two games you know okay one game out of the gates like anybody can do that once he starts you know hits halftime in the second game then it's like all right good I'm done like you know that that that nervousness is is quelled um but yes is Dylan Gabriel gonna have a phenomenal season yes is he an incredibly talented quarterback yes could he take us to a place that this program has never been yes am I still somewhat nervous because we don't we have a new starting quarterback this year yeah I am yeah that's fair I mean it's I think what you have to do is I'm not saying to you in particular but the the orgon because I share some of that that nervousness too because it's unknown but um the reliability of the offense as a whole and the the scheme that wilstein has in there and the scheme that carried over from Kenny Dillingham to wilstein and um the fact that there is so many similarities there and there's so many similarities between Nicks and Dylan Gabriel too um I think at least for me that's what gives me Comfort when watching this that you think that enough of a holdover is there that they should be able to find the same ceiling that they had last year 100% And honestly the talent is going to be even better this year like the talent around Dylan is is through the roof we've never seen an Oregon football team offensively or defensively this talented I'm sorry we haven't like that is and that's the credit to Dan Lanning and and Tosh and and that whole coaching staff on the way that they have seen the evolution of seen the direction of college football is going and saying hey we need to be in the Forefront of that they've they've nailed it um so yeah all those things put together feel the exact same way there's no reason why they shouldn't but still we still haven't se we still haven't seen Dylan you know take a snap in an Oregon uniform against somebody else so that's very true we'll get there I'm curious to get your final take on this Jay Stu is the Optimus SL dreamer of the group he's predicting an undefeated season and a championship for the Ducks I consider myself a bit more of a realist you could call me a pessimist if you want to I think they go you know 12-1 yeah that's my realism 12- one probably lose to Ohio State the Big 10 Championship I just think that it's tough to beat Ohio state twice when you're one and nine against them in your career I still think they make it to a college football playoff do you what is your sense for this season do you have any overall predictions for what you expect to see this year my expectation is that Oregon is and and this is I would say just mine like Oregon is one of what pick a number six to eight teams that realistically have an opportunity to win the college football national championship I mean that that is the state of college football now is there are the Hales and the Have Nots and Oregon is one of the Habs so whether it's 12-0 or 10-2 you know however you get into that playoff which I don't know how the whole playoff is going to play out but I do know that you know give me five you know say hey give me five teams that have a shot to win it and I'm putting Oregon in in that group um for a whole host of reasons I think they could very well be you know one of the two or three favorites now as we've seen with Marcus's team as we've seen with you know with Mike and you know against Michael Dyer you know sometimes you just need you just need a bounce right sometimes you it's it's it's an inch it's a knee that touches or doesn't touch it's a ball that bounces left instead of right you know those are the things that determine whether or not you simply make it to the championship game or you walk away holding the trophy so um I'm in agreement that this is as good a team Oregon team that we've seen uh is as talented as as well coached um and I think like any team sometimes you're just going to need need the ball to bounce the right way at the right time to to get it over the Finish Line all right let's wrap it up there uh Joey thank you so much for coming on I didn't mention it recording with you but this is actually our 100th episode um of the podcast ever you were the first major guest on the EP on the podcast episode 9 so it feels right to have you back on for episode 100 so thank you very much for joining I know it was not crazy it was a couple years ago what happened in the first eight come on now Zach hey you were a big name we had to work up to you something like that you've got uh you've got talk and Ducks coming back soon you just let me know uh when and where people can find you guys yeah we got our YouTube channel for talking Ducks it's uh just crushing it you know Jordan Kent running the show getting getting everything out there um and we're on Root Sports Northwest on hold on Thursdays at 300 PM I think we got to work on the timing and then replay during the weekend so yeah we got a couple places to find us but same crew the same uh Anthony Newman Jordan Kent myself and then the evil villain uh Aaron Fentress so Fentress there dev's Advocate to everything you say oh I love that guy he's great all right well thank you again for coming on Joey appreciate it we'll hopefully talk to you again soon all right anytime buddy all right that's going to do it for us today thank you for tuning in uh again go subscribe to the show rap review all that stuff help us grow our audience please we have done it we are officially at gameweek uh next Saturday August 31st the orgon Ducks open up their 2024 season against Idaho uh so game week that means the J Stu and I are going to our gameweek schedule we will plan to record I think our recording is on Tuesday evening Tuesday night so that recording that podcast will be out on Wednesday giving you a preview of the game to come kind of where things are at After Fall camp and then we'll plan to go live after the game um sometime on Saturday afternoon Saturday night we're going to go live I believe uh it'll be on Twitter or on X and then that pod will go out on either Saturday night or Sunday morning it'll be a shorter one probably around 15 20 25 minutes just to kind of give our instant reactions to the game and then again we'll go the next Tuesday night um record our major takeaways from the game and a preview of the next game and that will kind of be our set schedule throughout the season so from here on out two times a week until the end of the year should be a lot of fun you can check out more of my work at duck. usat follow me at Zachary CNE on Twitter follow J stew on Twitter at Jonathan stew R1 make sure to check out the believe and Panthers podcast and the stew and crew podcast for myself Zach Neil from my co-host Jonathan Stewart we will talk to you guys next week until then take it easy

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Oregon Football's roster under Dan Lanning is the best since 2014 | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

I think this oregon football roster is the best in a decade here we [music] go you are locked on ducks your daily podcast on the oregon ducks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day yes it is that time once again for locked on ducks i'm your host spencer mcgoffin thank you so much... Read more

Oregon Football schedule: Purdue an UNDERRATED tough game for Ducks? | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon Football schedule: Purdue an UNDERRATED tough game for Ducks? | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

This question came in from ben via subtext over about port over there about purdue hey spencer always a fan appreciate it ben you mentioned on one of your previous shows about wisconsin being a trap game fact check true as well as recently that the ducks should not underestimate boise state i agree... Read more

Oregon Ducks 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns thumbnail
Oregon Ducks 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns

Category: Sports

Intro/2023 season review what is up everybody welcome back to the deie royale youtube channel we're back with our top 25 series we got three teams left that's right we got three teams today we're talking number three oregon ducks we're gonna be diving into their 2024 preview notable losses what's their... Read more

Oregon's Dillon Gabriel is NOT the only interesting QB to watch this year | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon's Dillon Gabriel is NOT the only interesting QB to watch this year | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

Dylan gabriel is going to have a great year and he's not the only oregon quarterback that i'm interested to watch you are locked on ducks your daily podcast on the oregon ducks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day yes it is that time once again for locked on ducks i'm your host... Read more

USC/UCLA in Big Ten, Aztecs, CFB Poll, New Chargers QB, Padres/Dodgers Pennant Chase thumbnail
USC/UCLA in Big Ten, Aztecs, CFB Poll, New Chargers QB, Padres/Dodgers Pennant Chase

Category: Sports

It's time to talk sports it's hacksaw headlines a panorama of the world of sports stories comments and opinions dieg now here's iconic sports talk show host lee hacksaw hamilton and co-host john riley who wants to talk sports on a thursday we do from the dixie line lumber and home center studios in... Read more

Oregon Football's roster under Dan Lanning has ONE glaring need for 2025 | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon Football's roster under Dan Lanning has ONE glaring need for 2025 | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

Organs put together back-to-back top 10 recruiting classes do they have major needs in their recruiting cycle for 2025 i think just one here we go you are locked on ducks your daily podcast on the oregon ducks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day yes it is that time once again for... Read more

Oregon Preview | How Dillon Gabriel will fit in Ducks Offense | National Championship Contender thumbnail
Oregon Preview | How Dillon Gabriel will fit in Ducks Offense | National Championship Contender

Category: Gaming

Overview second in the conference to finish and some people have them winning the big 10 as well in their first year in the big 10 is the oregon ducks and i think where their programs at the transition in a new era of conference reignment and the 12 team playoff and nil and the transfer portal like... Read more

Oregon Football SHOULD start 5-0 under Dan Lanning to begin 2024 | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon Football SHOULD start 5-0 under Dan Lanning to begin 2024 | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

I look at organ schedule and i see a 5-0 start being way more likely than anything else here we go you are locked on ducks your daily podcast on the oregon ducks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day yes it is that time once again for locked on ducks i'm your host spencer mlin thank... Read more

Oregon Football PREDICTIONS in game 1 vs Idaho are going to be REALLY fun | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon Football PREDICTIONS in game 1 vs Idaho are going to be REALLY fun | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

All right max let's dive into the numbers before we get to our final score predictions at the end of the show spoiler alert i'm going to have oregon beating idaho by a substantial margin here but when i look at the different offensive weapons that that oregon has and how spread out the ball can truly... Read more

Oregon WR Tez Johnson can have the best season EVER for Ducks wideout | Oregon Ducks Podcast thumbnail
Oregon WR Tez Johnson can have the best season EVER for Ducks wideout | Oregon Ducks Podcast

Category: Sports

Tz johnson's one of the reasons oregon offense will be great again this year and he could be even better than you think you are locked on ducks your daily podcast on the oregon ducks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day yes it is that time once again for locked on ducks i'm your... Read more