Category: Entertainment
[music] m [music] [music] [music] [music] what are you going to do it's just i'm like 50/50 on it like i don't want to kn go and then i don't catch them and and then they whack them they bite out there and then if i go and i'm like it's just if i catch them just today i got a real shot to make the class... Read more
Category: Sports
When you meet you do bu dogs you're going to feel a bu stande hello everybody and welcome to rose 60 at georgia football podcast my name is clark gains joining me today as always adam w baby and this is show number 79 adam yes sir one more closer to our clemson preview man we're just knocking them down... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Geht man nach vorne hier ist am wenigsten wind für die kleine ja w nein überhaupt nicht w k euch einr gut wir werden trocken lassen so ich denke mal ich sollte mein hut auszehen mein hut gleich weg hast so eine schöne kurz willst du mir deine kppi geben danke [musik] wenn alle gut festthaltet dann gehen... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] here comes eve torres eve is a natural-born competitor who possesses crazy athleticism and an amazing in ring iq eve torres is the real deal eve torres an expert at finding weakness and exploiting it a woman who turned her back on the wwe universe and never looked back it was the best decision... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Yeah more liquid death taste test whatever i mean i'll eventually stop doing these but not until i can get that t one uh this is bury it alive doesn't say what kind of berry we'll find out uh yeah it's kind of cherry maybe a raspberry maybe a blueberry maybe it's a mix of berries that's why it's buri... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[musik] come ti chiami come ti chiami randy randy g g no noy g [musik] [musik] ussppetia alessand alessandro po andrea ich habe tour ladies gentemen ladies make pasta okay okay okay okay okay so wir werden jetzt auf jeden fall kette essen gehen ladies und gentlemen ich muss schauen wie wir haben ein... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Is blocked it out the back of the end zone w man does it as if it's scried there's one there's one yes sir i knew it i knew i'd finally get one and it feels a lot nicer probably one of the biggest fish in here over the last decade i've caught fish in every corner of north america from california to... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Hello everybody today we're in hor on the east coast of yorkshire now it was sunny it was sunny for the entire time that i was driving up here and now it's gone all cloudy which i'm not going to lie as a redhead is fine by me i have no issues with that whatsoever it's actually quite nice and cool now... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Okay we're going to do a big disney sing along with all of you let's see if you're ready super calif fragilistic okay join us we're going to start right now here we go it's a sing along you're not [music] singing you you always [music] super now uh you all whistle while we all work here we go good job Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's going on everyone my name is zachary thomas and i live in my car it is currently raining so i apologize if you can't hear me um i came in my car to clean and uh as you can see it is it is pouring down now so i'm stuck in here for the time being so right now i am staying with my parents... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Heute liegt ein ganz besonderer tag vor uns wir besuchen den schönsten markt den wir auf mallorca gesehen haben danach geht es zu einer der schönsten badebuchten der insel einem wahren geheimtipp wo wir trotz der menschenmassen das kristallklare wasser und die traumhafte kulisse genießen zum abschluss... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Salve community e bentornati nell le fevers sì c'è qualche cambiamento in corso l'avrete capito sì tra trasferimenti e robe varie questa non è nemmeno la sistemazione definitiva insomma penso che il resto del mese sia ancora bello burrascoso in ogni caso l'hollywood reporter lancia la bomba ci mette... Read more